13 February, 2025


Pillay Announces Details Of Sri Lanka Conflict Investigation

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay announced Wednesday that three distinguished experts have agreed to advise and support the team set up to conduct a comprehensive investigation of alleged human rights violations in Sri Lanka, as mandated by the Human Rights Council in March.

Navi Pillay

Navi Pillay

The investigation will look into alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes by both parties in Sri Lanka during the last years of the armed conflict.

The experts are:

Mr Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, who has also served as a UN diplomat and mediator and is renowned for his international peace work;

Ms Silvia Cartwright, former Governor-General and High Court judge of New Zealand, and judge of the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts in Cambodia, as well as former member of the UN Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women;

Ms Asma Jahangir, former President of Pakistan’s Supreme Court Bar Association and of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, previous holder of several Human Rights Council mandates and member of a recent fact-finding body into Israeli settlements.

“I am proud that three such distinguished experts have agreed to assist this important and challenging investigation,” the High Commissioner said. “Each of them brings not only great experience and expertise, but the highest standards of integrity, independence, impartiality and objectivity to this task.”

The experts will play a supportive and advisory role, providing advice and guidance as well as independent verification throughout the investigation.

The Investigation Team with whom they will work will consist of 12 staff, including investigators, forensics experts, a gender specialist, a legal analyst and various other staff with specialized skills. It will be operational for a period of 10 months (up to mid-April 2015).

“Once again, I encourage the Government and people of Sri Lanka to cooperate fully with this investigation which can help shed light on the truth, and advance accountability and reconciliation in Sri Lanka,” the High Commissioner said, adding that the investigation would still go ahead undeterred if such cooperation was not forthcoming.

In March 2014, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted resolution 25/1 entitled ‘Promoting Reconciliation, Accountability and Human Rights in Sri Lanka’ which requested the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to undertake a comprehensive investigation into alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes by both parties in Sri Lanka during the period covered by Sri Lanka’s Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) which examined the last years of the armed conflict.

The Council requested the UN Human Rights Office “to establish the facts and circumstances of such alleged violations, and of the crimes perpetrated, with a view to avoiding impunity and ensuring accountability,” with assistance from relevant experts and special procedures mandate holders.

The resolution requests the Office to present an oral update to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-seventh session in September 2014, and a comprehensive report at its twenty-eighth session in March 2015.


Latest comments

  • 34

    Now let’s sit back and wait for the attack dogs to attack these 3 eminent people as tiger supporters !

    Glad to note a Pakistani HR campaigner is also in the panel and the former Finish President.

    A well thought out and carefully selected panel.

    • 12

      Very Good.

      “Once again, I encourage the Government and people of Sri Lanka to cooperate fully with this investigation which can help shed light on the truth, and advance accountability and reconciliation in Sri Lanka,” the High Commissioner said, adding that the investigation would still go ahead undeterred if such cooperation was not forthcoming.”

      Let’ identify and punish the criminals, the terrorists and those who commit crimes against humanity, in the Land of Native Veddah.

    • 1

      Let’s get real Dev, you hadn’t even heard of any of these “eminent” people before they were appointed as clowns to this circus :D

      • 9

        Any foreign official who investigates Sri Lanka automatically becomes a clown and/or a tiger agent!

        The UN POE trio were labelled the ‘Three Musketeers’.

        Vituperative name-calling of internationally reputed eminent persons will only result in negative consequences for Sri Lanka.

        • 2

          Dear Ramasamy,

          You wrote “Any foreign official who investigates Sri Lanka automatically becomes a clown and/or a tiger agent! The UN POE trio were labelled the ‘Three Musketeers’”

          Let’s assume that you are right and the UN Panel of Experts are impartial people with Integrity.

          Now lets look at the Report they produced, critically.

          ICRC IHL Rule 97 is defined here


          Rule 97. Human Shields

          Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.

          Definition of human shields
          The prohibition of using human shields in the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocol I and the Statute of the International Criminal Court are couched in terms of using the presence (or movements) of civilians or other protected persons to render certain points or areas (or military forces) immune from military operations. Most examples given in military manuals, or which have been the object of condemnations, have been cases where persons were actually taken to military objectives in order to shield those objectives from attacks. The military manuals of New Zealand and the United Kingdom give as examples the placing of persons in or next to ammunition trains. There were many condemnations of the threat by Iraq to round up and place prisoners of war and civilians in strategic sites and around military defence points. Other condemnations on the basis of this prohibition related to rounding up civilians and putting them in front of military units in the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Liberia.

          In the Review of the Indictments in the Karadžić and Mladić case, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia qualified physically securing or otherwise holding peacekeeping forces against their will at potential NATO air targets, including ammunition bunkers, a radar site and a communications centre, as using “human shields”.

          It can be concluded that the use of human shields requires an intentional co-location of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives.

          Please note the Heading used by the ICRC and the text that I have emphasized.

          Now lets have a critical look at what the Darusman Experts’ Report say.


          1. Using civilians as a human buffer

          237. Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions: Credible allegations point to a violation of Common Article 3’s ban on the taking of hostages insofar as they forced thousands of civilians, often under threat of death, to remain in areas under their control during the last stages of the war and enforced this control by killing persons who attempted to leave that area. (With respect to the credible allegations of the LTTE’s refusal to allow civilians to leave the combat zone, the Panel believes that these actions did not, in law, amount to the use of human shields insofar as it did not find credible evidence of the LTTE deliberately moving civilians towards military targets to protect the latter from attacks as is required by the customary definition of that war crime (Rule 97, ICRC Study)

          End Extract

          The POE Report, Exonerates the LTTE of the War Crime of using a Human Shield.

          The reason given by them is as follows.

          “the Panel believes that these actions did not, in law, amount to the use of human shields insofar as it did not find credible evidence of the LTTE deliberately moving civilians towards military targets to protect the latter from attacks as is required by the customary definition of that war crime (Rule 97, ICRC Study)”

          The above reason is FALSE as the actual IHL rule 97 DOES NOT REQUIRE MOVING CIVILIANS towards military targets (please see the emphasized text of the IHL definition, where movement is not even mentioned)

          According to IHL Rule 97, anyone who intentionally co-locates military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives is GUILTY of a War Crime.

          Which of course is what the LTTE did. We even have aerial photographs taken by Times of London photographers who overflew the NFZ with Ban Ki Moon, showing military equipment in the NFZ co-located with civilians.

          What made Darusman and Company to EXONERATE the LTTE and hence all LTTE Financiers and the rump LTTE of the War Crime of using Human Shields? What made them go to the extent of Intentionally misinterpreting the actual ICRC International HumanRights Law? What enticed them into CORRUPTING IHL Rule 97 in order to exonerate the LTTE of a very serious war crime?

          Certainly not INTEGRITY, because the POE is guilty of Graft.

          Then what?

          LTTE Money perhaps and loads of it.

          Kind Regards,

      • 3

        Displays your ignorance.

    • 10

      Absolutely right!

      Three very strong personalities. Silvia Cartwright, Asma Jehangir and Martti Ahtisaari were carefully choosen.

      They would grill the Gonraja and his cronies smoothly but make sure that they are roasted.

      Asma – Prevent the persecution of religious minorities, women, and exploitation of children.

      Silvia – Descrimination agaist women.

      Martti – Nobel Peace Prize laureate and a diplomat – United Nations.

      They are champions in saving harassed people form Evil and Mara is a champion of promoting violence and saving killers and thugs.

    • 9

      I agree. They will do the only thing they know how to – attack Navipillay, the panel, and their dogs.
      It will, as usual backfire on the rajapaksa regime. The world knows their tactics, and it is they who look
      bad, not the UN or Navipillay. Navipillay has more credibility and respect than the scum bags who are
      committing human rights offenses here. Once the international community starts tightening the noose around the rajapaksa’s, it will be the Sri Lankan people who suffer the consequences.

    • 7


      I think the time period is restricted to few months in total.

      I want all/new investigation to cover the period from 5th April 1971 to date.

      By the way what David Blacker has to say about the investigation? Please do ignore war monger and war crime denier Dyan’s predictions and suggestions regarding international investigation.

      Is Weerawansa going to farce unto death or boycott google, yahoo, …..?

      • 2

        David Blacker is busy on ground views defending Dayan J

        • 2



          Why doesn’t he visit us anymore?

          • 2

            The way he defended this murderous regime, I think he is feeling little bit uncomfortable to visit this forum using same name. But I bet that doesn’t prevent this faithful servant from defending his masters using other pseudo names in this forum

    • 7

      Uneducated, uncivilized rascals of Hambantota clan should hang their heads in shame.

      For dragging our country to this level.

      Floodgates are now open for international HR hypocrites to conduct acrobatics. In our aerospace. Inside Sri Lanka’s borders. As they see fit.

      In line with larger strategic interests of global powers as well.

      May I also remind you Mathi Athisari was the driving force behind the creation of Kosovo. Cut off from Serbia. Against all established international laws.

      His Nobel Peace Prize was largely justified by that achievement. Million dollar Peace Prize funds awarded to him were persoanlly pocketed by Mathi Athisari. Rather than donating them to a cause he claims to burn for.

      VP has every reason to raise a glass in celebration from his grave.


      • 3

        Ben Hurling

        A domestic independent Truth and Reconciliation Commission would have unearthed the truth and then pardoned the perpetrators.

        Tell the truth and get your pardon.

        It would have not only brought justice to victims and their kith and kin but also help to bring closure to the entire sad history.

        But then this island is blessed with 21 million smart a***s, what do you expect?

        People must stop digging if ever they want to get out of the pit. Being Lankies, they wouldn’t know how to exit honorably.

        It depends on Hindia, how far and deep it would allow the investigation.

        Have you heard anything from Subramanya Swamy recently?

      • 1

        “May I also remind you Mathi Athisari was the driving force behind the creation of Kosovo. Cut off from Serbia””

        Both world wars were to unite Europe and to do that European powers needed the Balkan split.

        Once again small minded gibberish from a `pol mudda` a fascist, anti European. You are like the stupid camels who would never have been rich without the western oil exploration and expertise.

        The first world war erupted in Sarajevo (teenager Ferdinand in Sarajevo 100 years ago this June 28 sparked World War I,) and the next WW2 in the Balkans.

    • 5

      The opposers of Mahinda Bros Co Ltd, both Tamils and Sinhalese, must understand that the above investigation is the only mechanism at present to topple this regime. If the regime does not corporate crippling sanction will be imposed.

    • 2

      The much respected UN will go about doing its useful work. While the Rajapakses have succeeded in fooling the yakkos Navi Pillay, Ban Ki Moon and Company are – 24x7x365 after them, the truth is, simultaneously, the UN is obliged to look into and take similar action against several countries (See Navi Pillay’s written submissions to OHRUN/Geneve.

      This threat, with sarong raised, by the Rajapakses, Rambukwella, GL Peiris and cohorts – the trio will not be granted Visas is all humbug.
      They will come, see, talk to whomever they wish to and prepare/submit their reports without fear or favour. In the meantime, take my word, the Rajapakses will give in to many features they were adamantly refusing earlier.


  • 12

    This what MR, GR, LTTE and Balu Sena team did to our country. If you dont know what you are doing and where are you going you wan’t go anywhere! ( Dena giyoth Kataragama..Nodena giyoth ataramaga!)

    • 1

      “Dena giyoth Kataragama.” but the kapurala has taken it over from sirima days!

      Mugabe or Hitler never did it alone because they both have the nationalist support.
      Similarly,Meeharktota Passa and familial did not do a coup but are a product of Sihala Buddhist Chauvinism by the nationalist for over 66 years. They were voted and cheered to the boot.
      Who are the friends of Sihala Buddhist Lanka?? main aid giver fascist Japan that is yet to apologise for the millions of unarmed Asian civilians they killed without provocation.In Europe Fascist Italy- same old rome/tokyo/berlin axis of fascism.
      Sihala Buddhist must give up making a sihala buddhist fascist state or you will die by your own sword.

  • 16

    Let’s await the judgement day for bringing justice to the long suffering Tamils of the island of Sri Lanka.

    Also justice is awaited for more than 150,000 innocent Tamils murdered by the Sri Lankan armed forces during the latter part of the war, and the tens of thousands who surrendered were executed, or raped and executed after the war ended.

    Let’s see the day the genocidaires and war criminals roaming the island and the world are locked up behind bars.

    • 8

      Yes, Mrs Pillay called the LTTE a murderous organization and urged the Tamil diaspora not to glorify it. I look forward to a comprehensive inquiry that includes the funding of terror.

      • 6


        “I look forward to a comprehensive inquiry that includes the funding of terror.”

        I too look forward to a comprehensive investigation into war crimes committed by all parties from 5th April 1971 to date.

        Could you recommend Navi Pillai to look into the deal between Premadasa/his armed forces and LTTE?

        MR’s bribe to LTTE which was used to finance the war should also be investigated.


        • 1

          The Americans are learning fast in Iraq that majority rule/democracy is not for the east full of fascist/ parasites.

          After the investigation IAF will have to bomb to bring order as there are too many guns. Then force a federal solution. Now the Muslim who has worked with the sihala buddhist against the tamil wants his freedom without lifting a finger after all that puss talk from 1968 that the arabs would support them.
          I also note since of late the sihala buddhist have mellowed down in their rhetoric- the canny boys are feeling the heat. Yet some stupid die-hard are still bellowing for their obnoxious positions.

      • 1

        ‘Yes, Mrs Pillay called the LTTE a murderous organization and urged the Tamil diaspora not to glorify it’.

        -That’s what exactly the Norway based Tamil Diaspora is doing. They don’t show to the world that they glorify the LTTE but instead funding another TERROR Organization BBS led by Gota.

        ‘I look forward to a comprehensive inquiry that includes the funding of terror’
        -Yes, Me and some right minded people too. There is a dangerous virus called Champika Ranawaka who is these days busy trying his best to create a Jihad phobia in the island as a cover up or to undermine.

  • 15

    Vanni. – here we come. Your cry has been heard loud and clear.

    Well done UNHRC. Excellent combination of experts. SL government will understand the meaning diversity by looking at these names and their past experience.

    MARA/GOTA/SF/Shavendra will be thinking of an escape route. The Supreme Court judge of Iraq tried recently. You know what happened to him. Dont try to dress like a woman.

  • 8

    Thank you very much for appointing highly experienced and well qialified panel to investigate war crimes and crimes humanity against the Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE>
    Finally the truth will emerge,

  • 4


    With powerful armed forces armed to the teeth and a Bodu Bala Sena leading the charge, what can the UNHRC do the king and his henchmen?

  • 3

    Its a good combination of members for UNHRC. Dont get misled, hit the correct target places.

  • 4

    The criminals who lead this country, all from the same insufferable family, will now attack these diplomats, call them LTTE supporters, or doing the bidding of their lobbies (and ignore the ridiculous notion of a lobby in Pakistan) attack their countries, and once again, make everything murky. They are now experts at the propaganda, but only the naive in Sri Lanka, the ignorant, the easily swayed, Sri Lankans will keep buying these lies.
    The rajapaksa’s have made our country look like a rogue nation, that is a hot bed of lawlessness with no justice. They have made a laughing stock of our judicial system, and there is a complete breakdown of law and order, and an increase of violence against minorities.
    When the international community starts boycotting and sanctioning us, we should ALL thank the criminals on top, the entire family that rules.

  • 5

    Martti Artisari who is famous for his work on Kosovo, and Silvia Cartwright worked prminently on South Sudan. Can everyone at least now read the writing on the wall? It’s written in luminous red, you can’t miss it – unless of course your name is Dayan!!
    The only question that remains to be answered is, when will the UN referendum be held in the NE? My guess is still 2019 – exactly 10 years after the conflict ended.

  • 4

    What was needed in 1977 has at last come now. If the UN was serious then 1983 could have been avoided and the damning constitution that polarized the country further would not have come into being. JR, Gamini, Lalith and many others would have been experienced international justice. There would not been an LTTE to ravage Sri Lanka.

    Bygone is bygone. Let this be the belated starting point to put Sri Lanka on the right path. The process must go further and reach the corridors of the UNSC and the UNGA to proceed with the war crimes inquiry and perpetrators of crimes made account for their misdeeds like Charles Taylor and many others are experiencing.

  • 4

    A meaningful forthright detailed investigation will depend on the freedom any would-be witness would be permitted to give testimony without intimidation,and misdirection by those permitting/safeguarding witnesses.
    Adequate publicity should be given,detailing procedures for would-be witnesse in the local and international media by the commission.
    Lankan embassies should cooperate and encourage lankans abroad to testify.
    Those abroad should be permitted to give evidence over the internet.
    A “witness protection act” was envisaged but was not pursued by the government.
    The venue(s) should be carefully chosen,many venues identified,and police and security forces should not be present in the vicinities.

    Many would-be witnesses to the LLRC were prevented by various means from giving evidence.

  • 6

    Excellent news and with this Pakistani lady whom have first hand experience on the sub-continent and new UNHRC chief from Jordan another friendly country, MARA is being nailed well and good.

    What will be the GAG machan will shout for us know? saying that UNHRC chief and Pakistani lady are Muslims and they favor Tamils?

    well well well., MARA and GOTA’s day at the Hague is nearing in..

  • 3

    I sincerely hope that there will emerge a strong message to our despots – MR, GR and BBS bandits and outlaws. This exercise is supposed to bring closure to the families on both sides of the divide, and to rein in a rampant government that is running amok creating splits and divisions amongst its own citizenry. This regime doesn’t want peace, security and stability for its people and country, but rather confusion confounded through injustice, religious upheavals, and political instability to loot, plunder and ransack the country’s resources, whilst maintaining its tight grip on power. The most corrupt and despicable government Sri Lanka has ever had in recent history. With its own style of flimsy rule of law, only to subvert it to suit their own whims and fancies, creation of a group consisting of a bunch of hooligans who claim to be above the law, to do all its bidding,

    I only hope the UN Agency will not succumb in its mission, through intimidation and pressure, un-afraid to tell the world the truth as to what actually transpired, and take necessary action to bring the perpetrators to justice. This action alone will be a deterrent for any future tyrants who may follow as well, so they know they cannot escape Scot free.

    • 0

      We’ll said and very valuable input.

  • 3

    More diverese tactics will be enforced within Sri Lanka to distract the
    whole picture – with an eye on increasing the Voter base. The final
    out-come will take 3 years and until then the F A M I L Y will plunder
    the Island.

  • 13

    Now this is not acceptable at all. Madam Pillay has easily forgotten that we have plenty of experts in Sri Lanka to choose for this Panel. We have Judicial Medical Officers who are experts in changing the course of the death also. Aluthgama 2 guys killed by shooting but our Medical experts says no bullet wounds and both died with internal hemorrhage. Our Intelligence officers has quickly Identified culprits behind communal clash in Aluthgama and they found Mangala Samaraweera and Mujibar Rahman responsible for the riots. Now our Saviors of Sinhala Buddhism, Champika Ranawaka, Wimal Weerawansa, Galagoda Gandasara, Gunadasa Amarasekara, Nalin De Silva and other Deshapreme’s are working overtime to fix the LTTE Label to the Panel.

  • 4

    Navi Pillay is making another blunder while she is already been accused of bias. She should have had amicable discussions with the GOSL and got it’s input before any of these “investigators/experts” are appointed. Now the appointments are purely on her own discretion and open to criticism and rejection. If she allowed the GOSL to nominate 50% of the “investigators” and “experts” the outcome would be not only legitimate but GOSL won’t be able to dismiss it as bias. It would have also made GOSL to allow the investigation team to enter SL. Instead, she from day one showed an offensive attitude towards SL. All these expose her poor leadership in the UNHRC. Compare her to that of Ban Ki Moon. He is always ready talk and never indulged in any bias statements.

    • 8

      you seem scared Eusense (or should I call you nonsense)
      by the way you say “She should have had amicable discussions with the GOSL and got it’s input before any of these “investigators/experts” are appointed. “
      but remember your darling Govt said ‘ah no we will not corporate with the UN !’ hence dont cry now

      Forget UNHCR but did your govt implemented the LLRC recommendations (now LLRC was appointed by your own darlings in the Govt!

      • 3

        I don’t know from where you got the idea “you seem scared”! I am talking about Navi Pillay and her blunders. With the right approach NP could have and should have got around GOSL’s “no corporation” stance. That is what a real leader would do.
        Nothing is going to happen from these one sided investigations any way. What happened to Israel so far? Even China and Russia is going to dismiss this panel’s conclusions as biased.
        If I was the President of SL I would not have anything called LLRC. MR is stupid to name this LLRC, because there were no Lessons Learnt by Sri Lanka except to learn that any terrorism should be nipped at the bud. Reconciliation does not apply here because SL will not reconcile with terrorists. I would have a TDRAC (Terror destruction and reconstruction assessment commission)

        • 5

          My dear fellow you seem to be having selective memory,remember Navi Pillay tried her best and what your darlings do call her names and even sent a marriage proposal from that good Doctor from Kelaniya !

          as for LLRC why do you think there was no need for it? have you forgotten the Army or Govt sponsored atrocities against the Tamils esp since 1983 ? a truth and reconciliation commission would have brought crimes from all sides to the open and then pardoned them like in South Africa

          Its because you cant look after your own house that others are forced to intervene!

          • 1

            You need some lessons on diplomacy. How did NP try her best to get MR to agree for a investigation? She was on the offense from day one as soon as the war was over and without any credible evidence. When she visited SL she talked only to people who were against the gov. Tell me a single non opponent or Sinhalese group she spoke to. After visits she wrote and gave speeches antagonizing Sri Lanka. Is this the way she tried “her best” diplomacy???

            There is no need of LLRC or anything else. This was done after the war where the Tamil terrorist waged a terror war against the gov. and the whole terror outfit was destroyed. May be some civilians died because they were used as human shields. That is what the West call “collateral damage”. What else is the truth? and what reconciliation with whom?
            1983 was secondary to the terrorists killing soldiers. That is mob violence. Having said that the recent violence against Muslims should be investigated and culprits punished. These Muslims did not provoke anyone, unlike the Tamil terrorists.

            • 0

              Eusense your still talking utter nonsense and living upto your nickname !

              Ha so you think 83 was just mob violence huh tell me
              i) how did thugs get electoral lists in their hands?
              ii)why did the police and the army turn a blind eye?
              iii) why didnt JR declare curfew and stop the rot?

              as for reconciliation dont you think it should be there for

              i) burning the jaffna library?
              ii)bindunuwewa massacre of underage detaineees?
              iii)VVT school massacre by the navy
              iv)Boat massacre (kumudidni) in Jaffna by the navy
              v)hundreds of cases of innocent ppl getting killed and raped

              above are just a few examples my dear fellow

    • 13


      You are absolutely right. MR should have been given to appoint 50% of the panel. Thus, MR could have nominated Kamalesh Sharma, Nambiar and yourself.

      • 2

        I agree with you. That is how equitable justice will be served.

        • 5

          you really live upto to your nickname ‘nonsense’ my dear eusense!

    • 3

      This is much less than an inquiry. The two UN reports have already said the government broke the war crime limitations. So the terms of reference of this investigation did not go to that level. Those two reports, to be artificially l neutral, accused LTTE of human shielding them with Tamils. The evidence offered was LTTE did not allow crossing the boarders. Neither LTTE nor Royal government ever allowed anybody to go from one side to other side. So if it were, how will it can gain grounds on an investigation has to be tested. Even after the accusation all Tamils have been asking for investigation. But the current terms of reference is only about human rights violation.

      1. The freedom fighters are wiped out. Tamils have no one to depend or lean.
      2. Five Years has lapsed. A time too long and within the time, government has dug back and melted even the bones in the mass grave.
      3. Investigation takes a date from LLRC. That LLRC whole thing is a drama.
      4. There were no follow up for the two earlier investigations. They have ended up like the Lankan commissions.

      5. Tamils opinion was not obtained in selecting the judges. As the affected party, their approval on all the candidates is the minimum to start for build confidence. Though these investigators are world renowned, the way they selected just resembles the Lankan government’s selection of just three army officers to do the investigations.

      Basically, up to now, this looks like a testing ground for west and anti-west elements to see their strength on Lanka matters. So, soon this has be refined a proper criminal investigation conducted against the government and a solution based on that results should be implemented to solves Tamils 66 years problem.

    • 4


      “she is already been accused of bias.” accused by who? You mean the criminals – Rajapakse family, extended family, ….

      “Compare her to that of Ban Ki Moon” – “Sri Lanka: UN admits it failed to protect civilians”http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-20331872

      Why don’t you write some sense please?

    • 1


      ” Navi Pillay is making another blunder while she is already been accused of bias.”

      Who accused her of bias? Can you provide evidences of bias?

      • 2

        Don’t you have access to the internet? Google “navi pillay biased” by your self and read for god’s sake. No wonder everything is a “burning issue” to you!

    • 3

      @nuisance, you must be very busy every time CT posts something against the rajapukkas? Sad fellow, you need to get a life.

  • 4

    A well balanced team but no match for the SL side who will defend consisting of K A Sumansekera (Leela) ,Ella Kolla,Jim Nutty and their ilk when we have such intelligent fellows on our side esp the coolie Sumanasekera and nutty Jim (not to mention that moda kolla )why worry chaps?

    over to Ben Hurling to give his comments and say ah these 3 are on die ass pora payroll..

    • 6

      Peace Lover

      Please add following names to your list:


      David Blacker

      I am no human
      lal loo
      Jay Pathetic
      Ravi Perera (Sinhala speaking Demela)


    • 4

      Why do you call names at other writers? You do not have counter arguments? In that case you should not reply. Your post has zero value to any body except Mr. N. Vedda who is also polluting the cyber space with garbage.

      • 7


        ” You do not have counter arguments? In that case you should not reply. “

        Are you writing the rules for CT?

        “Your post has zero value to any body except Mr. N. Vedda who is also polluting the cyber space with garbage.”

        Please ignore my comments. Don’t read.

      • 2

        my dear chap after reading so much of nonsense from your buddies in that list I have no option but to call them by their true profession!

  • 2

    Will this stop at war crime and crimes against humaniaty investigations or will contninue till Tamils get a solution for their grievences since independence ? Selvanayagam asked for 50 – 50 rights. Sinhalese responded with Sinhala only and ethnic riots. Govenrment orchesterated riots took place all around the country in 1955, 1977, 1983 and every day affter that. Thousands and thousands of Tamils massacred under the name of fighting terrorism. LTTE retaliated with attacks on Military, civil and economical targets. But at the end of the day, Srilankan racial Hobvernment and its military managed to crush the Tamil uprising after murdering more than 150,000 innocent Tamils in the last 2 years of the Genocide war (this will bring the total number of Tamils killed by Sinhalese since independence to 230,000). With the help of India, Mahinda and Co managed to keep the international pressure at bay while Tamils been massacred in the Killing fields of Vanni jungle under the name of “Humanitarian rescue mission”. But they could not hide their crimes any lomger. Sonia, the God mother of Mahinda’s war, had to go out of power. New Governement in New Delhi. Mahinda is out of options at the moment. He has to accept his crime or face the consequences. Remember, it is not just Mahinda. The long list carries the names of all the Top Government and Military personnel. I hope, at the end of the investigation and judjement, there will be a permenant solution for Tamil Grivences. It should be either a federal system or complete independence from Srilanka. May God bless all the people involved in the investigation.

  • 0

    China is developing fast. Because of that, Sri Lanka is a strategic spot. See how many countries have become shanty – federal states where every ethnic group is fighting a little piece of the country. It has happened in country that has Oil or resources.

    So, they are trying to do it to Sri Lanka too.

    Once the country is politically destabilized, it is easy for them to exploit.

    Otherwise, why did they select a wife of a terrorist to the UNHCR -head position ?

  • 3

    Thank God…. No Indians in the panel.. A good start.

    Secondly, even an alien from far distant planet in the panel will be branded as LTTE supporter and terrorist.

    So just ignore the Skinhead followers comments. They are destined to talk like that. It is their spirit of SL version (skinhead lead) Buddhism.

    Now, all including LTTE left-over terrorists in SL with the government and outside (still collecting money from diaspora) and Skinhead followers should be tried and punished.

    keep hoping for the justice..


    • 1

      “Thank God…. No Indians in the panel.. A good start.”

      I endorse your views wholeheartedly. If an Indian had been included in the panel, he would have grievously compromised the effectiveness of the panel, what with typical Indian indecisiveness and gutlessness. The result would be an ineffective, watered down report lacking conviction.

      Even a Pakistani is better than an Indian for this type of work.

      An Indian would only have injected unnecessary drama into the whole proceedings and generally ended up irritating all parties concerned!

    • 1

      ” No Indians in the panel..”

      Small mind Ema you are either kallathoni/hora oru breed from south india- DNA does not lie.

      M/s Pillay categorically stated she is from TN stock though she is a south African national.

      If a push comes to a show then the IAF will be called upon to do justice on behalf of the loss of IPKF lives.
      They will do you in 3 days- freedom is plucked and never given to opportunist.

      UK is the only country in Europe that will not investigate its citizens involved in corrupt contracts outside the shores. Indians and Lankians learnt it from the British to TIP and Bribe. Old habits die hard.

      Hanuman ki jai.

  • 4

    Did Mr Prabakaran and his LTTE start the “War” in 2007?….

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      @K.A Sumanasekera, prabaharan’s balls started the war you stupid arse.

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    One Tamil helping other Tamils!

    What a joke.

    Even in cricket there are NEUTRAL umpires but not in UNHRC. A damn joke!

    • 1

      There is no race based issue here with Navi Pillay beng the head of UNHCR

      If you Sinhala Buddhists looked after the minorities justly and punished any wrongdoers in the armed services then there wont be a need for UN to intervene

      its becasue you cant look after your own house that others come in the scene

    • 3


      “One Tamil helping other Tamils! “
      what about 100% armed forces? what about Sinhalese president? what about near 100% diplomats? what about near 100% civil service?…

  • 2

    The president and his supporters insist on zero civilian casualty and the troops carried human rights book on one hand and gun in the other.

    LTTE supporters including those hoist Tiger flags insist only the Deep Penetration Unit of the Government Intelligence shot at civilians escaped bombing and shelling.

    How can the truth of what really happened be established?
    How can justice be done to the victims?
    How will the supporters of both camps ever come to know the atrocities allegedly committed by both parties and feel remorse for what was done by their camps?

    Only an impartial and independent investigation will find answers to those questions and bring about reconciliation.

    The government shouldn’t stop the UN HRC appointed panel entering the country and claim later that the probe done outside is not credible.

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      @Saro, you said: troops carried human rights book on one hand and gun in the other – that is a laughable statement. You may be right in them carrying a book, but these fellows don’t know how to read. Remember these are grade 2 drop outs who joined the army. If they have studied up to grade 5, they will be ministers.

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    While one horror is being investigated another horror is being enacted – this time against another minority.

    Is there no iota of intelligence, compassion or humanity in the collective Sinhala psyche?

  • 1

    So you agree that in SL, Tamils have no justice as almost of the panels and forces 99% Singalese (Skinhead followers) ??

    it is why we bring Finland presdent, New Zealand High court Judge and pakistan Humans rights persn. Try to brand them, try to buy them… do your best…

    hey — it is so simple. No tamils were killed in the war, open the investigation, you skinhead followers have nothing to hide.

    All the truth will come out only ruthless LTTE terrorists will be found guilty. All the other layers helped LTTE to grow will be found guilty.

    You skinhead followers have nothign to worry. Get all the ruthless LTTE terrorists behind the bars for all life.

    with love,

  • 0

    In an armed conflict casualties, crimes, rape, extra judicial killings are inevitable and IF anyone says that there were ‘ 0’ casualties ..especially with an outfit such as LTTE…someone is concealing the truth. Here the Sri Lankan State is lying.

    The accepted principle in the World is that any Govt of a Country elected by the People should function first in line with laws of the Country ..secondly in line with the International Laws as toda no country functions in isolation when it comes Governments.

    The International Communities first supported for a peaceful negotiations among the parties in conflict in a Country and when that fails they supported the legitimate elected Govt to destroy the illegal armed units operating. Several attempts to bring LTTE into negotiated settlement over the 30 year conflict failed and the the West / India did not interfere In the final phase…there was an unprecedented destruction of life and property at this stage…rape, slaughter, had been rampant…the conduct of the Govt at the this stage resembled of another terror outfit.

    Once the conflict is over the responsibility of the a democratically elected Govt, immaterial of the community involved in the conflict, is to investigate in to the deaths of people and property..conduct of the Soldiers in the conflict…complaints of the inevitable extra judicial killings..rape etc., basically to have an Audit. If a factory or building is gutted by a fire those involved in the management is held accountable for the incident and they are liable to cooperate with the Law enforcement Agencies ..forensic experts..JMO etc., on the investigations to the loss of life & property..as people affected demand to know the truth…those who do not cooperate with the investigations can be prosecuted and jailed… that is the Law. Even if a death of a person is investigated by the Police…

    There was no civility involved in the happenings in 2009 ..it is the most barbaric action that this country has ever witnessed in an armed conflict…it is worse than 1971….1987 – 1989 ….so the Govt needs to investigate the whole issue for the people of the Country to know as to what happened more than reporting to the International Community…. because the war was conducted by the Govt Armed Forces that have legal right to use fire arms and heavy guns..not by rival gangs….

    This deliberate attempt by the Govt to avoid investigations is foolish…because it was the Armed Forces that conducted war ..have been acting in brutality than the LTTE… But now it is obvious that the war infact had been conducted by the Defense Ministry in Colombo than the Military…hence the incarceration of Gen Fonseka and disowning him of the war…!!! …

    the reports that have emerged in the media proves beyond doubt that the crooked Politicians had issued orders whom to spare and not on the ground. This conflict in Command structure and a total destruction of it might have created an utter confusion in the war front that the commanders ..soldiers acted in their own understanding. An army have battle hardened trained.. Generals.. .Brigade Commanders..Field Commanders…soldiers…to conduct wars. There is no room for Politicians. It can be that politicians had their obedient servants in the front who did what they did in obidence and streched extra to please the masters…the actions that have been very well rewarded..




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    The high quality of the Panel of 3, including one from neighbouring Pakistan, is indication the UN means business. What is the integrity and future of the UN as a global policeman if it is to be challenged by punies like the Rajapakse Brothers and that clueless novice Ravinath A. There is little doubt the UN means business and will not be intimidated by a handful of village thugs with so much of blood in their hands. Rajapakses have failed to create the first smoke screen of a communal conflagration to deflect sanctions from the UN. They will try for more.


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    How about GL Peiris? He is also good for the panel. Even Dr Mervyn is fine

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