15 January, 2025


“Gnanasara Remains Free, I’m Jailed But The Truth Will Be Revealed” Says Vijitha Thero

Watareka Vijitha thera, whom the Police recently claimed to have confessed to self-inflicting the wounds on his body and fabricating his abduction, has condemned the police and media accusations leveled at him during a brief interview last night given just minutes before his arrest.

Watareka Vijitha Thero

Watareka Vijitha Thero

Speaking to the Ceylon Today – a mainstream English newspaper in Sri Lanka, Vijitha thera has refuted the statements publicized by the Police, as confessions made by the monk.

“I don’t have any wish to perform a blood sacrifice like the ascetics in India during the olden days,” Vijitha thera says.

He adds that even under extremely restricted conditions, he decided to give the comment upon listening to the media reportage on him and the claims that have been propagated by the Police as his confessions.

Even while he was taking, it was clear to see he was tense as he keeps looking away from the interviewer furtively from time to time.

“All that I have to say at present is that everything will be clear in the next couple of days. The whole world will know the truth about what really happened,” he has stated.

He has also expressed regret about the present situation in the country.

“But, just like in the Thelapatte jataka story I will not abandon my campaign until peace and reconciliation among all communities in this country – the Sinhalese, tamils and Muslims, are ensured,” he adds.

Vijitha thera has further spoken very emotionally on the rumours that have been spread about him. “The outrageous, racist elements of this country have continued to assassinate my character, without stopping at shedding my blood. They have already succeeded in killing me,” he has stated.

In his final few words during the interview before closing up the curtain partitioning the hospital bed he was in, Vijitha thero has stated, “Gnanasara who damaged the properties and murdered people in Aluthgama remains scot-free today while I, who has always promoted peace and reconciliation, will be taken into custody in a few more minutes.”

Vijitha thera was arrested this afternoon by the Colombo Crimes Division and has been remanded until July 2 upon being produced before the Panadura Magistrate Courts. Earlier this week the Police Spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana stated at a media briefing that Wijitha thera confessed to self-inflicting the wounds on his body using a set of keys and blades.

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  • 3

    I think it is best if priests should keep out of active politics. They can be advisers. They are in a better positions to give correct advice impartially without taking any side. This will definitively helpull political parties. This the Lord Buddha gave us.

  • 13

    Vijitha thera has further spoken very emotionally on the rumours that have been spread about him. “The outrageous, racist elements of this country have continued to assassinate my character, without stopping at shedding my blood. They have already succeeded in killing me,”

    Who self inflict their wounds?

    The government, Defense Secretary, BBS(of course), CID, The military, police etc., etc., because these liars lose their credibility and the international community will not listen to them any longer.

  • 0

    [Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

  • 2

    He is an example of a monk. Voice for the voiceless.

    I guess Buddhism believes in reincarnation. There is a chance that the other Monk will be born as a Muslim in his next life. He should do something now so that he can lead a better next life. Or may be not. You have to do something good in this life to be born as a human in next?

  • 3

    The International Community Will Never Believe The Liars of Sri lanka The President who COULDNT stop the TERRORIST gnanasara and his followers to do such destruction to the muslims the liars in the police who failed and allowed the buddhist terrorist to continue with such cruelty even during the curfew and most of all the corrupt politicians who are side by side with the terrorist gnanasara . And the monk who kept fighting to the universal law is arrested ,Beware the repercuttions is very severe for the leaders who protect Criminals time will tell.

  • 1

    The International Community Will Never Believe The Liars of Sri lanka The President who COULDNT stop the TERRORIST gnanasara and his followers to do such destruction to the muslims the liars in the police who failed and allowed the buddhist terrorist to continue with such cruelty even during the curfew and most of all the corrupt politicians who are side by side with the terrorist gnanasara . And the monk who kept fighting to the universal law is arrested ,Beware the repercuttions is very severe for the leaders who protect Criminals time will tell.

  • 1

    What Vijitha thero is said to have said to ‘Ceylon Today’ may well have been his utterances before being arrested and charged at a court of law for fake and misleading complain to police and etc.

    Police media spokesman said that Vijitha had stayed the day before at his first cousin’s house at Malabe, and his alleged kidnapping in a white van is a fake and the apparent injuries had been so small they appear to be self-inflicted. The whole purpose had been to gain publicity. About the alleged kidnapping; Vijitha is said to have got himself dropped in his brothers van in the middle of the night.

    Sally visited the monk Vijitha at the hospital. No one tried to shut Sally’s mouth. There is ACJU mullahs and many a lawyer who support Vijitha’s mission. Surely, they could get a help line from Vijitha’s brother to petition the high court and him free.

  • 3

    Gala Uda Rena Gnanasera should be stripped off his sivura as a mark of respect for Buddhism.

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