12 September, 2024


Playing The Percentages

By Emil van der Poorten –

Emil van der Poorten

The Sri Lankan voter has been cast in the not-unfamiliar role of the proverbial bird mesmerized by the swaying head of the snake preparing to swallow it, an analogy which should not be foreign to all of us co-existing with snakes on a daily basis!

And what is “mesmerizing” a seeming majority of our citizenry? The unfailing appeal to fear bred of the irrational, that irrational being the propaganda that the wide world, particularly the “western” capitalist part of it, is intent on destroying the bastion of “2500 years of Sinhala Buddhist civilization.”

The fact that this is driven by a totally unintelligent fiction does not make it in any way less effective. Quite the contrary.

Take the often-quoted “historical” base for this: the settlement of what is now Sri Lanka by the (fair-skinned, tall) North Indians of Aryan descent, as opposed to those of Dravidian origin, 30 miles away, across Adam’s Bridge, in southern India, short, dark and, in various other ways, unattractive. There is attached to that stereotyping the allegation that the Southern Indians were an uncivilized primitive and barbaric lot, conveniently ignoring a fact frequently acknowledged: that Tamil is the oldest living language in the world! Heaping further condemnation on this is the allegation that the “Dravidians” were the antithesis and the enemies of the “Aryans” from time immemorial. Again, there is the convenient amnesia that arrives when the ethnic origins of Parakrama Bahu the Great who ruled at Polonnaruwa are discussed.  Could this have anything to do with the fact that this king, responsible for a truly remarkable irrigation system which elevated Sri Lanka to the position of the “granary of the east,” was of South Indian origin?

Unfortunately, it is too often that messages of denigration, by virtue of their total lack of foundation in fact, end up achieving the status of “gospel” among a significant segment of the population.

That significant segment is, without exception, a less-formally-educated and, therefore, more-susceptible-to-simplistic-dogma one. That those fuelling those irrational fires have more formal education and sophistication than those they lead is logical and makes them the really ugly and evil players in this scenario.

Short of trying to fight fire with fire, a totally destructive exercise if ever there was one, what are the available weapons in any effort to establish sanity and rationality in the discourse?

I would submit that precisely because Sri Lanka is probably one of the most over-regulated jurisdictions in the world there are a variety of legal means available to governments that have even a smidgen of decency left in them. Unfortunate as that might be, it lends itself to attempts at remedial measures.

Thanks to (if that is the right terminology in the circumstances!) the many communal riots and killings that have occurred from British colonial times forward, we do have a body of law that can be applied to bring to book those seeking to visit death and destruction on “the other,” a term encompassing every minority in this country at one time or another. Of additional assistance in such an endeavour would be the fact that the dominant majority has “contaminated” itself by inter-marriage with the religious, communal and other minorities with whom they’ve shared this country for centuries. It’s hard to stereotype as intrinsically “evil” someone who is a blood relation, isn’t it? Given that fact it is truly tragic that what has been lacking in recent Sri Lankan history has been a large enough number of our population to stand up and say “Enough!”

It is only a simple lack of will that makes it possible for a totally unacceptable state of affairs to continue.

While the success of any attempt to return this land to the realm of decency and justice is anything but a pipe dream, a sense of urgency must be brought to the exercise because of what is staring us in the face right now: the disintegration of a nation and the construction of a hegemony built on a foundation of hatred of the “other.” 

The lack of critical mass in many of the segments of the population already being victimized and discriminated against is certainly a problem. A good example is the health sector where certain parasitic elements of our population are net beneficiaries of the misery of those in the population needing treatment. However, as long as this population, admittedly smaller and weaker than the rest of the community around them at any given time, feel powerless that is exactly how they will continue to be treated. They may not have “critical mass,” but if they can convey to the balance 90%+ of the population that every one of them will at some point of time be part of that 10%, the message will be conveyed and will galvanize the currently-indifferent into action. If that sounds like a simplistic strategy, take a good hard look and the logic of it will be only too apparent.

The foregoing is but one example of a “reality” that we can and must change. Goodness knows that readers will be able to come up with scores more of similar examples.

I don’t remember who said it but the words carry as much weight today as they did then: “Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!” We are all workers of this world and it is about time we began shaking off the shackles of totally avoidable helplessness that keep us in thrall to the parasites parading as our saviours from some mythical perdition of their creation!

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  • 2

    What I heard when Europena NEabderthals were still climbing the trees, Asian buddhists and hindus were having advanced civilizations. Som ehow now the world is very different, LTTE war to dominate the 69% i dnot work. Now, their universal franchise is crap. IT is like KArl MArx’s theory, it is ilke the american Capitalism, human rights and the transparency now they want previlages over the asians, in sri lanka against sinhzala buddhists so the percentage game is obsolate becuse we say so. what a way for protestand to do,minate the world. They call those previlages the “RIGTHS”. but when Sri lanka goes to sell something to Europeans or Americans, GSP+ plus comes. Fopr example, Sri lanka in order to sell one billion dollars worth of small items, we need to fulfill human rigths and s o many other craps in order to supply it cheaper under GSP. WHo cares GSP. We provide it damn cheap. without GSP their voters pay extra and they would lose the elections. On the other hand, they come to Sri lanka and they want to supply even Dasa Moola Arishtaya in a new bottle and package they would say we give it very cheap. but, the quality is horendous.

    • 3

      “What I heard when Europena NEabderthals were still climbing the trees, Asian buddhists and hindus were having advanced civilizations.”
      You heard wrong, Jimmy. Even Stonehenge in England is 1000 years older than Buddhism.

      • 3

        old codger

        You heard wrong.
        Jim Softy the dimwit was talking about homo neanderthalensis, one of his previous births according to his belief. I am not going to challenge him for his belief. I am still puzzled as to how and why the civilizational process missed him. Don’t you too feel sad about him?

      • 1

        Stonehenge was built by Pagens. IF youi say that way during the time Kasyapa buddha you were monkies. Sinhala People have a proven history of over 135,000 yeard old. Anyway, Buddha is older than your Baby JEsus.

        • 1

          Jimbo the idiot,
          “Stonehenge was built by Pagens.”
          So what? They still built it while your ancestors were climbing trees.
          The Buddha was older than a baby. So?

        • 2

          I was wondering who “Pagens” were? Fortunately stopped short of googling.
          Jimmy means “pagans”, doesn’t he? Instead of writing 300 comments a day, can’t he write four which make sense?
          Can’t even recommend reading articles on CT for those wanting to learn English when there are simians who can’t spell “monkeys”.

          • 2

            ” when there are simians who can’t spell “monkeys”.”
            That’s a bit over simian heads, isn’t it?

            • 0

              OLD Codger and Sinhala Man. YOu both are old farts who respect the colonial mentality.

  • 1

    Anyway, we know all what is going on is for getting Ranil at the top and as Ranil is not worth or not salezable anymore now want Maitipala Sirisena who is also now damaged to go with Ranil because the 2% protestants need piece of Sri lanka for them. LTTE war is on again. So, they come through politics now. not enough crowd for a war.

  • 0

    There are 300 Million Hindians still , most of whom live in the South ,do not have running water or access to lavatories .
    Wonder why Mr Parakrama Bahu didn’t build Tanks and put in those Irrigation systems there…

    • 4

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      What do you mean by Hindians?

      • 2

        Stupid Tamil Vedda
        Hindians are the buggers who desecrated the island by screwing the Veddas and producing imbeciles like you.
        Sinhala are of pure blood from North India unlike the sakkili demalas from South India!

        • 4

          Percy the pathetic

          “Hindians are the buggers who desecrated the island by screwing the Veddas and producing imbeciles like you.”

          You are wrong.
          Hindians produced Sinhala/Buddhists (now fascists) by letting a lion copulate with a women.

          “Sinhala are of pure blood from North India unlike the sakkili demalas from South India!”

          You are wrong again.
          Mostly the Sinhala/Buddhists (now fascists) are made up of 76% Demela’s stupid gene. What a shame.

          These are too complicated scientific facts for you. Please avoid them.

          • 3


            ” Sinhala/Buddhists (now fascists) by letting a ” lion copulate with a women”.

            Haa haa..HAA… Sin keleya kiyanne ”Kevum Modaya” .its proved by this type of Mahavansa Purana.
            . a lion had intercourse with the Veddi woman and thus Sinkeleyas were born…..HAA……HAA……HAA….. World has certified these Sin keleyas as Barbaric weddas becos of this sexual activity with a blood eating wild animal .. Cant stop lauging.. .

    • 6

      Parakramabahu did not build tanks in South India because he did not know how to build a tank. Building tanks damming rivers for irrigating agricultural fields are hall marks of Dravidian civilisation staring from Mesapotamia through Indus valley to South India. The tanks in Sri Lanka were built by South Indian engineers and Buddha statues in Sri Lanka were sculptured by South Indians. Mahavamsa hides this truth to give false glory to Sinhalese who are incidentally descendants of South Indians.

      • 0

        Sakkara sounds like a Hindian monkey praising its own tail!

      • 1

        Ancient Irrigation & Sewerage Works: Perhaps there is some truth in what Dosthara Lingam says. One Egyptian friend told me that no one knows exactly how the great pyramids in Egypt were built. One can see some people in the pictures painted at that time who are black but clearly not so black as the Africans. I found the color matching the Color of Estate Tamils. Perhaps these are the Tamil engineers, architects who participated in the design and construction of the Pyramids. Well, not the Pyramids per se, but important infrastructure such as the toilets and the sewerage systems to handle thousands of years of shitting the mummies were supposed to do.

        It looks like a sort of ancient BOO (Build, Operate and Own) system. The Tamils Built the toilets, cleaned them and finally owned them. (i.e.) As happened later in SL, claimed that the area belonged to them.

        There is only one problem though. We know about the huge sex symbols such as the Sivalingams, the statues depicting Monkey Gods riding Donkey etc. that Tamil Nadu abounds with. But where are the sewerage systems that Tamils are supposed to have built from Mesapotamia through to Indus valley? But there are none in Tamil Nadu itself. There are only hectares and hectares of open shitting fields. Why?

        • 2

          If you go to Nepal there are the massive Rana palaces with hundreds of rooms. No toilets however!
          Typical Hindu cilivilsation! They shit everywhere. Even on their doorstep

      • 1

        It is funny.
        How come the Dravidians built Buddha with Greek/ Mediterranean features?.
        How come no Tanks or Irrigation or Statues or ancient Granite Column based Structures in Tamil Nad?.
        Did the Dravidian Cholas destroy them?.
        I don’t think real Hindians were in charge even in the North.
        People who came to Srilanka must have been from Greek , and other Mediterranean cultures .
        And they wee the rulers of Hindia North of the Ganges.
        That is why Alexander didn’t want to cross it..

        • 4

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          “How come the Dravidians built Buddha with Greek/ Mediterranean features?.”

          Make no mistake, everything comes from Dravidians.
          Up-stair toilets were first constructed by Dravidians in Harappan civilization some 500,000 years ago and they found at the time Champika’s Ranawake’s ancestors using computers with digital binary (0,1) coding system and spoke pristine Sinhala. According to them there was an oldest vinyl records thought to be the oldest in the world which contained 1,000, 000 years old Sinhala/Buddhist history believed to be destroyed by the invading Cholas. Carbon dating would have shown the record itself could have been a million years old.

          About two years ago Dr Ranil declared he had unearthed evidence to prove Sinhala/Buddhists were originally from Mohenjo-daro. Initially I thought Mohenjo-daro was close to the Meenambakkam (Chennai). Later on I found out it is in Allah’s own land. I often wondered how Muslim Pakistanis have become Sinhala/Buddhists before the Buddha was born.

          All confusing.

          In Tamilaham Oorani (dug-out pond that traps rain water) are also the main source of irrigation.
          Here is a book you need to study if you really want to know about irrigation in ancient Tamilaham:
          Ancient irrigation technology : sluice technology in Tamil Nadu
          By K. Rajan.

          Please read this book and then you can abuse Tamil Nadu for its Lack of Irrigation systems, technology and ………

          Prof R A L H Gunawardhana who was an expert on ancient irrigation believed the technology cam from South India.

        • 0

          Tamils were living for ever in the North. They di dnot built a Tank. Now Wigneswaran come and ask Moragahakanda for him. What an ancient Tamil civilizaiton in the north.

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          Retarded Loony Shameless Perera

          Thanks for keeping it brief.
          Please keep up your good work.

        • 1

          You can play with numbers if you like but do not try to play with Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera. I know the man and he is as tough as they come, ready to sacrifice anything for the country.

          • 3

            Edwin Rodrgo Necro

            “I know the man and he is as tough as they come, ready to sacrifice anything for the country.”

            If true why this person is still alive?
            If true why was he smelling Tamil women and pimping Tamil women for the enjoyment of Hindian IPKF, probably for spoonful of pickle?

            • 0

              Kala Veddah, I don’t like you but I don’t hate you. You as a living being come within the range of Metta. That is why I wrote that note for you.

              But don’t push your luck too far. Retract the comment about the Tamil women or elase face retribution of the worst kind from the Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera.

              You may run. You may climb to higher branches. But you cannot hide from Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera.

              • 0

                You may run. You may climb to higher branches. But you cannot hide from Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera.

                Ha ha ha…….that indeed is funny Edwin.

            • 0

              I believe the man Mathugama Balligeputha may have dreamt of – is now making in Monsantho company in America using genetic modifications.

              I have given up – no more hopes about the country – if Rajapakshe balligeputhas would be blessed by punnaku eating average folks – that is not our problem at all.

              • 1

                Yes, Samson alias Bunjikikirilli, Bunjappu, Burampisincho Sam, littlesomething, Leelagemalli, Leelawathie and so on it looks like you are destined for a life of cleaning the Toilets of the Third Reich. Not easy, I know. You must be having olfactory glands genetically modified by Monsanto Chemicals to bear up the stink of Nazi excreta.

                We in the Matugama area would be grateful if you could keep away from our Part of the island South of Bentara Ganga, because when we declare that as Ralapakse Kingdom we do not want have any crematoriums exterminating dirty vermin.

                The Ralapakse juggernaut has started to roll like Nazi tanks in a Blitzkrieg. We will allow the Tamils to have their Kingdom in the North, where the likes of you would be going for your vacations. I don’t think you will get a visa to visit the Rajano’s Kingdom, because it will be out of bounds for Monkeys and Sakkiliyas. By the way, Dogs of good breed are welcome.

      • 0

        Dr. GS,
        Have you forgotten that Parakrama bahu WAS a Dravidian?

  • 5

    Thanks, Emil.
    I feel that this sort of interaction made possible by the Internet, has made it possible for the absurdity of the Dravidian-Aryan ancestry of the majority of Sri Lankans to have got driven home to most of those who read what is written here. I know that many still refuse to accept the common sense that you have said on that score, but I’m sure they are uncomfortable denying the truth that you’ve written.
    While it is possible that there may be traces of European blood in many of us, you are one, I guess with near certainty, whose knowledge of pure European ancestry (in one branch only!) is more recent. Name and appearance indicate so much. The Dutch (both here and in South Africa) were very concerned with racial purity. This doesn’t negate your argument at all; it just gives it an added ironic twist.
    Good for a start, but how do we take it further? We’re writing all this in English, and there’s no sign of our making much headway teaching the language effectively to anything more than a handful. How much do we monitor other sites? Do we monitor the Sinhalese sites at all? That despite my handle! Never mind the language used – the content is what matters.
    The other problem is that concurrently with all this dissemination of information taking place, current trends are that the majority of people give little time to accessing such material as encourages logical thinking.
    Obviously, the effort we must make is to make the World Views given in Primary Schools more rational. Starting there, we must teach History more sensibly.
    Thanks for an excellent article.

    • 1

      Mr Pooten: Sinhala Man is saying your father is also Sinhala. Is that true.

    • 2

      When I read your measured response to the piece I’d written I thought something was wrong because it was so totally out of character with the array of lunatic outpourings that greet anything I write, such as those that preceded your response!
      As for “Original owner”… does one even have to consider crawling in the gutter to respond to the filth in which he/she obviously wallows?
      There is, however, something to remember in all of this. The “Original owners” have to be removed – “terminated with extreme prejudice” perhaps – to allow the soil of Sri Lanka to grow the decency that is its due..

      • 0

        I thought many tried to do that before Mr Poorten, including your beloved ancestors .And your mate Mr Pirahaparan in recent times..
        Even now your mates and buddies are waging a relentless war to achieve the same Goal.
        Sad to say Dr Ranil, and his Elite, Anglican , Vellala and the new Wahabi Faction might still do it, with the help of the Evangelists, UN, your Western Buddies,. Aloysious and his Mendis Special.

        • 1

          K.A Sumanasekara,

          You might want to keep a spray can of Mortein or RAID in handy to spray at these Lansi cockroaches.

          Actually, it would be worth seeing what happens by applying some Mortein spray at the eyes of an old Burgher drunkard or a Burgher woman at the Lansi mudukkuwa.

          • 0

            Retarded Lt. Reginald Shaml Perera;
            We can but hope that “2500 Years of Sinhala Buddhist Civilization” doesn’t produce too many of you. because there aren’t going to be enough trees to give you shelter.

        • 0

          Aney Sumaney:
          You must certainly be glad that there isn’t a law to take the certified loonies into custody.

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    • 2

      Jim softy,
      When I have said that his name indicates some recognisably European ancestry, surely I mean on the “Spear side” only, the other “branch” meaning (for all the mixing of metaphors) the “Distaff” being all Dravidian – or 70% Dravidian , or whatever. How much does all that matter?
      But there’s also what “Original Owner” has been saying. How long ago have “modern humans” been around? Let’s say 50,000 years. Before that also we had ancestors – “animals” I guess you’d call them.
      None of them were legally married.
      That is what I understand, although there was one idiot saying in a comment somewhere that Sinhala-Buddhist have lived in Sri Lanka for 125,000 years – they were Buddhists long before Gautama!
      No, I’m pretty sure that if we were able to trace our ancestry back – all branches – for 300 years, I’m pretty sure that every one of us would run in to “common law” marriages and “non-Sinhalese” ancestors. I’m pretty dark, AND I know that all my ancestors for five generations were considered “Sinhalese”, a little in-land from Galle. So, I probably have a reasonable claim to being more Sinhalese than most.
      But after posting, it struck me that I should Google the Author’s name:
      So, his grandfather, Antoine Joseph vd P was the last of his ancestors born in Europe – that is pretty recent. And that is where “Original Owner” found Ranmenika, who is there labelled “wife”. Of no further interest to me! I’ve been wrong on many scores, but APvdP must have been a Dutch-speaking Belgian, right?
      But Emil, how then is Vivimarie Vanderpoorten related to you?

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      • 3

        Sinhala Man:
        I don’t know whether AJvdP spoke Dutch. I was born after his death. To my knowledge, the first language of all his children was English though, to the best of my knowledge, they spoke Sinhala and Tamil as well.
        Vivimarie is the daughter of a first cousin.
        I really find it difficult to believe that so many contributing (?!) to this forum are simply primitive while extolling the “civilization” out of which they claim to have emerged. SWRDB did a great deal more for communal/national myopia but even that doesn’t explain the diseased minds they persist in expressing themselves on CT!

  • 1

    I understand youir focus. What is important is to change the system because who ever comes they workfor them selves and for specil interest groups and not for the poor or the middle class. Sri lanka needs a system change which would automatically changes the the way they govern. but one problem is, at present, the special interest groups. civil society aka Open society, Embassies who says they are neighbours, living with for 70 years etc., and the results of their work, the protestants are nuisance to the country. but you and I we both have a common goal that is to ask for the system change that makes the governing style sytle change…… I know, so they say change every thing so that we protestants are also king makers in this island. That means we can not have common ground. We lose our rights and LTTE wanted it Tamils wanted it. Now protestants want it and Muslims are also not far behind.

  • 3

    “Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to loose but your Chains”
    The parasites pretending as our saviours are the snake heads that sway to use race and religion to keep the majority bird brains amongst us in thrall.
    How to over come that perdition is the question for us to consider. Are we ready for that?

  • 1

    Agree with the statement “…the success of any attempt to return this land to the realm of decency and justice is anything but a pipe dream…”. Returning the land to its original owners should be done before any attempts to return to decency and justice. The land was stolen by colonisers through “Menikas” kept as “common law wives” and its return to rightful owners long overdue. If the need be, we will take our land back by force under the next SLFP government. Bend over and play your percentages game in the meantime.

  • 1

    Dear Original Owner,
    Many thanks for fighting our cause! You ought also to meet Nimal Tissa Wijethunga. I googled his name, having done that previously with EvdP, and found Ranmenika, his grandmother, who he says had kept her beauty even in to old age.
    We find Nimal’s photograph here, and he’s looking for friends.
    Now he’s a guy after our own hearts; one who knows the true value of Sinhala Buddhists. See what he says:
    “Every inch you dig in this land that you find archaeological evidence of Sinhalese Buddhist as their ancestors living 125,000 years ago being the oldest to-date.”
    A true patriot, as we all should be!
    “Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
    Who never to himself hath said,
    This is my own, my native land!”
    That is a translation of what Dutu Gemunu once said. And this is where Nimal has apprised us of our true History of 125,000 years:
    Let us contact Nimal, he’s looking for friends. Let us form a Society to take out land back from these invaders. Nimal will lead us. None can disprove us; we shall go from strength. Nimal shall be our king:
    And He shall reign forever and ever,
    |: King of kings! and Lord of lords! :|


    • 3

      “Breathes there the man….” Whoa! What a load of old tosh.

      Amazing, that our Dutu Gemunu had the prescience to utter verbatim the famed lines that Sir Walter Scott was to write several centuries later. The Waverley poet would be doing cartwheels in his grave. Mind, it could be that Dutu Gemunu was reborn as Sir Walter. Or perhaps, just perhaps, something was lost in translation.

      Then again, our Dutta Gamini might have have done us all a favour in proclaiming that ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel’. Alas, poor Samuel Johnson will then not lie in peace.

      Or maybe, just maybe, these pseudonymous parvenu’s are proving that a little learning is a dangerous thing.

      • 2

        Spring Koha:
        I don’t think I’ve ever previously taken issue with you in regard to anything you’ve said but to accuse these “commentators” of possessing a little learning is really pushing it! The very term “learning” would be beyond their comprehension.

        • 1

          “I don’t think I’ve ever previously taken issue with you”. That is because there is no point in commenting on your own posts, you coward.

          • 0

            Brave Heart:
            In order to display your “bravery” while accusing everyone else of cowardice, why don’t you emerge from under that pseudonym to display your lack of fear of anything. and everything?
            Or is the rock under which you reside too heavy for you to dislodge in order to do that?
            One thing’s for sure, you must be given credit for using the pseudonym Brave Heart while displaying significant cowardice.

      • 0

        The last two lines from Handel’s Hallelujah chorus!

    • 0

      The last two lines from Handel’s Hallelujah chorus!

    • 0

      Spring Koha,
      You know that I was “playing the fool”, don’t you?

  • 2

    All you petty parochial guys out there quibbling about who slept with whom 50 000 years ago, get a hold of at least a sliver of global perspective. Aren’t you guys alarmed at the outrageous,uncivilised attacks by USA and Israel on people whose only sin is to be living on the lands belonging to their forefathers.We all should jointly raise our voices against such abominable behaviour which I think is overtly countenanced by RW of course and now Sira the nowhere man.

    • 0

      This is one of your more serious comments, isn’t it, Percy?
      Yes, what’s happening there is horrible. The Palestinians are probably the descendants of Jews (blood mixed with the Philistines, a cultured people who fled the earthquakes of Minoan Crete). Yes, they were in possession until the Zionist political movement gained sympathy owing to the Nazi holocaust. How similar to us!
      It’s all so mixed up. I don’t ever watch this God T.V. stuff, but sometimes get trapped in to hearing it going on. Evangelical Christians (their political hero, Donald Trump) now see the Second Coming of Christ being presaged with every report of a massacre by Israelis.
      The lunatic fringe of Christianity is no better than Mahawansaism. As for Sri Lankan Muslim men, I’ve trying to tell them that they should integrate more, reform MMDA since it is only just that all women have rights, and I get pilloried for being some incarnation of Satan.
      Orwell was amazingly perceptive, but isn’t there some other dystopian writer who saw humans evolving in to a group who could think controlling another who cannot?
      But that was before The Donald came on stage with his 500 word vocabulary.
      Yes, Percy, we should have the World outraged at so many tragedies in the Middle-East, but we seem to end up backing the wrong villain all the time.

      • 2

        Thanks Sinhala man.
        Problem however is that no one seems to care and our Sri Lankan folk highly engrossed in priming the parish pump.Very unfortunate that we have a blinkered outlook.
        Days of “the universal man” sadly long past us. Thanks for giving ear to a voice from the wilderness.

  • 2

    Let us stop this diatribe and ask the most qualified person in our land, Prof Shiran Deraniyagala, the most qualified archaeologist, where we came from. He is the most qualified to answer instead of us picking tid-bits from here and there. The prehistoric homo sapien used primitive tools to kill animals for food. The landmass of the world were united in most places. The stronger then chased the weak to preserve the territory. That was how homo sapiens came down to Sri Lanka from India. Ask Prof Deraniyagala who will prove it scientifically.

    • 2

      gamani P:
      What are you trying to do? Provoke the Jimsofty’s, Original owners, etc. etc into some fit of apoplexy when faced with fact?
      You MUST be kinder to the lower forms of life, after all.

      • 2

        Emil van der Poorten

        “You MUST be kinder to the lower forms of life, after all.”

        gamani P is probably a Jain.

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    Sri lanken history is built on earliest texts, epigraphy, monuments etc. Deepawansha had the earliest records & it led to write the Mahawansha. These books are written 2000 – 1500 years ago, say about Aryan migration around 6th-5th century BC from North east & North west of India. The language they(immigrants) spoke is Prakrit which is the language spoken in north India at that time. By the time writing is introduced to the island, that language has undergone considerable changes, so it’s called sinhalese prakrit. Almost all personal names in early epigrapic records in sri lanka are sanskrit north Indian names. So were the Kings names, for example King Muta Siva. Muta means attached, loved or tied. Siva means The God or gracious. There are vedic names also like Indra, Varuna etc & even mahabarath names in them. Writing system introduced both to SL & South India at the same time period but there are no tamil inscriptions in SL until Chola invasion in 10th century AD. King Parakrama Bahu is not tamil. He is 50% sinhalese, 25% kalinga & 25% pandya. Queen in England is German origin & her husband Prince Philip is Greek.

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      If we go by your assertion for example most of our Prime Ministers
      Don Stephen Senanayake, Dudley Shelton Senanayake, Sir John Lionel Kotelawala, Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Bandaranaike, Junius Richard Jayewardene ……….. Percy Mahendra Rajapaksa were/are of European descent, maybe Anglo-Saxons.

      Then some of them were/are of South Indian Nayake descent, perhaps Hindus.

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        Vedda (really really native)

        You show your great intelligence by saying this. Yes elite & Christian people took western names but not the ordinary people. Donars in most inscriptions are ordinary people. Use your common sense about the similality in language, names, their knowledge about vedic things & Mahabarath etc. Oldest script found in SL is from Anuradhapura citadel, inscribed the name Anuradha in a piece of pottery (700BC) found by Professor Canningham in an excavation. Anuradhapura city 1st build by a minister of king Vijaya named Anuradha.

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          Boothaya the Godaya

          “inscribed the name Anuradha in a piece of pottery (700BC) found by Professor Canningham in an excavation. Anuradhapura city 1st build by a minister of king Vijaya named Anuradha.”

          Please re read what you have typed above for contradicting yourself for more than twice.

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            complicated? (My English is not good)
            Sir Cunningham did the excavation. He found a piece of pottery , at Anuradhapura, inscribe a name init called Anuradha. Carbon data says it belongs to 700BC (exact date I can’t remember but it is certainly older than the said dates of Vijaya’s arrival.) Other inscriptions come centuries later and this is the oldest in south Asia.

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          Would you please confirm the fact that it is your belief that civilization began in Sri Lanka or whatever it was called back then?
          If nothing else it is most interesting and would probably qualify you for honorary membership in the Flat Earth Society.

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            Emil Vander Pooten: You are arrogant and stupid man,. How do you checl history in a blog. go to a library or phone the musueum and find information. YOu can bark but you cannot prove that in front of those who know it.

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        Dear Boothaya (or is it “Buthaya”),
        You know more than I do in certain areas, but I’m by no means convinced that you are a careful scholar:
        This is the Durham Professor whom you have quoted:
        UNESCO Professor Robin Coningham, BA, PhD (Cantab.)
        The man is still active and he seems to have done most of his work in Anuradhapura between 1990 and 1995. This is relatively recent. To have been up to date with that is impressive.
        On the other hand, you have thrice miss-spelt his name, with three different spellings – hardly likely to persuade us to take you seriously, is it?
        I do not value that Englishman more than you, but in this matter he has no reason to be anything other than objective. You seem to have gone in search of details to support an a priori conclusion that you had already arrived at before examining the evidence.
        There’s chaos enough in our country. If you refuse to think, what will your children do? Apart from swallowing all that you’ve said, they may possibly imagine that inscriptions were word-processed by ancient Sinhalese, although it looks as though you can’t decipher it yourself.
        I acknowledge that these inscriptions were left behind by those whom we have a right to vaguely regard as our forefathers because we are genetically the same as us. To get some idea of what language those inscriptions represent is beyond me. But long before written language came, there was speech. I heard it said that Google will show you some YouTube recordings of even earlier Sinhalese speech if you purchase their Premium Package.

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        Continuing, dear Buthaya,
        You seem to acknowledge that your English is not good. “Anuradhapura city 1st build . . .” the passive voice should have been used; it is admittedly difficult to straighten out your grammar when you want to communicate quickly. But spellings?
        The following words: epigrapic, donars, similality, faild – all get underlined by the spell-check, which actually suggests the correct spelling. It would have underlined sinhalese, tamil and sanskrit and suggested capitalisation for the initial letter. You are insulting readers by not attending to those.
        You certainly know some things that I don’t, but you also draw wrong conclusions. You have said:
        “it belongs to 700BC . . . certainly older than the said dates of Vijaya’s arrival.”
        So you have acknowledged that there was writing before Vijaya came. I, too, am proud of my Sinhala heritage, but I won’t pretend that I can cope with Old Sinhala.
        I don’t think you a bad man, but can’t you see how mixed up you are? Please allow Tamils also to be proud of their heritage.

        Both Native Vedda and Amarasiri may make typos occasionally, but that is because they run around making so many comments which are spot on where content is concerned. They have no time to be polite.
        Comments here will close in a few days. Why not THINK and then contribute here? It is essentially the same debate.
        There you have careful scholar writing, but possibly overtaken by this politician, who isn’t talking as nonsensically as our politicians do.

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          I am not a scholar only an ordinary person. I saw the details of research of this professor, published somewhere. So it challenge the idea that civilization starts with the arrival of Vijaya & his men. You should have to ask for more details from the responsible authority

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      Among the gobbledegook you’ve produced in this particular emission is the wonderful information that nobody can possibly be aware of: Queen in England is German and her husband Prince Philip is Greek. ” You forgot to add, though, that Philip bought his first car (a used one) in Sri Lanka and was cheated badly in the deal. I am sure that fact would be most appropriate in the matter of discussing anything in my piece in CT.

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        I have seen Prince Philip’s car:
        TWO clicks of the mouse should should show you a picture of it, but why this fuss about “The Royal Family”?
        I’ve been told that some Sinhala-Buddhists are offering flowers in temples prating that Meghan Markle’s father will walk the bride up to the altar.
        Instead of bothering with all that, why can’t we do something to control our politicians, and, very much more important accept our fellow Sri Lankans as brothers and sisters?

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        The Queen in England is partly German. The house of Windsor is really the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

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    Percentages? The Buddha was having a tough time selling his philosophy locally, so he embarked on a successful export drive that resulted in most of Asia accepting his noble message. In India, alas, the Buddha’s word barely caught on, and less than 1% of its 1.4 billion population are Buddhists. Anyway, the Buddha chose, amazingly, the tree huggers of little Sri Lanka to be the refuge of his philosophy. He must have had no idea what a bunch of cuckoos we were going to turn out. Talking about giving a gift a bad name!

    When will we get round to breaking from all this hoopla about religion and race. We are all creatures of circumstance, and travel this dangerous planet, unable to choose where or when we are born, but doomed to be shackled to the colour, religion, and mores of our parents and ‘family’. Then we try to try to claim proprietary rights over the land we find ourselves in. It is clear that it is those people who open up their country to fresh infusions of the species are those likeliest to succeed in the present age. Integration and collaboration are the twin pillars of prosperity. We in Lanka have not learned as yet the bitter lessons of the last 50 years, and still believe the claims of our devious political leaders who tell us we have never had it so good. What is that about people getting the politicians they deserve?

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    Dear Buthaya,
    What you say is true, and the Mahawamsa is valuable, but we have to use common sense to evaluate it. Was there no human life before people began to write? Language is a crucial element that distinguished humans from other animals. It began as speech, and the earliest inscriptions, from what balanced scholars say is neither recognisably Sinhalese, nor today’s Tamil script. But the fact is that “Tamil is the oldest living language.” Please assess opinions expressed on the web. I’m not going to search the Internet to find something that PROVES my point. This is an area in which proof of that sort is not possible.
    The facts that you have put forward are not wrong, but they are totally inadequate for the conclusions that you draw. And I fear that you are over-estimating your claims to scholarship. Have you personally read and understood those inscriptions? I’m sure that we all believe what “authorities” have been telling us. And those guys were not being dishonest, but they had certain a priori notions and biases when examining those writings. So, the Sinhalese and the Tamils end up with different Histories. That wouldn’t matter so much if we didn’t start killing one another for the sake of our obsessions.
    The term “Aryan” that began to be used in the context of languages about 200 years ago, had little to do with the ethnicities glorified by Hitler. I know some linguistics. We have now to take account of more recent research:
    Let’s not play politics with future generations. I’ve not read that book, only read a few reviews. That gives a summary. The arguments make sense. The objective truth may lie somewhere between that Tamil writer and our notions.

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    tamil hides in a sinhala man

    Language in old inscriptions are not called Sinhalese. They are called Sinhala Prakrit or old Sinhalese. What is your point saying Tamil is the oldest living language in the world. Can you name any old book written in Tamil in SL. Why don’t you personally read these inscriptions and say the world that their meaning is wrong. But I think tamils did their best to do so but miserably faild

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      May I suggest that before you make (incomprehensible) statements that you simply TRY to confine yourself to the facts? In making the challenge, “Can you name any old book written in Tamil in SL” what on earth do you want? A list of books written in Tamil in Sri Lanka? Let me know please.

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        No need of a list. Just give the name of one?
        Why don’t you try to confine yourself to facts? Where do you have it from that “Tamil is the oldest living language”? Please give references to this by any reputed linguist.
        Tamil is not even the oldest Dravdian language. According to historical linguists (see Kamil Zvelebil, B. Krishnamurti (2003 )) the Proto-south-Dravidian root language had still not started disintegrating (i.e differentiating) even at 500 BC., in other words, all the people who are speaking south Dravidian languages today were speaking the same proto-south Dravidian language, i.e a pre-Tamil stage of the root language.
        Tamil being the “oldest living language” is worse than your claim that “Sri Lanka was the beacon of democracy”. Stop living in a fanatical fantasy world and throwing accusations and verbal attacks at people.

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      It appears your post was didn’t pass the “acceptability test”. Did you mention the Profession of an old Burgher woman whose son’s name is Emil in your post?

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        Retarded Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera:
        If your mother was as low as you, she probably would have been plying the trade you allude to. But even though she produced you I do not think she was that kind of person because aberrations in human evolution only come along so often and all mankind must be grateful that you are one of a kind!

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