By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“In sooth this was a very base madness and a most horrible frenzy.” – Anatole France (Monsieur Bergeret in Paris)
‘Nationalist Collective’ is the latest Rajapaksa-concoction, a toxic brew of fanatics and opportunists, ladled together in an effort to convince Delhithat Sri Lankais being inundated by a spontaneous anti-devolution wave. Addressing its inaugural rally, Rev. Galagoda-Atte Gnanasara Thero raised the banner of militant Sinhala-Buddhism: “This is not the time for Buddhist monks to meditate in temples…. If politicians are going in the wrong direction, we have a sacred right to step in”[i].
‘Sinhala Only’ was not the only scourge SWRD Bandaranaike bequeathed to us; ‘Buddhism First’ is his other baneful legacy. There was no popular demand for either; the clamour came from a vocal minority of fanatics and opportunists. SWRD Bandaranaike, a consummate opportunist, saw in their marginalised demand a path to power, for himself.
At the 1952 election, the UNP trounced the SLFP; plus the combined vote of the left (18.8%) considerably exceeded the SLFP vote (15.5%). With the successful ‘Hartal’, the left repositioned itself as the major player on the oppositional stage. SWRD Bandaranaike had every reason to fear that at the next election the UNP would be defeated, not by his SLFP, but by the left parties.
Bandaranaike pere had a ravenous hunger for power; as the son of his Maha Mudliyar father, he may have regarded power as his due. He was clever enough to realise that he cannot dominate the political space without causing a paradigmatic change in that space. He was unscrupulous enough to choose the path of ethno-religious nationalism despite its obvious and deadly pitfalls.
So SWRD Bandaranaike embraced Sinhala-Only and placed Sangha (the monkhood) at the zenith of his ‘Pancha Maha Balavegaya’ (Five Great Forces). Buddhist monks had dabbled in politics before 1956, but as individuals or as members of lay formations. SWRD Bandaranaike brought the Sangha into the political centre-stage, as a separate and autonomous entity; he recreated the power-bloc to accord them primacy of place and accepted their right to have a critical say in national affairs.
The genie of religious-politics was out of the bottle.
SWRD Bandaranaike’s widow constitutionally-enshrined his ‘Buddhism First’ policy. The 1972 constitution which turned Buddhism into the religion of the state was drafted by a member of the now tamed-and-tainted left, Dr. Colvin R de Silva of the LSSP. That fatal step need not have been taken. The Buddhist-majority was demanding affordable goods and more jobs rather than a state religion. The ‘Buddhism First’ clause was incorporated for opportunistic reasons, as a ploy to retain the support of the Sinhala-Buddhist masses, amidst growing economic hardships.
So the ‘Politics of Salvation’ was formalised and institutionalised; and democracy redefined as government of, by and for the ‘chosen people’, chosen on the basis of ethno-religious identity. ‘Desheeya’ (national) and ‘pragathisheeli’ (progressive) became coterminous with Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism; the minorities were considered ‘non-patriots’ and ‘prathigami’ (reactionary; ‘running dogs’ of capitalism/imperialism, by birth). A patriot had to accept the hierarchical nature of Lanka, with Sinhala and Buddhism at the top. Rejecting that unjust vision became coeval with treachery.
In 1972, the Ceylon Rationalists Association presented a memo[ii] containing proposals for a new constitution. These included measures to ensure an independent judiciary, a non-politicised bureaucracy and fundamental rights, an end to statal-discrimination along racial/religious lines and a secular state.
Had those suggestions been taken on board, the 1972 Constitution could have become a truly Sri Lankan Constitution rather than a Sinhala-Buddhist Constitution. And many of the bloody tragedies which awaited the country and the people could have been evaded.
‘Poisonous Remedies’
A pluralist country will know neither peace nor stability, if it embraces a mono ethnic/religious identity. By the time the Indians intervened in the First Eelam War, the Sinhala-Buddhist South was beginning to realise this seminal truth.
From mid 1983 to early 1987, the SLFP worked in conjunction with the proscribed-JVP, in the Mawbima Surakeeme Viyaparaya (MSV – Motherland Protection Front). The MSV’s main slogan was uncompromising opposition to devolution. The MSV turned patriotism – defined as total rejection of devolution – into the main dividing line in Southern politics: patriots opposed devolution; traitors supported it.
By early 1987, the incapacity of this anti-devolution coalition to challenge the government was becoming obvious, even to the SLFP. As economic difficulties mounted and inflation and unemployment sky-rocketed, chauvinism began to lose some of its allure. The Sinhala radio service operated by the PLOTE became a favourite of many a non/anti-UNP Sinhala-Buddhist. The campaign for a negotiated political solution to the war, led by Vijaya Kumaratunga’s SLMP began to gain some political traction[iii].
As economic discontent began to mount in the South, the Jayewardene administration announced its decision to hold local government elections, as a sop-cum-diversion. That move backfired; the SLFP and the pro-devolutionary left mounted the same platform, literally, demanding immediate parliamentary elections. The JVP and the regime both panicked. The ‘Operation Liberation’, which precipitated Indian intervention, was launched partly as a reactive measure, to enable the regime to retake the political initiative.
With the Indo-Lanka Accord, the chauvinist wing of the SLFP – of which Mahinda Rajapaksa was a leading light – gained the upper hand. The MSV revived with the anti-Accord riots. The SLFP dreamt of coming to power on the back of the JVP insurgency. In 1988 “Anura Bandaranaike…said this would be the last May Day rally the SLFP would be holding as a opposition party as he was certain of the party coming into power at the next general election due next year …”[iv]
The defeat of the Second JVP Insurgency marked the nadir of the fortunes of Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism. Had moderate Tamils been dominant in the Eelam struggle, a negotiated end to the war based on a generous political solution to the ethnic problem would have been possible and a Lankan peace could have dawned. But the LTTE was in control and, like its Sinhala-Buddhist counterparts, it clung to the dystopia of Tiger Eelam even at the cost of Tamil national interests. The LTTE’s intransigent predominance gave Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism a new lease of life. By ensuring the presidential-victory of Mahinda Rajapaksa, the legitimate heir of 1956, Vellupillai Pirapaharan, its illegitimate offspring, paved the way for the resurgence of fanaticism in the South.
The Rajapaksas have embraced Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism as the façade-cum-vehicle for their project of familial-rule and dynastic-succession. The saffron-fanatics have been let loosed on the corridors-of-power and encouraged and assisted to raise the flag of militant Sinhala-Buddhism. The military, transformed into a familial tool behind an ethno-religious veneer, has been inducted it into this new power-bloc. The building of temples by the armed forces in the North is symbolic and symbiotic of this Sinhala-Buddhist military which is the ultimate defender of the Rajapaksa project.
The journey which commenced in 1956 has reached its natural goal: a racial patriotism, sanctified by religion and protected by an ethno-religious military. All in the service of Mahinda Rajapaksa, cast as ‘Prince Diyasena’ and his family. This explosion of Sinhala-Buddhist fanaticism will cause an opposite-reaction: a Tamil/Muslim/Christian extremism.
What Daniel Ellsberg termed ‘anti-learning mechanism’[v] is in full violent play, and, its tragically-familiar end is all too foreseeable.
[i] Divaina – 3.7.2013
[ii] http://groundviews.org/2013/06/14/ceylon-rationalist-association-1970-memorandum-on-a-new-constitution-for-sri-lanka/
[iii] The JVP reacted to this slow moderate-shift of the Lankan polity in a manner which foretold its modus operandi in the coming insurgency; On 24th August 1986 it bombed the SLMP meeting in Panadura. Subsequently SLMP meetings inMt.Lavinia and Negombo were attacked. A grenade was thrown at Kumaratunga’s residence atKynsey Road.
[iv]Sri Lanka in Crisis, A Lost Generation: The Untold Story – Prins Gunasekera
[v] Introduction to ‘Flirting with Disaster’ by Marc Gerstein
Ceylonese / July 4, 2013
The next explosion will disintegrate the country into bits and pieces and put an end to the supremacists.
Dodo / July 4, 2013
Another great piece Thisaranee! Thanks for educating the Sinhalaya Modaya about their corrupt and criminal leader – Mahinda Rajapassa and his family of uneducated looters on the DIRTY GAME that the military dictators of Lanka is playing by whipping up Sinhala Buddhist nationalism to stay in power.
But Thisaranee, I think the TIPPING POINT is here. That is, Sinhala Buddhist nationalism will pay DIMINISHING RETURNS to the Rajapasaas regime from NOW ON since people now realize the game they play of distorting and destroying Buddhism- to stay in power and loot the country. Yesterday I saw an impressive protest march of University students from all over Lanka on the streets of Colombo and it felt like the Lanka spring is here.
Your writings have great merit in that they have consistently educated the people on the Rajapassa dirty game and help bring us to this tipping point. Keep up the great work and take care!
Dinuk / July 4, 2013
Indeed! Please translate and publish in Sinhala!
The Rajapassa project today is a military dictatorship of that UNEDUCATED and corrupt family by DIVIDING, DISTRACTING and RULING the diverse communities in Lanka.
The Rajapassa project is a fundamentally COLONIAL PROJECT that MUST BE OPPOSED.
The Balu Sena and Pathala Champika are the Rajapassa instruments to DIVIDE and DISTRACT the people from the REAL ENEMY WITHIN who is Rajapassa and his corrupt, rapaciouis and land grabbing family that has mortgaged Lanka and accumulated massive foreign DEBT to fill its war chest.
TRUE BUDDHISTS, monks and lay folk must SPEAK UP and rescue Lankan Buddhism. It is time to SPEAK OUT FOR BUDDHISM – A RELIGION OF PEACE and TOLERANCE of diversity!
Amarasiri / July 4, 2013
Dear Tissaranee Gunesekera,
Thank you for coming up with the facts and exposing the myth holders, their stooges ans shills who are getting in the way of building an Egalitarian Sri Lankan Society.
There is no need to protect the Sinhala Buddhist civilization that is NOT Egalitarian and that serves the Monk Hegemony, because that is NOT the Buddhist philosophy that sprang out from Hinduism and Jainism.
The need is to save an Egalitarian Sri Lankan Society. Unfortunately LSSP and CP were not successful.
Why? There is no need to save Sinhala Buddhism?
1. Buddhism was imported from India around 300 BC. The people were Animist, Jain and Hindu. Therefore, there is no need to protect Buddhism any more than Animist, Jain and Hindu beliefs.
2. Sinhala gene pools the southern Indian gene pool. It is protected and represented in the Tamil and Muslim Gene pool as well as in the Sinhala gene pool.
3. So what is not common is Buddhism. It is Buddhism that is dividing the people. The problem lies with Monk Mahanama and the Mahanama Myths.
4. There was a civilization Before Buddhism. Ravana was Hindu and had a civilization, if Ramayana is true.
Why did SOME people buy Mahanama Myths?his myths? Did the LSSP and CP supporters buy these Myths?
One can fool some of the people some of the time. However, it is hard to fool all the people all the time.
In Sri Lanka Buddhism is about Monk Hegemony. Not much different from the Catholic Church Hegemony. Read about Martin Luther. Read about the Wahhabi-Saudi Axis that was promoted by the British to destabilize Ottoman Empire- the Great Game.
In Sri Lanka, it was the Monk-King Axis. In Saudi Arabia Mullah-King Axis. Turkey got rid of it and became secular, thanks to Kamal Ataturk.
Sri Lanka needs a Martin Luther Monk to Reform Buddhist Racism and Terrorism, exploited by the Politicians, that has nothing to do with the Enlightened Buddha’s teachings, and a Sri Lanka Kamal Araturk for separation of Temple and State. All we had were opportunists. That is why we are in this sad situation. Curse the Soulbury commission for giving independence too early and not putting sufficient checks and balances. Look at the US constitution, the French constitution and the Turkish Constitutions, still going strong.
Why Monk Mahanama. The Tamils were invading. They were Hindu. However the Sinhala were Hindu too before that. Without Buddhism we would have got Sinhala Hindus and Tamil Hindus. No Monks to get in the way. There will be Nirvana, Rebirth and Sansara, delivered by Priests instead of Hegemonic monks. Remember, Buddha, and his parents were born Hindus. Buddhism came out of Hinduism and Jainism, The Hindu priests and the Kings would have kept the peace, better than the Monks.
So, Buddhism was the curse of Lanka. It was not the Sinhala or Tamil.
Sri Lanka had Tamil Kings. Sri Wickrama Rajasinha was Tamil. Bandaranaika hailed from India. No problem there, but the opportunist became a traitor to his own genes, like the current opportunists.
Bali Indonesia is 94% Hindu and peaceful.
Do you STILL believe in the Monk Mahanama MYTH that Vijaya’s grandfather was a lion? Test the Gene pool of the Sinhala.
Buddhas visited Lanka 10 times, attained Nirvanna on the day Vijaya landed etc. Myths? Childish Stories!
Do you believe in Santa Claus coming from the North Pole driven by reindeer on Christmas Eve?
There are many other Myths. Here the focus is on Mahanams Myths and Sri Lanka Buddhist Myths, that the BBS followers are after. Yes, expose them, just the same way Martin Luther exposed the Catholic Church Indulgences.
Next time Buddhists go to Daham Pasala, need to make a collection of the Myths, and check them with facts. Ask who benefits, and whose self-interest n is being served.
DeJa Vu….
John / July 5, 2013
What does this woman say ? IF BUDDHISM clause taken out of SL Constitution ? The everything is OKAY ? Sri Lanka would be a Japan or A Switzerland ? What a MADNESS ? madness +++ ?
This woman may be a catholic , but doesn’t seem to know there are many countries in the world with Christianity given foremost place in the constitution & Islam in Muslim majority countries .
This is the standard of people writing on Christian INGO US$ in a Sinhala Buddhist country, always going against Buddhism only.
Never wrote a single article how Christian west killed over a million in Muslim Iraq , how about that ? was it Buddhist extremism ? Bu US & west . No , If she writes about thos eshe won’t get US$ from NGO mafia.
Chubby / July 7, 2013
We are dealing with our HOMELAND; that ISLAND called LANKA/ILANKAI/HELA/ELU/ELAM….
Not concerned with outside, excuse, west, cricket or biggot.
Cause, then we got to be concerned about our native cull and this imported buddism; a TRAITOR to the Isle,…….. yen, yuan killing Tibetan monks & what not..
Dissa N / July 4, 2013
Current problem facing the country is holding provincial council elections in the Northern Province.
TNA is going to win and they are going to start Elam project again. When the LTTE regain power separatists agenda comes into picture, we do not go in to a bomb blast era again. Daily LTTE bomb blasts and destruction of lives on a daily basis was the issue.
Thousands of casualties, which are the reasons why Minister Champika Ranawaka has come forward to completely remove the 13A. Removal of northern provincial council from the map will effectively put an end to the separatism and violence in Sri Lanka.
Let us not discuss irrelevant subjects and try to remove the 13A from the constitution. JHU also has a democratic right to protect this nation from separatist violence.
Rajakantha / July 5, 2013
Repeal the 13A completely. Don’t leave anything to restart an Elam project.
Amarasiri / July 4, 2013
Here is a place and paper for you or anybody else to Submit.
Posted on July 3rd, 2013
Friday 13th – Saturday 14th December 2013
Invitation to members of the public
organised by
The Dept. of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenapura
in association with The Buddhist Times Trust
Academics and researchers are invited to present papers relating to Buddhism from a variety of disciplines uch as Philosophy, Civilisation, History, Psychology, Sociology, Buddhist Textual Languages and
Literature and other related disciplines in Humanities and Social Sciences. They can be presented in either
English and Sinhala. Abstracts of research papers should not exceed 350 words and must include: Title,
Author(s), Affiliation, Address, Tel/Fax, E-mail address. Abstracts can be sent by e-mail to
hgoonatilake@hotmail.com with a copy to venyasassip@gmail.com as attachment in Word, or by fax to
Fax No: 0112803196 by post to The Head, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 1st September 2013
Announcement of Acceptance: 30th September 2013
Submission of Full Papers: 30th November 2013
Coordinators: Ven. Dr. Magammana Pannananda Thera (pmagammana@gmail.com/ 0779303407)
Ven. Dr. Medagampitiye Wijithadhamma Thera (yatagama3@yahoo.com/ 0714511863)
Ven. Panahaduwe Yasassi Thera (venyasassip@gmail.com/ 0714879654)
Ven. Witharandeniye Chandrasiri Thera (witharandeniyech@gmail.com/ 0714932942)
Convenor: Dr. Hema Goonatilake (hgoonatilake@hotmail.com /077-6261374
A Suggested paper.Playing with Buddhist Myth Fire.
If it was Myth that got you there, no amount of reason will get you out of thee.
Facts and exposing the Monks Mahanama Myths by their holders, their stooges ans shills who are getting in the way of building an Egalitarian Sri Lankan Society.
There is no need to protect the Sinhala Buddhist civilization that is NOT Egalitarian and that serves the Monk Hegemony, because that is NOT the Buddhist philosophy that sprang out from Hinduism and Jainism.
The need is to save an Egalitarian Sri Lankan Society. Unfortunately , the political parties LSSP and CP were not successful.
Why? There is no need to save Sinhala Buddhism, but the opportunists said it is needed and recruited the monks.The Facts are:
1. Buddhism was imported from India around 300 BC. The people were Animist, Jain and Hindu. Therefore, there is no need to protect Buddhism any more than Animist, Jain and Hindu beliefs.
2. Sinhala gene pools the southern Indian gene pool. It is protected and represented in the Tamil and Muslim Gene pool as well as in the Sinhala gene pool.
3. So what is not common is Buddhism. It is Buddhism that is dividing the people. The problem lies with Monk Mahanama and the Mahanama Myths.
4. There was a civilization Before Buddhism. Ravana was Hindu and had a civilization, if Ramayana is true.
Why did SOME people buy Mahanama Myths? Did the LSSP and CP supporters buy these Myths?
One can fool some of the people some of the time. However, it is hard to fool all the people all the time.
In Sri Lanka Buddhism is about Monk Hegemony. Not much different from the Catholic Church Hegemony. Read about Martin Luther. Read about the Wahhabi-Saudi Axis that was promoted by the British to destabilize Ottoman Empire- the Great Game.
In Sri Lanka, it was the Monk-King Axis. In Saudi Arabia Mullah-King Axis. Turkey got rid of it and became secular, thanks to Kamal Ataturk.
Sri Lanka needs a Martin Luther Monk to Reform Buddhist Racism and Terrorism, exploited by the Politicians, that has nothing to do with the Enlightened Buddha’s teachings, and a Sri Lanka Kamal Araturk for separation of Temple and State. All we had were opportunists. That is why we are in this sad situation. Curse the Soulbury commission for giving independence too early and not putting sufficient checks and balances. Look at the US constitution, the French constitution and the Turkish Constitutions, still going strong.
Why Monk Mahanama. The Tamils were invading. They were Hindu. However the Sinhala were Hindu too before that. Without Buddhism we would have got Sinhala Hindus and Tamil Hindus. No Monks to get in the way. There will be Nirvana, Rebirth and Sansara, delivered by Priests instead of Hegemonic monks. Remember, Buddha, and his parents were born Hindus. Buddhism came out of Hinduism and Jainism, The Hindu priests and the Kings would have kept the peace, better than the Monks.
So, Buddhism was the curse of Lanka. It was not the Sinhala or Tamil.
Sri Lanka had Tamil Kings. Sri Wickrama Rajasinha was Tamil. Bandaranaika hailed from India. No problem there, but the opportunist became a traitor to his own genes, like the current opportunists.
Bali Indonesia is 94% Hindu and peaceful.
Do you STILL believe in the Monk Mahanama MYTH that Vijaya’s grandfather was a lion? Test the Gene pool of the Sinhala.
Buddhas visited Lanka 10 times, attained Nirvanna on the day Vijaya landed etc. Myths? Childish Stories!
Do you believe in Santa Claus coming from the North Pole driven by reindeer on Christmas Eve?
There are many other Myths. Here the focus is on Mahanams Myths and Sri Lanka Buddhist Myths, that the BBS followers are after. Yes, expose them, just the same way Martin Luther exposed the Catholic Church Indulgences.
Next time any of the Buddhists attendees go to Buddhist Sunday Buddhist School in Sri Lanka, need to make a collection of the Myths, and check them with facts. Ask who benefits, and whose self-interest n is being served.
Roshi / July 4, 2013
I know you are a good writer. I like your articles and I like the way you stand for democracy. 1000 salutes for that. But don’t be a traitor. If Sharia is implemented, do you think you will be allowed to criticises them like this. ? You will be hanged or stoned to death. There will be no democray for you to fight If Shariya becomes the law of the country. Open you r eyes Sister.
Criticised the president, criticizes what it going on. That is alright. Nerves betray the war against the Islamic cancer. Reed the following by Jasica Devid, this is the harsh truth.
I my self stand up for democray. I my self is a fighter. For us to fight the democratic framework should be there. under shariya, we both have to cover our selves under a Hijab and be at home jail. Hope you can understand and you will understand, dear Sister!
this I took from comments. and this talks the hrash truth. read it and think.
The need for Myanmar like mechanism to deal with Islam.
Islam however, whoever says what, Is a barbaric religion. The religion asks to kill those who do not believe in Islam. The justification is, “it is better to kill them than let them live with no faith on Allah” so killing infidels is this justified as “for the betterment of infidels”
E.g : Quran
2:191 And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.
2:193 And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.
2:216 Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not.
2:244 Fight in the way of Allah, and know that Allah is Hearer, Knower.
5:33 The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom.
In Islam, everything is governed under Quran. Children are taught only Islam, but not even a word about other religions. They are taught and trained to act as killing machines and spread Islam. This is the reason why Islam is very aggressive and Islam itself is terrorism.
When the majority of a country is Islam, they impose Sharia. They justify it as the “divine law of God”. Non-Muslims also need to adhere to sharia, or be punished under sharia. Non-Muslims are not given jobs/education or other opportunities. There will be taxes on non-Muslims, just because they are non-Muslims. E.g. Indonesia, Malaysia
See “Jizya” : e.g : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jizya
Why non-Muslims should pay Jizya : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6g9ohG-784
Muslims migrate to Non-Muslim country and slowly (yet steadily) grow their numbers. They act very innocent and get all the benefits under the majority. Most of the other civilised religions do not depress other religions. And Islam grows with no threat from the existing principle religion ( Buddhism or Christianity) once they grow the numbers, then ask for sharia and special laws. And when they can, they take the power of the country and make it a Muslim country. No democracy , no mercy for minorities there onwards. Non-Muslims are depressed and killed.
See why terrorism is allowed in Islam: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Why_Terrorism_is_Allowed_in_Islam
It is rather apparent the reference to “satin” in Christianity and reference to “mara” in Buddhism must be referred to the same, that is Islam and its God Allah. According to Christianity and to Buddhism, there is a dooms day; where e the world destroys, when people are sinners. It must be referred to a situation where Islam conquers the world. Or rather “satin” or “mara” conquer the world. Then the glory of the world is gone. And world get destroyed itself.
So via democracy, kindness the world simply cannot deal with Islam. Islam is such that It is like a cancer. By loving the cancer or by been nice to cancer, you can’t get rid from that. You need to treat the cancer in such a way to get rid from that.
The mechanism in Myanmar, is thus rather justified. Since they understood that Islam is growing and soon, they will be slaves under Islam hypocrisy and depression. A problem which cannot be addressed democratically or with a human feelings. Look, what happened in all Buddhist countries, in all peaceful countries. Islam enters and they simply destroy it. E.g. Sri Lankan, India, Maldives, Bangladesh etc etc.
The American Approach is better, but is in macro level. Mass scale Muslim depression. While America treats the would cancer like that, small nations like Myanmar or Sri Lanka need to act in a grass root level to get rid form the world cancer.
Sri Lankans, if they need to be safe, have to think about Something like in Myanmar, before it is too late. I think Sri Lankan Buddhist are ( or they used to be ) too good and too innocent. Bodu Bala Sena is doing a marvellous duty by making it clear to Sinhalese. Let’s hope the Glory of the world will remain longer, with No Islam Hypocrisy.
Anura / July 4, 2013
Sister Roshi. ( you just sound like sister Leela)
You are just pathetic, brainless .. I don’t want to insult any animal here :-)
What you see is very far from the reality. So I can’t even ask you to open your eyes.
What is the madness of SL political leader decision to do with Saria law? Did you or your family female member works as a housemaid in ME and had bad sexual experience?
Most of these Islamic countries shows lot of improvements in genuine common people rights and values in recent years.
Because of people like you, SL is going the other way. Most of Islamic countries are more civilized than SL or Myanmar
Roshi / July 4, 2013
dont call me sister., u dont deserve it. [Edited out]
Anura, u are not a sihalees but a muslim with cowrd using a sinhalaname.
i dont use my tie to coment idots like you.
eat some beef and sleep, till we knock ur door.
Hamas / July 5, 2013
U deliver beef for a living?? ;-)
Carpathian Gemba / July 20, 2013
Roshi, One of the silent side of the BBS fool is his greed for women.He takes about five to bed at a time. Visit his house and also that of his assistant at Pamankada
Lankan / July 4, 2013
Roshi, forceful application of religious values is terrorism. We have seen this very clearly when the Bodu Bala Sena and Ravana Balaya walked and created havoc on the streets. However, we have never seen Muslim, Hindu or Christian priests behaving like the BBS and RB monks. First of all we have to be honest to ourselves before we start preaching to others.
Mike / July 4, 2013
Sister Roshi, you have proven yourself as a RACIST. Were you by any chance employed in the middle east and suffered …… abuse???
Dhaksha / July 4, 2013
Your comments only show you are no Islamic scholar, rather yet another Islamaphobe looking to spew anti Muslim
propaganda. Let’s see what credible sources say:
Bruce Feiler writes that “Jews and Christians who smugly console themselves that Islam is the only violent religion are willfully ignoring their past. Nowhere is the struggle between faith and violence described more vividly, and with more stomach-turning details of ruthlessness, than in the Hebrew Bible”.[8] Similarly, Burggraeve and Vervenne describe the Old Testament as full of violence and evidence of both a violent society and a violent god. They write that, “(i)n numerous Old Testament texts the power and glory of Israel’s God is described in the language of violence.” They assert that more than one thousand passages refer to YHWH as acting violently or supporting the violence of humans and that more than one hundred passages involve divine commands to kill humans.[9]
Now let’s examine what the Quran says about Islam acknowledging and respecting Christianity and Judaism:
The Qur’anic View of the Jewish and Christian Scripture
1/ The Qur’an teaches that all scripture should be respected in the same way:
O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Apostle, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Apostle and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the Day of Judgement, hath gone far, far astray (4:136 AYA).
We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them (3:84 AYA).
2/ The Torah that was given to Moses, and the Gospel that was given to Jesus, are the scriptures that the Jews and Christians now possess:
Those who follow the Messenger (Mohammed), the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them (7:157 MP).
And when there cometh unto them (Jews) a Scripture (the Qur’an) from Allah, confirming that in their possession (2:89 MP).
Islam is the only religion that embraces Judaism and Christianity. The hatred for Islam seems to come
from ignorant fools that cannot realize that there are over 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, and they
are not going anywhere.
Rako Silgate / July 5, 2013
Who the hell is this fella, Bruce Feiler. Dhaksha or whoever you are, Don’t always read calamitous, distasteful and savage stuff. Try and read some non threatening and non-violent material too. You know ? It’s not your damn idiots only that inhabit this place please know that, and for your information, what Lord Buddha preached was a philosophy, He didn’t say that he is God, That’s a doctrine especially for hate mongers like you, learn to cultivate that, and when you are in your proper senses, try and adopt that. Bye you blockhead.
Dhaksha / July 5, 2013
Your ignorance shows, and your attempt at making personal attacks is amusing.
Truth seems to hurt, and the inability to respond with facts obvious.
That quote was from Wikipedia, Bruce Feiler unknown to you in your small minded world, is a well known scholar who has written 9 books on religion, and had a wonderful education in Yale and Cambridge universities. A learned scholar and not a modaya with an empty mind:
Dhaksha / July 5, 2013
Also learn to read comments properly…I have not mentioned Buddhism in my comment, unless of course true facts about Jews stung you. These are facts not a ranting from hasbara.
Amarasiri / July 4, 2013
Roshi Nangi,
Just grow up! Know the facts. Get educated.
Are you out of your mind? Get the facts.
1. Muslims comprise a variety of sects just like Christianity. At one extreme are the Wahhabis, Deobandis and Taliban, who have mixed their tribal customs and used selected verses to support their ends. You refer these these maniacs. At the other end you have Sufis whose practices and meditation are closer to Buddhism as a philosophy.
The Wahhabis primarily attack the other Muslims who are not Wahhabis, like Sufis , Shias and Ahamadeias. Just read the violence in Pakistan and other places Wahhabis concentrate. Of course the Wahhabis will attack non-Muslims if they attack Wahhabis.
2. You cannot scale up and generalize Wahhabi actions to All Muslims. Similarly, you cannot generalize the actions of BBS monks to All Buddhists and say that is Buddhism.
3. The Atrocities committed by the Christian Church are so huge, the Muslims look very mild. Roshi you have been brainwashed.
I suggest you read a well written history by Tamim Ansary, and improve your facts sand general knowledge.
“We in the west share a common narrative of world history. But our story largely omits a whole civilization whose citizens shared an entirely different narrative for a thousand years.
In Destiny Disrupted, Tamim Ansary tells the rich story of world history as the Islamic world saw it, from the time of Mohammed to the fall of the Ottoman Empire and beyond. He clarifies why our civilizations grew up oblivious to each other, what happened when they intersected, and how the Islamic world was affected by its slow recognition that Europea place it long perceived as primitive and disorganizedhad somehow hijacked destiny.”
4. The Portuguese failed to make Lanka Catholic like Philippines. However, the New World paid the price.
5. Sinhala Buddhists discriminated against 2 million Tamils in Sri Lanka when there are 60 mullion Tamils in Tamil Nadu. Lanka lost India, with a population of 1 billion.
6. Now they want to discriminate against 1.5 million Muslims in Lanka and lose the support of 1.2 billion Muslims from 50 odd countries. A Western Conspiracy against Lanka supported by Norwegian and LTTE Diaspora?
7. Then discriminate against Christians and lose support of 2 billion Christians from 100 Countries.
8. It is better for Sinhala Buddhists to be Atheists and disband the Buddhist Monks. Underneath it all, it is about the Monks and Priests. Read Marlin Luther’s struggles in the 16th Century against the Catholic Church Hegemony and Indulgences.
DeJa Vu….
Hanuman / July 7, 2013
well, the Muslims would have taken over all of India if not for these Christian Portuguese, Brits….just as they did with Southeast Asia.
SL too is no exception.
Goraka / July 4, 2013
Roshi, you are suffering from your own hate. Feel sorry for you. May you have some peace.
Gerald / July 10, 2013
you have quoted the Quran out of context, your approach is to mislead others and giving misconception . You have taken verse 2.191 but if you go to previous verse that is 2, 190 say
2, 190. And fight in the Way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allah likes not the transgressors.
Then you go to 191 here it clearly give permission to fight who fight you, then in war you kill your enemy, I hope this is what Sri Lankan Army did to LTTE.
Then conveniently you skip verse 2. 192 again to give wrong context.
192 says -2. 192. But if they cease and surrender then give them safety, Creator is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Unfortunately surrounded LTTE were murder in cold blood. So you see this religion is far better when it come o human rights.
193. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Creator) and (all and every kind of)
worship is for the Creator (Alone). But if they cease, let there
be no transgression except against wrong doers.
Now we go to 5, 33 again you took the wrong translation and wrong meaning.
5,32. Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land – it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all
mankind. And indeed, there came to them Our Messengers with clear
proofs, evidences, and signs, even then after that many of them continued to exceed the limits (e.g. by doing oppression unjustly and exceeding beyond the limits set by Allah by committing the major sins) in the land!.
5,33. The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.
You see verse before and after which tell the full story but if you pick and choose with your own convenience to give wrong message and mislead the public which should condemn in strongest possible way.
Roshi you try to fool others but in actual sense you have fooled yourself. If you don’t know then ask who know, this is better for you.
Ansar / July 4, 2013
This article brings back my bitter memories of 1983 riots when I was an A/L student waiting in the queue of Public Library to get into the auditorium for studies. Buddhists,Tamils,Christian & Muslims all were in the queue and all hell broke lose and there was total pandemonium and I had to walk back home as everything came to a halt and all what I saw was death and destruction along the way, what an eyesore it was.Now my son is planning to sit for his A/L this year and I fear the same event is waiting to explode any moment now. How can our rulers pay in this world or hereafter for fomenting this type of carnage on innocent human beings. All because of their greed for power. I only can leave it at the doors of the Creator to take care of all who are instrumental in setting the stage for this death and destruction on earth, especially our Mother Lanka.
Kautilya / July 4, 2013
Anti Muslim desperation doesn’t have a long distance to go.
Number one talk / July 4, 2013
Buddhism radicals are no different from any other radicals. These Buddhists radicals want to take the country back into dark age. They are trouble makers and they encourage extremism and incites hatred: they should be punished under the law and they are not taken into court. What type of justice is this? When people from majority break laws they are immured from punishment and yet when people from minority so a friction of law breaking they are taken into court. Why is this double standard
Number one talk / July 4, 2013
Dear Roshe. Please stop telling lie and learn true Islam before you speak about it. Listen to speech of justice weeramontray to know some glimes of shariah
Roshi / July 4, 2013
We dont need to Know Glims of Shariya. IF you need learn Glims of budhism. this is a sihala buddhist country.
Without giving supid comment , answe r with evidace for Jacisa’s a rticle with evidance.
say if ismal is not :asking to kill infidels”
say if islam is not what Jasica dscibes, with evidance
mere saying “Glims of shariya” doest unswer the question and it shows how stupid u and ur belief is.
besides, no room for shriya in Sri Lanka. do others other than muslims can have their own laws in islamic countries ? can a woman stay without covering her hed in saudi Arabiya ??
talk you hypocrit. WE dont need ur shariya. and why try to impose it on us by force. this is why America is bombong on u. this is why worls hates u. you guys are a real cancer. get lost. we hate u
Amarasiri / July 4, 2013
Dear Roshi Nangi,
Get Educated! Get the facts. Do not try to be a “Modi”
Sri Lanka had Sinhala Buddhist conflicts for 1,500 years before Islam, and Wahhabi is a new and recent phenomenon, aided and abetted by Great Britain to destabilize the Ottoman Empire and take over the Ottoman Lands.
A greater part of Sinhala Buddhism core problems are due to Racist Monk Mahanama Myths.
The politicians exploit that.
They say, “Sinhalaya Modaya Kavun Kanna Yodaya”. Looks like Monk Mahanama Knew that. The politicians knew that and know that.
Amarasiri Aiya
Roshi / July 5, 2013
Amarasir, im sure u are not a son of my father. besides some muslim women worked in our estate and im sure my father must have made few of them pregent. so that y u call me Nangi ?
but sorry. childen born to servent are not considered as family in our cast. so get lost.
u seem to have a big inferity complex to use some other sinhala name, been a muslim. shame on u. no wndr all uslims and ur NAbi are fake.
Amarasiri / July 5, 2013
Now, I am absolutely sure you are not the daughter of my father. It is Impossible. Thee are no “Modis” in our family.
I apologize for the error.
So you must have descended from some other Southern Indian Gene Pool. You can get it tested. Your father’s… father goes to South India and … East Africa.
PS: Your Y Chromosomes are missing. True for all Modis. So need to get DNA samples from a male from your father’s side to trace your fathers line.
Go to http://www.genographic.com
DeJa Vu….
Dhaksha / July 4, 2013
The arrogance of the modaya’s…biting the hand that feeds them with insults and hate.
The hypocrisy of this ignorant lot. Hate the Muslims, but seems they cannot hate the all the
wonderful revenue, dollars and moola’s, that comes from those Muslims countries, our poor laborers are sent their
to be ill treated and work hard for “Roshi” to enjoy the billions that come in, and yet “Roshi” is okay
with Muslim money, although Roshi “hates” the Muslim.
If BBS wants hates Muslims tell them to tell their leaders to stop sending poor Sri Lankans to work as slaves in the ME countries, and REFUSE any investment from them. If Muslims get “lost” Roshi will have to beg for MORE from Israel, Norway and the US. Roshi does not realize that one of the highest revenues Sri Lanka receives is from the Sri Lankans working in many Muslim countries. What ignorance.
Let’s not forget investment and pouring in of money by Muslim nations:
The Saudi Arabia based Hadi Hamad Al-Hammam Group are to build a $154m dockyard in Galle Port. It will be used to build and repair vessels for Sri Lanka and the Maldives. The group signed an agreement with the Sri Lanka Board of Investment last week, and will invest $45m in the first phase, with the potential to provide 6,500 jobs.
More Muslim nations:
Rashid Mohamed Mehran, Managing Director, of Abu Dhabi’s Ghantoot Group and head of the Abu Dhabi investment team held discussions with Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa on Tuesday on investment opportunities in Sri Lanka.
And a quote about the revenue from Muslims nations, not Christian, Jewish, or even Buddhist countries:
“More than a million Sri Lankans work in the Middle East 60 percent of whom are poor, rural women who repatriate all their earnings to support their families back home.
Remittances this year are expected to reach three billion US dollars — up from 2.5 billion dollars in 2007– taking care of 70 percent of the country’s trade deficit.
Any fall in remittances are sure to have a ripple effect on the economy since almost a quarter of Sri Lanka’s 20 million people depend directly or indirectly on this income, economists say.”
Hamas / July 5, 2013
Also lets not forget the help rendered by Pakistani Military to our defense forces at a critical juncture in the war..Not many people seem to remember those acts..
Lester / July 5, 2013
you guys are a real cancer. get lost. we hate u
Definitely… though I do not “hate” Muslims, I hate the philosophy of Islam. Muslims should either give it up, or leave the island through peaceful means. There are many countries with 95% of the population being Muslims, but there is only one majority Sinhala-Buddhist nation.
Rajo / July 5, 2013
You are good coconut scraper or get scraped by others
Anura / July 5, 2013
Roshi Kelle,
You say “This is a Sinhala Buddhist country”
Then what about people like me who are descendants of QUWENEE and ‘Naga, Raksha, Dewa’
I think you are Tree Worshipping type Buddhist and have completely misinterpreted understanding on basic concepts like METTA, KARUNA, and Mudhita, but talk about Glims of Buddhisum !!
PS: I am so exited to hear that you are going to know my door. Come on a Friday night :-)
Roshi / July 5, 2013
[Edited out]
Hamas / July 5, 2013
Wow..that was intense…is that time of the month for you?? Well chuti kelle you are forgiven then..
AYMAN / July 9, 2013
Gerald / July 10, 2013
Your not rosi but a idiot. America is running away from all war front cause they had enough. Afghanistan was never occupied by any invader but defeated, same happened to USSR and now same fate to NATO.
You are the cancer and racist cancer need to be eliminated. Because of people like you and BBS Sri Lanka suffered for more than 30 years. During war Gandasara drunkard was enjoying his drink. But if you ask people who lost their love ones in Colombo bomb blasts, family of soldiers who lost their love ones they will tell you the pain and suffering their going through. All these are because of bunch of racist like you.
Alan / July 22, 2013
Where did you get this Sharia book? can you give me a copy of that, let me read it. Your brain is fully washed by alcohol.
You are such a stupid fool.
Q: “can a woman stay without covering her head in saudi Arabiya ??
Answer: Yes……
So, I assume that you don’t have any knowledge here to comment. My kind request to you please leave from here as you have been insulted over here. You are one of my sister we have the same blood. I feel sorry for you.
Aney Apochchi! / July 26, 2013
I would even support Sharia Law if it got rid of the likes of you who are truly a blight on the world and a blot on the landscape!
Dil / July 4, 2013
To the person who commented on Thisarani,
You want to eradicate so called “Islamic Barbarians” by becoming a “Buddhist Barbarian” and killing all Muslims?. Tell show me the difference being a “Muslim Barbarian” and “Buddhist Barbarian”?
i.e. Dear friend you need psychiatric help.
Lester / July 5, 2013
Here is the difference:
Alan / July 22, 2013
Like this thousands of cases happen in Sri Lanka in 1988,89. I hope you have not born that time nor you just forgot the History.
Matale mass grave still under investigation…….
Rita / July 4, 2013
When was this picture taken please?
Rita / July 4, 2013
Who is addressing the meeting please?
Point of View / July 4, 2013
Two days ago. Champika – Hela Urumaya guy.
rita / July 4, 2013
Thank you, Point of View.
Sunil Dahanayake / July 4, 2013
I full agree with what Rhoshi has mentioned. I have listened to the speeches made by “Bodu Bala Sena” in their public campaigns against this “cold war” carried out by one of the communal groups in Sri Lanka.
I appreciate and thank “Bodu Bala Sena” for their campaign in highlighting and disclosing this bitter truth to the Sri Lankan people.
This writer always writes with venom in her mouth and cannot understand the grass root reality of what is happening in Sri Lanka. This writer does not have any kind of pragmatic knowledge about the ethnic war carried out in Sri Lanka.
I kindly request this writer to be more objective and pragmatic and try to understand the hearts and minds of ordinary Sri Lankan people.
Samare / July 4, 2013
how would you measure the articles whether they are objective to some extent or not? No doubt the style of writing of a journalist is unique to him or her.
She always adds her references as the main source to her writings. This has been the style of her from that day on.
Aney Apochchi! / July 26, 2013
Sunil Dahanayake:
What is this absolute nonsense tha goes
“This writer always writes with venom in her mouth and cannot understand the grass root reality of what is happening in Sri Lanka. This writer does not have any kind of pragmatic knowledge about the ethnic war carried out in Sri Lanka.”
You should spend your time and efforts learning to write INTELLIGIBLE English. It will be VERY useful!
Ansar / July 4, 2013
Oh Dear Roshi, Islam was never spread by violence or by force. It was all a result of the kindness,passion,human virtues and tolerance preached by Prophet Mohamed (Peace be Upon Him) and inculcated in his followers who went to all parts of the world with the message of peace and humanity, which lead to the spontaneous spread of Islam in every nook and corner of the world, due to their good qualities in dealing with whomever they came into contact with.That is precisely the reason why even one of the Christian scholars who analysed the lives of 100 great messengers/personalities of the world, rated Prophet Mohamed (PBUH)number one in his list. I cannot exactly recall who that scholar was and I am sure one of the readers can vouch for this. Your depiction of Islam and Quran are way out of context and misleading. Some of the phrases of the Quran were meant only for specific instances and cannot be generalised, the way you quote. For instance, the complete prohibition of alcohol for consumption was revealed in stages and if you pick from a verse before the complete banning of alcohol in Islam, you are surely misleading the innocent masses. So I respectfully request you to get your facts right and then put pen to paper. Let me end my note, by saying ignorance of the ignorant is the malady of the ignorant. Please correct me, if I am wrong. I also would like to emphasize that I am only a layman with regard to the complete knowledge of Quran and am willing to stand corrected, by any Islamic scholar on the subject of interpretation Quran, which we Muslims consider divine, and I am sure it is, otherwise Saudi Arabia will not be the last in the list of Crime prone countries in the world, if not for the implementation of Sharia. We know to what level our man made laws have taken us and continue to take us down the precipice, eg. Our Former Chief Justice (Innocent/proved guilty),Duminda Silva (Daylight murderer,scot free), Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman who murdered a foreigner,given bail to murder again, Vaaz Gunawardane (proved murderer,given comfort in the prison) to name a few,where are we heading…..Miracle of Asia.
Point of View / July 5, 2013
Don’t bother replying to these comments – they are paid to post idiotic comments. They will do anything for a packet of rice and a bottle of Arrack.
Netizen / July 5, 2013
Exactly, there’s a group of agent provocateurs here, who pop up in various guises taking extreme stances — it appears on both sides of the fence. They use any opportunity to twist issues into a cause for incitement and to create an illusion that all sinhala buddhists are racists and all muslims are terrorists. In this way, they create the illusion of Sri Lanka that they would have the world believe. Best to leave these olu bukkhas to dance their sordid dance alone. I am not talking about the authors of the articles, but those who make comments.
Sharia Boy / July 6, 2013
Mike / July 7, 2013
Lester the barbarian, please note!!
Roshi / July 4, 2013
Great Brother. you have bone to grasp what is going on. our people aew so ignorent, they dont see the grass root cold war taken by muslims.
they nicely capture the country and power
and then impliment Shariya.
People like you should be appriciated who have brains to think. People like us should get together and educate the eneducated sinhaless ( non muslims) and fight againt Bodu Bala Sena
I too dont agree with some act s of this governemt. that is something we all should agree and fight. But we have to face the evil-slow-yet steady enemy with wisdom.
Islamic evil cannot be delt with democracy. Maldives, Bagladesh, Afganistan. etc all were buddhist countries. what they do is they become the majority and impose shariya, non-muslim taxes and depression so people have to convert.
Lets protect Sri Lanka. Im currently in U.S and hope to Join BBS and help in there work as much as possible., Thise who ae abroad can send funds etc to BBS.
May BBS be strong and courage to fight the islamic Evil. lets have a pure state.
love u brother !!!
Anura / July 5, 2013
What your penny can do if rich Saudis put attention to Islam related issues in SL?
I have a project to teach English to Tamil kids in Mulativu and Nadumkarni area. Bagawad Gita and Rigwade versus will be used as materials. I am putting money, you can help me as a teacher. I believe You have read Quran, you will find Bagawad Gita more fun to read.
With love
Dhaksha / July 4, 2013
A very factual article Tissarannee, and well written. It seems the truth however unpleasant is hard to deny.
This is a well planned effort by those with an evil agenda, to cause instability in this country, by attacking helpless minorities and using hate speeches against them, for devious reasons. Using Buddhism as their tool, and proclaiming there is danger when there is none, these elements are going agains their very own religion, to achieve their devious goals. It is a shame that some here have no intelligence to realize this, and like mindless sheep justify and show agreement to hate mongers and saffron robed terrorists, who keep the hate going. We cannot keep blaming foreign elements for this, when our own government has condoned such racial hatred and attacks by being silent, or opening the offices of these yellow robed terrorists.
It seems there are certain elements in this country, still blood thirsty for wars and strife.
Senguttuvan / July 4, 2013
“The journey which commenced in 1956 has reached its natural goal…”
How true; how prophetic. May the Chinthana be praised.
Number one talk / July 4, 2013
Dear Rossi what you have to learn about glimes of Buddhism
You want bow down to mud, soil, stone, trees and statues. Don’t bow down to Budda rather bow down to one who created Buddha: He is nothing but a human being like me and you: why do you bow down to him rather than one who created him and all universes: clean your heard with pure thought: Devil hatch its egg on your heads that is why do this stupid bowing mud , clay and stones: May Almighty guide and save you from Hellfire when you die
Roshi / July 5, 2013
if Alla is so powerful y cant he save Myanmar Muslims ??????????
come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[Edited out]
Number one talk / July 4, 2013
Do not talk about Sinhala Buddhist country. It is a myth today: shall tell you how
Today there are five communities in Sri Lanka today
Buddhists 61 %
North East Tamils: 12%
Upcountry Tamil 6%
Sinhala Tamil Christians 8%
Muslim and Malays 10%
The rest 3%
Buddhism represent only 61% of the country today
It will go down into 50% in decades
How it will happen?
Most of Buddhists who migrate into Europe will loose thief religions either become non- religious or become Christians or Muslims
All NGO work day and night in SL to make children into Christianity .More than 400 hundreds we have : let them do their good work: do not blame them but blame your falsehood of religion:
Most of people youth of community love to live like westerners rather than going to bow down to mud, clay and trees
More two hundreds thousands monks we might have in SL let them become one millions or 1/2 millions soon: they are not allowed to marry . This in return in long time reduce your community at with some percentage
What more girls in your community marry after 30 years : they could have only one or two children
What more now is couple want to have only two children in your community
What more is your people alcoholics and family life is ruined by this
This mean in 100 years Buddhism will be wiped out from not only from SL all part of world
Same will happened to all religions but only true religion will survive : take it from me: Truth alway prevail over falsehood of mud and clay
Goraka / July 4, 2013
Please look at state of Buddhism expounded by BBS. The threat to Buddhism is not from other religions. Buddhism will be bought to disrepute from within, not from outside.
Have you noticed the reaction of Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and moderate Buddhists to the extremism in SL. They are watching the whole stupidity with sadness.
Amarasiri / July 5, 2013
Dear Number one Talk Today,
Correction. Stick to Facts. Correct Population Numbers.
You Report:
Today there are five communities in Sri Lanka today
Buddhists 61 %
North East Tamils: 12%
Upcountry Tamil 6%
Sinhala Tamil Christians 8%
Muslim and Malays 10%
The rest 3%
Buddhism represent only 61% of the country today
It will go down into 50% in decades
How it will happen?
What are the Factual Numbers for 1012 from the SL Govt?
Total Population 2012: 20,263,723
Buddhists 70.2 %
Hindus 12.6%
Islam 9.7%
Catholic 6.1%
Other Christian 1.3%
Total 100%
The lies, yes lies, spread by BBS and others. Do not try to be a modaya. Use common sense. Copernicus, Galileo , Luther and others did that.
1. Buddhism represent only 70.2% of the country today. It was 70% for the last 50 years.
2. It will NOT go down into 50% in decades, UNLESS the Buddhists Behave.
Question: How it will happen?
1. Coutsey of BBS, Sinhala Ravya, and All the corruption by the Sinhalese Buddhists.
2. Sinhala Buddhists will be disgusted just like the others. They will turn to other Religions, especially Christianity, Atheism, non-religious,Sufism, Hinduism, Jainism, and even the the 7th Century Tribal Wahhabi ism for Salvation.
3. The Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka today is NOT Buddhism. It is called Mara ism, Budu Balu ism.
4. Sinhala Buddhist Children are ashamed. They are becoming more and convinced that the Bana, The Pali Bana and Pirith, the Bodhi Poojas with pots of water around the temple, and praying to painted clay statues are all meaningless, not Buddhism, and see emptiness and Buddhist Monk hegemony.
It is for the above reasons why most of the Buddhist Children will not pick up the myths of their parents. So, the BBS needs to go deeper into the Villages to recruit the “Modayas”. In Sri Lanka, there are fewer and fewer Modayas.
Is there is no need to save Sinhala Buddhism? What is the need? The need is for personal salvation, not to save Buddhist Monk Hegemony.
1. Buddhism was imported from India around 300 BC. The people were Animist, Jain and Hindu. Therefore, there is no need to protect Buddhism any more than Animist, Jain and Hindu beliefs.
2. Sinhala gene pools is the southern Indian gene pool. It is protected and represented in the Tamil and Muslim Gene pool as well as in the Sinhala gene pool in Sri Lanka and Southern India.
3. So what is not common is Buddhism. It is Buddhism that is dividing the people. The problem lies with Monk Mahanama and the Mahanama Myths.
4. There was a civilization before Buddhism. King Ravana was Hindu and had a civilization, if Ramayana is true.
Why did SOME people buy Mahanama Myths? Did the LSSP and CP supporters buy these Myths? Why did you believe the incorrect census numbers?
One can fool some of the people some of the time. However, it is hard to fool all the people all the time.
In Sri Lanka Buddhism is about Monk Hegemony. Not much different from the Catholic Church Hegemony. Read about Martin Luther. Read about the Wahhabi-Saudi Axis that was promoted by the British to destabilize Ottoman Empire- the Great Game.
In Sri Lanka, it was the Monk-King Axis. In Saudi Arabia Mullah-King Axis. Turkey got rid of it and became secular, thanks to Kamal Ataturk.
The Earth Still goes around the Sun, despite many beliefs and Myths.
DeJa Vu…..
Talk direct / July 4, 2013
Dear Roshi, Sunil Please read the comment number to know the truth: do distort facts
Benadict / July 4, 2013
Nearly two hundreds thousands monks are in Sri Lanka , let them marry and have each five children , tell BBS supporters also to screw thier wives day and night instead of going for protest rally.within ten years you can increase your population. so why Buddhists are worry about population.tell them not to concume ARRACK , if they consume arrack and screw they can not have good quality of children
Point of View / July 4, 2013
Great solution to the Sinhala-Buddhist population crisis :)
Dissa N / July 4, 2013
Minister Champika Ranawaka has come forward to completely remove the 13A, he is confident he will get necessary 150 votes. Current problem facing the country is holding provincial council elections in the Northern Province.
TNA is going to win and they are going to start Elam project again.
When the LTTE regain power separatists agenda comes into picture, we do not want go in to a bomb blast era again. Daily LTTE bomb blasts and destruction of lives on a daily basis was the issue. Thousands of casualties, which are the reasons why Minister Champika Ranawaka has come forward to completely remove the 13A.
Removal of northern provincial council from the map will effectively put an end to the separatism and violence in Sri Lanka. Let us not discuss irrelevant subjects and try to remove the 13A from the constitution.
JHU also has a democratic right to protect this nation from separatist violence.
Let’s see democratically what will be the choice in the parliament.
Some have pledged to resign if this Bill is parsed. Some are confident Bill will get the two third majorities. People are confident referendum will approve complete abolition of thirteenth amendment.
There is a very high chance referendum will be held on this subject, however partial removal and continuation of northern provincial councils would not be confirmed by a referendum. Masses would support only complete removal. People are not stupid to keep powerless diluted provincial councils to establish Tamil Elam in the future.
Rajakantha / July 5, 2013
Champika is a national hero, UPFA will get historical win with two thirds Majority.
Dhaksha / July 4, 2013
Well, that is one thing that will be easy for them to do, apparently they are not good with numbers, they think the 9.7 percent Muslims are miraculously going to take over the entire country, and they shiver in their boots. I think every little children can fathom out that one.
Buddhism (70.2%)
Hinduism (12.6%)
Islam (9.7%)
Christianity (7.4%)
Amarasiri / July 5, 2013
“Nearly two hundreds thousands monks are in Sri Lanka “
They are all trouble.
Send them to India. Nepal or Tibet. They need mote than in Sri Lanka.
Then Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhists can practice the True Buddhist Philosophy.
Mahadana Muththa (Jnr) / July 4, 2013
We need to protect Buddhism from politicians.
SWRD Bandaranaike and his widow started the rot by dividing the people by ethnicity and now the Rajapaksas are doing one better by dividing us by religion.
Samare / July 4, 2013
Man be realistic. Even today people are against Imperialists. Anyway it is upto ones to interpret their own theories. I do believe that it was the people^s power to that time in the country. It is perhaps comparable of the power of BBS and the like segments in the country today.
whywhy / July 5, 2013
Mahadana muththa
You got it wrong.It’s the other way round.
Criminals,Rogues,Rowdies and Monks are in
politics which is a threat to REAL POLITICS.
By bringing these elements into politics,it’s
the politics that got adulterated.People have
to spring clean politics,an urgent need.
Amarasiri / July 6, 2013
Mahadana Muththa,
This is how Turkey handed it 90 years ago. Sri Lanka needs a Kamal Ataturk, not BBS, Sibnhala Buddhism, and Mahinda Rajapaksa or Bandaranaike or JR .
1. A secular state is more Egalitarian than a Theocracy based on myths.
The question is do they want to be a client state.
2. Kamel Ataturk in 1923 reinvented the Ottoman Empire and declared the modern secular Turkey. In this new country, that comprised more than 99% Muslims, Islam would be excluded from any role in public policy and demoted to the private sphere where it might go on thriving as a religion like any other, so long as its adherents didn’t bother the neighbors.
3. Turkey was thus the first Muslim-majority country to declare itself secular and to make the separation of politics and religion an official policy.
Sri Lanka, we have Buddhist Monks running Amok, citing Monk Mahanama Myths. The Mahanayakas are silent. We have politicians licking their asses. Disgusting. What a shame.
4. Having demoted Islam, however, Ataturk needed some other principle to unify his new country, so elaborated an ideology that sanctified six isms. Nationalism,secularism, reform ism, statism, populism and republicanism. Turks call this Kemalism.
5. Modernist to the core, He did not call himself King or Sultan. He had a new constitution written, set up a parliament, and established a republican form of government with himself as president. The parliamentary democracy he built endures to this day.
6. Iran and Afghanistan also tried and for various reasons ran into trouble with entrenched forces based on self-interests.
7. Egypt Today: So, this could be an opportunity for Egypt to clean up the Islamists with with their Myths and Mullahs, and later get away becoming a client state. All the commonwealth countries were client state of Great Britain sometime back.
DeJa Vu… The Kamel Ataturk Revolution.
Lester / July 4, 2013
Nationalism is good. It keeps communities strong and prevents foreigners from destabilizing the society. When you have unlimited multiculturalism, political correctness, and so-called “democracy”, the minorities lose respect for the majority. Instead, the majority becomes “Enemy Number 1”, as the minorities demand more and more power, until finally they ask for separation or take over the country itself. That is what happened in India when Gandhi tried to appease the Muslims; the latter took Gandhi’s generosity as a weakness and what was the end result, except Pakistan.
As I said, if a society is divided, it can be exploited by foreign elements. This is what the West is doing in Syria, using Sunnis to fight against Shias. It is what the British did in Sri Lanka a long time ago, when they created a class of obediant lackeys educated in missionary schools, to serve as civil servants.
Rajapakse is creating a dynasty, and that is a good thing for Sri Lanka. Right now, the global political landscape is unstable. The USA is trying to put its dirty hands in every pot, and there are few who can stop them. Islamic jihad has reached a high point; most likely, it will not succeed in Syria, but will start afresh in some new place. So, it is good that Sri Lanka has someone like Rajapakse who can oppose these forces of global terror: the imperial USA and radical Islam.
Sun / July 5, 2013
That is limited to your world. People of your ilk would not see anything beyond.
In Europe, Nationalism is the opposite of your view. People would not want to name themselves as nationalists.
douglas / July 5, 2013
We all know how this 13th Amendment was introduced to the Sri Lanka Constitution. All those who comment for and against do not speak of the manner in which it was established without even given the democratic right to examine it in detail to consider the suitability of the provisions contained to cater to the “local needs”. Even, it is strange for an experienced journalist like Thisarani, to have overlooked that aspect of this Constitutional Amendment “imposed” on Sri Lanka at a very critical time during the time of JRJ. It is suffice to say that the then Government of Sri Lanka was taken “hostage” and India “twisted” the arms of the Chief Executive of Sri Lanka to “impose” this Amendment. So for twenty six years this was in the Statute Books and every successive Government just “ingnored” it and in fact “used” it to “empower” themselves and their “Loal Agents”
That is what even MR did, immeadiately after winning the war. He completely ignored the “need” to set up a “clean” and “workable” Local Government Administrative set up with the ultimate objective of “unification” of the country; but rushed to “empower” and “establish” his “ego centric” “EMPIRE”. It never occured to him that one day this “Imposed System” of Local Government will have to be given and established in the North and East.
That is how he “SET FIRE” to the whole country. Now even the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe says, MR must keep up the “pomise” given to UNHRC in Geneva. He too does not know, he is also “Playing with Fire”. Of course, we cannot expect anything better from him, and he should be execused and written off from the Balance Sheet.
Now the “FIRE” is spreading and it is the responsibility of those who”Set up the Fire” to contain it.
gaje / July 5, 2013
Rosie Rosie, ………..polla genen balla maranna…… a violent act….
You are filled with hatred! Nahi verani verani…… please learn the damma pada before trying to be a savior of Buddhism through hatred and violence! Buddha did say those who do not follow these principles are non Buddhists I.e mithya dushtika… (although you may have a yellow label of being a buddhist) please look at yourselves BBS OR RAVAYA OR ROSIE..OR JHU…. WHETHER YOU ARE TRUE BUDDHISTS? Please give up your vision of Buddhism and your robes without insulting the most sacred philosophy (not a religion) in the world. We should feel ashamed of ourselves as Buddhists when we look at the behaviour of FANATICAL POWER HUNGRY MITHYA DUSHTIKAYIN!!!!
K.A Sumanasekera / July 5, 2013
Ms T is theatening the Sinhala Buddhist majority of an impending Extremism by a Tamil/Muslim/ Coalition.
This seems the mother of all Extremism par excellence of even the LTTE version.
Is this a coincidence or part of the Grand Plan ?.
Promoting Hatred, and inciting violence against other ethnic groups is Haram in the West which Ms Ts kowtow.
Here Ms T does it in the open without any hesitation.
Creating hatred among the inhabitants in the North, by alleging Widow Rape, Grease Yakkos, Land grbbing,
Launching the Norwegian chapter to start a Halal war,
Alleged attacks on Churches around the country,
And now the ultimate threat of this grand coalition to inflict harm on the great majority who are living in peace ,surely can’t be all coincidental,particularly in that order.
Can they?.
Peace Lover / July 5, 2013
hey Leela ( K A Sumansekera) who is spreading hatred man,its your so called theros who are leading the racial divide and when others stand up to what is right you call them as hate mongers
But i cant expect much from you after the Lee Potter scandal can I?
Sunakasena / July 5, 2013
I can say only one thing you are bitch.Born for a unknown basted.
Benadict / July 5, 2013
Is it possible for a man can live without discharging sperm ? 99.99% discharge.
how to discharge , you have to marry or masterbate . so Monks are masterbating.
aratai / July 5, 2013
I am surprised….you really don’t know what goes on there?
hasan khaleel / July 5, 2013
I’m 100% moderate. But the consequences of the personal gains bring harm to any place of this globe. In a global society we have to be broad and and transparent. We now live in a GLASS BOX as Dr, Sir, Arthur C Clerk told. Be wise for the sake of the future generation of this world. shun the differences. Let’s air and breathe the truth and Honesty.
Sandy / July 7, 2013
‘Democracy will not come
Today, this year
Nor ever
Through compromise and fear.
I have as much right
As the other fellow has
To stand
On my two feet
And own the land.
I tire so of having people say,
Let things take their course.
Tomorrow is another day.
I do not need my freedom when I’m dead.
I cannot live on tomorrows bread.
Freedom is a strong
In a great need.
I live here, too.
I want freedom
Just as you.
-Langstone Hughes-
Aney Apochchi! / July 26, 2013
How dare you quote a BLACK man? This is a Sinhala Buddhist country peopled by (FAIR) Aryans who will get even fairer by using Fair and Lovely which I am sure is the cosmetic of choice for Leela aka Lee Potter Hora aka Tsunamisekera.
You just wait and see, you all will get darker and darker by standing in the sun and we will get fairer and fairer and then update the Mahavamsa, guided by the Rajapassas!
Mahela / July 7, 2013
Thank you Tisaranee for your inspirational article as always and also for showing our Sinhala Buddhist Political Muts where they take our country.
Have you ever herd a Donkey becomming the King of the Jungle. Never. But in Sri Lanka it is the Sinhala Buddhist Politiccas who are the fake Kings of our country who destroyed it ever since we got independence.
The first Donkey who even changed his Religion to Govern Sri Lanka changed our Language in 24 hours and made it a buddist Sinhala country for his selfish power play, ultimately ended up getting killed like a dog from the same religion monk he changed to.
Another donkey said he will bring rice even from the moon, but ultimately ruined our whole Agriculture and plantation industry.
Another donkey said he can do anything in Sri Lanka except to make a woman a man, but ultimately Got the Indian special Mysoor Parippu drop from Air.
Now another donkey say he is seeking Home Grown Solutions to the country’s needs and Governing. He is the one who built home grown Harbours without ships, Airports without planes and mega theatres without conserts, spending Billions when more urgent needs are there to be met.
Infact of uniting all the Races, religions and communities to uplift our country and it’s economy, these political crooks divided them across racial, religion, party and zonal lines to keep and preserve their political careers.
Playing with the current 13+ will have grave repercussions, which could eventually could go upto dividing the country.
If the Rajapakses try to play Pandu with International, Indian and local communities, very soon Sri Lanka will become another Sudan.
A country that Singapore Prime Minister Lee quan yew said that he wish to follow as role model, now have become the bottom of Asian economies, with lowest productivity, lowest out put, lowest Health, education, political and Governance.
Politicians spend 90% of time fighting to preserve their ministerial positions, with endless elections been carried out wasting colossal amounts, while least amount of time spent on people to resolve their burning issues.
This is what happens when uneducated, unqualified donkeys with no proper vision, plan or future been drawn and impelmented.
Our country could have been much better place to live in communal harmony, education, health and more productive without these blood sucking Crook Political leeches.
undugodage / July 7, 2013
I salute you for the courageous debate you carry on on behalf of the Srilankan Buddhists.
I 100% agree with and cooperate in your endeavour. We Buddhists are not aggressive and like to live peacefully with other religious communities. We don’t mind any one having different religion and we don’t try to persuade others to become Buddhists.I also have many Muslim friends.
But I don’t approve the aggressive approach of Muslims.They are not satisfied by merely being Muslims and they want others also to be Muslims. The non aggressive attitude of the Buddhists could be one reason why in some former Buddhist countries like Afganistan,Bangladesh and Maldives entirely became Muslim. We don’t want this to happen in Srilanka. We DON’T WANT TO BE AGGRESSIVE BUT WE HAVE TO AT LEAST BE PROTEVTIVE. As you observe the way things happen and let them to continue THIS COUNTRY WILL NO LONGER BE A BUDDHIST COUNTRY.
Now the situation is not like in the past; earlier they penetrated peacefully taking the advantage of friendly and peaceful Buddhist attitudes ; but now have become more aggressive.
For example look at this on going debate. How many muslims join the debate with disguised Sinhala names; how many sinhalese Buddhist participate -very less- where is the majority?? If we continue to sleep without looking around and understand what is happening we will be destroyed easily.
Roshi, I very much appreciate your courage in engaging in this debate even staying abroad. Some time before I myself even thought whether the activities of BBS could be justified according to the teaching of our religion. But now I understand BBS is a timely movement required by the history.
I honestly salute again your courage
shantha / July 11, 2013
It seems to me that this newspaper itself is done by Muslims.Therefore sister Roshi ,Don’t try to answer these idiots.We have done the mistake by giving equal rights ,education,etc.We ll do what we can. you guys watch.