By Dayan Jayatilleka –
The footage on the TV News of the 6th anniversary of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP), commonly known as Pohottuwa, was truly pathetic. The Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) has never been in this bad a shape. Even in its stark decline in 1975-1977, the SLFP managed to win the occasional by-election and muster a large crowd on May Day.
The sheer verticality of the drop in the popularity of the SLPP is unprecedented in Sri Lankan politics and perhaps even in democratic politics anywhere. From the waves of 2019-2020 to the puddle of 2022 is a political morality tale (or Jataka tale) for democratic politicians everywhere.
The evaporation couldn’t have happened in two years if there wasn’t something radically wrong in the entire SLPP phenomenon.
An obvious answer is that President Gotabaya wiped out the rural/peasant base of the SLPP including in the deep South with his insane fertilizer policy. This is true but how could he do this and get away with it when the SLPP had a peasant base?
SLPP’s Birth Defects
The answer to that is the 20th amendment empowered him to do so. But that again doesn’t explain why the SLPP in Cabinet and Parliament approved it. I am not speaking here about Gotabaya’s supposed assurances. I am speaking of the fact that the 20th amendment went completely against the agreed upon model and logic of the Gotabaya candidacy and presidency.
Gotabaya became the candidate because the 19th amendment had not merely prevented Mahinda from running for a third consecutive term—which was a very desirable return to a two-term presidency—but even barred him from running for a non-consecutive third term, as did Lula.
Gota was supposed to play the same role as President as he did as Secretary/Defence under Mahinda’s wartime presidency. He was to be a proxy president like Dimitry Medvedev to Putin or Raul Castro to Fidel.
The 20th amendment tore up that model, because it vacuumed up the powers of the Prime Minister and deposited them in the hands of the President. To put it more simply it took the powers away from Mahinda as PM and gave them to Gotabaya as president. This destroyed the balance that was supposed to exist between the novice and the experienced, respected, well-like elder brother.
The Pohottuwa’s collapse was inevitable from the day it turned its back on the original model and conferred autocratic powers on Gotabaya. More to the point, it was inevitable from the moment Mahinda chose not to resist on the issue of the 20th amendment. The catastrophic fertilizer policy was possible because of that.
The SLPP’s crisis was preceded by the crisis of the parent party the SLFP. That dated back to the killing of Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra, the Labour advisor to Mahinda Rajapaksa, by Duminda Silva, the monitoring MP of the Ministry of Defence. It is that killing and at the funeral house, that the Maithripala Sirisena split was born.
The ghastly crime was perpetrated during Mahinda second term, in the postwar period. Already, the most crucial factor that has wrecked the Pohottuwa had begun to destroy Mahinda’s second term and pave the way for his defeat. This was the shift of the center of gravity from Mahinda Rajapaksa (where it was during wartime) to the Rajapaksa family (postwar). The wartime Mahinda presidency gave way to the postwar Rajapaksa Family presidency. The voters rejected that degeneration.
It took the wildly neoliberal-cosmopolitan 2015-2020 administration to swing the voters back to the Rajapaksas not just Mahinda, because they were reassured that whoever the President, Mahinda would be calling the shots.
That was not going to be the case, because already in 2010-2015, Basil and Gotabaya Rajapaksa had clawed away most of Mahinda’s power and shared it between them, while Mahinda, perhaps fatigued from his wartime leadership, had conceded that power to them.
With the defeat of 2015, Mahinda was back, authentically himself for a moment, because Basil’s and Gotabaya’s citadels within the state apparatus had already fallen. The old Mahinda of 2005-2009 or rather, the ghost of that Mahinda Rajapaksa was present during the Joint Opposition and the Mahinda Sulanga campaign—the two most impressive moments of the latter being the Nugegoda rally of February 2015 and the Matara Esplanade rally organized by Dullas Alahapperuma.
In 2015-2019, Basil and Gotabaya made their comeback in different ways, sandwiching Mahinda. At the heart of the formation of the SLPP there were two models. Would the SLPP be a formation such as the Ceylon National Congress or DS Senanayake’s UNP which would unite all the parties and personalities that comprised the Joint Opposition (JO)—as I had urged—or would it be a party solely for the SLFP members who were loyal to Mahinda?
It turned out to be the latter, and not for a noble purpose either. The SLPP which could have been a durable progressive bloc was from birth, was intended instead as the vehicle for Rajapaksa succession from which the JO parties were excluded because it facilitated exclusive Rajapaksa dominance and succession.
Basil, Basil, Basil
Basil Rajapaksa ran the SLPP. He built it up organizationally to the point of the massive Galle Face rally of 2017 and impressive Pohottuwa sweep of the Local Government elections of February 2018. However, the seeds of the Pohottuwa’s degeneration and current collapse had already been sown. Basil was a deeply unpopular personality who was held responsible by the Mahinda camp—including Dullas Alahapperuma and Wimal Weerawansa—for the electoral defeat of 2015.
There was some truth to that because I personally witnessed the delays in that campaign that were sourced in his need for personal control and micromanagement. There was also a rather more bitter – and speculative–allegation that the brothers didn’t mind Mahinda being defeated because that would hasten the succession by either one of them. Basil’s unpleasant arrogance alienated many in the MR camp.
Gotabaya was building up or to be perfectly accurate, being built up, quite separately from Basil. This was by a miscellaneous crew of a media magnate, political monks, some MPs (Mahindananda Aluthgamage, Dilum Amunugama), Sinhala expatriates and hawkish Sinhala nationalist men and women. The inception of that Alt-Right project went back at least to 2012 as evidenced by CA Chandraprema’s significantly entitled book – containing a claim which has zero credibility after the shambles of the Gota Presidency— “Gota’s War”.
Between the parallel build-ups of the succession projects of Basil and Gotabaya, the political and ideological identity, profile and space that Mahinda had established for at least 20 years, on a continuum with the center-left populism of Lakshman and George Rajapaksa, began to disappear.
Mahinda’s Role, Rise & Fall
In an irony of history, the last anyone, including me, saw and heard of the authentic old Mahinda Rajapaksa was during the 52 days afforded him by his erstwhile rival president Maithripala Sirisena, whose defection as SLFP General Secretary had caused the crack which defeated Mahinda in 2015. The Maithripala Sirisena-Mahinda Rajapaksa bloc which lasted through 2018 was the last of the MR center-left populist identity.
That Mahinda Rajapaksa has been replaced by the mummified Prime Minister of the Gotabaya Presidency and now the hawkish political zombie who has installed Ranil Wickremesinghe as President in preference to his own ideologue of his best years (2005-2010), Dullas Alahapperuma. By opting for Ranil, the aged Mahinda Rajapaksa and the aged Dinesh Gunawardena have betrayed everything they ever stood for and campaigned against for decades.
Mahinda Rajapaksa’s rating as a historical figure must be separated from his rating as a party-political and governmental leader. As a historical figure, due to his victory in a Thirty Years War and the ending of that war, Mahinda was, as Mao said of Stalin and Deng Xiaoping of Mao, 70% right and 30% wrong. That is Mahinda as head of state and commander-in-chief. But the same cannot be said of him as a party-political and governmental leader, primarily because he chose to carry the burden of a family whose members cared for themselves and their fortunes—political and otherwise– more than they cared for the country or for him.
In the end Mahinda himself has degenerated politically to the point that he cares for his family members more than he cares for what used to be his priority and prime loyalty as President: his country. Why else would he allow the fertilizer ban to go through without rebelling? Why else would he install Ranil Wickremesinghe who stands for the exact opposite of what the SLPP and SLFP stood for, as President, when he had other, non-familial choices within his party and government?
Mahinda Rajapaksa cannot save the SLPP. He has hit a low that Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike never did. However deep her political fortunes sank, she never sank to the level of installing and supporting a UNP leader as the leader of the country or even entertaining such a thought. Madam Bandaranaike remained consistent in her political stand and true to her principles to the end. I daresay DA Rajapaksa and DM Rajapaksa, and Lakshman and George Rajapaksa would have been horrified by Mahinda’s enthronement of Ranil, the UNP leader and the son of hardcore ideological opponent of theirs in 1956.
SLPP’s Suicide
Gotabaya revealed his true self with the fertilizer ban and the holocaust of the harvest. Basil revealed himself as a macroeconomic imbecile. Namal as a young man without a rebellious, progressive bone of generational solidarity in his body. Shasheendra as a blunderer if not worse in the matter of fertilizer procurement.
The parliamentarians of the Pohottuwa began to leave Mahinda and line up with Basil and Gotabaya, and some with both, in 2018. Now with Gotabaya and Basil ousted by the Aragalaya and its aftermath, the 22nd amendment, some MPs are back with Mahinda, other with Namal. Others are repeating their old pattern of defection to BR or GR by switching to President Ranil Wickremesinghe. This is made easier by the fact that unlike in 2015, they no longer have a peasant base to revolt against alignment with Ranil.
Whichever their option, if they vote for the Budget and remain where they are, none of them—including intelligent younger ones like Tharaka Balasuriya, Ramesh Pathirana and Kanchana Wijeysekara—will survive the electoral guillotine.
The future inevitably holds a more devastating defeat for the SLPP than the UNP’s in 1970 and the SLFP’s in 1977. If the SLPP wishes to look into its future, it has only to look at the electoral fate of the UNP in 2020. The idea of the SLPP and UNP contesting as a single party or alliance at any future election means nothing, because zero plus zero equals zero, just as zero into zero equals zero.
The Pohottuwa has just two exit ramps and parachutes for a soft landing. One is the Sirisena-led SLFP. The other is Dullas Alahapperuma and GL Peiris’ caucus, the Freedom People’s Congress (FPC), which is far more vibrant than the SLFP. Hopefully they will unite with each other. The last best chance for exit is voting against the upcoming Ranil-IMF Budget.
nimal fernando / November 9, 2022
One has to be alive to commit suicide ……… Pohottuwa was dead …….. a long time ago
The leader, Mahinda, is a dead man walking
Will they carry his carcass around, like Eva Peron’s ………. to gain some elusive political longevity?
It won’t be easy, you’ll think it strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your love after all that I’ve done
And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in, they just fell in to my lap
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired
They are illusions, they’re not the solutions they promised to be
The answer was here all the time
I love only me, and hope you love me
Cry for me, Sri Lanka …….. 6.9 million suckers and dwindling ……
leelagemalli / November 9, 2022
Those 6.9 mio voters are shameless. To my surprise they still haven’t repented. Why do our people fall into the pit day and night?
I got to talk to tuk tuk drivers, engineers, science teachers, doctors and all other professionals. The result is too much for me to bear. Not only the Sinhalese, many born in that soil are naturally corrupt and apathetic. They are not serious about anything. Even when cancer occurs, they prefer to follow sorcerers and sorcerers. Generally Sri Lankans (majority) are victims of any easy crime. I question today, Why have elected governments spent so much money on “free education” in the last 50 years to build a nation full of knowledge?
Sinhala_Man / November 12, 2022
Dear “leelaemali”,
You make interesting points, but (knowing you personally as I do – although we haven’t met in real time and place – we have talked using WhatsApp), you carry your observations too far.
nimal talking rot is all right, because his genre is clowning, and nobody tales him seriously. Actually, even the clown acknowledges that the “6.9 million suckers are dwindling.“
You say that many (thanks for not saying “all“) Lankans are not “serious about anything” (God, if he exists, and nimal, know how over-serious I am). So, you, who are serious, must be careful not to say that 6.9 million voters “still haven’t repented“. My assessment is that many have. Even strangers don’t mind giving me their views. You see, I identify myself by showing these comments (on my smartphone) which include my NIC number (483111444V) and telling them that they should vote for the candidates who they feel are best. I acknowledge that I now firmly support the NPP, which has got non-JVPers in it. I sometimes show my actual NIC, and may give my (cheaply printed) card for them to keep.
Then they talk freely!
Panini Edirisinhe
leelagemalli / November 13, 2022
If the writer of this article is Dayan Jayathilaka, he is 100 percent similar to Wimal Buruwanse who misled this nation for his personal gains. The effect is still undetectable to both. The difference is that DJ, by his own explanations, comes from an upper-class family, even though his education did not allow him to stay on the right side of politics for many years.
I am not proud that our people are less serious or not serious. I have studied many aspects of media, social media and many other fields.
They are clearly less serious about voting, not serious about criticizing, not serious about driving, not serious about eating, not serious about following witches and wizards. This can continue to various other fields as well.
As I am commenting this, an old German friend of mine brought in 2 dozen or more apples from his own garden. A week ago my Spanish friend approached me to discuss vacation planning in beautiful Sri Lanka. I said to both, the country is beautiful, but the people are like a pool of poisonous reptiles. In addition, I told them, “outer cover of the book” is “Sinhala Buddhism”; But it is a way of life based on Hindu religious myths rather than the true teachings of our Lord Buddha.
leelagemalli / November 13, 2022
2/ They are both over 75 years old and are good examples of being serious about whatever they do and the way they deal with social activities in my village, the way they volunteer for the Syrian refugees, etc… caught my attention above all else. . . Germans in today’s world are 100% helpful and serious people. Because of the tsunami that day, more than fifty thousand people lost their lives on the coast of Sri Lanka, my friends and relatives have collected a lot of money and transferred it to a government account in Galle. Later, I had to experience that Rajapaksa was robbed of money by dogs. – Now please dont attack me being holding high opinion only about europeans. It is very unfair. I also know great africans that share me their thoughts about their cultures. – So my scale setup is unfortunately not like that of “our CT Comment Satyaguru” aka Panini Edirisinghe. Although he still can’t be neutral about anything, his profile is overrated as usual. – I don’t understand his argument based on the fact that 69 lakh voters are decreasing now.. what matters is the percentage of the number…. if what he assumes is the truth, why on earth did those immoral men gathered to a rally of MaRa at Kalutara area two weeks ago? Outcome was telecasted, ” MAHINDA” is still dominating this country ??????
leelagemalli / November 13, 2022
It should be, later I was informed, that RAJAAKSHES dogs embezzeled all those funds.
Native Vedda / November 9, 2022
nimal fernando
This is another of Dayan’s 64 positions.
Do you remember his typing, Daily Mirror on 31 January 2018, titled “FAST & FURIOUS THE POPULIST ‘POHOTTUWA’ PHENOMENON”? That was another of his position then.
He takes both positions at the same time.
Don’t ask me how?
I want you to compare both typing if you got time or when you are free from “other businesses”, and let us know what is bothering Dayan, or wrong with him.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / November 9, 2022
Native Veddha, what is happening to HLD Mahindapala ?. For quite sometime, there had been no comments from eagle eye, his alter ego.
Native Vedda / November 10, 2022
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
A few months ago I was told HLD M has returned back from down under. Maybe he couldn’t stand Aussie white racism, perhaps worse than his own.
Agnos / November 10, 2022
There were several others like Soma, Sach, and Edwin Rodrigo who stopped posting. Some of them stopped long ago, but Soma stopped after the economic collapse caused by the leaders he supported.
There were other neutral voices like Spring Koha, and Illaiya Seran Senguttuwan, who stopped posting when Covid struck, and I wondered if they had succumbed to some illness or the pandemic.
Native Vedda / November 10, 2022
Illaiya Seran Senguttuwan stopped writing a long time ago. Spring Koha about three years ago. Gamini is another straight forward soul although I don’t like his support for what LTTE did.
As for Soma, Sach, Edwin Rodrigo and others I miss them all. We still have one or two like them like Ravi Perera.
By the way we should invite Channa Jayasumana, Udaya GANAPATHIPILLAI (Gammanpila), …. Dinesh, ….. Diana Gamage, …….
CT editors should know about Spring Koha, and Illaiya Seran Senguttuwan.
Agnos / November 11, 2022
I think the person who posted on CT frequently as Gamini was Gamini Dullewe, as he once identified himself. He is a pro-RW UNP activist from the Kandy district. He was skeptical of the war’s final stage in 2009, and he thought the LTTE leadership had some sort of underhanded agreement/conspiracy with MR because the LTTE’s defenses in Kilinochchi wouldn’t have fallen so quickly, but he didn’t support the LTTE.
Native Vedda / November 12, 2022
I thought he was Vikramabahu Karunaratne using a pseudonym.
It appears I was wrong.
old codger / November 10, 2022
His blog hasn’t been updated since February:
Native Vedda / November 10, 2022
old codger
The link that you provided is very useful since I am not aware of his other typings.
Sinhala_Man / November 12, 2022
Dear oc,
This is really great!
I don’t think that I’ll read many of the things on that site, but every time somebody says that Eagle Eye is HLD Mahindapala, I think that I will direct them to it. I will ask them to compare the English used by the two guys.
No, I’m not going to sample any of the stuff on this website (how to keep it in mind?) For one thing, I’ll note that it comes in these comments below this article by the Political Science scholar.
It has to be granted that they are both scholars at a level far above that of this GambadaIskoleMahaththaya. But I don’t like what either of them stands for.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
Sinhala_Man / November 12, 2022
Yes, and then his wife died here. I saw the obituary announcement.
One had in all decency to extend one’s sympathies for that.
And Gnana, nice to hear from you again. On a few occasions you’ve said a few nice and polite things to me, but what I remember most is how you once called me “an extreme Sinhala racist.” I don’t think that I can find the place now.
Btw, here’s something for you to spend two hours on:
I have made the only Youtube comment on it. Still there after three hours, but with mine being the only comment.
I will spend an hour on the video. Half of it seems to be in English; I’ll be able to follow that. But I don’t know any Tamil. Now that remark is what may trigger a response from Gnana boasting that he knows Sinhala, treated many Sinhalese villagers (like me!) but finds nobody who is grateful to him for that.
You’ve got to be more balanced, Gnana!
This is what that book is all about:
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / November 9, 2022
Dayan, what you say is true for SJB too, which is also on a suicidal plunge. There is news that some members of SJB are going to join government and accept ministerial posts. Lacklustre leader who is only capable of empty rhetoric who has no organisational skill has contributed to this sorry state. He tried to creep into the aragalaya to get glory for himself, and got chased out. This demonstrates that people do not want him either.
nimal fernando / November 10, 2022
“Gotabaya became the candidate because the 19th amendment had not merely prevented Mahinda from running for a third consecutive term—which was a very desirable return to a two-term presidency—but even barred him from running for a non-consecutive third term, as did Lula.”
This is wrong. The 18th amendment was brought in to give an opportunity to Mahinda to run for a third consecutive term: he did and lost to Sirisena. 2-term limit was set in the orginal JR’s shindig and abided by every president ………. the 18th was brought in specifically to give Mahinda a 3rd term and many more.
In a nutshell, the 20th was brought in to bring a gas station attendant as the finance minister: not for the collective benefit/good of the country/people but for the benefit of a individual family.
That’s what happens when ye put aside well tested historical collective experience/wisdom …….. and start believing in individuals and the Voodoo they offer
When in 2005 all this started …….. who among ye didn’t know how this was going to end? ………. Only the infantile who still believe in fairy tales
Dayan, has ye mental-age caught up with the physical?
Mahila / November 13, 2022
My apologies for intervening!
“20th was brought in to bring a GAS STATION ATTENDANT AS THE FINANCE MINISTER — collective benefit/good of the country/people but for the benefit — individual family”
Agree with you, except that gas Station attendant was brought in as President!!! Tolling booth attendant became the Finance Minister!!! Kaka!! Kaka!!
Thus came escapade “down the pallang!!!??”
nimal fernando / November 10, 2022
Mahinda: Chronicle of the fate of carcass foretold ……….. How mass movements/collective-hysteria start and end https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-18616380
Have you seen what’s written on Evita’s monument in Buenos Aires? ……… How neglected it is?
Passing fads …….. pass ………
old codger / November 10, 2022
“Have you seen what’s written on Evita’s monument in Buenos Aires? ……… How neglected it is?”
Heard anything of Soma Hamuduruwo recently?
Native Vedda / November 10, 2022
nimal fernando
Namal baby (the Chakravarti in waiting) is desperately looking for a job.
Can you find him an appropriate job to fit his education, qualification, experience, network, …… family status, … hierarchy, …
I didn’t mean mugging, bank robbery, ….
Rajash / November 10, 2022
Native Vedda “Namal baby (the Chakravarti in waiting) is desperately looking for a job.”
Native Vedda – he is minister of everything.
he used to attend high achieving meetings in Jaffna in the morning; in Trinco in the afternoon; in Kandy in the evening and in Hambantota for dinner meeting.
Mahila / November 13, 2022
Native Vedda / November 10, 2022
“S.B. says boys will be boys, asks not to blame only Dhanushka”
Is this what commonly known as “Putting Foot in One’s Mouth”?
Hasn’t he heard the phrase “No Means No”.
Seriously he should taught what “No Means No” really meant.
– When someone says no to a sexual act, the other person(s) must respect that no, otherwise it is sexual violence.
Ranil should stop sending Podujana Peramuna MP S.B. Dissanayake abroad on state paid foreign holidays, under the pretext of official business One or two exceptions Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, …..
Rajash / November 10, 2022
Native Vedda “S.B. says boys will be boys, asks not to blame only Dhanushka”
is this the same guy who demanded sex from the women olympic bronze medallist?
or else he threatened to destroy her career?
nimal fernando / November 11, 2022
“S.B. says boys will be boys, asks not to blame only Dhanushka” …… https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/sri-lankan-cricketer-accused-of-choking-stealthing-woman-from-tinder-20221109-p5bwt6.html
You are next in line ……… learn to be gentle with women: no rough stuff! …. verbally or physically ………… Only Nathan will come to your defence: S.B. and OC will run for cover. nimal will change his name to nihal and hide.
No help from Sinhala_Man ………. he won’t know if he is coming or going.
nimal fernando / November 11, 2022
My dog has better morals …… and shame than S.B!
When caught eating Ramona’s cat’s food he knows it’s wrong and hides in a corner in shame.
Mahila / November 13, 2022
Not sure how true???
Heard the comment many times, that he didn’t know the meaning of NO, when he attended the Barcelona, Spain Olympics!!?? suspect it was repeated in tn one of the national languages of SL and not even in English!!!
Velu S / November 11, 2022
Of course, Dayan J , as an early pohottuwa supporter together with Wimal Weerawansa at Nugegoda Mahinda Rajapaksa revival rally, knows well about SLPP , as a ranking participant who was later ignored by Gota. And historically , from his days with Varadarajah Perumal , any party that embraces DJ in its ranks invariably take a plunge. Last to take such a plunge was Maithripala Sirisena who appointed DJ as his Ambassador to Russia
Sinhala_Man / November 12, 2022
nimal fernando,
Is all that stuff about your need for love a quote from Evita?
If not, what will Ramona be thinking?
You spotted and inconstant man! It’s not so long ago that oc, Native and you were competing for Palki Sharma.
I know that Mahinda’s Pohottuwa is now long dead; I hope that you will help us kill off the fake Presidency of the moribund Ranil. Always want to hear more from you in your present mood.
Nathan / November 9, 2022
… a political morality tale?
I’d like to reword it, – a political mortality tale!
Mahinda chose not to resist on the issue of the 20th amendment.
You know, why.
Because he wanted a stop gap President. Namal was not growing up fast enough!
Here is an interesting narrative.
‘By opting for Ranil, the aged Mahinda Rajapaksa and the aged Dinesh Gunawardena have betrayed everything they ever stood for and campaigned against for decades’.
You can’t help it.
Mahinda was not left with trustworthy siblings; Dinesh was looking for an opportunity!
old codger / November 9, 2022
“By opting for Ranil, the aged Mahinda Rajapaksa and the aged Dinesh Gunawardena have betrayed everything they ever stood for and campaigned against for decades’.”
I don’t believe MR stood for anything much different from Ranil. The Defender of Sinhala Buddhism mask was only a means to win the votes of the gullible. He was very much an “eating-drinking man” , and the consequences are plain to see in his health. As far as economics goes, his version, guided by the likes of PBJ, isn’t that different from RW’s, except that unlike RW, (who has as much charisma as a brick), was opposed at every turn by nationalist ideologues, MR had the smarts to sweet-talk that lot into at least keeping quiet.
That is the real reason why the Rajapaksas opted for Ranil. He isn’t that much different, and now as President he can push through any agenda he wants.
If Dr.DJ thinks there are lofty principles involved, he is sadly mistaken.
Native Vedda / November 9, 2022
old codger
Let us discuss Dayan’s thesis’s (if you can call it that) some other time.
This morning AKD caught my attention, probably he must have heard what we are discussing here in this forum.
AKD proposes downscaling of State sector
Anura Kumara Dissanayake says the State sector must be downscaled and be made more efficient. He said over the years, politicians have used the State sector to provide employment to their supporters.
Is AKD alright?
When did he become a neo-liberal?
When did he become bourgeois?
Do you think we are left with only Marxist that is Dayan and only Maoist SJ?
Are Dinesh, Wimal, Udaya, …… still Sinhala/Buddhists or have converted to Neo-Liberalism (I have no idea what that is).
old codger / November 10, 2022
“He (AKD) said over the years, politicians have used the State sector to provide employment to their supporters.”
True, but at the same time, JVP-led unions in places like CPC and CEB have not opposed extravagant pay rises and annual increments.
If a JVP government is going to get rid of excess employees, will the JVP unions keep quiet?
Native Vedda / November 10, 2022
old codger
“If a JVP government is going to get rid of excess employees, will the JVP unions keep quiet?”
It is precisely my point.
We must not kid ourselves that AKD could change our long established (2500 years old?) compassionate policy of “JOB FOR THE BOYS”.
Do you think Sinhala_Man should reject all job offers by JVP in the event of AKD forming a government?
Rajash / November 9, 2022
“Namal was not growing up fast enough!”
Namal has reached his “level of incompetence”
Ho will not grow or advance any further
Mahila / November 13, 2022
Are you suggesting process of retardation is advancing!!!???
leelagemalli / November 9, 2022
Our people and their knowledge is best exemplified by the “so-called self-proclaimed Pandit aka Dayan Jayathilaka”.
The Nugegoda stage play of this man can reveal much more about his true face.
Not only Wimal Buruwanse but also Dayan B Thilaka should be held equally accountable for misleading the nation dominated by punnaku kannan by conniving the criminals.
Alas, why our elected GOVTs wasted funds for ” FREE EDUCATION”. Today the outcome of illiterate Pakistan and highly literate SRILANKA is the same.
chiv / November 9, 2022
So Dimitry, Raul and Maduro are just proxies, nothing but glorified rubber stamps. DJ, don’t get our armchair revolutionary worked up. If so what about Ranil, Dullas …… …..are they not proxies??? Any way the real matter is at the end of lengthy spin. DJ ( As per Sarath BS artist) wants Ranil- IMF budget defeated because he like old Mahinda cares for the country. In that case, who will feed those starving 6.9 million ??
chiv / November 9, 2022
BS is a real art.A disgusting mafia family politics is elaborated by DJ into many political nuances / theories. This piece is all about how mother of all crooks Mahinda lost his retarded supporters (DJ calls them as peasants) because of unlimited family greed.
chiv / November 9, 2022
Thanks to Sarath for this precise quote appropriate to many of our Lankans.” BS artist do not lie outright they distort and deviate. It’s panoramic without particulars.”
chiv / November 9, 2022
DJ, is that the footage on the TV news (SLPP anniversary) tagged to your article. Can see the saffron clad central committee members on the main podium, dictating terms and party policies to “Myna” Mahinda and his cronies. Way to go.
whywhy / November 9, 2022
” Sri Lanka Matha , Ma Priyadara Jaya Boomi” Ananda Samarakoon the great artist
creates this song , sung by Lata Mangeshkar with the music fom Dakshina Moorthi .
In the last couple of lines he describes how his country slides from bad to worse with
criminal behaviour ever increasing ! The creation is more than seven decades old !
And then if we turn our focus to Patukottai Kalyanasundaram’s ” Thirudathe Papa
Thirdathe ” he says in clear tone , Thittam pottu thirudira koottam thirudik kondae
Irukkuthu athai chattam pottu thadukkira koottam thaduththuk kondae Irukkuthu,
This one is now 61 years old ! These are Ever Green songs giving us Ever lasting
lessons . Thieves Must Stop Thieving ! Laws in the hands of Thieves won’t help !
ramona therese fernando / November 9, 2022
Ranil R. at the COP 27 does have a neat idea about rolling the Rajapaksa wealth. If Climate-Recovery-University will bring in much needed foreign dollars, go for it I say!
Instead of prosecuting them for hoarding the Island Wealth, this kind of venture will surely benefit our Motherland in some way. Instead of prosecution, R’s can be banned from politics and allowed to become billionaire businessmen…….yeah, well, it’s a thought…… if the damn 0.00001% Lankan capitalists can’t be killed (metaphorically, spiritually, and physically), use them! Hara Kiri would be best of course.
SJ / November 10, 2022
DJ is trying to explain all political changes based on personalities.
Mrs B’s defeat in 1977 was driven by economic issues, much of which were induced by factors outside the control of anyone here. The skyrocketing of crude oil price since 1974 and two successive years of drought took their toll.
JRJ knew that the SLFP could rally back ad that was why he did everything possible to demoralize the SLFP rank and file. SLFP’s performance at the polls in 1977 was also hurt by the role of Left alliance, the LSSP in particular, who decided to contest nearly every seat and thereby wrecked its own credibility to the point of no return.
The SLFP weakened seriously after JRJ consolidated power. But it revived by 1988 and the JVP helped Premadasa to win the election in 1989, for which it paid a huge price.
The SLFP had an ideology of sorts and it attracted people with some ideological affinity. The SLPP was a party born after ideology lost much of its meaning in Lankan politics. The culture of horse trading in MPs started slowly under JRJ, but gathered momentum after 1994 with no party able to command a majority.
(continued below)
SJ / November 10, 2022
Voting gas since been ‘performance’ based. The criterion gradually grew into dealing with terrorism and separatism, which lasted until 2009 and some years after, so that economy and law and order took weak second and third places after it, and still struggling to take their due places.
The SLPP has since birth been a huge alliance of politicians with no ideology. It readily hijacked the SLFP’s support base (which had some illusions about ‘Bandaranaike policies’ and a sense of loyalty to it) after CBK’s loss of credibility within the SLFP and the rise of MR.
We are living in an era of politics without ideology and soon with just gangs with party tags that mean little politically.
Will someone be kind to tell me what is the ideological difference between any two of SLFP, SLPP, UNP and SJB?
The JVP lost its ideology in the course of its search for parliamentary power. When it settles for one, that will have nothing to do with what the JVP stood for until 1994.
A convincing evidence of politics without ideology gripping the island is DJ’s drifting loyalty.
Ajith / November 10, 2022
Voting gas?
Mallaiyuran / November 13, 2022
“Voting gas?
Yes he is cheap talker. If you find a fault on him and tel it to his face, he cries that the there is no sense of jokes in CT.
Other than CBK there was no history in Ceylon anybody, ever wining a second term. CBK won the first term by Suthu Nelum. Changed the policy and won the second term by “War Peace’ Those both victories were related to the relationship with Tamils, nothing for her economic policies. Ron had successfully pressed Lord Soulbury to cook up a unitary constitution so the Sinhala Candidates can always be winning, so he can lease the Trinco Hbour . Ron Stephen’s extreme concentration on Racism brought the 1953 Hartal. Junius Richrad, after cook up the constitution in his own way
Mallaiyuran / November 13, 2022
feared to even to let his team stand for election. Old Rowdy did know that he will lose the first election in Sri Lanka. So he paid to Leader Pirapaharan. Second one was the worst election ever took place in Lanka with White Vans managing the elections the election. Ponny was kept as a prisoner in the Hotel Room he stayed. Again North didn’t participate (until CBK went to North and worked with Sampanthar Aiya to make 43% to go for voting for the third). Vasanthi and UOJ Phds were using the university letter heads to Old Rowdy’s campaign. Happily Evil Emperor ever won any election.
SJ / November 10, 2022
Voting has since been ‘performance’ based.
Native Vedda / November 10, 2022
“Mrs B’s defeat in 1977 was driven by economic issues, much of which were induced by factors outside the control of anyone here.”
Here we go again.
chiv / November 12, 2022
“Seen it all, heard it all” , haven’t we???
Ajith / November 10, 2022
“Mrs B’s defeat in 1977 was driven by economic issues, much of which were induced by factors outside the control of anyone here. “
The same explanation was given by Gota and Mahinda as well? Put the blame on others is the characteristic of Sri Lankan politics whether SLFP or UNP. Sinhala only and Buddhist only Policy is nothing to do with economic issues?
shankar / November 10, 2022
all those who are writing mahinda off better get ready for his comeback.he has started his mourning exercises again after stopping it in 2012 in the great celebration of rice and curry meals for war victory and getting fat.Now he is back to prewar victory mode and is going to war against the economy.
Mahila / November 13, 2022
has MR joined a Vedic Ashram in the Himalayas!!???????????
Mallaiyuran / November 10, 2022
Still the past embassies free vodka and champagne hangover has not left alone Thero!
“ One is the Sirisena-led SLFP. ”
Isn’t this White Flag Murder appointed Evil as the Yahapalanaya PM at time when Evil had only 40 seats, and had him to pass the 19A which barred Old King standing in EP election? All the SLFP candidates voted to oust Old Rowdy Lawyer who appears women cases for sex, Other than Weerakuddy, Pyume Malinie’ Laundry man, the Rear Admirable. Dumb Thero has no understanding; Western Countries may play with Tamils’ plight further Long, but they will not allow Old Rowdy becomes EP again. That is why Hitler did not take away “Old Rowdy baring clause” even in 20A. Otherwise it would have been the Hitler king seated on the UN Electric Chair. Still America refused Visa to him and refused to renew citizenship. Old Rowdy’s downfall is not brought by anybody except a couple, Thero and Sonia. Thero led the team to the UNHRC countries in Geneva, May 2009. The Western World is using the massive blunder as a telescopic tool to watch Old Rowdy. Otherwise, he would not have been isolated by his All American-Citizen family. Know the politics please.
Mallaiyuran / November 10, 2022
IT was, Thero’s partner, Sonia destroyed India by making one of the world’s best PM Manmohan Singh, one of the World best FM Chidambaram, and one of the world’s best FAM Mukharji (All of them were eminent Economists too) as mere puppets
“The 20th amendment tore up that model” What else the 18A did. 18A said Old Rowdy must be made as EP for the third term (You are not agreeing on that), but he could not win. Thanks to the Sinhala Buddhists Modayas who saved Old Rowdy from the UN Electric Chair by defeating him.
“The ghastly crime was perpetrated during Mahinda second term,”
Could you tell me when the girlfriend was murdered, and the hit men were murdered with the same hand? When the incident Buffoon de Silva mentioned, the “Hangbangtota Help Fund robbery” took place? When were the JVP Girls’ cases attended with free sex? What years did he serve in the murder organization, JVP? The bastard was born at birth as an un-salvageable sinful soul. Piglets go after the pig to search and eat feces. How to correct some people’s politics who endeavor ever to wash the back to the that murderer Rowdy.