6 October, 2024


Police Firm Despite Pressure From PM To Go Easy On UNP MPs Implicated In Bond Scam

The Police will not back down from investigating UNP Members of Parliament alleged to have received monies from Perpetual Treasuries Ltd (PTL) and its subsidiaries despite Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe taking issue with senior officers for naming certain parliamentarians in ‘B’ Reports submitted to court, according to Police sources.


Sources close to the Prime Minister acknowledged to Colombo Telegraph that he had summoned Senior DIG (CID) Ravi Samaraweera and Director CID Shani Abeysekera prior to leaving for the UK and accused them of unfairly targetting UNP MPs by naming them in ‘B’ reports submitted to court with respect to the Central Bank bond scam.

The officers had assured the premier that they were not engaged in any such conspiracy and that they were merely following procedures as and when names come up, sources added.

Although Wickremesinghe’s castigation of the officers carried a subtle request to desist on this matter, the Police will not do so, Colombo Telegraph learns.

The issue was headlined when it was revealed that UNP minister Sujeewa Senasinghe had received money from PLT during the 2015 parliamentary election campaign and even afterwards.

Senasinghe denied that he had any knowledge of such donations and said that he would give the relevant amount to charities named either by the Speaker or the Chief Prelates.

However, Senasinghe earlier said that he would resign his parliamentary seat if it was found that he had received any money from PLT. He added at the time that he was from a wealthy family that rode horses and owned elephants and therefore did not need any financial help to run an election campaign.

Senasinghe was also named among many who had dozens of phone conversations with PLT head Arjun Aloysius, the man at the centre of the controversy on account of being the son-in-law of Arjuna Mahendran, the Governor of the Central Bank when the dubious transactions took place. At the time Senasinghe said he talked with Aloysius to obtain information for a book he was writing, but phone record show that many calls had been made long after the said book was published.

While there have been claims that a large number of politicians had received donations from PTL, ranging from 118-162, as of now there is no evidence to substantiate these numbers.

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  • 0

    Even Mervyn Silva, SB Dssanyaka said that they were from a wealthy families…when asked to explain undisclosed wealth.

  • 1

    Congratulations CT. This report of yours has been confirmed by none
    other than President Maithripala Sirisena to the Maubina newspaper.
    That will put to rest the glib responses of a handful of doubting

    Never make a mistake – RW will resort to any trick in the book to ensure
    the bond crooks get away. Why is such a heavily slanted Free Trade Agreement
    with Singapore? Why did Rat Face not seek Cabinet or Parliament approval?

    The modern day great robber RW has no shame. He is happy as long as he has
    his cabal around. Let the country go to dogs.

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