19 February, 2025


Press Freedom, Colombo Telegraph Blocking Discussed With Pillay Says UNP

The United National Party used its one hour discussion with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay to brief her at length about the media freedom and freedom of expression issues in the country, party members said adding that they had utilized their time with the visiting Envoy to raise issues of internet censorship including the recent block on the Colombo Telegraph website.

Pillay held talks with a delegation of the UNP at Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe‘s residence this afternoon.

“We spoke at length about media freedom issues during the meeting” Wickremesinghe told the media after his discussion.

Former UNP Deputy Leader Karu Jayasuriya said the party had raised problems facing Sri Lanka’s democracy especially with regard to attacks on the independent media.

He said the delegation raised recent incidents of violence and suppression of the media, and added that the Colombo Telegraph censorship on Sri Lankan internet service providers had also been mentioned during the talks. The UN High Commissioner had taken note of the issue, UNP officials said.


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    Dear Press Freedom,

    A lie by the state is a sprint, a shooting star. It dies.

    A truth by by free media, is a marathon, a shining star. It lives.

    “He said the delegation raised recent incidents of violence and suppression of the media, and added that the Colombo Telegraph censorship on Sri Lankan internet service providers had also been mentioned during the talks. The UN High Commissioner had taken note of the issue, UNP officials said.”

    Very good. More publicity for Colombo Telegraph, more visitors and readers, more more transparency will be requested from the rulers.

    First, there was the scribe.

    Second, the Gutenberg Printing press.

    Third, there was the Radio.

    Fourth, there was the TV.

    It was easy for the rulers to censure and control the above.

    Now, it is internet. It is harder and harder to control.
    Harder to lie, but they will lie anyway.

    DeJa Vu.

  • 0

    Why is the State Concerned About CT?

    Cannot hide from the Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka and Globally.

    Country Percent of Visitors Rank in Country
    Sri Lanka Flag Sri Lanka 53.2% 179
    Qatar Flag Qatar 15.9% 1,114
    Canada Flag Canada 7.3% 18,229
    United Kingdom Flag United K 5.0% 49,667
    India Flag India 2.8% 197,860
    Australia Flag Australia 1.4% 56,720

    DeJa Vu.

  • 0

    The UNP will not be satisfied with just a passing reference to the visiting UNHCR but a request that this be included in her Report and oral address to the Committee in March 2014.


  • 0

    What a useless opposition. Why is it that they have to internationalize everything? Can the UNP leader do absolutely nothing else here in Sri Lanka to life the media blockade?

  • 0

    Dear Press Freedom, Colombo Telegraph, CT readers,opposition parties, Human Right Advocacy Groups and Lawyers.

    We, all Sri Lankans do not approve what Social Affairs Minister Mervin Silva said in the Main Stream Media, proposing marriage to UNHRC High Commissioner Dr.Navaneetham Pillai.

    Here’s what the Citizens say about Mervin Silva.


    I think you all of you herd about the Marriage Proposal that Minister of Social Affairs Mervin Silva brought on UNHRC for Human rights Madam Navaneetham Pillai.

    Here’s what he said in the Derana News Report.


    As you are aware what Mervin Silva Proposing Marriage to an already married lady Dr.Navaneetham Pillai who is a Representing the UN world body in the open Media is a Sexual Harassment and Grave offense under Criminal Law.

    Mervin himself is a notorious thug, a Rowdy and a criminal from notorious area of Beliatte. Beliatte is a criminal’s paradise where also Rajapakses are coming from. They both supress, harass and intimidate anybody who are against their policies and harass them through supressive means.

    Mervin Silva also represents Sri Lanka and through this disgraceful act, he brought disgrace to all of us Sri Lankans.

    Sexually harassing a respectable world renound Lady with filty language is a Sexual Harassment againse women, and it is punishable under law.

    What he said in the Main stream Media is not appropriate, indecent, vulgar and does not represent us the Sri Lankans. Infact he brought disgrace to Sri Lanka.

    Here’s the Websites that tell on UN Sexual Harassment Laws.



    Therefore I request if Press Freedom, Colombo Telegraph, CT readers,opposition parties, Human Right Advocacy Groups and Lawyers could bring a Lawsuit against Mervin Silva on Sexual Harassment charges against Dr.Navaneetham Pillai.

    This is a crime under both International and Sri Lankan Law which is a punishable offense. He also should publicly apologise to Madam Navaneetham Pillai for uttering these filth against her.

    He should be taught how to talk,behave and respect in the civilised world, and not to act as the usual criminal thug beast who represents Rajapakse Government who always protects his gang of Criminals, Rapists, Murderers, Thugs, thieves and Drug Dealers.All these happens due to an uneducated, uncivilised and a disgraceful President ruling our country.

    There is no Moral,ethics, disciplene or respect mainly among politicians in the country.

    Please bring Justice to UNHRC High Commissioneer Dr.Navaneetham Pillai by bringing a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit against Mervin Silva.

  • 0

    Freedom of expression and Media freedom is one of the pillars of democracy. The regime hides behind news censorship. Begining with the war without wittnesses, we had Weliveriya incident where attempts were made to stifle the media. Govt is apt at hiding its corruption and diabolical deeds by shooting the messenger. The cases of Lasantha and Ekneligoda are examples

  • 0

    Sri Lankan ministers say than even if people houses robbed, the news paper censors had be complained to Navi Pillai.

    In reality the Sri Lankan ministers and leaders be ashamed of themselves that people look for outsiders to find resolution for their grievances and they don’t trust the lcoal leaders any more !!

    what a shame!

  • 0

    We have ridiculous MINISTERS who had the nerve to call the lady a tiger. The same minister was he not from a Sinhala terror outfit?

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