14 February, 2025


Rajapaksa Family Ties

Rajapaksa Family Ties 

To get a larger version in click here ( Courtesy The Global Mail) 

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    “In Sri Lanka, power is concentrated – around President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Meet his brothers, sons, other relations and even his astrologer-turned-banker” –

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      In a country where the Chief Justice is know to have canvassed for her salesman husband to be appointed the head of a national bank, an astrologer becoming a director of a bank is nothing.

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        Fish rot from its head on wards.

        No wonder the rest of the state structure is rotten.

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      This should be translated and published in every Sinhala newspaper so that the Sinhalaya modaya who lives on the corrupt family’s diet of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism can be educated!

      Also, how very ironic that the Dictator of the UNP who is Rajapassa’s greatest ally in dismentalling democracy in Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickramasinghe, has complained to Navi Pillai about the decline of democracy in Lanka!

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    Ayiyo…That’s two little compare to Mrs. Bandaranayake and others are much family members appointed.(Family tree)We know more than that to disclose MR friends.More than 100 friends working various Corporations,Foreign missions,Various Government Institutions.Colombo telegraph’s research is incomplete one. Please add other bits as well.Tell me Otherwise he is not a human.MR is right?We are wrong.


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    Rajapaksa Family Ties,

    Where is Jim Softy and the other Avatars?

    Are they “kollo” or “podians”?

    So the Family is not Egalitarian.

    The 4 Noble Truths and 8-fold paths? Will be taken care of by BBS and Sinhala Ravya!

    DeJa Vu

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      May be JIM SOFTY LEELA and the others appointed to MR´s kitchen :)

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        Or maybe the TOILET ?!!

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        What stupids do not understand is, it is the president and not others who face the tune for all his commissions and omissions at the end of the day. And he must be doing the right thing, otherwise how come he is winning all the way.

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          So long people are far from facts and figures, they are out of ground realities. It is their media feed them with ONLY so called developments – while letting people struggling for their 3 meals. Majority of the population is the rural villagers. They are in the same time targeted vote base. MR is tricky having been in the business for the last 43 years, can make those people easily fools.
          Average of the population seems to be ignoring politics, but the fraction that go voting are guillible and stupid than Jim Softy. They only focus about the country being free from Ltte terror. That alone is above everything for them, no matter how the brutal regime abuse them further. No matter who really worked for the millitary victory. All these are more than clear the way now Dayasiri (given the fact one would take him as a law educated person), did it. Very same people would say yes to him, forgetting all the recent past. That is in the genetics in lanken people. That is the reason why we dont and cant produce good politicians in the country.
          To my CBK, SF, Sobitha thero together with others should make a change in this nation so that at least future generation can live better.

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            Why the average would raise the question of rate of cost of living while no war is being fought since 2009 – and grand development projects are by loans ? why cant the state consider for price reductions at least for essential needs of the common man yet ? Why should bus fares be increased in 7.5% next ? why why ?

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        SL is such a small country that is difficult to find who is not a relative .People are related through marriage etc . Even I can claim a relationship to the Rajapakses through a marriage of one of my relatives .

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          20 million a small country?? Australia has 23 million and I don’t hear the same problem of family dominating politics there.

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    Where is Nirupama Rajapakse in this? Imagine Shameendra Rajapakse becoming a director, small brat! There are so many highly educated people who can be appointed as Director of Sri Lanka Telecom and Airlines. Why is this small brat appointed? What a shame. Shame on the person who appointed and shame on the person who accepted the appointment.

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      A few months back there was one another article posted on CT gave around 250 or more are appointed from their families, irrespective of the fact many of them are miles away from the required qualifications. Above all, the ambassador to the US – Jaliya and srilanken airline chairman are proved to have no appropriate qualifications.

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        Friend Sirimal,

        When you refer to the Medamaluna Rajapakses there is no question of qualifications. They have little. It was Ranil Wickremasinghe
        who said “put all 4 Rajapakses and you will not get an SSC”.
        Gotha as lowly Assistant in a Convenience Store in rural USA; Basil – Clerk in a Japanese company involved with the Mahaweli arranged by Gamini Dissanayake; Chamal – Security Guard and Mahinda – Assistant to the Librarian in Parliament.

        Any wonder then the country is speeding like a run-away train and with square pegs in round holes all over.


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          But there should be criteria when appointing anyone to any position. All these are made clear by gassette notices to my days in the country. There were even one good great politicians like Dr. Dahanayake from Galle went on protesting any violations made by his colleagues then? Lanken poltics were that powerful to that time, it was not in Internet era – many decades ago. Why dont they even foreign ministry consider the qualifications of their personnels when appointing them today ? Berlin to Washinton, what clearly seen today is not capable representatives are being placed. CBK´s and her mother´s days, external politics of SL are the best – almost many states praised about poor country, but with standard diplomatic relations ? Today, the countries like Berarus- far cornered nations from all high powers – but allies to dictators are being held as – new friendly nations ???????????? WHERE HAVE OUR SENIOR DIPLOMATS BEEN ? It is HIGH time them to add valuable comments so that us CT readership could discuss all these here.

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          TO HOOKER

          So what John Major, one of the best British Prime Ministers was a bank Clerk . SL best Prime Ministers had no qualifications ie . D.S.Senanyake , Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Premadasa. . The People who allegedly had qualifications like Chandrika ruined the country . It is not qualifications that matter but leadership qualities and skills ,that requires to take correct decisions at the right time , at the right place .This obsession with qualifcations is a SL trait.

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            Regarding John Major (it your view, sarojini, about him being the “best” PM) you seem to miss out that 25 years lapsed between his work as bank Executive and becoming PM. There was presumably a lot of experience gained along the way in a variety of posts.

            I think you will find the issue of necessary qualifications is worldwide, one can’t sweep the road without qualifications today. Thanks to the American obsession with collecting bits of printed paper and plastic medals at every opportunity we are a qualification driven world. In my day we were told “well done” and that was reward enough. Not today.

            Perhaps it is a combination of both qualifications and experience that is important, and any candidate should be open to scrutiny on these counts before being elected by the people.

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      Where is Gotta? More and more names are missing. Pl add all and publish.

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    Park – if you don’t know why Nirupama is missing in the jamboree then you know little of the Rajapakse family. Nirupama comes from the higher clan of the wealthy Rajapakses. Her father went to Royal, played for Royal and – I think, was a Minister long ago. These well-heeled Rajapakses owned residential properties in Cinnamon Gardens in Colombo. Her mother is the Colombo socialite Lalitha – once married to Sir John’s cousin Dixon. Compared to them, the Sinhala-speaking Medamulana Rajapakses are way down in the pecking order – schooled in Nalanda, Ananda, Thurstan and so on. There is little love lost between the two sides, which is why, the Ladies College-educated and socially accomplished Nirupama is kept on the leash.


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      You sound to have more info about them. Great :)

      Can you also please add more about the educational qualifications of Gota, Basil and Chamal for our knowledge. Since I left the country decades ago and have been living on the west. I missed the chance to keep me updated about these people. Many of these politicians were not known in mid 80ties.

      Is Mervin De Silva a relative of Rajapakshe family ? May be DNA tests need to be carried out for this :)

      Why does NOT MR allow party organizers to subject MERVIN for a fair disiplinary action ? How many times, Mervin is seen to have violated lanken ethical laws (with yestreday ´s law level staments asking Ms Pillay to marry him) – why should entire sinhala nation to be betrayed by Mervin ? Why religios leaders or any high profile seniors stay FURTHER mum ?

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      Wretched creatures like you are still day dreaming the fool’s paradise of the British Raj where the majority were treated as underdogs.

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      So many Rajapaksas are not mentioned. There are 568 of them.1

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      Backlash, just because some one goes to Royal or Trinity should not be a criteria to be judged as a honest person. Nirupama’s husband is the go between for most of the businesses that are approved by the regime, especially the President. They are all crooks.

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        This culture is ONLY common to many of the lankens from older generations. They just feel superior to call them “Royalist” or “Trinitian” or any others that are only popular within the country.

        Day before y day, I just met a man from SL in Zurich/CH, he started the chat with me adding me about his school education at Trinity. Sure, I am also proud to be an old mahindian but not to the same extent as many others have been. For me, overall package of a person should be considered when making any remarks about him or her. See, the grand lady -Ms Pillay, who just finished her weeklong tour to lanka – is well smart not only by her educational background. Alone her final speech is a balanced one.

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    Please any one enlighten me their work experiances and qualifications…Hope average gr 8 or O/l. What a tragedy of this land…

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    and these are new rich people in Sri Lanka.
    They had bought a lot of property and business from the robbed money.
    If any of new projects had to come to Sri Lanka the 4 brothers should get their cut. Else no investment in Sri Lanka. BOI is just for the name sake.

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    How about the over 500 Rajapakse family Croney Business cartel who are in control and have monopolised the business deals and investments in Sri Lanka.

    These Rajapakse cronies have monopolised all the Business projects and Business deals including investment deals in Sri Lanka. No other businessmen or investor other than who are connected to Rajapakse Family are offered Business contracts, Investment opportunities and new Projects.

    According to the following Belarussian news web. Rajapakses are planning to invest in many projects in Belaruse which we are not been notified to us. It is similar to the 150 Million US dollars given to Uganda without any documents or signed contracts. This is how the cheap Mafia Basta…ds do their business deals. All in hiding.

    Please read the following web.


    By Alesya Vysotskaya: The visit of Sri Lanka President once again proves the genuine interest of this South Asian republic in Belarus.

    It says……..A couple of months ago, a large Sri Lanka delegation worked in Minsk; then it was declared about the country’s readiness to invest in Belarusian projects.

    According to this report a large Sri Lankan Rajapakse Croni Business delegation team had gone to Belaruse A COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO, TO SEE THE POSSIBILITIES OF INVESTING IN BELARUS……., which we were never informed or notified by the media.

    We need to know who are these Businessmen who are funding these Business ventures in Belaruse……and CT should look into this.

    Who is providing money to invest in Busines projects in Belarus is questionable. Where these foreign exchange came from. CB Governer and Treasury secretary should answer to above question.

    Please read the following webs to see who are some of the Rajapakse Family Business Billioneer cronies who Monopolise Sri Lanka’s Business mafia and Trade cartel.

    [Edited out]





    Therefore either CT or some Investigative Journalist or opposition party members or a Law Firm should investigate Rajapakses and their Crony Business Mafia Cartel who monopolise Sri Lanka’s business empire and should be brought to Public attention.There should be transparency in Rajapakse Business dealings and we citizens have a right to know.

    Therefore this is an urgent request for some Patriot to investigate Rajapakse Family mega Businessoperation and their Goons Business Cartel Empire.

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    Is this not an evidence to put him jail for the rest of his life ?

    Can any law educated professional add constructive comments on this please (the article given below raised me the question, why and what caused lankens to that indifferent ?, while being clear to all evidences ?)

    What is the place for HUMAN VALUE under the MR rule ?

    Duminda ordered his men to shoot

    In what appears to be a major twist in the trial on the killing of former Parliamentarian Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra and three others in Mulleriyawa, a witness in the case yesterday told the Colombo Magistrate’s Court, that he heard Duminda Silva ordering his people to shoot.

    Witness, U.K. Hashan Amaradewa, an employee attached to the personal office of the deceased politician, read out a statement he recorded with the police during the initial inquiries into the shooting incident in Mulleriyawa on 8 October 2011.

    He made these observations when the case was taken up for hearing before Additional Magistrate, Priyantha Liyanage.In the statement, he has further mentioned, “Duminda Silva approached the place with a pistol in his hands. He slapped Bharatha. When Bharatha attempted to attack in return, Duminda Silva yelled at his people to shoot. There were at least 100 people with Duminda Silva at that time. They were armed with T-56s and pistols. Then Bharatha was shot in his leg and fell down. We rushed him to IDH.”
    The case will be heard again on 3 September.

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    Leela and Jimsoftly didnt comment as they relized that they are SCAVNGERS in MR Family tree… shame for Sri Lanka

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    Almost all the high positions in the state establishments are being held by MARAs relatives and friends and SLFP supporters.There are so many circles in this structure.There are another lot who have come from other parties to earn and they are also given with ministerial and other posts in the Government. Ultimately major part of the tax payers money goes to the pockets to these people. They also enjoy all kinds of perks and commissions other than the wages and allowances. He also has more than 90 paid Advisers who just idle and take money from state.We all should get together and pray god to punish these criminals.

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