10 October, 2024


Prophet Not Perfect, Says Sri Lankan Islamic Scholar

By Richard Kerbaj –

Dr.Ameer Ali

A leading adviser on Islam, Ameer Ali, has attacked Muslims who “blindly” follow their faith and fail to question the veracity of the Koran, saying that even Mohammed had “flaws”.

The chairman of John Howard’s Muslim advisory board yesterday warned that Islamists would continue to breed jihadis unless the Koran was “reinterpreted” for today’s society.

He also said mosques were increasingly being used by imams to deliver sermons that were not open to discussion.

Dr Ali said the majority of Muslim clerics had for centuries imposed a “literalist” teaching of Islam, telling their followers that deviating from the written message would ultimately lead to their admission into hell.

“The times are changing and with the change of times, you also have to reinterpret the Koran,” he told The Australian.

“Because if you believe that it’s a book for all the times and all the nations, then that book must be yielding new meanings.

“There are verses about slavery, and the Koran says you must be kind to the slaves. So are the Muslims saying we must have slavery to be kind?

“The jihadists are interpreting the Koran literally and that’s the problem … Popular Muslims, because of their lack of knowledge about religion, are vulnerable to these sort of teachings.”

Dr Ali, who is writing an academic paper entitled “Closing of the Muslim Mind”, said even Mohammed was not the “perfect model” as most Muslims believed. Asked if the prophet had character flaws, he said: “Of course – you must look at him as a human being also.”

His call for moderation comes 11 days into Ramadan, the holy month that requires Muslims to fast, give to charity and become more spiritually accountable.

His comments came as a French philosophy teacher was forced into hiding after describing the Mohammed as a ruthless warlord and mass murderer. Robert Redeker has been under police protection, moving between secret addresses, since threats against him appeared on Islamist websites last week. His home address was published with calls to murder.

Dr Ali criticised community members for playing victim when Muslims reacted violently against criticism, as after the publication of the Danish cartoons and the recent comments by the Pope.

He said it was time for Muslims to “confront this challenge head-on and look critically at their behaviour and mode of response to alleged blasphemy”.

Dr Ali called for Hezbollah to be removed from the Government’s terror organisations list two months ago, saying they were freedom fighters defending their country against Israeli invasion.

The former president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils said there were sections of the Koran that were relevant to “everybody at every time”.

But he said people needed to read into the scripture and not merely accept it as the final word.

Dr Ali – who heads the Muslim Community Reference Group set up last year following the London bombings to improve communication channels between the federal Government and Australia’s 300,000 Muslims – labelled the idea of going to hell for questioning the Koran a “load of rubbish”.

“Because we cannot decide who’s going to go to hell and who’s going to go to heaven – that’s left to the creator,” he said.

Dr Ali criticised Muslims who react violently towards any depictions of Mohammed while aspiring to emulate his ways.

“True, Islam prohibits any drawing or a statue to be carved out representing the figure of the prophet. Still, it has not prevented the Muslims from imitating the physical features of Mohammed,” he said.

Dr Ali said it was “ridiculous” that some Muslims believed God would judge them on the “length of (their) beard”. He said Muslims would be judged on their “character, their knowledge, their contribution to society”.

He said young Muslim Australians were slowly becoming more inquisitive about their faith. “Therefore they are going to ask questions when they grow up and that’s a healthy trend,” he said.

Courtesy  The Australian

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    This Gamini thinks that he is the intelligent and all those who believe in God are unintelligent. Isn’t it hypocrisy? How can he be so sure that God does not exist?

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      Shahul, I believe that you do not understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy. How is it that, not believing in a God, amounts to hypocrisy? You are asking me how I am sure that God does not exist. How are you so sure that a God exists? Can you prove other than your belief he does? Why is your God shy to appear before his sons and daughters as the case may be? How come that many who do not believe in God, get on with life better than you belivers do?

      It is not, God created man, but man created God a couple of thousand years ago. Before that there was the Sun God, Rain God, Tree God etc.

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        God Allah does exist. No doubt. If you have faith in Him, believe in Him, worship Him, then all your worldly needs and requirements for the hereafter (heavenly abode) will get fulfilled under His care and guidance. You will not take a wrong step, since you are under His security and control. Miracles do happen. It has happened to many pious people, both in country and overseas. God has no shape or form, and will not appear to sinners like us. But He has revealed Himself to Prophet Moses in Mount Kursina, Ptophet Muhammed (May peace be upon him) has met and spoken to Allah personally on his heavenly ascent (Mehraj). It is extremely hard for non-believers to understand the concept of God in Islamic perspective, since it is purely based on Faith. Faith means believing in the unseen (Imaan in Arabic). We know and believe He created this world, along with Angels, He is the author of the Holy Quran, He sent down Prophets from time to time to guide mankind, He will be the Judge on the Day of Reckoning and all good and bad comes from Him. The non believers beliefs are based purely on what they see in their midst, or in front of their eyes,(like statues, figurine, sculptures, bust statuettes, effigies, icons, images and models). They use man made logic to derive answer to solve issues. What destructive forces that happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other troubled Middle Eastern territories are partly due to their own making. I don’t intend to pass judgement on these Muslim states as I leave it to God Almighty Who knows best why it happened, but I will only give my opinion based on high probabilities. Saddam behaved and acted like He was God in total control, putting up statues of himself all over the country, brainwashed his own people to hero worship him, behaving in un-Islamic life styles and practices, committing horrendous crimes against humanity, exterminated all opposition, and power had completely gone right to his head. The same goes with Libyan President Gadaffi, what with a retinue of female bodyguards et all. The man had gone mad and killed his own citizens like crazy. The Taliban, Al-Qaeda and America’s personal grudge against Osama bin Laden, for supposedly orchestrating the twin tower destruction was the reason for Afghanistan’s destruction. Japan with its dependency on high tech and superior skills, forget that there is a Creator Who has control over all their affairs, built a high wall in a tsunami prone area, and the ground itself sank along with the man built high wall, thus putting to no use man’s technology. It is always the same in every instance when major catastrophe’s happen. It is because of man’s negligence and no respect for the Creator, and God shows His power, and reminds them of who has control over all things. Fires, high winds (hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones as we know it), tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, heat waves, cold snaps are just some of the ways at God’s disposal to remind mankind that there is a Creator, and we owe to show gratitude for small mercies bestowed on us. You say you want to see God to believe in Him. What if I ask you, do you see the electricity that is on the wire to believe in it. You will of course say ‘Yes’. Why is that? You don’t see it but you still believe in it. It’s the same in the concept of God Almighty in Islam.

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          Iithi, you state,’God has no shape or form, and will not appear to sinners like us. But He has revealed Himself to Prophet Moses in Mount Kursina, Ptophet Muhammed (May peace be upon him) has met and spoken to Allah personally on his heavenly ascent (Mehraj). If God has no shape or form, how do you conclude that Prophet Mohamed met him on his heavenly ascent? It is a blatant lie of Prophet Mohamed to say that he met God, a shapeless formless something unseen. Then how can he say he met? Now if you try to tell me that God only spoke to Prophet Mohamed, it is worse as all languages were coined by man and not God. If Prophet Mohamed imagined that someone spoke to him or heard a voice, please visit Mental Asylums there are many who mutters and speak to unknown all the time, not only Prophet Mohamed.
          You also state,’Faith means believing in the unseen (Imaan in Arabic). We know and believe He created this world, along with Angels, He is the author of the Holy Quran, He sent down Prophets from time to time to guide mankind, He will be the Judge on the Day of Reckoning and all good and bad comes from Him.’ Your claim that God created this world, have you ever given thought why he created non Muslims? If he was the creater then there should be only Muslims and no others. Now you say that God is the author of the Quoran, whereas earlier you mentioned that the close associates of Prophet Mohamed made inscriptions on stone as he revealed. What is the truth? If God is the author of the Quoran what happened to the theory of stone inscriptions? If the stone inscriptions are to be taken seriously then God writing the Quoran is a big lie. Where are these Angels and Heaven that you speak off? It would be helpful if you are a little more specific.

          Further you say that all good and bad comes from him. How could a God do bad things? I thought that a God does only good things. If he does bad things as you say, he cannot be a God. As for the Middle East calamities your God seem helpless and you try to offer an answer on the probabilities. For your information the destruction that was created in the MiddleEast was by man and your God Allah was helpless to save life of so many Muslims killed by non Muslims. Then where is your convoluted logic of Allah as the all powerful? Surely he could have saved the Muslims from being killed? You also try to take credit to God Allah for natural disasters as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, cyclones, volcanoes etc. The truth is that all these natural disasters have been there long before your God Allah came on the scene and mankind irrespective of religious faith, whether young or old, male or female, black or white without exception can be victims. Lastly, you state that if one believes in God and prays to him he will be answered of all the worldly needs. Do you know there are good many who do not believe in a God nor do they pray, but their needs are achieved and lead better healthier lives than those who pray.

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          Iiththi, you state God exists. For anyone to exist should have life. If one has life one should die as no one, not even God is eternal. Therefore your theory that God exists is not possible.

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      Gamini believes he is God but getting back to reality, where was your God when Iraq was bombed into pieces by the Western forces? Where was your God when thousands of poor people were killed in Libya, Afghanistan and even in New York? Where is God when every year Bangladesh is flooded? When Tsunami happened? You can give any explanation that fits you but nothing will be convincing enough when people suffer. You believe in what you are told and not because you saw any God. If you saw him, what was he wearing?

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        You will come to know the GOD when you are at Death bed

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          Mohideen Bawa, Death is the most certain thing in life. Every other thing is only a possibility. I have never been frightened of death and neither am I worried about it, like you all. Cowards die many a time in life but realists die only once. My wish is that I do not require any Religious observance for my dead body once I depart because I am well aware of the manner that I spent my life and I do not need anyone’s visa to proceed. So good luck to you all, you funk sticks.

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          Mohideen, You need to read other books as well to uncover yourself. This week, CERN lab in Switzerland announced that they have discovered Higg’s Boson, a fundamental piece that will help explain the nature and existence of the matter better, yet you preach on blind faiths to the rest. Please don’t feel bad, the religions had its time. You should know, as Ghandhi said, faith must be enforced by reason, because when faith becomes blind it dies.

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    gamini, it seems that your heart has been locked tight by God, since it is mentioned in the Holy Quran, that some people will never understand, and warns us to never argue with them, since it will be futile, our efforts will be wasted, and you have to be insane to argue with mad men. You don’t seem to have the capacity now willingness to understand. You argue for the sake of arguing, unwilling to reason out and I can only pray to God to grant you Hidayath (understanding), and forgiveness for statements made due to your lack of knowledge and ignorance. To all the rest, I commit that it will do them well to keep well away frrom you. Shaithan in disguise.

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      llithi,be fair to Gamini’s arguments.I remember you said your mission is to spread the words of Allah.And you are trying to do just that and
      in the process why don’t you keep your cool and face his questions or doubts or even challenge with your good knowledge of Islam?You are dealing with an atheist,as you know who you are,he also knows who he is.The questions he’s throwing at you,are the questions that many who
      don’t like to belong to any religion are asking from those who believe.People like you must be equipped with bullet proof answers.
      People like Gamini are ready to put up with fair delivery.Have you got stuff to lock him up?You advised everybody to stay away from him and I don’t find this a suitable exit for you llithi,I honestly don’t.Salam

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      Iithi, my heart has been locked tight by my beloved wife and not by a non existent God for your information. As for your comment some people will never understand the Quoran, yes a load of lies without substance to prove. I asked you a simple question, when you state God has no shape or form, how do you confirm that Prophet Mohamed met him? Very simple even for a year five student to answer. The truth is that you all are blind to reason and are just running after a Religion that does not exist.

      At the recent Wesak celebrations I saw seven lotus flowers from a small to a big flower and the big flower had a small infant clad in a yellow robe standing in the centre. I asked the owner who had it on display for Wesak who this small boy is. He looked at me as if from which planet I had come as obviously he believed that was Lord Buddha. I explained to him that Lord Buddha became a priest at the age of 29 years and not at birth. I am sure you would have seen this display of flowers and this infant. Some Buddhists believe that as Lord Buddha was born, he walked on seven lotus flowers. Therefore you see this scene all over during Wesak even in Buddhist Temples. What distortions piety drives people to do.

      You say you will pray to Allah to grant me forgiveness for statements made due to my lack of knowledge and ignorance. It will do good, if you ask him, this so called Allah to grant you a little grey matter to enable you to think. At the same breath you commit that, you pray for the rest to keep away from me. Good one! Iithi I pity you for your ignorance unable to use your own evaluating powers, common sense and being a slave to fellow humans for something they have designed for their existance. The clergy in all Religions are that, as they thrive on the ignorance of the masses. That is why it is said the masses are asses.

      Hai Whywhy, I do not think we can put any sense in to this type of character to understand truth from falsehood. They are totally brain washed. It is said, ‘there are none so blind as those who do not wish to see’. Anyway thanks for standing by, take care!

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    Iithi and all those other Muslims who have been berating, Dr. Ameer Ali for questioning the Quoran, declaring that he be dealt for blaspheme, Where are you? What happened to your God? the shapeles formless and also baseless?

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      You need not worry about us or what happened to our God. What will happen
      to you when your body starts to decompose and disintegrate in that six-feet deep hole called the grave? What form and shape are you going to take in your next life? Are you going to turn up in your next life like a monkey or a snake? Do you really care? Besides how the heck am I suppose to know if that slimy snake or frustrated monkey in my backyard was gamini in its previous life. Does it really matter which (animal or human being) came first in this cycle of rebirth?
      What a shapeless, formless and baseless concept!

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        Asif or as if, you think only my body will decompose and not yours? Good for you. I did not know that Muslims also believe in rebirth. That frustrated monkey or the slimy snake in your back garden can not be Gamini because I am still here. Indeed it is a shapeless, formless and baseless concept, you will have to accept whether you like it or not.

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    For benefit of Gamini I am reproducing an article written about God in 1948 readers digest which was reproduced in 1960 on the recommedations of C.A.coulson who was a great Mathamatician of Oxford University

    Why a Scientist Believes in God

    This article of Mr A. Cressy Morrison, former President of the New York Academy of Sciences, first appeared in the “Reader’s Digest” (January 1948); then on recommendation of Professor C. A. Coulson, F. R.S., Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University, was republished in the “Reader’s Digest” November 1960 – It shows how science compels the scientists to admit to the essential need of a Supreme Creator.

    We are still in the dawn of the scientific age and every increase of light reveals more brightly the handiwork of an intelligent Creator. In the 90 years since Darwin we have made stupendous discoveries; with a spirit of scientific humanity and of faith grounded in knowledge we are approaching even nearer to an awareness of God. For myself I count seven reasons for my faith.

    First: By unwavering mathematical law we can prove that our universe was designed and executed by a great engineering Intelligence. Suppose you put ten coins, marked from one to ten, into your pocket and give them a good shuffle. Now try to take them out in sequence from one to ten, pulling back the coin each time and shaking them all again. Mathematically we know that your chance of first drawing number one is one in ten; of drawing one and two in succession, one in 100; of drawing one, two and three in succession, one in a thousand, and so on; your chance of drawing them all, from one to number ten in succession, would reach the unbelievable figure of one chance in ten thousand million. By the same reasoning, so many exacting conditions are necessary for life on earth that they could not possibly exist in proper relationship by chance. The earth rotates on its axis at one thousand miles an hour; if it turned at one hundred miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long as now, and the hot sun would then burn up our vegetation during each long day, while in the long night any surviving sprout would freeze. Again, the sun, source of our life, has a surface temperature of 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and our earth is, just far enough away so that this ‘eternal fire” warms us just enough and not too much! If the sun gave off only one-half its present radiation, we would freeze, and if it gave half as much more, we would roast. The slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of 23 degrees, gives us our season; if it had not been so tilted, vapors from the ocean would move north and south, piling up for us continents of ice. If our moon was, say, only 50 thousand miles away instead of its actual distance, our tides would be so enormous that twice a day all continents would be submerged; even the mountains would soon be eroded away. If the crust of the earth had been only ten feet thicker, there would be no oxygen without which animal life must die. Had the ocean been a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would have been absorbed and no vegetable life could exist. Or if our atmosphere had been thinner, some of the meteors, now burned in space by the million every day would be striking all parts of the earth, starting fires everywhere. Because of these, and host of other examples, there is not one chance in millions that life on our planet is an accident.

    Second: The resourcefulness of life to accomplish its purpose is a manifestation of all-pervading Intelligence. What life itself is no man has fathomed. It has neither weight nor dimensions, but it does have force; a growing root will crack a rock. Life has conquered water, land and air, mastering the element, compelling them to dissolve and reform their combinations. Life, the sculptor, shapes all living things; an artist, it designs every leaf of every tree, and colours every flower. Life is a musician and has each bird to sing its love songs, the insects to call each other in the music of their multitudinous sounds. Life is a sublime chemist, giving taste to fruits and spices, and perfume to the rose changing water and carbonic acid into sugar and wood and, in so doing, releasing oxygen that animals may have the breath of life. Behold an almost invisible drop of protoplasm, transparent and jelly-like, capable of motion, drawing energy from the sun. This single cell, this transparent mist-like droplet, holds within itself the germ of life, and has the power to distribute this life to every living thing, great and small. The powers of this droplet are greater than our vegetation and animals and people, for all life came from it. Nature did not create life; fire-blistered rocks and a salt less sea could not meet the necessary requirements. Who, then, has put it here?

    Third: Animal wisdom speaks irresistibly of a good Creator who infused instinct into otherwise helpless little creatures. The young salmon spends years at sea, then comes back to his own river; and travels up the very side of the river into which flows The tributary where he was born. What brings him back so precisely? If you transfer him to another tributary he will know at once that he is off his course and he will fight his way down and back to the main stream and then turn up against the current to finish his destiny more accurately. Even more difficult to solve is the mystery of eels. These amazing creatures migrate at maturity from all ponds and rivers everywhere – those from Europe across thousands of miles of oceans – all bound for the same abysmal deeps near Bermuda. There they breed and die. The little ones, with no apparent means of knowing anything except that they are in a wilderness of water nevertheless find their way back not only to the very shore from which their parent came but thence to the rivers, lakes or little ponds – so that each body of water is always populated with eels. No American eel has ever been caught in Europe, no European eel in American waters. Nature has even delayed the maturity of the European eel by a year or more to make up for its longer journey. Where does the directing iruptilse originate? A wasp will overpower a grasshopper, dig a hole in the earth, sting the grasshopper in exactly the right place so that he does not die but becomes unconscious and lives on as a form of preserved meat. Then the wasp will lay her eggs handily so that her children when they hatch can nibble without killing the insect on which they feed, to them dead meat would be fatal. The mother then flies way and dies; she never sees her young. Surely the wasp must have done all this right the first time and every time, or else there would be no wasp. Such mysterious techniques cannot be explained by adaptation; they were bestowed.

    Fourth: Man has something more than animal instinct – the power of reason. No other animal has ever left a record of its ability to count ten or even to understand the meaning of ten. Where instinct is like a single note of a flute, beautiful but limited, the human brain contains all the notes of all the instruments in the orchestra. No need to belabour this fourth point; thanks to the human reason we can contemplate the possibility that we are what we are only because we have received a spark of Universal Intelligence.

    Fifth: Provision for all living is revealed in phenomena which we know today but which Darwin did not know – such as the wonders of genes. So unspeakably tiny are these genes that, if all of them responsible for all living people in the world could be put in one place, there would be less than a thimbleful. Yet these ultra- microscopic genes and their companions, the chromosomes, inhabit every living cell and are the absolute keys to all human, animal and vegetable characteristics. A thimble is a small place in which to put all the individual characteristics of two thousand million human beings. However; the facts are beyond question. Well then, how do genes lock up all the normal heredity of a multitude of ancestors and preserve the psychology of each in such an infinitely small space? Here evolution really begins – at the cell, the entity which holds and carries genes. How a few million atoms, locked up as an ultra-microscopic gene, can absolutely rule all on earth is an example of profound cunning and provision that could emanate only from a Creative Intelligence – no other hypothesis will serve.

    Sixth: By the economy of nature, we are forced to realize that only infinite wisdom could have foreseen and prepared with such astute husbandry. Many years ago a species of cactus was planted in Australia as a protective fence. Having no insect enemies in Australia the cactus soon began a prodigious growth; the alarming abundance persisted until the plants covered an area as long and wide as England, crowding inhabitants out of the towns and villages, and destroying their farms. Seeking a defence, the entomologists scoured the world; finally they turned up an insect which exclusively feeds on cactus, and would eat nothing else. It would breed freely too; and it had no enemies in Australia. So animal soon conquered vegetable and today the cactus pest has retreated, and with it all but a small protective residue of the insects, enough to hold the cactus in check for ever. Such checks and balances have been universally provided. Why have not fast-breeding insects dominated the earth? Because they have no lungs such as man possesses; they breathe through tubes. But when insects grow large, their tubes do not grow in ratio to the increasing size of the body. Hence there has never been an insect of great size; this limitation on growth has held them all in check. If this physical check had not been provided, man could not exist. Imagine meeting a hornet as big as a lion!

    Seventh: The fact that man can conceive the idea of God is in itself a unique proof. The conception of god rises from a divine faculty of man, unshared with the rest of our world – the faculty we call imagination. By its power, man and man alone can find the evidence of things unseen. The vista that power opens up is unbounded; indeed, as man is perfected, imagination becomes a spiritual reality

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      Ramzie Zanoon, What has been described is the ‘marvels of nature’ of which, what is known to man kind is only a pebble in the ocean and what is unknown remains the balance pebbles. As according to available evidence, man did not come to what he is now, as a religious believer but evolved over the years which Charles Darwin explained. Long before Theology became a subject of study for mankind, the branches of study of Astronomy and Astrology had been discovered. Astronomy has been perfected by man as the first branch of study at a time long before the Hubbles telescope was invented with utmost precision of how the planets rotated in the zodiac. This discovery was obviously made not by naked vission, but by developping the Intuitive Mind, that involved Mathematical Calculations. Had such minds then, believed or discovered a Creator or a Belief in any of the present day Religions, then immediately the next branch of study would have been Religion. No it is not so, where the next branch of study discovered by mankind had been Astrology which deals with the influence of the planets have on life on earth. It is after these two subjects have been studied and doccumented only, there is evidence of man looking for explanation and becomes interested in finding reasons or who the creator is and the reason why, the birth of Religions. Therefore today we are in the third millennium after the discovery of a Creator, God. We are also of the belief that this world has been created with a purpose for Humans alone as preached in Religion. The truth is otherwise, although we humans assume importance, this world will continue to exist with or without humans well in to the future. I have no qualms in those who believe in God. The issue is when they try to influence others to their line of thinking. I believe that I am just one of millions of humans that have gone before me, who are yet living with me and who will go after me. There will certainly be no difference that I alone will have to face, as whatever after life is common to all mankind, irrespective of the different beliefs created by man and man alone.

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    There is a chapter in the Al-Qur’an called surah Al-Lahab (chapter# 111) named after Abu Lahab. This chapter explained that Abu Lahab and his wife will perish in the hell fire – implying he will never become a Muslim and therefore will enter the hell fire.

    The Flame
    In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
    1. May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, may he (himself) perish.
    2. His wealth avails him not, neither what he had earned.
    3. Soon will he roast in a flaming fire,
    4. And his wife, the bearer of the firewood,
    5. Upon her neck a rope of twisted palm-fibre.

    This Surah was revealed 10 years before Abu Lahab died as an unbeliever. Many of Abu Lahab’s friends and other disbelievers accepted Islam in the span of 10 years since this surah was revealed.


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      Mohideen Bawa, you have quoted from the so called Holy Quoran, where Abu Lahab and his wife to perish in the hell fire for not believing in the Quoran, ten years prior to his actual death. So in other words after the pronouncement, Abu Lahab and wife lived for ten years, obviously like anyother earning wealth although wished otherwise. So the creator God Allah could do nothing to snuff Abu Lahab’s life for defying to believe. After Abu Lahab died no one can say for certain what happened to him as no one knows where ‘Hell’ is? Not only Abu Lahab there would have been many others who did not believe, who lived just like the believers did although like mentioned how his friends during the ten years span became believers due to concoction of stories as said.

      Although you state Allah as benificient and merciful, it is completely contradicting what follows. To quote you,

      1. May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, may he (himself) perish.
      2. His wealth avails him not, neither what he had earned.
      3. Soon will he roast in a flaming fire,
      4. And his wife, the bearer of the firewood,
      5. Upon her neck a rope of twisted palm-fibre.
      What kind of a God is Allah? So vengeful and full of hatred? Yet Abu Lahab lives for ten years. No wonder Muslims believe in Holy Wars. What is so Holy about a War where there is blood shed and loss of Human life?

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      My dear Mohideen,can I kindly tell you something?Why don’t you try to understand the quetioner before you flush out all about quran and hadiths which are nothing but not even properly man-made in the sight of people like Gamini?Can you talk about music and its impact on our life?Artts and cinema?Paintings,monuments and tourism etc..? Do you know that Gamini wants to enjoy his life in full while we muslims are living everyday talking about death and hell?Lot of muslims are going on Haj don’t they?Millions in numbers.Do any of them know or at least want to know the history of “THAWAF” and other rituals performed during Haj? As to when it all started?Do you also know the fact that
      gone are the days that people knew only a tiny bit of their faiths.
      Have you ever asked yourself as to when and how did you know that you are a muslim and why?Mohideen,take Gamini as who he is.There are lots of nice people like Gamini, out there expecting more people to look at life “also from another angle” I suppose.

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        Can you talk about music and its impact on our life?Artts and cinema?Paintings,monuments and tourism etc..? Do you know that Gamini wants to enjoy his life in full while we muslims are living everyday talking about death and hell?

        Wow! Are you a Muslim? maybe a Sufi? Whatever, man, you are a complete disgrace to Islam! You speak highly of people who mock and ridicule Islam. You even go one step further praising their lifestyle. You talk as if a Muslim lives a miserable,wretched life with no happiness in his life? I suppose, you live in SCREWED UP BOX!!!
        And you belittle the effort of another Muslim just because he didn’t understand another person’s comment? You are encouraging another Muslim to talk about Music, Arts, Cinema etc., to prove what? So that I have some recognition in society? So that scumbags call me: oh, whywhy, is an highly educated guy! He is well versed in a wide variety of subjects! Good for you! Where these subjects will take you it is extremely hot!

        What brand of Islam are you trying preach others? Whatever it is, you can shove it up wherever you want to!

        Maybe you are not familiar with the very famous hadith which I have quoted below? Please take the Quraan and the authentic books and read!

        The Messenger of Allah said: “Remember often the destroyer of pleasure (death).” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi and Sunan al-Nasa’i)

        • 0

          Here we go!Mohideen must really be a guy who wanted to sit back
          think it over and come back, may be little later on.But for Mr Asif,you surrendered to your emotions, like typical, thoughtless and easy provocable muslim on the street without islam.I’ve seen
          Hajis stealing in Mecca in Ihram!I saw a Haji,within 40 days of his Haj,taking liquor at a Sinhala wedding and in front of his wife and innocent school going kids!You think muslims must hide their duplicity from others,so that islam looks great in the eyes of non-muslims while islam is virtually non-existant in their lifestyle except for few customs and habits.Disagree with me if you can, with more facts.There’s a history as to how religions were born,when and why.I’m not going to take on you more deeply specially because you failed to focus on my questions and instead showed signs of intolerance towards my approach to people like Gamini.I accept him as who he is and like very much what he says about what he knows.Finally for your good information,I can call back from my memory,more than six generations of my muslim father and challenge you to do the same.Thanks.

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          I respect people’s unbiased opinions on this forum on various subjects including all religions.Hypocrytes can not tolerate when
          they are exposed.When a muslim is wrong you want this wrong covered
          by another muslim in the name of Islam!This is what your good islam
          is?The world is not blind if you closed your eyes.I haven’t put all
          my questions to people like you yet.

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        Whywhy, I admire you for your independent opinion, without being a bigot. I sometimes wonder whether belief in any Religion is necessary for man to understand what is right and what is wrong, that is common to all humans and societies. Religions devide people, and it has brought more misery to mankind due to Religious conflict. We all humans are born alike and die alike. There are no outside forces to sort out the souls of the departed with registers for verification. What man faces after death can not vary according to a belief and has to be the same for all, because all Religions are man made and only a couple of thousand years old, whereas mankind had existed for over a hundred thousand years, long before all these Religions were born.

        • 0

          Thank you Gamini and I too admire the way you maintain your total
          cool and calm in all situations.Some people think the world is closed when they close their eyes!We have to make them aware that
          is not the case.The world has changed many fold in double quick
          time unbelievably in front of our eyes.Man is changing on a daily
          basis.The gadget you buy today is not available in six months and
          a new version comes in with a new feature.People from all over are
          getting more and more closer to each other in the name of humanity
          and for mutual benefit.These are not happening because of religious blessings, on the other hand religions bless them like the queen reads what’s written by the prime minister.

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    Gamini – I suggest you go back and read the origin of species by Charles Darwin. First and foremost his works is only a theory and not an established fact. Till date none of his theories has been proved correct. Your statement stating according to available evidence as shown by Charles Darwin is incorrect. I could show you reams of evidence disapproving Darwins theory. Even his theory of Natural selection has not been proved as yet. I am not trying to change your views or belief but what I was trying to show is that as Einstein stated that their is Mathmatical brain behind this Mathmatical Universe. I am herewith sending you two videos please go through it,
    if you have the time.

    Quran and Modern Science – Conflict or Conciliation:
    Part 01: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2260954296979594912
    Part 02: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=


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      Ramzie Sanoon, I listened to the links, the usual crap that trying to attribute the Marvels of Nature to God Allah as the creator not only of this world but of the entire Galaxy. It is mind boggling to confine one’s knowledge to this cosmos alone we live in, knowing that it is endless in whichever direction one look at. If there is similar conditions existing beyond and the presence of life elsewhere, does it mean that God Allah created that as well. What if such place exists and if they do not know who this Allah is, or even Islam? After all even in this world, which he is supposed to have created, there are so many who do not believe in him either.

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      Come on Ramzie, Get a life man. Charles Darwin was a brilliant brain, the things he did centuries ago, you can’t understand even today. Darwin’s theories are proven facts and they are printed in all over the ‘civilised world’ (only in the civilised world) in school books and taught. Where is the proof of your God? When US bombed in Iraq and Libya, there were so many helpless crying for help but blasted into pieces. The poor in Afghanistan has been sufferring for ever. Where is God? In Bangladesh, floods kill the poor in thousands every year but there is no divine help. Don’t try explaining to us the way you think it is right or using something another idiot said. Einstein was a genious but did say many comical things when he was drunk. Because he was a witty person as well. After all, he was partly responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki disasters. If you thought he was God, that is wrong. You can believe in whatever garbage you want but try not to justify your beliefs by denigrating other great people.

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        Charles darwin a brilliant mind? Maybe to you. Yes, exactly, till today we haven’t understood this joker’s theory. Grandfather was a monkey and with the passage of time his tail dropped off, the ear grew smaller and the head grew bigger. Great! This is all what we need to teach our children in schools. You are right, this ‘fact’ is taught in the schools of the ‘civilized world’ and only in the ‘civilized world’. In one of the leading nations of the ‘civilized world’ , some children after graduating from schools pursue their higher studies in the ‘University of Corrections’. Yes, some are doing their Masters and Phds for life! (Half of the worlds prison population of about nine million is held in the ‘civilized’ US, China or Russia. Civilized nation US has 2.3 million criminals behind bars, more than any other nation)

        Now lets see where was God when Afghanistan and Iraq were bombed? You see, that funny guy Bush from the ‘civilized world’ one day met up with his friends Dick, Donald Duck and Duffy Duck and all the looney tune characters and they decided they had to go and distribute some chocolates, goodies and some Big Mac and Kentucky fried chicken to the poor, malnourished and downtrodden ‘uncivilized’ Afghanis. Well, they did air drop the goodies and the rest is history. I forgot to mention Scooby dooby Dog Blair from another very ‘civilized world’ also made some contribution towards this very humane cause. Now where was God? In passing, I would like to mention that most of these ‘civilized people’ from the ‘civilized world’ believe that God Almighty could not save his only ‘begotten son’ when he was put on the cross. Forget the Afghanis! But you see, the poor Afghanis never ordered for any Big Mac or chicken nuggets. It was a surprise from the ‘civilized world’. Remember the great work done by the ‘civilized’ USSR that had left an indelible impression upon the hearts and minds of the Afghanis?

        Anyway, after sometime these cartoon guys decided that they had to go on another humanitarian mission, and this time they went to ‘uncivilized’ Iraq. In this case also our cartoon guys gate crashed bringing with them state of the art toy guns, planes and also some remote control planes. The ‘uncivilized’ Iraqis were delighted to see all the goodies and welcomed them with open arms. (Uncivilized, because in schools they were not taught that Psycho Darwin’s theory)

        You see, in the uncivilized middle east they offer jobs to our poor Sri Lankans irrespective of their religion, caste, color or creed. So these poor Sri Lankans, you know, they work hard and end of the day they send home some money in order to feed their families. Unfortunately, the ‘civilized world’ will not offer them any employment. So my poor Sri Lankans are literally dying to get to one of these ‘civilized ‘ countries in search of greener pastures.

        On a serious note, next time when your ‘civilized nations’ invade ‘uncivilized Muslim nations’and get into the ‘defecation mode'(kill innocent men, women and children, loot and plunder) don’t expect God to turn up with some toilet paper to wipe their asses!

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          Asif, You are a good example and prhaps a role model for your kind of tiny world.Unlike you and your God, Charles Darwin is regarded and rightly so, as a brilliant mind. Only in Of course you won’t undertand his theory because you are perhaps taught what is in your Quran not what is tauight in the civilisation. |For you and your prophet who repeatedly advocate killing and revenge in Quran, renaissance was something that happened to other people. Your grandfather may not have been a monkey but the civilisation has a long history from when they were neanderthals, except for those neanderthals still living in Arabic countries where women are stoned to death. In Arabic and other muslim countries I am afraid, the prison population would be far higher than in the US if they keep people in prison. They don’t do they? They stone people to death or hang in public. Also, once in a while like in Iraq, Libya and Egypt, the uncivilised governments are bombed and attacked by outsiders or insiders when all the prisoners either escape or used in the fights as guineapigs.
          You need to read and think more, if you need to talk about these things. Just reading Quran only, you can’t have a decent arguement.

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    Ramzie Sanoon, there is enough historical evidence how primitive societies lived up to the modern times. How man from the savanas ended up in the concrete cities. If you believe that man was cultured then, some living as canibals and animals, you have to acquaint your self with facts. Man was never what he is today, but evolved over the years. This is a fact although it may run contrary to your Religious beliefs.

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    Welcome to Rubert the only person in the whole world even the Darwinist fight shy to say it Facts of evolution, where everybody else calls it theory of evolution as it has not reached the realms of facts. It must be Rupert’s fantasy. Therefore I do not want much to dwell into his statement as he does not understand anything what darwin has written. Suggest you follow a course and then write your comments on Darwanism.My only advice to Rupert is dont try to display your ignorance.

    Gamani I respect your views, but would like to point to you that your knowledge of Physical science is very poor and today more than 90%of the Scientist hold the view that the world could have not come into existence due to chance. The theory of natural selection which Darwin wrote has still not been proved as yet.

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      Ramzie, It looks like you accidentally have spoken to a non-believer of your religion. Well done for that in the first place, because at some point you might open up. It is a theory but not a hypothesis. It has been developed with evidence, not bafoonism like a religion. You think understand Darwin’s theory but with your interpretation not darwin’s, blighme,ignorance is yours man.
      There may be scientists who debate darwin’s theory but not to promote an unseen God but to strengthen the facts. That’s how science works for your information.

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      Ramzie, why some of the Scientists if at all believe in creation is for the reason of the clock work precission of events around us. Therefore they might believe that there should be someone to have commenced this whole operation. We humans all think relatively, that all things have a bigining and an end as life on this planet. I do not think so. As much as there is no begining or an end, as there is no up nor down and it is infinite, there is no creation either. It is only a WHY? and man is trying to find reason. Instead, let us live and let live as brothers and sisters and most importantly as Civilised Humans without division.

      • 0

        There was no beginning, no end?? What science is that? There is plenty of proof now the universe is expanding. Once we have consumed all the energy the Sun could provide with, the end is undeniable. Creation is something people believed in during the primitive times, when they couldn’t make heads or tails of anything. But since then, the science has developed so much.As Prof. Al-Khalili said last week, CERN in Geneva is quite close to proving exactly what happened at the beginning of the universe as well. But it is nothing to do with an almighty, before the universe began, he wouldn’t have had anywhere to live.

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    Science is knowledge of Natural or Physical Phenomena where truth is assertained by observation and experiment. It is for this reason that Freud, Jung and Adler said that there is only degree of truth and not the perfect truth. Therefore if believed there would be an end, the Sun burning out of it’s energy for life to continue, is only hypothetical. Yet the rest will continue although there may not be life including of the Humans. The end of Human race will be the end of God also.

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      Lol, are you ill? There is no need to ‘believe’ the sun is running out of energy man, it is, so pack your bags. You try to talk about everything including science by reading a novel and it is incomprehensible. It is not what Tom, Dick and Freud said when they are drunk that matters, but how the energy is produced is not magic. What is good for you to read and learn is the simple conservation laws like the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed. What we consume is what is released by the sun and there is no qualm about that, no scientific debate about that. How the sun releases energy is not a magic either.It is not only understood but calculated quite accurately too. It is not a degree of truth or half truth but the total truth. I appreciate that unless you know basic science and Maths, it may be difficult to understand.But onething you could do is, not talk about mature subjects that you have no idea about. Displaying ignorance in public is silly.

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    Rubert Banderkoon, who believes he is Intelligent, the apologist for the MR regime unable to understand the duplicity carried out by the Hora Rajapaksas, Could you with your Scientific Knowledge tell the readership for how long the Sun has been burning already and for how long more will it burn?

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      Man, I apologise for my question, you are ill. This expansion of universe you think is a ploy by Rajapakses? Otherwise where does that fit in? Anyway, I have better things to do than talking to a hollow brain, you can easily find yourself how old the Sun is and how much life is left in it, just by Googling if books are too much for you. If you still have problems (or if you struggle to Google), we’ll deal with that later.

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        Rubert Banderkoon I never said that, Rajapaksas are responsible for the expansion of the Universe or otherwise. It appears you are unable to read and understand simple English. Although you have tried to debunk the Theory of God, the readers in this blog have seen how defiently you have tried to defend the Rajapaksas who are world proven Rogues and Murderers. Therefore I understand your inability to interact in a decent manner as you have no substance. Besides you do not know whether you are Vanderkoon or Banderkoon? A man who cannot write his own name properly. So what arguments for you? Silence should be Golden for you, otherwise you expose your level of intelligence to all the readers.Good Bye!

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    Rubert, I never spoke to you about my religion,but what I pointed out you is that you little know about Charles Darwin theory, you are just making statements without giving the facts and proof of what you state. Darwin’s theory has been repudiated a long time ago and none of his statements has been established as facts. Therefore I would like you to read Darwins book and then comeback and state what has been proved as established facts. In this regard I wish to quote Einstein who stated “Science without religion is lame”. Without making off the cuff statements for the gallery and jumping from one position to another show proof of your comments initially made about Darwin theory of evolution.

    Gamini you are again wrong in your assumption, with the recent science of astronomy it has been observed that the Universe is expanding and accelerating at terrific speed outwards thereby giving a negative gravitational pull of the whole universe and the scientist has agreed that in time to come the present Universe will die. Read the recent findings published in the Annual Science Periodical put out by NASA and also Nature news.

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      If the universe is expanding, the earth should take longer time to complete a day. So the length of the day should increase day after day by one hour? or a minute? or a second? or a nano-second? or even less than that? Earlier people believed whatever prophets said, hell, heaven, seven sky and so on. Now they believe NASA!

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      Ramzie, what are the assumptions that I have made that are wrong? Please do not make generalise statements, but kindly be specific. Is it my assumption that there is a God? Is it my assumption that this Universe will die? For your information only life, animate objects that die and not inanimate objects. I believe you are refering to the end of the world, when you say the Universe will die?

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    When I peruse this article and the comments made in favour and against makes me to laugh. none of the writers had paid an iota of suspicion over the writer Richard or about Dr Ameer Ali.

    In reality both the said persons are seems to be anonymous or the “Colombo Telegraph” wants to check the intelligence of the Muslims. The person appearing as Gamini cannot be a Sinhalese either. He knows the history better tan a Muslim.

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