19 January, 2025


Proposed Sri Lankan Envoy To Geneva C. A Chandraprema Was A Member Of PRRA Death Squad

Switzerland must deny accreditation to the Ambassador designate for Sri Lanka, C.A.Chandraprema, because of his membership during the late eighties of a death squad responsible for the murders of hundreds of people, including human rights lawyers, journalists, university students and school children.


C. A Chandraprema was known as “Thadi Priyantha” at the time and was a key member of the People’s Revolutionary Red Army or PRRA, one of many shadowy armed groups working with the military to target suspects during a Sinhala youth uprising that saw 40,000 killed. PRRA routinely issued death threats to journalists and human rights activists, including staff from Amnesty International, whose reports at the time accused PRRA of being involved in executions and enforced disappearances.

Chandraprema was arrested in Sri Lanka in 2000 in connection with the 1989 assasinations of two human rights lawyers – Charita Lankapura and Kanchana Abhayapala. A senior ex policeman in custody had named Chandraprema as the alleged assassin in an affidavit which is publicly available online. However Chandraprema was released after the Attorney General decided there was no legal grounds to proceed. Since then he has been protected by his links to all the major political parties in Sri Lanka.

“It is the ultimate irony that a man who has never been properly investigated for his alleged role in the murder of brave human rights lawyers should sit in the Human Rights Council,” a body intended to protect the rights of victims and human rights activists said ITJP’s Executive Director, Yasmin Sooka. “Sri Lanka has a past record of intimidating and threatening activists who attend the Human Rights Council – it is simply not safe to have a man like this heading a diplomatic mission in Geneva.”

In recent years Chandraprema became a newspaper columnist. In 2012 he authored a hagiography of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa that denies all the allegations of war crimes committed by the Sri Lankan army against Tamils in 2009 which are meticulously documented in a series of United Nations investigations.

“Unpunished state criminatilty is the obscene underside of Sri Lanka’s celebrated democracy,” said Bashana Abeywardene, coordinator of Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka. “The truth has been buried to such an extent that an alleged former member of a death squad can be proposed as the country’s representative to the United Nations and nobody even protests.” (ITJP)

Read the dossier on C.A. Chandraprema here

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  • 5

    The JVP have never supported Ranil or the UNP, ITs the UNP and SLPP are One it’s there plot to misguide the masses to spread rumors the the JVP is supporting Ranil or the UNP but its otherwise now at least the people can see who is protecting who. Chandraprema is a inhuman and in humans will support the same, otherwise how can you appoint a person who has a bad record on human rights to protect human rights.

    They speak of Sinhalese Buddhist who killed thousand of Sinhalese youth in 1971 and 1989 it’s the Sinhalese rulers, both joined together irrespective of the party difference to protect their class.

  • 7

    Proposed Sri Lankan Envoy To Geneva C. A Chandraprema Was A Member Of PRRA Death Squad

    *** While the CRIMINAL makes false statements the 41% who voted for him want to hear such as I will clean up the mess and catch those guilty of things such as Mass Murder , Theft and so on he has not admitted that he created this mess . Chandraperuma is a Tip of the Ice Berg Headed by Gotha himself.
    There is going to be a fire works at the next UN session with the likes of Firebrand Buddhist Preacher Gotha , Criminal Army Chief Shavendra and now Head of Death Squad Chandraperuma

  • 4

    Comment by Native Veddha ..?
    Sri Lankan is not fail state ,it become failure because it was colonization by Western
    Imperialist of many countries like Britain Dutch and Portuguese.

    During that Colonization period of Island there was Not single a Tamil Racist leaders were fought for National Independence of our people.
    Why was that? Historical facts truth says and their(Tamils race of chauvinist) deeds had been reveled Tamils and Muslim think , an Island of Lankan was/ is NOT Their mother Land.
    So then why should that Tamils fought against foreign invades> There was no reasons to protected vital interest national territory by Tamil Race lived few pockets North part. …Island.

    How can they claim for that Sri Lanka was Tamil Homeland ?
    All Tamil speaking knowing that Tamil Nadu was/is their Homeland.
    Better to know Tamils of Dravidian civilization was confines to South of Indian region of Tamil Nadu .

    • 9

      So Herath you Sinkalam,

      Did the Racist Buddhist Monks built Nallur to the North Koneswaram and Ketheeswaram to the East . How generous of them. They must have built the temples abd imported the Northern Tamils. You certainly have a tiny brain the size of a peanut

    • 0

      We need people like you across the world. I agreed with you 100%, but Sinhalese jealousy too played a big role destroying themselves. British political system did not fit into Sinhalese public who are low educated and system divided Sinhalese and created dictators who opened the doors for various conspirators from around the world to conspire against sri lanka

  • 3

    Looks like the best qualification now is to be the best arselicker. Assured of a good position for providing the best wipe.

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