2 May, 2024


Public Apology; On JVP National List

By Chrishmal Warnasuriya

Chrishmal Warnasuriya

Chrishmal Warnasuriya

My fellow Sri Lankans;

As most of you are aware, my name appeared second amongst the 29 professionals and academics that made up the JVP National List (not listed alphabetically, but presumably in the order of priority that the Party would ultimately fill the number allocated) at the recently concluded General Election, where the Commissioner has since returned two seats to be filled by the Party; which I understand now have been allocated to Mr. Sarathchandra Mayadunne whose name appeared before mine, and Mr. Sunil Handunnethti, who contested Matara but failed to secure a seat. Firstly, let me offer my heartiest congratulations to the two of them on their selection by the Party Secretary. Let me also correct the statement made by Mr. Tilvin Silva, which was aired a short while ago that this party decision was fully endorsed and accepted by those of us on the National List; I can categorically state that this is a false and inaccurate statement and that there was no such consent expressed by me, and, in fact, I objected to this change of stance by the party for the several reasons alluded to below.

Whilst this is addressed to all of you in general, I particularly direct this at those of you who gave me a patient hearing during this campaign, whether over the media or at rallies, including those friends, relatives, and their “connections” at places of work etc., who relied on my statements and utterances and proceeded to exercise your invaluable sovereign power and franchise based on my assurances; to you I tender an unconditional and unequivocal apology! I am sorry that I could not answer your several telephone calls, messages etc but I do implore in utmost earnest, that you suffer me this last patient hearing to my explanation and find within yourself occasion to forgive me, as all those statements were based on bona fide belief that they were true and accurate at the time.

I had never intended to engage in active politics and was relatively content with my practice; however, since my return to the island in 2007, several socio-political demands compelled me to engage in mainly attempts to attain good governance and the rule of law with several political parties and activists. After a while my engagements in some of these public agitations with the JVP reached beyond a direct professional involvement actuated by the demands of the issues, the culmination of which was around the end of last year, when the then President Rajapaksa declared his intention to contest a third term. As I got involved in the challenge to this Presidency by the JVP professionally, I was also requested by the JVP to mount the political platform and engage in several public agitations. It was at this time that I intimated to the party that as until then there had been no such direct engagement in politics by me, if I were to take this step; then I will have to continue on a political journey with them only, as I was not in the habit of switching allegiances once a decision was made. The party’s response was that they too, had been observing my contributions and if I were willing they will nominate me as a National List candidate at the next parliamentary election. Thereafter, together with the massive public support that the campaign managed to attract, the citizens of this country won that historic victory of 8th January 2015 for which I am truly grateful for whatever little part I was able to play in the making of that history.

Chrishmal WarnasuriyaThere was no further discussion of “politics” thereafter with the JVP but there were other Parties who discussed the matter in general, possibly to gauge my reaction; but there was no firm committment given to any other by me. Thereafter, around a week and a half before the closing date for nominations of this General Election, the JVP met me at my Chambers and repeated their earlier invite to contest the election as a candidate on their National List. I specifically recall inquiring from them at the time as to where in the order of priority I will be placed on their list, and it was after having seen the list, where my name was placed second, that I ventured to actively engage in the campaign. I subjected the party policy to a detailed study, took time to update myself on party literature and it was thereafter that I addressed several public rallies and made appearances on TV and social media activities; at all times defending and promoting the JVP and its “Accord of the Conscience.” A pivotal point of our campaign was the composition of our National List and I expressedly recall defending the JVP’s formulation of this list on at least three TV interviews and criticizing the lists of other parties for including defeated candidates etc; this was a primary assurance that we placed before the People at this election, that our National List had been carefully prepared to include academics and professionals from outside of the Party, who would not otherwise engage in routine “competitive politics” but whose contributions were considered as important in the Legislature. I defended this policy to the hilt in complete bona fide belief that this was a principle of the party and that the JVP would be principled enough to abide by such discipline.

Upon the declaration of results, where the Commissioner returned as elected four members who contested and two slots in the National List, I received a text message from Mr. Vijitha Herath as to whether we could meet in the afternoon on the 19th of August. Having scheduled the meeting, we met in my Chambers and held a detailed discussion on the party’s return of elected candidates that were much less than the number we had expected, and I recall making particular reference to Messrs. K.D. Lal Kantha, Bimal Rathnayake, Samantha Viddyarathna, Sunil Handunneththi, Wasantha Samarasinghe and Nalin Hewage inter alia, stating my view that they were all equally fit and capable to be in the Legislature; as to why they had not been elected and why the Party had fallen short of expectations was an immediate concern which must be discussed as a matter of priority.

At this juncture, Mr. Herath informed me that Mr. Mayadunne had indicated an agreement to volunteer his position on the National List for Mr. Handunneththi to stand in his place and queried whether I would be similarly inclined to forego my second position in favour of Mr. Bimal Rathnayake. My categorical and unequivocal response to this was based on our above assurance to the public, as to how we defended our National List and therefore, it would be breaching that public assurance if we were to now act differently. I recall specifically stating that compromising our stand on the National List would erode public confidence in our statements, which was not the way to go forward if we were serious of forming a government in 2020. We thereafter concluded the meeting on this understanding. The next occasion I heard from Mr. Herath was this morning when I received a text message claiming that the party had discussed the matter and were keen on nominating Mr. Handunneththi to Parliament I replied and reiterated that if Mr. Mayadunne had volunteered for such an arrangement I could not comment on that; however, I was opposed to any such arrangement as a matter of principle. I was, therefore, reasonably perturbed when I was directed to a press-statement by Mr. Tilvin Silva stating that I had agreed with this arrangement; I categorically reiterate my denial and wish that all members of the electronic and print media who reported this news item in that manner would kindly correct that news and afford adequate, equal, and similar space and/or airtime and prominence to my correction.

Finally, I reiterate my apology to all of you who relied on my statements and cast a vote in our favour and/or defended the policy that I promoted. I am sorry that I am unable to represent your voice in the Legislature as assured, which I hope you will understand are due to circumstances beyond my control. I thank all of you for reposing your confidence and reliance on my word. I also thank those persons who assisted the Party and the campaign in various ways, either by opening up your homes and hearts to us or by way of material contributions because of my involvement; and for the latter I can assure you that there are accurate records maintained for all of it, which I can make available should you so require. I also thank the several members of the print and electronic media who carried my message to the masses and politely request you, as indeed everyone of the general public, not to lose faith in the mission that Social Justice can be attained – we can make a better country and we will do it one day.

As for my immediate future, professionally, I shall return to Court and seek refuge in its blanket of knowing-comfort and will also retire to the peace and affection of my family, to whom I also apologize for dragging them through the mud of this political campaign and for the neglect of my time; and of course seek shelter with those close friends who I know will insulate me from “the political world” to which, perhaps, I do not belong.



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Latest comments

  • 27

    The bottom line is that Chrishmal Warnasuriya is not a JVPer.

    • 10

      Chrishmal Warnasuriya

      “I can categorically state that this is a false and inaccurate statement and that there was no such consent expressed by me, and, in fact, I objected to this change of stance by the party for the several reasons alluded to below.”

      Please remember you need to go by the Party consensus, and you were in the National List based on the pre-election assumptions, that did not come through. The question is who is best ti serve the part and the nation.

      So, go along with the Party consensuses, and be part of it.

      Otherwise you will be like Mahinda Rajaksa, MaRa MaRa Chati MaRa Amana MaRPleae take Amarasiri’s advice.

      Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa did not take Amarasiri’s advice after Jan 8, 2015 defeat, to retire and fish, but listened to his Shills and cronies, and now fumbling and bumbling.

      Use Common Sense.

    • 10


      I think that you’ve issued a reasonable statement; now you should display a sense of humour and move on. As “The Professional” says, you just aren’t a JVPer, while Sunil Handunetti (blasted hand and all,) is. The JVP ran a good campaign, and represents something valuable for society – but we guys just don’t belong there.

      Wish them well (they appear to have reformed and I think will eschew violence for the conceivable future); get on with your legal practice, and whatever work you may still be doing at S.T.P.S. Colpetty etc.

    • 6

      Well said!

      This pretender is the next failed agent of the USIS after the spectacular failure of Milinda Moragoda.

      They both appeared from nowhere promising national renewal, and will disappear back in to the warmth of the US bossom from where they will continue to look for opportunities to break in to local politics.

      Well done for the JVP for calling the bluff o this traitor.

    • 0

      Chrismal is a Catholic from Moratuwa. Father was a Dinesh G man. Mother was UNP and later became MEP. Chrismal is a fine interviewer on Radio & TV, and all rounder who has post Grad Legal qualifications.A humble nice man.Highly qualified to go to Parliament. Consider all this…JVP big bugs may have said, ‘He is a new man, let us put Mayadunne.’ Even when Mayadunne wanted to step down, Anura ,Herath, Tivlin and Handunnetti must have decided that Mayadunne was a saleable commodity.


  • 22

    Presumably another power hungry story.

  • 15

    Oh dear!

    Troubles galore again for poor JVP lads. Bit of a pickle. Once again.

    Despite all their sacrifices and hard work. Applauded by even their political opponents.

    I don’t really know this Chrishmal Warnasuriya chap’s pedigree too well. However, I am kind of sympathetic to his disappointment as much as I feel for JVP’s predicament.

    Whether one likes the JVP or not, they had many superb candidates. Both on the ballot and in their national list. Many of them were much needed in Sri Lanka’s Parliament.

    Sri Lanka’s electorate of the stupid should be blamed a great deal. It sent in all sorts bloody idiots to Parliament via UPFA lists. Whom we must now maintain with 4WD duty free vehicles, fat salaries, perks & pensions. For no reason what so ever. Except they would be jobless otherwise.

    While Sunil Handunhetti, Chrismal Warnasuriya & Rosy Senanayake must struggle to find a slot in our Parliament. A place they are utterly qualified to be.

    Next challenge should be to defeat stupidity in Sri Lanka. From north to south. East to west. If at all possible.

    Chrismal Warnasuriya’s public apology would then be unnecessary.


    • 3

      Fabulous. Do you mean those who voted for UPFA should have chosen Hadunneththi and Rosy? Is that even possible? Do you even know that once UPFA voters raised not 2 or 3 JVP candidates but 40 of them to the top? Yeah it all ended when JVP decided that Mahinda should be left alone to be defeated at war with LTTE probably with the advice of Sri lankan haters like you.

      Now don’t blame UPFA voters for that. They were badly dissapointed by JVP. If anyone blame the UNP voters who deceived JVP leaders in grand style until problems within UNP were resolved and then happily voted for UNP. The same happened to poor Fonseka.

      • 2


        First of all, you have chosen yourself a fitting name.

        Please advise your UPFA brethren to keep voting for colossal intellectuals such as:
        “Mala Hora”
        “Tsunami Hora”
        Lohan from Kandy et al.

        I am sure with UPFA our country will go places.

        You love for Sri Lanka is a bit overwhelming for me.


        • 0

          Continue your display of superiority and eliteness so UPFA voters will find a way to vote for UPFA and Rosy, Hadhuneththi at the same time.

          while at it continue to vote for gentlemen and ladies with some class like Ranjan, Ravi, Ranil, Malik, Sujeewa, Harin, Hirunika. Questions on their character in just 100 days shouldn’t be an issue because these have a licence for corruption no?

  • 6

    No party is immune from dirty habits. Its come to the JVP as well and some were calling it to be the main opposition !

  • 27


    Because you didn’t get what you wanted, you now say you don’t belong to the “political world” and denounce the “mud of this political campaign.” Would you say the same thing and quit politics if Sunil Handunnethti takes Sarathchandra Mayadunne’s place with you being appointed as the other JVP national list M.P.?

    Now quit whining. Be a professional and accept the management decision. And get back to your day job.

  • 1

    There is nothing sacrosanct in the present JVP or its earlier avatar
    and it many eloquent promises. They are all part of the Sri Lankan political culture – and you know what this is in terms of the sanctity of promises and assurances. Weerawansa recently and Mahinda Wijesekera earlier were all JVP heavy-weights. Both were shamelessly seduced by the temptations and weaknesses of capitalist politics. Both went to amass fortunes – illegally and without compunction. Naturally – in the name of the “poor and exploited people” Mr. Warnasuriya’s harangue here is nothing but sour grapes. The only difference is he shows his selfish character even getting into positions of power.

    Under Anura Dissanayaka’s effective pronouncements and the poor performance of both Mahinda Rajapakses and Ranil’s government’s to bring relief to the poor – widely given prominence in the electronic media, there was space for honest and honourable politics. This incidence goes to prove the validity of those famous words “the more things change the more they are the same” The rejection of the JVP by the Sinhala electorate goes out to prove the socialism they preach is pretty much outdated. So long as there are those millions of educated and semi-educated without jobs there will be room for “left” politics. If the great Chinese and Russian people chose the capitalist path what are we? The JVPs role should be that of checking and exposing the excesses of the right-wing governments that will generally be in power. Watch-dog may be a word they might take exception to. Looked at it differently, today’s JVPs role will be no different to those of the LSSP, CP and other Left parties. Like the earlier Left parties the PVP too will be a stepping stone for aspiring politicians to get into the mainstream political band waggon. The JVP over-estimated its strength in the electorate. It is, to put it somewhat crudely, the same wine in different bottles/labels.

    For its own survival, the JVP will revert back to naked communalism, anti-Indian and anti-West rhetoric in the months and years to come.


    • 0


      There’s a real and visible change in the characters of
      UNP members,obviously due to the presence of JVP
      pressure for a change in the way people are being
      looked at for their votes.I spoke to an undergrad from
      a private law institute who expressed shock that JVP
      lost its second preferred candidate from Colombo. She
      kept saying that more of younger generation votes
      went to JVP. You know the secret ? The youth is more
      serious about seeing justice around their daily lives,
      girls and boys and striving to see a change happening .
      They believe JVP is the one to deliver it. Even people
      like Ranil recognizes this growing trend . Sometimes
      I keep wondering that the re entry of MARA was a plot
      by My3 Ranil combo to stop JVP getting bigger and thus
      become a danger to them . I never voted for JVP and
      had no sympathy to it but have a feeling that they
      have changed and because of them , our political
      climate is changing for better with their indirect
      participation. At least to a certain level. Is it
      not good enough ? A young party with young leaders !

  • 1

    If anyone thinks the JVP was playing hanky panky with their loud pronouncements before the elections about integrity and honesty in politics…ha ha ha, you have seen nothing yet!

    Wait till Maithri demands plum cabinet positions for his stooges. Ranil will need Panadol by the bagful.

    Remember the 30 minister cabinet? Ah,.. coming soon putha.

    Funny how none of our parliamentarians have never talked about a constitutional amendment to limit the cabinet…they seem to need one for anything else.

  • 2

    I have listened to various talk shows at which Mr.Warnasuriya has participated and admired his talents and expected his presence in the next Parliament along with Mr.Mayadadunne. I am also disappointed about the turn of events. I salute the PM for taking a principled stand in not accommodating any defeated candidates in the National List while various other defeated candidates from other parties are trying to creep in which is not a good sign.
    The constitution should be amended to debar defeated candidates entering through the back door. I presume Sri Lanka is the only country in the world where even defeated candidates could enter the Parliament.
    Mr. Sunil Handunetti’s defeat is very unfortunate as he has immensely contributed in the parliamentary debates with deep analysis and country needs people of his caliber too.

  • 4

    Oh Dear Chrishmal,
    JVP used their national list members as showcase items to enhance the credibility of their party. That’s why to the surprise of many, they selected a person like you, who doesn’t belong to their class. When it comes to a choice they will certainly select a Handunetthi, a Lalkantha or a Bimal Ratnayake. That’s politics. If learned people like you can’t understand this simple theory, then you shouldn’t be in politics.
    Please remember that ‘No party is immune from dirty politics’ including JVP. Professionals like you should be mature enough to understand this scenario.

  • 5

    Chrishmal, now that you have been thrown into the dustbin you realize that politics is a dirty game. But surely, wouldn’t you have also been a player of this game if you were also elected?

  • 6

    This man’s idol was Sarath Silva. I am not surprised he is behaving like him. Chrishmal you are too full of yourself.
    You have clearly exposed yourself as a hungry politician desperate to go to parliament. Next time why don’t you contest from the bodu bala senankaya? I blame the JVP for entertaining people like you in the national list.

  • 1

    I believe although the JVP tried to project themselves as different to other politicians and political parties, they are just the same. Their holier than thou attitude is only a false facade. After their violent politics at the beginning that was shunned by the poor masses, they projected that they have changed. Then we saw the first rift and the break away of Wimal Weerawansa the ultra Capitalist who robbed public funds to be one. The Disney Land trips and foreign Western education for his offspring clearly showed his interests. Then we saw the change of leadership of the party from Somawansa to AKD and how Somawansa tried to go on his own afterwards. I have met many a Professional and Academic who have had high praise for the JVP but have been bitterly disappointed later. Even the crafty Lakshman Kadiragamar tried to ride on the JVP praising, what a nice set of decent reasonable chaps they were. Many Private Companies absorbed them to give them an opportunity in life much to the detriment of the Companies that hired them. Now we hear the lament of another Professional who had thrown his lot in the belief that JVP is the only Political party standing by it’s principles, only to find they are the same or worse. Is it any surprise then, that the JVP has failed to attract the masses who doubt their sincerity that has proved beyond all doubt. The known Devil, the UNP will always be better and safer than these Angels.

    • 3


      There are other important issues that JVP wouldn’t discuss.

      JVP never surrendered its collection of arms and ammunition.

      In the early and mid 1990s I am told that many JVP sympathizers enrolled themselves with armed forces, I am told, probably hoping to launch a palace coup at an opportune moment. Some of them would have been promoted to senior positions.

      Are those officers and soldiers still loyal to the armed forces or their loyalty still lies with JVP?

      • 0


        Narendra Modi has the answer ! JVP of A K D also
        knows this. Native , don’t you think that JVP is
        one reason why once a mammoth UNP is now crying
        foul for a national government ? A power packed
        UNP is now no more . JVP plus its former airbag
        Wimal put together, have eleven seats. SF found
        out finally where his stars are. Ranil advised
        him to go to Kurunegala to put up a real show.
        Srilankan not interested in army men taking
        control of them . The message to SF is loud and
        clear.Do you seriously think that JVP didn’t
        take notice of all the corrupt profiles that they
        filed cases against are back in their seats ?
        Just look at what half of the country wants.

  • 2

    I agree with the writer and he being a lawyer does not appear to make amends with the circumstances and events that are taking place in the political field. One good thing that the JVP has done, as said by the writer, they have consulted him and discussed the matter before any action was taken. Hopefully both parties (JVP & the writer) would have discussed and it had been proposed for him to “agree” to accommodate the most suitable to be in Parliament at this juncture. As far as Mr. Mayadunne is concerned, his presence in Parliament is a “MUST” because of his past hands on experience with the relevant financial matters of the the Government. As far as Mr. Handunetti is concerned, he too is a veteran in Parliamentary Affairs and the country needs him there, although the “rice eating 98.5% literacy rated” voters in Matara rejected him. This is how some times the “Tyranny of Majority” under a Democracy works with which we have to live.

    However, while agreeing with Mr. Chrismal Warnasuriya as regards this “National Listing”, if I was him, definitely I would have looked into the “Broader Aspects” (e.g Political) of the problem along with the prevailing “situation” and the “NEED” of the hour and compromised most willingly to “sacrifice” that opportunity to accommodate a well “deserving cause”. That is how, I believe, the people of learning and standing should work to achieve a common goal.

  • 0

    Following the results of the elections those who either won or found a place in the National List have reasons to be happy that for the next five years they can throw their weight about and enjoy the various perks of office.
    But those who had not, have to put up with the result and accept the the fact of defeat.That is a fact of life.
    It would be easier for the disappointed in such a situation to be content and consoled if in fact they really had altruistic intentions to serve,The bitterness of defeat gnaws the vital only if the intention was otherwise,so sour grapes become an excuse.

  • 9

    Poor guy. He is sure missing the chance of enjoying the perks of an MP.
    Give him a handkerchief somebody. But make sure it is not a Red one.

    • 4

      “But make sure it is not a Red one.”

      Yeah.. By now he must be contemplating accepting a blue one , at least. Just another sucker of a politician.

  • 3

    This guy is not at all fitting to JVP or for that matter LTTE ,whose cadres sacrificed their lives for the caused they believed in , whether right or wrong.

    This man wants fat perks, etc;like Wimal Booruwansa & good for parties like UNP/SLFP

    • 3

      “This man wants fat perks, etc;like Wimal Booruwansa & good for parties like UNP/SLFP “

      And with his experience in the Audit Dept he will know how to Cook The Books better than Cabburala and Mahendran.

  • 5

    Dear Chrismal.Warnasuriya,

    You need to understand that your party is NOT obliged to appoint you a MP on the national list just because you happen to be on it.

    The JVP was expected to win more seats and get more bonus seats and that never happened.

    The party leadership should have the authority to appoint anyone they so wish.

    JVP has lots of members who have carried on with the party through hard times.

    You have come in just under one month and you expect to leap over these stalwarts?Stop dreaming, your big ego needs to learn humility and come back another time, when its more suitable.

    Lesson is ‘a loud mouth dosent necessarily win every time”

    Chill for a bit and you’ll be fine….maybe do some talk shows on Sirisa with Bandula.Jayasekera another so called journalist with a big ego, couched as a moderate these days.


  • 1

    It is a good thing that the JVP were sidelined in this election and hope would continue to be sidelined. If they cannot keep promises within the party, they how can they be trusted to keep their so called “armchair” socialist promises, nationally.

  • 2

    Dont hate the player, hate the game…..as long as the JVP hopes to be a “dog in the manger” within Parliament, no serious voter will afford them a second glance.

    You sir are a fool……at least, you called a spade a spade!

  • 3

    Chrismal, JVP had come a long way by trial and error and learnt their lessons to tone down and fall in line with the masses, many of them Lal Kantha, AKD, Sunil, Herath, all went through the mill and sustained to gain ground over the years, and they are right in selecting Mayadunne who is an educated, renowned personality who can challenge the frauds committed by Cabral, Uruwansa and Booruwansa, and the rougue Modawansas, so if you are that dedicated to the cause of the country and its people, why dont you with yr experience, skills and wisdom just stick around and build up the party to garner at least 20 seats on 17 August which we all expected, all you guys did not do your jobs you scolded Ranil, the people did not want the rogue Jarapassas therefore they had no choice but to elect a true and honest gentleman in Ranil whom we must all support and not pull the rug from under his feet, that why we need personalities like Mayadunne, AKD and Sunil. Good luck in yr future political career !

  • 2


    You remind me of the little boy who took his bat and ball and went home because he was given out ! Perhaps Rosy and you could start your own party .

  • 0


    We need gentleman politicians like you. There may be more worthy parties to join next time? You may have to sling a little mud though.

    Only you will know if the accusations that are levelled against you are baseless and false – or not. No one is perfect so some of those accusations may be a little off the mark.

  • 0


    I think what you try to say is, JVP doesn’t suit you
    and you don’t fit into their shoes! You and JVP took
    wrong decisions about each other and suppose you all
    take policy decisions the same way ? Suppose JVP got
    only one national slot ? I believe that JVP did a lot
    of sacrifices to keep in shape against the aggressive
    uncivilized , barbaric , deceptive ,corrupt and racist
    political culture. You just can’t take it. Simple .

  • 0

    Chrishmal Warnasuriya, I feel there is no real need to make a public apology. It does not appear you are acting on your own free will but doing so under extreme pressure to give up your chance. You will regret in time to come to take the blame which is not really yours.

    Come on, accept the fact there is always a privileged class and that is the truth and that is so in the JVP. You are forced to give up your chance to the privileged Sunil Handunnethti to accept the nomination list slot. JVP is practicing privilege class within its members but opening criticizing for others. Actually there is nothing wrong in being privileged and rich and that is only for those who have talent, skill, intelligence and working hard. You cannot be lazy, and a fool and hope to be rich and privileged.

    Do not trust the JVP or any socialist and communist parties. Everybody loves to be rich and have comfortable lives and many people are jealous at rich people. Rich people are rich because they have talent and skill. I am not speaking of the people who are rich due to illegitimate business. The so called socialist and communists are a group of people who love to be rich but they cannot and so being sour grapes preach socialism and criticize capable people living comfortably. But when they have a chance to jump to be rich they do that and that is how Wimal Weerawansa who spoke against the capitalist and for the down trodden but now when he had made his money now keeps silent.

    JVP brought the roof down shouting at Mahinda Rajapakse to give up and go home for retirement being rejected by the people but when Sunil Handunnethti loses his election now maintains a deafening silence. He now wants as privileged person grab the nomination slot elbowing you out. He does not give an equal opportunity to other members of JVP. So are other lower than him? Charity starts at home. Practice your philosophy within your members before you preach to the others. Do not be misled by JVP you are simply disposable tools for other big wigs of the party.

    Do not shy liking to be rich and influential, we all love to, and there is nothing wrong. But remember all cannot be rich and influential only the capable, talented and hardworking people can. Lazy, unmotivated fools cannot ever hope to become rich, famous and influential and Communist, and JVP is full of these people. Don’t waste your time working for the JVP; you are only cheating you and others.

  • 0

    Chrishmal Warnasuriya, JVP mask is torn they are crooks. They do not believe in equal opportunity but only on personal privileges. The next time Sunil Handunnetti and Bimal Ratnayake will not have even the nomination slots to go to Parliament as the party as a whole will be ditched out. People now are fully aware what JVP is really up to they are nothing different to many others are comprising people who really love to be rich, influential and privileged but unable to belong this class because being lazy and untalented. so they take vendetta against the people who are talented, skilled and hardworking and therefore being rich and influential.

    There is nothing wrong in being rich or aspiring to be rich as long as you take legitimate means to achieve it. Nothing served in criticizing rich people (who gained through legitimate means) and one gains nothing. Instead of blaming them learn from them and try yourself to achieve that status and that will pay better dividends.

  • 0

    Chrishmal Warnasuriya

    From what happened to you we all should understand JVP is just another ‘capitalist party’ privileged treatment for influential people and Sunil Handunnetti gets preferential treatment. First JVP must practice socialism within your group if it wants to spread the message to all. A party not prepared to accept equality among its own members cannot practice to the population at large. It is very clear JVP is merely wearing a socialism mask but loves to have capitalistic ideals, but they are unable to become rich and influential because they lack talent, commitment and the determination to work hard the essential ingredients for success in a capitalist society. These people who profess socialism only do so because they know they lack the talents and willpower and are lazy, unintelligent, and know they cannot survive in a competitive world. They are preoccupied throwing insults to the rich and influential people.

    If the JVP truly believed in equal opportunity without preferential treatment the JVP hierarchy should have had decency to give the nomination slot to you and as it is your rightful turn to enjoy it and not for Sunil Handunnetti to grab yours denying your right.

    Accept now everybody like to be rich famous and influential. You like it and I like it. But all cannot be rich and famous. There is nothing wrong for a person to earn his money and be rich in a legitimate way. There is nothing wrong a wealthy person to live comfortably in a mansion and own many houses when some people do not have a single house and live under the sheds and cannot even find a proper meal. You cannot blame the rich for their plight and blame is totally with them. You give a million to the beggar and he will spend it all in no time and again be on the street to beg.

    So instead of criticizing the rich it would be only rewarding to find ways and means to achieve their status. China became a rich country in a short time because it gave up the flawed communistic ideals. Now ALL the people of China are living better lives. Don’t trust a person who says he is a socialist and they say so because they are lazy and untalented people and do not like others being rich and famous when they are not.

    You cannot live with slogans alone as what JVP is doing. Charity starts at home and first they should practice equality and fair play with its own members. Give up JVP and their misplaced socialist policies, vilifying the rich. Change your attitude and follow China’s example, and join a political party which support and rewards capable people. Certainly basic facilities will be given to the deprived but the rich will not be forced to abandon and penalized for their abilities.

    Good luck

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