9 September, 2024


Putin, Mahinda & Gotabaya

By Dayan Jayatilleka –

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

I have to say that I am very happy indeed about the resounding victory scored by President Putin. If not for him, there would be no multi-polarity in the world; no chance of a global equilibrium; no ally for the rising economic power of China which would have been encircled by the West. There would be a unipolar world under Western hegemony. It would have been a return to the imperialist world order during colonialism—something our generation had never experienced. The Middle East would have gone the way it did in Iraq and Libya. Syria has held because of Putin. Had Putin been President of Russia at the time, Yugoslavia would still exist and the world would have been a better place.

Fidel Castro had warned about what the world would be without the Soviet Union. In 1973 at the Nonaligned Summit in Algiers, he contradicted Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi who had equated the USA and the USSR as two superpowers both of which should be opposed by the Third world. Fidel, who had never been a camp follower of the USSR and often criticized it, blazing his own path, nonetheless warned Gaddafi that if the USSR did not exist the western world would carve up the Middle East in the context of the rising oil prices with the activism of the OPEC. He urged OPEC to establish banks and other facilities to share its new wealth with the Third World. Not for the first time, Fidel proved prophetic. After the USSR fell, the US and its allies did carve up the Middle East as it did during colonial times. Gaddafi was lynched. Saddam executed.

It was the arrival of Putin that enabled Russia to save itself and grow strong again. He had to start where we in Sri Lanka had to in 2005, by confronting and defeating a powerful, separatist, suicide bombing terrorist militia, arising from among the Chechens. If he didn’t do so, it would not only have been the USSR that was extinct but Russia too would have shrunk; its periphery broken off. The world had a taste of what things would have been like, when Yeltsin was in charge and Russia was a weak, wobbly fellow traveler of the West; giving itself away with nothing in return.

I was in Moscow in 1985 at the World Festival of Youth and Students at the beginning of the Gorbachev period—he opened the Festival–and shared the hopes of that moment. By 1987 at the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Russian revolution in Moscow, Fidel Castro who was hardly unsympathetic or unkind to Gorbachev, however warned that “we shall not be surprised if one day we awake and find the Soviet Union has disappeared”. Again he was right.

The West never wanted to stabilize Gorbachev’s reformist socialism which stood for cooperation with the West. It wanted the USSR to go and beyond that it wanted a weak Russia. In recent years Gorbachev has revealed that the West reneged on all the solemn pledges it made to him and went ahead with the expansion of NATO and the deployment of strategic weapons around Russia. Earlier Fidel had identified the western strategic method and cautioned countries against falling or it: “You give them your finger, they take your hand; you give them your hand they take your arm; you give them your arm they take your whole body!” This is what the West did to Russia even under their ally Yeltsin. It never wanted a capitalist Russia as its partner in a new world order. They merely wanted Russia to capitulate.

Western policy was so perfidious that the Chechen separatist insurgency, one which deployed pure unalloyed suicide terrorism as a tactic, had a sympathetic ear in certain European capitals. Not too much fuss is made about the Boston marathon bombings because the trail leads to the open door policy the USA had to the Chechens. Things were getting so bad for Russia, and the public opinion pressure was so great, that it was Yeltsin who brought in Putin, after repeated attempts at a peaceful settlement with the Chechens had failed.

Those who criticize Putin must realize that he is a consequence, not the cause. The Russian people vote for him because they remember what it was like before him and without him. He epitomizes Russian self-respect. The Russian people, whose collective efforts had been primarily responsible for beating Nazi Germany, found themselves losing the Soviet Union without a shot being fired, and then reeling from terrorism in Moscow itself. The repeated vote for Putin is Russia echoing the words of the song by the rock band The Who: “we won’t get fooled again!”    

Russia is a lesson for the Sri Lankan civil society intelligentsia. Never forget what the Buddha taught about cause and consequence. When reacting against the return of Mahinda Rajapaksa or the possibility of a Gotabaya candidacy, remember that these are consequences not causes. The Rajapaksa revival (of which I have been a participant) has been the search by the Sinhala people for a Putin. That search is a consequence of a cause—the capitulation, retreat and weakening of Sri Lanka under a pro-Western neoliberal regime.

This was true of the Mahinda candidacy of 2005, which followed Ranil Wickremesinghe’s enforced retreat in the face of the Tigers. The re-run was in 2015 to date. These are the Yeltsin episodes, with President Sirisena as a well-intentioned Gorbachev. Where there is a Gorbachev, there will be a Yeltsin and where there is a Yeltsin, there will be a demand for a Putin. Do not decry the backlash; avoid or rectify or end the situation that generates one.

The same factor of the chain of cause-and-consequence holds true of the rise of Sinhala Buddhist statist nationalism as it does of Russian Orthodox Christian statist nationalism that underlies and powers the Putin phenomenon. I’m no fan of ‘Sinhala Only’ in 1956. Never was and never will be. But at the time, as now, Sinhala nationalism was a reaction to the nature of the existing regime; the existing establishment; the nature of the existing elite.

No Sir John Kotelawala, no ‘Sinhala Only’. Sinhala nationalism had little traction under UNP Prime minister DS Senanayake. SWRD and DA Rajapaksa broke away and founded the SLFP during his administration but the newly founded SLFP was a social democratic party. Even his son Dudley triggered a socioeconomic uprising, the Hartal of 1953, which united Sinhalese and Tamils. It took the open pro-Westernism and the sociocultural profile and arrogant discourse of Sir John (whose advisor was our present PM’s father) to cause the embrace of Sinhala Only by SWRD Bandaranaike.

The same happened in 1970, when the target regime was a UNP-Tamil Congress-Federal Party coalition. The pendulum swing repeated itself in 2005 and is about to happen again in grand style in 2019-2020. There is a reason that the SWRD Bandaranaike of 1951-1952 and even 1953 was not the SWRD of 1955-56, and that reason is the character of the elite he was opposing.

Now I am not arguing that every backlash is justified or that every consequence is inevitable. But some consequence is inevitable. Its character depends on the time in history and the society in question. Personally I would have preferred had Yeltsin been replaced by the Communist party of Gennady Zyuganov (who has since been replaced in that spot by a millionaire Communist who ran against Putin this week).  I am happy that the French turned to Macron’s centrism than Marine Le Pen’s National Front. I am delighted that the alternative to Teresa May is Corbyn rather than Farrage. I would have vastly preferred the US Democrats to have picked Bernie Sanders, who might well have trumped Trump. But all that’s beside the point.

The point is that in some societies, mainly in Eurasia but also in the USA, the hurt caused to national sentiments by the neoliberal elite generates a backlash which is not only socio-economic but is intermingled and overlaid with the culturally majoritarian (sometimes the religio-culturally majoritarian), either because there is no other alternative or that alternative is too weak or not in tune with mass sentiment.

To put it even more simply, pro-western neoliberalism generates a populist backlash, which, depending on time and place, is either left, right or center, and is mixed in, in various degrees with nationalism, which itself is intertwined to this or that extent or hardly at all, with religio- cultural, ethno-religious, ethno-lingual or regionalist (e.g. Italy) sentiment.

The stand you take depends on what you perceive as the main enemy. A tough-minded secularist like Stalin once shockingly wrote that “the Emir of Afghanistan is more progressive than the British Labour Party” (Foundations of Leninism, 1925) because the former, despite his backward ideology, opposed imperialism while the latter, despite its trade union base and leftism, did not. Stalin also went on to name the titanic war against Hitler waged by the Soviet Red Army as the Great Patriotic War, shifted his communist discourse and struck an alliance with the Russian Orthodox church for the duration.

I do not say this with merely the benefit of hindsight or simply because elections are on the horizon. I say this because it flows from my analysis, my perspective and the stand I have consistently taken. I predicted, in print, the rise of someone like Putin and the reasons for it, long before anyone including myself had heard of Putin. In early 1991, when the USSR was teetering before plunging into extinction that December, and while top western policy thinkers were announcing “the unipolar moment” (Krauthammer 1990) of Western hegemony, and the “End of History” (Fukuyama 1989) culminating in the victory of liberal democracy and market economics crowned by Russia’s conversion to that doctrine, I was predicting “the New, New Cold War” and giving reasons why, in a six page article.

“…Underlying this is a battle about Russia’s identity. Is it a Western power? Or is it an Eastern power? Or does it straddle the two?…I think that the pendulum will shift back – if not to those who considered the Soviet Union an Eastern power, at least to the understanding that the Soviet Union is an Euro-Asian power. So in a way, it’s struggle for the soul of Russia.”    

“…The possibility of the Soviet Union looking East towards China cannot be ruled out…There may be strong economic grounds for this as well…”

“…We might well see a kind of Soviet Reaganism– reassertion of power…it’s possible that the Soviet ‘Carterite’ period is coming to a close. …What is far more probable is the re-composition of the power bloc in which the Soviet military and the KGB have a greater preponderance…What kind of forces or agencies in the USSR could provide that kind of input? I can only think of the Red Army and the KGB….Public opinion polls also reveal, rather surprisingly, that the KGB is relatively more popular (or less unpopular) than other entities in the USSR. It is seen as a somewhat clean organization; ruthless but relatively clean…So the task of this kind of ideological restructuring may devolve on these forces—the Red Army and the KGB.”

(‘Towards the New, New Cold War’ Economic Review, Colombo, February/March 1991, pp. 45-51)

Thus I predicted the pivot to China and Russia’s adoption of Eurasianism, as well as the Putin phenomenon, referring to the latter as “Soviet Reaganism”. As we know, Vladimir Putin is a former KGB officer as well as an officer in its successor structure, the FSB. 

I support Putin, just as I support Mahinda, and with more caution and caveats, am willing to support Gotabaya if the need arises, because I remember what context gave birth to them, what they stand against, and the causes which made/are making/may make the masses turn to them as alternatives. 

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Latest comments

  • 17

    Again I am straight to the comment section! Putin, Mahinda & Gotha thugs galore!

    • 5

      How would you address those like Bush and Blair that invaded the ME in the pretence of WMD’s I wonder???

      Not thugs eh??

      • 9


        Bush and Blair invasion of Iraq was very contentious. At that time the western intelligence was pointing towards WMD. However, they did not terrorise their own people, they did not gerrymander and kill people in their way. They did not try to cling on to power by manipulating the constitution.

        By contrast, Putin, Mahinda and Gotha are anything but. They are basically glamourised thugs!

        • 3

          Whoa, Burned issue, so terrorizing other people is fine you say? They (Bush et Blair) in the name of non existent WMDs destroyed countries, killed millions in those countries and impoverished their own people and let the top 1% take the booty, Putin/Mahinda/Gota cannot even dream of coming close to that kinda daylight crime and robbery.

      • 3

        “Putin, Mahinda & Gotabaya”

        Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ………………….

        The bloody Lankans! ……… always comparing themselves to some two bit white dude!

        What’s wrong with a well-tanned guy like Idi Amin?

  • 13

    Putin has two feet: two shoes. each can shine one.

    What can a parasite do in the mean time. Just suck on something.

  • 13

    Putin is a Russian
    Gotabaya, Basil and Mahinda are Americans. They worship Israel.
    That’s the difference.

    • 5


      Worshiping Israel is good. They are a hard working bunch. We can learn lot from them.

      • 2

        Worshiping Israel is good.

        Yes U agree, but how much you agree on that American Yankees also are good, Including Ponny?

    • 3

      Fathima, You missed the bus. Putin is a crypto Jew. Anti-Semetism , holocausts and the like sent them underground and into US. About half of Israel is now Russian Jews. Putin met his childhood teacher in Israel and being KGB, he talks little. His grandfather was trusted chef of both Vladimir Lenin and later Stalin. Communist leaders were Jewish who rejected the Jewish Messiah Jesus, but Putin is a committed Christian in the Russian Orthodox church which originated in Jerusalem. He lights Hanukkah. Communist leaders killed the Russian royals, the tsars and now they live in luxury. There are elitist bankers and royalty in the globalization New World Order across the western world leaders. The rest sway with a slave mentality. Putin’s 2 daughters Maria and Katerina lived and attended Russian Uni. Our former leaders use Sinhala Buddhism to eliminate tamils and muslims. Cant compare these different forms of religious beliefs in govts, but need to be reconciled to live in peace not murder.

  • 12

    Dr. Say no more. We now know what your value system is!

    • 3

      JusticeLanka – This bogus racist and warmonger Dr. is only keeping the readers of this forum entertained.

  • 5

    Yes there are similarities. Putin’s wealth so fat not properly estimated. There is a chance that he is the World’s wealthiest man. Putin is a Dictator.

    The contrasts are West fear of Putin because he is not Modaya. He is really very intelligent person. He is not drug addict. He cares about Russia. He never subordinated Russia to China, He never ran out of Temple Tree House. Putin did not bring 18A for the Russian Constitution. When he has to go, he elected be a Prime Minister. Putin has become as President fourth time. Old Royals had only two times. Putin did not run a campaign that if he is not selected Chechenia will go free. As politically cunning and but ignorant, Thero trying to secretly compare Chechenia to Tamil Eelam. I wonder if the guy really knows that Chechnya’s autonomy is greater than Quebec. Chechenia fought with Russia for independence instead of autonomous status, somewhat similar to Scotland’s referendum, but in military term.

    • 5


      US State is also a dictatorship. Only difference is US dictators work behind the curtain.

  • 1

    Mallaiyuran: the point is what you talk. IS it really true or propaganda. WE know IRan is described as some kind of PAraya. but not so. Russia is described as some kind of Paraya. but not so.

    • 2

      IRan is described as some kind of PAraya. but not so. Russia is described as some kind of Paraya. but not so.

      Yes you are right. No Demelos in those countries, so they cannot be Pariah states.

      Russia has nuclear arms for long time. But not seen as dangerous like Iran. I did not read much people describing Russia as Pariah state. Russia has a shaky democracy; Iran doesn’t have anything like that. The Buddhist Monks controlling Iran are unreliable. So it is seen as Pariah state. A pariah state is not just armed and dangerous. It is mainly rated like that because of its underhand techniques, internally and externally. From Shaw time Iran was never a decent country. But once the Monks took over, it descended to pariah state.

  • 10

    You are obviously glorifying Putin and bankrupt Russia to vent your vengeance against US. We know very well how you became anti-american since the day your were expelled from New York University for your academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Finally you managed to earn a doctorate from a third grade university, but not from US.

    Mahinda, GoTa and Putin are all rouges and knowingly despicable fraudsters, womanizers, dictators, and criminals. To align you with them is nothing but exposing who you are.

  • 1

    russia was a very large country with lot of mineral, Oil , Gas resources. Even if Sri lanka were a superpower go behind russia looking for some of those. I simply cannot understand why gorbachev was a failure while Fidel Castro wass a real giant. He could stand erect ina very small, third world island I heard his life was tried at least over 650 times or so. So many things blew up. That is why I always blame Mahinda rajapske gave up a golden opportunity. One should understand how to identify onee’s enemies. IT is not trying to be a manipulatorr, leir, ditherer, exploiter etc., etc., Anyway, I can not believe that there are no more leaders in Sri lanka other than those you mention. My concern is recycling politicians.fidel Czastro died poor. B the name one really great, not opportunistic and did not go behind cheap targets. right now unbelievable things happening in Sri lanka.

  • 9

    Mahinda, Goata, Basil, Namal and the ROT are not worth Putin’s $hit. If so, where does Dr. Dayan fit? DJ is the “DUNG BEETLE” that feasts on Mahinda excreta. In all fairness to Putin, he is not a leader that divides his nation to hate each other than the axis of evil that exudes from the Mahinda racists. “Mahinda’ge balla thanhawa lokui Russiyawatuth wadda!” Mahinda’s greed for power is bigger than that of Russia.

  • 0

    As you said, I think, Mahinda Rajapakse should be given a chance on the promise his clan will here after do not go for foreign assets and they control their greed for lavish and thuggery life styles. I heard Basil has assets in India, EMirates, and in USA. He says his castle in that land which he bought only by picking Rambutan underneath the tree is the only asset he has in Srilanka. IF he has to fight presidency people have to offer him money.

  • 7

    Putin assassinates his opponents and those who loudly criticize him, even sending his murderers into other nations to do so. There is nothing to admire him, a dictator, who bars his opponents from running, and makes sure the state run media, puts him in a hero’s light, and making sure the people think he is their only savior.
    Together with his oligarchs, they have fleeced the nation, money laundered, and the people suffer without basic needs over there.

    Looking at the above, I am sure we can find similar crimes, at a lesser degree, by the Rajapaksa mob too. Start with a strong critic of the Rajapaksa’s, who was conveniently, but violently, assassinated, Lasantha.

    • 4


      If MR has access to the same level power like Putin, he would do even more damage! Both Putin and MR use cheep nationalism to perpetuate their rule. However, Sri Lankan electoral system has withstood willful gerrymandering and brutal interference so far!

  • 4

    Everyone who reads this knows that Putin is worlds apart and no comparison to the so called crooks you mention, except you. Please do not prostitute the knowledge and exposure you have for a lost cause.

    • 2

      Anyone who can read property can see I have not put the Rajapaksa’s in the same league as Putin, it seems you are unable to read and comprehend. I have mentioned that they are similar but at a lesser degree.
      Time to learn how to read carefully before embarrassing yourself.

  • 3

    Yes, Putin saved Syria. Even though it will likely remain partitioned indefinitely, given the strong American and Turkish presence in the North. This would have been the fate of Sri Lanka as well, had not Rajapakse intervened. Remember, CBK was asking India to evacuate the Army from the Jaffna Peninsula and Ranil was ready to go for a federal solution. Prabhakaran was a cunning, brutal dictator who murdered multiple heads of state, including the head of state of the 2nd largest democracy. Only someone equally as cunning could match his talents. Thus came Mahinda. Sadly, there was no way to rescue the Tamils in the South and North without heavy casualties, since the LTTE chose to fight to the death. The lesson to be learned here is that pure democracy does not work, just like pure capitalism or pure socialism are also lacking. Some sort of external intervention is needed to guide the invisible hand to a more equitable equilibrium.

    Putin is probably the best politician on the planet today. He has guided Russia through the Chechan uprising, Western sanctions, the crisis in Ukraine, and now the Syrian insurgency. He is not a human rights champion, which seems to upset certain entities. Rather, like Mahinda, he is very practical. Once the problem is identified and a clear solution is laid out, he will not deviate from its implementation.

  • 3

    I noticed DJ left out Xi Jinping. Looks like Mahinda clan has finally realized China does not have an allegiance to a particular personality. They only care about policies that serve their interest. If “Yahapalanaya” played their cards right from the beginning they could have turned China to their side at an ealier stage. Instead the typical idiots at “Yahapalanaya” bad-mouthed China (Especially Mangala Samaraweera and Ravi K.). You don’t piss-off the country that owns so much of your debt. Our so called western allies didn’t come to bail us out from our finacial mess. They could have at least right-off of some of the debt we owe them. That would have put a severe dent in MR rivival ambitions.

  • 2

    Ramzan Kadyrov son of Akhmad Kadyrov.

    Cultural Learnings of Sri Lanka for Make Benefit of Glorious Nation of Chechnya.

  • 1



  • 1

    Excellent article I completely agree with you what you written in the first paragraph.
    Yes Fidel was a intelligent person what he forecasted all became reality.

  • 7

    DJ, you are a disgrace and an embarrassment. Your admiration for despots and crooks like Putin, Mahinda and Gota just shows what a prick you are. A sycophant, nincompoop and idiot is so applicable to you. CT, please stop publishing this crap from an imbecile. A sick and warped mind playing politics for a free lunch from the Fuksha despots is what this joker is attempting. The Rajapakushas area looking for a shoe shine kola and DJ will be advised to apply for this job and change his career. At least he may be successful licking the boots of the fukshas.

    • 1

      Take back all those labels and stick on your own t-shirt, you worthless pr..ck

  • 6

    Dayan Jayatilleka puts Putin, Mahinda & Gotabaya in the same basket!
    Senseless and tasteless.
    Putin rescued Russia. MR & GR ??
    Dayan’s next article “Buddha, Gnanasara & Wirathu”
    The one after that “Dayan, Dayan & Dayan”.

    • 1

      Putin rescued Russia from what?

      • 3

        from the ceaseless advance of the EU & NATO to the East, absorbing several former Russian republics.

        Russia was already weakened by the collapse of the USSR. Following this, six republics broke away in Europe and eight in Central Asia. The total collapse of Russia was a possibility that the West would have welcomed.

        • 0


          Let me clear your confusion. You are mistaken the USSR with Russia! Those countries were independent countries before the USSR muscled in and subjugated them. What is Russia doing now is to intimidate them!

          • 1

            I think you are confused yourself BI. Some of these countries were independent before WW2 but most were not. Six in Europe – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. Eight Muslim countries in Central Asia – Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

            As for Russia intimidating them today, I agree with you but that was not the point was it? You asked what Putin rescued Russia from. He rescued it from further collapse.

  • 5

    ‘Those who criticize Putin must realize that he is a consequence, not the cause. ‘

    ‘ I’m no fan of ‘Sinhala Only’ in 1956……But at the time, as now, Sinhala nationalism was a reaction to the nature of the existing regime; the existing establishment; the nature of the existing elite.’

    ‘The point is that in some societies, mainly in Eurasia but also in the USA, the hurt caused to national sentiments by the neoliberal elite generates a backlash which is not only socio-economic but is intermingled and overlaid with the culturally majoritarian (sometimes the religio-culturally majoritarian), either because there is no other alternative or that alternative is too weak or not in tune with mass sentiment.’

    ‘I support Putin, just as I support Mahinda…….. because I remember what context gave birth to them, what they stand against, and the causes which made/are making/may make the masses turn to them as alternatives.’

    If you read the above excerpts you see that they make sense. DJ is showing that MR etc are the result of the actions of the capitalist elite. He doesn’t compare Putin’s qualities with MR’s as some have claimed, he compares the reasons that projected Putin to power with the reasons that gave rise to MR’s ascendance, and shows that they are the same. It is all quite articulate and understandable if you put aside your hatred for the man, and read what he has to say.

    • 3

      Precisely what I was thinking. The article isn’t about the morality of Putin, MR, etc.. or their capabilities. It’s about how larger socio-economic forces create them.

      • 5

        Excellent article. Everyone should read this analysis. Obviously Mahinda/Gota and Putin have a lot of similarities; that’s why Russian ambassador has met Mahinda yesterday at his residence immediately after Putin’s victory!
        Castro was a good friend of former Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau (current PM’s father). Canadians loved him since he stood against the inhuman world political order. Even Cubans who were critical of Castro and escaped Cuba listened to his speeches from Florida.
        Putin won easily this Presidential election mainly because he brought back Russia’s pride and glory (Don’t forget Crimea! That was the biggest boost for him, accordingly impartial Canadian media, and the Capitalist Europe or US couldn’t do anything about it).
        British PM’s expulsion of Russian dip-mats were met with a similar tit-for-tat by Putin. That dip-mat chess game was also won by Putin.
        In Sri Lanka the recent LG polls victory by Mahinda is a harbinger! There is no doubt about his victorious future unless the current downward trend of the Yahapalanaya is not changed. Today, the CB governor Indrajith C has also warned the Yahapalana duo as to how the political instability has negatively affected the macroeconomic gains negatively.
        Those who make comments to CT! please open your eyes before making useless and derogatory comments about Dr. DJ’s this and other articles. Thanks.

        • 5

          So sad . Putin,and Mahinda are robbers and murderers who have no place in a civilised society.

        • 1

          “Obviously Mahinda/Gota and Putin have a lot of similarities; that’s why Russian ambassador has met Mahinda yesterday at his residence immediately after Putin’s victory!”

          China, Iran, and Russia are emerging powers. With the petrodollar in decline, the USA must find new allies, especially in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, which used to lead the Gulf Arab states, is a joke now, after losing in Syria and Yemen. That is why the USA put some soldiers in Northern Syria, it’s to help the Saudis save face. Smaller Asian countries like Sri Lanka must decide who they want to align with. The only leverage the West holds now is American military power. That will not be the case indefinitely.

  • 3

    Why jump to Putin from GOTA, let me go in the order;


    Why are you jumping the gun you Id…, your papa didn’t teach you not to jump the gun or queue, basics you Id…

  • 3

    Dayan, don’t ever give up your rajapakshe fantasy! Don’t you have an iota of dignity as a man with a PhD. budu ammo! JP

  • 3

    Yesterday’s Channel 4 news in the UK featured a sting on Cambridge Anlaytica, the company based in UK that contrived fake news and targeted at social medias to influence election results. The Trump election and UK referendum have been alleged to have been affected.

    The sting was to use a credible customer to expose their methods. Guess which country that featured in the sting as the proposed customer. It is none other than our triple gem blessed Sri Lanka. Why Cambridge Analytica bought it without suspicions, it is because, MR in particular has track records of employing such companies!

    • 1

      Really, so that is how CBK/RW/MY3 got rid of MR, thanks for enlightening us Burned out issue

  • 4

    Why do people like Putin have an election?
    The real opposition candidate has been barred from the Presidential Election and hence it was very easy for Putin to win.
    People are scared of the regime as if you are not with HIM, you can not have a life!
    Why is Putin not going after Priests like MR/RW/MS and get lots of threads around the wrists to protect them after committing Untold sins

  • 4

    Shame on you Mr. Dayan Jayatilleka.
    Consequences aside, they are all corrupt and criminal.

  • 4

    This bogus racist , warmonger and failed political scientist (in fact a failed human being) will have to live for on;y one more year to see his masters (GR and MR) being thrown into the dustbin of history. DAR formed SLFP along with SWRD but unfortunately left and joined Philip and was thrown into the dustbin. MR did not want to join Dinesh and be thrown away and by the side supports Basil’s SLPP and is now at a cross road where he will have to join SLPP. But GR will be thrown in to dustbin since he wont be allowed into SLPP. Racist DJ will not have a place in SLPP because he has aligned himself with the wrong side.

  • 2

    One surface to air missile by putin kgb killed 250 innocent men women.and children. Malaysian airlines by russian terrorist forces.

  • 1

    Very well written! One thing the CT fans must understand is that boots on the ground will win you a war and votes in a ballat box win you a election. GOTA for 2020 is well on the cards unless the YAHAPALNYA government pulled of a turn on around. But can they?????

  • 2

    The way Rnil and the govt has gone, I think Mahinda rajapakse and gotabaya have to be a PUTIN, or a Daniel duterte or a FIDEL CASTRO.

  • 0

    Mahinda Rajapakse’s fault was he was for the family dynasty, for goons and not for educzated or intelligent peoples. and he was there to use the system. Too much greed and desire to cheat people and ruined. He wanted to call his house Mahagedara and become chandasoka. He may be still the same person. that is the fear. BUt, I know Castro, duterte, Putin all had tob e ruthless. some of the sri lanan politicfians are also that kind of calculated brutes.

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