15 January, 2025


Racist Divaina’s Fake News Targeting Dr. Shafi Debunked – CID Says No Evidence

Putting to rest the sterilization hysteria in Kurunegala, the CID today informed Kurunegala Magistrate’s Court that there was no evidence to prove allegations against Dr. Shafi – that he has carried out a systematic campaign to sterilize Sinhalese women by performing tubal ligations.

Dr Shafi Siyabdeen

The CID also sought approval from the MC to lift the detention order against the doctor who fell prey to the campaign launched by Divaina under the supervision of Kurunegala DIG Kithsiri Liyanage.

During the hearing today, the CID also informed courts that certain media reports, which claimed Dr. Shafi Siyabdeen performed sterlilizations, are untrue.

Racist Divaina newspaper dragged Dr. Shafi into the sterilization phobia when they published a lead story a few weeks ago, quoting an area Police chief about information that was being revealed of a doctor who has been sterilizing Sinhalese women using tubal ligations, while performing C-sections.

The conspirators swiftly revealed themselves as Divaina’s Hemantha Randunu confessed the information was shared with him by DIG Kithsiri.

The media campaign coupled with the push extended by SLPP politicos and the Kurunegala hospital GMOA, triggered mass hysteria in the area drawing out complaints by more than a 1000 women against Dr. Shafi. But a deeper probe into the complaints by the alleged ‘victims of sterilization’ revealed they were more concerns as opposed to complaints and less than 70 of them agreed to proceed with the mecessary medical tests involved to prove their claims.

Latest comments

  • 9

    “…and less than 70 of them agreed to proceed with the mecessary medical tests involved to prove their claims.”

    This proves that the allegations are false. If there are 1000 alleged victims, it should be relatively easy to establish a case. The good doctor’s name was tarnished without cause. Hopefully he can sue Divaina and other alleged parties for defamation.

  • 5

    Utter waist of your time for writing these rubbish. There is no law and order in this country and cannot trust any medical or judiciary system or else. On top of that you all have no concern about the vanishing of 2600 years old 0.0028% world population of Sinhalese. Can you see the big picture of Majority Muslims (M East) destroying minority Sinhalese in Sri Lanka. These Muslims are not minorities they have many voices in the world, but Sinhalese do not have. Sorry for Sinhalese> Even they has 30 years war with Tamil Extremists, a single Tamil doctor has not been subjected to such an allegation in Sri Lanka.

  • 5

    This guy was arrested because of undeclared wealth and some suspensions on indirect involvement in some sort of terror activities. Given the circumstance at the time of emergency law, nobody could question it. The questions on medical irregularities and some ethical matters such as swapping newborn babies, tampering medical reports and so on came late. Also, he is working as a full-time doctor while doing many other businesses worth millions. On top of these things, he is in a group of corrupt politicians that the nation cannot trust. To me as a citizen, this investigation should go deeper than this and find the truth on these allegations. He owed presumption of innocence until is proven guilty. He can release on bail provided the legal matters cover it. But not least, if there any victims they deserve to have a fair justice.

  • 7

    This cannot ned at this.The reporter should be sent to jail

  • 3

    Like bad exists along with good ……as does saints and sinners………..racism is a necessary evil in any society and exists along with non-racism! Periods of non-racism is sullied by the sudden onset of racism! It is a dualistic verity!

    It is just too bad when it raises its ugly head now and then to bring about violence……most times at the behest of selfish politicians!

    Racism is merely a by-product of crooked politics. When good politics prevail racism lies low! The majority in any society is NOT essentially racist in essence. It is the politically engineered mobs that are racist…………the peaceful majority gets its name tarnished!

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