6 February, 2025


Rajagiriya Accident: Ranawaka May Get Off Scot Free

Welikada Police has informed the Colombo Additional Magistrate that the CCTV footage on the Rajagiriya accident which allegedly involved Megapolis and Western Development Minister Champika Ranawaka does not show the minister in the area at the time of the accident.

Champika RanawakaThe police made the statement based on the report sent to them by the Moratuwa University. Earlier the police said that the CCTV camera footage belonging to the residents in the area had been deleted.

Police also informed that Court that they were unable to record a statement from the victim, as he was not in a very stable condition.

Eyewitnesses alleged that Ranawaka was involved in a hit and run accident in Rajagiriya, which left one person critically injured. Ranawaka has denied any involvement in the accident.

Related posts;

Audio: Champika Ranawaka In Hot Water As New Evidence Surfaces On Rajagiriya Accident

“It Wasn’t Me” – Ranawaka

Latest comments

  • 11

    The rule of law will be imposed only to Rajapakshes under My3-RW-CBK troika of administration! Thats the yahapalana way of dispense justice! Way to go!

    • 11

      Max, if that was the case, Rajapakse family will be serving time by now. Not winging their way to foreign climes. In this country the rule of law applies only to the common citizens. Not to politicians… both present and past.

      • 3

        True, Paddy.

    • 5

      Not even on Rajakshes – if they have imposed it sofar, all the Rajaakshes men and the fradulent former first lady should be subjected to jail sessions by this day.

      That is what we question today. I believe, they have political agendas not to go radically against those high criminals.

      As you and others if they are sane, should be aware of all the high crimes deliberately commited by Mr Medamulana. Today, abusing his MP position, he is further allowed to go to Japan by PVT invitation makes it further clear that the bugger is no means owning any standard leader skills. Him to fall to the the level of former Thumulle WImale, turned abusive politicians such as Wimal Buruwanse – is more than pathetic.
      Who thought a man whose term happened to stop the long held civil war to fall this low levels. The bugger travelled once to Uganda, to show his abilities and provocations, now against to please srilankens in Japan…. those labourer folks that moved japan have not the least knowledge about the prevailing politics. So woudl the BULATH eating SRILANKENS living in Milano/Italy. Most of them are easily subjected to liars thoughts. So Wimal Buruwanse or Gonathadipala will be easy to turn their stupid mind sets.

      Besides, even some collections could easily help any politicians to allow a trip anywhere – but abusing those peoples funds, to go for that is even more abusive as I feel. What else, MAHINDA Rajaakshe is planning to do, to show that he is more powerufl and accetable amonst the folks ? May be he cant digest it anymore the manner that current two leaders of the country are highly welcome by Westeners, Americans and other powerful allies.
      Dayan Jayathilaka the self proclaimed analyst, who is no better to Wimal Buruwanse, but with his Dr titles makes it easier to outreach the academics does the same job – he is now about to turn his face to Mr. Sirisena – as I noticed it ina recent talks added by him – though the bugger is no means knoweldgble enough to differentiate the issues, sinc ehis heart melts towards Rajaakshe for guilliable reasons. But today or later he has to turn his mind is what I feel having looked at all these.

    • 1

      We need to call a referendum on ” if those high criminals that grab billions to be punished or not “. Then people will explain it loudly as they can. Then current leaders must go for it putting it on the top of agenda. In that way, all will be clean – just the name of war victory those Rajapakshes to stay fine free for all their deiberate contributions in high crimes should not be commendable by anyone with a bird brain. Basta

    • 3


      “The rule of law will be imposed only to Rajapakshes under My3-RW-CBK troika of administration!”

      No its not true, look at the retired DIG Anura who has been admitted to the hospital, the first step in the process of granting bail.

      You forgot, not only justice is done but seen to be done.

      However in effect not a single crook, murderer, top official, drug smuggler, racist, …….. will not be punished nor found guilty. You ought to learn and understand the history of law making and and its selective implementation.

      Have you seen the film Pathini? How is it?

      Perhaps you are still into Cowboys and Indians, John Wayne, Dean Martin, Clint Eastwood, …..

  • 10

    Batalanada PM has done a big favour for Bodhi Sira by UNP Police letting Chamapakaya off the hook.

    Just before Batalanada’s mate ,the Singapoarean has to front up to the President Bodhi Sira.

    Will Bodhi Sira return the favour.

    Wonder whether Bombay Bookies will frame a market?.

    If they do, my money will be on Bodhi Sira returning the favour.

    And I don’t mind putting 200 bucks, USD of course, if I can get at least 2 to 1.

  • 15

    I hope some one can correct me if I am wrong. I am informed that Minister Ranawaka is an old boy of University of Moratuwa. This kind of thing is referred to various higher education institutions. Refering to Moratuwa only leads to a possible conflict of interest. Any one can allege that it was moratuwa that deleated any semblance of ecidence against Minister Ranawaka. If that is so, then then the credibility of University of Moratuwa too is lost.

  • 16

    What about the eye witness accounts? Would they have not been the only source of evidence in the days before CCTV cameras? Why has no case been filed in the courts and the witnesses who have come forward examined? If they are found to have lied, they should be punished.

    Somethings do not gel in this case!

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 3

      Given time some eye witnesses will recant the rest will proved to be blind Ranawaka will be highly praise for stopping at a dangerous accident site to help a unknown victim if is one to be found. Most of the masses remember the story about bullet in the brain Kudu Duminda who was partially paralyzed & supposedly impotent dancing after his miracle recovery. Kudu Duminda has set the standard under Rajapaks regime so MS&RW can follow to exonerate any political hack.

    • 0

      Eye witnesses who come forward can be bribed or threatened to testify in favour of Minister Champika.
      To file charges in an accident case there must be independent witnesses, if there is none the police will not bother.
      But in this case I believe there was one, a friend of the victim but yet no progress has been made.
      Who knows what his stance is now?
      No one also knows the state of health of the accident victim who was hospitalised for the injuries he
      sustained. The tax payer will take care of the expenses for that.
      The media should investigate, but in SL the media can be silenced.
      New crises would bloom, people will forget soon, and the minister would be re-elected with a higher majority at the next elections as long as he gears up on his racist rethoric and life would go on.

  • 14

    Jeremy Ludikins.

    You are right.Ranawaka,was at the Engineering Faculty-Moratuwa from where he graduated with First-Class Honours in Electrical Engineering.
    His name appeared in the recent Panama Papers,though not directly.
    My gut feeling is that the Police is covering up this issue.

    • 8

      If I rem right…the judge called for the telephone records of Chimp puka…..what happened to that? They should have checked the sequence of calls made by chimp puka n the driver whom he presented…n who else chimp called at the time immediatrly before n after the accident…He may get away using influence..but his conscience would prick him hard day n night until he bites the dust…IF he is guilty of the hit n run…he MUST be made to remove his NATIONAL DRESS n forced to wear a skirt ..

      • 2

        “Conscience”? What are you talking about? He’s a politician!

    • 2

      I have heard that PCR was a bright student from school days. But a First Class Honours degree, I have some doubt; and there is no mention of it the media.

      Many share your gut feeling about the police.

      But is his case unique for a government party politician? The rules of the game have not changed for decades.

  • 7

    what about his mobile phone records. Did it confirm that he was not that area at that time? Police did not mention anythings about his phone records. Court advised the police to investigate on this and report bake to them.

  • 7

    The police say that the Minister does not appear in any video footage and therefore he could not have been involved. If that is so, then how did the police solve all those hit and run accident cases in the previous century when there were hardly any CCTV cameras installed?

    Does not the testimony of eyewitnesses carry any weight?

    Even if by some chance they had got some footage showing the Minister at the scene someone will say that the video was ‘doctored’. The police and the A.G.’s Dept. will go to any length to protect politicians from charges of wrongdoing.

  • 11

    Ranawaka lost his balls and from now on he is just another Sri Lankan crap politician. Not worth trust and putting my money on him.

    • 4


      “Ranawaka lost his balls and from now on he is just another Sri Lankan crap politician. Not worth trust and putting my money on him.”

      Come on he has always been a crap politician, a parasite, a failed engineer, a mythical historian, and a public racist. The saddest part is that people still vote him.

      Didn’t you know all these qualities about him?

      “Not worth trust and putting my money on him.”

      Even his former close associate Gamanpill didn’t trust him.

    • 2

      This was a small accident, even if this could be a mistake, it should be disregarded, all the high mountains of corruptions were revealed, the manner this Ranawaka led break away from Mahinda Rajaakshe kalliya.

      I think media men supportive to Rajaakshe do their job properly by hand picking issues to block the rigoours performance of this politician.

      Van was hit on the rear side – but motor cyclist to be charged. It is his fate as it is common to anyone – that to be ende dup that way.
      In normal day issue, Minister is not an unfair person.. that we all right thinking ones are well aware of .

  • 5

    Surprise, surprise!

    So what else is new with this Yahapalanaya?

  • 4

    There will never be a day when SL politicians, their family members & cronies ever getting charged in court even for a minor offense. We all know, as responsible statesmen & women, SL politicians will never break the law, therefore, there will never be supporting evidence.

    I have never heard of a senior minister in UK involved in a traffic accident, which is probably because they have no back up vehicles clearing the path even when on official business & they have to obey road rules as everybody else at all times. A few years ago, a British Parliamentarian was caught on camera for speeding but he got his wife to say that she was driving at the time & paid the fine, however, it leaked out to the press & after an investigation, were found guilty & they both went to prison. This wont happen in SL because SL politicians have drivers paid for by the tax payer & it will be the poor drivers who break the law.

  • 4

    He should walk free if the police does not have evidence to prove that he was guilty. You cannot punish people based on accusations.

    Rule of law should prevail, not vigilante justice.

    • 3

      There are 2 eye-witnesses that the police were deliberately blocking, were n’t they? Have the Police taken a statement from the motorcyclists? Has someone got to teach the police how to do their job? They seem to be either incompetent or being steered by a higher level police chief that in turn may be taking his political orders from the suspect minister himself?
      It may be the Minister’s nocturnal journey that is embarrassing him to prevent him from being scrutinized in the Court? May be if and when MR comes back at the next general election we could see some fire works!

    • 3

      Can’t you see Berty.. He is not only walking free, but he is also as Happy as Larry..

      Yahapalanaya must be good to this one time Sinhala Budhhist extremist.

      He got in to power by hoodwinking the innocent poor Snhala Buddhists, with promises of guarding their Religion , Culture Customs and protect their Sons who sacrificed a lot to defeat Terrorists.

      That was before Batalanada introduced Chamapaka to Suren Surendran and Vellala Sambandan and got him to sign the Memorandum , before handing out the nomination.

  • 1

    Has this got something to do with Batalanada Ranil,s last ditch attempt to save the Singaporean and save himself?.

    One commentator posed the question “What hold the Singaporean has on Ranil”..

    When I contemplated, only a real serious personal issue which can drive a person to pull out all stops to protect someone to this extent.

    After watching the President’s interview where he mentioned several times that he doesn’t want Ranil to destroy his Mr Clean title, Ranil has something to hide for sure.

    And the Singaporean is the only one who is privy to what ever it is

    What could it be?.

    I have read about a Supreme Court Judge in a first world country committing suicide after being caught by the Police on a sex matter.

    Then the Mayor of Japan had to resign after putting extra USD 4000 public money on his official credit card.

    These are examples of serious situations which can drive people to be irrational.

    Besides if the Singaporean is a real buddy of Ranil, wouldn’t he put Ranil out of this agony, and voluntarily say that he doesn’t want a second stint , because of his age .

    And he wants to play more Golf.

    And help Batalanada Ranil to continue as the Mr Clean Yahapalana PM , until he fulfils his MOU with Sambandan and the West.

  • 2

    Slippery Patta escapes again. Some buggers have all the luck in the world. What for the telling, ah?

  • 2

    I am nobody of Champika. Apart from that I do not intend holding candles to any politician. The jeep, who ever who traveled in it,had been struck from behind. The young man therefore is wrong. The law is that nobody except the Police could ride a motor bike on a public road. Therefore, the chap is guilty on that score also.

    • 3

      Then why did the Jeep bolt after the accident. That is the reason that most of us believe that Champika was in the Jeep. If someone comes from behind and hits you will you run? unless the damage was negligible and unnoticeable! but in this case the damage was substantial! You run only if you are guilty and want to get off a crime or else you should stop and assess the damage.

    • 0

      The issue here is not where the vehicle was hit but whether. The minister was at the whhel. you are so confused

  • 2

    First the police say the images were deleted. So obviously the CCTV videos sent to Moratuwa could not be the original.

    Looks like the eyewitness account is of no evidentiary value.

    The victim is kept adequately drugged up in hospital – each time the police visit him he is rambling.

    Champaka walks scot free. What a Buddhist Sinhala miracle of asia.

  • 3

    Do a Polygraph test. Truth will emerge. As human being,we all have our own way of thinking a doing things. PCR appears to be a devout Buddhist, if he says he is not involved, all the forces will support him to protect him. Denial is a self-defense. So what to do, let him live with it………..I mean denials, ordinary people are the best judges in Sri Lanka.

  • 3

    Do a Polygraph test. Truth will emerge.

    • 3

      Ayesha Arambepola

      “Do a Polygraph test. Truth will emerge.”

      It depends on who operates the machine.

  • 1

    My problem is why the courts have not taken the police to task for not saving the CCTV footage knowing very well that evidence of a serious accident was contained in that.
    The other unusual is that why the footage was sent to Moratuwa university when The footage pertaining to Thajudeen case was sent to the IT faculty of Colombo university. Not quite right.

  • 2

    Very similar to Thajudeen case. All cover up.

  • 2

    When Lankan Nationalism and Sovereignty gets in the way for greater expansion of Political Ambitions via ETCA and/or Land-Bridge deal, then the guilt-pointer slides up the scale for Champika.

    When Lankan Honor for the Masses is realized, pointer goes down the scale to innocent, with possible error in witness testimony (to who cares, Lankan politicians are exempt from such trivialities- after all he was not driving, but the driver was driving, and Champika was sleeping and unaware at the time).

    (we hope the victim was compensated sufficiently)

  • 2

    I personally do not like Champika Ranawaka for being a vociferous racist and for the educational qualifications he has, obtained a first class honours for his Engineering degree from Moratuwa campus and this is not expected of him.

    However from the little I know of the accident the motor cyclist had hit his vehicle from behind. So it is certainly the motor cyclist’s fault. There cannot be any argument here. Further he was riding a very powerful motor cycle which I feel is not permitted by law in this country, and need clarification on this which I may be wrong.

    Unfortunately he hit a vehicle and it was supposed to be a Minister’s vehicle so the motor cyclist’s family had a good God send chance to place blame and so demand benefits they do not really deserve. Motor cyclist was very lucky indeed to hit a moving vehicle and further lucky he hit a Minister’s vehicle instead hitting a stationary parked vehicle, then clearly his family would have no one except their kith or kin to blame. We should thank the victim’s stars which showed up along with the tragedy!

    The only small mistake the minister made was not to stop his vehicle soon after he was hit. I simply cannot understand this as, if any one hits my vehicle I will certainly stop and I know very well being hit from behind is the fault of the rear driver and not me. I would be very keen to assess the damage to my vehicle and so could make a claim which I would otherwise lose. So natural reaction would have been to stop and check.

    The Minister claims he was not in the vehicle at the time of the accident and was driven by his driver. OK lets assume Minister did in fact drive the vehicle and he told a lie. But certainly the accident was caused by the motor cyclist as he hit the Minister’s vehicle by riding recklessly and so he is responsible totally for his fate (and not the Minister). Even if the Minister would have stopped his vehicle that would not have done any change to the accident victim.

    All what is happening now the two interested parties and first those who care for the motor cyclist are trying their best to make the Minister responsible for his fate so they could demand damages (when all he did was he did not stop his vehicle after being hit).

    The second category are his political enemies trying make capital use of this incident to throw him out. He has Sinhala political enemies and Tamil political enemies. In fact I too hate him, he has done a lot of damages and been unfair to the Tamil community and have suffered and felt hurt by his racist talk and actions. Being a intelligent student that is not expected of him.

    The problem is I have a conscience and in spite of what he has done unfairly. I will try to be fair with him on this accident which certainly has brought lot of pain and anguish to the Minister.

  • 1

    What a shame!People ousted Rajapakshas for what?To distort law?For Thajudeen CCTV works but for Champika and Arjun they did not work.People do not want to hear about what others did.They want a just society to live in peacefully.

    • 0


      ‘For Thajudeen CCTV works but for Champika and Arjun they did not work.’

      Don’t worry it will start working little later after the Yahalpalanaya government goes and Rajapakse comes back again. Sadly then another police inspector will be remanded for with holding the truth like what happened to the Police involved in concealing Thajudeen’s murder!

  • 0

    Champika enjoyed full benefits under the Rajapakse regime. He took a very extremist racial stance during the Aluthgama incident and backed the BBS to the hilt.

    The opportunist that he is, Champika jumped the sinking ship and joined the Yahapalana bandwagon purely for personal benefit. He was elected to parliament purely from UNP votes at the expense of more creditworthy figures like Rosy Senanayake.

    Now his slip is showing. The CCTV images have disappeared. But his reputation is destroyed forever. Ranil should get rid of this snake or else he will bite the UNP for his own political ends. He wants to be the next candidate for the Presidential election – Ranil please take care! Dump him now.

  • 0

    All the Anti-champika Ranawaka honchos have ganged up here.

    The one who bumped up with the bike should be prosecuted for driving an illegal bike at high speed.

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