14 February, 2025


Rajapaksa Is Greedy For Power: Fonseka

Field Marshall and now Cabinet Minister, Sarath Fonseka last night charged that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa was greedy for power and hence was looking at ways to come back to power.



“When I started a political party, it was with a genuine intention, but Mahinda Rajapaksa’s intentions are purely based on his greed for power, so that’s why he wants to start another party,” Fonseka told reporters soon after paying homage at the Dalada Maligawa on Saturday.

Fonseka also said that instead of a President becoming a Parliamentarian, it was an elevation for him when he, in his capacity as a retired military officer was granted a position as a Cabinet Minister.

He also assured that the current government will deliver its promises, but it will take a while in some instances. “The law and order in the country deteriorated during Rajapaksa’s time, so we have to rectify the blunders done in the past,” Fonseka added.

Latest comments

  • 34

    Field Marshall and now Cabinet Minister, Sarath Fonseka

    RE: Rajapaksa Is Greedy For Power: Fonseka

    Yes, you know that and we all know that.

    What crimes were committed by Mahinda Rajapaksa.
    What are they waiting for and why not prosecute and be done with.

    At least put him in jail. He belongs there. He put you there for no reason.

    We do not want to hear about him nor do we want to see the face of MaRa MaRa Chatu MaRa AmaNa MaRa…

    • 13

      Yes, you can talk, FM!

      your votes were not even counted at the election, but here we have you as a minister.

      If people wanted you they would have voted for you, right?

      How can’t the Yahapalana thieves understand this?
      Strange to see you keeping your clothes on.

    • 13

      He’s not greedy for power. He knows that if he doesn’t wrest power, then he and his family will have to pay for all the crimes committed whilst in power.

    • 11




  • 25

    Great Gentleman.
    You are our HERO.
    We are so proud to pronounce that you are our Special Minister.

    Now Gotabaya and Rajapaksa are suffering

    • 8

      I think in a democracy there are all kind of view bearers. But I really dont think that many would go against SF has been given all status by the rulers to this date. This nation should not forget the way this particular former millitary leader fought and sacrificed his life for the long driven war. Whoever whatever being said, the truth will not be suppressed by any kind of biased media men – that will not succeed. Rajpakashe wanted to eat the cake not sharingto others – not sharing to the due – painting it as if they did it, but we all know the very same man Rajapakshe has deliberately done a lot more in the line of higher corrutption as no other his predecessors ever happened to go that level. All the higher corruption that intentionally made by Rajapakshes have become the consequeces today s rulers to face it. Poeple are kept away from the ground realities. Just making the numbers in favour of them, they all along cheated the people. Those numbers that they reiterated in terms of economy is rejected by IMF today.
      The current rulers may not talk much as had been the guys worked for previous regime, but within the shorter period of time, they have achieved a lot by painting the picture in the line of justice, fairness and the all other good factors.

  • 23

    Thank you Sir, FM Fonseka. I am delighted that Law & Order is in your sights, including that good for nothing corrupt minister servant of the victors. Hope that you do what you have to do, clean up the governance.

    • 6

      Foot Note: Just watch you back though FM. Parliamentarians love corruption, and judging by the microscopic statistics here, it seems third of the country loves corruption too. Without it they are nobodies!

  • 12

    Look who is talking..

    If Rajaakasa didn’t pull the plug, Field Marshall Fonny would have given Vellala Sambandan and his TNA a Garrison State of Thamil Eeelaam.

    And Batalanada Ranil would have been behind bars for the insults him and his stooges heaped on the Field Marshall and our brave soldiers, who sacrificed their lives in thousands, to eliminate Tamil Terrorists.

    LKR 85 Million changed all that, thanks to the West and their agents who filled the coffers of the Elephant Treasury since Nanthikadal.

    Wonder what the ” Jokers” in Thamil Nadu think about this Field Marshall cum Minister of ??..

    • 34

      Sumaney, while your Hambantota paddy farmer was sucking his thumb and hiding under a bed and his brother the hero Gota was pumping petrol in LA after running away during the war, this guy SF was fighting the dreaded LTTE. I am no supporter of SF, I cannot stand the bugger but I have to respect the man for fighting the LTTE with his life. Where were you while he was fighting them? washing the Rajapukka’s filthy backside?

    • 12

      KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

      “If Rajaakasa didn’t pull the plug, Field Marshall Fonny would have given Vellala Sambandan and his TNA a Garrison State of Thamil Eeelaam.”

      I believe you.

      You should have asked Tamil from the north about an interview with the public racist Sarath Fonseka which was published in National Post (Canada) on 25 Sept 2008.

      Here is the juicy bit:

      “I strongly believe that this country belongs to the Sinhalese but there are minority communities and we treat them like our people,” he says.

      “We being the majority of the country, 75%, we will never give in and we have the right to protect this country.
      “We are also a strong nation … They can live in this country with us. But they must not try to, under the pretext of being a minority, demand undue things.”

      National Post
      Stewart Bell, National Post (Canada)·
      Sept. 23, 2008 | Last Updated: Sept. 25, 2008

      This should give you the right kind of urge for a session of self actualisation.

      If it doesn’t work please read Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekera’s latest rant on Tamil National anthem.

      Mind you both served exclusive Sinhala/Buddhist armed forces.

      I wonder what were they both doing when Hindians invaded this island? Of course hiding behind VP’s fat bum.

      • 1

        Dear Native,

        Please don’t embroil me in your family feuds with that Vellala Thamil from the North, regarding his allegiance to Mr Pirahaparan.

        • 4

          Monkey Sumaney, you dumb nitwit. I have never paid any allegiance to VP. VP was your hero while to bloody disgusting Indian buggers in military uniform were running around in the north refusing to leave. Your Hambantota brothers and sisters celebrated the LTTE and pushed them to fight the IPKF. I wish, not only the LTTE but the racist bastards like you never existed on this planet. I hope one day a higher power will wipe you and other racists off this planet for good.

      • 8


        Thanks. I cannot yet understand how the TNA backed him for the presidency?


    • 14

      “Look who’s talking”!!!

      Rajapakse’s diehard stooge never gets tired of grovelling on behalf of his masters!

      “Talking” about “filling the coffers by the West and their agents”, when in fact, no one can hold a candle to the extent of the filling of their personal coffers by the Rajapakses and their ‘agents’, is more than ludicrous!

      But then nothing is too absurd for Sumana in his pathetic defenses of his employers.

      • 3


        “Rajapakse’s diehard stooge never gets tired of grovelling on behalf of his masters!”

        … and Yahapalana stooges do the same

        Then there are those that sit on the fence with no discernible point of view and indiscriminately throw feces at everyone!

        • 4

          maalumiris, I have to agree. Stooges will be Stooges, whose ever they are!

          About those ‘fence-sitters hurling shite’ “with no discernible POV”, I can’t think of anyone I know who fits that description, but seems to me that such folk must suffer from some complex ‘complex’!

  • 12

    So, Mr Field Marshal, who killed Lasantha Wickramatunge?

    • 3

      Mr. Field Marshall killed Lasantha..for all those who pretend otherwise!!!

  • 4

    Weerawansa Syndrome again. Blame it on Mahinda…Yes indeed it takes time, but how long?
    Everyone is greedy for power, why not? Democracy crashes and burns when there is no opposition. So MR or whoever, even the official opposition TNA must challenge the government. There is nothing wrong with that.

    NB: Jan 8 2015 then opposition strategically defeated then government and gaind power. Had it not been for the greed of RW, MR would still be in his seat running a riot.

    • 4

      weerawanse shoul dhave grown up on a garbage bin to see almost everything paranoid.

      This guy has done all harm to srilanka. His politics will not bring anyone anything but all kind of deviations. His interpretations are based on his learnt knowledge about the west. He cant know much about the western soceities since his education so limited. People are being misguided by the man – it is a greater harm fo rthe future of this country and nation.

  • 9

    KA Sumanasekera Have you had a look in the mirror recently? The Mirror would have told you that you are the biggest joker!

    Field Marshall has expressed his view on Rajapaske, nothing wrong in that.If you just analyse Rajapaske’s position, I would have told him don’t believe in any more in your Astrology. you have had your life full,now Retire gracefully .you have reached 70 try and be wise. You don’t need be a politician, yet you can look after your people’s welfare from the money that you have swindled from government coffers and from many other sources. Don’t be Greedy!

  • 4

    Something in line with what SF said that he did not give illegal orders and if someone gave those orders they should be held accountable.

    “Michael Hayden‘s recent remarks that the military would flat-out refuse to follow illegal orders of his.

    Specifically troubling for Hayden was Trump saying he would want to do “worse” than torture and would want soldiers to kill terrorists’ families.”

  • 7

    What about you Sir ? Why are you in Cabinet, when you lost your seat ?
    Had you won the presidency, you would have behaved just like Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

    You nor Gotabaya are like Gen Kobbekaduwa, whom the Nation sorely miss.
    What a great National Leader he would have made.

    Even now, stay home, retire, enjoy the sunsets, smell the roses like.

    • 4

      Makes sense. Enjoy a stress free life for the rest of what remains. Why come back to do dirty politics Sri Lankan style? You’ve been to the pinnacle of your career both in and out of battle, now relax, take it easy. But No, that is not enough. It is all about earning more money. Can never get enough of it. So you jump in with both feet right into the thick of it, and now wallow in the mud with the rest. Or do you have some scores to settle and just taking aim at it? When will this greed ever leave you?

    • 6

      Totally agree.Enjoy the perks but dont point a finger at others when you are following the same path.Patriotism in this country usually does not go well with Politicians but hunger for POWER does

    • 3

      Some people are born for service. He did serve the country for over a quart century. It becomes a part of their life and he sees that he can still server the country in a different capacity. I don’t see anything wrong with it.
      Age is only a number not a retirement point.

    • 1

      @Vishvajith, though Gen Kobekaduwe was a soldier, deep down he was a decent gentleman. He died so soon because he lived a decent life. He could have not survived as a politician amongst these goons. He belonged to a different class. I have spoken to some ex-LTTE guys and even they loved him and respected him as he treated them as fighters not as terrorists. Sad, people like that don’t live long enough. It was not the LTTE which killed him, Premadasa had a bomb planted under his jeep. The crater was man made and not deep enough to have caused an explosion of that magnitude. The LTTE could not even get anywhere near him as he was heavily guarded and too smart for them.

      • 0

        I agree. The LTTE and the Tamil People respected him as an honorable person.

        If, it was a Govt hatchet job to get rid of him, why did Prabhaharn reward his military leaders for the attack on Kobbekaduwa ?

  • 1

    Surely it cannot be far from the Field Marshall’s mind that assassination is a fast secure and effective remedy for political cancers.

  • 5

    Look who is talking. Just listen to his interviews and you know who is hungry for power.

  • 5

    Pot calling the kettle black.

    No table and chairs for the new Minister. Instead the Yahapalanaya will provide a cage to cage the Kalavedda.

    Which Military general in the World speakout military secrets after a war instead fading away with them?
    It is the Kalavedda who has gone against Military norms.
    We all know war is bad and many things take place. It is enevitable but to come out and point the finger at others? Disgraceful.

    None of our LTTE boys spoke of what they did. They are the real military men.

  • 11

    Who killed Lasantha?
    Who ordered the abduction and rape of Keith Noyahr Feld Marshal? We all know why and who. How did your ex son in law acquire 88million rupees doing business with the army when you were commander? Who gave you the extension when Kumaratunge madam rejected your request? Who hand picked and appointed you? ..which UNP Leader didn’t insult and demean you and the army? Do you remember your interviews after the war was won? You’re shameless too and greedy for prestige and power yourself. Your party lost badly and didn’t even get 40,000 votes despite you taking your vehicle as propaganda. Yes sir you were the best commander but your vanity, greed, hate and desire for revenge will consume you.

  • 6

    Native Vedda, everyone knows SF’s speech but we have to weigh the rest with that one off speech and judge. The reason for that speech was due to his mental state during war. We normally like Singhalese but after all our sufferings I do hated Singhalese for the inaction of majority educated Singhalese like GLP, but changed myself now. Understand, for our better life, God gave us forgetness. If we keep thinking about the bad past, we can’t move forward – now we take SF as a good person and move forward. MR and co will never change, he did not change even after killing so many Tamils using chemical cluster etc, stolen so much land, stolen so much sand, stolen money from KP which belongs to poor people, stolen poor peoples Gold, and so many he has stolen.

    • 2

      He did make that speech and he never made apologies later even. It is not too late for him to withdraw his statement. He is a Minister under Yahapalanaya which on the face of it is against racism. Please FM Sarath Fonseka , please withdraw that statement

    • 1


      People make mistakes.

      The honourable thing for him to do is to apologise unreservedly for whatever he said and move on. The worry is, that is he a natural born racist?

      I will not change my opinion about him until he apologises for his folly if you want to call it.

      Remember he is a minister of development.

  • 5

    Prosecute gota mahinds namal yoshitha mahinda ‘s wife ,wife ‘brother for financial crime in srilankan airlines mahindas relatives may have done crime weeravase and co ministers wile in power must have done crime find our if found guilty prosecute dem evn ganasara dog thug.

  • 3

    Pot calling the kettle black indeed!! LOL !!!

  • 0

    HA Ha haaaaaaaaaa [Edited out]

  • 4

    MR is greedy for power you say FM . What about you ? Your contested against MR for power but lost badly. You again contested at General elections and lost shamefully even without an address. Then you started licking UNP boots who humiliated you so badly during the war and became a minister. You are a rejected man SF

  • 0

    The Burmese Generals are proud to set up a new entry in the annals of Guinness Books of Records as the only country in the whole wide world that would not allow the winner of the elected party leader to become the President. Even though she has won 80 percent of the vote. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was not eligible to be the Head of State only because of the fraudulent and manipulated illogical 2008 Nargis Constitution drawn up by the former military Junta. The Burmese are already in the Guinness books of Records as the most xenophobic people in the world so much so that the xenophobic demagoguery is going to lead to the extinction of Rohingyas.

    Even a person born of pure Burmese family, well-educated, international experience and fluent in several international languages who had won the Nobel Peace Prize after much sacrifices for the people and her country, cum the daughter of the founding father of modern Burma only because she has proved that “Love” is the greatest thing on this earth.

    Then, these viper generations of Generals took over the country and being not satisfied with more than half a century of military rule that have kept the country isolated and undeveloped, the Burmese army better known as Tatmadaw is now genuinely afraid of the people lest they become educated and questioned their harsh and unscrupulous rule. This act not only tarnished the Tatmadaw but also the Myanmar race and the nation itself.

    I hope there are some lessons for us to what the Generals in an army will do if they ever take over the country.

  • 4

    FM Sir,
    you lost your credibility by putting your hand into the stinking maggot filled bucket of politics. You should have bowed out of the army in grace taken your entitlements, pension, FM’s baton and gone into retirement to the USA your new found home. You decided to be greedy for power yourself and failed badly. You are now in the closet as minister of self developement so fill your pockets like all the others. Leave the past behind if you have self respect for yourself and family.
    When you started a political party it was for a genuine intention you state. Thats what all politicos said from 1948 onwards.
    Your intentions too are like your predecessors, ugly and corrupt.

    Learn from great men like Field Marshall Erwin Rommel.
    He was soldier a professional soldier and despite being a german he hated the Nazi party and all that it stood for. He was very brave unto death and he died not for Hitler but for Germany.
    Fonny ! you dont have a atom of the charisma that Erwin Rommel had for even his enemies gave him deep respect. He treated his POW’s in a genuine soldierly manner and he had all the ingredients to be a great Field Marshall. You have nothing. In the end you will have done nothing and fade away sad and defeated.
    You even dont have the charisma as the late and great FM Sam Manekshaw of the Indian Army.
    Get out of politics, clean up and disown yourself from all the ugly accusations leveled against you in the past, give back all the monies which are legally not yours, think of your children who will carry your name unto death, if you are a accessory for murder then own up and ask forgiveness for thats not a shame but a brave deed, leave RW & Company for they are bad friends who will drop you like a hot potato to save their skins, renew your green card and go back to the US.

    The US is a great country and sure that you will get respect and dignity there. To end this here are some famous quotes from Field Marshall Erwin Rommel.

    1. A risk is a chance you take ; if it fails you can recover. A gamble is a chance taken ; if it fails, recovery is impossible.

    2. In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.

    3. When there is no clear option, its better to do nothing.

    4. If i had to take hell, i would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it. ( Respect for his enemies)

    5. Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, but brains saves both.

    6. ” i would rather he had given me one more division” when Hitler made him Field Marshall.

    Finally you did not lead your men from the front, all you did was the planning and raising the moral of your troops.
    Rommel led his men from the front and was always seen in the thick of battle standing in the turret of a Tiger tank examining the battle field through his binoculars.
    “Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel” The Dessert Fox was not a corrupt soldier and was never involved in poltics or political murders, but a man of great integrity, charm, humour, good husband and father.
    He had only one son Manfred Rommel and when he considered joining the Waffen SS during the war, the father was toatally against it because the SS was all thugs and murderers. Finally he joined the Luftwaffe. Manfred Rommel was elected the mayor of Stuttgart in post war Germany three times. He honoured his father.

    Yes! FM sir ! what have you achieved other than a your FM’s baton ????

    Nothing but disrespect from all sides. If you can read english then read this and think a lot about your future. Good Luck!!!!!!!!

  • 1

    After prostrating at the feet of Mahanayaka in Malwatta to get his blessings, FM Fonny tells the Journos that he has to rush back and find a desk and a chair to execute Yahapalanaya.

    How cool.

    In the meantime Yahapalana big boss orders the current Army Chief to eliminate Pathlaya.

    How can the Army Chief do that when the whole Army Military Intelligence Unit is locked up by the Yahapalana assistant boss of Batalanada fame.

    Then the assistant boss’s dear nephew Ruwan Wijewardana asks the Police to do the job of extermination .

    Yahapalanaya’s first significant act was to give asylum to Pathlaya .. Right..

    Now the same Yahapalanaya wants to exterminate them..

    Confusing ?..

    Wonder what the Yahapalana Money Controller has to say about this.Because most of these Pathalaya blokes are in his electorate..Is that correct..

    • 2

      KASmaalam K.A Sumanasekera

      “In the meantime Yahapalana big boss orders the current Army Chief to eliminate Pathlaya.”

      In the early 1980s, your emperor JR ordered Brigadier Ganegoda Appuhamelage Don Granville Nalin Seneviratne to search and destroy four leg Tamil puppies in the North.

      Therefore what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

      “How can the Army Chief do that when the whole Army Military Intelligence Unit is locked up by the Yahapalana assistant boss of Batalanada fame.”

      1. Simple pull out all those “locked up”, bring them back to the south and unleash them on the streets.

      2. Where are those members of Pottu Amman department?

  • 0

    Tell us about Rajapaksa bribe to tigers and stolen Tamil gold?

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