17 January, 2025


Rajapaksa Should Address The Nation Denouncing The Anti-Muslim Campaign And Its Sponsors

By Jayantha Dhanapala and Professor Savitri Goonesekere

President  Mahinda Rajapaksa,

President of Sri Lanka,

Presidential Secretariat,

Janadhipathi Mawatha,

Colombo 1.

7th March 2013.

Anti-Muslim Hate Campaign: The Government Must Act Decisively

Dear President Rajapaksa,

The Friday Forum urges you to act immediately and decisively to counter the increasingly venomous and strident anti-Muslim hate campaign launched by a few extremist groups claiming to represent the majority Sinhala community. As you are aware, this campaign has intensified over the past several months. The country has witnessed attacks against mosques, and the circulation, on social media, public posters and web-sites, of obscene and vituperative messages that are offensive to religious beliefs. It has witnessed anti-Muslim public rallies and processions, including a call to boycott Muslim business establishments.

Mahara mosque - vandalised

In any situation in which there are efforts to incite communal tensions, the primary responsibility of removing such threats and reassuring the community under attack is with the government. The people elect the President and other representatives in the expectation that they will ensure an environment in which all citizens can live assured of their human rights including equality, personal security, dignity and religious freedom. Failure of a government to provide this is a serious breach of its responsibilities and has, in the past, had tragic consequences for our country and our people.

In a plural society hate campaigns against a specific community must be taken very seriously by the government and the people and viewed in the wider context of our historical, sociological, economic and foreign policy realities. The possibility of violence against a particular community, and the dangers of ethnic cleansing are very real. The horrors of the 1983 ethnic riots constantly remind us how human life and personal security mean nothing, when there is incitement to communal violence and hatred. Hate campaigns inevitably result in a deep sense of fear and vulnerability among members of the targeted community, giving rise to a fear psychosis. Such a situation not only deeply harms that community, but also imbues a whole society with suspicion and propensity to communal violence.

We welcome that you clearly spoke against those who incite communal intolerance at the recent Independence Day celebrations held in Trincomalee. Yet, the government headed by you has not up to now taken decisive and concrete measures to stem the current hate campaign or to reassure the Muslim community of its rightful place in our society. This is difficult to understand in light of your own assurances and that of the government on the urgent need to forge a lasting peace after ending the destruction and suffering of thirty years of fratricidal war.

The silence of the government, and a mute response in the face of the hate campaign  against the Muslim community, particularly though the misuse of media is a violation of both national and international law, Such misuse sometimes justified as respect for freedom of speech and expression only encourages those who incite communal disharmony and violence.  The government has recently decided to prohibit sterilization programmes for consenting adults undermining family planning and reproductive health policies that conform to national public health and treaty commitments. This decision, while unacceptable in itself, can also be perceived by the public as concession to the anti-Muslim lobbies.

The aggressive assertion of identity by any community creates tensions in a pluralistic society. If there are problems over issues related to any religious group, for instance, the recent “halal” certification issue, these need to be looked into dispassionately and responsibly after careful verification of the facts. The public must also be provided with accurate information with a view to defusing and not exacerbating tensions.

We urgently call on you as elected Head of State to address the nation denouncing the current anti-Muslim campaign and its sponsors and detailing the measures the government will take to deal with the hate campaign against Muslims.  Only such steadfast and resolute action, rising above narrow identity politics, can safeguard the peace and further an environment of communal harmony and security in our country.


Jayantha Dhanapala                                                          Professor Savitri Goonesekere

On behalf of Friday Forum, the Group of Concerned Citizens

Mr. Jayantha Dhanapala, Professor Savitri Goonesekere, Rt. Reverend Duleep de Chickera, Dr. Deepika Udagama,  Professor Arjuna Aluwihare, Ms. Shanthi Dias, Ms. Anne Abayasekara,  Mr. Lanka Nesiah,  Mr. Faiz-ur.Rahman, Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne,   Mr. Ahilan Kadirgamar,  Mr. J.C. Weliamuna,  Mr. Javid Yusuf, Mr. Danesh Casie Chetty, Ms.Damaris Wickremesekera,      Rev. Dr. Jayasiri Peiris, Dr. A. C. Visvalingam, Professor Camena Guneratne,   Professor Ranjini Obeyesekere,  Dr. Upatissa Pethiyagoda, Dr. Devanesan Nesiah,   Mr. Chandra Jayaratne,

cc. Secretary to the President,

Secretary Defence & Urban Development,

Inspector General of Police,

Attorney General,

Chairman, Human Rights Commission,

Read the Sinhala translation here. Translation by Yahapalanaya Lanka.

Latest comments

  • 0

    The obstinate Marwan jabbers puerile stuff – caught with his sarong down on what triggered 7/83. “Typical of your clan” eh! Do you know Azath Salley and many others from the “clean and pure” side are now pleading for protection from this same clan. Your claim you gave protection to Tamils under your home in 7/83 is typical with which some are identified with their forked tongues – for generations, I am sorry to remind. I don’t want to rub it in when you are desperately looking for cover. This Halal nonsense is a suspect tool in which conquest was planned but now it has exploded on the face. Now there is a witch hunt as to on whose head the blame can be placed. While the going appeared good this ACJU were heroes and Mufthi was marketed as equivalent to a Clerical head. He sure sounded like one. But reader Reza now says Ulema is a non-entity and Islam has no clergy. Zulfiki Nizam agrees. The brotherhood appears to be disintegrating and scattering. That is only 3 names I have mentioned. There are many more. By the way where is Paisa Mustafa and those Armani-suited “leaders” when the flock is sadly on flight. The moral here is don’t undertake a job to conquer others with a hollow product. As my old driver says “apey paaduweng api inda dena gannata oney” (It is best to mind your own business and live) National and global conquest is for the Al-Qaeda types, who too are learning things the hard way – everywhere.


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      You start your sentence on the topic in question ‘Did the LTTE provoke, or were they not the reason for mob attacks of July ’83 riots’ and you clearly deflect your response through personal attacks, and mixed it with a touch of vulgarism ‘caught with sarong down’, O by that way, we all see the same thing with our sarongs down, anyway u used it to set the trend, and suddenly switch gears in the next sentense to Azath Salley begging for calm from the same clan that provoked it. After that it becomes incoherent verbal diarrhea. You may have the gift of the gab no doubt, but when you avoid the truth for self serving interests, it shows. We all know the that the subject in question is an impending crisis between Muslims and Sinhalese, and you bring in and unload a Tamil dimension to it thus trying to grab focus to your cause. We know how these games are played and are alive to it.

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      Enough with your anti-Muslim stereotypes already. They are no different from the stereotypes used by the Sinhalese against Tamils. And you don’t have to indicate your social class by saying you have a driver. It is well known that in Sri Lanka even servants have servants. Actually you have no class.

      • 0


        “you are negating Tamil Eelam and become part of the ongoing bad Sinhala TV program”.

        Do I have anything to do with your Tamil Eelam or Sinhala/BUddhist Eelam when I am working very hard to reclaim my ancestral land from both of you?

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          GO TO HELL

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            “GO TO HELL”

            Is there another place called hell other than Sri Lanka?

            How interesting.

            • 0

              There’s a group in London calling Lanka the ‘Hellas’. Maybe they are some coastal fishermen from Lankapottar singing the repetitive song Hele Hele Heleyya.

      • 0

        The parliament secretary has an espoused secretary, and that spook one has two spokey dokes, one desecrating the parliament secretary the other amalgamating the espoused secretary.

        Here, the hate stoking hog SAINTGOTTA boasts, as being a master of the superior race.

    • 0

      What is the gist of your argument, effeminate scoundrel. You are perpetuating on every crevice you stick your finger. Smell between your nails, to feel the essence of the burrow where you nibbled.

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    Dear Banda, American Maamaa and others,

    There is no offertory business in Islam. However whatever we do we start with uttering the word “Bismillah”, that means “In the name of God(Allah)” it may be eating, taking bath, working and all most every thing we do(not bad things). Similarly Muslims have code of conducts of everything. E.g, looking at a woman or man with lust is “Harram”(prohibited), but looking at your wife or husband in similar way is Halal(allowed)and etc. Therefore entire Halal thing in Australia or Sri Lanka is interpreted totally wrongly. Why don’t you Banda use your own analysis before you simply downloaded everything you saw in Australian media? We have full knowledge of Halal, but you.

    American Maamaa,

    You’re right in stating that Islam means ” Surrendering oneself to Good’s will”, but you’re wrong in saying whatever BBS did or innocent Tamils went through in the last phase of bloody war were the God’s plan, therefore Muslims should not worry too much. The God has given brain and heart to the mankind to rationally think and reasonably act. If you don’t wake up in the morning and go to work you won’t get your wages in the end of the month. What a Muslim understands by “Surrender to God’s will” is put a step forward in right way with full of trust then God makes you put your next step. God means only good things.

    For these reasons and for the sake of integrity and safety of the country BBS,JHU and SR must be stopped.

    The others,

    Don’t be fooled yourselves by buying whatever the foreign media says. Why would poor Sri Lankan Muslims fund the terrorist organisation like Al-kaida, Thaliban or anything else? The Sri Lankan Muslims receives gifts from Arab countries if they approach them to build Mosque or school or for other social activities. And if the Arab countries are funding terrorist agenda why would they simply help these innocent Muslims rather than diverting that funds to terrorist organisation? There is no logic in what BBS and JHU say. According to them profits from Halal business(?) goes to terrorist organisations and Arab countries helping the Sri Lankan Muslims to build Mosques. Why cannot the Muslims use these so-called profit from Halal to build Mosques? Why would they do these kind of complicated transactions? The BBS, JHU, SR and some commentators of this website must use your God given metal capacity before you try to justify your Islamophobia.

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      @Mohammed Nadvi

      Does that nean God doesn’t know that Muslims will be attacked in the future, so that muslims can use their free will to do soemthing about it ? iF God knows the future then surely he must
      know how Muslims will go about it & what the outcome will be too ??

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        Basically you don’t know the Muslim mind set when it comes to observing its tenets and defending their religion Islam. They know more about their own religion and adhere to it teachings more intensely than Sinhalese with Buddhism, Christians with Christianity and Hindus with Hinduism, or for that matter any other Faiths on the face pf the earth. If you can come to live with that, then the other factors like patience and prayers to succeed in crisis to face the test of trials and tribulations, uniting of the Muslim Ummath at time of crisis are easy to comprehend. To a true practicing Muslim this earth that lives in is like being in a prison, whilst to others (non believers) appears like paradise. With strict laws (Sharia) such as No liquor, no gambling, no womanizing, wear hijab, Niqab, pray 5 times a day, fast for a month, give compulsory charity 2.5% of earnings as tax, go on Hadj at least once in a lifetime when God provides you the means, consume only Halal (permissible) foods, keep away from Haram foods, educate or remind other believers and non-believers (Dawah) about God’s might, mercy and all of His other attributes, His Revelations, His Prophets, His Angels and finally, be ready to lay down your life for God’s Deen (religion of Islamic), if it calls for that, which is there to test the faith, (true or hypocrite) and for all that, God’s promise is true real freedom and joy in the hereafter to live in true paradise, a heavenly abode, with eternal life, amogst much more than regular expectations. The sacrifices made by a Muslim in obedience or comply with God’s commands will never ever be wasted nor go in vain.

        So in context of the present scenario, Muslims in this country including concerned Muslims all over the world watching the unfolding events in SL, will be in prayer to pass this test. He has the power to answer those prayers and change their (aggrewsor’s) hearts and minds, or will test the Muslims further, expecting a greater commitment of their Faith. The final outcome after this struggle (small of great) will be the true reward. No one really knows what is in store. The only thing Muslims believe will be, it came from Him, and Hee is sufficient to take of solving it. Muslims are expected to do their part thru patience and prayer.

        • 0

          Man thanks for that detailed reply which is supposed to answer my question.

          1. This is not the place to discuss religion at length. If I ask the real hard questions about God and Islam you might put a fatwa on me. So let’s leave it at that.

          2. God ( if heactualy exists )must be into playing a lot of childish games with his creatures from what I can see :)

          Like ” I am going to let that little ant Marwan get killed by a crazy buddhist at 10:30AM on Galle Road, Colombo 3 and no amount of praying is gonaa change my mind !!’ type of games

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            I know you will have a lot of questions about God and Islam, and all your questions can be effectively answered. There is so much going on Youtable, Zakir Naik, Nouman Ali Khan, Yusuf Estes, Ahamed Deedat who give short discourses with Q&A for you to understand those Islamic concepts on God.

            Muslims do not pray for others to get killed (again displaying your lack of understanding). It is the destiny of man as willed by God that finally decides his fate. We can pray and ask for goodness for someone, such as hidayath (come into the fold of Islam thru sincererity and yearning to know the true God), at which time if He decides will open the doors of acceptance and let you in. Watch the stories of all the reverts to Islam on Youtube. In fact we have some high ranking Buddhist monks too who have accepted Islam. I cannot mention their names as this would put them in jeopardy. They have got married to Muslim women, have children and leading perfectly normasl lives, and even used to give lectures on Islam. Stop criticising them Muslims and try to understand whats the driving force in them

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            American mama:
            First, I think the first law that any self-respecting government should bring in is that people like you MUST wash your mouth out with disinfectant soap before you say anything. That way there might be a glimmer of hope that something sensible will come out.

            Also, you utter something that can hardly be called a truth: “The best policy is what the government is doing which is ignoring the issue by letting the Bodu Bala Sena people run around until they get exhausted & quit.” Read Tisaranee Gunasekera’s description of what is happening in terms of the Violent Sibling’s support of the BBS, elsewhere in CT. They are not likely to get “exhausted and quit” while one of those from your country keeps fuelling them in a variety of ways.

            A government that buries its head in the sand as you suggest it should, is complicit in the promotion of violence against a minority. It has already begun to happen and it is going to get worse and you will hide under your pseudonym in a foreign country while innocent people are killed and brutalised for the crime of belonging to a minority. That should gladden your self-righteous heart even if it doesn’t improve the quality of your grammar and syntax!

          • 0

            Meemasmora American, kiyopan Pahala:

            May all beings be happy at heart.
            In the Vinaya the Buddha is depicted as saying, “A monk should not intentionally deprive a living creature of life, even if it be only an ant” (Vinaya I.97).

            You say a Buddhist crazy, idiot, correct it to a ‘chauvinist Sinhalese’.

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    Oh my, my I don’t know what’s happening. Please my dear friends stop all these bad languages. If you dig the dirt what you get terrible bad smell, at times you might vomit. Life is very precious. There are bad elements with their own agendas that doesn’t mean all the decent lot also go down to that level. Please work to come to a good understanding instead of destroying ourselves. The man on the street is very poor and struggling to find good three full square meals a day. Still majority of our people are buggery. So please stop all these nonsense and we all do our best to live well.

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    Jayantha Dhanapala ..

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

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    Native Veddah (May 09 – 2/42 pm) Don’t waste your time. There are a few creatures floating in this blog who insist what they say is the truth and that only which is right. If one needs knowledge we can provide them with what is necessary, if that is within our range. But if they turn abusive and show their gutter culture, it is best to ignore these irrelevant bigots.

    Reading your apt comments for long, one cannot but fail to notice the learning, culture and background. As they say, it takes seven generations to make a gentleman.


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      Thanks for your support.

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      Seven generations? I’m afraid apart from reading you’ll never learn to write in this janam.

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    Time and again I wish to express that l am not a racist. Sinhalese are concerned about the development within the Muslims, where Wahhabi ideology had influenced the minds of the Muslims, resulting in the provocation of the Sinhalese and posing a threat to the security of Sri Lanka as well as to other democratic countries. Since Wahhabi ideology has the force of shattering the democratic structure and disturbing the international economic order, it appears there are military alliances within democratic countries and engaged in military exercises.
    There are news that Wahhabism, which has swept the Eastern Province with its headquarters in Kattankudy, has brought Jihadist and AlFatah groups in Sri Lanka within their fold. Muslims were a peace loving citizens all these years. But the inflow of Saudi petro Dollars paved way for the introduction Islamic fundamentalism to the extent of influencing even the politicians by way of threats, intimidation and coercion. The gunning down of Colonel Latiff was a case in point. Wahhabism is similar to the LTTE, because one Siddique who was with Wahhabism later joined Sufism. As the main aim of Wahhabists were to agitate against America and Israel, they found their way through a section of Muslims of Sufism. There were clashes between the Sufis and the Wahhabist in Kattankudy over conflicts of beliefs between both schools of religious thoughts. This is something similar to the conflict between the Tamil moderates and the LTTE. The results of this conflict within the Muslim groups eventually ended up burning of almost 200 houses belonging to the Sufis. Finally, Wahhabists dominated over the Sufis due to the training given by the Saudis – a fact similar the LTTE dominating over the Tamil moderates.
    Apparently Saudi Wahhabist intelligence were careful that this Wahhabist movement is built by about 50 Wahhabist organizations in Sri Lanka and not concentrate on one particular individual – perhaps to avoid being suspected by Sri Lanka or other Western Democratic countries. Meanwhile the threat posed by the LTTE was a good opportunity for the Wahhabists to send their active members to join on the pretext of Home guards, which eventually allowed them to have sophisticated lethal weapons. Might I with great respect point out that two Muslim Engineers (both from Peradeniya University) with Wahhabism ideology are now in Qatar (Qatar is a country that practices Wahhabism) with a dozen of Muslim youths who are being given training. from the East. The names of the engineers are [Edited out]. The news further continues that [Edited out] is carrying on a business of educational centre under the name [Edited out]’ at Dehiwela and a branch at Kandy. However, this institution has already sent about 200 Muslim youths to UK to work with the fundamentalist group in the UK on various names. Because Sri Lankan officials are corrupt Passports, Bank Statements and other related documents can obtained easily. As I have earlier stated most of these youths are from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Briefly Colombo was used as a hub for such activities. It is alarming to hear that Wahhabists had trained about 3,000 Muslims armed cadres who are ready to assemble in one spot. Perhaps this may be one of the reasons why Sri Lankan Muslims maintained silence over the execution of Muslim housemaid Rizana and trying to compensate with some Dollars. I am quoting this news from Asia Tribune.
    Against such a background, what is the position of Muslim Ministers and politicians regarding the Wahhabi ideology and who are frequently visiting Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Muslim countries. Their movements are closely monitored by the democratic countries. One ponders why Sri Lanka should face a situation again when the LTTE was in its zenith. Does these events not create a psychological fear in the minds of the majority Sinhalese as well as to other communities, who are tempted to view the Muslims with suspicion. I have moved with the average Sinhalese and found they are really tolerant and you won’t believe the manner in which the Buddhist priests and the Sinhalese have given priority even in the Buddhist temples. It does not mean that Muslims and Tamils are bad. It is only a section of a religious group who are creating problems. My point is that religious emotion should not be used for creating divisions among the communities. There is no reason for Sri Lanka to be dragged unnecessarily against the Western democratic countries. What went wrong in Sri Lanka for the appearance of these ugly events.
    In a plural society what is expected is mutual understanding. We are living in a changing world where civil liberties are cherished and stand for democracy. As such Western democratic countries, as usual, extend their arm of friendship with developing countries and reciprocate in similar fashion. There are many advantages. Western democratic countries receive us in the form of affording scholarship and those intending to specialize in various fields without any discrimination. They even accept refugees who are looked after very well out of the tax monies collected from their own citizens – a fact that developing countries like Sri Lanka and some Asian countries should be ashamed of for failure to look after their needs. Instead Sri Lankan politicians plunder people’s taxes for their own benefit. It is very unfair to blame the Western democratic countries for staging attacks on the Muslim countries when helpless Muslims too were accommodated as refugees, especially Muslim girls who fled through fear of being subject to FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) were granted asylum, because Western countries regard FGM as a form of persecution and acknowledged the protection of rights of women. If this is the position, won’t the Sinhalese be afraid of this FGM which in their minds appear as a cruel form of punishment. (Pardon me for citing this instance as I am only concerned of human rights.) It should not be forgotten that it is the soldiers of the Western countries who are sacrificing their lives for the protection of the innocent civilians and to restore democracy. In a war, loss of human lives are inevitable. The Western countries have devised certain formulas for people to live in harmony by way of drafting constitutions. In a country where pluralism is practised, the Westerners introduced a system of Federal government which has a force of binding the people together. Some of the Western democratic countries such as Canada, Switzerland, USA, etc have demonstrated to the entire world the suitability of Federalism where all people live peacefully with mutual understanding. Western democratic countries even went to the extent of assisting the developing countries in the exploitation of natural resources.
    Sri Lanka is a peaceful country. It is a question why politicians are not far-sighted. It appears that the conduct of the politicians should have been monitored by a system of Checks and Balances. My view is that since Sri Lanka is a multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-religious country, it is better to have a Federal system of government. Federalism is not separation, but has the force of binding all communities together. In other words, if Federalism is introduced in Sri Lanka, the community first appears as a Sri Lankan and then as either Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, or Burgher signalling Unity in diversity. A powerful Upper House in a Federal form of government is certain to monitor and control the illegal activities of undesirable elements such as LTTE, Wahhabi movements, etc

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      I was told there is a holding companey at World Trade Center belong to one man (Amazzi group, jobenvoy.com) who is opening up companies at a rate at WTC floors.

    • 0

      This line should have been added at the end of the second paragraph. If the ‘British College of Applied Studies’ at Dehiwela and a branch at Kandy can send about 200 Muslim youths to UK to work with the fundamentalist group in the UK, what is the assurance that the Sri Lanka Muslims with Wahhabi ideology (because of the strength of Saudi Arab petro Dollars) will not charter a few Air Lanka flights (which always look for profits) and ram it into European cities or airports. When Ben Laden can get his Wahhabists to attack the Twin Tower, can such a possibility be ruled out. This is not a hate propaganda against the Muslims, but an issue concerning the security of other countries. After all prevention is better than cure.

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    This is not a balanced statement.
    Where are the misdeeds of the Muslims – Did the Buddhists not give reasons why they are agitated.
    Why are the Forum ignoring the loudspeakers, the encroachment on Buddhist sacred land areas, proliferation of mosques, halal certificate which the Buddhists say are all en route to a long term plan of making Sri Lankan into Maldives – a Muslim nation?
    Intellectuals need to project both sides.
    Jayantha Dhanapala is a man who sang praise for the 2002 ceasefire

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      “long term plan of making Sri Lankan into Maldives – a Muslim nation?”

      Why not?

      The Sinhala/Buddhists think this island is Buddha’s bhoomy which they believe exclusively belongs to Sinhala/Buddhist Bhoomy putras, the Tamils consider it as a Shiva Bhoomy and believe the island belongs to them, the Christians lament of losing the land which once belonged to their foreign masters.

      The peacefully rising China would like to have a piece in this island.

      India is relaxed, that periodically it had reminded the Sri Lankan who the actual owner is.

      Well for the Veddah’s we ended up in a Ghetto created by the Kallathonies over 2,500 years of Tamil/Sinhala oppression.

      Why should not this island be turned into a Halal Muslim land?

      Please give us at least one reason.

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      Loud Speakers- All religions use them. So why only the Muslims are targeted?

      A place of worship is a place of peace and tranquility. Muslims pray in congregation. They need to space. Is there a harm in having places of worship? I would think more kovils, chirches, Pansalas are good for the country

      Buddhist sacred areas are expanding exponentially! If you ask me the whole country is a sacred area!

      Halal certificate is gone for the locals. Did you see the irony when it is allowed for exports? Its good to make money out of Muslims, but it is not good to allow them the freedom to practice their religion!

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    CT Editor

    “Citizen” is accusing fellow citizens of plotting against the state/other communities without evidence, hiding behind the cover of a pseudo name and putting the lives of many people at risk. I vehemently condemn this practice. Names and places of business have been mentioned, and persons accused which is tantamount to instigating vigilante action.

    NT/Alias Citizen- I intend to submit a detailed response since to counter your fear mongering a basic response may not help. Your Google research of Wahhabism has taken you to Centre for Pluralistic Islam which clearly is run by Stephen Schwartz (Zionist). You also rely on the cut and paste journalism of Shenali Waduge. Finally The Asian Tribune is a apology for Journalism. Asian Tribune,editor K.T. Rajasingham is on the payroll of government backers.

    If my own research is right, you are a Tamil who migrated from the Eastern Province habouring anti-Muslim racist ideas.By being pro-Sinhala and pro- Israel, and regularly intoning that ” I am not a racist” you may try to endear yourself to the majority community, but if you think you can mislead discerning CT readers you are mistaken.

    You and Leela use the same sources and pretend to be experts on Islam. It is better if you voiced your concerns and let Muslims respond so that we can have an informed debate.

    @Nabil – Well spotted, names are deleted. we are sorry – CT

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      “and regularly intoning that ” I am not a racist” “

      I want my reality checked regularly, I decided to ask you a little help.

      My objective in this forum is many fold among them:

      I want to insult the stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese on a regular basis I sincerely believe I am the right Vedda to do it. Shouldn’t it be my religious duty?

      I want all those descendants of kallathonies who arrived in the past 2,500 years to leave my ancestral land and reclaim the island.

      I also want to liberate Buddha’s teaching from Sinhala/Buddhists.

      Please let me know whether I qualify as a racist or a patriotic Veddah.

      • 0


        I wonder how you arrived in Silly Lanka? Who helped you cross the Palk Straits?

        Now as far as being racist you don’t qualify. You need to get rehabilitated at one of the camps run by the JHU/BBS or the Shiv Senna to become one!

        Fighting for lost land is the job of patriots and in that sense you are a true son of the soil!

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    For those interested in the withdrawal of Halal, you can see the Media presentaion by all parties at: http://www.youtube.com/user/KnowledgeBox1

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    The leadership in Srilanka,has no farsighted thinking,they stil not aware of the fact, every democracy is judged by , how its treats it minority,most of the civilised nation constitutionaly garantee,the right of the minority, racism and intolerant is an offence in Germany.
    I, ex srilankan living for the last 40 years in Europe,i admire the
    civil courage of the people go out on the street protest in a situation
    like this,but it seems even the silent majority does nothave the Courage to organise such demonstration,and say. this is not SRILANKA..what we want,a lost paradise???????.do we want have Colobostan.

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      John Donne lost it and regained. Lanka, will lose it forever. That’s what a group in prophesized its name as ‘Hellas’.

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    Analyse The Reality!

    Did Not MR and his band get;
    2. WEALTH
    3. POWER
    Through WAR and only through WAR?

    However after the “WAR” (Beggars’ wound) although MR and his band tremendously increased their WEALTH as they anticipated, in such a way/tune that they were actually greedily competing with / falling over each other for every contract of business and for rebuilding the nation, that it has gone overboard and was contrarily counter-productive to maintaining POWER and POSITION in the face of a PEACE situation which is more exposing to the general public unlike in the War situation.

    Hence to maintain and increase their POSITION, WEALTH & POWER, MR and his band had to go back to their old ways of bringing back “WAR”, and will find a scapegoat (scape-pig) by hook or crook to start it, and my analysis shows that it would have to be the Common Public Enemy # 1 of the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, Jihadist, Al Kaida etc. (and not a domestic or regional enemy that the International Community could cry foul) and the stepping stones/ guinea “pigs” are Muslims in Sri Lanka through Islamic phobia.

    After all why should MR and his band miss this golden opportunity when the rest of the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY is doing so cashing in their chips at the end of the rainbow, when the opportunity is present, and before it fades away? What is good for the Jones got to be good for MR and his Band! Make hay while the sun shines! Strike when the iron is hot!

    What makes you all think PEACE will help MR and his band to sustain and increase the above; POSITION, WEALTH & POWER? History keeps repeating itself! It is all wishful thinking! and a fools dream! You are all being naive! Try to see the forest (jungle out-there) and not just the trees!

    (Micky) Michael Corleone

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