By Mangala Samaraweera –
Since 1945 when education in our country was made a free service Sri Lanka was able to to proudly proclaim that it had one of the finest education systems East of theSuez canal. As a result , we posses one of the highest literary rates in Asia and many of the brightest and the best who have served our country in various fields have been products of this system – the envy of many Soth Asian countries. Within this, our universities provided the highest levels of education to its graduates. Even today, many of those who hold top positions in state sector as well as the private sector are products of this system. That is why all governments since indepedence gave the utmost priority to protecting and nuturing our eduction system but unfortunately since 2005 the priority given education has rapidly dwindled.
Since 2005, the government spending on education has been slashed from 2.9% of GDP to a shocking 1.9%. Even our neighbours who used to look up to our education system as a role model are investing more in Education.
The Maldives (many of its leaders were educated in Sri Lanka) is spending 8.7% of GDP on Education.
Nepal 4.7%
India 3.2%
Pakistan 2.9%
Bangladesh 2.4%
As a matter of interest, even Sub Saharan Arica spends 4.7% on education.
The cynical attitude the Rajapakse regime has towards education and the educated is further highlighted by the fact that the government spending for universities was slashed to 0.27% in 2010. Because of the low salaries, some of the best lecturers are compelled to seek greener pastures while the others who continue to serve in their motherland are labelled as thugs or terrorists by this government.
The Rajapakse regime, instead of coming to grips with the calamitous situation in The Education sector today, is busy trying to find scapegoats to justify its own inefficiency while trying to cover up its own secret plan to destroy the free education system as we know it. Like most authoritarian regimes, the Rajapake regime is wary of educated persons and the intelligentsia who are seen as an obstacle to their agenda.
If you look at the type of persons who are running this regime, it is obvious that what is appreciated is Brawn and not brains.
Even in the Z score fiasco, various scapegoats have been put forward to justify this shocking tragedy where over 6500 A Level students have had their hopes shattered due to the sheer incompetence of the executive. Some blame the Ministers, Ministers blame the bureaucrats and the bureaucrats blame the Z score system while the real culprit is sitting tight passing the buck as he usually does.
The Z score system was introduced in 2000 and since 2001 this system was used for nearly 10 years without a problem.
Using the aggregate of raw marks for university admission was an unreliable and obsolete method (discarded by most countries) and was proving to be a grave injustice to students.
The Presidential Task Force on General and University Education of 1998 proposed as one of its recommendations;
‘Allowing students to take three subjects instead of four, introducing General English and the common general paper as mandatory, bringing forward the exam from April to August, that the A level not be the sole criteria for university admission and to broaden criteria as done in the UK.’
The UGC, the Examinations department and experts from several Universities participated in developing such a system and in 2000 an accepted system of standardization was recommended; namely the Z score system which was then approved by the then President and the Cabinet.
In 2001, the first batch of A /L students experienced University admission selection under the Z score criteria. The Exams department became fully geared and thoroughly prepared itself to face this new challenge. The computer systems were upgrade and new technical expertise was introduced well ahead of tge exam. The UGC and the Ministry worked in close partnership to ensure that the students will not be penalized during this critical transition.
The students who offered four subjects and those that three were taken as two ‘ separate exams’ and two sets of ‘Z scores’ were calculated. Thereafter all the Z scores from both sets were ranked together into one group and admissions were processed very smoothly and efficiently during that transition year. There after this same system was repeated with no problem for nearly a decade until once again a similar situation arose in 2011 when students from two types of syllabuses sat the exam. This time, the authorities were ill prepared and did not foresee the eventualities that were to follow. Unlike in 2001, in last years exams the marks of all the students from both groups were pooled and common Z scores were formulated. Many students from the previous syllabus got high scores whereas many from the new syllabus got left out. Certain students who had scored very high results were deprived of university admission as a result. When the Examinations dept realized this situation it was too late and attempts to remedy this situation needed time.
This when the executive entered the picture and ordered that the results be released on the 26th December 2011 in spite of many requests for more time from the Ministry. The day after Christmas, is called Boxing day in the Christian world when one is meant to open gift boxes. The A Level students were thus given a gift by this regime they will not forget for the rest of their lives; since then chaos reigns in the A level sector and young students and their parents are now forced to petition the SC for justice.
We have an anti Midas in our midst; Everything King Midas touched turned into gold where as everything our King touches seems to crumble into dust these days.
However, the future of our youth is now at stake and as such no time for acrimony. We must first look for remedies before looking for scapegoats.
Many of the experts who handled the Z score issue 10 years ago are still available.Swallow your pride for the sake of these students and get them to revisit the 2011 exam marking systems and access to all the raw marks plus Z score for an exhaustive study and analysis. Within three weeks they could be asked to do fresh calculations on the two sets of Z scores and fresh rankings could be done. This is a do able task provided political interference is kept out.
Not only the students, the academics are also out on the streets. FUTA with its membership of over 4000 has two sets of demands; the first is outstanding salary related demand and the other relates to the state of state education. Both are very reasonable demands. The complete implementation of of the Jiffry – Ranasinghe proposals of 2008 and for the government to increase its spending on education to 6% of GDP. They also protesting about the funding cuts, lack of autonomy and the politicizations of Universities.
Whereas many qualified academics are leaving our universities for higly paid academic positions abroad, many of the leaders of FUTA have opted to stay behind because they have a vision for University education in this country. These university academics, who have taken the bold and courageous step to serve in this country can earn 10 times as much as they earn here at a Foreign university where Sri Lankan academics are still very much in demand. Even in Sri Lankaa senior engineer foregoes nearly 2/3 of benefits when he leaves a private sector position and joins a University.
At this stage, I would like to table the excellent paper prepared by the University of Moratuwa Teachers Associationand I would like to request the members from both sides of the house to spare two minuites of their time to go through this simple but effective presentation.
The government must, for the sake of future generations, give a serious ear to the FUTA leaders instead of trying to abduct them in white vans and slinging mud through the media. These Trade Union academics are clever, young and committed and should be part and parcel of the decision making process. If I may quote from an excellent article written by Dr. Dileni Gunawardene, herself a senior lecturer at the University of Peradeniya;
Anyone who has the future of this country as a priority in their hearts and the minds will not object to the government spending 6% of GDP on Education and this house must endorse this request with one voice. Now that the war is over, the peace divided to the people of this country should be given in the form of enhanced funds to the Education sector. In fact, as the UMTA document points out, reducing defence spending by 4% can double University recurrent spending.
Reducing the collossal waste and corruption is also essential. We could have trained 27000 engineering graduates with the US$162m the country lost in the hedging deal. In fact , if the government stops wasteful extravaganza like Commonwealth Games Fiasco, The ILLFA bollywood fisco and other Presidential extravaganzas we can easily reach the 6% target. Unfortunately for this country, while the future of our country is crumbling before our very eyes, our Nero is doing the reed dance with the King of Swaziland and other such kleptocrats.
Back ground
Using the aggregate of raw marks of A’Level subjects for University Admission is an unreliable and obsolete method, not used by other countries or systems of education. This is because of the variance and discrepancies that exist between the variety of subject combinations offered at the A’level , and therefore the element of subjectivity between different examiners during marking. Apart from a few instances where objectivity can be maintained to a degree (e.g. in MCQ and in certain components of the Maths papers), in most other situations the variance is significant. More recent research has corroborated this position.
In the case of A’Level students offering Arts subjects (about 75% of students), traditionally ‘easy’ subjects (e.g. Buddhist Civilization, Sinhala, Political Science) are chosen. But with such subject combinations usually employment is not easily obtained. However, with the more difficult subject combinations (e.g. Maths, Food Technology, Languages, IT), through standardization the Z-Score value becomes higher. Consequently more Arts students with the ‘better’ subject combinations gained university admission during the past several years. In fact the use of raw marks in such instances proved to be a grave injustice to students.
During 1998 discussions began to examine this issue at depth and to suggest methods to replace the existing system of using raw marks, with a more reliable and credible method for university admission. This was part of the Education/Higher Education Reform Proposals that had been proposed by the National Education Commission and the Presidential Task Forces on General and University Education.
In 1998 some of the other key A’Level Reforms proposed, included –
Allowing students to take three subjects instead of four, introducing General English and the Common General Paper as mandatory, bringing forward the exam to April from August for very valid reasons, that the A’level not be the sole selection criterion for university admission and to broaden criteria as done in theUK.
The University Grants Commission, the Examinations Department and experts from several Universities provided technical expertise and other forms of support in the development of such a system and finally in 2000, an accepted system of standardization – namely the Z-Score was recommended.
After series of consultations chaired by the then President and the then Minister of Education and Higher Education, a comprehensive awareness program on the new scheme was launched.
The new UNP Govt in 2001, discussed this system at Parliamentary Consultative Committee level and accepted the Z- Score as policy.
Introducing the Z-Score
- In 2001 the first batch of A’Level students experienced university admission selection using the Z- Score criteria. This was also first time that students offered three subjects at the A’Level and therefore two batches of students (repeaters who had offered four subjects plus the new batch offering three) sat the exam.
- The Exams Department became fully geared and thoroughly prepared itself to face this new challenge. The computer systems were upgraded and new technical expertise was introduced well ahead of the exam. The UGC and the Ministry worked in close partnership to ensure that the students will not be penalized during this important transition.
- The students who had previously offered four subjects and those that offered three, were taken as two ‘separate exams’ and therefore two sets of Z-Scores were calculated. Thereafter, all the Z – Scores from both sets were ranked together into one group and admissions were processed very efficiently during that transition year.
- Thereafter, this same system was repeated with no problems for nearly a decade, until once again a similar situation arose in 2011 when students from two types of syllabuses sat the exam.
- At the A’Level exam in August 2011 two sets of students sat the exam from two syllabuses. The marks of all the students from both groups were pooled-in and common Z-Scores were formulated.
- Unfortunately, the authorities were ill-prepared and did not foresee the eventualities that were to follow. Many students from the previous syllabus got high scores and therefore got selected for university, whereas many from the new syllabus got left out. Certain students who had scored very high marks were deprived of admission as a result.
- When they realized this situation it was too late and attempts to find remedies took time and hence the release of results got delayed. When students applied pressure the President ordered that the results be released on the 26th Dec 2011.
- Thus the Exams Dept was forced to comply and consequently, chaos ensued and the affected students petitioned the Supreme Court asking for justice.
Present situation and Remedies
- The first SC ruling – to use the original Z-Scores of both groups of students, as two separate entities without pooling (as two different exams) and to follow a similar method to that done in 2001, led to further disarray and consequently anguish amongst students.
- If access is permitted, the original raw marks and both systems that had been adopted to calculate the Z-Score should be thoroughly studied, and a fresh statistical analysis be made. This would lend credibility to the system and give students confidence that justice is prevailing.
- The experts who handled this issue 10 years ago are still available to carry out this task and they need to be asked to re-visit the 2011 exam marking systems and be given access to all the raw marks plus Z-Scores for an exhaustive analysis and study. Within three weeks they could be asked to do fresh calculations on the two sets of Z- Scores, and fresh rankings can be done. This is a do-able task, provided political interference is kept out.
- Immediately introduce a new set of Rules and Regulations into the Exams Dept and UGC in order to prevent recurrence of mishandling of this importance matter.
This is perhaps the most calamitous situation in regards to the Education system in recent times. Nearly 250,000 students and their parents are victims of circumstances.
In addition to the Z- Score fiasco, there are major issues at every level in the primary, secondary and tertiary systems of education. The latest tragedy is seen in the gross errors in most of the exam papers of the on-going 2012 A’Level exam. If these are not remedied immediately, there will be nearly 500,000 students stranded, deeply frustrated and even suicidal.
Mishandling of the entire system, ill planning, pervasive interference at all levels and extreme incompetence with poor leadership are the key contributory factors to this sad situation.
China Doll / August 22, 2012
Good piece – but don’t try to capitalize of the people’s power to support that shameless dictator Ranil !
The rupee has lost more that 20 percent against the dollar in a single year due to the debt run up on by Rajapassa and his uneducated family and cronies in the Central Bank and all state institutions.
Thus a twenty percent salary increase for Dons would likely NOT even bring salaries to the level they were last year when the rupee had a higher value! The striking Dons need to be asking for a 30 or 40 percent increase to get a real salary increase and this goes for all public sector workers.
People are leaving the Miracle of Asia in boat loads.. as Nero Fiddles and piles on the tamashas while the currency crashes and the working and poor people subsidize crony capitalism and Rajapassa’s looting of public wealth into swiss bank accounts..
The regime;s economic and financial crimes are endless on top of the war crimes! Lanka needs to be rid of two dictators and clean up its political culture – mahinda rajapakse and ranil wickrmasinghe must go! Down with both!
gamini / August 23, 2012
China Doll, No offence meant. I have found you and a few others continue to display hatred towards RW and bash him every turn. Is it because RW is dishonest? A Rogue? A Murderer falsely accused as Batalanda by the very innocent JVP who never even harmed a fly? A deceitful character who always mislead the masses with false promises? An arrogant man who displays absolute impunity when questioned about deaths of innocent citizens or missing and get his stooges to say only God knows where they are? Accuse others having deals with VP while he alone has had agreements and now working hand in glove with the rest of the LTTE like KP, Karuna Amman, Pillayan crowd? Is RW Boasting of War Victories yet unable to grant Devolution after promising the whole world? Is RW not educated as the other synthetic educated products? Is he not acceptable to the entire International body with high credentials and a man to project the right image for us all, in proper attire compared to the Common Bus Conductor out look of the other? Although RW is accused as a Traitor has he betrayed this Nation, dining and wining with the LTTE and the vested interest? Has RW ever robbed public funds for his family? NO! NO! NO! Then why is it that you few are so anti-RW? He is the only one left to deliver this Nation to what is rightfully due to all irrespective of Ethnicity, Religion or Political Hue. He has no heir to crown or a progeny to fend for. Even this Mongel Samaraweera and crowd castigated RW and caricatured him as MR. Bean and hung up posters all over the country. Yet RW shows no remorse to any but Compassion to all as a True Buddhist. Although the FOOLISH may not agree, but Ranil Wickremasinghe is the last hope and person available to redeem this Whole Nation no matter what the crafty think off.
Kamal / August 24, 2012
Well said Gamini.
RW is the only non corrupt active politician in the country. He is not a power hungry monster. You may recall he left the office of the Prime Minster with dignity when the election was lost (1994 I guess) and some others were still trying to fix deals. This land which is a fools’ paradise cannot value the value of a honest man. Even spending 6% of GDP I wonder whether some critical thinking can be infused to many a fool around
Suwandi / August 24, 2012
Role of main opposition is equally important in protecting democratic values in a country. May be he is uncorrupt, but his role
is not clear to the many so long he stays as he has been sofar. What could bring his dignified nature, if his apathy leads
country to fall much deeper. Why cant he initiate in necessary law amendments that could make useful when applying the law against increase crimes today.
gamini / August 24, 2012
Suwandi, there is very little that an Opposition can do when there is no Independent Judiciary, an Independent Police Force and an Independent Election Commission. Now with the 18th Amendment it is only a pipe dream. It is the Professional Body the OPA,(Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Accountants), the Teachers and the Govt. Servants, the Artists of this country and the Judiciary preventing the Tsunami Scam being probed, that helped to elect MR and further allowed him to establish the 18th Amendment. What Law amendments are you suggesting that RW could adopt when the entire Judiciary including the Attorney Generals past and present, the Cheap Justices past and present, the IGPs past and present have been absolute sevile lackeys, dishonest as the corrupt MR. Now critics as your self pretending not to know anything are trying to blame the Leader of the Opposition for the mess that YOU ALL ARE RESPONSIBLE, saying that due to a weak Opposition the country has reached the present level of decadence. How Pathetic you Pea Brains are?
Semini Iddamalgoda / August 23, 2012
Rajapaksa Regime is mismanaging Sri Lanka economy. There is no money to pay for education, healthcare and people’s welfare.
BTW But there is plenty of money for guns, bullets, soldiers.
In Sri Lanka the militarization is preferred , police state is a norm…plenty of money to build more jails but not for schools, hospitals and childcare
Dinuk / August 22, 2012
FUTA has built up a certain level of momentum and galvanized society and thus must ensure that the issues on the table are kept there and not give up the strike too easily after coming so far. Or, the people who supported FUTA would be very disappointed for the FUTA protest has struck a cord with may frustrated people in the country who want a different sort of post-war development and society in Lanka.
The issue of regime corruption and mismanagement in the economic and financial sector and bad governance and the need for a different more equitable development paradigm that prioritizes human and social development which is at the core of the demand for a 6 percent investment in education must be kept in sight and indicators and benchmarks and a time frame must be clearly set out before FUTA gives up the strike..
Sarinda / August 22, 2012
A prerequisite to give up the strike and ensure that justice is done for the long suffering students and parents is to ensure that the clowns SB Dissaniyaka and Bandulla RESIGN. IN their place responsible academics who understand the education sector and are technically qualified and capable of formulating education policy in consultation with academics and know English the language of international research and scholarship and knowledge production and a capable of LOGICAL THINKING must be appointed as Ministers of Education before FUTA gives up the strike.
This must be a condition if justice is to be served for all the suffering that the students have been through..
Karuna / August 22, 2012
Demilitarizing education and stopping the military training in army camps is another condition to give up strike
Buddadasa / August 22, 2012
Damn good. Do close all the local universities. Open up more army camps. Our youth should learn how to march, obey the orders and salute the leaders. Why should they learn how to inquire, investigate, innovate and create. We need only few privileged youth to learn those cognitive skills in foreign universities. Others have to serve in the armed forces. We will call them Ranaviruwo? would not that be much better and easier than obtaining a degree.
It was in USA that they allowed soldiers of the second world war to obtain a college education under the famous GI. Why we anti-americans should follow what they have done. Instead we were very correct to send university selected students to learn from Army camps. We really do not need learned people at all. Damn the Internet too. some of them are trying to learn through the internet. we should put all the obstacles to internet access too.
Rubert Vanderkoon / August 22, 2012
Politics aside, this is a gross misrepresentation of facts!
A minor point: I believe the university entrance in the UK is done primarily based on A/L results.
He is very happy to talk about the Z score and education budget issues because they have given him a lifeline. He is playing with them like a cat playing with a ball of thread. He doesn’t know what he is talking about.
The education budget is one big issue even Ranil won’t touch. Some may say this man is brave but those who know the guy knows he is being a bit silly! No doubt we need more money in education but lame comparisons of this caliber dilute the argument. For example, the percentages may be different for each country but so are the GDPs. For example, in Bangladesh the GDP per capita is 1700 USD against Sri Lanka’s 5700 USD. Therefore, when Bangladesh spends 2.4% of that GDP, that is 41 USD, we spend 1.9% of our GDP which is 108 USD. In other countries he mentioned, per capita education budgets are: Nepal 61 USD (4.7% of 1300 USD) , Pakistan 81 USD, India 118 USD. It is clear, among these countries, we only lag behind India, but very close while other countries are way behind us. The only country in his list doing better than India or us is Maldives. But Maldives is a tiny country with only 390,000 population. They don’t even have a University there. Most of their money is spent on foreign school teachers, some of whom are not even qualified teachers but fresh graduates from our country. Not quite a good comparison, is it? The GDP per capita of Sub Saharan Africa is only 1290 USD. If they are to match our country’s education budget, they have to commit 7.6% of the GDP for education, 4.7% won’t get them anywhere.
The Z core saga is another. That waffle is he talking about? In 2001, there was no precedent, whatever the results released were accepted. The suggestion that better systems were in place then, is usual political blabber.(In fact this is an opportunity for those who sat A/L in 2001 but failed to enter the university and felt hard done-by, to petition the Supreme Court. The situation must have been the same.) As the good Professor, who did the 2011 “common Z score formula” himself explained, a common formula was essentially required to solve the complex situation created by the Z score method. According to him, when two separate Z scores were calculated for two syllabi, there was an enormous deviation in the results from the normal trend of the past few years. That apparently was the single reason that demanded a new formula. With the political meddling, the students sought the Supreme Court to redress the mystified situation in their eyes, who can blame them! Why did the Supreme Court find fault in the new formula? It is puzzling but the UGC should have stood by the results and explained the situation to the Supreme Court. Only a compromise is now needed between several players but of course it will take time. The most desired outcome would be to enroll all those who have reached the cut off marks and it would only increase the intake to perhaps 25000, not the end of the world, is it?
To say, as the writer does, “ Many students from the previous syllabus got high scores and therefore got selected for university, whereas many from the new syllabus got left out. Certain students who had scored very high marks were deprived of admission as a result” is simply either not understanding the situation or as usual being a politician, trying to fish in troubled waters. There are high A/L scorers who miss out in university admission every year, because our intake is only less than 10% who sat A/L. But he won’t know this, will he? Because he only sees political points in any given opportunity.
Education budget issue has been talked about in length everywhere, but as for the Z score method, what the chaos showed was that the method is nowhere near a perfect solution to university admission selection. Without making it even more complicated, some work need to be done to improve its accuracy. In the meantime, it would be good if the politicians who haven’t had a good education keep quiet, because this is not politics but the future of the nation.
Charitha / August 23, 2012
Why are you making your comparison with least developed and low income countries. Sri Lanka is no longer in the low income category. Why did you deliberately avoided your comparison with countries like Malaysia and Thailand. Robert, please do not try to hoodwink us.
Rubert Vanderkoon / August 23, 2012
Pal, Do you read from back to front? Didn’t you read the main article? :)It’s not me but Mangala in his article used those countries. My criticism was the article, its contents and arguements in my attempt to educate the guy, because he has been given wrong information. You have to tell him to do a better comparison. People like him won’t help in this struggle (or any other for that matter).
ABC / August 24, 2012
You mentioned that Sri Lanka the GDP per capita is 5700 USD. This is not true. Hence, your most arguments are baseless.
Rubert Vanderkoon / August 24, 2012
That’s a very non-academic type conclusion. Anyway, not sure where you get your figures from but I avoided using Central Bank figures for obvious reasons.(For example,even the IMF estimate of GDP (PPP) as given in the Treasury report for 2012 is about $170 billion USD making the per capita figure to be 7900 USD.) That’s why like all the other academics do and Mangala did in this article as well,I used the free information available on the CIA factbook, if not accurate at least they are consistent.
Suwandi / August 24, 2012
But academic type of decisions would never be akin to that of yours…
ha ha.. Your comments have always been supporting to rulers. No matter your family ones are whitevanned you would never change… the attitude is common to many southerners as if they are genetically modified for the sake of the regime.
Rubert Vanderkoon / August 24, 2012
Ha ha in deed. When Lithgow said that academics tend to have wonderfully infantile senses of humor, he must have refered ro people like you. Academics with your thinking, calibre,and degree of sense of humour, no wonder we have problems in the academe. As you say, it is probably true there are lot of southerners who disagree with your views (if you have any that is) but may be you could try to understand, whether Southern or Northern (or even Eastern or Western for that matter)opinions can differ.Like many others, I make up my opinions from facts and reasoning. May be you didn’t have a good education but it is never too late to learn, don’t be trapped in a dogma.
ABC / August 25, 2012
You have to use norminal value. Per capita is USD 2877 (IMF),USD 2835 (WB) and USD 2800 (CIA-estimation). All figure are in 2011. Your comparision may right. But, real value spending is low in Education. Sri Lanka has to increase investment on heigher Education. Sri Lanka university ranking is very low in Asia (Colombo is 601+ in QS/ Time ranking in Asia and no other Sri Lankan university is in the list). University professors have big role for getting good university ranking (such as research and publication of research onfluencial journals).
Rubert Vanderkoon / August 25, 2012
ABC, Not sure what your point is because you can use whatever, but it is only a comparison I made of the countries Mangala mentioned in his lame critique. Whatever the numbers you use, as long as they are consistant across the field, it should be OK. I use per capita(PPP) given in the CIA factbook
( Lanka&countryCode=ce®ionCode=sas&rank=144#ce)
for all the countries.
We can talk about what professors and everybody else should or shouldn’t do, for months, but that won’t shoot up university rankings. We have to endeavor in all fronts to improve the quality of our products. As I said,I agree the education needs more money but money won’t do it alone. Even Elle Macpherson :)once said, you don’t fix the inside just by putting something on the outside.
Quid pro quo / August 23, 2012
A good statement, although it is probably worthwhile to remember the mantra of Sri Lankan opposition politicians over the years:
“We stand for democracy, human rights and good governance – as long as we are in the opposition”
gamini / August 23, 2012
Quid Pro Quo, a good definition for a Politician is one who will do anything on earth for the workers, except become one. We have more than enough politicians including the ROGUE PRESIDENT, but the need of the hour is for a STATESMAN. I see there is only one and that is none other than Ranil Wickremasinghe.
Gamini Dissanayake / August 23, 2012
Sri Lanka teachers union complained to BBC that Rajapaksa Government wants to militarize the universities.
Are the Sri Lanka military wants to militarize the thoughts , the ideas, youngsters minds and the civil society as whole?
Shantha / August 23, 2012
Gamini Dissanayake
Well said :)
Gota wants to imprison the civil society thoughts, ideas, freedoms by militarising it !!
Cybraed / August 24, 2012
The country has to be made ready of course by now itself to be goverened by idiotic sons and their descendents in future!
PresiDunce Bean / August 24, 2012
Billions are being spent on the defence forces by MRs Goat brother (even after the war has ended) while only 1.9% of GDP is being spent on education because, one fine day MR and his family know their will be a people’s revolution against his excesses and he and his family might have to flee like Ben Ali of Tunisia…get killed like Gaddafi of Libya…be kept under arrest like Mubarak of Egypt or be under siege like Bassher Assad of Syria. When that happens, it will not be the university students who come to his aid, but the armed forces. When the revolution will come I do not know, but when it does happen there will be a bloodbath because neither the Rajapaksas’ nor the armed forces who will be just as corrupt as their bosses by then, will not want to lose all their perks, power and wealth that they have acquired under the Rajapaksas’. We can rest assured that under the 18th amendment we will not see any kind of free or fair elections.