The Flight Stewardess girl released for Namal Rajapaksa‘s work and now planted in the Union of Sri Lankan Airlines, is being used in a detrimental manner which could even see the airline being grounded, Colombo Telegraph can reveal today.
Nithya Senanaya Samaranayaka, was removed from her flying duties frequently in the past to perform unknown duties for Namal Rajapaksa on the request of the former Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga. This was revealed in the Jayaratne/Weliamuna report when the airline was investigated last year.
According to the Jayaratne/Weliamuna findings Nithya Senanaya Samaranayaka is also still to reimburse the Rs 4.2 million owed to the airline.
The repercussions of not acting upon the recommendations of Jayaratne/Weliamuna report is now finally taking its toll on the airline nearly nine months later.
In a startling revelation an employee within the Human Resources Department of the airline said that out of the nearly 1100 cabin crew at present, nearly 800 cabin crew were recruited during the Mahinda Rajapsksa regime during the last ten years. There was mass scale recruitment facilitated by Rajapaksa forces within the airline who still hold powerful managerial slots even today.
“This figure of union members making up of the Rajapaksa force within the Flight Attendants Union has now started to create havoc within. The number which is enough to ground the airline if they so wish to do, has now taken the Flight Attendant’s Union by force. They have the numbers and the demands they have made and received makes even the most senior managers’ salary packages look like mere pittance. We saw it happen before when the cabin crew waged a strike to get rid of Water Riggans, the Emirates Airline appointed Director of Service Delivery then. Those who pulled off that strike were handsomely rewarded with multiple promotions within the airline.” said the HR official barred from officially speaking to the press.
The Labour Union of Sri Lanka confirmed that the national carrier’s senior management had made several calls making queries regarding Colombo Telegraph’s expose of the ‘unelected’ group of union members that is causing havoc at present.
K.D.Gemunu Chandrasiri the Human Resources Development Officer of the Labour Union of Sri Lanka told Colombo Telegraph that he felt something was not right when his office was inundated with numerous calls regarding the submitted names of the ‘unelected’ Ex-Co of the Flight Attendants Union (FAU).
“I felt suspicious about the genuineness of this issue when our phones kept ringing. This was when several people wanted to check the authenticity of the submitted new list of names of the Executive Committee Members of the airline’s union” Chandrasiri said.
Now in a further startling revelation the current Head of Service Delivery Chanaka Olagama, also a person who benefited with several promotions during the Rajapaksa regime, facilitated a meeting with the ‘unelected’ union team, which also included Namal’s Stewardess Nithya Senanaya Samaranayaka.
It was confirmed yesterday that the Secretary of the ‘unelected’ union team, Lanka Kamalgoda was then facilitated a meeting with Labour Union officials in Colombo.
“Doubts have now been raised if even the Head at the Labour Union is also someone who greatly benefited during the Rajapaksa regime” said our source.
At 17:22 hours after Kamalgoda’s visit to the Labour office, all 1082 Flight Attendant Union members received a text message from the regular FAU Dialog registered number 0772655296.
The Message read as follows:
Dear Member, FAU EGM (extraordinary general meeting) 2nd Feb 2016 BMICH@1500hrs.
Your hard fought privileges,facilities and earnings are in jeopardy!!!!
Your presence is important
1) Operators Scheme
2) Promotions
3) Termination of 17 crew members
4) Arbitrary Security Checks
5) CBA violations
Your Exco.
However Colombo Telegraph learns that the five points sent in this text message by the ‘unelected’ union group, is to lure the crew to congregate on the 2nd of February 2016 and obtain signatures simply to justify their existence. These signatures are still insufficient to justify their illegal take over, as according to the constitution the FAU follows, a months notice is required to be given to the membership before an AGM could be held to elect a voted body.
However during the last month the group of ‘unelected’ union members had held two other meetings with Olagama which the senior management of the airline was oblivious to.
During these two meetings all five points in the text message mentioned above had been bungled by them on behalf of their cabin crew.
1) The airline’s management subsequently snubbed their demands to block six economy class seats on all flights where their flight duty period exceeds 11 hours.
2) Failed to change the seniority criteria for promotions
3) They did not represent the 17 cabin crew members said to be terminated when the Chairman Ajit Dias had called them for a meeting.
4) The incoming set of cabin crew operating the flight Madras/Colombo recently,were security searched by the airline’s security department in the cabin crew office area. Bags, body and lockers were checked.
5) The Human Resources Department has entered a clause to the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement. The new clause gives the HR Department the right to transfer all such crew members to any any subsidiary of Sri Lankan Airlines. This is in complete violation the existing signed CBA which only gives allowance for pregnant stewardesses to be assigned office duties where ever vacancies exists within the airline. Even the male cabin crew are forced to sign this clause.
“This text message was sent by a force that is currently using the FAU mobile number in an unauthorized manner. We currently do not have a legal representation of us. Nobody knows who originated that text message. The group of Union Members who forcibly assumed power by ousting the previous Ex-Co of the FAU, has also now gone on to sign cheques and disburse of monies that belong to our union.” said a member of the cabin crew union.
When Colombo Telegraph contacted Commercial Bank to verify if the signatories had been changed, the bank refused to comment. However bank officials confirmed that they will not seize to stop any payment until a complete verification process is made. This was after it was notified to them.
If cheques have been already issued, it can be safely established that it had been done in a fraudulent manner. The submission of the AGM minutes to the bank is mandatory along with the list of elected officials, namely the President, Treasurer and Secretary who are the three signatories of the FAU.
“Sri Lankan Airlines as a policy have never tolerated employee acts of fraud in the past.” said a former employee.
Manel / January 27, 2016
It seems Ranil and Sirisena have become the puppet government of the Rajapaksa’s.
It seems the previous regime have become the Master puppeteers, manipulating and controlling the present
regime. How ironic.
In other nations, the previous regime do not have a chance to have so much influence in the new one.
Only in our banana republic of Sri Lanka.
Amarasiri / January 27, 2016
“It seems Ranil and Sirisena have become the puppet government of the Rajapaksa’s.”
58 Lakhs and 62 lakhs , a Total of 120 lakhs voted for the puppet govt.
That is 80% of the eligible registered Voters. However, only 82% of the eligible voters voted.
That is clearly a landslide.
So, this must be the national Govt. they were talking about.
DIG Wicky / January 27, 2016
So Lalith Weeratunge has not only been Secretary (actually Domestic Aide)to Mahinda Rajapakaya but also a Pimp for Namal Rajapakaya as well.Any way the thief is now a multi millionaire by all his “Hard Work”!!!
shankar / January 27, 2016
can i have an introduction please.have i got to go through namal or lalith weeratunge?i [Edited out]
Cloudyskies / January 27, 2016
“Sri Lankan Airlines as a policy have never tolerated employee acts of fraud in the past.” said a former employee.
Me think this is not correct as a few of them are holding high posts already. The former CCO of UL and the DFO of MJ are just two of them.
Some who never stole but improved safety was terminated and no Union was worried about it
anonymous / January 27, 2016
2750 Lacks a month for the Air Lines waiters alone ?. That explains the state of affairs during the ‘Jarapassa’ era. Close the stupid air line down ASAP.
kukula / January 27, 2016
hand over the business to H J.
MirakRajBanda / January 27, 2016
Imagine what might have occurred in other govnt. institution in Rajapakaya era?
Hang the disgusting buggers and the pimps and bone lickers in public display!!!!
Sinchoappu / January 27, 2016
Very clear- MR would have gone to the place by abusing state helicopers and would have asked POlice to be away from the arrest.
Remember the deed of MR at the time POLICE rounded LANZA (record high drug dealer in Negombo area)..
Clay fed people all along watched it and enjoyed themselves – the hapankam of Meehraka Rajapakshe, to that time, no matter even if lovely ones would have been raped in day light by balukaya or the like missons worked for Rajapanos.
Guys, if you are not reborn, you should all remember the ERA… very ERA…. ERA very ERA…
today, the very same leader has made a statment
” that he would commit suicide if found that he has saved a dollar in US banks”…
For sure, his savings must have been either in DUBAI, Seashelves or any other places.
Raizuh Langai / January 27, 2016
The present govt wants to do everything by the books. But MR is proving to be the master manipulator. He is is one side giving dead ropes to top 2 fellas in the govt and stalling any inquiry into the affairs of his family while using all tricks in the political game to topple the govt.
Only MR knows where the main players in the political chess board are waiting in which position.I hope for the best of the mother country our leaders wake up from the slumber or break the web MR had woven manipulatively around them.
Otherwise they will never know what had hit them and from where.
Douglas / January 27, 2016
As said above, there was an era where “No Nonsense” Management philosophy was the Policy and Practice. This I say with substantial evidence. One example I quoted in an earlier comment was: the case filed in Labour Courts challenging the termination of employment by Late Mr. Wilmot Jayawardane – the youngest brother of the then President JRJ. I know his case was dismissed and the termination was upheld. I also know as far as Cabin Crew recruitment were concerned, the then Management, perhaps prior to 1989, followed a very open policy and did not at any stage allowed to any INFLUENCE to creep into the system. This too, I say after observing another “Labour Dispute” that came before courts. In that case a candidate who appeared at the Final Interview challenged his non selection on the grounds that the then Chairman acted in a “bias manner”. In the proceedings, the then Human Resources produced a letter addressed to the Chairman of UL, signed by a Cabinet Minister on behalf of the candidate together with the paper advertisement calling for applications which clearly stated that “Any Type Of Influence” in the selection process will result in rejection of the candidate. That letter carried an endorsement by the Chairman of UL : “This candidate is reject on the basis of undue influence”. The case was dismissed. Then in another incident where the then Dept.Head of the Flight Operations – a Chief Pilot- while operating a flight nearly missed an accident while on landing was immediately apprehended and before termination action was served, resigned from the services and left the country. The baggage handling area was the worst, in that the passenger bags were regularly tampered with and valuables were removed. In this instance too, there were numerous cases filed against wrongful terminations. One of the note worthy was, where a baggage handler had opened a bag an taken out a few pieces of “Maldive Fish”. A well documented case was presented by the UL and it was also said this action was NECESSARY to stop a “Big Menace” of tempering with passenger baggage and pilfering of personal belongings. The case was dismissed and according to UL official sources it had achieved the intended purpose. I can give many more examples of such “NO NONSENSE” Management Style that was in place from the commencement of its operations. However there came the time of the UGLY HEAD emerging i.e the “POLITICAL INTERFERENCE”at all levels of the Management say all the way from TOP to BOTTOM. Now it has reached its HIGHEST LEVELS and these types of UGLY and UN ETHICAL behaviour cannot be erased off that easily.
Rohan Polwatte / January 27, 2016
This is what happens when GABM BATAS GAS GEMBAS are been voted in to office. Rajavassas had a good chance of taking Sri Lanka in the correct path. but greediness, illeteracy, nepotism, no experience working doing a real job destroyed themselves. These idiots have never earned thier money legitamately. Instead rob tsunami aid, from small age got kappa from student who used the bathroom when he was student in ananda college, stole the treasury.Whole family should be shot to death for destroying our motherland.
ravin / January 28, 2016
Princes Nithya z da ideal selection 4 da post of [Edited out]
Rohan / January 28, 2016
Can someone help me here? I have been thinking, trying, to locate the ‘steady’ girlfriend of Namal Rajapakse. He was rumoured to be with Hirunika. But, there were no names I could think of, that were steady linked with the Prince. I have seen the pictures of the girlfriends of the other two. Did Namal ever have a steady girlfriend?
Nithya's Partner / January 28, 2016
[Edited out]
BBS Rep / January 28, 2016
I keep saying scrap the airline. It will also save us all this pathetic drama.
The airline is a heavy burden on the Sri Lankan coffers. The money saved can be used to fund better schools and hospitals and recruit more teachers and health professionals.
Tom / January 28, 2016
Rohan, good point for investigation,particularly since there is a whiff of talk that the noticeably muscular Namal is gay.He is supposed to have jumped Sajin Vass Gonaawardena.
Wera / January 28, 2016
This lamissi who went to work for Namal did not know what to do she just went where she was told and did what she was asked. It is not her fault it is Lalith Weerathunga the big bad wolfs fault. Well Well Well Lalith was a mare Secretary. He is not god almighty. That role was played by his boss. Now why did dadda ask Lalith to release this girl to sanna boy eh? Weren’t there any other more attractive girls already serving? No this Nithya Samaeranayake it seems was hired and went straight to Temple Trees. She is a thotha baba according to some idiots. Then just for no reason at all she ends up in the union. Aney paw. All the Hambanthota lamissis were stuffed into Sri Lankan and then some. The whole airline is polluted with filthy Rajapakshe rear end lickers. You cannot re inflate a burst balloon. If this cannot be cleaned up then shut it down. We the taxpayers are definitely not willing to fund these fellows.
shankar / January 28, 2016
please privatise this airline.A small country like ours cannot afford and does not need a national carrier.Our governments are not capable even of getting profits out of a thosai boutique(if ranil,mahinda or maithri were givena thosai boutique guaranteed losses)let alone a massive national carrier that is bleeding the taxpayer to death while the staff and management are fornicating at our expense.That bugger nishantha has still not been charged with anything.
Farah / January 28, 2016
Looks like some people have no other work but dig about others business. people should write what is TRUE and not hearsay. No everything we read in the newspapers are true. There are a lot of additions to this article just to spice up the issue. No matter, is right to sling mud at anybody who has no support but to fight by himself/herself. Humanly it is not correct to slander another person. One never knows when the tables will turn. No God will forgive this. Don’t just target one person, those responsible [the previous top management of the country] are to be blamed they should have known to do things properly because at the end of the day, its the person concerned [like now] gets hit badly. this is a good lesson for all citizens when taking up other jobs in government apart from the existing job. Citizens be careful.
J.MUTHU / January 28, 2016
This [Edited out] used by [Edited out]….over to you Native…
Native Vedda / January 29, 2016
Jamis Muthu Banda
Where were you all these days? Something must have triggered you after seeing this beautiful girl smiling on the pages of CT?
Did your Willy send you here?
Where is your buddy Ben Hurling?
Sapumal / January 28, 2016
When they took over this airline from Emirates , we in this same column and website said not to do that. Not because it should be run under Emirates, but we knew what going to happened at that time. As soon as they kicked out CEO and emirates from the management, it has start losing money and its credibility. It is useless to talk about this crap now. But it is not too late to salvage from this disaster. However I dont think Tilak Dias or Suren Rattwatte can do this alone. They may have good backgrounds in their fields, but thats not enough. Sri Lankan Airline needs to build a vision and profit making plans according to ground realities. If they cant handle the union they must sack them all at once or close down the Airline in three months to create new. It has already lost billions, I think its worth doing that. PM must reappoint someone who can handled the situation for everyone’s favour.
Shady Grove Girl / January 29, 2016
The fellow who really ran the airline down was former CEO Vass Gunawardena brother of the notorious Commission King and proven Con Man Sajin de Vass Gunewardene.He along with Nishantha Wickremesinghe really ruined Srilankan Airlines.
Eshantha / January 29, 2016
Shady Grove girl or Tom, you are one and the same, unlike other websites you can’t malign people here under the cover of anonymity lol keep commenting ha ha
Shady Grove Girl / January 29, 2016
Eshantha,you must really be one of these crooks.Dont be hurt by facts.Day of reckoning is near.Dont cry.
HER BEE PEE / February 6, 2016
Katie / February 9, 2016
Having read almost all of the above comments, I come to the conclusion that some of you don’t have a clue what is right about this whole situation. Slinging mud at one individual cabin crew is actually been mean. Imagine if all of you had to face a situation like this? how would you have felt?? The wrong doers are enjoying all the luxuries whilst those who were asked to follow orders are getting the blame. Cabin crew are not mere ‘Waiters” as somebody has stated, they are a trained lot who has the ability to safeguard a passenger in times of difficulty which I doubt any of you who have made comments above have? Also closing down the airline is not a solution. If that happens how many families with little children, aging parents, depend sisters and brothers who are been educated will go loose. So when comments are made, don’t be selfish but think a little. Also the write of this article too should think beyond his/her nose before writing any thing and everything or on hear say basis. Listening to one side of the story is a habit of us Sri Lankans. The writer too should be a little more human when making such remarks or statements. Comments written too should be thought before submitting. What has been done can only be undone, if all those concerned in the administration of the Airline do justice to the company by working honestly without ego and prejudice. Retrenching some 17 odd crew members who are supposedly to have been recruited via political influence is not the remedy neither is it their problem, the people who recruited them should also take the blame. Those employees should have been taken on merit and not on political influence, but now that its done, throwing them out is not the answer, instead ensure that this sort of thing does not happen again. The Management should also take the blame for all that is happening and all the drama told now. This whole drama is not one sided remember it take 2 hand to clap.