Rajitha Senaratne, the cabinet spokesperson in another classic case of ‘foot in mouth’ again, said that the Port City project would go ahead as planned contrary to the statements made by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe resulting in the latter making a special announcement regarding the project.
A media blitz followed the proclamation by Senratne who insisted that the project would go ahead as they had found no ‘irregularity’ and in order to continue ‘good relations’ with China.
This was in stark contrast to pre-election statments made by the UNP and Wickremesinghe who insisted that the Port City project would be re- evaluated upon assuming duties of government.
The main issue was the transparency of the project, and the lack of an Environmental Impact study.
Following Senaratne’s “foot in mouth” statement at the Government Press Conference held on Thursday Wickremesinghe was forced to clarify his stance, which he did in parliament yesterday.
He told parliament that no decision has been taken yet and two committees have been appointed to look into the project, after which a decision would be made.
Senaratne, earlier put the government into a similar fix following his statement that Mohan Pieris would resign as the Chief Justice, and that the Prime Minister had informed him of the move.
The statement came during the time there were secret negotiations between the government and Pieris.
The statement resulted in Pieris backtracking his assurance of resignation. The Pieris camp found the statement by the Minister to be a “breach of confidentiality”.
The statement and the ensuing media blitz resulted in Pieris being thrown out of office, unceremoniously, and putting the government in a spot they would not have been in, if not for Senaratne’s rash statement.
vishvajith / February 7, 2015
We had Keheliya then and Rajitha now. I think AJ Ranasinghe was also a Cabinet Spokesman, no ? Please correct me on AJR.
Rarityminds / February 7, 2015
Not only Rajitha all other men caused the revolution have to face the same since it is becoming not easy to achieve all pledged made before the nation easy as roughly estimated. The situation left behind MR rule is like patients metastaized with a brutal cancer- but few of them can still have hope to reover and live further. Corruption and abusive culture is metastacized across the nation as some cant make it a distiction good and bad today. Even after much higher price reductions were allowed in terms of fuel, none seem to give credit as due. This is typical to the majoirty of the taking for granted people in the country. Those who blow housanas to MR now openly have guts to call the mini budget as KOTHTHAMALLI and DRIED FISH budget. Latter is just because they only want to underestimate anything that comes from RW-MS regime. With few hours or days to come Wimal weerasinghes wife to be arrested, he will have to be in the same filthy mode attacking MS calling him a puppet, but those who knows are well aware – these men of WIMal qualities are found only in devleoping world such as hours. OUr people are not grown enough to see it right – as if intoxicated so called buddhists do their prayers superficially – they just behave – most those go to temples are not real buddhists, they are just modern day followers.
Sam Bandara / February 7, 2015
Please CT when you add this kind of statements – just droped down by ministers or the like please think it twice. Almost everyone makes mistakes at this critical juncture of lanken politics, but just to react impatiently trying to be on good books could worst claiming worst consequences. Lack of proper information for some journalists causes the mentioned kind of problems. But you too have a greater role to play in the process of YAHA PALANAYA -Good governance.
I think if we all react with more compassion and alert to the real problems that all ministers apparently facing – we could achieve a lot. At the time, De facto DJ was asked to leave the office, thre were statements made by Rajitha S that CJ had admitted to resign – later only revealed that was a lie. All these could only turn even a good politician a bad one instantly. Not judging it fairly, we could easily end with the unexpected.
Amarasiri / February 9, 2015
“Rajitha Senaratne, the cabinet spokesperson in another classic case of ‘foot in mouth’ again, said that the Port City project would go ahead as planned contrary to the statements made by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe resulting in the latter making a special announcement regarding the project.”
What is his IQ? 79?
[Edited out]
Amarasiri / February 9, 2015
Rajitha Puts Foot In Mouth Again
Another Distraction and another White Elephant..Thank God and the gods for the defeat of Medamulana Mahinbda Rajapaksa..
Colombo Port City
The Opposition has been against the project and the opposition leader Ranil Wickremsingheeven said that they will scrap the project if the opposition wins the 2015 presidential elections elections[4]
Colombo Port City is a planned offshore city in Colombo, Sri Lanka which is to be built on reclaimed land adjacent to the Galle Face Green. The city will use construction resources from the Colombo Harbour Expansion Project, currently under construction near the site of this proposed city.[1][2]
The New Port City is a concept of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was apparently inspired while inspecting the landfill being constructed for the Colombo South port.[3]
The construction was set to begin in March 2011 but due to several circumstances the project was stopped. In mid 2012, the Sri Lankan Port Authority, better known as SLPA, announced that the construction of the Colombo Port City project would commence on 17 September 2014. The budget is estimated to be 15 billion US dollars.[5]
The reclamation will be carried out by China Harbor Engineering Corporation, who has been engaged by the investor. The investor itself is expected put in another 2.5 billion US dollars into developing the land. The balance will be sold on 99-year leases to potential investors.
The construction of the proposed port city is expected to be completed in 39 months, after commencement of works in September 2014.[6]
According to sources, the project will approximately reclaim around 230 hectares which will be funded by a foreign investor. The plan has been given approval by the Standing Cabinet Appointed Review Committee (SCARC) and the port city will include roads, water, electricity, communication facilities to set up shopping areas, water sports area, mini golf course, hotels, apartments, recreation areas and marinas.
Master Divers was given the contract to forward a soil report for this project which in turn was handed over to the Chinese company to go ahead with construction. Chairman of Master Divers, Ariyaseela Wickramanayake said that they had conducted underwater surveys and other tests to identify the site for the project and the construction of the artificial island had begun.[7]
Construction of the Colombo Port City project was launched on 17 September 2014 by president Mahinda Rajapaska and the Chinese President Xi Jinping.[8
AVB / February 7, 2015
SL History proves that ALL if not most of leaders, Good or Bad, become worse corrupted leaders & liars within couple of years in power.. How this happens, is it completely the fault of quality of SL leaders or is it anything to do with us, the peasants…..
Now every word coming out of new leaders are scrutinised.. I am guessing that these “Good or Bad” leaders come to a state of thinking that whatever they do, people criticise them as bad. They may emotionally come to a stage of thinking that “Hell with these people”,, we’ll do what we want… they have enough cruel people around them supporting this second stage of evolution….. Perhaps very foolish kind of argument #@??…
Sengodan. M / February 7, 2015
Rajitha is basically a good person. But I doubt whether he is the most suitable person to be government spokesman.
Sengodan. Mj
Srinath gunaratne / February 7, 2015
Rajitha is good person!
Man, which planet are you in.
One must need to read what this serpent has uttered throughout his political carrier.
I saw how he answered when media questioned him about the china deal!
I could throttle him slowly until his mockery smile dissappear from his mockery face. How can people be so nieve to beleive people like him!
Why is it that Sri Lankans are so stupid?
NAK / February 7, 2015
Not all but a few!
His son will beat the father one day!
Leelawathie / February 7, 2015
but the problem is whether there are enough suitable ones to see it profound.
Lack of seniors in the party makes it difficult- suppose if you replace Rajitha with MODERN DAY politicians like Ranajan R – what would possibly be the outcome ? All in all none of the grand parties seem to have good spokesmen actually.
Japbizwatch / February 7, 2015
If Dr. Rajitha’s was a breach of confidentiality, then how about the breaches of Mohan Peiris? And that too from a person who has been vested powers to uphold the rules and laws of the legal profession. Oh please! Rather than waste time nitpicking the slips of the others wrote something constructive to support the good governance.
Vibhushana / February 7, 2015
This is not surprising because Rajitha Senarathane is probably not briefed by Ranil W on the common agenda.
Ranil Wickramasinghe has a history of working like a dark horse. This is why he lost his position even when he was working under the previous CBK regime.
Ranil had decided to award ISGA to LTTE. Although the guy hadn’t briefed CBK of his plans. CBK as the President had a right to know. Ranil visited the USA to get the coast guard ship “Cutter” and to get legal advise on LTTEs ISGA from the UK. On the way back CBK dissolved the Parliament pulling the rug right under him.
One of the reasons he does cannot share his agenda is becuase he is taking advise from Tamil nationalists. If shared he will not be allowed to proceed.
Ranil has as extreme liberal view that works in synergy with Tamil Nationalists. That is probably why the LTTE assassinated the creme of the UNP but left this guy alone.
Ranil is good for a reforming agenda but should be kept there long term. He will severely undermine Ceylon deep rooted traditions.
Rabok / February 7, 2015
Correct Vidu – Last time CBK was cunning enough to track RW and take appropriate action in time to prevent Tamil nationalists agenda being implemented – but this time the composition of the Gov. is different and I still feel MS is not a strong leader and not the person to resist the cunning plots of Tamil nationalists+RW combination – who will not stop halfway – Tamil nationalists have already achieved the first step by removing MR and GR off their neck and appointing week MS to the throne (who already had pledge that he will give up Executive Presidency ) and easily mouldable RW as PM – the next step would be to push for the complete removal or make EP very much less powerful and preparing grounds for Federalism – Under Federalism ,the control the center possess over provinces will be minimal and since weakened Executive Presidency cannot overrule any of decision taken by Provinces – we are nicely paving the grounds for the Tamil nationalist to achieve what they were dreaming for many decades – In the long run we will see a conflict similar to what is currently happening in Ukraine –
I have seen only Dr Dayan is trying very hard to put forward this line of thought for some time and he is being criticized like nothing – fortunately he seems do not care much about what these short sighted commenters are commenting – I congratulate him for that
Voters of this country should understand the reality – Good Governance / Economical development are good – but to receive the benefit all good things we should have a undivided country of our own – Indians may advocate Federalism is the best bet for the Tamil issue – but in Tamilnadu the scenario is different and Tamil Nationalism is more prominent –
Indians/ Americans may be happy now because MR is out and Chinese influence will be minimal and their problem will be over if they push us for federalism i Sri Lanka — all the problems are solved – but for them it is going to be the start of their problem with Tamil Nationalism in Tamilnadu
T.A.KUMAR / February 7, 2015
He is famous for this with his big mouth. I think the less he opens his mouth it is better for the president, The Media spokesmen Gayathri is cunning enough to let the big mouth talk and for him to just watch from a side..
T.A.KUMAR / February 7, 2015
Yes he things that talking out of turn and jumping that he will gain popularity but now the masses are very knowledgeable.
Dev / February 7, 2015
CT, you forgot to add another faux pas of this big mouth.
The day after the election this fellow claimed that KP had fled the country.
He is still very much in Killinochi and freely roaming about there I am told.
An Interpol wanted man and top LLTE leadership left, yet to be apprehended…wonder why
On an unrelated note ……wonder where all the money KP/LTTE extorted from our diaspora……
Killinochi seems so so far away ………to our new govt…..to catch him…
shankar / February 7, 2015
“The statement and the ensuing media blitz resulted in Pieris being thrown out of office,”
Therein lies the secret of his statements.When ranil wants to give a diplomatic posting and rajitha wants peiris to be kicked out instead,he makes that staement with all the publicity blitz involved to sabotage whatever deal that ranil is trying to put through.
With regard to the port city too he and maithri may be thinking that ranil is trying to accomadate the port city project and they are sabotaging his plans with the media blitz and publicity that forces ranil to become transparent and say it is not true.
so he is not a goof with foot in mouth disease like fonseka was at one time but after welikada has controlled,but rajitha is the mouth piece of maithri and very close to him as an advisor.
dcn / February 7, 2015
Rajitha as cabinet spokesman should present accurate information to the press and if he misleads with wrong or exaggerated information this would lead to a great disrepute to the government. If by chance such announcements are made he must brief the press again with corrections.
Mallaiyuran / February 7, 2015
So far Old King is the richest person in Lankave. But when New King come back from China, he will break the old King’s record. Ranil has to maintain his average richer status; will not be able to go too high.
Rajitha Senaratne has already broken DMJ’s and Rabukavela’s records together. But I do not know if has two sons two match on the on that side too.
K.A Sumanasekera / February 7, 2015
This one is an A grade scum bag.
I nearly threw up when I saw him on a U tube clip how he denigrated our Taylor boy in 2010, and now standing in front of him to give us good governance.
Hope Elite, Anglicans and the Vellalas will tell Ranil to he give thim a seat, because no Sinhala Buddhist would want to touch him even with a barge pole .
Srinath gunaratne / February 7, 2015
You said it nicely what I could not piece.
To expect yaha palanaya from this scum bags?
Pigs will fly that day!
Shamil / February 7, 2015
I personally reject the Port City project, since it has measures of big debt to the country, environmental issues and of course colonization of China etc. Why we should have such a huge project in big hurry with a huge debt. Who will benefit by this Port City? Probably some small group of people. Instead this there are lot of infrastructures to be developed from bottom level in the North and East (War affected areas).
NAK / February 7, 2015
There is no debt involved here. It is a invesment by the Chinese in return a for pacel of the land reclaimed. It’s a US$1.4Bn investment and there are not many who are hanging around with such offers.
Environement concerns are there mainly because those reports were not made available for publi debate. But it not done in a big hurry as this project was in the pipe line since 1998.
Champika Rnawaka has come up with his usual silly arguments that the Chinese will claim rights to the sea adjoining their land.No sea front land owner has right to the beach front, let alone the sea.
K. C. John / February 8, 2015
To have included the sale of 20 Hectares of the reclaimed land of
Sri Lanka to China, in the “deal” made for the project, is totally unacceptable.
In fact it is worse than the VAT scam and should carry the maximum penalty under our law. Perhaps a fine of a few Billion Rupees and over 200 years in prison should do.
Shamil / February 8, 2015
I know there’s no one is hanging around here for billions offers, same as Hambantota pond and bird sanctuary that were built under MaRa & co regime. It is China the only country that offers BILLIONS only to colonize Sri Lanka.
Mallaiyuran / February 7, 2015
Then, tell me, how you are going to manage if China bring a proposal at the Security Council to investigate Lankave?, Even, say, if it doesn’t veto the UNHRC’s investigation what is going to be the end?
He stopped the Northern High Way. Is’t it enough for you? He decided there are enough routes to the army to go and come back from Jaffna. After all, army is well settled there and there is no need for it to come back to south. Further, it is refusing to come back too. Anyway, what is the need for a highway beyond Yarl Devi, for army? What did the Old King achieved by restarting the only profit making project of Lanka Government’s “Yarl Devi”? Extremely corrupted, anti-Tamil Sonia earned a name that she helped Tamils? Did all that earned a penny money or a vote for a seat to Old King?
Don’t worry man. It is only month has passed. The new King has a 100 ! a 100 Days to solve all your problems.
As I said above, the New King will break the Lankave’s richest man record that is now being held by old King, soon. Why, then you want to alienate China?
Be foresighted man!
Snowden Edward Asange / February 7, 2015
Wonder what Champika has to say now. He said a 200 mile stretch was pawned to China and they would be able to annex SL. Ranil said this project would be scrapped, but why the change of heart now?
NAK / February 7, 2015
There is no debt involved here. It is a invesment by the Chinese in return a for pacel of the land reclaimed. It’s a US$1.4Bn investment and there are not many who are hanging around with such offers.
Environement concerns are there mainly because those reports were not made available for publi debate. But it not done in a big hurry as this project was in the pipe line since 1998.
Champika Rnawaka has come up with his usual silly arguments that the Chinese will claim rights to the sea adjoining their land.No sea front land owner has right to the beach front, let alone the sea.
Backlash / February 7, 2015
While the ridiculous standards as Cabinet Spokesman set by that congenital liar and inveterate fool Rambukwella cannot be matched, Rajitha Senaratne, excess baggage from the rapacious Rajapkse regime, sends out the message he comes a close second. His original major faux pas since January 08 was that Gothabaya R had fled to the Maldives. President Sirisena and PM Ranil W must carefully watch this man. He is corrupt, has an irresponsible mouth and is dangerous.
Saman Wijesiri / February 7, 2015
Rajitha is a good fighter, bold and determined. He gets easily annoyed. When he wants to get something off his chest, he would throw tact and diplomacy and even confidences to the four winds! He would lash out at his best friend when he is provoked. He is not the ideal person to function as the government spokesman. But the irony is that of all the government front-liners, I think, he is the one having the highest number of friends among the working journalists.
patriot / February 7, 2015
Rajitha Senaratne is a cunning chap with mediocre intelligence to be able to get into the Dental faculty missing the medical faculty in the early 70s. He is like a frog jumping from one party to the other for his own benefit. He is shrewd enough to predict the outcome of elections and take decisions accordingly. He is not honest like all other politicians. [Edited out]
NAK / February 7, 2015
One thing is for sure “he has a thick hide”
Naga / February 7, 2015
Ranil is an American lackey. He does what the Americans tells him to do.
See what US Nationl Security Advisor Susan Rice has to say about Sri Lanka. She has lumped Sri Lanka with states like Burma and Tunisia as a “failed state” and wants to see an open and democratic society in Sri Lanka. Is this not an insult to all Sri Lankans? When and how Sri Lanka became a failed state? Didn’t Sri Lanka have periodic elections and maintained the good traditions of democracy when democracy failed in almost all the former British colonies? Look at what happened on January 8th 2015. There was a peaceful change of government. By what yardsticks these American bastards call Sri Lanka a failed state?
Burma was treated by America and its running dogs in the West as a pariah state not because of years of military dictatorship and violations of human rights but because it was aligned to China.It was ostracized and its leaders were not welcome in US and the West. This happened for many years. But seeing that their policy on Burma had turned that country into a satellilite of China, they changed tactics and cozied up with the Burmese leaders. It worked and they managed to distance Burma from China.
These encouraging words about Sri Lanka coming from America’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice is part of Washington’s new Asian strategy to isolate China and encircle it with non-friendly countries. Read the following comments by the Reuters reporter in that same report which gives a clue for the reasons behind America’s new thinking on Sri Lanka.
Reuters reporter says “The United States is keen to bolster ties with countries throughout Asia as part of its effort to counterbalance an increasingly powerful and assertive China, which has sought strategic influence in Sri Lanka.” (http://news.yahoo.com/u-security-adviser-rice-pledges-help-sri-lanka-235844276.html?soc_src=copy)
Now see how Washington which was breathing fire against Mahinda’s government has changed its attitude towards Sri Lanka with the enthroning of their lackey Ranil in power in Colombo. Americans master-minded the plot to remove Mahinda from power and with the help of their lackeys and agents like Ranil,Chandrika, Sumanthiran & co they suceeded.
Sri Lanka under Ranil and Sirisena is now well and truly in the pockets of the Americans. Washington will ensure that China is out of Sri Lanka. It is part of their global strategy to isolate China from friendly countries. They want to cut off China’s trade routes and sea lanes that take vital energy supplies from the Middle East to the Chinese mainland. Sri Lanka is positioned strategically on that trade route and sea lane. Americans want to ensure that Colombo would not permit Chinese war ships and tankers to use Sri Lanka’s ports, particularly at times of conflicts. America’s plans are coming through beautifully thanks to their lackey Ranil who is doing wonderfully well as the puppet master of Sirisena.
Rabok / February 7, 2015
Straight on the dot Naga – few commenters on CT try to drive this point through voters – but the opposition was massive – media poisoning of brains did not allow many to see what is going to happen to the country after the election — I think still we have a remote chance of saving the country from going straight to the hands of West – by electing a parliament with a majority of SLFP and not allowing crossovers by making necessary changes to the constitution – But the big question is whether the Puppet RW+MS combination will allow that to happen
aia / February 7, 2015
If not failed state, was in the verge of becoming one. Conducting elections alone would not prevent making a country becoming a failed state, what is needed is much more than that. It was of sheer luck, such a situation was avoided. If MR had managed to declare an emergency that fateful night(for him), it would have been fateful for rest of the country- a single signature saved the direction.
Although MR and his family members sided with China conniving its money, majority of them liked USA than China. Two brothers are living in USA, and one of whom was a minister, and siphoned China money into USA by getting percentages, the USA wouldn’t mind. Just pinpoint if you can, who is holding USA citizenship in the current administration?. MR and Gotta are bashing the USA in public to fool the gullible and China, but their allegiance was for the USA. Do you expect India and the USA just sit and wait while China take full control of Asia?. You like it or not, they are the world policemen, and if China took up such role, what will happen to world?. You better find out from Dalai lama- a Buddhist.
Backlash / February 7, 2015
Naga from the Eastern Province and friends smart under the Rajapakse defeat. To them the defeat of the pure regime is the work of the Americans (CIA) and what not. In their perception the new regime are American lackeys, RAW Agents and so on. But they are in for a shock. The Sirisena-Ranil-Mangala team will restore Sri Lanka’s lost reputation in the global area. The Rajapakses ran down the country’s image so badly he could not even attend several meetings as head of CHOGM. What a shame for Sri Lanka. Astonishingly, an old friendly ally like Canada openly called Rajapakse names. They were not the only ones. We made enemies of Britain, USA, the EU and many other. We had semi-literate jokers grinning to cameras as our Ambassadors – unable to express themselves and totally ignorant of what their roles are.
Kandyan Dance troupes and Hopper Dinners were their main weapons of diplomacy. It was not only the GSP+ and marine exports to the EU we most.
Naga will be disappointed his favourites like Karuna and Pillaiyan are now out of circulation. It will not be long before both these rascals are hounded out for mass murder – of Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils.
Ranjan / February 7, 2015
Sri Lanka is a failed state, because the two main communities are extremely polarized and do not share the same sentiment of the state.
Hitler too held elections look how that turned out to be, failure and success of states depend on the way rulers treat ethnic groups.With provinces militarized and with allegations of war crimes being denied all because of the victims ethnicity,srilanka is definitely a failed state.
Abu Mukarram / February 7, 2015
Is this a sign of an end to the honey moon of UNP and others?
Daham / February 7, 2015
It seems superficially that Rajitha has put his foot in his mouth. However, the truth may be that the cabinet with the blessings of the president and the prime minister has given the approval to go ahead with the port city project which they themselves criticized at election rallies to come into power. The backslash from the public and the press, made the prime minister to change the tune to minimise the damage done to their image by saying that it was not really approved by the cabinet. People should be surprised if the politicians kept their promises and should not be surprised if they did not keep the promises.
They have not yet taken a single corrupt SLFP MP into custody although they promised at election rallies to the people. How can the leader of that party, the present president take action against his own buddies. People are watching. Do not worry. If the people were able to remove a strong Mahinda Rajapaksa, it will not be a herculean task to remove this government.
Latest news is that the president has approved to give 2 vehicles, drivers and petrol free of charge from ministries to all 100 odd ministers of the previous regime as bribes(Santhosam) to get their support for the 100 day programme. The SLFPers are not ready to support a good programme which would benefit the country free of charge. What a bunch of rascals the SLFPers are. Is it worth for Sirisena, the president of the people, to bribe his blood sucking MPs. Where is Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumarathunga who is a patron of this so called great party. Will the return of her son make a big improvement to this party without eliminating these Murderers(Mineemaruwo), Ethanol Karayo, Corupt(Dushithayo), and the Drug dealers(Kudu karayo). Thsese are the exact words resonate in our years which were very clearly said at election rallies by Maitripala Sirisena the president of the people.
Saman Wijesiri / February 7, 2015
Rajitha is not a cunning person It is not fair to say he is a person of mediocre intelligence either. I remember his father telling me that Rajitha right from his school days was more interested in politics than in his studies. Even when he was at medical college, Rajitha was deeply involved in leftist politics. His father, a strong UNP supporter was unhappy that Rajitha was fast turning into a Marxist firebrand. I came to know Rajitha and his father in mid-60s and I had occasion to give him a helping hand when he was the General Secretary of GDSA and the Propaganda Secretary of the OPA. I met him often when he was playing an active role in the campaign for Hector Kobbekaduwa at the 1982 Presidential poll. I lost touch with him since 1983. We must appreciate that Rajitha just like Maithree made a suicidal gamble when he decided to challenge mighty MR. We also must appreciate that Rajitha played a pivotal role in negotiations that led to Maithree being picked as the common opposition candidate. Rajitha will go into history as one of the bold political activists who braved possible torture and death in the struggle aimed at ending a dictatorial regime in the country.
patriot / February 8, 2015
Didn’t you watch Chandrika’s interview on Sirasa TV where she emphasised the fact that a minister is trying to take the credit for something that she did which is bringing in Maithripala as the common candidate. Do not say that Rajitha just like Maithri made a suicidal gamble because they both did come out because they were sure of winning otherwise a timid guy like Maithri would have never taken a gamble.
Samuel Bandara / February 8, 2015
Rajitha is all good at many things but but mostly fails to be a diplomatic spokesman. He is also not converant in ENglish. Kehelmala was highly abusive person -with his smile he clearly handled it not many would raise tag questions to him. I believe that Sajeewa Senasinghe though not senior compared to others isa good guy- he fights by heart. This kind of men will get more voter attraction in the days to come. So are the few in JVP -example Nalin is really smart at presenting facts. Having watched Satana on Sirasa last night I felt, there men are really the future of lanka, making a greater distinction between so called seniors and the juniors.
Lokuge Not the G / February 7, 2015
let me recall one news conference convened by harsha de silva sometime ago.
he clearly stated the real face of this company, China Communications Construction Company (CCCC). if you refer the website of world bank, it clearly describes the ‘patikiriya’ of CCCC.
refer the following websites to ascertain more information about CCCC
justice / February 7, 2015
Lokuge Not the G,
Thanks for all this information. It appears that the CCCC though blacklisted, has managed to survive, and the only way it could have, is by bribery – not only of the ‘victims’ but also of the high-ups of the Chinese government itself.
MR’s regime contracting the Port City to CCCC must have been for bribes paid abroad.
It is astounding that the Sirisena regime too has fallen for this corrupt CCCC.
This shows that the Port City project may be one massive ‘white elephant’ !!
Is Sirisena going the way of MR?
premawathi james / February 7, 2015
Dictatorial regime…my foot!! First go to the dictionary then make your comments. Unipolar democracy man!! Learn first before you put your foot in mouth like r senaratne.
So these are the so called ‘people’ who voted in these scroundrels…people with hoof and mouth disease!!
Our fate in their crippled hands and diseased minds…wither sri Lanka??
Douglas / February 7, 2015
No doubt that Rajith has put his foot in the mouth. What a “Comedy” this is going to be? He is the “Cabinet Spokesman” and does NOT KNOW what is going in the Cabinet itself. The people are “Bemused” as what is going on in the “100 Day” Government. This Minister and the Cabinet Spokesman should have known that this Project came under heavy criticism from the “Common Front” and it was no lesser person than the present Prime Minister who was at the forefront. If he has an “iota” of a knowledge called “Collective Responsibility” in Governance, this “Spokesman” should feel ashamed and immediately withdraw from that responsibility. I know that “responsibility” is very, very foreign to our politicians.
To begin with this Minister should never have been assigned the task of being the “Spokesman”, because we saw how he “POORLY” performed at various TV discussions that were conducted before and after the elections. He could have been a “Prime Mover” in the selection of the Common Candidate; but that does not “qualify” him to be the “spokesman” for the entire Cabinet. This is where every Government has failed by placing “Square Pegs in Round Holes”. Sorry to say, this practice has already started with this Government too.
Mr. Mithripala Sirisena, you need to have your “Antennae” widely spread and keep a close watch on what is going on around as otherwise you too will “FALL”. Take a LESSON from the previous President and that is what EXACTLY happened to him – He did not spread his “Antennae” and take precautionary measures in time and the result was a “TERRIBLE FALL”. Do you need that to happen ?
Lanka Watch / February 7, 2015
As Long as Mr. Ranil Wicremasingha & UNP are for India and the West
at any cost and the SLFP’rs in the govt. and opposition are for China, there is bound to be disunity among the ruling coalition on international issues and there is trouble ahead and former regime could step in as upsetting the common man against India is easy by spreading communal feelings that India always support the Tamils tho’ India is non supportive of Tamils issues as seen after the election of Prime Minister Modi of India. There is clear evidence of this friction
as Mr. Wimal Weerawanse is seen publicly criticising India & Sri Lankan Tamils on various issues from public platforms.
Park / February 7, 2015
Is Rajitha Senaratne trying to pull the rug under Ranil to become the next Prime Minister? Or is he trying to pull the rug under Maithripala Sirisena to become the next President?
Look out for this clown.
Tilak de Silva / February 8, 2015
All these politicians have one thing in common ‘they are all political cut throats’ observe the past CBK, RW, Rajitha Senaratne, Ravi Karunanayake. Watch this space, best is yet to come when the daggers are drawn behind the back or in simple back stabbing commences in earnest.
Jagath Fernando / February 8, 2015
Rajitha is not a bad guy but has a big mouth.
UNP needs him to counter people like SB and Wimal.
Slip of the tongue and give him another chance,
Rohan / February 8, 2015
Well! Dr Rajitha the dentist is trained to put his hand in Mouth. but now he has started putting his foot also in the mouth.
Palmsquirrell / February 8, 2015
This new government has a problem stating the facts. Various spokesman or higher ups say 1 thing only to be contradicted later by other higher ups.
Just looks like dysfunctional communication .