15 January, 2025


Rajiva Accuses Karu Of Misusing Power Over Appointing Sampanthan As Opp. Leader

Former Parliamentarian, Professor Rajiva Wijesinha has accused Speaker Karu Jayasuriya of misusing his power and recognizing leader of the Tamil National Alliance R. Sampanthan as the Leader of the Opposition.

Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha

Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha

In a post on his Facebook Page, Wijesinha said that he was ‘astonished’ at the shenanigans going on with regard to the actual opposition in the country. “Sadly the villain of the piece is my old friend Karu Jayasuriya, who sadly misused his powers as Speaker to call Mr. Sampanthan the Leader of the Opposition,” he said.

Wijesinha said that 39 years ago his father advised the then Speaker to make an SLFP member Leader of the Opposition, since the position should belong to the possible alternative government. “But the TULF leader, Mr Amirthalingam, was given the title, which helped immeasurably in the movement for separatism. But then there were numbers on his side whereas now there is not even that excuse for Karu’s partisan ruling,” he said.

His comments come in the wake of the government’s latest muddle, after the Secretary to the Ministry of Parliament Reforms and Mass Media Nimal Bopage issued a statement criticizing the media for giving publicity to the joint opposition, which according to him was not even a recognized grouping in Parliament.

“So we now have the preposterous letter by the media secretary which even his minister has repudiated. Surely both should know that a secretary cannot send such a letter representing just his personal views,” Wijesinha said.

He added that it was ironic that this incident happened, specially with the brightest and best of the young parliamentarians confirm their position in opposition. “It is sad that the President does not wonder why he is stuck with the Sajin and Muththuhettigama while Kanaka Herath and Shehan Semasinghe and Ramesh Pathirana and other potential leaders are firmly opposed to what is so obviously a UNP dominated government,” he added.

In September last year, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya announced Sampanthan as the Opposition Leader of the 8th parliament. Sampanthan is the second Tamil politician since A. Amirthalingam to be appointed to the post of Opposition Leader in Sri Lanka. The TNA, emerged as the third-largest party with 16 seats in the 225-member Parliament.

Latest comments

  • 17

    If you can see me I am showing a different finger.

    Hay Dumb A how can Karu have an opposition leader also from one of the parties that had formed the government?

    • 7

      Actually this man is a recognized professor. Some discussions he held on behalf of war at its heights were crucial and played a role in MR adminstration. But that ended in stalemate, not allowing him to march forward. There should be real reasons them to be cornered, both in Rajakahse ADMINSTRATION and MS ADMINSTRATION. And the knowledge he obtained has ended up making him a laughing stock to many in and out of the country today. Why – it is just because he cant see him in the mirror. Being stuck to their theories, but doing not the least possible to share them with ruling men, always making every efforts to find the hair in th soup and attack their personal enemies – anyways, … that prove that professors of the kind can not do much in terms of even tiny issues getting its shape for the people of this country.

      • 4


        Professors in general have lot more good work to deliver.

        Rather than sitting with dogs and do petty politics that have no progress.
        I really dont know why GLP, RajeevaW and other professors stay in lanken politics though knowing clearly that their missions will have no ground in backstabbing dominated lanken politics.

        Rather to help the Univesity students as many other professors practice – besides, to achieve the academic accomplishments to the level of profs and do nothing as the named canddiates are upto today…
        Please Rajeeva, think it about.
        You can deliver lot more to lanken students. They need your more than the lanken politicians do.
        See it LET alone today, not yet too late.

    • 15

      The true nature of this so called liberalist is now clear. He is not different to any Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalist. Racism is the weapon they use whenever they want to come to power.

      • 2

        Well said Ajith. Even Oxford educated SWRD Bandaranaike opted
        for racism to come to power, armed with ‘Sinhala only’ bill. He
        was the 1st Sinhala politician, on his return from UK after his
        education, made a public statement after entering politics,that Federalism is well suited for Sri Lanka, then called Ceylon.

    • 8

      He says 39 years ago, his father who was the clerk to the house, told JR Jayawardena the Prime Minister elect, to appoint an SLFPer as the opposition leader. This is a clear example of an undemocratic action which was being recommened. In 1977 TULF ot 22 seats while SLFP got only 08 seats. In a democracy the leader of opposition is the person who commands the highest among the opposition members. Clearly the post has to go to TULF, and for recommending it be given to SLFP, his father should have been dismissed.

      The present scenario was slightly different. Though majority of SLFP members joined the government, the number of SLFP members opting not to join was more than the number of elected TNA members. The post of opposition leader should have gone to one of them, but government had other ideas. To take off the heat of the international community on matters of racial discrimination, they offered it to Sampanthan. It is foolish of the Sinhalese to think that this would be detrimental to their racist agenda against Tamils.

      • 0

        /TULF ot 22 seats while SLFP got only 08 seats. /

        Pl check the numers

    • 1

      [Edited out]

      RW is a been and gone minister of this regime. He did not fit in, even by their modest standards.

      How come months later, he has this sudden epiphany on the rights or wrongs of who should be the Leader of the Opposition?

      Cousin Ranil should have sent him away with a longer reading list.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

    • 1

      Burt – yes, I can see the middle finger. Prof. should have known that speaker Jayasuriya went by numbers and not by faces. Just a reminder
      to the learnt Prof that Mr. Sambanthan is no cousin of Speaker Jaya-
      suriya,if his thoughts are still with the good old days,when nepotism was at its best with cousins, uncles, aunties & siblings running the country.

  • 4

    This man is a talented person but [Edited out]

    • 7

      Everyone has talent in one form or another, how one uses his talent is what differentiates one individual from another and defines him as a individual.
      We all know what this racist scum bag should be defined as.

  • 1

    [Edited out]

  • 8

    Let me begin where you ended: The TNA, emerged as the 3rd largest party with 16 seats in the 225-member Parliament.

    You are absolutely correct. Numbers don’t lie!

    When a majority of the SLFP members are with the UNP in their so called National Government, which is the party poised to take the opposition?

    When the majority of the 2nd Largest party disavows any claim to be the ‘opposition’, wouldn’t the right to the opposition throne belong to the party with the next highest number?

    Oh, how I hate to see TNA adorning that chair!

  • 0

    Mr Karu Jayasuriya now is [Edited out]

    • 7

      [Mr Karu Jayasuriya now is [Edited out] ]

      rectified statement is Mr Karu Jayasuriya now is a good parliamentarian.

  • 11

    You are indirectly saying that after tomorrow’s may day rally, soon there will be a change in the opposition leader and it will go to either Wimal Weerawansa or Dinesh Gunawardane as both of them are not from SLFP. After that they will bring down MS – RW govt. with the help of the favourable sections of the media and the armed forces . Then MR regime will start ruling and DJ & you as smart patriots will get big positions and will be requested by MR to rebuild the image of Sri Lanka.

    Happy Kamakaru Dinya Professor.
    By the way what is Gotha and Vasudeva going to do on May Day in the US and Cuba.

    • 3

      No worries, this man Rajeeva and his buddy made various predictions

      a) also in the last Presdiential Election – unfortunately not even reached any near

      b) also in the last general election- unfortunately not even reached any near

      c) Now about May day –

      These two men in lanken spot light are more or less no different to that Royal Astroman Sumandasa from Galle who made positive predictions for MR last elections.

      Likewise, we are certain – these two men are now on their second trial to get posted to somewhere , Pathetic to see Professors to fall this levels.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 8

    “Wijesinha said that he was ‘astonished’ at the shenanigans going on with regard to the actual opposition in the country. ‘Sadly the villain of the piece is my old friend Karu Jayasuriya, who sadly misused his powers as Speaker to call Mr. Sampanthan the Leader of the Opposition,’ he said. Wijesinha said that 39 years ago his father advised the then Speaker to make an SLFP member Leader of the Opposition, since the position should belong to the possible alternative government.”

    Wow… thanks for conceding that you are a second generation racist, Rjiva Dummysinghe!

    I wish to ask you again to clarify the claim you made in talk shaw that Mahinda Rajapakse Government punished one Bharathy. Actually, that should be Iniya Bharathy who was honoured by Mahinda with Deshamanya (Pride of the Nation), the second highest national honor of Sri Lanka. He was the Ampara organiser of SLFP when Rajiva made that comment. In case if you need any reminder who it is, see the details here: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/exclusive-photographic-evidence-of-sl-government-whitevanning-child-soldier-recruitments-and-deshamanya-iniyapaarathi/

    At least,,, one can argue that Sampanthan is not the leader of the second largest party in the parliament. But, Amirthalingam was the leader of the second largest party at that time. In a 168 seat parliament, UNP won 140 seats. Out of 28 other seats, TULF got 18, and Thondaman also won for his own party. Even if all others in the Opposition had wanted to choose a person from the rest to be the Leader of the Opposition, they would have had fallen short.

    Some of us remember the intention of JRJ at that time to let some of his MPs to go to opposition to have his own Leader of the Opposition as well. Probably your racist father was advising JRJ at that time.

    Thanks again for coming out in public with your racist comments.

    • 9

      What was he doing when Sampanthan was appointed?

      From where is this belated wisdom coming from for Rajiva-a failed politician with a prof. title.

      Prof Rajiva Wijesinghe, Pro G L Peiris, and Prof. Tissa Vitharana with their professorial titles only have facilitated rabids like Mohindeen Rajapykee, Wimal Modawanse, Dinesh Goon-wardene, Gamae (village)-Pulle etc.,

      Where is their professorial skills to speak out about tyhe murders and blunders of the Mahindeen Rajapykee’s government? They were enjoying the benefits of the biggest kiribath made in Sri Lanka and the birthday cake for one of thems 80 birthday in a cabinet meeting when the white vans and Grease Yakkas were causing havoc in the country.

      Rajiva (including the others professors) are scatter brains. What they have in their head is cow dung and not brains to think wisely.

      Let us put Prof Rajiva Wijesinghe, Pro G L Peiris, Prof. Tissa Vitharana, Mohindeen Rajapykee, Wimal Modawanse, Dinesh Goon-wardene, Gamae-Pulle etc., in an un-salvageable ship and leave them in the middle of the ocean – even near the north or south poles. They can remain there for ever like the pleasure of being stored in a mausoleum.

      • 6

        The educated will agree with you. Unfortunately, we have the majority easily manipulative by Rajaakshe tactics.

  • 4

    “Opposition, since the position should belong to the possible alternative government.”

    Of cause we do not want Sampanthar to hang on to this job as that is only for Sinhala Parties (UNP and SLFP), not for a Tamil.

    But, can the learned professor tell us who is the alternative?Can he tell if the younger Generation named by him leading any party to receive Opposition Leader position? Who is SLFP now? Who is UPFA. Everybody’s understanding is UPFA also running the government. Doesn’t he suggesting the government should have had the opposition too?

    What the truth behind these new, new theories is these cowards lacks courage to form a party and take up the Opposition Leader position. For that problem this person is bringing something that is not in the constitution, that a party which can form government only can be the opposition too.

    Japan was governed by one part for more than 40 years. So they should not have had an opposition for all those forty years? Now it is the same case in Singapore.

    • 0

      Sampanthar had argued, for some other purposes and somewhere else that he is not excluded from capturing the power. In other words he had insisted he too in the game of capturing power, but lost the election. His argument is probably reminding America’s situation where a Black can become a president.

      America and Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE both have racisms. But the difference is obvious. Many have noticed, in America, it is more difficult for a woman to become president rather than a black. This is identified as White Male Phenomena. American racism is about stronger groups dominating. But that is not the case in Sri lanka. Sirimavo had become the prime minister in Wildlife Sanctuary SinhalE and has even set up a world record more than half a century ago, a time Americans had not started to plan to go to moon. One has to wait until next November to see if American racism can catup with Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE on that. Solomon West Ridgeway West’s murder was sighted to Tamils Usage Act, comparable (not in internal nature, but on outside look) to Kennedy who a fews years later, cleared Alabama School System’ problem. We saw our Bathiudeen, who, a decade latter, went on the opposite path of Kennedy. America grow up from Kennedy’s time and allowed a minority to become President and soon would allow a woman to become president too. But the current Lankawe’s condition far more worse than Solomon West Ridgeway West’s time or Badiuddin time.

      Sampanthar won in Eastern Province, but his right to form a government is refused in Eastern Province. So the victory alone is not enough to form a government. To test the chance, his party could openly declared its subservient slavery dedication to majority community, like Pillaiyan. That is only test bed. Pillaiyan dedication did not help him. He did the murders for the majority community’s well being. Now he is serving prison term without even a jury-lees court inquiry for those murders. Varatahar was chased out of CM position by the UNP government even though he had full approval of India, who brought the 13A. Amirthalingam was impeached, but, never any other Sinhala Opposition Leaders. The best example of why Sampanthar is not a possible alternative to form a government is Lakshman Kathirgamar’s case. Kathirgamar was considered by the leaders of UPFA as best candidate for PM. Evening after he showed his extreme dedication for the welfare of the majority in the expense of minority’s well being, he was eliminated by the same party(SLFP) because of his qualification to the PM post. Another thing must be noted, very very seriously, if it is from the majority community, even a person explicitly described in constitution as disqualified can become a president. This the justification of the constitutional experts of Wildlife Sanctuary SinhalE, when they wanted to make the Old king for the third term. In the SinhaLE land, Nothing can bar a majority community person becomes a head of the land and nothing can qualify a minority community person becomes a head.

      A ruling party discontented member do not form the opposition in any country. He/She can become a ruler if she/he can bring a down fall for the ruler within the party, but not a opposition leader. So none of the Old Royal family member are qualifying for the position just because they are discontented with SLFP or UPFA. Solomon West Ridgeway West’s case in 1950’s is not not similar. So when was discontented with UNP, he quit UNP formed an opposition and eventually captured the power. So far I have not seen anybody arguing the Opposition Leadership for Tissa Attanayake, he too a discontented member of the ruling UNP. Tissa Attanayake may not have that many criminal records that may disqualify lim like the Old Royals have.

      That is why we have accepted the argument of Sampanthar, as Tamil (- not a woman- not an uneducated- not a criminal- not disqualified by constitution) is not an alternative to Capture the power in SinhaLE. But there is no number for anybody else in the Sinhala constitution to become the opposition leader.

  • 2

    [Edited out]

  • 11

    Ignore this opportunist who only seeks positions and does not work in the interest of the country or its people. He is a Dayan J clone.

    • 9

      Spot on. This man has become a laughing stock even to junior ruling MPs. He proved himself well how he could become a team player. Had the man been a Prof for an University would have helped the masses of students.
      Professors are just applicable to Universities and industries. For politics they are like sequare pegs in round holes.

  • 10

    Hello stranger!. Where were you all this time? I thought you disappeared with the old regime. Get lost you racist.

  • 6

    /sadly misused his powers /

    Hey Raviva. Can you think of anyone to fit the above from the time when you guys were in ‘power’.[Edited out]

  • 7

    After the introduction of standardisation, every one entering universities are not polished and broadminded. The standard of education and the recognition for educated people among the public doesn’t exist anymore. These professors including GLP are examples. No need to take this person’s statement seriously. Resist statement like this without any love for the country or suffering people will poison the younger generation. How to allow people like this to direct our important future generation and he is not suitable for his post. In my time there were many good professors and that is history now.

  • 7

    Here you are this is another Dayan. H[Edited out]

  • 4

    [Edited out]

  • 1

    So sad to see this [Edited out]

  • 6

    LOL a nice piece of trashy writing on a saturday morn to keep us entertained

    Poor Rajiva always wants a piece of cake but can never keep it

    He is an opportunist and a downright racist who likes to be Dayan J’s man friday

    His uncle the great humanist and Bishop would be turning in his grave

  • 1

    Peace Lover.

    Spot on.Bishop Lakshman Wicremasinghe would have been ashamed of Rajiva W.

    Interestingly,Sam Wijesinghe,father of Rajiva was appointed as Crown Counsel in the late 40s on the recommendation of GGP QC.

  • 3

    Haa… ha…guys…
    Do not insult the intellect of Prof. Rajiva as Ranil too comes from the same stock.

    • 0

      they are very intelligent and capable people when they are in the opposition on when unemployed.

      Other times, they screw up every thing big time.

      • 1

        jim softy

        “Other times, they screw up every thing big time.”

        All in all you have been screwed since 4 February 1948. Don’t you enjoy it?

  • 2

    This bloke has forgotten the past when MR was grabbing UNPers to UPFA to get 2/3rds.Now he is blaming Speaker. What a hypocrite.There are mechanism to exercise to have stable government not in Sri Lanka but elsewhere in the world.

    You can’t allow Yahapalanaya to take it cause, there strings to pull even under the guise of Yahapalanaya.

    Gid Bless Sri Lanka.

  • 3

    He is showing his root finger. Does he know what signal he is giving.

  • 2

    How can a person who was kicked out of his own party and who has no voter base and who came to the Parliament only through “Pinata Seat” comment on the decision of the Speaker? Further, this “Puss Pundit” left the Government as he was not given a Minister position. When he himself asked for a position for which he was not qualified (as he was not elected in any election) how dare he comment on the appointment of the Opposition Leader? This guy and other “Puss Pundit” Dayan J should be tied on to a bullock cart and sent along Galle Road.

  • 0

    Those who migrated to the good western countries pray for their western countries to prosper. For that this kind of rotten stock are very important in 3rd world countries for the west to use as testing ground. You know, the elephant put sand on his head on its own. God created human in different level – he created majority of us as modias, few good people cannot change the system. We allow migrated people like Gotha to come and ruin our country and escape after his mission is over. Selv told, only God can help Tamils. As long as our country is full of this type of rotten stock, even God cannot help srilankans, eventually Tamil Nadu will help Tamils. Now the best option for Singhalese is not to waste their time and energy in tiny North and loose the whole country to others, give political freedom to Tamils and use them to build back our beautiful country. Do not make the same mistake Prabahara made (with good intention but not practicable without the support of the west).We have to accept the reality that we can be good labourers but not masters.

  • 0

    Prof Rajiva,

    It took you a long time to make up your mind about this matter.

    Why did you stay silent at the time this appointment was made. Was it because you were promised a Ministerial portfolio?

  • 0

    [Edited out]

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