15 February, 2025


A Note On Casteist Racism

By Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

The material provided by attacks on my articles in the Colombo Telegraph by Tamil racists over a long period prompts the thought that there could be a case for establishing a special category of racism that might appropriately be called “casteist racism”. We can safely assume that practically every ethnic group in the world could produce its quota of racists, and that the extent of the racism and its intensity could vary due to many factors. It also seems reasonable to think that the caste system according to which some castes are born inferior and will remain inferior throughout their lives can conduce to particularly nasty and virulent forms of racism. Earlier I have sought to explain the fact that Tamil anti-Muslim racism has been much worse than that of the Sinhalese on the ground that the Tamils are far more caste conscious than the Sinhalese.

I must briefly recapitulate some of the essential facts that led me to that conclusion. Earlier I listed many details to establish that I should be counted as among the most pro-Tamil of all the non-Tamils in this island. Not one of those details has been refuted, but – true to form – about a couple of Tamils have jeered and sneered over my claim to be pro-Tamil. The insistence has continued that I have been for several decades an extreme anti-Tamil racist. What is most interesting is that there has been no serious attempt to substantiate that charge, none whatever.

One Tamil has argued that the concerted attacks against me by around seven to ten Tamils that went on week after week for several months were the work of just one individual who assumed several Tamil nom de plumes. His argument was that all the attacks showed an identical style. It is possible that the concerted attacks had behind them a foreign Islamophobic group or a state. But since then practically every article of mine has provoked attacks by one or more Tamils, exhibiting the same hysterical hatred and mad dog rage. One Tamil held that the attacks were because I had infamously advocated famine as a weapon to subdue the Tamil rebellion. But I have shown more than once that I was outspokenly against that. It is known of course that part of the explanation for Tamil anti-Muslim hatred is that the Muslims consistently took the Sinhalese side against the Tamils. But I believe that I am the only Muslim to have consistently berated the Muslim politicians for their support for every bit of Sinhalese racist idiocy against the Tamils.

I and others have not been able to make out the rationale behind the Tamil attacks on me except on the ground of an intense caste mentality among the Tamils. Relevant in this connection is my last article on Muslim identity in relation to caste. It is known that many Tamils believe that the Muslims have very little Arab blood in them and that they are predominantly the descendants of Tamil converts to Islam who mostly married low caste Tamils. This kind of idiocy about the Muslims has evidently been prevalent among Tamils after the notorious casteist racist Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan – widely regarded by Muslims as anti-Muslim – propounded his theory that the Sri Lankan Muslims are really Tamils.

How would that Tamil caste consciousness about the Muslims apply to my case? The Tamil casteist racist would regard the Muslims as essentially low caste Tamils, though they have not been assimilated into the Tamil caste system. Consequently they are a people who should be constricted to lower positions in the society. It is alright for them to succeed in business because that has been their traditional occupation. But even in the field of business they should be petty traders, and leave big business to their betters. I am not being caricatural here because that is exactly how Ramanathan saw the Muslims of his time: as engaged in petty trade and menial occupations, ignoring the fact that the Muslim whom he was trying to prevent getting into the Legislative Council was immensely wealthy and lived in regal splendor in Mumtaz Mahal which later became the Speaker’s House. Today the Tamil casteist racist could find it acceptable if I am a big business man, a drug kingpin, or even if I am somewhere towards the top in some of the professions. But I had gained a certain kind of reputation – rightly or wrongly – as a diplomat, and subsequently as a writer, political analyst, a Westernised intellectual and so on. (At this point I can hear the Tamil howls and screams that I am a boastful liar who is trying to conceal the fact that I am third rate in every way). What has to be explained is not that my articles have provoked dissent: if articles provoke no dissent at all, it usually means that they are vacuous. What has to be explained is that they have provoked so much hatred and rage particularly among Tamils. I and others have found it impossible to explain this except on the basis of Tamil racism.

There are excellent reasons to believe that caste consciousness can aggravate racism to a very serious extent. First of all we must note that there is a powerful hierarchical drive in humanity. All complex societies that have a division of labour are organized hierarchically to varying degrees, and hierarchy can be the most extreme under a caste system. Louis Dumont in his famous book on caste Homo Hierarchicus argued that the Indian caste system is not just a system of social stratification like the Western ones. For one thing it valorizes inequality unlike the Western systems of social stratification: it is possible to move towards equality under the Western system but not under the Indian caste system. Furthermore, the Indian caste system is given a religious legitimation under Hinduism. It has to be expected that a mentality shaped by a caste system will be peculiarly prone to racism. It makes sense therefore to talk of a category of casteist racism.

Before concluding I must emphasize that I am not postulating anything like enduring hostility between the Tamils and Muslims because of Tamil casteist racism. For one thing – as the West has been showing us – racism can be combated, contained, and even be eliminated to a great extent. I believe that the majority of the Tamils are not racists but are decent and wholesome human beings just like most members of our other ethnic communities. It is up to that decent non-racist majority to combat, control, even eliminate the casteist racists in their midst. Those casteist racists must be made to accept that the Muslims too will be producing brilliant writers and intellectuals – brilliant figures in every field – and nothing in the world is going to stop that. Why should the Tamil casteist racists work themselves up into impotent hatred and rage over what is inevitable?

This article is no more than an introductory note on casteist racism, containing many points on which I hope to expand in the future. In the meanwhile I must point to a concrete instance of anti-Muslim casteist racism in action. A Tamil racist signing himself as Backlash has been letting off his babooneries in the Colombo Telegraph over practically every article I have written over a long period. He is possibly the agent of a foreign power who has been instructed to keep on throwing mud in the hope that some of it will stick. The Tamil attempts to stop me being published in the Island and the Colombo Telegraph have failed over a long period. Backlash, probably backed by others, has thought that it would be a better ploy to try to get Muslim leaders to stop me writing and being published on the ground that my writings are doing immense harm to the Muslims. He wrote some weeks ago that he had persuaded Muslim big shots to that effect and that they would be talking to me about my articles. None has done so up to now. Backlash has commented on my last article that it has a new note of sobriety which is the consequence Muslim notables having spoken to me. Nothing of the sort has happened. What is interesting is that Backlash has put himself in the position of a Tamil who is advising the Muslims on what is good for them, on the presumption that the Muslims don’t know what is good for them. He has put himself in the position of a superior to an inferior, of an elder brother to a younger brother, of a superior caste to a lower caste. That’s a clear example of Tamil anti-Muslim casteist racism in action.

Latest comments

  • 13

    I think the author just wants attention in his old age? How else does one explain so many repeat articles?

    • 10

      After the war ended, due to some unfortunate reasons the Sinhalese started hating the Muslims. Now, due to this [Edited out] man, even the Tamils are going to hate the Muslims. Just one imbecilic insane [Edited out] in a community is enough to create enmity among the ethnic groups. This [Edited out] is digging the grave not for himself but his own community as a whole.

      • 7


        I am glad you and others openly agree with what I have been predicting for a long time that can happen to the Muslim community due to the paranoia of a single [Edited out] man in the community.
        The damage is long done. What can happen is to mitigate its public reaction and anger.


        • 4

          Backlash, Celeo et al Izeth Hussein Phobes

          “due to the paranoia of a single [Edited out] man in the community.”

          What is the Truth? Ethnic Cleansing?

          What us the paranoia? The Truth coming out?

          The Question to ask is is, did the Indian Para-Hinduism with its Castism and Racism help or hurt the Sri Lankan Tamils?

          It helped the “high” caste Vellahala to maintain their hegemony over All non-Vellahalas, “low” cast Tamils as well as Muslims.

          The Tamils should look themselves in the mirror and ask, Why are we Hindus, and keep practicing Castism and Racism?

          Why not become Buddhists? Christians, Muslims, Jains etc.

          Tamils need to look inwards, and face the Truth. What Izeth Hussein and H L D Manindapala are doing is reporting it and try ti get the Tamils to Help Themselves.

          Sri Lankan Tamils need help as they have been let down by their “Leaders”. Blaming innocent Muslims claiming that they are low caste Tamils will get you nowhere.

          • 5

            What a lot of tosh you have written like a broken record. People of Jaffna predominantly Hindus regardless of who they are and they will remain as such. The Tamil society has progressed communally. You are simply an idiot for keep repeating baseless nonsense. Time has come for you to grow up and see the facts for what they are.

            The TNA has been overwhelmingly mandated by the Tamil people. Hence, it is more then evident that Tamils can deal with their own issues. It is time for you to chill and stop diverting the real issues that Tamil seek for remedy!

            • 2

              Burning Issue

              “The Tamil society has progressed communally. You are simply an idiot for keep repeating baseless nonsense.

              The biggest progress was made under Mahaveeran Periyavar Velupillai Prabakaran, against Castism and Racism, because he was not a Vellahala and belonged to the “low” caste. Despite his separatism, Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims and Sinhala, and terrorism, he still was against Castism and Racism. After All he fought against Sinhala “Buddhist” Racism.

              If progress had to be made, do any of the following.

              1. Get All the Hindus converted to Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Agnosticism or Atheism. Tamils need a Dr. Ambedelkar.

              2. Reform Hinduism so that it is Eglantarian.

              3. Do not poison “low” caste Tamil Wells, and Allow low cast Tamils to worship Hindus Gods, who cannot d anything anyway, for the low cast Tamils.

            • 4

              “”People of Jaffna predominantly Hindus regardless of who they are and they will remain as such. “”

              you have proved beyond reasonable doubt that you have no brain- shame on stupid egotistic glue.

              you have been answering Royingas.

              keep on keeping on.

            • 0

              Well said Burning Issue,

              The paid Jihadists in these pages are worried sick Sinhalese and Tamils are making up. And add to that the fringe of the Sinhala extreme that tried to make a mountain of a molehill of the visit of Sampanthan and friends to the army Camp. The chief of the Camp – the Officer-gentleman he is, has phoned Sampanthan and agreed to take him around. These are all indications of the growing thaw under the leadership of the Sirisena-Ranil-SBK-Mangala leadership quartet.


          • 3


            I have acknowledged my respect to you and your learning. You certainly have a right to defend the negatives and foibles of
            the suspected deranged and the peculiar merely because they share your religion. But, please leave
            Hinduism, India and Indian culture and values out. Your veiled prejudice in these are pretty obvious. Your provocative question “Why are you Hindus” is symbolic of your toxic thoughts on both Hinduism and India. I believe other Hindu readers have ignored your excesses because you have a habit of making a short thing long – too long. Evidently, they pay little attention to your lengthy rambling comments.

            I’d like you to make some study/comments on why Yahidis (Syria, Iraq etc)- identified as also Muslims – following Hindu customs, rituals etc., including the practise of casteism.


            • 2

              Backlash and Other Hindus,

              “But, please leave Hinduism, India and Indian culture and values out”

              The Enlightened Buddhas did not leave the Hinduism out.

              The Enlightened Jains did not leave the Hinduism out.

              The Emperor Asoka did not leave the Hinduism out.

              Yes, Hinduism did serve a certain section of the Population, the Brahmans and the upper castes.

              Reform for Hinduism has to be forced from outside. It is unlikely to come from inside.

              • 9


                Velle Ralle!!

                Sex maniac at St Martins in the Fields Piano recital-

                Wasn’t it you??

                What a barrow load of manure you carry with you from Muslim abattoirs??
                Or is it from your own pigsty?
                La Mancha `stain`- the man who tried to change the world got kicked.
                Ambedkar your god was thrown off the rickshaw by his own class of rickshaw pullers.

                What are you trying to reform and whom are you trying to reform?? You are trying to reform all faiths, all class, so arent you an `offshot` as the lawyers at lankan courts would call you??

                Don’t you belong to an international network of terror against the western way of life??

              • 0

                Dear Amarasiri

                Buddhism, Jainism, Emperor Asoka are all part of the wider
                spectrum of Sanatana Dharma which the invading Moghuls also
                called Hinduism – identify the people along the River Indus.
                You could not have missed this in your impressive learning.


          • 2

            Further to my last comments, they are also called Yazidis (Yazdanism) and are pre-Islamic. They are also found in Turkey, Iran and other West Asian regions. They are now brutally hunted down like animals by the majority Sunnis in the region – something the civilised, tolerant world has got used to seeing with much dismay.


          • 0

            Hey amarasiri
            You talk very highly of budhism, very rightly, why don’t you become a budhist. Why are you still a islamite?
            Is it because your finacier ISIS will punish you?

        • 2

          Blacklash, Celeo and other Hindu Tamils,

          “One Tamil has argued that the concerted attacks against me by around seven to ten Tamils that went on week after week for several months were the work of just one individual who assumed several Tamil nom de plumes. His argument was that all the attacks showed an identical style.

          Sri Lankan Tamils like to preserve their Cstism and Racism. That is why the Vellahalas are attacking Izeth Hussein. The Wahhabies, who follow the Devil, Satan, Iblis were doing the same to Izeth Hussein. Strange bedfellows indeed!

          Scandinavians do not have a Castism and Racism among themselves. The Tamil diaspora in Scandinavia shoukd introduce this to the Castist and Racist Tamil Society in Sri Lanka. Follow Enlightened Buddhas teachings.

          • 8

            Amarasiri ,

            “Follow Enlightened Buddhas teachings. “

            Up yours I like Tao and I don’t need to follow some copy cat Pakistani/Indian toy that was created to keep idiots coool in the blistering heat.

            Educated Indians know that – you are like the author of Mahawamse GonSiri.

            So what is your problem Velle Ralle??

            • 9

              Every Chinese Buddhist (Buddhism is a philosophy and nothing to do with Gautama) knows Tao as the civil servant and his family. He was alive during the Gautama period of India (during Gautama period nothing was written and hey, 500 years later something was written) Most of Gautama is in Tao. China has the most number of statutes of Gautama. We all like imported stuff to feel good. UNESCO and Japan have confirmed there is nothing to prove Gautama mum or dad or Gautama just Tree worshipers at Lumbini but Tao yes.

          • 0

            [Scandinavians do not have a Castism and Racism among themselves.]

            That is Hindu Tamil’s Problem but non the business of Christian Tamils, Muslim Tamils and Buddhist Sinhalese, primitive Veddha. They have their own issues.

            unbiased Intellectuals may advice Tamil Hindus to resolve. Those Devil, Satan, Iblis, Soni and HLDM under the cover of of Intellectuals ought not to do so.

            HLDM, IH, Amarasiri and Others (including Vellalas) should personally help those affected by stupid caste superiority, if really cares of them, instead of promoting castism or provoking Tamils in the name of caste.

            HLDM, IH, pl stop verbal diarrhea.

            Aside: Dear CT editors, Pl moderate not only readers’ comments but also such lunatic and venomous articles, in the best interest of Hela and Eela people.

            • 1

              hey idiot nobody is asking you to resolve anything. Actually non tamils dont give a flying f whether you have caste system or not. The point is what is called as an ethnic conflict is a result of Tamil Vellala’s ultra racist and casteist mindset

          • 0


            You are not going to deny you are a side-kick of the deranged
            Izeth Hussain – now in disgrace in these pages. As to “That is why the Vellahalas are attacking Izeth Hussein” please note Vellalars have better things to do than bother about a nondescript has-been.
            Wake up to the real world man, pretender Islamic Socrates, and get real.


    • 3


      Keeping an active brain is a known antidote to those diseases of old age. Unfortunately for us, that activity does not need to be entirely rational.

      In another age, Izeth H would have written War and Peace and we would have hailed him as a legend.

      In these difficult times he has come to be acclaimed as a leg end.

      Old diplomats never die, they just go on, and on, and on…….

      • 0

        Spring Koha,
        Just the fact that he can use a computer at 88 is amazing. I hope I will be able to find the front door at his age.
        But he does go on and on.

        • 0

          [Edited out]

        • 0

          [Edited out]

        • 0

          Only an India Sing who has had enough beer in his lifetime can run marathons.
          Pakistani’s or Arabs who don’t drink but have more sex cannot do it.- ask any yogi on the mountain.

          Human to Hero- I saw him run at Toronto.
          World’s oldest marathon man, 102, can’t imagine life without running shoes

    • 0


      Sure. You are absolutely right. Obviously you are paying attention to his writing and responding negatively and sarcastically. Carry on.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

    • 0

      Izeth Hussain

      RE: A Note On Casteist Racism

      The core-Theology of Casteist Racism is based on Hinduism, which the enlightened Buddha tried to eradicate, 2,500 years ago, along wit many others throughout history. The latest for Vellahala Castist Racism was Mahaveeran Periyavar Velupillai Probakaran who was not a Vellhala, but still he was racist, because he ethnically cleansed Muslims.

      This is called the Vellahala Trinity Ideology. It’s core belief are Hinduism, Castism and Racism. Take away Hinduism, the This Vellahala Trinity Falls.

      The Buddha said:

      By birth one is not an outcaste,
      By birth one is not a Brahmin;
      By deeds alone one is an outcaste,
      By deeds alone one is a Brahmin


  • 13


    you should title your articles “My Tamil Phobia”

    • 3


      The Tamils should look at themselves in the mirror and ask, Why are we Still Hindus, and keep practicing Castism and Racism? Why discriminate against our own people? What can we learn from Dr. Ambedelkar?

      Why not become Buddhists( not Sinhala Buddhists), Christians, Muslims,(Not Wahhabis) Jains, Agnostics, Atheists etc.

      Tamils need to look inwards, and face the Truth. What Izeth Hussein and H L D Manindapala are doing is reporting it and try ti get the Tamils to Help Themselves.

      Sri Lankan Tamils need help as they have been let down by their “Leaders”. Blaming innocent Muslims claiming that they are low caste Tamils will get you nowhere.

      • 1

        The last thing Sri Lankan Tamils need us help from the likes of you and Izeth and Mahindapala.
        If Sri Lanka Tamils are irritating izeth , Mahindapala , Vibushana and the likes please go ahead and spit your venom in CT and take your frustration out in CT.

        Not a single Sri Lankan Tamil is taking you guys seriously

        • 1

          Rajash stuffed odiyal kelangu,

          “Not a single Sri Lankan Tamil is taking you guys seriously “

          His last article `Backlash` promptly requested especially all you Tamils not to populate Hussain’s thread but here you of all people are still attached like glue. Just roaming shanker teased Backlash but of no significance.

          when will all Tamils play the game of patience?

          • 2


            Are you saying commenting on Izeth and Mahindapala’s we are giving them credibility.?

            I am happy to refrain from commenting.

            • 0

              70+ will feel good when the number of comments increase because it gives him long life- better he jump in the pakis petti soon- he is low class trying to bring ladders down so why does he not bring sinhala ladders down? its easy to find the injured weak and gnaw them- he has no feelings because his own sinhala beat him.

              In the UK if you call a anglo saxon racist they go away from you and would never help you- because you are stupid. this is true with north and south Europeans

              Even if a colored is called racist by white and he is smart enough he goes away and would never help the idiot.

              That is today’s world not the former slaves of America who still say racist.
              Its an ancient story- sweat shops are still run in the back yards of Europe by multinationals who have no face.

              People are sick of it. Equality is utopia even for the whites. Therefore one has to see a problem from an intelligent angle. i have many friends of class because i evade race, religion etc.Because they too understand `equality` and `democracy` in practice.

              thanks it will help all you folk who are victims of this terrible onslaught.

        • 1


          “Not a single Sri Lankan Tamil is taking you guys seriously”

          They took P. Ramanathan, G, G, Ponambalam and SJV Chelvanayagam seriously, instead of listening to Young Youth Group, and see where the Tamils are now?

          Vellahala intransigence? Characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude.

          The Bi-modal distribution of Tamil IQs?

          The Story Of Two Graphs drawn by A Tamil Man: By Mahesan Niranjan Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distributions


  • 8

    Its easy to see why Tamils kind of run fast slam against a wall and repeat the same mistake again.

    – 75% of the East is not Tamil.
    – The Tamil are a minority in the East as well when NE combined.
    – The people in the north only account for 4.9% of the entire population.

    Its no wonder why it begins with “Gandhian Principles” but it always ends where Tamils resorting to terror!

    The only sane explanation to the Tamil predicament is by Prof. Daya Somasundarm’ is theory of the whole Tamil community suffering from a mental illness.

    Prof. Daya Somasundaram has advanced the idea of a community as a collective suffering from trauma – mental illness suffered by a whole community as against individuals.


    The Tamils require a solution but not a political one. The Tamils require a psychiatric solution.

    • 5

      [The Tamils require a solution but not a political one. The Tamils require a psychiatric solution.]

      A Mahavamsa Pchyso is telling all these.

      • 2

        why what is wrong with mahavamsa? It is a history book

        • 6

          Mahavamsa is the ‘history’ book that says:

          Sinhalese are the descendants of Vijaya, the banished profligate son of an incestuous marriage between (Sihabahu) and sister (Sihasivali) whose mother was so exceedingly lustful that only a real lion could satisfy her sexually. Moreover, Sihabahu killed his leonine father, the king of the brutes […] Thus, according to the Mahavamsa, brutishness, bestiality, incest, patricide and profligacy, were the stuff of Sinhalese genesis […] of the 54 rulers recounted in the Mahavamsa, 22 were murdered by their successors; 11 were overthrown; 13 killed were killed in battle and 6 were assassinated”.

        • 6

          sachoooooooooooooooo Stupid II

          “why what is wrong with mahavamsa? It is a history book”

          So you do not know what is wrong with Mahawamsa? Are you sure? Do you realise that with age your memory too fails you.

          Do you remember ever typing the following:

          There is no so called mahavamsa mindset of sinhala people. Sinhala people dont treat it as gospel truth for them it is just a history book with some truths in it. It has rather done disservice to Sinhala people by making them look like some north indian origin people. I have said mahavamsa’s first section is bogus and just a set of myths. It seems it is the tamils who depend on Mahavamsa more than sinhalese

          March 14, 2014 at 1:35

          sachoooooooooooooooo Stupid II

          Have you changed your mind since typing it only about 2 years ago?

          I an waiting for Nuisance the stupid I to come for your rescue.

          What is the difference between you and a knife?

          Would you now change your mind once again? It is alright.

          • 0

            Colombo Telegraph,
            You should not publish this kind of personal attacks on other posters.

            • 1

              Eusense ,

              Yes Emperor Julius Cheeser, but we are all wandering when
              you are going for a wash…B.O.!!

            • 3

              Nuisance the stupid I

              sachoooooooooooooooo the Stupid II typed the following gem above:

              ” hey idiot nobody is asking you to resolve anything. Actually non tamils dont give a flying f whether you have caste system or not. The point is what is called as an ethnic conflict is a result of Tamil Vellala’s ultra racist and casteist mindset

              May 3, 2016 at 8:52 pm

              What do you have to say about it?
              Maybe you wrote it for her.
              Or was it the child Irathinavalli?

    • 6

      I used to wonder why Vibhushana gets agitated like a Monkey whose tail is on fire…

      Now I know, the following is the reason,

      Vibhushana is suffering from the same symptom that most Sinhalese suffer, a majority with a minority complex. He believes that the Sinhalese are trapped between the devil (80 million Tamils to the North) and the deep blue sea (to the South). This kind of Panic Disorder or fear Psychosis was instilled in the minds of the Sinhalese by none other than the Mahavamsa author when he wrote, Dutugemunu felt that he could not stretch himself because of Tamils to the north and the deep sea to the south. As long as they believe in this kind of myth that is not based on reality (delusions), especially unfounded fear or suspicion, we should expect such outbursts from people like Vibhushana. It is a kind of mental illness that many of them suffer.

    • 2

      Hacking web sites and uploading obscene lies is illegal.

      CT is also breaking the law by posting material from a hacked web site was by the person who a hacked web site

      • 1


        “”CT is also breaking the law by posting material from a hacked web “”
        “”Hacking web sites and uploading obscene lies is illegal. “”
        No CT is not braking any law.

        (controlling patent rights is expensive business therefore the 756 US bases WW for that)
        Most of the worlds hackers have their pads in the outbacks of Australia. Its very convenient for Russians Chinese and JVP. Earlier hacking used to take place from international waters but since the Somali terror and floating Armour etc they moved to safe areas even no mans land between Pakistan and India.

        You should further allege that Vibushana has been dishonest…Dishonesty can be inferred from his repeated conduct in distorting and plagiarising the work of academics …thereby enhancing his professional reputation and standing with the public as well as enhancing himself in the press.

  • 4

    There is this interesting anecdote on Tamil toilet habits too.

    This is probably why Tamils often defecate near a canal out in the open.

    The Tamil who desires to be pure must clean his anus with soil. The soil and sand must be brushed against the anus 3 times.


    I just cringe thinking about it. Most people are looking to buy the softest toilet tissue possible for obvious reasons.

    Tamils are using sand and soil. I would imagine that leaves a few bruises. Could that possibly aggravate the mental illness we often see here?

    • 11

      It is good to see that you have abandoned your defunct history and futile linguistic nonsebse. You are now resorted to low-level pure abuse! I bet you have problems sleeping at nights as the Tamils are in your dreams tormenting you; I am afraid that this condition will continue to haunt you until you attain peace by being a good Buddhist!

    • 2


      On the few occasions I gave a cursory glance to your posts, it was clear
      you are mentally twisted. But this mischievous invention of yours is a winner. You are not only demented but obsessed with the rear of the human species. Boy, one sees a whole lot of strange, bizarre breeds in these pages. You are in the lead pack, dear chap.


    • 6


      “”The Tamil who desires to be pure must clean his anus with soil. The soil and sand must be brushed against the anus 3 times.””

      Pol buruva, you might be constantly seated on ice cream then!!

      Is it because the pigs licked you bollocks back in your hometown- this is what working class British tourist have to say on their return.

      “I just cringe thinking about it. Most people are looking to buy the softest toilet tissue possible for obvious reasons.””

      Did you not know that Beer is cheaper than tissue at China and the Swiss German tourist were loving it.
      Is it not where you brain is – bottom up??

  • 9

    Psychiatrists do not kill their patients, nor do they cure their patients.
    Patients keep coming to them until they die or their psychiatrists die.

    Thus, psychiatry is the most profitable branch of medicine.

    Most theories in psychiatry remain as such, as no proof exists for them.

    Daya Somasundram saying that all northerners are mentally disturbed, is one such theory.

  • 11

    Dear Izeth,
    You are calling others racists while you are behaving like one. When the Europeans said that they are light skinned than others, we called them racists. In your last article you have stated that Muslims are lighter skinned than Tamils. Is this also not racism. Do you now agree that why people are calling you a racist. If you study anthropometry, you will realise that the original people of Srilanka are dark skinned races like Veddhas and are the legitimate owners of the country.

    Secondly all Muslims are not light skinned and all Tamils are not dark skinned. All my relatives are light skinned. Of my classmates at Royal on a percentage, there were more light skinned students among Tamils than Muslims. Half of my Muslim classmates were darker than me. Your claim of arabic ancestry of Muslims goes against the two recent DNA studies undertaken, where the core genetic material in all Muslims tested was south Indian, with a small percentage of west Asian input.

    It is up to Muslims to claim whatever they wish, but when contested must prove it scientifically. Arabs never brought their women, but co-habited with local women of low caste and low morals (a fact that is conveniently hidden),to produce the Muslim progeny, which shows that even in the first generation, Muslims are only 50% Arab, which had got diluted subsequently. Remember it is better for a bastard to say that he does know his father than claim someone else as his father.

    • 3

      Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

      “In your last article you have stated that Muslims are lighter skinned than Tamils. Is this also not racism. Do you now agree that why people are calling you a racist.:”

      “Secondly all Muslims are not light skinned and all Tamils are not dark skinned.”

      You are confused here. Amarasiri recalls that, the Izeth Hussein argument was related to the origins of the Muslims and the admixture of genes from India, and elsewhere including the Middle East. It was not racism, just referring to differences.

      • 2

        ya they are also hybrids, according to Soni.

        • 1


          “ya they are also hybrids, according to Soni.”

          Yes, All are hybrids, the Paras, the Para-Sinhala, the Para-Tamils, the Para-Muslims and Parangios, all from Africa, African Hybrids.

          • 0

            [Edited out]

      • 5

        Stop holding a candle to this outright racist. He has embarked on an unwaraanted and unsubstantiated attack on Tamils for sometime now, either on his own free will or by being instigated by some external intelligence agency. He is a person who is unable to present his views in an orderly and scholarly manner, pouring hatred on Tamils. He has conveniently hidden the facts that have been exposed recently by two Sinhala scholars about the genetic make up of Muslims, and is harping about Arab ancestry. For your information, Srilankan Muslims are considered inferiors not only in the middle east by Arabs but also in the south east by Malays. Recently there was an information in this website that Borahs in Srilanka also consider Srilankan Muslims as inferiors. It is time that Muslims stop trying to copy Arabs and thereby ending up in a pathetic state. In the civilised world anyone who mentions about light skin is deemed to be a racist. It is you who appear to be confused rushing to defend an incorrigible character.

        • 6

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam


          Whenever Ramona T Fernando forget to take her anti-depressant pills she gets into this forum, if by mistake you engage with her, she will take you round and round the mulberry bush with concocted stories/fairy tales invented from thin air (mostly blatant lies with bogus statistics that she creates) and finally bring you back to square one making you never to engage again (if you are wise enough).

          During the exchange, she will twist and turn and manipulate her own stories contradicting what she said earlier, there is no consistency in her posts, mainly because she is lying through her teeth.

          However, a very good comedy piece, you can engage only for a comic relief to have some fun and not for any serious talk.

          • 2

            King Wala Gemba,

            My arguments only hold because I tell the absolute Truth! Those things you call lies and fairy-tales are pure logical analysis of situations. You need to lighten up.

            • 4

              “My arguments only hold because I tell the absolute Truth!”

              My foot!! LOL!!
              I almost fell off the chair laughing!

              “pure logical analysis of situations”

              Ha, ha, ha …LOL!

              logical analysis mostly ends up with concocted fairy tales with bogus statistics (blatant lies)… LOL!

            • 2

              ramona therese fernando

              “My arguments only hold because I tell the absolute Truth! Those things you call lies and fairy-tales are pure logical analysis of situations.”

              Ancient history of Yemen in support of your assertion.


              There are two types of Tamils, with bi-modal IQ Distributions. Some get it, some don’t.

              Now getting a better understanding of the bimodal IQ distribution of the Tamils, as published in CT.

              The Story Of Two Graphs drawn by A Tamil Man: By Mahesan Niranjan Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distributions



              • 2


                Well…..tales beyond 2,500 years is built on historical legend. We don’t need to hold that as absolute truth – that is obvious. Our fellow Tamils don’t know how to differentiate between the nuances of human interactions. That is due to them staying fixated in secluded castes. Other cultures free flow in love, caring and sharing all over the place, and have deeper understanding of humanity.

                • 0

                  [Edited out]

        • 2

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

          “He has conveniently hidden the facts that have been exposed recently by two Sinhala scholars about the genetic make up of Muslims, and is harping about Arab ancestry. For your information, Srilankan Muslims are considered inferiors not only in the middle east by Arabs but also in the south east by Malays. Recently there was an information in this website that Borahs in Srilanka also consider Srilankan Muslims as inferiors. It is time that Muslims stop trying to copy Arabs and thereby ending up in a pathetic state.”

          For your information and edification.

          Different shades of color White Brown, yellow, brown, black etc. are due to environmental factors and the need for Vitamin D to be made. So, those people who were localized, due to natural selection produced monocolor populations. Chinese were “yellow” Africans, Black, even though we all are Africans.

          The African Americans have about 25% white genes. Some African Americans are fairer than the “White” Italians, but still considered black. So, the skin color is a primary indicator, but not the sole indicator of race.


          But that simply means that all migrants coming out of Africa would have had marginal to deficient vitamin D status. The farther the northward migrants got from their place of origin, the worse their vitamin D status. But that tells us nothing about why Neanderthals, particularly, lost the race to survive in Europe. The only sources of vitamin D available to European Homo sp. would have been what little sun exposure might have been available and a diet rich in seafood & marine mammals. The high latitude of most of Europe and its extensive and persistent cloud cover mean that most individuals would have gotten little vitamin D by the solar route, which leaves only food. Greenfield points out that only the Homo sapiens immigrants had developed cultural practices that included fishing and/or eating the meat and fat of marine mammals. As a result, the Homo sapiens “immigrants” would have had been better able to achieve and maintain a healthy vitamin D status than the Neanderthal “natives”.

          The fact remains that the Sri Lankan Muslim Gene Pool is an admixture of Indian (South Indian, East Indian), West Indian, Arabia,Persian, and even some African genes. The gene composition can only be measured by a statistically valid genetic testing. So, they are Not pure Arabs, Not Pure Persians, Not Pure West Indians, South Indians or East Indians. However, they are Africans, just like the Sinhala, Tamils, Arabs and Persians.

          Yes, the Vellahala Tamils are African too, even though they discriminate the “Low” cast Tamils and the Muslims


          When humans first ventured out of Africa some 60,000 years ago, they left genetic footprints still visible today. By mapping the appearance and frequency of genetic markers in modern peoples, we create a picture of when and where ancient humans moved around the world. These great migrations eventually led the descendants of a small group of Africans to occupy even the farthest reaches of the Earth.

          • 7


            well done
            You are lecturing on a medical topic to a medical doctor. He asked you a simple question.
            Does srilankan Muslims are significantly related to Arabs? A simple answer is no

            • 2

              ken robert

              ” Does srilankan Muslims are significantly related to Arabs? A simple answer is no”

              Do not forget that the Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamils and Para-Muslims are All Paras, in the L:and of Native Veddah Aethho.

              The question to ask is, are the a AVERAGE Sri Lanka Muslims significantly related to Arabs? No. Do the Native Veddah Aethho care? No. However, it is interesting to know the facts and the possible truth, because we know all these Paras came from Africa.

              Q1. Average vs. the Distribution of the Genes of Sri Lankan Muslims.

              Q2. Significantly?Is it 1%, 5%, 10%., 25%, 50 % 75%?

              As Amarasiri has stated earlier, the gene distribution is expected to be very wide, with a very large standard deviation.

              One may find many Sri Lankan Muslims in the West coast with Arab Middle Eastern and Persian genes probably in the 5% o 50% range. What about the balance? Probably Tamil, and Sinhala.

              In the East coast, the West coast with Arab Middle Eastern and Persian genes probably be low, and may find many Muslims with only Tamil and Sinhala Genes or some admixture.

              So, the Sri Lankan Muslims speak Tamil. It is likely the female lines predominantly came from Tamil speaking community. Are the Maltese Arabs? Italians?


              Triangle plot shows average admixture of five North American ethnic groups. Individuals that self-identify with each group can be found at many locations on the map, but on average groups tend to cluster differently.

              One can do the same Map for Sri Lankan Musloms with Sinhala Tamil and Foreign ( Arab, Persion, West Asian) haplo groups.


              Gene flow and admixture

              Main article: Gene flow

              Gene flow between two populations reduces the average genetic distance between the populations, only totally isolated human populations experience no gene flow and most populations have continuous gene flow with other neighboring populations which create the clinal distribution observed for moth genetic variation. When gene flow takes place between well-differentiated genetic populations the result is referred to as “genetic admixture”.

              Admixture mapping is a technique used to study how genetic variants cause differences in disease rates between population.[51] Recent admixture populations that trace their ancestry to multiple continents are well suited for identifying genes for traits and diseases that differ in prevalence between parental populations. African-American populations have been the focus of numerous population genetic and admixture mapping studies, including studies of complex genetic traits such as white cell count, body-mass index, prostate cancer and renal disease.

              An analysis of phenotypic and genetic variation including skin color and socio-economic status was carried out in the population of Cape Verde which has a well documented history of contact between Europeans and Africans. The studies showed that pattern of admixture in this population has been sex-biased and there is a significant interactions between socio economic status and skin color independent of the skin color and ancestry.[53] Another study shows an increased risk of graft-versus-host disease complications after transplantation due to genetic variants in human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and non-HLA proteins.

          • 5

            Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

            Amarasiri is just another hat flipping soni with a Sinhala name. His hat is flipping faster than his brain.

        • 2

          To me, IZH never mentioned racism towards Tamils. He first started promoting federalism. However, when he realized that it was not a viable option for the sake of the majority of Lankans, he started writing for country unity. This is when the barrage of typical Tamil insults came hurling down on him. Poor guy!

          But what are we to do about this race of people who are impassioned with their own ancient history, right in our faces in this modern day and age? Are they going to spend eternity on earth and nether-space howling about Tamil prototype culture? I think the best thing for ultimate peace is for all Lankans (and Indians also) to accept, honor, and worship the Tamil gene!

          • 1

            ramona therese fernando

            “I think the best thing for ultimate peace is for all Lankans (and Indians also) to accept, honor, and worship the Tamil gene!”

            The Tamil Gene is bi-modally distributed, resulting in two groups of Tamils, one-with very low IQ compared to the Average and one-with High IQ compared to the Average.

            It is rather unfortunate that the Sri Lankan Tamils have been represented by the Tamils with Low-IQ that has not served the Tamils and the Nation of Sri Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

            Now getting a better understanding of the bimodal IQ distribution of the Tamils, as published in CT.

            The Story Of Two Graphs drawn by A Tamil Man: By Mahesan Niranjan Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distributions



            • 0

              [Edited out]

          • 2

            ramona therese fernando

            “To me, IZH never mentioned racism towards Tamils. He first started promoting federalism. However, when he realized that it was not a viable option for the sake of the majority of Lankans, he started writing for country unity. This is when the barrage of typical Tamil insults came hurling down on him. Poor guy!”

            Yes. Amarasiri agree with the above assertion. Izeth Hussein is Not racist, but simply pointing out the castism and racism of the Sri Lankan Tamils, just like H L D Mahindapala.

            The Tamils are very emotional. They have been let down by their own leaders to come to a pragmatic solution, asked for 50/50, and got the wrath of Sinhala Polititians, who used the Sinhala Buddhist racism and Mahaewansaism, to their electoral advantage.

            Only LSSP and CP were Egalitarian, and even they finally sold out to the Racist parties for perks.

            VP did not succeed and the Tamils are in a less commanding position now.

            Federalism would have worked before the war, but difficult after the war.

            Izeth Hussein is a pragmatist, and the Tamils do not want to hear that.

            G. G, Ponnabalams 50/50 stupidity again.

            Surely, there must be some intelligent Pragmatic Tamils out there, to get this sorted out.

            • 1


              It takes learned legislators and high IQ politicians to understand the rationale behind GGP’s 50/50. He saw the country was going towards tearing itself apart via race and religion. He respected the supremacy of the majority and suggested 50% of the seats in Parliament to them. To the rest of the opposition – including Tamils,Sinhalese Christians and the minorities (including the then numerically and otherwise influential Burghers)- he suggested 50% so that neither side will be overwhelmed and there shall remain Parliamentary accountability in the way the country was ruled. But, for the first time in post WW2, religion entered politics – and the rest in now history. The genie is out of the bottle. Now Buddhist priests are in Parliament. Soon they will be in the Cabinet and will aim higher.
              Last week we read in the media of an arrested Buddhist priest maintaining a Fixed Deposit a/c going to millions of rupees. How did he acquire this and for what? Even ordinary good Buddhists are fearful of the future and, in recent times, overwhelmingly voted against the JHU and other Buddhist-lead political outfits. Theocratic Pakistan is in ruins whereas secular India – that also started Nation building at the sametime – is now an economic and democratic world power. Priests-run Iran is in turmoil.
              Buddhists here are praying to be rid of the influence of the BBS, JHU and the several Ravayas. But the goose is cooked. It is said a marriage between the political State and religion always ends up in disaster and death.


      • 4

        [Edited out] the links to Manchester teacher’s articles are as good as any article by DJ. The articles are his opinion not that of Manchester university to be quoted as the gospel truth.or that of his department
        – It is clearly stated while he is on Peroni.

        Anything official is sealed and signed by the head of department then by the vice chancellor- you are Pera graduate is it still a university or a dosa kadde?? Do you have any self respect??

        Almost all your claims with articles and links are of the status.
        What is your game plan [Edited out] of CT – troll 24/7/53??
        you are no different from `[Edited out] , Sinhala_man with a fit all of whom are being covered by CT proof readers- under truth is a process.
        But you are a dangerous commie puppet Out to hit humanity is it not??

        ” by A Tamil Man” your words only. While he has always maintained he was a Sri Lankan (he is fluent in both sinhala tamil) and presently British and presumably like all good British he would cheer the English team against Lanka.
        Neither you nor Sinhala man have met him but on CT you made plans using Sinhala man who was not in a state to know what you were up to.

        The Story Of Two Graphs drawn by A Tamil Man: By Mahesan Niranjan Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distributions https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/the-story-of-two-graphs-drawn-by-a-tamil-man/onioniqdistributions/ https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/the-story-of-two-graphs-drawn-by-a-tamil-man/

    • 4

      Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,

      //Arabs never brought their women, but co-habited with local women of low caste and low morals (a fact that is conveniently hidden),to produce the Muslim progeny, which shows that even in the first generation, Muslims are only 50% Arab, which had got diluted subsequently.\\

      Arabs did not stop coming after the first generation. More Arabs mixed with the first generation. Then more Arabs mixed with the 2nd generation. And so on. (And the first generation occurred about 3,000 – 5,000 years ago).

      Low-casting was/is a convenient way for Hindus to practice neglect and delinquency on their own race. People who were the victims of e.g. natural disasters, were neglected and eventually put into low-casts that endured sufferingly to this day. (other religions of the worlds did the opposite)

      High-castes only involved boringly with themselves. Millions of Gods were created to entertain secluded communities (even trans-people became a special breed). Other religions were busy looking after their poor and involving themselves in love and caring for of ALL of humanity, and therefore only needed one god or no god.

      • 6

        Ramona fernando : I agree completely with you. Yes, When the racist Arabs arrived in this country 5000 years ago, they were unable to bring their wives because the budget airlines at the time did not allow women. .

        ” Other religions were busy looking after their poor and involving themselves in love and caring for of ALL of humanity, and therefore only needed one god or no god. ” How true, Ramona! Even 5000 years ago, Buddhists were busy giving “dana” to their enemies. And Christians were nailing themselves to crosses to save us from original sin. I am sure the serpent in the garden of Eden was a Vellala.
        “People who were the victims of e.g. natural disasters, were neglected and eventually put into low-casts that endured suffering”
        You are absolutely correct.
        I must tell you that my own research has proved that people who patronise Keels supermarkets are fairer than Cargills customers.
        The darkest ones are found in the Sathosa. This is because of the disastrous quality of Sathosa compared to the other two outlets.

        • 2

          All what she says just comes to her instantly from nowhere, and none of them have valid evidence. If there are any mentally retarded in this forum, they only will believe all these rubbish.

        • 0

          [Edited out]

      • 7

        Dear Ramona,
        From where did you get this information that Arab-Sinhala progeny is 3,000 to 5,000 years old. According to Mahawamsa, the first foreigners to set foot in Srilanka were Vijaya and his friends who were Bangalis about 2,500 years ago. I am sure Hela Urumeeyas are not going to pardon you for stating that.

        If you take history, Arabs started to travel in the Indian ocean only after the fall of the Pallava kingdom which extended from south India to south east Asia, comprising present Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia. During this period it was the Tamils who ruled the waves controlling trade and culture.

        Arabs were a nomadic tribe in North Africa, probably a hybrid race between Caucasians and Negroids, their colour and texture of hair supporting this theory. The original people of middle east are the Sumerians, a dark skinned people who named their city UR and irrigated their lands by damming rivers.

        Does not this description of Sumerians ring a bell to you about the similarity between them and Dravidians. Even in Egypt, the original inhabitants were Coptics and not Arabs. Therefore Arabs are guilty of ethnic cleansing of Coptics and Sumerians. These acts were commited less than 3,000 years ago.

        Once Portuguese arrived in India, they stopped Arab dominating trade in Indian ocean. Arab Language originated from Armaic only 3,000 years ago and Islam is only 1,600 years old. Whatever Arab input into Muslim ethnicity in Srilanka was only for 1000 years. Muslims were later persecuted by Portuguese.

        Caste system was introduced by the Aryans who were also a nomadic tribe from Central Asia. Saivaism was the original religion and the Vedhas with Bramha and Vishnu were incorporated in and called Hinduism. Caste system is now only a factor for marriage amongst Tamils and not for education or employment.

        You are shedding crocodile tears for low caste Tamils. If you had been honest, you should have supported Prabaharan, a non-vellala, who during his power, eliminated caste system to a large degree. Can you deny that there is no caste system among Sinhalese, and the inhuman treatment given to Rodiya clan.

        • 2

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,

          It’s not just Arab-Sinhala progeny, but the whole of South Asian/Arab progeny that we speak about. And Arabs came to South Asia for many millennia. They came as traders because of their desert climes and their lack of recourses – hence the need to trade.

          As it was the men who only came (and went, as they were traders and Muslims at that), the children took upon the South Asian languages of the mothers, like Tamil. After the fall of the Pallava kingdom, they came en masse to our shores- women and all. By the time the Portuguese arrived, the Muslim communities were large enough to assimilate within their own communities. I saw Jaffna Muslims on YouTube and they look very different from the average Tamil (some look Tamil of course, because they have the genes). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIgoFUH8_N0

          Probably Arabs were a mixture of Caucasian and Negroids. But maybe they were one original race. Probably, after thousands years of mixing, they become a distinguishable and genetically unique. Like the Jews, they belong to the genetics of Father Abraham, and have the ability to hear the call of the divine.

          No doubt Sumerians were Dravidians. Indian Dravidians were of the Mohenjo Daro and Harrapan civilizations. And they spread their blue-print culture far and wide, all over Asia. They were a peaceful egalitarian community. (My history teacher Mr. Kukaraja/Guaraja taught us all of this).

          However, nothing is permanent, and others learned from Dravidians, evolved, and are thriving these days- Sinhalese included. You Tamils on the other hand are still harping on ancient history. All hail to Pabarakaran for eliminating the caste system. However, his system merely turned Tamil mentality to another equally subservient one : worship of an ancient call of the ancestors.

          If Tamils are not really caste conscious, what are all those Sakali people about? How come at every turn, Tamil commentators talk about low-castes (besides other perverse and disgusting things) whenever they are confronted in debate – Sinhalese and others never do that? You are living in your own comfortable community and have no ideas of the people that are enslaved by Hindu caste in Sri Lanka that have had to endure hell-fire from all sides. But that’s Tamil Hindu mentality it seems – the whole world is only their community.

          If there’s caste system amongst the Sinhalese, it still a far cry from the Tamils. It is an unfortunate type of culture sharing they got from the Tamils. It has twisted Buddhist mentality, and made them lazy to look after their ill-fated people.

          • 2

            Ms. Ramona,
            ” I saw Jaffna Muslims on YouTube and they look very different from the average Tamil (some look Tamil of course, because they have the genes).”
            I am 100 % with you on this point. Those kids in the video are so fair that they cannot be of low-caste Tamil descent. They possibly could have Kandyan genes. They sing so well in English too, which the Jaffna people cannot.
            Was your teacher Mr. Kukaraja a high caste?

            “If Tamils are not really caste conscious, what are all those Sakali people ?” Where I live in the West, we clean our own toilets of course, even if we are of the Sakkili caste Sri Lankan origin. We do not put cigarette ends in the toilet because they get soggy and difficult to smoke.


            • 1

              Not sure romani….probably Kukaraja was high-caste. We had interesting history books.I think it was this one : https://carousell.com/p/33898605/

              No…no, disrespect towards the Sakili caste. It’s just that there were 10’s of thousands of them in slum areas in the 60’s and 70’s in the Colombo and other areas. A woman called Karapi, with one breast showing, used to come to clean the drains and kakkusi. It was very sad to see. They must be a vibrant class in other places.

              • 0

                Ms Ramona,
                Was Prof. Kukaraja an Indian? If he was, then don’t you agree that we need Indian teachers to improve our students to at least your high level of education? We really could do with more people like yo on CT. CT is now mostly inhabited by people who patronise Sathosa. Where is Karapi now? I would like to see that breast of hers, from a clinical viewpoint, of course.

                • 0


                  Thank you….but I didn’t go beyond some college.

                  Mr. Kukaraja was a lawyer, but worked part time in secondary school in SE Asia. He was from Jaffna. When he taught us Dravidian history, he ran up and down the classroom, raising up his arms in glory. We all stood up and hailed the ancient Dravidian race. He was most passionate when he spoke of Emperor Asoka and Buddhism. He covered the blackboard with Asoka’s name in huge capitals. Wonderful teacher!

              • 0

                The South Indian Sakili caste (Telugu speaking, Andara Demala in Sinhala) who were brought by the British to clean drains and toilets. The Tamils called them Karupan/Karupi (meaning blackee) due to their very dark skin.

                They are very similar to the Sinhala castes Rodiyas and Padu people whose conditions were pitiful among the Sinhalese. Rodiyas had to eat left overs, live through beggary and not cover their upper bodies.

            • 3

              ” We do not put cigarette ends in the toilet because they get soggy and difficult to smoke. “

              So you smoke if there was no water seal. what a moron with the name of a Gypsy. Are you a house maid in the medieval ME??

              “Where I live in the West, we clean our own toilets of course, even if we are of the Sakkili caste”

              Oh so you live in infidel land and cannot be a settler.-
              economic refugee when you fill a form we ask you for your ethnicity.

              take care the portable toilets they blow- boom.!

              • 0

                Dear Mr Mark,
                My friend Sylvestra tells me there are two kinds of people.Thick ones and the other kind.

                • 0

                  2 is just boring company, there are always 3 kinds to make it charming.
                  I offended you when I called you codswallop. I had no idea you thought it was a secret.

                  • 0

                    Dear Mr Mark,
                    It is my secret .I never get offended.

                    • 0

                      [Edited out]

                    • 0

                      Dear Mark,
                      There is more than one way to skin a cat. I believe you are one of the thick (or dim) ones.

                    • 0

                      Your game is hide and squeak.
                      the only sour puss was ct.
                      anyway i take howling dogs off the streets too.

        • 2

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

          Please refer to the HEALTH WARNING I have given above before engaging with Ramona T Fernando.

          She is very famous for concocting stories/fairy tales invented from thin air (mostly blatant lies with bogus statistics that she creates).

          Arabs came to Sri Lanka 3,000 – 5,000 years ago. LOL!

          She is also capable of saying Sinhalese came 100,000 years ago, Buddha was born in Sri Lanka and migrated to India, Adam and Eve were Sinhala-Buddhists, and so on with statistics (starting from 1%, then change to 5%, then 10%, then back to 3% and so on). A very good comedy piece.

          • 2

            King Wala Gemba

            “Arabs came to Sri Lanka 3,000 – 5,000 years ago. LOL!”


            Ancient history of Yemen


            The ancient history of Yemen (South Arabia) is especially important because Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Near East. Its relatively fertile land and adequate rainfall in a moister climate helped sustain a stable population, a feature recognized by the ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy, who described Yemen as Eudaimon Arabia (better known in its Latin translation, Arabia Felix) meaning Fortunate Arabia or Happy Arabia. Between the 8th century BCE and the 6th century, it was dominated by six main states which rivaled each other, or were allied with each other and controlled the lucrative spice trade: Saba’, Ma’īn, Qatabān, Ḥaḑramawt, Awsān, and Himyar. Islam arrived in 630 CE, and Yemen became part of the Muslim realm.

            The centers of the Old South Arabian kingdoms of present-day Yemen lay around the desert area called Ramlat al-Sab`atayn, known to medieval Arab geographers as Ṣayhad. The southern and western Highlands and the coastal region were less influential politically. The coastal cities were however already very important from the beginning for trade. Apart from the territory of modern Yemen the kingdoms extended into Oman, as far as the north Arabian oasis of Dedan, to Ethiopia and even along the East African Coast to modern Tanzania.

            Islamic accounts of pre-dynastic Qahṭān (3rd millennium BCE – 8th century BCE)

            According to some hypotheses, based on the accounts given by medieval Muslim Arab historians, in the 3rd millennium BCE the Semites of the southern Arabian peninsula united under the leadership of Qahṭān.[8] The Qahṭānites began building simple earth dams and canals in the Marib area in the Sayhad desert. This area would later become the site of the Dam of Marib. A trade route began to flourish along the Red Sea coasts of Tihāmah. An order of high priests appeared in South Semitic culture who are referred to as the “Mukkaribs of the Sabeans” represented by local tribal leaders who came to rule South Arabia and some parts of East Africa. This period witnessed the reign of the legendary Queen of Sheba mentioned in the Bible, and called Bilqīs or Balkis by Muslim scholars.[10] At the end of this period, in the 9th century BCE, an alphabet was introduced, this now meant that South Arabian history could be written down.

            Archaeology and the prehistory of Yemen

            The study of South Arabian prehistory is still at the beginning, although sites are known going back to the Palaeolithic. There are tumuli and megalithic enclosures dating back to the Neolithic. Immediately before the historical kingdoms in 2500 two Bronze Age cultures go out of North Yemen and from the coast of the Indian Ocean. In the middle of the second millennium BCE the first important urban centers appear in the coastal area, among which are the sites of Sabir and Ma’laybah. So far it has not been adequately explained whether the Old South Arabian Civilization of Yemen was a direct continuation from the Bronze Age, or if at the beginning of the Iron Age groups of people began wandering south from Palestine or North Arabia, as is partly conjectured.

            Documented history
            It is not yet possible to specify with any certainty when the great South Arabian Kingdoms appeared, estimates range (within the framework of the long chronology) from the 12th until the 8th century BCE.

        • 1

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

          “Dear Ramona, From where did you get this information that Arab-Sinhala progeny is 3,000 to 5,000 years old. “

          Ancient history of Yemen, For Your Information, in support of what Dear Ramona was saying.


          The ancient history of Yemen (South Arabia) is especially important because Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Near East. Its relatively fertile land and adequate rainfall in a moister climate helped sustain a stable population, a feature recognized by the ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy, who described Yemen as Eudaimon Arabia (better known in its Latin translation, Arabia Felix) meaning Fortunate Arabia or Happy Arabia. Between the 8th century BCE and the 6th century, it was dominated by six main states which rivaled each other, or were allied with each other and controlled the lucrative spice trade: Saba’, Ma’īn, Qatabān, Ḥaḑramawt, Awsān, and Himyar. Islam arrived in 630 CE, and Yemen became part of the Muslim realm.

          The centers of the Old South Arabian kingdoms of present-day Yemen lay around the desert area called Ramlat al-Sab`atayn, known to medieval Arab geographers as Ṣayhad. The southern and western Highlands and the coastal region were less influential politically. The coastal cities were however already very important from the beginning for trade. Apart from the territory of modern Yemen the kingdoms extended into Oman, as far as the north Arabian oasis of Dedan, to Ethiopia and even along the East African Coast to modern Tanzania.

          Archaeology and the prehistory of Yemen

          The study of South Arabian prehistory is still at the beginning, although sites are known going back to the Palaeolithic. There are tumuli and megalithic enclosures dating back to the Neolithic. Immediately before the historical kingdoms in 2500 two Bronze Age cultures go out of North Yemen and from the coast of the Indian Ocean. In the middle of the second millennium BCE the first important urban centers appear in the coastal area, among which are the sites of Sabir and Ma’laybah. So far it has not been adequately explained whether the Old South Arabian Civilization of Yemen was a direct continuation from the Bronze Age, or if at the beginning of the Iron Age groups of people began wandering south from Palestine or North Arabia, as is partly conjectured.

          Islamic accounts of pre-dynastic Qahṭān (3rd millennium BCE – 8th century BCE)

          According to some hypotheses, based on the accounts given by medieval Muslim Arab historians, in the 3rd millennium BCE the Semites of the southern Arabian peninsula united under the leadership of Qahṭān. The Qahṭānites began building simple earth dams and canals in the Marib area in the Sayhad desert. This area would later become the site of the Dam of Marib. A trade route began to flourish along the Red Sea coasts of Tihāmah. An order of high priests appeared in South Semitic culture who are referred to as the “Mukkaribs of the Sabeans” represented by local tribal leaders who came to rule South Arabia and some parts of East Africa. This period witnessed the reign of the legendary Queen of Sheba mentioned in the Bible, and called Bilqīs or Balkis by Muslim scholars. At the end of this period, in the 9th century BCE, an alphabet was introduced, this now meant that South Arabian history could be written down.

          Archaeology and the prehistory of Yemen

          The study of South Arabian prehistory is still at the beginning, although sites are known going back to the Palaeolithic. There are tumuli and megalithic enclosures dating back to the Neolithic. Immediately before the historical kingdoms in 2500 two Bronze Age cultures go out of North Yemen and from the coast of the Indian Ocean. In the middle of the second millennium BCE the first important urban centers appear in the coastal area, among which are the sites of Sabir and Ma’laybah. So far it has not been adequately explained whether the Old South Arabian Civilization of Yemen was a direct continuation from the Bronze Age, or if at the beginning of the Iron Age groups of people began wandering south from Palestine or North Arabia, as is partly conjectured.

          Documented history

          It is not yet possible to specify with any certainty when the great South Arabian Kingdoms appeared, estimates range (within the framework of the long chronology) from the 12th until the 8th century BCE.

        • 1

          Gnana ,
          Take care both women have no brain.
          the other is malay name and ra be la is fishing.
          no different from [Edited out] IH.

      • 2

        ramona therese fernando

        “Arabs did not stop coming after the first generation. More Arabs mixed with the first generation. Then more Arabs mixed with the 2nd generation. And so on. (And the first generation occurred about 3,000 – 5,000 years ago). “

        Thank you. Quite Revealing.

        The Problem most have is that many ignorant people think that Arabs were there only After Islam around the 7th century CE. That of course include Tamils as well as many others.

        The fact is that in Yemen and Southern Arabia, there were Arabs, for quite some time. They traded with Egypt and the Indian Ocean States including India and Sri Lanka, Serendib. The ancient Sinhala called these Yemani Arab Trades Yonakas, Yonaka in Sinhala and Shohana in Tamil. This probably went on for a thousand years or two, until the 7th Century CE, when they got converted to Islam. However, they were still called Yonaka, and Shohona.

        Ancient history of Yemen


        The ancient history of Yemen (South Arabia) is especially important because Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Near East. Its relatively fertile land and adequate rainfall in a moister climate helped sustain a stable population, a feature recognized by the ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy, who described Yemen as Eudaimon Arabia (better known in its Latin translation, Arabia Felix) meaning Fortunate Arabia or Happy Arabia. Between the 8th century BCE and the 6th century, it was dominated by six main states which rivaled each other, or were allied with each other and controlled the lucrative spice trade: Saba’, Ma’īn, Qatabān, Ḥaḑramawt, Awsān, and Himyar. Islam arrived in 630 CE, and Yemen became part of the Muslim realm.

        Sabaean inscription addressed to the moon-god Almaqah, mentioning five South Arabian gods, two reigning sovereigns and two governors, 7th century BCE.

        It is not yet possible to specify with any certainty when the great South Arabian Kingdoms appeared, estimates range (within the framework of the long chronology) from the 12th until the 8th century BCE.

        Islamic accounts of pre-dynastic Qahṭān (3rd millennium BCE – 8th century BCE)

        According to some hypotheses, based on the accounts given by medieval Muslim Arab historians, in the 3rd millennium BCE the Semites of the southern Arabian peninsula united under the leadership of Qahṭān. The Qahṭānites began building simple earth dams and canals in the Marib area in the Sayhad desert. This area would later become the site of the Dam of Marib. A trade route began to flourish along the Red Sea coasts of Tihāmah. An order of high priests appeared in South Semitic culture who are referred to as the “Mukkaribs of the Sabeans” represented by local tribal leaders who came to rule South Arabia and some parts of East Africa. This period witnessed the reign of the legendary Queen of Sheba mentioned in the Bible, and called Bilqīs or Balkis by Muslim scholars. At the end of this period, in the 9th century BCE, an alphabet was introduced, this now meant that South Arabian history could be written down.

    • 9

      In the West during the late eighties, for Refugee claim by SL Muslims they identify themselves as the following opening line in their Personal Information Form:


      Muslims again are a differently one Tamil community. If not tell me that all Muslims speak in Arabic or Sinhala at home.

      In what language do the SL Muslims preach the sermon (Bana) presented during the Friday Jumma?? Arabic, Sinhala or Tamil??

      In every Arab country, the SL Muslims are not considered as even mixed Arabs, they do not even recognize the SL Muslims are equals when it comes to Arab/Muslim brotherhood (considered very similar to low-caste in South India/Sri Lanka).

    • 3

      Arabs never came in their thousands or settled down. They only a came to trade and it was a few hundred Arabs who came to the coasts of South India and the island and this also over a span of a few hundred years. Like what you stated they never brought their womenfolk. There wives were left at home and they just took various local woman as their keeps where ever they went. In South India and in Sri Lanka it was Tamil low caste women of loose moral. The first Muslims in South India and in Sri Lanka were the half caste bastards of these few hundred Arab traders over a span of a few hundred years and these loose morale low caste Tamil women. However these part Arab part Tamil half caste bastards made only a very small percentage of the local Muslim population of South India( Then Tamil Kerala and modern Tamil Nadu) and the coastal littorals of the island that was also Tamil. Most of the Muslims were low caste Tamils who converted to Islam. Even these small amount of half castes gradually got submerged into these low caste Tamil converts to Islam over the generations.
      In Tamil Nadu the Muslim Lebbai caste comes from the interior villages whilst the Marrikar or Marikayar are largely from the coast. Coming from the interior the Lebbais would have hardly had any Arab blood at all. So it is very funny to see many Lebbais in Sri Lanka getting up on public platforms and stating they are not Tamils but Arabs( sic).
      Further unlike in Sri Lanka where all these Tamils Muslims castes like the Lebbais Marrikar Rawther, Kayalar Thambi have all heavily intermarried, in their ancestral homeland in Tamil Nadu they do not marry into each other but remain strictly endogamous. They also hardly move with each other and consider themselves as separate communities or castes.

    • 1

      Dr Sankaralingham.

      In which reputable journal was it published these “two recent DNA studies undertaken” you mention?
      Or is it a figment of your imagination because of your lighter skin colour?.

      • 0

        I am sorry for your ignorance.
        Go to Google and type DNA studies on Srilankans.
        There had been several postings in Colombo Telegraph website regarding the findings of these two independant studies.
        One was conducted by Colombo Medical faculty in collaboration with Newcastle University and other was conducted by Colombo Science faculty in collaboration with Bangkok University. Both came to similar conclusions.
        These have disproved the Aryan ancestry of Sinhalese and Arab ancestry of Muslims. Even the Bengali origin is questionable as Tamils have a higher Bengali genetic material input (26%) when compared to Sinhalese (21%).
        Please stop attacking others without finding the truth.

        • 0

          “”Tamils have a higher Bengali genetic material input (26%) when compared to Sinhalese (21%).””

          Bengali’s holders of chillie eating records- Jamie Oliver

          it is of no surprise why the 2 continuously fight.
          Hot stuff the Little Red Devils

    • 0

      Dr G Sankaralingam – you say that the Arabs who came here cohabited with “women of low caste and low morals”. You imply of course that those Arabs and their progeny got into a degraded condition thereby. There must be many Westerners who today marry so-called low caste Tamils among the expatriates. Do those Westerners and their progeny also become degraded thereby? Or does that apply only to Muslims? I request Paul also to answer those questions. – IH

      • 2

        Dear Izeth,
        Arabs first landed in the south coast such as Beruwela and Galle. I have asked several Sinhala friends who told me that none of their high caste Sinahala women co-habited with Arabs. It is common for sailors to have sex with women at their port of call, and it is well known about the morality of these women. Arabs are not exception to this for Sinhala people to throng in numbers to give their women for co-habitation with Arabs. The fact that none of the Muslims speak about who their female ancesters were goes to prove the statement by my Sinhala friends. People like you have an inferiority complex due to this fact, and are pouncing on those who revealing it.

        • 1

          Timeline of the Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula- 800 years of Sex Slavery
          The arabs came to cochin continously for pepper. the arabs thought the world was flat and travelled only eastwards Banda Isalnds and beyond excluding Japan which was a recluse and advance nation.
          Portugese followed their route aided by arab and african slaves.
          VOC drew the first map.

          look at the features of portugese and southern spanish- dark skin and Mediterranean features.

        • 0

          Dr Gnana.
          Very interesting and very scientific.You get your information from your Sinhalese friends.
          Information on the internet is not always credible;the information
          you quoted from is questionable.

        • 1

          Dr G. Sankaralingam – you are being evasive. Arabs first landed in Beruwale and Galle many centuries ago.Your Sinhalese friends of today say that Sinhalese high caste women did not cohabit with Arabs. How do they know? Are they historians? If so, what are their sources? Answer these questions. Don’t evade them.
          Of course Arab sailors landing here would have had sex with women of low morals.Stands to reason. But we are talking of Arabs who settled down here. Paul has been making the point that the local Muslims are the descendants of low caste Tamils who converted to Islam and married low caste Tamils. Now both of you say the females were of low morals. Anyway some Arabs married local women who were allegedly low caste Tamils. Both you and Paul have clearly insisted that their progeny of today are therefore a degraded lot.
          There must be many Westerners who have married allegedly low caste Tamil females who have gone West. Are the progeny of those Westerners degraded by that process, or does that point apply only to Muslims? Answer to the point please. – IH

          • 0

            Dr Gnana.
            You sound very clever using big words like “anthropometry” and quoting cherry picked information from google.
            Why can’t you accept the fact that you are a mongrel like the rest of us and your “light” skin colour is a throw back.
            It is a scientific fat that the colour of your skin is passed on genetically or as a mutation.

      • 0

        [Edited out]

  • 9

    Idiots who theorize on casteism, and racism live in a world of their own.
    Their imagined attacks by others for their theories show that they are mentally disturbed too.
    Such attitude gives them satisfaction.

  • 3

    Izeth Hussain

    RE:A Note On Casteist Racism

    1. “Earlier I have sought to explain the fact that Tamil anti-Muslim racism has been much worse than that of the Sinhalese on the ground that the Tamils are far more caste conscious than the Sinhalese.”

    You are getting there, but the core cause is Hinduism, Religion. Like in Judaism, where God selected Jews, in Hinduism, selected the Higher castes to be above the lower castes. This was also true of White enslaving the Blacks, and the Christian Church and the Popes approving the practice.

    The Tamils follow the Hinduism, and follow the Hindu Caste System. Buddhism did not promote the Caste System, and the Sinhala Buddhists have no Theological basis for discriminating based on caste. They will discriminate based on race, ethnicity or religion though Buddhism abhors such practices.

    One interesting observation was what was narrated by some black men in America related to Hindu Indians Vs. Black and Muslim Indians, Pakistanis and other Asians vs. Black. He mentioned that Hindu Indians are more racists towards Blacks than the other Asians, on a relative basis. and was wondering if it was Hinduism and the Hindu Caste System, that placed the Blacks as the Untouchable low caste?

    2. ” But since then practically every article of mine has provoked attacks by one or more Tamils, exhibiting the same hysterical hatred and mad dog rage. One Tamil held that the attacks were because I had infamously advocated famine as a weapon to subdue the Tamil rebellion. But I have shown more than once that I was outspokenly against that. It is known of course that part of the explanation for Tamil anti-Muslim hatred is that the Muslims consistently took the Sinhalese side against the Tamils.”

    Ask the Tamils who are attacking you to:

    1. Go in front of a mirror and read the articles by Mahindapala, Hoover, Izeth and the distribution of Tamil IQs. It is sad and unfortunate that the Tamils had such short-sighted leaders in P. Ramanathan, G G Ponnabalam, S J V Chelvanayagam, the “Vellahala” Gang to mislead them.

    Yes, there is a lot of water under the Hinduism and the Vellahala Bridges. The Tamils need to learn, be pragmatic and move on.

    What can the “low-caste” Tamils and other non-Vellahalas expect from the “high-caste” Hindu Vellahalas Tamils? Perpetual Damnation? What a great religion for the non-Vellahalas.

    Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distribution is bimodal.

    • 5

      You are really set in your ways; what a pity!

      Show where in Hindu scriptures that casteism is enshrined.

      • 3

        Burning Issue

        “Show where in Hindu scriptures that casteism is enshrined.”

        This is a great question. The Same question should be asked from Jews why they are superior, and “selected” bu God, as the “Chosen” People. It is All in the “God” given Scriptures of their Religions.

        Caste system in India

        Caste, varna and jāti (Hinduism)

        Literally varna means colour, and was a framework for grouping people into classes, first used in Vedic Indian society. It is referred to frequently in the ancient Indian texts.The four classes were the Brahmins (priestly people), the Kshatriyas (also called Rajanyas, who were rulers, administrators and warriors), the Vaishyas (artisans, merchants, tradesmen and farmers), and Shudras (labouring classes). The varna categorisation implicitly had a fifth element, being those people deemed to be entirely outside its scope, such as tribal people and the untouchables.

        B. R. Ambedkar delivering a speech to a rally at Yeola, Nasik, on 13 October 1935. Ambedkar strongly campaigned against Caste System in India, fought for the rights of dalits and other socially backward classes, his entire life.

        Gandhi visiting Madras (now Chennai) in 1933 on an India-wide tour for Harijan causes. His speeches during such tours and writings discussed the discriminated-against castes of India.


        • 5

          I too am strongly against the caste based oppressions and loath such practices to the core. But the issue is that you projected that casteism is enshrined in Hinduism and Buddhism does not. I asked you to show as to where in Hinduism casteism enshrined.

          I know all about the Indian caste centric dispositions and I am privy to mass convertion to Buddhism orchestrated by Ambedker. Casteism is existing among the Sinhala Buddhist too. So without prevaricating you need to show as to exactly where in Hinduism you see casteism enshrined.

          You wrtite bucket loads and at times you exhibit ignorance. You are master at cherry picking. Attack the Indian subcontinent for its caste centric existence but do not resort to ranking as to who is worste than the other!

          • 2

            Burning Issue

            “Show where in Hindu scriptures that casteism is enshrined.”

            It is there, in many Hindu Scriptures. If not there, why are the Hindus practicing Castism? Jews Practice Racism, because it is there in the Old Testament.

            The Caste System and
            the Stages of Life in Hinduism

            The pattern of social classes in Hinduism is called the “caste system.” The chart shows the major divisions and contents of the system. Basic caste is called varn.a, , or “color.” Subcaste, or jâti, , “birth, life, rank,” is a traditional subdivision of varn.a. Sometimes “caste” is avoided as a word for varn.a. Whether or not that is done, it is common for “caste” to be used for the subcastes. Combined with the four “stages of life,” the âshramas, , the system becomes the varn.âshramadharma, , the “dharma of classes and orders.” One’s duty, or dharma, , in life depends on the variables of caste, sex, and stage of life


            According to the Laws of Manu (whose requirements may not always be observed in modern life), boys are “born again” at specific ages: 8 for Brahmins; 11 for Ks.atriyas; and 12 for Vaishyas. A thread is bestowed at the coming of age to be worn around the waist as the symbol of being twice born. The equivalent of coming of age for girls is marriage — although women are not always considered part of the âshrama system at all. Nevertheless, the bestowal of the thread is part of the wedding ceremony. That part of the wedding ritual is even preserved in Jainism. Ancient Iran also had a coming of age ceremony that involved a thread. That and other evidence leads to the speculation that the three classes of the twice born are from the original Indo-European social system — the theory of Georges Dumézil. Even the distant Celts believed in three social classes. The three classes of Plato’s Republic thus may not have been entirely his idea. Although there must have been a great deal of early intermarriage in India, nowhere did such an Indo-European social system become as rigid a system of birth as there. The rigidity may well be due to the influence of the idea of karma, that poor birth is morally deserved.

            According to the Laws of Manu, when the twice born come of age, they enter into the four âshramas, , or “stages of life.” I notice that dictionaries I have, both of Sanskirt and Hindi, say that these apply to Brahmins. But there is no doubt, from the Laws of Manu and from the history, that all they apply to all the twice born. Nevertheless, various anomalous constructions of the system occur.

            • 4


              burning issue asked a simple question. where exactly you found in Hindu scriptures?
              I hope your prejudices against Hindus will melt if you try to find the answer for above questions.

              2:285 “ The messenger believes in what was sent down to him from his Lord. And the believers, all who believe in God, and His angels, and His Scriptures, and His messengers: “We do not differentiate between any of His messengers;” and they said: “We hear and obey, forgive us O Lord, and to you is our destiny.”
              Al quran

              • 1

                ken robert

                Discussing Hinduism and the Support for the Caste System.

                Amarasiri is confused. He was looking for the Hindu scripture passages that support Castism and by extension racism. Here is some support.

                CASTE SYSTEM- Blessing or Curse??!!

                Some References on Hindu Caste System..

                Coming back to Caste System, once upon a time, it have helped smooth functioning of society, but today it has to be dropped from Hinduism for ever. True, some one can quote different verses from scriptures [Rig Veda & Manu smriti] and defend it, but as far as I am concerned, CASTE SYSTEM HAS CREATED MULTITUDES OF PROBLEMS IN HINDU SOCIETY.

                Some state that , according to the Vedas themselves caste is not based on birth. But I have not seen those scriptural statements in the Vedas. I have also not seen any kind of ritual to transform a Shudra to a Brahmin either in any Hindu scriptures. Born as Shurda, die as Shudra..that is the name of the game.

                It has destroyed the beautiful fabric of Hinduism. It created demonic things like “BRAHMINISM” and DEVADASI SYSTEM” . Amazing that , in the name of caste, our society STILL forbids [socially] Namboodiris [Kerala Brahmins] marrying any lower castes; Wariers marrying Nairs and Nairs marrying Theyas etc. In the name of age old caste system, society ill-treated and still ill-treating millions in North India. May be once upon a time, Caste system may be helpful for the proper function of the society, but today it should be abolished from the MIND OF THE MAN for ever.

                Let me boldly state that, if I WAS BORN AS AN UNTOUCHABLE, I will have no LOVE AFFAIR with Hinduism and will put down Hinduism, when ever I get a chance and will become a Buddhist or a Christian. Why should I stay in a religion or a culture or in a society, WHERE I AM TREATED AS A SECOND CLASS DEVOTEE??????


              • 1

                ken robert ,

                \Amarasiri the [Edited out] has been caught.
                It was Baddi Ud Din that let them learn English as 1st and Sinhala as 2nd.

                from Utopian ideas to fooling us about socialism then sticking to Egalitarianism as at Iceland (but he did not like the west at all at any point) Was it the Japanese Utopian like at Koyoto he would not tell.

                He has been plagiarizing constantly with outdated data which carried links that carried spyware.

                presently he is working for ISIS thing since Fatima is away – money talks.

                He belongs to the [Edited out] on CT that never give up. once I asked him why do you spread your post like an apron – response- I want folk to read it it at any cost- audacity!!

                a Peradeniya uni arts hydrocele case. So he picks up Talawakelle guys IQ test as testimony for I.Q of nations. While Bell Curve is for individuals if at all it is accepted. He handles a typist pool as manager IQ 65.

                The [Edited out] is another Dead rat Narendran who is always cock sure even when prove wrong.

            • 1

              I asked a simple question and you wrote a bucket loads but prevaricated!

              The vast amount of the so-called low caste people are still Hindus; despite centuries of oppression and injustice they are still Hindus. This proves that there is nothing in the Hindu scriptures about maintaining the caste observations. This is a fact.

              My other point is that, the Buddhist clergy in Sri Lanka is divided along the caste lines. There is no mention of caste is the Buddhist philosophy; yet, the Sinhala people are categorised along caste lines! You may say that Sinhala are not as bad as the Tamils but it is beside the point.

              Hence, using your argument that Hindus practice casteism so it must be devised in the Hindu scriptures is completely disproved. You cannot have one rule for the Sinhala and another for the Tamils!

              You say that both Mahindapala and IH are exposing the Tamil caste issues for the good of the Tamils. This I totally disagree. Both are anti-Tamils; this is evident in their liberal outpouring of their hate towards the Tamils.

              DR Rajan Hoole constructively highlights the past and present caste based injustices among the Tamils. No One sees targeted polemics towards him. The Tamils attack these two individuals because we see through their insidious agendas.

              My advise to you is, you need to do research first before writing uncorroborated materials on public forums!

              • 1

                Burning Issue

                “DR Rajan Hoole constructively highlights the past and present caste based injustices among the Tamils. No One sees targeted polemics towards him. The Tamils attack these two individuals because we see through their insidious agendas.”

                Why not give up Hinduism, just like Dr. Amabedelkar and and the other mullions?

                The reason is very simple.

                DR Rajan Hoole, whom Amrasiri Admires, is a Tamil who knows where not to thread on Castism and Racism of the Tamils.

                Izeth Hussein, whom Amrasiri respects, is a Muslim who knows where not to thread on Castism and Racism of the Tamils, but had to be reported for the general good of both Tamils, Muslims and others. Iseth Hussein is also severely criticized by Fundamentalist Muslims, Wahhabies, for his exposure of them.

                H L D Mahindapala, a MaRa Shill, is a Sinhala who knows where not to thread on Castism and Racism of the Tamils, but had to be reported for the general good of both Tamils, Muslims and others. He is the most likely candidate fir an internal agenda.

                Are the Tamils now funded by Israel and the Christian Fundamentalist West? What about Pro-Israel rallies in Batticloa for killing Palestinians? How many are paid Shills of Israelis, Christian West and others?

                • 0

                  You are simply a lunatic and there is no other word for it. You attacked Hinduism baselessly. When pointed out you prevaricate with spewing unrelated nonsense.

                  You need to grow up and find a man or a woman and enjoy life because the Tamil issues are beyond your comprehension!

                  • 1

                    Burning Issue

                    “You attacked Hinduism baselessly. When pointed out you prevaricate with spewing unrelated nonsense.”

                    If Cast-ism and Racism is not there in the Hindu scriptures, why are the Hindus practicing cast-ism and racism? Why did the Dalits and other “Low” caste Hindus convert? Do you mean to imply that Castism and racism is not there in the Scriptures, but only found in Hindu tradition, that has not been written down yet? It is very rare for a Buddhist to convert to Hinduism and accept castism and racism.

                    The Buddhas teachings were practiced and chanted for 300 years before it was written down at the Alu Vihare Temple in Sri Lanka in Pali around 29 BCE . It was composed in North India, and preserved orally until it was committed to writing during the Fourth Buddhist Council in Sri Lanka in 29 BCE, approximately 454 years after the death of Gautama Buddha.

                    Clearly the Hindu scriptures must not have preached Egalitarianism and equality of Humans.

    • 0

      Amarasiri – the detail that according to a black American the Hindu Indians are more racist towards the blacks than other Asians is very interesting and very revelatory. It is just what has to be expected from what is known of the caste mentality.I feel pretty certain that empirical research on racism towards the blacks in America among emigres will establish that there is a solid case for establishing a case for the category “casteist racism”. I recall reading a book by Dom Moraes decades ago in which he recounted his surprise that after he addressed a meeting in New Delhi some Indian students actually faulted him for having spoken to some American blacks who were there. – IH

      • 1

        Why do the Arabs look down on the Muslims of Indian subcontinent? Isn’t that racism? What exactly precipitate such dislike of people belong to the same faith? The Arabs will treat the white Europeans with respects and at the same time treat the Pakistanis and bangladeshies as filth why?

        • 1

          Burning Issue,

          In Africa e.g. places like Sudan – where Arabs and black Sudanese rule in different parts of the vast country there is extreme racial discrimination. One of the main reasons of Sudan split is on account of this. Arabs are racial bigots as anyone else.


          • 0


            Yes, you are absolutely correct. The Tamil society is moving on rapidly. It is evident in the history of the Tamil struggle that no seminal event is predicated on upholding caste discrimination. The voting patterns of the Tamils in early elections will show that there was no appetite for federalism and let alone separation.

            However, I heard stories from elders of the past caste based oppressions. When I was young, there was a abhomonable event at Maaviddapuram temple where some people from higher caste were preventing the lower caste people from entering the temple. This was challenged by people mainly from higher caste. The revolution started much earlier from the advent of youth congress.

            What Mahindapala and Hussain write now are totally outdated materials for their narrow agendas. The Tamil and Sinhala must reconcile on a viable and workable platform and build a nation. Both Mahidapala and Hussain are a disgrace to jouranalistic contingents. Their below the belt writings are designed to evoke anti-Tamil sentiments from both Sinhala and Tamils.

            • 0

              Burning Issue – SL Tamils have come a long way on the caste matter since the Temple Entry issue that was, as you say, resisted also by high caste Tamils. I know-knew then Police R. Sundaralingam and the late Communist leader Shanmugathasan – both Vellalas – who fought against this scourge. Look at the Tamil leadership today – they are a mix from the entire Tamil Nation. Caste is on the way out – both in Tamilnadu, India and all of Sri Lanka. Certainly credit must be given to the militants who dominated the Lankan Tamil political stage from the 1970s to 2000 for this. But vestiges still remain although to a much lesser extent.

              The benefits of Sinhala-Tamil cooperation may arrive sooner than we thought as the outlook of people from both sides of the divide is changing. They are now moving towards unity and reconciliation. Our greatest threat is the declining economy – that can derail all good intentions.


      • 1

        “Hindu Indians “

        Saraswat Brahmin Indians are the best that America has found after Ashkenazi Jews.

        They are just 0.1 % of American population and are the next power after the Ashkenazi Jews.

        it troubles sex loving muslims No??

        Singh the 102 marathon runner is a raja vellala- see the video above as to why he is able to run. Jalander Punjab has the big time beer drinkers.

        Don’t think you are smart stupid Josephian. Even the Peterites. duck when they see us.

  • 7

    It has taken Mr. Hussain a loooong time to learn what the majority of Muslims knew all along!

  • 4

    Izeth Hussain

    RE:A Note On Casteist Racism

    “The material provided by attacks on my articles in the Colombo Telegraph by Tamil racists over a long period prompts the thought that there could be a case for establishing a special category of racism that might appropriately be called “casteist racism””

    This is not new. It has its roots, Castist Racism, in Hinduism. Racism was widely practices, and religion, Christianity and Islam, has in fact sanctioned it as slavery.

    Q. Are Indians racist against black people? What role is Hinduism Playing here? Are Hindu Vellahalas Tamils more Castist-Racists than non-Hindus ans non-Vellahalas? Is there such a thing as the Vellahala Buddhists?

    Given Below is how an Indian women narrated.

    Ha! I can totally relate to this! When I lived in India, I had several girlfriends from Kenya, who were living in India, studying nursing. Indians would either ignore them or give them dirty looks.

    Growing up, all the girls in my grade with light/fair/white skin were always showered with attention, and placed on a pedestal. Anglo-Indian girls who looked very British (there were several at the convent I studied at) with blonde/sandy brown hair and green eyes were the most popular girls in school. Boys from the neighboring schools would chase them, follow them, drool after them.

    The girls with brown or darker skin almost felt like they didn’t exist. In some instances, girls with really dark skin were called names, bullied and the like.

    Comments like:

    “Don’t associate with that girl, see how black she is? Her heart is as black as her skin, not a good girl!” were typical comments from adults and other girls.

    I was always cautioned by my mother:

    “Don’t stay out in the sun too long, you will become black!!!!!!”

    If my sister (who was a tomboy) played outside too long, and walked into the house, my mother would gasp, “See!!! I told you not to play out too long, see how ‘black’ you’ve become!!!!!”

    Anything “black” is frowned upon and shunned. When my husband and I got a new dog, who is an all-black dog, beautiful shiny black hair, the first thing my father said:

    “That dog hasn’t any other color on its body, its completely black, pitch-black!!!” LOL.

    When Indians place matrimonial ads in the papers, the first thing parents and prospective grooms look for: “Wanted: Fair, slim young girl with degrees!” Either that, or: “Wanted: Wheatish-colored girl for tall, dark and handsome groom!” By “wheatish” I guess they meant light brown, or a honey/caramel color, lol.

    Anyway, Indians are too obsessed with color, period. They need to get over it.

    The Sri Lankan Tamils too need to get over their Castism-Racism.

    The Sri Lankan Tamils will be considered “Black”, as per above narrative.

    • 4

      It was not always the case. it probably happened after the rule of the Indian sub-continent by the Europeans and other races which has broken the self esteem of the people of the sub-continent people. using force to enslave peoples takes a lot of energy. destroying their self esteem and using their own mind to control them by making them believe they are inferior conserves energy for the oppressor. take a long time to destroy and takes the same to revert back. I believe it is on reverse course now.

      1) Marco Polo in The Travel (Translated by R Latham, Penguin, 1958), “For I assure you that the darkest man is here the most highly esteemed and considered better than others who are not so dark. Let me add that in very truth these people portray and depict their gods and their idols black and their devils white as snow.” (believe he was in the Tamil country)

      2) Goddess Kali( from “kal” meaning black) or Durga
      Krishna again meaning “the dark one” later depicted as blue
      3) Rama again dark
      4) All powerful Shiva

      and many many more

      • 0


        “2) Goddess Kali( from “kal” meaning black) or Durga Krishna again meaning “the dark one” later depicted as blue”

        Mohamed Ali, the Champion Boxer wanted to know why Jesus was White and had blue Eyes, when he went to Church, before he converted.

  • 4

    [The material provided by attacks on my articles in the Colombo Telegraph by Tamil racists over a long period prompts the thought that there could be a case for establishing a special category of racism that might appropriately be called “casteist racism”.]

    According to you (Tamil hater/traitor(Ettappan)), you are a non Tamil and you have no right to talk about problems of Tamils. It is now better to talk about Religious racism.

    [Earlier I have sought to explain the fact that Tamil anti-Muslim racism has been much worse than that of the Sinhalese on the ground that the Tamils are far more caste conscious than the Sinhalese.]

    Earlier we already declared the fact that Traitor Sonis’ anti-Tamil racism is much worse than that of the Mahavamsa Sinhalese on the ground that the Soni’s are far more religious conscious than the Mahavamsa Sinhalese.

  • 4

    [He has put himself in the position of a superior to an inferior, of an elder brother to a younger brother, of a superior caste to a lower caste. That’s a clear example of Tamil anti-Muslim casteist racism in action.]

    Soni and Tuan are with malicious intention trying to provoke Tamils on caste basis. Surprisingly you people will not in your pathetic attempts.

    Modayas and Muttals are always tries to fool the intellectuals who will ignore them.

  • 3

    [But I believe that I am the only Muslim to have consistently berated the Muslim politicians for their support for every bit of Sinhalese racist idiocy against the Tamils.]

    Oh really, we believed it.

  • 10

    Izeth Hussain,

    “”A Note On Casteist Racism””

    Note , Note,
    moat mote wrote boat vote coat goat rote smote cote dote tote remote throat denote float quote connote groat inchoate gloat bloat promote devote afloat rewrote anecdote antidote overcoat greatcoat motorboat topcoat underwrote waistcoat petticoat creosote ferryboat riverboat

    Walla O Wackarbar Boom;))))

  • 4


    Let me ask you a simple question – do you believe that the current laws have ignored the issues that you have raised? Or are you talking about the failure to implement these laws? Or are you frustrated that victims are not reporting victimistaion out of sheer ignorance, fear or believe that the laws are defunct that their report will fall on deaf ears.

    You are a pretty donkey chasing ghosts. Instead you should vilify the failure of a system and the failure of governance, a system you were once part of. What a bunch of donkeys like you failed then and is continuing now, you should be shouting at the top of the voice that you people don’t deserve shirt and pants for failing society as a whole.

    People are people. Those who lead, and you were part of that, should know that there is no place in modern society for such misgivings. Who failed whom? You are barking at the wrong tree Izeth. There are already laws, both local and universal, to punish perpetrators. You are imposing your failures unnecessarily on the people. Can you tell me bluntly that there are no laws governing the conduct of these issues? I believe a person of your stature ought to know what or where it has gone wrong. Instead you continue to whip a dead horse/donkey.

    The uproar that permeates most western societies on any similar issues do not happen hear. Why? Either the laws are there simply to decorate the statute books and to appease international conscience bearers or people are still dumb enough not to understand these laws. If you are as sincere as your pen would want us to believe, you should seriously pursue on these avenues.

    You claim to be an illustrative career officer. Write about educating people. Write about how Sri Lankans can benefit from the vast knowledge you may have accumulated over the years. Write about educating people in how they can start small businesses to uplift themselves. Society will praise you. Learn from Muhammad Yunus of Bangaldesh who even got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

    Right know, the more of the gibberish you write, the more you appear as a frustrated old and grumpy man. What a waste?

    • 0

      Is this a personal attack?Does not make sense.

  • 5

    I appeal to all the Tamils that we should not get wound up on account of IH’s constant provocative utterances. He is endeavouring to drive a schism between the Sinhala and Tamils and at the same time implicitly elevating the Muslims.

    He knows that a conducive platform has been constructed on which both the Sinhala and Tamils will reconcile eventually. IH knows in terms of what such harmony between the Sinhala and Tamils means for the Muslims. By projecting the Tamils as castest racists and the Sinhala in better light he is hoping that the attention of the Sinhala will continue to be focused on the Tamils.

    But in reality both Hinduism and Buddhism are compatible religions and Islam in particular is alian to Sinhala. There ere undercurrents and BBS amplified this. It will not be long for this to fester again in a giant scale. When this happens, I appeal to all the Tamils to show mercy on the Muslims and protect them in anyway possible.

    • 2

      Burning Issue

      “I appeal to all the Tamils that we should not get wound up on account of IH’s constant provocative utterances. He is endeavouring to drive a schism between the Sinhala and Tamils and at the same time implicitly elevating the Muslims.”

      Amarasiri does NOT sere it as above. He is simply describing a problem, an issue that must be addressed. It is the same case with H L D Mahindapala talking about Vellahala Racism, and Dr. Rajan Hoole talking about the Tamils messing up the Tamil Struggle.

      What they all are doing is Expose, Expose and Expose.

      They are doing great service to the Hindu Tamils, to help themselves, and the others who have to interact with them.

      This is a good thing. Tamils must address the Hinduism originated cast-ism and racism, ins read of trying to abuse those who are trying to report the problem.

      A Tamil Hindu will nor report the problem, because he is Tamil and Hindu, and by Tradition, will be frowned upon.

      • 3

        [Amarasiri does NOT sere it as above. He is simply describing a problem, an issue that must be addressed. It is the same case with H L D Mahindapala talking about Vellahala Racism, and Dr. Rajan Hoole talking about the Tamils messing up the Tamil Struggle. What they all are doing is Expose, Expose and Expose.]

        Dear Amara, whether Tamils have caste issue alone and nothing else ah?.

        These people never uttered anything when Tamils were attacked or killed or abused by Hybrid Modayas and Muttal sonis. They expose only caste issue which is already known. what is to be exposed anew. what is the good(?) motive behind it.

        There is nothing new to expose. Tamils will address their issues through legal machinery.

        It is Tamils’ unfortunate state that these above stated people are talking about Tamils.

        These vicious people will not expose other common issues, human right violation, political victimization etc. Only one motto behind these is to bash Tamils and nothing else. They want that these Tamil should fight and die because of Caste issue.

        They never tried to resolve alleged Tamil’s caste issue and approached appropriate legal forums. These creature can’t prove that they tried and helped the victims. Ask them to produce any proof in this regard.

        We are not child to believe these, above stated people, are caring for Tamils. bull sht.

        • 1


          “These people never uttered anything when Tamils were attacked or killed or abused by Hybrid Modayas and Muttal sonis”


          During 1958 and 1983, many Tamil people were helped by Muslims, to protect against the Sinhala Mobs.

          The problem was that the Jaffna Tamils have always taken for granted that the Tamil Speaking Muslims and Upcountry Tamils will support any idiotic campaign stated by the Jaffna Tamils or the Vellahala, to retain their hegemony, in light of the Sinhala Buddhist racism.

          Dr. Rajan Hoole described the idiotic strategies adopted by Ponnambalam Ramanathan, G G. Ponnabalam and S J V Chrelvanayaganm the Vellahala Gang, that made it worse for the Tamils. The Tamil Speaking Muslims and Upcountry Tamils had no part in this Velahala Tamil mess up.

          Have you compared the Jaffna Onion prices and the IQ of the Tamils?

          The Story Of Two Graphs drawn by A Tamil Man: By Mahesan Niranjan Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distributions


          • 0

            [Ravi-Telugu “These people never uttered anything when Tamils were attacked or killed or abused by Hybrid Modayas and Muttal sonis” Wrong. During 1958 and 1983, many Tamil people were helped by Muslims, to protect against the Sinhala Mobs.]

            Dear Mr.Amara

            your kind info, I have not mentioned Tamil muslims or Sinhalese but mentioned only Soni and Tuan and few others bashing Tamils in CT.

    • 6

      There is much in what Burning Issue notes here. Behind the scenes efforts have been on for sometime to bring the Sinhalese and Tamils together. The Sinhalese have realised without coming into an understanding with the Tamils, they cannot provide economic development to the Sinhalese. That is the lesson of over 7 decades. Friends of Sri Lanka in the region, in Europe/EU, the USA have all taken this view and counselled GoSL to strike an arrangement with the Tamils overcoming extremists on both sides.

      Muslims need not be concerned about this inevitable happening. There can be a reasonable and acceptable solutions to the divided Muslims. They are, at any rate, useful citizens of the country now despite a few dozen cranks and irrespective of when and where they came from.


  • 2

    [[But I believe that I am the only Muslim to have consistently berated the Muslim politicians for their support for every bit of Sinhalese racist idiocy against the Tamils.]]

    There are so many Tamil (Muslims) against Mahavamsa racism. But Not you [“I am the only Muslim”].

    Except these venom spitting & selfish IH, Hakkim, and HLDM, Tamil Muslims and non Muslim Tamils have cordial relationship and same can be seen even in India. It will be promoted and undisturbed.

    you will fail in your attempts.

  • 7

    Lezth Hussain !! I am tired of reading your stories !! We not conquers !! We coexists with others including you !! But it is your people they always conquer !!
    I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters !! Wives !! wives Daughters !! For their so called family honor !! Muslims murdering People !! Muslims burning schools for girls !! Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death !! Muslims are destroying the heritage sites of their own past !! Destroyed tallest Bhuda’s statue !!
    Do you know that we other than Muslims are allowed to practice our religion !! In any Milton countries !! Specially in gulf Arab countries !!
    For a change why don’t you look at your back and correct those !!

  • 3

    It appears that while Hussein has a persecution complex he enjoys being a masochist. Bensen

    • 1

      Bensen Berner

      “It appears that while Hussein has a persecution complex he enjoys being a masochist. Bensen”

      What is the problem in completely eliminating Castism and Racism?

      They do not have castism and Racism in Scandinavia.

      It is found only among the Tamil Diaspora, not among the Native Scandinavians.

      Solution: Give up Hinduism. Scandinavians are not Hindus.

  • 2

    Oh my God!
    Are these Comments above made by INTELLIGENT Humans who can Think?

    Descartes Said, “Cogito ergo sum” -‘I Think, Therefore I AM’

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 5

    I think the Tamils are under the illusion that they would have had their own state when the British left in 1948. They think the British offered them it but the Muslims began to ask “What about us?”. The problem with the Muslims is the foolishness of their leaders. Their benefactors are quite generous to the Muslim cause but these idiots instead raising the standards of the Muslim community, waste the funds on building mosques where there is no demand, planting palm trees along the streets to make it look like Arabia, promoting Saudi Arabian awful Wahabbism to the detriment of Muslim women and antagonise the general population. Unlike the Tamils, the Muslims had been treated well by successive governments. There are recognised Muslim Marriage Laws but no Tamil or Hindu Marriage Laws. The only time Muslims had any confrontation with the Sinhalese was in 1915 but for 30 years they suffered atrocities under the Tamil LTTE.

    • 2

      Sylvia Hawk,

      Until the 1980s Muslims went largely with the UNP with the respected and mild Dr. MCM Kaleel in the Cabinet. Then the ambitious Ashraff came on the EP Muslim landscape and radically changed the flavour of the entire Muslim political agenda in the 1980s. His radical politics divided Muslims into EP and the rest of the country. In between, around the 1970s men like Badi-Ud-din-Mahmud took some Muslims into the SLFP. He found his personal reward with a Cabinet post but the community was divided into the two main Sinhala political camps.


      • 6

        leave the ISIS Moro resident of UK. they all love infidel land and then suck off the juice populate like rats. then take control of councils, tower Hamlets is an eye sore of corruption only muslims are capable of.
        dump the northern muslims they are really rohingyas.

        “The only time Muslims had any confrontation with the Sinhalese was in 1915 but for 30 years they suffered atrocities under the Tamil LTTE. “

        They have been bombing us in the west from the time Islam started.


  • 6

    The unabashed self-proclaimed “Westernised intellectual” once more gets soundly hammered by a number of readers for his characteristic verbal diarrhea and, true to his nature, refuses to accept he is being wallowed in the mud. Obstinacy has entered his blood stream and obfuscates his thinking.

    He began trying to get to the Sinhala side by recommending to the army/State to starve the Tamils. Then he switched on to Tamil racism and is now on casteism. It was Paul last week and me this time.

    Frankly, there is nothing fresh in this piece to the weekly crop of inane rubbish he regularly inflicts on the readers. He reaches heights of delusion as he happily concludes “It is possible that the concerted attacks had behind them a foreign Islamophobic group or a State” Happily, he fools himself the CIA, Mossad, RAW (who else?)
    are all keeping track of every word he writes. What a moron! It is time he accepts he is nothing but an insignificant has-been in the Writer’s community in the country.

    As to his charge “he (I) had persuaded Muslim big shots to that effect” this is once more his magnified importance of himself. Here’s what I said “Some things appear to be clear in this thread. Izeth Hussain, surely, has finally been restrained by the Muslim leadership. This also spares the readers from his regular unwelcome – often venomous – interventions in each of his articles all of which were engaged by a large number of readers with justifiable spurn” Where have “I persuaded Muslim big shots..” These are all signs of the wailings of a paranoid Writer/Analyst. When they run out of facts and relevant material, they resort to lies and insults. Poor man! He needs to be pitied.

    For those readers like me who wish to see the last of this man’s non-stop aimless harangue, I am afraid bad days are ahead for all of us. Here is his latest threat “This article is no more than an introductory note on casteist racism, containing many points on which I hope to expand in the future” Using his own words, what we have so far suffered is nothing but Starters – because, he will soon “expand in the future” God forbid.


    • 3

      Dear Backlash,
      When Izeth claims that his thinking is being monitored by CIA, Mossad, RAW etc, he is exhibiting the feature of Thought Broadcasting which is one of the characteristics of Scizophrenia. This explains the manner of disorderliness in his expressions.

      • 2

        Dr. Ganana,

        Schizophrenia, paranoia, obsession, race-hate, self-praise, pugnacious – the list continues. The man is a mobile sanatorium. The worst is his capacity to lie – and repeat those lies in public regardless.


  • 5

    Seriously, do we have to suffer reading this nonsense?? We have muslim racists too, and looks like IH is one of them.

    • 1

      I am afraid the answer to your query is YES as long as CT is there.
      CT editors support verbal and insane diarrhea from IH, HDLM

      • 2

        PROUDMAN ,

        Yes the author is Too F*cking Old and in Toxic Confusional State.

        should be sent to the mortuary.

        there are more important matters of Badagini in the island than perceived bigotry by victims of war.

        muslims are at war with humans from the day Islam started.

        Bush hit the nail on the head when he said Muslims are uncivilized- beast.

        • 0

          Siva Sankaran Sarma

          “muslims are at war with humans from the day Islam started.”

          So are the Sinhala/Buddhists, Buddhists, Hindus, Saivaites, Christians, Zionists, ……

          So what is your point if you have one?

          “Bush hit the nail on the head when he said Muslims are uncivilized- beast.”

          Yes he is the greatest thinking man alive, a philosopher, a guru, exceptionally bright, who solved Fermet’s Last Theorem, Now working on Ramanujan Problem …………… is he the American who solved Ramanujan’s “deathbed” puzzle?

    • 0

      You sound like a real muslim; a woman for all seasons.
      Keep up the good work.

  • 1

    The strategic location of the island, in the Indian Ocean, together with some of the coveted goods it produced, resulted in a fair degree of foreign trade even from ancient times. The Romans discovered the commercial value of Sri Lanka in the first century A.D. and the island was visited by Greeks, Romans, Persians, Arabs, and Chinese traders. Sri Lanka’s trade offering included Cinnamon, which grew wild in the forests of the wet zone, precious stones, pearls, elephants and ivory.

    While most of the traders were only visitors to the island, who made their fortunes and left, it was the Arabs who settled down, making Ceylon their home. Furthermore as the Muslims of Sri lanka claim their descendancy from the Arabs it is important to look at the information available on the advent of the Arabs to the island.

    The Tamils of Sri Lanka, throughout history, have attempted to categorize the Sri Lankan Muslims as belonging to the Tamil race. This has been mainly for selfish reasons in a bid to eliminate the minority Muslim community from having its own unique identity. The Government of Sri Lanka, however, treats the Muslims as of Arab origin and as a distinct ethnic group from the Tamils.

    Fr. S.G. Perera in his book “History of Ceylon for Schools Vol. 1. The Portuguese and Dutch Periods, (1505-1796)”, Colombo (1955), The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., p 16, writes,

    “The first mention of Arabs in Ceylon appears to be in the Mahavansa (Ancient Sri Lankan history) account of the reign of the King Pandukabhaya, where it is stated that this king set apart land for the Yonas (Muslims) at Anuradhapura”

    With the decline of the Roman Empire in the 3rd century A.D., Roman trade also died out and the Arabs and Persians filled up the vacuum; engaging in a rapidly growing inter-coastal trade. After the conquest of Persia (Iran), Syria and Egypt, the Arabs controlled all the important ports and trading stations between East and West. It is estimated that the Arabs had settled in Sri Lanka and Sumatra by the 1st century A.D. K.M. De Silvas, “Historical Survey, Sri Lanka – A Survey”, London (1977), C. Hurst & Co. Ltd., p 50, states,

    “by about the 8th century A.D., the Arabs had formed colonies at the important ports of India, Ceylon and the East Indies. The presence of the Arabs at the ports of Ceylon is attested to by at least three inscriptions discovered at Colombo, Trincomalee and the island of Puliantivu”

    The manner in which Islam developed in Sri Lanka is very closely similar to that on the Malabar coast of India. Tradition has recorded that Arabs who had settled down on the Malabar coast used to travel from the port of Cranganore to Sri Lanka on pilgrimage to pay homage to the foot-print of Adam on the top of a mountain, which, until today, is called Adams Peak.

    Ibn Batuta, the famous 14th. century Arab traveler, has recorded many facets about early Arab influence in Sri Lanka in his travelogues.

    Before the end of the 7th. century, a colony of Muslim merchants had established themselves in Ceylon. Fascinated by the scenic splendor and captivated by the traditions associated with Adams Peak, Muslim merchants arrived in large numbers and some of them decided to settle in the island encouraged by the cordial treatment they received by the local rulers. Most of them lived along the coastal areas in peace and prosperity, maintaining contacts, both cultural and commercial, with Baghdad and other Islamic cities.

    According to Tikiri Abeyasinghe in his “Portuguese Rule in Ceylon, 1594-1612”, Colombo (1966), Lake House Investments Ltd., p 192, tradition has it that,

    “the first Mohammadans of Ceylon were a portion of those Arabs of the House of Hashim, who were driven from Arabia in the early part of the 8th. century by the tyranny of the Caliph, Abdel Malik bin Marwan, and who proceeding from the Euphrates southwards made settlements in the concan in the southern parts of the peninsula of India, on the island of Ceylon and Malacca. The division of them which came to Ceylon formed eight considerable settlements along the Nort-East, North and Western coast of that island; viz., one at Trincomalee, one at Jaffna, one at Colombo, one at barbareen, and one at Point de Galle.”

    It is perhaps reasonable, therefore, to assume that the Arabs, professing the religion of Islam, arrived in Sri Lanka around the 7th./8th. century A.D. even though there was a settled community of Arabs in Ceylon in pre-Islamic times.

    The circumstances that helped the growth of Muslim settlements were varied. The Sinhalese were not interested in trade and were content in tilling the soil and growing cattle. Trade was thus wide open to the Muslims. the Sinhalese Kings considered the Muslim settlements favorably on account of the revenue that they brought them through their contacts overseas both in trade and in politics. The religious tolerance of the local population was also another vital factor in the development of Muslim settlements in Ceylon.

    The early Muslim settlements were set up, mainly, around ports on account of the nature of their trade. It is also assumed that many of the Arab traders may not have brought their womenfolk along with them when they settled in Ceylon. Hence they would have been compelled to marry the Sinhalese and Tamil women of the island after converting them to Islam. The fact that a large number of Muslims in Sri Lanka speak the Tamil language can be attributed to the possibility that they were trading partners with the Tamils of South India and had to learn Tamil to successfully transact their business. The integration with the Muslims of Tamil Nadu, in South India, may have also contributed to this. It is also possible that the Arabs who had already migrated to Ceylon, prior to Islam, had adopted the Tamil language as a medium of communication in their intercourse with the Tamil speaking Muslims of South India. The Muslims were very skilful traders who gradually builtup a very lucrative trading post in Ceylon. A whole colony of Muslims is said to have landed at Beruwela (South Western coast) in the Kalutara District in 1024 A.D.

    The Muslims did not indulge in propagating Islam amongst the natives of Ceylon even though many of the women they married did convert. Islam did attract the less privileged low caste members of the Tamil community who found the factor of equality a blessing for their status and well-being.

    There is also a report in the history of Sri Lanka of a Muslim Ruler, Vathimi Raja, who reigned at Kurunegala (North Central Province) in the 14th. century. This factor cannot be found in history books due to their omission, for reasons unknown, by modern authors. Vathimi Raja was the son of King Bhuvaneka Bahu I, by a Muslim spouse, the daughter of one of the chiefs. The Sinhalese son of King Bhuvaneka Bahu I, Parakrama Bahu III, the real heir to the throne was crowned at Dambadeniya under the name of Pandita Parakrama Bahu III. In order to be rid of his step brother, Vathimi Raja, he ordered that his eyes be gouged out. It is held that the author of the Mahavansa (ancient history of Ceylon) had suppressed the recording of this disgraceful incident.The British transaletor, Mudaliyar Wijesinghe states that original Ola (leaf script) was bodily removed from the writings and fiction inserted instead. The blinded Vathimi Raja (Bhuvaneka Bahu II or Al-Konar, abbreviated from Al-Langar-Konar, meaning Chief of Lanka of Alakeshwara) was seen by the Arab traveller Ibn Batuta during his visit to the island in 1344. His son named Parakrama Bahu II (Alakeshwara II) was also a Muslim. The lineage of Alakeshwara kings (of Muslim origin) ended in 1410. Although all the kings during this reign may not have been Muslims, the absence of the prefix “Shri Sangha Bodhi” (pertaining to the disciples of the Buddha) to the name of these kings on the rock inscriptions during this hundred year period may be considered as an indicator that they were not Buddhists. Further during Ibn batuta’s visit a Muslim ruler called Jalasthi is reported to have been holding Colombo, maintaining his hold over the town with a garrison of about 500 Abyssinians.

    In spite of this the Muslims have always been maintaining very cordial relationships with the Sinhalese Royalty and the local population. There is evidence that they were more closer to the Sinhalese than they were to the Tamils. The Muslims relationship with the Sinhalese kings grew stronger and in the 14th. century they even fought with them against the expanding Tamil kingdom and its maritime influence.

    By the beginning of the 16th. century, the Muslims of Sri Lanka, the descendants of the original Arab traders, had settled down comfortably in the island. They were very successful in trade and commerce and integrated socially with the customs of the local people. They had become an inseparable, and even more, an indispensable part of the society. This period was one of ascendancy in peace and prosperity for the Sri Lankan Muslims.

    • 1


      “The first mention of Arabs in Ceylon appears to be in the Mahavansa (Ancient Sri Lankan history) account of the reign of the King Pandukabhaya, where it is stated that this king set apart land for the Yonas (Muslims) at Anuradhapura”

      Those Arabs were Apparently Southern Arabs or Yemmen.

      It is suspected that the Yonas, ans Shonas may be Yemen or Greeks. These were all pre-Islamic times.

      Ancient history of Yemen


      The ancient history of Yemen (South Arabia) is especially important because Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Near East. Its relatively fertile land and adequate rainfall in a moister climate helped sustain a stable population, a feature recognized by the ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy, who described Yemen as Eudaimon Arabia (better known in its Latin translation, Arabia Felix) meaning Fortunate Arabia or Happy Arabia. Between the 8th century BCE and the 6th century, it was dominated by six main states which rivaled each other, or were allied with each other and controlled the lucrative spice trade: Saba’, Ma’īn, Qatabān, Ḥaḑramawt, Awsān, and Himyar. Islam arrived in 630 CE, and Yemen became part of the Muslim realm.

      The centers of the Old South Arabian kingdoms of present-day Yemen lay around the desert area called Ramlat al-Sab`atayn, known to medieval Arab geographers as Ṣayhad. The southern and western Highlands and the coastal region were less influential politically. The coastal cities were however already very important from the beginning for trade. Apart from the territory of modern Yemen the kingdoms extended into Oman, as far as the north Arabian oasis of Dedan, to Ethiopia and even along the East African Coast to modern Tanzania.

      Islamic accounts of pre-dynastic Qahṭān (3rd millennium BCE – 8th century BCE)

      According to some hypotheses, based on the accounts given by medieval Muslim Arab historians, in the 3rd millennium BCE the Semites of the southern Arabian peninsula united under the leadership of Qahṭān. The Qahṭānites began building simple earth dams and canals in the Marib area in the Sayhad desert. This area would later become the site of the Dam of Marib. A trade route began to flourish along the Red Sea coasts of Tihāmah. An order of high priests appeared in South Semitic culture who are referred to as the “Mukkaribs of the Sabeans” represented by local tribal leaders who came to rule South Arabia and some parts of East Africa. This period witnessed the reign of the legendary Queen of Sheba mentioned in the Bible, and called Bilqīs or Balkis by Muslim scholars. At the end of this period, in the 9th century BCE, an alphabet was introduced, this now meant that South Arabian history could be written down.

      Archaeology and the prehistory of Yemen

      The study of South Arabian prehistory is still at the beginning, although sites are known going back to the Palaeolithic. There are tumuli and megalithic enclosures dating back to the Neolithic. Immediately before the historical kingdoms in 2500 two Bronze Age cultures go out of North Yemen and from the coast of the Indian Ocean. In the middle of the second millennium BCE the first important urban centers appear in the coastal area, among which are the sites of Sabir and Ma’laybah. So far it has not been adequately explained whether the Old South Arabian Civilization of Yemen was a direct continuation from the Bronze Age, or if at the beginning of the Iron Age groups of people began wandering south from Palestine or North Arabia, as is partly conjectured.

      Documented history
      It is not yet possible to specify with any certainty when the great South Arabian Kingdoms appeared, estimates range (within the framework of the long chronology) from the 12th until the 8th century BCE.

    • 3

      Stop lying with all these Arabian and Sinhalese origin fairy tales.

      If you were of Arabian and Sinhalese origin why don’t you all speak Arabic or Sinhalese instead of a South Indian Tamil Muslims dialect? The Sri Lankan Malays are a much smaller community and have also arrived into the island just few centuries ago and despite intermarriage have preserved many of the Javanese customs and language.
      The Sri Lankan Muslim community is quite large and despite claiming a pure Arabic( sic) and at times Sinhalese origin and denying any Tamil heritage or origin,could not preserve their language despite living in Muslim ghettoes in the south or in the Tamil north or east. Why?

      They are a carbon copy of the Tamil Muslims of South India from where they really originated. Every thing about them reeks of Tamil. Even their family names. Marikar, Lebbai, Rawther Thambi Etc all typical Tamil Muslims caste names found only in South India. Not in any other part of India or from the Arabian peninsula.

      It is only now they are deliberately discarding everything Tamil, from language, culture, dress names and even their 1000 year old very tolerant form of Tamil Sufi Islam and try to become like some pathetic carbon copy of the Arabs and worship everything remotely connected with the Arabs.
      Have you ever been to the Arabian Gulf or to any other part of the Arab world. I have. Lived and worked there and can still speak Arabic to some extent. The Arabs despise you and treat all South Asian Muslims or the that matter any non Arab like dirt. They have classified the Sri Lankan Muslims as low caste South Asian converts not even part Arab.

      Only you pathetic thinking that by denying your actual Indian Tamil origin and heritage, it will be advantageous and you will find favour with the majority Sinhalese so keep on repeating this lie that you are of Arab descent and now of recent Sinhalese descent. Thinking that a lie often repeated becomes the truth. Of course the Sinhalese are delighted with this as they like the British before them want to divide and rule the island’s Tamils on the basis of religion region and caste. Look at all the Sinhalese who support this lie and myth here all the well known Sinhalese hardliners and racists.

      Arab and Sinhalese descent but speaking Tamil and following the Tamil culture and customs (at least until very recently). SO your Arab fathers and Sinhalese mothers did not speak to their children in Arabic or Sinhalese but miraculously in Tamil, whom are you trying to fool? Unit the very recently the entire coast of the island was Tamil, all these coastal Sinhalese have a very recent Tamil origin.

      This is the reason we Tamils, irrespective of caste region or religion do not trust you and despise the island’s Muslims and call you all ” sly backstabbers who can never be trusted” How can you trust a people who for some petty advantage deny their real origin heritage culture and language and claim a fake origin , that only a few of them have in small doses and now try to worship and pathetically become a carbon clone of this fake origin. Will you respect a person who thinking it is advantageous to him or her starts denying his parents family and origin and start claiming some people as his or hers kith and kin? This is what the Sri Lankan Muslims led by their nasty selfish power hungry elite largely living in the south are doing. This is the reason we Tamils despise you. It has nothing to do with caste or origin. Around half the island’s Tamil population are not Brahmin or Vellalar but even they despise you. What have you got to state to this?

      Instead of dealing with the real truth and admitting to the mistake and treachery that all Muslims politicians and elite did to their fellow non Muslim Tamil in the island since independence and are still continuing to do so. They and their supporters are still coming up with stupid pathetic fairly tales about their Arab origin and how light skinned the Muslims are (pathetic) compared to the Tamils. You are not and even if you are, who cares. A small percentage of Muslim elite being a few shades lighter than the average Tamil peasant, due to selective breeding and mixed marriages outside their community, does that make them superior, only shows how shallow and pathetic they are.

      The other lame excuse is the island’s Tamils hate us and look down on us, as we are largely descended from low caste immigrant Indian Tamil converts. Is this a joke? On one hand they are stating they are not Tamils and the Tamils are jealous of them and don’t like them as the all the island’s Muslims are of Arab descent and beautiful and light skinned( most probably they do not have mirrors or purchasing lots of fair and lovely cream. For your information a high percentage of Gulf Arabs from whom you claim descent are quite dark.) Then in the next breath they are stating, the real reason the island’s indigenous Tamils despise them and look down on them, is because the island’s Muslims are largely descended from low caste Indian Tamils who converted to Islam a few centuries ago.

      You can either be a descended from beautiful light skinned Arabs( look at Osama was very beautiful and light skinned) that Tamils are jealous of or from dark skinned low caste Tamils( have seen lots of beautiful light skinned Tamil low castes) that Tamils hate and despise but cannot be both.

      May be a very small amount partially descended from beautiful light skinned Gulf Arabs like Osama and an extremely large amount descended from dark skinned low caste Tamils. Or a very small amount descended from dark skinned ugly Arabs and very large amount descended from light skinned low caste Tamils, whose female ancestors were very naughty.

      Either way coming up with these stupid lame excuses, to excuses to blame the island’s Tamils with the current situation between both communities and the blame game only strengthens the island’s Tamil perceptions with regards to the island’s Muslims that they are a people who very inward looking, can never be trusted and will go to any length to gain an unfair advantage.

      • 0

        Paul – I pose the question again to you. Both you and Dr.Sankaralingam say that low caste Tamil Muslims and a few Arab Muslims married low caste Tamil females of low morals, and their progeny are the SL Muslims of today.I am particularly interested in those Arabs who allegedly married low caste Tamils. Your clear implication is that they got degraded in that process, and their progeny of today are also consequently a degraded lot. What about Westerners who marry allegedly low caste Tamils among the emigres? Have they degraded themselves in that process and are their progeny also consequently a degraded lot? Or does that apply only to Muslims? Answer please. – IH
        PS – you earlier wrote that Muslims are multiplying “like rats”. I requested you to retract that statement and apologize. You have not done so. What’s your position on that? – IH

    • 1

      Reader Marwan is more cultured and less pugnacious than the varieties of Muslim writers we are fated to deal with. But, I fear, Marwan has a difficult task in this present enterprise of Muslims to re-write history. Much effort is made by Muslim writers here to prove they have been in the Island – in large numbers and continuously – for over a thousand years viz :- “it was the Arabs who settled down, making Ceylon their home????

      Is Marwan taking the Muslim community to unnecessary conflict with the Sinhalese with this sensational claim “His (the blind Vathimi Raja, the Muslim) son named Parakrama Bahu II (Alakeshwara II) was also a Muslim”
      It is news to me, as I suspect it will be for many, that the Bhuvaneka/Parakrama Bahu clan are MUSLIMS OF ARAB EXTRACTION. I will leave this incendiary claim to Sinhala Commentators to deal with.

      Marwan continues to sensationalise, as he claims speaking about the arrival of Malays/Javans here “He was followed in 1723 by 44 Javanese princes and noble men who surrendered at the battle of Batavia and exiled to this country with their families…” As I am made to understand, these Javans/Malays were brought as slaves by the Dutch. When the Dutch and the British came into a political arrangement in Europe at that time the Dutch ceded Ceylon to the British as I recall, as a Dowry arrangement. The Malay/Javanese slaves found themselves stranded and were confined to the Island in Colombo that has since been named Slave Island. Most of these men were absorbed mostly into the Police and Fire Brigade. Izeth Hussain tells us we are fortunate to have his nemesis HLDM due to this factor. I remember a society lady in our circles, of clear Malay/Javan origin. She is a laugh in our circles since she continues to insist her origins are of “Indonesian nobility” Marwan makes a similar claim – both of which beg the question how and why 44 Javanese Princes and Noble men in the 18th century to little Ceylon chose to remain in a quarantined virtual camp. That’s a whole lot of Princes/Noblemen to spare – even for Batavia.

      Phew! By all accounts it looks like this industry of manufacturing instant-history is a busy one in Sri Lanka – now a days.


  • 1

    Sri Lankan Muslims include the Malays although they form a separate group by themselves. Even the earliest census of Sri Lanka (1881) lists the Muslims as Moors and Malays separately. Malays too, follow the Islamic religion just like the Moors.

    The real beginning of the Malays in Sri Lanka dates back to the 13th. century. Husseinmiya writes,

    “The definite arrival of Malays in Sri Lanka took place in the 13th. century. Chandra Bhanu, the Malay King of Nakhon Sri Dhammarat in the Isthmus of Kra on the Malay Peninsula invaded Sri Lanka in A.D. 1247, with Malay soldiers. He was determined to possess the relics of the Buddha from the Sinhalese kingdom. In a second invasion he brought soldiers from India”.

    Chandra Bhanu’s 50 year rule of northern Ceylon in the 13th. century is remembered by such place names as Java Patnam (Jaffna), Java Kachcheri (Chavakachcheri), Hambantota etc. Most authors have , yet, linked the origin of the Malays in Ceylon to the period when the island was ruled by the Dutch. Murad Jayah in “The plight of the Ceylon Malays today”, MICH Silver Jubilee Souvenir, 1944-1969, Colombo (1970), p 70, writes,

    “In 1709 Susana Mangkurat Mas, king of Java, was exiled to Sri Lanka by the Dutch with his entire retinue. He was followed in 1723 by 44 Javanese princes and noble men who surrendered at the battle of Batavia and exiled to this country with their families. These families formed the nucleus from which the Malay community grew”.

    “The Dutch continued to bring more “Java Minissu” (Malay people) as exiles, and employed them to fill the ranks of the army, the police force, the fire brigade, the prison staff and other services. They formed the bulk of the servicemen during the Dutch occupation and the early British times. The British too imported Malay families for settlement in Ceylon with the idea of raising a regiment. The King’s colors were awarded in 1801 to the Ceylon Malay Regiment, the first Asian to receive that Honor”.

    The unsuccessful attempts of the British to attract more Malays from overseas, the meager salaries paid to the Malay soldiers coupled with more avenues for lucrative employment in the plantation industry, resulted in the disbandment of the Malay Regiment in 1873. The Malays released from the army were absorbed into the police and the fire brigade services.

    The mother tongue of Malays is Malay (Bahasa Melayu). Murad Jayah writes,
    “Bahasa Melayu has been preserved in this country for over 250 years due to the fact that the original exiles from Indonesia were accompanied by their womenfolk and it was not necessary for them to find wives among Sinhalese and Tamil women, unlike the Arab ancestors of the Ceylon Moors”.

    • 0

      what are you trying to prove?
      Scientifically ‘you’ are a bitser ( a bit of this and a bit of that )i.e. a mongrel like all of us.

  • 1

    The following comment by Suresh in a different topic will shed light to what Izeth is pointing at here.

    /Vibhushana has received a Sri Lankan tax payer funded education but serves the white man as a slave in another country. If Vibhushana can read this comment he can do so only because his untouchable (low caste) South Indian great grandparents who came to Sri Lanka as coolies for toddy tapping and cinnamon peeling got converted to Sinhala Buddhists and took advantage of the Sri Lankan tax payer funded education. The NE Tamils believe that the majority of Sinhalese are low caste South Indians who adopted the Sinhala-Buddhist identity after their arrival in Sri Lanka. Many of them were even brought by the Portuguese as cinnamon peelers and toddy tappers. Only low castes will convert to other races and religions. In Tamil Nadu, hundreds and thousands of low castes got converted to Buddhists. Even today in Tamil Nadu all the low caste Tamils are Buddhists. In other words, the majority of Sinhalese are actually low caste Tamils who got converted during the last 2000 years. It is proved that Bandaranayake, Jayawardena and Senanayakes also come from South Indian Tamil families. The hilarious part is, if any dick, tom or harry who came only yesterday converts himself as a Sinhala-Buddhist today, tomorrow he is entitled to say that he is a distinct lion-blooded Aryan tribe descended from Vijaya with a special claim to the land of Lanka over everyone else./


  • 5

    Izeth Hussain, the real reason why Tamils generally despise the island’s Muslims has nothing to do with caste as you allege but their constant denial of their real South Indian origin and their history of treachery towards the island’s Tamils from the word go. This has nothing to do with patriotism but mere opportunism at the expense of the island’s Tamils. What is happening in the east is a very good example.
    You should realise the island’s Tamils like the Sinhalese have a very ancient history and like the Sinhalese were and are another nation. Just like the Sinhalese history and right to their lands in the island is recognised and respected the same respect is due to the Island’s Tamils to their ancient history their nationhood, self determination and their right to their lands in the north and east.
    The basic problem is the denial of this by the island’s Sinhalese and Muslims who ironically are Tamils.
    It was a Muslim minister who introduced standardisation for the island’s Tamil students, in order to deny them higher education and to unfairly advantage Sinhalese and Muslims students. It was during his era that the Muslims started to become powerful in the east and started to marginalise the Tamils.
    Muslim politicians organised Muslim thugs, loudly speaking in Tamil to burn loot and kill Tamis in the southern Sinhalese areas whenever a state organised anti Tamil pogrom took place. In the east they joined hands with the Special task force to deliberately murder and ethnically cleans thousands of Tamils. Even now Muslims are illegally occupying these Tamil villages and lands in the east. This resulted in the unfortunate ethnic cleansing of around 60000 Muslims in the north.
    No one is preventing these northern Muslims from returning to their homes. Only the Sri Lankan armed forces, however everyone is preventing the Tamils in the east from returning to their lands and homes and their numbers are far higher than the displaced northern Muslims.
    There was a Muslims minister who was in charge of settling displaced people, instead of settling actual displaced Muslims, Tamils and Sinhalese, he was busy settling thousands of out of area Muslims in the north using funds obtained from certain fundamentalist Islamic Gulf Arab countries. There was a very sinister motive to this.
    This same person had recently led a high powered Muslim delegation to Saudi Arabia to canvass and obtain support from the 57 strong Islamic nations against any from of meaning self rule and federalism for the island’s Tamils and the merging of the Tamil north with the Tamil east.
    These are ancient and historical Tamil lands and the Muslims only arrived here a few centuries ago seeking refuge. Why is granting justice and just rights to the island’s Tamil nation and self rule and federalism in their own lands detrimental to the island’s Muslims who are Tamil speaking and are Tamil by ethnicity? What are they so against the Tamil language and the granting of Tamil rights when they themselves are going to benefit from this?
    Being a Muslims does not automatically make you an Arab? Just like being a Christian does not make you Jewish? No Tamil Hindu or Christian, has stopped you from being Muslim. You can be a proud Muslim and a Tamil just like your close relatives in South India.
    Ironically whenever something bad happens to the island’s Muslims none of their representatives or elite have ever protested or spoken out but have remained silent. Afraid of rocking the boat with the Sinhalese majority. It was only Tamil politicians and political parties that spoke out against what happened to the Muslims. On the contrary many of these same Muslim politician’s and parties join hands with the Sinhalese hardliners and politicians to discriminate the Tamils.
    You are very aware of all this and instead of trying diffuse the situation and bring true reconciliation between the island’s Tamil Hindus Christians and Muslims, you are only further inflaming the situation with your articles and senseless and stupid allegations. Other than during marriage, caste has never been much of an issue amongst most Sri Lankan Tamils, with regards to education employment and now becoming less and less of an issue.
    You are the biggest racist talking about an imagined skin colour and trying to sound superior and smug stating that Muslims are generally lighter skinned than the Tamils, then accuse the Tamils of racism and casteism. There are light skinned Muslims and light skinned Tamils and we are all very dark skinned compared to a real white who will find this claim to a light skin superiority from a dark skinned person very strange and pathetic. Living in Australia you should have realised this. Anyway the Sri Lankan Muslims are by and large descended from the Tamils of India and if there is light skin amongst them, the genes would have mostly come from their Indian Tamil ancestors and a little from others.
    Lastly you living in Australia also should be aware when ever Sri Lankan Muslims claim for asylum in the west they always state that they are ethnic Tamil Muslims who are fleeing Sinhalese persecution. They claim their Tamil ethnicity as their primary identification and the Muslim religion as their secondary identification. What does this mean? Tamil when it suits them and not a Tamil at all other times.
    Please stop posting these articles. You are doing a great disservice to the very same people whom you think are trying to defend. They do not need Messiahs like you. What is now needed is true reconciliation between all the island’s Tamil population Hindu Christian Muslim and may the best amongst them irrespective of religion or caste lead them and shine amongst them. Definitely it will not be you. Have a nice life in Australia.

    • 1


      I am sure many readers in these pages share your spirited feelings for those tens of thousands of EP Tamils, de-housed, marginalised and persecuted in recent decades by Muslim politicians – aided by anti-Tamil elements in the State apparatus. I have good reason all Tamils who lost their houses, land and villages in the EP will have these restored to them sooner than later as the Sinhalese make up with the Tamils.

      I agree with you irresponsible Muslim writers have endangered the safety of their own Muslims by distorting history. These have now become issues of regular public focus and unnecessary attention. Despite his predictable lies in denial, it appears Izeth Hussain has been right and properly disciplined. The consequence of his reckless writing is now Fait Accompli. The damage has already been done.

      As to the Lankan Muslim claim they are of Arab ancestry. Let this pass. This must be a joke to the Saudis. As to their claim to be Moor, this is an expression to the Maghrebis (Morocco, Tunisia, Algeira, Libya etc) Our present day Muslim history-makers are yet to claim they are from these exotic places – yet.

      BTW, I believe IZ lives in Dehiwala, Colombo South and not Australia.


    • 0

      /ou should realise the island’s Tamils like the Sinhalese have a very ancient history and like the Sinhalese were and are another nation./

      will these tamils for fuks sake get a history book and read?

    • 1

      Interesting penmanship.
      What you fail to realise is that you yourself is a blatant racist like most Sri Lankans.
      Try not to be cleverer than the rest.

  • 1

    Arabs are high caste muslims ..this is why they treat SL Muslims as shits…

    Even the local Borah..Memon ..muslims never allow SL Muslims inside their gate ……..

    So called Muslims in SL converted TAMIL-HINDUS ..not only their mother tongue is Tamils but also they practice many Tamils traditions in daily life ..Nanaa can keep on bark ..but this is the truth..

    Tamils schools in Hong Kong are being run by Muslims immigrant from India who call themselves Tamils …In Singapore contribution for Tamil language is very big by Muslims there …

    .Mr.Mustafa owner of a biggest Shopping Mall in Singapore is running a Mustafa Tamil research foundation in his native village Manavai in Tamil Naadu at his own expense and fusing research about Tamils language

    He He He here Muslims jokers are talking about their identity


    • 1

      This is how muslims talk because Barak hussain Hillary Dem/Gop are sucking.
      They will be nuked by all 3 Xi,Putin and Trump- peace in SARC.

      Islamabad Pakistan has condemned US Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s remark that he would ensure Pakistani physician Shakil Afridi, who has helped the US kill Osama bin Laden, is freed from jail within two minutes.
      Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. APRepublican presidential candidate Donald Trump. AP
      Afridi, who is known in Pakistan as a CIA doctor and has been described as a hero in the US, is serving a 33-year-long imprisonment for treason.
      Trump on Monday in an interview with Fox News said: “I think I would get him out in two minutes. I would tell them (Pakistan) let him out and I’m sure they would let him out,” Trump said.
      Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Monday said Afridi’s fate will be decided by Islamabad and not by Trump even if he becomes the US president

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