9 February, 2025


Rally For Unity – It Can Be Done!

By Ajita Kadirgamar

Ajita Kadirgamar

There is an American expression “sometimes you can’t see the forest  for the trees” (used of someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole). That’s somewhat how I felt today viewing all the photos and videos of the Rally for Unity held in Colombo on Sunday, April 28, 2013.

I was there, I walked with the crowd of an estimated 400 – 500, I can be seen lurking in the background of several published photos.  But because I was there, living the moment, apprehensive about “exposing” myself at such an event, fearful of  the outcome, I did not see or appreciate the bigger picture till now. The sheer diversity of those who gathered was mind blowing —

There was a grand assortment of professionals, social  and political activists, students, enlightened politicians and parliamentarians, born again Christians, Muslims of all factions (based on colorful head gear witnessed) Colombo socialites, GLBT pioneers, old grey haired men and women who probably remember and yearn for the Ceylon of days gone by,  kids and youth, bloggers, journalists and advertising agency members; oh yes, and BBC reporter Charles Havilland accompanying the procession and filming his news story which has proved impossible to view online. It could just be my internet connection…or not.

There was  a group of nuns and sisters at the rally, (were these the same ones that braved pelting rain and wind at the Nugegoda Women’s Day Rally back in March?) Is there a faction of activist nuns and sisters who attend such events? Are they on Facebook? How do they find out about these events? Who instructs them to participate? Or is it an inner call of conscience, sorely lacking in so many of us. Whatever their agenda and wherever they hail from,  I love and respect their quiet, dignified aura. More power to them!

However, when I saw a single robed monk in the throng I must admit my spirits sank a tad. Was this a lone rebel, a rabble rouser, and were there more skulking in the bushes of Vihara Maha Devi? I asked a key civil activist standing close by, what “kind” of monk he was. I was told he was one of the ‘good’ ones. It was the Ven. Samitha Thero who in fact make a short speech in praise of the rally and its goals, which was received with applause.

If you were afraid of being photographed, then you were right to stay away.  Cell phones were snapping, and clicking photos left, right and center and tweeting them together with live updates. Everyone was recording everything. Each of us was a witness, come what may. Photographers and video cameramen were hustling and jostling for the best positions and the scoop of the day. Was this event history in the making? Would it be headline news? Would there be drama and confrontation? Would they get a prize-winning photo out of it? No doubt there were less artistically inclined undercover photographers  in the crowd too, snapping away headshots for THE database and future nefarious use. Enough said…

Thankfully there were no vulgar, obtrusive loud speakers or megaphones shrieking maniacally at the crowd as so often happens at such public events. There was a dignified quietness about the event that fit the mood and intent so well. Apart from welcome speeches in all three languages and video clips of well known personalities extending their support, it was a low key demonstration of unity, indeed, silent strength from individuals, who amassed as a group, demonstrated that there is an existing moral conscience after all, perhaps one to be reckoned with in due course.

It must be noted that the police presence was well managed and orchestrated. Obviously lessons have been learnt from a similar recent event. The organisers of this rally, who we assume were mainly young citizens of the Facebook generation, had sought prior permission to hold the rally, and as a result police ‘protection’ was part of the show. The procession was flanked on both sides by a line of outward facing  policemen as it proceeded past the National Art Gallery. In fact earlier the police swiftly  disposed of “anti rally” elements distributing “rogue” Sinhala pamphlets. I was handed one, but sadly  had no idea what it said, till it was translated for me several hours later. What a pathetic waste of paper.

Food is a great uniting force  which cuts across all ethnicities in this island as proved by placards like “Keep Calm and Eat Kiribath” “My Wattalapam is Your Wattalapam .

In a pervasive national atmosphere of suspicion, fear and uncertainty,  kudos to the  organisers and all those who attended for forging ahead with this concept and indeed for using social media as its main channel. While mingling with the crowd several people asked me who the organisers were. Beyond the common knowledge that the event was organized through Facebook (thumbs up for Social Media) my answer was “does it really matter? do we need to know?” I believe part of the success of the event was the very  fact that there was no main sponsor, no vested interests, no political affiliations. This was a gathering by the people for the people, with promises of more to come. More publicity, larger crowds, more slogans and placards, more widespread locations, more feedback. Just more please…

The nagging thought at the back of mind however was, why  weren’t more people at the rally? Was it too hot? Was there too much to do on a Sunday morning? Was everyone at church praying for peace and unity rather than taking to the street to make it happen? Are people all talk and no action? Has everyone given up on the notion of strength in numbers and the belief that one person can make a difference in a crowd? Whatever the reasons and excuses for those who did not turn up,  one believer can make a difference. I did.

Power to the people!

*Photo by Ajita Kadirgamar

Latest comments

  • 0

    ‘cant see the wood for the trees’. Not an American expression. First used by John Heywood an English writer.
    Havilland’s interview with Dayan Jayatilleke , at the rally, is online.
    Interesting piece.

  • 0

    Too little too late to have such rallies now. Why is the hurry for unity now and is it because 2 Muslim shops were attacked by racist chauvinistic Sinhalese Buddhist?

    There needs to be Truth, Justice and Accountability to the 100,000 Tamil civilians killed in 2009 first and foremost, before we discuss Unity in the Island. Otherwise one is chasing an illusion or mirage like in the dessert. These rallies are for other reasons despite the honorable people involved in it, including you in the distant background and many as you say are too scared to be even photographed or video taped.

    Is that because of the State Terrorist government ever since 1983 or the 1977 race riots when you were a young girl . [Edited out]

    In conclusion I would suggest that you visit the Northern Province [Edited out] and get the real feed back of the Tamil people who are also your own people of the legacy of the SLFP government from 1994 to 2005 of which Lakshman Kadirgamar was not only the Foreign Minister but the chief adviser/confidant of the President.

    Then ask the Tamils about the unity, reconciliation, and about the Kadirgamar impact on the lives of our people including the 310,000 survivors of the concentration camps, 500,000 homeless, and all victims and survivors of State Terrorism from 1983 or 1994. [Edited out]
    Donald J Gnanaone
    Tamils For Justice.

    Editor : Please do not censor a single word.

    Part of this comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

    1. We welcome debate and dissent, but personal attacks, persistent trolling and mindless abuse will not be tolerated. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

    2. We acknowledge criticism of the articles we publish, but will not allow persistent misrepresentation of our journalists/contributors to be published on our website. For the sake of robust debate, we will distinguish between constructive, focused argument and smear tactics.

    • 0

      Is this your brother Charles?
      [Edited out]

      If so I suggest you take the log out of your eye as it seems to blind you to the realities of the company you keep.
      Justice for ALL those innocents who died during the 30 year conflict will happen only when hate stops. The blood of one is not more or less precious than the blood of others.

      Hate stops only when people are made aware as to how damaging it can be. Hate stops when ignorance and lies are washed away with knowledge and truth.

      I’m sorry my unborn self was not there to stop hatred prior to the events that led to the 83 riots but I am here now and I felt great pride to walk with my fellow Sri Lankans last Sunday.

      There are a lot of problems with Sri Lanka but those that love this country are trying to make sure nothing like Black July ever happens again.

      People like you Donald want nothing more than to live your tribal lives at the expense of others because you see yourself, your community as better/superior. Your tribalism is the same as Sinhala tribalism. The same old garbage going round and round trapping those who don’t know any better.

      I realize now that the teachers and philosophers of religion ask us to love our enemies because that’s the only way we can defeat them without sinking down to their level and becoming monsters ourselves.

      The money that your organization spends on lobbying for justice would be better spent on education for the millions of children in Sri Lanka who will otherwise one day get stuck in the cycle of lies and ignorance that will eventually lead to hatred and violence.

      Spend on the education of Tamil students if your racism runs so deep, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re doing something towards the upliftment of humanity in general.

      • 0


        Well said!

        • 0

          So very self centred! Aiyo.

        • 0

          Dear CT Editors,

          please be mindful & practical when you do the censoring , as you know most of the commenter’s have personal agendas , their agendas varies from LTTE ,MR,RW ,SF,CBK ,JVP, UNP to SLFP or to whatever. Donald G is no exception ! don’t you consider DG ‘s contribution is an asset for this dignified blog , i find most of Donald’s writings are extremely informative ,factually correct and above all very interesting , haven’t you noticed , that Donald’s writings hardly accommodate reported speeches ,in fact most of them are first hand experiences , that is some thing , not many can claim (except Dayan J ) .

          yes Donald G holds his breath against all Sinhalese , can any one blame him for that , i don’t think any of us in a position to lecture him about the principles or ethics ! rather , why don’t you guys allow us to read his side of the story without unreasonable censoring ..
          PS : if any one finds DG’s writings are offensive , they can easily skip DG’s writings and find Lady Leela or k.A sumanasekara’s writings instead.

          • 0

            This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

            • 0

              Dear Donald ,

              i wish i could have read your reply ,but sadly CT has decided to censor it ! i guess we all have to learn to live with CT rules & regulations.
              Donald , my comment was not meant to attack , insult or offend you ! Actually it was your continuous responses which made to express my thoughts about you. i did NOT say you are a racist or a LTTE supporter , what i meant , you are against Sinhalese people actions ! forgive me if i have misread you or hurt your feelings. i have gone through your comments in electronic media ( including TV interviews ) in most of your comments i found one common factor popping out over and over again , that is your resentment , disgust and disappointment towards the Sinhalese and their behavior , i do not and will not blame you one moment for that , taking in to consideration of your peculiar case , had that happened to me , certainly i would have responded the same way or worse .
              Donald I’m not trying to white wash the Sinhala race here , being a Sinhalese I know how the significant portion of the fellow Sinhalese react , emotions surpass the reality , when it comes to sensitive/important issues we often use heart more than our grey matter . This is the reality ! I must say this , regardless of the party , I see no difference between Sinhala politician and a Tamil politician ( may be exception of a few ) , they have one thing in common , that is to mislead the populace and accumulate wealth & power at the expense of poor people.

          • 0


            Donald J Gnanakone can be abusive, insulting and extremely insensitive at times. He can be very offensive to people who are victims of violence, murder etc.

            He has a lot of bitter memories of Sri Lanka. He has shared them with us. In his very arrogant style.

            But, despite his out of control, angry, impolite outbursts, I support accommodating him the space to air his views.

            Donald J Gnanakone does make reading comments on CT more interesting.

            Before I read his comments I had forgotten that such Sri Lankans actually exist.

            Let Donald J Gnanakone be “Donald J Gnanakone”.

            PS: More often than not I find Donald J Gnanakone comments to be very amusing.

    • 0

      Donald is jealous that people are against anti-Muslim racism. You should have fought for your cause, Donald, instead of running away and lining your pockets. You should have spoken out when your Tiger friends ethnically cleansed Jaffna of Muslims. You didn’t; you stood with the racists, and you will always be a bigot.

      • 0

        MR DB, you took part in genocide in north with current racist regime and you have no moral to lecture.

        • 0


          So do you!!!! as you funded the futile war for over 30 odd years been a active member of Tamil Die-Ass-Poo-ra.

          • 0

            yes I do! I never supported violence in any form any where any time, can you stand before mirror and ask the same?

            • 0


              Sure not directly by you but your hard earned money (Kuppam to LTTE for 30 odd years).

              Did you really think of sending your own kids to the war front? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were there in the western world enjoying the effluent time style while helpless sons and daughters of poor farmers in Vanni paying the ultimate sacrifice.

            • 0

              Mirror is a reflection of fragility. Stupid, when arrogance was ripe you exhibited rancour in every corner in your heydays. Aged and spine bent now you talk of humanism?

          • 0

            Good point, Manesh. What do war criminals like Blacker know about human rights? :)

            • 0


              Very good self-question for you oo.

              It does not amke any sense for both you and Mani have any moral right to talk about HR matter at all as you both funded the futile war.

              By the way where were you at the time when blood sucking LTTE ran the muck? To falt out collecting money for your beloved master podian Preba.

            • 0

              I’d venture to say, Heshan/Lester, that I know a sight more than an anti-Semitic, Islamaphobic fascist who defended Hitler’s genocide of the Jews and cheers the persecution of Muslims in SL.

            • 0

              You stupid Owl, never poke with your ambiguation.

        • 0

          There was no genocide in the NE, and this regime was not in power at the time I served in the Army.

      • 0

        @David. You buggers are terribly scared of the Tamil speaking Muslims. That is why the so called Peace Rally after two Muslim shops were attacked slightly.

        We Tamils faced 1 million times more attacks in 1983 as well as 1977 and the 30 years after 1983. NO FREAKING RALLY?????

        Dayan’s statements at the rally is perfectly hypocritical. (The sacked diplomat and not retired diplomat). He does not have the guts to take on the Rajakapkses but terribly scared of the white van as well. So he is careful of the regime and what he says.

        Funny. He claims that he did not represent the regime. What an idiotic statement….

        As for the other comments, let the dogs bark the caravan rolls on. I do not throw stones on pieces of shit.

        BTW, the pundit editor knows what is good for his readers so that he hides the punch lines and makes my response ineffective . Typical. But visit his or my faceboo and the full response is there.

        Oh Malinda went hiding @ the rally and sent some journalist catcher to cover the event.

        • 0

          Donald J.Gnanakone,
          To date, Dayan Jayatilleke has not given an answer whether Federalism will be a meaningful solution to the ethnic problem or whether some meaningful solution that will have Federal features which would meet the aspirations of the Tamils.
          These people has also conveniently forgotten that it is the Muslims who provoked 1915 communal riots between the Sinhalese and the Muslims. Now the West has found their world-wide network of Islamic terrorism which I will be revealing very soon. I think it is because of this fear, they have initiated this rally. Just imagine why prominent figures were not present at this rally. Leave alone the Muslims – what about other academics & Professionals. Even the prominent academics & professionals within the Government were silent. You can just imagine the attitude of Dr.G.L.Peiris who at one time said about the impeachment of the CJ, ‘I am not proud to call her (CJ) my student’., at a time the impeachment of the CJ itself was an illegal exercise by the Government. Even Dayan Jayatilleke was silent and never raised a voice. I think everyone wants publicity.

          • 0

            Dear D.J.Gnanakone,
            I forgot to add one more thing. There were placards like “Keep Calm and Eat Kiribath” “My Wattalapam is Your Wattalapam“. What is their answer when some Muslims protested in London demonstrating their solidarity with the Sri Lanka Muslims with the placards like ‘Jihad is the answer’. Are they repeating/reminding the 1915 communal riots, where they shot dead an innocent Sinhalese youth. How are they going to account for this?

            • 0

              Don’t shed crocodile tears for others. Where were you when your
              LTTE was causing death, destruction and mayhem for 30 long years?
              I have been reading your articles for too long to realise that you are inciting hatred for muslims in the minds of the sinhala
              buddhists. Is this the typical mentality of your kind? Wasn’t 30
              years of war enough for you?
              People should recognise wolves in sheep’s clothing. All we want is PEACE, and not another war.

            • 0


              I am confused about this “My wattalappam is your wattalappam” thing. What does it seek to convey. If it is meant to be a metaphor, its a poor one. Can someone please clarify.


        • 0

          “You buggers are terribly scared of the Tamil speaking Muslims. That is why the so called Peace Rally after two Muslim shops were attacked slightly.”

          You are a pitiable old man if you believe that the only spur that action requires is fear. Have you no concept of morality, I ask in vain of a man who lines his pockets with the money of the diaspora. Even if there is never another Black July, even if there is not a single Muslim death, even if SL were to suffer no repercussion for its persecution of the Muslims, we must still oppose it, because it is the right thing to do. Perhaps you’re too old now to learn that self-interest shouldn’t be what governs our moral compass.

          This country is full of old bigots like you — Sinhalese and Tamil, both — and that is the tragedy; the youth who could learn to think differently to the way their racist fathers and grandfathers thought are being overwhelmed by the xenophobia of people like you who haven’t had your fill of the blood you never had to shed for your respective causes. You are scum.

          “We Tamils faced 1 million times more attacks in 1983 as well as 1977 and the 30 years after 1983. NO FREAKING RALLY?????”

          We were children in 1977 and 1983, so I hold no guilt for my lack of participation in preventing those tragedies. But I am here now, and I will act now, with whatever means is at my disposal, to prevent that happening to the Muslims. I can’t change the past, and I will not be trapped by the past, nor listen to the voice of old racism and selfishness that says “no one helped me, so I will help no one”.

          The Tamils got more than their pound of flesh in return for what was done to them, and when the shoe was on the other foot, and you Tamils had the chance to show us that you were different to the Sinhalese, you did exactly the opposite and persecuted and chased out the Muslim population of Jaffna who were a minority in your possible Eelam. You wiped your collective arses with the Vadukkodai Resolution when you did that, and showed us that you were just as racist as the Sinhalese. The only reason you got the shitty end of the stick was because there are more Sinhalese than you; nothing more.

          “As for the other comments, let the dogs bark the caravan rolls on. I do not throw stones on pieces of shit.”

          So you say, every time someone exposes your racism and hypocrisy, but lo and behold you always come back.

          Beyond that, your jibes at DJ and Malinda just show that you have nothing of worth to argue with, and are only good at raising your sarong. This world is well rid of your generation. Speed the day when you’re gone.

          • 0


            Stick to what you know and what is within your intellectual reach.
            You expose your ignorance when you, in your vulgar culture, say
            “You wiped your collective arses with the Vadukkodai Resolution..”
            You are entitled to be critical of the Tamil position in that event of 1976 – but learn to express your displeasure in decent language in this column – although it is known you served the army from its lowest rungs.

            I don’t think you know how the Vattukottai Resolution came by, the nuances within and its significance – then, in the interim and now. Even today I am not for a Separate State. But the Sinhala side, with which you appear to bat now, in recent times is making its coming inevitable in line with Martin Luther King’s quotation “those who do not help peaceful change make violent change inevitable”

            I travelled in Tamilnadu recently and spoke with many opinion-makers. I find a qualitative shift in the public perception about support for Lankan Tamils today – post 2009. It has gone far from the usual Vaiko, Ramadoss, Nedumaran, Tholar Thirumavalavan et al. It has now caught the imagination of influential students of Loyolla College, Christian College in Chennai and many university Colleges throughout the State and all over India – and that is a very dangerous sign. With a possible BJP victory and the likelihood of Narendra Modi coming in as PM will see Modi’s dear buddy Jayalalita having unusually great clout with Delhi. If Indira G could have split mighty Pakistan into two, without creating much waves regionally and internationally, what is there to stop Jayalalitha doing the same – irrespective whether the exercise is right or wrong. The Rajapakses by poor diplomacy have isolated and angered her. This is a powerful woman scorned who views the Rajapakses with much prejudice.


            • 0

              “Stick to what you know and what is within your intellectual reach.”

              First practice what you preach. You clearly don’t have the reach to even understand my comments.

              “You expose your ignorance when you, in your vulgar culture, say”

              What is this culture you speak of, Senguttuvan? Is it the Burgher culture? If so, I’m not surprised you’re springing to the defense of your compatriot in bigotry, Donald. He too believes that Burghers are an inferior lot.

              “You are entitled to be critical of the Tamil position in that event of 1976”

              Except that I haven’t been critical of the Tamil position of 1976 :D If you had an iota of the intellect you claim, and had bothered to read the context of the discussion you would have understood that I was talking about the ethnic cleansing of the Jaffna Muslims in the ’90s and how that was a betrayal of the ideals of the Vadukkoddai Resolution. In your haste to mount that high horse, you have put your foot in your mouth. Please read the comment you are responding to.

              “but learn to express your displeasure in decent language in this column”

              I respond to Donald in the language he is most comfortable with — that of the gutter, so there is no need for you to concern yourself. He’s a big boy and can take what he tries to dish out. I suggest you take the blinkers of selective reading off your head without wasting my time on your nonsensical lecturing on language.

              “although it is known you served the army from its lowest rungs.”

              Yes, I have noted that you are one of the people who believe character is arrived at from social position.

              “I don’t think you know how the Vattukottai Resolution came by, the nuances within and its significance – then, in the interim and now.”

              I assure you I am more than aware of the nuances and significances in the history of that resolution, and I am in agreement with its sentiments given the status quo of the day. Given your inability to understand the simple English of my previous comment, I doubt you’re in a position to question my understanding.

              “But the Sinhala side, with which you appear to bat now, in recent times is making its coming inevitable in line with Martin Luther King’s quotation “those who do not help peaceful change make violent change inevitable””

              I do not see a Sinhalese or Tamil side, nor do I believe that right is dictated by ethnicity. There is right and wrong on both sides. I have seen the violent attempts at change first hand, and I have participated in a small way in helping defeat it, mostly because the change that that violence attempted was not in line with the resolution it claimed to be inspired by. Either way, if you believe violence is the way, you’re welcome to try it, hopefully with your own life this time rather than with the women and children of the NE who fought in your stead.

              “I travelled in Tamilnadu recently and spoke with many opinion-makers. I find a qualitative shift in the public perception about support for Lankan Tamils today – post 2009.”

              Time will tell. So far, the rise and fall of such support in regular waves have mimicked the political exigencies of those regions.

              “If Indira G could have split mighty Pakistan into two, without creating much waves regionally and internationally, what is there to stop Jayalalitha doing the same – irrespective whether the exercise is right or wrong. “

              Mrs Gandhi didn’t split Pakistan by wishing it; there were many factors — including the fact that west and east Pakistan were already geographically separate — that helped. The geopolitical situation was also completely different to today, and if you think you can draw that parallel, well, I’m afraid you need to wake up and look around you.

              “This is a powerful woman scorned who views the Rajapakses with much prejudice.”

              I can assure you that any future Indian adventure in SL will be far bloodier for India than their encounter in the late ’80s. This is a SL administration that doesn’t care too much about the niceties of scorned women.

            • 0

              You play fast notes with your double tongue, incensed by a grumble? Animal, don’t boast of your escapades in your tautology.

          • 0

            David Blacker

            “This world is well rid of your generation. Speed the day when you’re gone.”

            It sounds like Pol Pot’s treatment of the old.

            • 0

              Ooruwarige Booruwa, it is not necessary to fill every silence simply with noise.

            • 0

              David Blacker

              “it is not necessary to fill every silence simply with noise”.

              Its my irreligious duty to fill it with noise, specially when silence comes from your typing.

              Please confirm, whether you want to get rid the old or not.

            • 0

              David Blacker

              “including the fact that west and east Pakistan were already geographically separate — that helped.”

              Even the 7th fleet couldn’t prevent the split.

              “I can assure you that any future Indian adventure in SL will be far bloodier for India than their encounter in the late ’80s.”

              In case India intervened at a future date, you assure us Sri Lanka will ensure a bloodier war than the earlier one. How gratifying to read your words.

              Am I to assume that:

              Sri Lankan armed forces would not hide their women folks.

              If necessary Sri Lanka will not only roll back Indian adventure but will go on a hot pursuit into Indian territory give them a good hiding, bloody nose,……….

              Indian Defense establishment is run by the most stupid people in the country.

              Indian armed forces do not upgrade their arms and skills.

              Indian economy is shrinking and unable to sustain a war against Sri Lanka.

              Sri Lanka has all weather friends in high places therefore India’s reach is limited.

              Sri Lankan economy is going to boom and it would be able to sustain an unproductive large army forever.

              In armament procurement Sri Lanka will either match India or exceed India’s defense budget.

              Sri Lanka will make life difficult for India even without VP and his LTTE.

              India does have no other trick in its sleeves.

            • 0

              “Its my irreligious duty to fill it with noise, specially when silence comes from your typing.”

              And it is my duty to tell you that while the voiding of your bowels my be considered a duty to you, the noise of it has no interest to the rest of us :D

              “Please confirm, whether you want to get rid the old or not.”

              Get rid of the old what?

            • 0

              “In case India intervened at a future date, you assure us Sri Lanka will ensure a bloodier war than the earlier one. How gratifying to read your words.”

              Facts can be gratifying. Would you prefer fantasy?

              “Sri Lankan armed forces would not hide their women folks.”

              You mean like the Tigers did? No, the SL Armed Forces will follow the orders of its government as it always has. The decision to fight isn’t up to the military; it is up to the civil administration.

              “If necessary Sri Lanka will not only roll back Indian adventure but will go on a hot pursuit into Indian territory give them a good hiding, bloody nose blah blah”

              Why don’t you read what I actually said, Booruwa, instead of delving back into your fantasies of what you wish I’d said :D

            • 0

              Pol Pot’s treatment of the cold. Rhinitis?

      • 0

        Has your self-righteous claptrap no limit? Has it got worse since your “re-birth” or whenever “the scales fell from your eyes?”
        CT’s censorship should extend to the exclusion of those such as you who are nothing but simple mouthpieces for this lot.
        Incidentally, we eagerly await your landmark handbook on the piling of (female) Tamil bodies.

    • 0

      Donald uncle,

      “I would suggest that you visit the Northern Province and get the real feed back of the Tamil people”.

      Did you offer the same piece of golden advice to Ajita before May 2009 as well?

      While Northern Province was still under barbaric jackboot of “Talented Mr. VP”.

    • 0

      Uncle Don (aka self-claimed human right activitist)

      Back again with you long oration with full of hate. When are you learning to be fair my dear?

      There is a saying that “old dog cannot make new tricks”. But this old dog has tried many tricks especially over last 30 odd years with his blood sucking master terra leader podian Praba. Now Donald’s tune has changed to a new trick that he has been trying to be a human right activitist against SL goverment. If SL goverment is cornered in a war tribunal, this old dog should be right in front in the queue for the contribution made over last 30 odd years that resulted majestic sufferings of the poor vanni tamils are experincing.

      • 0

        Manesh Rajakaruna:
        You truly epitomise the “English erudition” of this generation of Sri Lankan Sinhalese!

    • 0


      People who subscribe to ideologies of primmitive racism and eternal revenge such as yourself continually block reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

      I repeat, Donald please… get your ass out of the Nile before you get bit by a crocodile.

      Let the poor crocodile live. From your venom. As you know, your kind of extreme, Tamil, ethno nationalistic, racism is very toxic.

    • 0

      Donald Anna

      Dont critisise her like that what her dad didnt should not be thrust on her (its like making Tamils pay for what VP did)
      its never too late to do the right thing

      oh btw dont think im sucking upto the regime and FYI I’m a Johnian ! (but from a the unfortunate generation who faced the brunt of the war in the 1990’s sans even the basic facility like Electricity and when the the World cup football was on SJC had an ld TV set installed for the student to watch which worked on battery power with an extremly high aerial all dont at a great cost,so i for once know how bad war was!

    • 0

      This sounds like the BBS attacks on those at the vigil. Is Donald Gnanakone accusing Ajitha K of being a Facebook Tamil or a Nightclub Tamil?

      • 0


        Please do not insult us by using “BBS” word.

        It is like I call you as “GL Peries”. Both of you have the same track records jumping from one political group to the other whenever they were in the power. When the ship started sinking you guys were the first rats to jump out for better and greener pasture.

      • 0

        I have no idea what Dayan Jayatileke is rumbling about. Ajita is not being accused of being a FaceBook Tamil nor Nightclub Tamil.

        [Edited out]

        Anyway, those who attack me that I am Anti Sinhalese and racist, let me inform them that the Mother of my children is a Sinhalese from Colpetty. I have plenty of Sinhala friends in California, the opposition, and even the government where 55 MP’s are from the UNF/UNP. Most of my 250 employees in Colombo were Sinhalese and Muslims/Malays especially in the Container Yard and Transport division.

        The issue is about the Unity Rally where DJ was all excited and I questioned that, and the hypocrisy of the former member of Varatharaja Perumal who declared- UDI – The first Eelamist, which we Tamils said was stupid. Because it was at the instigation of RAW, and even DJ escaped and lived in India. Perumal is still living there… These are the opportunist among us.

        [Edited out]

        Until rape/molestation of the 80,000 war widows are ended, torture and arbitrary arrest using PTA are ended, colonization, discrimination and land grab is ended there is no way there will be unity or reconciliation in the Island. Tamils may forgive but not forget and there needs to be Truth, Justice and Accountability. @David, two Muslim Shops attacked is no big deal and they have been more than well compensated, by the President, Muslims, and Insurance companies.

        But the Muslims finally got a taste of paradise, much sweeter than the expulsion of their community from Jaffna during the civil war, where most of them were spies and collaborators with the military intelligence.

        Why the special treatment of the Muslims when Tamils since 1948 have been chased, terrorized, robbed, looted and burnt from the Sinhala towns where they had good business and land, or from the Colombo district itself by hundreds of thousands. That is also why there is now a 1 million Tamil diaspora created most of whom are still sleeping or pretending to be sleeping.

        They will wake up one day like the students of Tamil Nadu and soon the Trade Unions of TN…. That will be the day when the shit hits the fan…..

        @ Donald J Gnanakone – This article is not about Kadirgamar family – CT

        Part of this comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

        • 0

          This guy DG says; Mother of his children is a Sinhalese from Colpetty. huh, but I saw some time ago in facebook he called his Sinhala wife a bitch.

        • 0

          DJ, this is how I called you at our hostel.
          Thanks, you have spilled some truths.

        • 0

          “Anyway, those who attack me that I am Anti Sinhalese and racist, let me inform them that the Mother of my children is a Sinhalese from Colpetty. I have plenty of Sinhala friends in California”

          Yes, Mahinda and Gotabhaya also have Tamil friends, the BBS boys also have Muslim friends. The age-old mantra that yes I have lots of negro friends, but I just don’t like Blacks is no amude to hide behind anymore, Don. You are racist not just against Sinhalese, but also against Muslims and Burghers. I’ll be happy to post a link to the FB thread in which you display in very colourful language what you think of us.

          “Tamils may forgive but not forget and there needs to be Truth, Justice and Accountability.”

          There will be none of that until you stop calling for the GoSL to be deposed and its leadership tried for war crimes. Kath Noble had an excellent article on how the Tamil nationalists are supporting and strengthening the regime with their calls for sanctions and resolutions. But I guess your skulls are too thick from banging them on the wall to hear such advice. You can choose between truth, justice, and accountability, or revenge. You can’t have it all. The Sinhalese don’t really care if you forgive them or forget them, and it is the Tamils who will benefit the most from stability and peace, not the Sinhalese; the latter are doing relatively fine.

          “@David, two Muslim Shops attacked is no big deal and they have been more than well compensated, by the President, Muslims, and Insurance companies.”

          See my previous response on the big deal of morality that seems beyond your reasoning. Compensation isn’t the answer. Not everything can be handled with a few coins; something you probably have lost sight of in your scramble to fleece the diaspora of their earnings.

          “But the Muslims finally got a taste of paradise, much sweeter than the expulsion of their community from Jaffna during the civil war, where most of them were spies and collaborators with the military intelligence.”

          Thank you for confirming for us your support for ethnic cleansing (a war crime) and your delight at the attacks on Muislims today. This is the very trait of yours I have been trying to point out to the CT readership. Thanks again. Your joy at their misfortune is truly disgusting, but still very revealing.

          “Why the special treatment of the Muslims when Tamils since 1948 have been chased, terrorized, robbed, looted and burnt from the Sinhala towns”

          So your logic is that because society failed the Tamils, it must also fail the Muslims? Are you not perpetrating a never-ending cycle? Why should we repeat the past just so that your racist hatred of the Muslims and your selfish bitterness can be satisfied?

          “That is also why there is now a 1 million Tamil diaspora created most of whom are still sleeping or pretending to be sleeping.”

          You mean they don’t want to part with their hard-earned money so that you can line your pockets? How sad. I guess no one wants to throw away money on your racist bullshit.

          “They will wake up one day like the students of Tamil Nadu and soon the Trade Unions of TN…. That will be the day when the shit hits the fan…..”

          You mean they wake up periodically when a politician needs their votes? You can’t help but pity the Tamils, surrounded by bullshitters on all sides.

      • 0

        Dr Dayan Jayatilleka

        “Is Donald Gnanakone accusing Ajitha K of being a Facebook Tamil or a Nightclub Tamil?”

        Or perhaps a graying Havana cigar chomping champagne socialist.

        • 0

          Or a toony stooged PopEye like you.

    • 0

      This article is not about Kadirgamar – CT

    • 0

      Who did count the dead persons? Can you provide the number of LTTE deaths?

      Sofar LTTE or others who tell they represent LTTE never tell the number of LTTE terrorists killed in the war!

      • 0

        Senguttuvan is a master braille reader. He can count corpses from nowhere.

  • 0

    That one at Havelock Rd/Thunmulla and then this one. Some years ago civil society was ga-ga with that Holding Hands effort – but did not follow up too much with it thereafter. Most of those (500?) at Viharamadevi Park appeared to be from the middle-class. Very soon there might not be a middle-class. You are either rich/very rich – sycophants of the regime or the poor/very poor who go after the regime for the buth-packet and a dram of arrack – with a Rs.1,000 thrown in for the more violent ones. That appears to be the achievement of the Chinthana.

    These socio-politico efforts must be held regularly, continuously and with some fort of central organisation – to catch the imagine of the public. Everyone in the city of Colombo are not the regime’s supporters. People are waiting for someone/some body to organise them.
    The stinging electricity hikes will be followed by other forms of
    “punishment” on the people. The more subtle ones will be signs of the weakening rupee – held back by manipulators in the Central Bank. It is now Pavitra who is missing. Very soon, many of them will do the vanishing trick. The blame game cannot go on for ever. The truth has to come out – sooner than later.

    Ajitha expresses the fear of most who attended the gathering. Will we be attacked? That is the state to which we have come to – even attending an innocent rally poses its dangers ????


  • 0

    I was at the rally too and had the very same feelings and posed myself the very same questions than the writer of this article. Yes, to my view there could have been much more people but as my companion in the walk said, this is already very good in the current situation of fear and threats in SL. Still, when I saw at the TV news, the coverage and support that a murderer released with the back of the government had, my hope dismayed a bit. Still is all what is left. HOPE for a United Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      @ longa, if you had organised anti-minority rally, you would have seen 500 thousands rallying with you.Pity that you expected from majority Sinhalese

      • 0

        And, what is in your benefit.

  • 0

    Yearning the by gone era of Ceylon is very touching. We hope humanity strives to build bridges as one human race; leaving aside petty differences focusing on achieving inner happiness, economic prosperity and social harmony. The government of Sri Lanka should focus on eradication of poverty and start joining forces with all communities to develop the natural resources and build a productive work force. Self
    sufficiency in food, clothing, shelter and creating a sustainable energy policy (Solar, Hydro, Wave, Wind) within it’s means would be a positive lesson learnt. We Hope Sri Lanka learns a lesson and makes every effort to build it’s future on the firm foundations of: (A) Multi-culture (B) Multi-Lingual (C) Multi-Faith (D) Equal Opportunities to all Citizens (E) Respect all communities, their Honour and Property rights. (F) No community claims supremacy over the other or manipulates election outcomes (G) Strictly Merit based governance (H) Allegiance to one country, one nation. (I) Make diplomatic efforts to convince all communities to be part of the solution and relieve their concerns and assure them of fair treatments through constitutional guarantees.

  • 0

    This is a good start. I felt there was not enough publicity and notice. Many of the youth do not have unlimited access to the internet and may not know about this group. It takes time for movements to build up, people watch tentatively on the sidelines before deciding to join in. Keep going, the road is long and arduous. Obstacles and those who dissuade are many. Good will ultimately triumph over evil.

  • 0

    Is it the first rally that taken place in the name of unity. No, We have seen such a low profile rallies over and over again over the six decades of misery in this country. I am not questioning the sincerity of the people whop organised or participated in the rally. These rallies never had an impact in bringing peace and harmony or unity in the country. The need for the unity originated since independence.

    Laxman Kathirkamar is a well known politician among Sinhalese and his service to the Sinhala people. He was not an elected member of parliamentarian,he was a nominated member of Parliament. He has been offered highest honour by appointing him as a foregin minister. No other elected or nominated Tamil Parliamentarian had this opportunity. His academic and vocal talent attracted many and this talent was capitalised by Sinhala politicians in the propaganda against LTTE. In recent years we have seen similar recognition to honurable minister Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan for his services to defeat LTTE. He was hounoured by appointing him as the one of the Vice President’s of SLFP, minister of National integration even after he was sentenced in UK for entering the country using a forged passport which was handed over to him by the Secretary of Defence with the approval of President of Sri Lanka. In otherwords, there is no difference in the treatment of Laxman Kathirkamar and Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan. So, the primary condition for a Tamil to be recognised by Sinhala politics, he or she should work against Tamils.

    It is good to see Dayan Jeyatilake in this rally. In the interview to BBC, he said he did not work for this regime but he worked for the state. He worked for the state that was responsible for the massacre of over 40,000 Tamils in May 2009. In UN he defended who? Is it the regime or Is it the State? Can he tell the truth that who ordered to kill the innocent Tamils and those who surrendered?
    Can he tell the truth that who murdered Lasantha Wickrematunge?
    Can he tell that who were behind the abduction and murder of number of journalists?

    We need the truth to be part of unity. Can you reveal the truth?

    • 0

      The State. It was the State that fought against the Tigers.

      As Kalana Senaratne, a young scholar I have yet to meet, observed in the critical review he wrote of my new book: “This is a timely intervention; not only because the author was a former diplomat who had staunchly and successfully defended the country overseas, but mostly because his views on numerous domestic and foreign policy matters seem to run counter to the dominant ideological positions adopted by the present regime…Jayatilleka, to be sure, was a staunch defender of the crushing of the LTTE. He had advocated the need to defeat the LTTE for a long time (even in his 1995 book, ‘Sri Lanka: The Travails of Democracy’).”

      There was no Rajapaksa regime at that time, was there?

      I supported Mahinda Rajapaksa at the presidential election of 2005 precisely because he was the best bet to implement the policy towards the LTTE that I had advocated for a very long time. See D Sivaram’s interview with me in the Northeastern Herald late 1992-early 1993, captioned “Premadasa should be a little more of a ‘warmonger’ “.

      • 0

        So, the state violated the human rights and responsible for the massacre of over 40,000 innocent tamils who were trapped in the no fire zone.
        It is the state ordered to murder those political refugees who surrendered to the Sinhala military.
        It is the state that lied to the world that there were only 70,000 inside war zone used food and medicine as a weapon to kill innocent tamil civilians.
        It is the state that is responsible for the unlawful abduction of number of innocent civilians using white van technology.
        It is the state used cluster bombs and chemical weapons against civilian targets.
        Mr Dayan Jeyatilake is part of that is participated genocide of Tamils. It is now clear what you mean unity. Sinkala only nation, Sinhala only army, Sinkala only Language and Sinhala only race. This is exactly Rajapakse regime strive to achieve one Nation!
        It was the state that fought against Tamils, not against LTTE because the masterminds of LTTE;KP, Karuna are with the state of Sri Lanka.

        • 0

          I agree with you. I am not against the Sinhalese. But the younger generation among the Tamils will bounce back with greater force, like the Germans after the defeat in the 1st World War. These younger generation has begun to shine virtually in all the professions like the Jews. Remember the Tamils are economically sound in foreign countries while the economy in Sri Lanka is deteriorating because of the malignant economic policy. They can kill the innocent Tamils, and the Muslim politicians can plunder the Tamils’ land for the time being, but they cannot kill their legitimate aspirations. This is history.

        • 0


          There was no genocide of the Tamils; you have been misled, like many others by a lie repeated frequently and from many seemingly different sources.

          The same propaganda machine that was inciting paranoia among Tamils (and well-meaning Westerners) that concentration camps were being built by the Sri Lankan government to “complete the genocide” by starving the inmates and killing them with infectious disease and slave labour (in 2009 and 2010) is the same machine that came up with the “facts” and figures you are giving us.

          The fact that, however much work needs yet to be done on it, the Government has embraced multilingualism, or at least trilingualism in Sinhala, Tamil and English and made efforts to recruit Tamil-speaking people into the police and armed forces makes a lie of such claims of genocide. Likewise that fact that there WERE no concentration camps and the vast majority of even the trained LTTE cadres have been rehabilitated and released, let alone the civilian population. And the amount of land, businesses and professional positions occupied by Tamil-speaking people in Colombo today.

          The truth is that the only “ethnic cleansing” or genocide that occurred in Sri Lanka was the one perpetrated by those who sought to establish a bilingual Tamil-English state, dominated by a single ethnic group (the “Ceylon Tamils”) and devoid of the opportunity to learn or speak Singhala. It is appalling that those who funded the ill-fated and futile war and disseminated the LTTE propaganda internationally were prepared to sacrifice the children of poor Hindu Tamil families in the north and east, who were kidnapped at times and brainwashed into an armed suicide cult, made sure they and their own kids were nice and comfortable in well-paying professional jobs in the West.

        • 0

          Thank you for what should be a comprehensive summing up. However, I fear those who bark for their dinner (breakfast and lunch) will start baying at the moon again in “rebuttal” and we will not be spared their yowlings yet again!

      • 0

        I read your posts very often, with all respect, I would like to know is whether you support MR administration further knowing the fact that they failed to handle almost every big issues like impeachment process against Dr.SB and several other crime investigations inlcuding the one of Barath killing properly ? What do you see the only alternative to save the nation from Rajapaskse dragonial rule.

  • 0

    Dayan Jayatilleke was there, but Malinda Seneviratne was absent. Is anyone surprised?

    • 0

      Dingiri, as Ajitha Kadirgama says iat the beginning of her Article, {“sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees” (used of someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole)}. Why are you so worried about who was there and who was not. Look at the whole picture of Why the Rally took place, and try to organise another One! Be Positive, get the whole country participating in making Reconciliation become a Reality! Then the Rulers will see what the People really Want!

    • 0

      Malinda is not intelligent enough to grasph it earlier. We the CT readership noticed it lately reading MS´s posts, that he always takes some more time, sadly.

  • 0

    Now loonies like Leela,Hela and Sumansekera will call ajita kadirgarmar as a tiger supporter hahahaahahaa

    • 0

      You are the mighty enlightened, how did you trace these typical Toons.

  • 0


  • 0

    Yes, we have to learn from history a history experienced by all communities living together in a small island called SL about100 years ago.Divide and Rule practise carried out by the colonialists in their colonies laid a firm platform to the newly independent politicians o govern their former colonies giving rise to divisive politics.Not only were the Sinhaese divided by party politics but the Tamils and Muslims were also divided according to their ethnicities.This resulted in resurrecting Mahavanse and the pre-eminence of the Sinhalese.Over the last 70 years the debate came in various avathars, the demand for Sinhala only as the official language ,demand for parity of languages asking for 50-50, the dialogues for the settlement of the Tamil issue was treated like a foot ball to play pandu in Sri Lankan politics.Gradually the Tamil speaking minority lost faith with broken promises generated by the chauvinistic Sinhala elments.Thus the demand for parity of status for the Tamil language turned into a demand for Federal State and culminated in the demand for a Seperate State.If we are to forge ahead as one Nation it is nothing but right the youth should come to the forefront as they did on that memorable day.Ajitha ,and others of her community , educated Muslim youth and the rising voices of the upcountry Tamils should take the lead in large numbers.The country is in dire state economically,socially, politcally and internationaly.The country belongs to the youth of this country.Please take your country to new heights as only the unblemished
    minds of the Sri Lankan youth is able to do.Thank you Ajitha for entering the social media.

  • 0



    Donald Gnanakone as you can see has a nervous problem. I am avoiding the word Mental. His postings are clear the man must go
    back to his treatment. [Edited out]
    Please save us from hearing this man’s crazy abuses and anger. He has insulted enough readers already.


    • 0

      I totally disagree. Donald’s contributions here are peppered with many personal acne todos from man decades of his associations with the players in power in Sri Lanka. It is very obvious that he has been affected badly, like the rest of the Tamils in Sri Lanka, by the actions of the state and this is reflected in his comments here. I, personally do like his incisive comments and knowledgeable contributions. We have enough censorship in Sri Lanka courtesy of the fascist Rajapaksa regime and I hope CT won’t start banning contributors here on this forum.

      @Piranha, we acknowledge criticism of the articles we publish, but will not allow persistent misrepresentation of our journalists/contributors to be published on our website. For the sake of robust debate, we will distinguish between constructive, focused argument and smear tactics.
      Besides this article is not about Kadirgamars, so we had to remove them.

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

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      Uncle Donald

      We accept tamils has many problems like every other person. They have been suffered under the iron fits of podian VP than SL goverments for 30 odd years. At least let them settle for now and have a new breath like the rest of SLanknas.

      The problem that you have is that you are so bogged down with self-cooked, emdemic and one way thinking. You got to accept and tolerate people with moderate ideas. You have to sit back and think rather than trying to upthrust all of us with your narrow minded horrible thoughts.

      I can tell you there is no place for those rubbish. See how many people bombarded you with in this particular case.

  • 0

    Oh donald, oh donald,
    You are one bitter man. How do you live within thyself. Snything and sll must be shred to bits by you. Ms kafirgamar is now a single eoman snd has been so for give years. What she calls herself is her prerogative. Daysn had his views which he is bold enough to articulate being within. I too do not agree with the war. Why dont we all get together and educate the people to vote for better politicians? Even you can rename yourself. Donsld duck? Hmmmm

  • 0

    “I assure you I am more than aware of the nuances and significances in the history of that resolution, and I am in agreement with its sentiments given the status quo of the day” It is comforting even mendacious half-breeds are in sympathy with the Vattukottai Resolution – although their well-known and declared stand on the just Tamil struggle exposes their crass hypocrisy. Such sentiments coming from a man justifying rape and murder of Tamil women. As to the eviction of Muslims from Jaffna I am afraid, Corporal Blacker, this may be too confusing to you. By the way, you admit you are a quarter Tamil. Is one quarter Muslim?

    The vulgar culture, soldier, is the shocking language you use. The posterior of the human body is usually not referred to in decent society, my man, is the point. So is this the “intellectual reach” you boast of? I concede I cannot match you there.

    “Mrs Gandhi didn’t split Pakistan by wishing it…” What on earth are you jabbering. How can one split a country of over a 150 million?
    This is why I said these matters are far beyond your reach, friend.
    The Mukti Bahini and Tiger of the 1971/2 period can confuse you.
    Stick to spying for the army and mediocre advertising. That seems to be your level.


    • 0


      I suppose your response is aimed at David Black Adder, the veteran grave digger.

      • 0

        Black Adder is Rowan Atkinson unlike Sangotcha the rave digger.

    • 0

      ” It is comforting even mendacious half-breeds are in sympathy with the Vattukottai Resolution”

      It is however amusing that you don’t see the irony of your use of bigoted language while weeping crocodile tears about my vulgar language. It is also telling that your discomfort with language is restricted to those who you see to be of inferior breeds. But as I said to Donald, I am happy to give you the opportunity to reveal to us your racism and bigotry :D I believe hypocrites such as yourself who pretend to be interested in minority rights should be revealed and the fact that your feelings are restricted only to your own race must be seen in a bright light. Thanks again, Senguttuvan for revealing your true stripes.

      “although their well-known and declared stand on the just Tamil struggle exposes their crass hypocrisy.”

      Sadly this well-known knowledge doesn’t seem to apply to you, since you clearly are ignorant and uninformed on my declared stand. Such knowledge would necessitate actual reading of my writing rather than assumptions. But, as has been established now, such intellectual pursuits are probably alien to you.

      “Such sentiments coming from a man justifying rape and murder of Tamil women.”

      Please do quote me ever having justified either of those things, Senguttuvan, and avoid embarrassing yourself by revealing that you’re not just a racist and a bigot but a liar as well :D

      “As to the eviction of Muslims from Jaffna I am afraid, Corporal Blacker, this may be too confusing to you.”

      Lol, yes, I’m sure you’ll want to avoid the confusion of justifying the war crime of ethnic cleansing as your friend Donald already has :D

      “By the way, you admit you are a quarter Tamil. Is one quarter Muslim?”

      How is that relevant to this debate, unless of course you are suggesting that there is something demeaning in being a Muslim? ;) Also, could you explain how one can be one quarter of a religion? :D

      “The vulgar culture, soldier, is the shocking language you use.”

      Come, come, don’t be shy now, Senguttuva; we have established that you’re a racist, so there’s no reason to wriggle now :D How is vulgar language a “culture”? Surely this vast intellect you claim to possess can explain that.

      “The posterior of the human body is usually not referred to in decent society”

      Oh, I don’t consider bigots and racists such as you and your pal Donal to belong to decent society. I already explained that to you. I talk to such scum in the language they deserve.

      “So is this the “intellectual reach” you boast of? I concede I cannot match you there.”

      Do quote me ever claiming such a thing. You mistake my pointing out your inferior intellect to a boast about my own. It is such assumption and ignorant speculation that has perhaps led you to make the childish comments you have.

      ““Mrs Gandhi didn’t split Pakistan by wishing it…” What on earth are you jabbering. How can one split a country of over a 150 million?”

      Lol, you tell me; it is you that said it: ““If Indira G could have split mighty Pakistan into two, without creating much waves regionally and internationally, what is there to stop Jayalalitha doing the same – irrespective whether the exercise is right or wrong.”

      It seems your mighty intellect cannot remember what you said a mere few hours ago :D

      “This is why I said these matters are far beyond your reach, friend.”

      Yes, lies and denials are certainly beyond my reach :D

      “The Mukti Bahini and Tiger of the 1971/2 period can confuse you.”

      It is you that brought up Pakistan in the debate not me. So who is confused?

      “Stick to spying for the army and mediocre advertising. That seems to be your level.”

      A level clearly above yours, though.

      • 0

        David Blacker

        “since you clearly are ignorant and uninformed on my declared stand”

        What is your declared stand?

        • 0

          On the Tamil nationalist/separatist struggle, to simplify it into a couple of sentences, I believe it was justified until 1987 and the 13th Amendment. After that, it was unjustified, and had to be defeated, in one way or another.

          • 0

            David Blacker

            Well done, you have brilliantly reduced a complicated issue such as this into a four liner.

            Anything beyond this point is incomprehensible for you. Hence take your own time, work it out, come back and explain to us about the rest of your declared stand.

            Awaiting for your next installment.

            • 0

              Well, I am forced to dumb it down for you, Booruwa. The fact is that I have voiced this stand in great detail over the years, but you’ve been too stupid to understand it or remember it. This is a regular feature of your moronic comments; ie you ask for explanations, they are given, you then wait awhile and ask again as if it is the first time; eventually people ignore you, and you claim to have won. Now you complain that it is too short. Drop the intellectual deceit, my devious friend, and ask the questions you want answered. It is a dishonest and weak man who pretends not to understand to avoid having to raise a counter-argument.

              There are no installments; only answers. If you cannot understand even that simple paragraph, I will try to dumb it down further if you explain what it is you can’t understand.

        • 0

          Straight piss in a Urine Bowl.

      • 0


        Your response brings forth nothing fresh except a feeble attempt to link me with the alleged negatives of another blogger Your invective and innuendo are poor substitutes for clean debate. If it satisfies you, I concede you are your own equal at both.

        Good-day, ex-soldier of an army that conducted a brutal war for years using nearly a quarter million men against a nation. mostly of unarmed civilians, of over 2 million and succeeded in notching up “zero casualties”


        • 0


          “a brutal war for years using nearly a quarter million men against a nation. mostly of unarmed civilians, of over 2 million and succeeded in notching up “zero casualties”

          Are you suggesting the Sinhala/Buddhist armed forces actually committed war crimes?

          Where is the evidence?

          Why is your friend the veteran grave digger maintaining a deafening silence on Matale pits?

          Do you know the identity of the grave digger who buried the skeletons in those pits? Please shed some light?

        • 0

          “Your response brings forth nothing fresh except a feeble attempt to link me with the alleged negatives of another blogger”

          I have simply quoted your racist epithets and bigoted commentary; the link with your pal Donald is so obvious that no one needs to make it. Why are you ashamed of your racism? You have clearly spoken disparagingly about Muslims and burghers; why are you now trying to worm your way out of it?

          “Your invective and innuendo are poor substitutes for clean debate.”

          I have made no innuendos nor used invective on you. It is YOU that called me a half-breed and suggested I was part Muslim (if that were even possible). It looks like in typical bully-biy fashion you’re trying to play the victim when you get a taste of your own medicine. But not to worry, Senguttuvan, however much you lie and deny, your words are there in black and white for readers to see, and fear not, I will be quoting you on a regular basis on this page when you try in your mealy-mouthed fashion to pretend to be a champion of human rights.

          “Good-day, ex-soldier of an army that conducted a brutal war for years using nearly a quarter million men against a nation. mostly of unarmed civilians, of over 2 million and succeeded in notching up “zero casualties””

          Lol, your personal attacks on me also cause zero casualties. i have been attacked by far more intelligent and articulate opponents than the gutter scum bigots you and Donald are. I am proud of my service in helping put down the vermin that survived by hiding behind women and children while cowards like you who talk big on the internet ran away and left the poor women and kids to fight.

          So good day, keyboard warrior of the great Nation of Suicide Bombers and Child Soldiers that even after 30 years has nothing to show for it.

          • 0

            “I will be quoting you on a regular basis on this page” – Corporal is this is a weak threat or an admission of some fangled obsession or infatuation?

            In addition to your achcharu background, I notice you are double-tongued too. Here’s the evidence. “On the Tamil nationalist/separatist struggle, to simplify it into a couple of sentences, I believe it was justified until 1987 and the 13th Amendment..” (May 06) ….”in helping put down the vermin that survived by hiding behind women and children..” (May 7) A super-speed about-turn in 24 hours, soldier??? And you call others names.

            Your attempt to fix me against the Burghers is an exercise in futility. I have not said anything negative about that fine community. I am not talking of the achcharu variety here – like you who are neither fish or fowl. As to Muslims, I have been hard on the fundamentalist variety who crossed with me but have said the peaceful, law-abiding majority are part of the proud national weave. Come! Come! I didn’t suggest you are a Muslim but asked if you were a quarter of that community too.


            • 0

              “Corporal is this is a weak threat or an admission of some fangled obsession or infatuation?”

              Neither. It is a promise to keep you honest ;)

              “In addition to your achcharu background”

              It is always hilarious to see people claim the myth of pure blood on an island that has exchanged semen and genes as generously as we have our food.

              ““On the Tamil nationalist/separatist struggle, to simplify it into a couple of sentences, I believe it was justified until 1987 and the 13th Amendment..” (May 06)….”in helping put down the vermin that survived by hiding behind women and children..” (May 7) A super-speed about-turn in 24 hours, soldier??? And you call others names.”

              Why have you quoted only part of what I said? Because you know that selectivity is the only way to win an argument? :D You are pathetic, my inbred friend. Here is what I said in full: “On the Tamil nationalist/separatist struggle, to simplify it into a couple of sentences, I believe it was justified until 1987 and the 13th Amendment. After that, it was unjustified, and had to be defeated, in one way or another.” And because it was unjustified and deserving of defeat that I said I was proud of my small contribution to its defeat. So there is no turn around, just the intentional deceit you seem to need to stay afloat in this debate :D Or did your pure bred intellect somehow prevent you from reading and comprehending simple English?

              “Your attempt to fix me against the Burghers is an exercise in futility. I have not said anything negative about that fine community.”

              Come, come, no need to squirm and deny. You called me a half-breed. Why are you shy now? At least be a man and stand behind your words. The Burghers by definition are Eurasian, ie of European and Asian decent, so calling me a half-breed is a racist epithet. But keep wriggling; I’m happy to keep bringing this topic up and drawing attention to your bigotry.

              “I am not talking of the achcharu variety here – like you who are neither fish or fowl.”

              Why don’t you explain that epithet and how it is relevant to our debate.

              “As to Muslims, I have been hard on the fundamentalist variety who crossed with me but have said the peaceful, law-abiding majority are part of the proud national weave.”

              There has been no Muslim fundamentalist opinion in this thread, so why have you spoken against the Muslims and accused me of being a quarter Muslim (if that were humanly possible)? Also, why are you so keen to support a racist such as Donald who delights in the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims by the Tigers?

              “Come! Come! I didn’t suggest you are a Muslim but asked if you were a quarter of that community too.”

              How is it possible to be quarter of a Muslim community? A Muslim is a believer in Islam; it is not a race. So how can one be a quarter of a believer in Islam? And again, what is the relevance in that question? Is your contention that being part Muslim (an impossibility, but something you fail to grasp) is somehow demeaning?

    • 0

      What do you try to say is in a twist moron.
      Your are a cut and paste theorist is what we understand from the CT gossips.

      You show your balderdash mightily with your classics of puerile construction of English.

  • 0

    “Are you suggesting the Sinhala/Buddhist armed forces actually committed war crimes?..” Come, come – my friend Native Veddah.
    You have taken much trouble to keep yourself informed fully of
    contemporary Lankan political history – to miss this point. Why,
    in different words, that super-Buddhist Sinhala hero Sarath F
    has given indications this was so. Except, he wants us to believe,
    he had nothing to do with it. You know on whose head he puts the
    blame. Elementary, dear chap.

    Tell me, do you think your man Dave Cameron – whom some of our educated Cabinet Ministers pronounce as David Cameraman- will shoot
    from the hip when he comes here for CHOGM. That will be tragic for the family who would rather wish the bloody thing was hosted somewhere else.


    • 0


      Veteran grave digger demands evidence.

      I am only trying to dig out dirt, beg your pardon skeletons buried since 5th April 1971.

  • 0

    Native V,

    If you are trying to dig out dirt, it is Blacker you should be talking to. The mongrel is the variety that writes gleefully of poor Tamil girls/women raped and killed; and children bombed; goes out of the way and unsolicited to white-wash SLA’s excesses – merely to catch the eye of the Officers in the SLA. As they say, we share this planet with strange and bizarred creatures trying to climb the social ladder.


    • 0

      “The mongrel is the variety that writes gleefully of poor Tamil girls/women raped and killed; and children bombed;”

      It seems, Sengu, that you can’t even make up a lie without adding a racist epithet to it. Perhaps you’re overcompensating for something in your own genealogy ;) I asked you before to quote me ever writing gleefully of rape, murder, or dead kids, but you can’t, because I have never said such a thing. Perhaps it is the inbreeding of your family that has bred into you the trait of being a pathological liar :D

      I guess we can now accept that beyond lying and calling people names, you have no real argument. I guess you come from a long line of the sarong and sari raiser tactic of debate :D

    • 0


      Seriously, doesn’t the International Community have any irrefutable evidence to bust Gota?

      • 0

        They do, dear friend from The First Nation. But the compulsions of global realpolitik takes precedence. An estimated 80% of the world’s Container cargo in the next 2 decades has to move via our sea-lanes and the current leaders of the Capitalist/Free World – the USA, China, India, Britain, Russia, Japan, Korea, Australia – are not going to tolerate any obstacle or disturbance there. VP could not grasp that elementary factor – although I understand the more savvier Anton B tried to pump sense into him. But by then the dreamers/tricksters have made Agni Devan believe he will be the first Emperor of the modern Tamil Kingdom – and thence to Nadikadal and a dubious place in history.

        Presumably, they have files on all 3 brothers, SF and the entire army leadership that were on the Front. They can nail them anytime they want as they did the former Yugoslav war criminals. But, dear boy, the Rajapakses are playing Quid Pro Quo games all the time – and winning although the Cabinet and the nation are kept in the dark. Why the hell should they tell you anyway. This is not Obama’s USA where the people demand they be told everything significant on open TV. This is the Wonder of Asia.

        The latest is a deal with the Indians in assuring CHOGM is not relocated everywhere. And you know as I do in this material world (nothing to do with Madonna) nothing is done for nothing. You scratch me back – and I yours is the culture of the day.


        • 0


          You have raised few nevertheless important points here.

          I am rushing to collect more honey now, will respond in a few hours. My wife is on my back. You know what I mean.

  • 0


    I came into this page because of your gross insult and the congenital vulgar language you use on the Tamil people. I have hounded you out earlier for years also for the same reason. Just once I agreed with your call for unity recently and sought to ignore your regular anti-Tamil history although I had my doubts about your sincerity.

    Little doubt you will try to please your masters with further anti-Tamil vitriolic. I will deal with you then and prove what a gutter-snipe you are. It is clear if you had an education worth mentioning you would not have joined the army as a low level soldier – with due respect to other soldiers who are not just as foul-tongued.


  • 0

    “I came into this page because of your gross insult and the congenital vulgar language you use on the Tamil people.”

    :D More lies, Sengu? Please quote me ever insulting the Tamil people. I have called you and Donald racists and bigots (which you are), and I have called Donald a pilferer (which he is). I hope you’re not suggesting that you and Donald are (sole ;) ) representatives of the Tamil people! Also, why is it that you find being called bigot vulgar but see no problem in using racist epithets on me, just as Donald has? Playing the victim after attempting to be a bully is a trait we are all familiar with, and no one really has sympathy for that.

    “I have hounded you out earlier for years also for the same reason.”

    Hounded? :D Perhaps you mean “dogged”? All I recall is that whenever you attempted to engage with me, you soon collapsed into the usual formula of raising your sarong and calling me names. Is that the Hound Dog Senguttuvan?

    “Little doubt you will try to please your masters with further anti-Tamil vitriolic”

    If only you could quote any of this anti-Tamil vitriolic and prove you aren’t the liar and bigot we all know you to be.

    “I will deal with you then and prove what a gutter-snipe you are.”

    And one day fat-arsed VP will fly again.

    “It is clear if you had an education worth mentioning you would not have joined the army as a low level soldier”

    Is that why you ran away and left the fighting of this war to the poor, uneducated Tamils of the NE, and to the women and children — because you were too well-educated to risk your life for the cause you are so brave about on the internet?

    • 0

      David Blacker

      “And one day fat-arsed VP will fly again.”

      How do you he had a fat-arse?

      Were you the one who measured his arse before his arese was thoroughly explored with hot iron rot?

      • 0

        Native Vedda

        Sorry it should read as follows:

        David Blacker

        “And one day fat-arsed VP will fly again.”

        How do you know he had a fat-arse?

        Were you the one who measured his arse before his arese was thoroughly explored with hot iron rot?

        • 0

          “Were you the one who measured his arse before his arese was thoroughly explored with hot iron rot?”

          I don’t know what this hot rot you speak of is, but I am just going on what I’ve seen in the pix. Why, are you offended at his fatness, or at me pointing it out? Since you also seem to believe that an opinion requires personal experience in the subject, I assume it was you exploring VP’s arse with your “hot rot” (what is that anyway, some sort of Veddha sexual toy)? You, Donald, and the Hound Dog Sengu seem to have some unusual sexual appetites.

      • 0


        The mentally sick ex-soldier has a fetish for the human posterior
        that he keeps referring all the time. He continues to insist, with absolutely no shame any decent person would, he will continue to use profanity in these pages. That is his culture and background. By linking me to another blogger and the LTTE, the dreg probably thinks the regime/army will take note against me.

        This is the same fraud whom CT had to warn several times not to come under different names.


        • 0


          “This is the same fraud whom CT had to warn several times not to come under different names.”

          That was a technical glitch on the part of CT and David had nothing to do with it.

        • 0

          “He continues to insist, with absolutely no shame any decent person would, he will continue to use profanity in these pages.”

          When dealing with bigoted scum like you and Donald, I have no problem with using profanity. It is what you deserve and more.

          “By linking me to another blogger and the LTTE, the dreg probably thinks the regime/army will take note against me.”

          Oh, please. Do you actually think the regime/Army is going to waste its time on laughable morons on the internet. If one day you have something worthwhile to say, the regime might take note; until then, the only thing you need fear is that people will laugh at you.

  • 0

    Are you on drugs or worse, Blacker. You are incurably amnesic. “Quote me ever insulting the Tamil people..” say you innocently. This acrimony began with your vulgar tongue “You wiped your collective a..ses with the Vadukkodai Resolution..” This is a calculated slur on the entire Tamil people. That is why I took you on. The Tamil Nation is not beaten. They only lost another battle where virtually 400,000 armed men of a modern army, navy and airforce was let loose on about 10,000 fighters and over a million civilians. The Tamil Nation – don’t you confuse it with the LTTE/Tigers – is again threatened with genocide, total extermination and organised and open thievery of their land. We will raise our voice against that – and the world will support us. If that is racism and bigotry to you, so be it. If that is the victory you gloat about and claim to be a part, please yourself. Now who is lying, soldier?

    Your excessive linking me with another – one unconnected to me in every one of your postings, establishes your total bankruptcy of reason to debate. And your repeated requests to the posterior of the human body symbolises your low background and utterly vulgar culture. We have not run away – something you fondly wish. The front will be there, everywhere so long as this injustice prevails. An insignificant soldier, with some ability to write, but handicapped with an offensive tongue, will in no way alter the struggle.


    • 0

      ““You wiped your collective a..ses with the Vadukkodai Resolution..” This is a calculated slur on the entire Tamil people.”

      Lol it is an indictment of those responsible for the Tiger ethnic cleansing of the NE Muslims and the resultant betrayal of the sentiments of the Vadukkoddai Resolution. People like Donald — and presumably you, given your support for his comments and your refusal to condemn the act — are supportive of that war crime. If you believe that the entire Tamil people are supportive of war crimes, then do wear the cap, if it fits.

      “The Tamil Nation is not beaten.”

      Lol where have I said that it was? I suggest you engage with what I am actually saying rather than what you wish I had said.

      “They only lost another battle where virtually 400,000 armed men of a modern army, navy and airforce was let loose on about 10,000 fighters”

      That is war, my Hound Dog; it isn’t a cricket or boxing match. If you have only 10,000 fighters, you accept the hand of peace that is being offered you rather than biting it. One must be immensely stupid to go to war against those odds. Is that the pure bred intelligence you mentioned earlier ;) ?

      ” and over a million civilians.”

      The majority of those million civilians were living peacefully in GoSL-controlled areas. The only people stuck with the Tigers were those that your “brave fighters” were hiding behind.

      “The Tamil Nation – don’t you confuse it with the LTTE/Tigers”

      Isn’t it you that has confused it by deciding that my comment on the war crime of ethnic cleansing was addressed to all Tamils?

      “is again threatened with genocide, total extermination and organised and open thievery of their land.”

      How come then that there is no sign of any such ongoing or previous genocide? Don’t you know the UN definition of genocide? As for land being lost, there is no land that belongs to Tamils; it is all SL land and everyone has the right to live on it, anywhere in SL, regardless of ethnicity. It is possible that Tamils will lose the political majority they hold in certain areas, but that is a result of losing a separatist war. The victors will ensure that what was won militarily will not be lost by other means. Those are the risks of going to war; when you lose, you lose; you don’t go back to the pavilion after the match for a cup of tea and a singalong.

      When Germany lost WW2, the country was partitioned and all measures were taken to ensure that its aggression wouldn’t be repeated. Some parts of Germany were under direct US and British military government even 20 years after the war. People were forcibly removed from their lands and resettled wherever the Allies thought it was politically expedient. POWs were held for years as slave labour in Allied nations even after the war. These are all the bitter fruits of defeat, and a lesson on why one mustn’t engage in pointless aggression and war when one is offered peace.

      “We will raise our voice against that – and the world will support us.”

      Good luck. I remember voices being raised all over the world’s capitals in 2009, but no one listened because your agenda is clear. Similarly, no one’s going to listen to stuff you just make up. When the IDPs were housed in camps ’til their villages were secured, you guys screamed and cried about concentration camps; when those proved to be utter rubbish, no one even bothered to say you’d made a mistake. You just started crying wolf over some other piece of nonsense. The world isn’t listening anymore. They pretend to care when there’s an election or some geopolitical reason to use your cause as leverage. Then they all go back to their usual routines. If you guys don’t wake up and realize that you can’t bullshit the world, you will end up like the Tibetans and Cuban nationalists — old men sitting in cafes grumbling and complaining while the world moves on. If you really care for the NE Tamils, drop the lies and nonsensical political posturing and actually address the real issues.

      “If that is racism and bigotry to you, so be it.”

      No, the racism and bigotry I’m talking about is the racist language you and Donald used on me, and your gloating at the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims. Don’t try to pretend that I have called you a racist for talking about the Tamil grievances, because you are dirtying that cause as well with your bigotry.

      “If that is the victory you gloat about and claim to be a part, please yourself.”

      I have already explained the victory I meant several times. Do I need to jog your memory again about the gang of vermin that hid behind Tamil women and children while men like you hid and look after yourselves, and worse, made money out of Tamil misfortunes? THAT is the victory I am talking about; not the one you conveniently wish I was.

      “Now who is lying, soldier?”

      You are when you accuse me of saying things I have not. I asked you to quote me saying the things you claim I did, but you cannot. You simply ignore my request, like a deceitful coward. If you have any integrity or morality, you would stand behind your accusations and prove them, or apologize for being wrong. THAT should be the pure-bred character you display, not the intellectual deceit of the stupid and immoral. Is that the pure breed that you are boasting of?

      “Your excessive linking me with another – one unconnected to me in every one of your postings, establishes your total bankruptcy of reason to debate.”

      It is you that linked yourself to him with your hypocritical and selective attack on just me, when clearly it was your pal Donald who degraded the debate by using racist language on me and praising the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims. You then went on to join him in that racist language and support his opinion on the Muslims. As for debate, what debate? Your whole raison d’être in this exchange was to lecture me on language and ignore Donald’s offensive language. If you want to pick side of racism, don’t whine when you’re called a racist. If you were a moral man you would have objected to Donald’s racist slurs rather than raising mealy-mouthed nonsense about me using the word arse. If I want to say ‘arse’ I will say it. If you don’t like it, go talk to someone else. I wasn’t talking to you.

      “And your repeated requests to the posterior of the human body symbolises your low background and utterly vulgar culture.”

      As I said, I talk to scum in the language they deserve. YOUR repeated use of racist slurs identifies you as a bigot and racist who was probably raised in a family comfortable with bigotry and racism. That is nothing to be proud of. Rough language is, in the end, just rough. Racism is as abomination that you of all people, a Tamil, should abhor rather than practice. You are a disgusting individual.

      “We have not run away – something you fondly wish. The front will be there, everywhere so long as this injustice prevails.”

      Keep telling yourself that, Hound Dog, to help you sleep at night. All you keyboard warriors abandoned your cause when you were needed. Where were you when your cause needed fighters? It is too late now to be a hero; your women and children died in your place while you saved your precious backsides (there, I didn’t use the word ‘arse’, though that is what you deserve).

      “An insignificant soldier, with some ability to write, but handicapped with an offensive tongue, will in no way alter the struggle.”

      I never said I would. But at least we stood for our cause. You didn’t. There’s no escaping that, Hound Dog.

  • 0

    There is no sign of decent debate from you and I am not ready to sink to your low levels of breeding that you expose regularly in the vulgar language you use. Worse you admit “if I want to say a…se, I will say it” I don’t need any re-assurance there, my man. A, B and F’s are part of your low culture and Stock-in-trade. You cannot separate yourself from it – even if you wanted to.


    • 0

      “There is no sign of decent debate from you”

      I can say the same about you. Unfairly targeting one person’s language because you disagree with him, but supporting another because you agree with his racism is hardly decent.

      “I am not ready to sink to your low levels of breeding that you expose regularly in the vulgar language you use.”

      So you would prefer to stick to your level of breeding; that of racism, bigotry, and hypocrisy? Ok, thanks for confirming that :D

      “Worse you admit “if I want to say a…se, I will say it” I don’t need any re-assurance there, my man.”

      Yes, I don’t hide my intentions and pretend to be something I am not, unlike you, who uses the Tamil cause as a shield to spew your bigoted rhetoric. If you had any actual breeding and culture you wouldn’t have sunk to using racist slurs on me when you realized you had no argument to put forth.

      “A, B and F’s are part of your low culture and Stock-in-trade. You cannot separate yourself from it – even if you wanted to.”

      Oh, I assure you I can, if I wanted to; but I don’t want to. I address bigoted scum like yourself in the language you deserve. I explained this to you in my first response, and I hoped you’d have understood, but apparently your inbred Hound Dog genes won’t allow you to, so you’re still here whining and wriggling embarrassingly.

    • 0


      “They do, dear friend from The First Nation. But the compulsions of global realpolitik takes precedence.”

      My elders warn me of deals made between countries which they believe have no relevance to the ordinary people.

      International community wants to see stability in Sri Lanka on its own terms. Hence it wouldn’t mind or actively support any abhorrent regime as long as the regime serves its interest.

      India is Sri Lanka’s guardian angel plays the role of God Shiva, creates, destroys and protects.

      GL Peiris went to Washington some months ago, met with Clinton and came back with Washington Consensus. My elders do not seem to have access to the details. However they suspect that in order to save clan’s back he would have made deals, usually a sell out, detrimental to the country and its people.

      My elders tell me Russia and China have been opportunists as any other political friends would be. So their protective shield does not extend beyond an utilitarian point.

      If and when India decides to whack naughty boy Sri Lanka my elders believe India could still do it with or without a bullet being fired despite grave digger’s trust in his former employer.

      Please assure me that my elders are right in thinking what they think.

    • 0


      I have been reading your debate with David and it’s quite enjoyable. It seems to be like a collision between the younger and older generations regarding racism and “swearing”.

      In the environment in which my parents grew up back in the 1940s, 50s and 60s (in Sri Lanka and England) you could be as bigoted and racist as you wanted, but you were not allowed to “swear” or use “swear-words”, like “arse”. In school, “among the boys”, of course it was different – “swearing” was a sign of being tough or macho. Girls were “not supposed to swear” at all. Full stop.

      Senguttuvan, times have changed since the 1960s musical “My Fair Lady” where the “working class” girl shows her “lack of breeding” by shouting at the horse she was backing “Come on Dover, move your bloody arse”, thereby embarrassing the stuffy English professor who had been teaching her to speak the “Queen’s English”. (To talk like what Monty Python referred to as “upper class twits” in their 1970s comedy series). This popular musical changed the supposedly scandalous words from the word “blooming” which was in the corresponding scene in the original play by George Bernard Shaw (Pygmalion), on which My Fair Lady was based. women were not to say “blooming”, you see, when Shaw wrote the play.

      Regarding the “purity of races”, full-breeds, half-breeds,etc: Interbreeding between races is good for the human race, and I myself are what racists have long termed a “half-breed”. I always liked “mongrel” rather than “pure-bred” (inbred) dogs, and for a reason. There are many dangers in inbreeding – look at the European Royal Families and the transmission of haemophilia, for example.

      “Half-breeds”, as you call us of mixed ancestry, are able to draw on a broader gene pool and are, on average, more healthy (I will avoid discussing the effects of inbreeding on intelligence). This is despite claims to the contrary by the racist “eugenics” advocates from Britain, the USA and elsewhere who warned that “half-breeds” are more prone to violence, alcoholism, venereal disease and mental defectiveness. That was back in the 19th century and early 20th century.

      Fortunately, times have changed.

      These days racism is generally regarded as a greater evil than “swearing”, and with good reason. A “bad mouth” is not spoken of much these days, especially here in Australia, where politicians and TV personalities have no problem in using what you still seem to quaintly regard as “bad language”. But people do talk about “bad-mouthing” someone – spreading lies and negatively misrepresenting people – defaming them in other words.

      I have noticed you misrepresenting what David Blacker has actually written on a number of occasions just in the debate above. I’m afraid he’s getting the better of you! Nice reading your attempts to spar with him – but remember he’s got military training. He’s careful with his words and blessed with a sharp wit and sense of humour, in addition to writing well (as you have grudgingly admitted). And he’s making some very valid points about the LTTE and the difference between race, religion and language. Indeed one cannot be a “quarter Muslim”. Religious beliefs are not racial characteristics. And purity has much more to to with integrity and morality than blood-lines.

  • 0

    I am following some debates here very keenly.Mostly about BBS,Muslim issue and others. But recently the exchange between Mr David and Mr Sengu. Till now other readers did not comment on this debate. But now Dr Ramesh is commenting. That is ok.But he has taken sides. Mr Sengu normally comes very strong for the Tamil people for many years and we
    support him, He is well learned in many matters of sri lanka politics.
    As he wrote he entered the matter because Mr David used words insulting the tamil people, which I feel ashamed to repeat here.Mr Sengu also used strong words against Mr David in reply. In my opinion Mr Sengu has done his part well.I hope Mr David will use decent language in his good arguments in the future.

    Real Jaffna Man

    • 0


      I agree with what you say about Senguttuvan. I have a lot of respect for him, his knowledge and perspective. However, in this particular debate I do not think he is showing his usual graciousness – I also have good reason to criticise his denigration of so-called “half breeds”.

    • 0

      Varanthan, please quote me insulting the Tamil people. Don’t make false accusations.

      Also, do you agree with the racist slurs used by Sengu and Donald on me? Do you believe that is the way to debate?

      Finally, do you agree with the praising by Donald and Sengu of the ethnic cleansing of the NE Muslims?

      I find it strange that you all seem so focused on insulting language, but see nothing wrong with racism and war crimes.

  • 0

    I have to disagree with Romesh Seneviratne on this verbal duel between two regular contributors. It is by no means enjoyable. It was acrimonius. The cultured and polished Mr Senguttuvan who has been
    a welcome feature in many blogs versus the combating David Blackler.
    David will win many friends if he learns to control his poor language.
    For a man claiming to be a Writer and entrant to the Galle Literary
    Festival and the like he must learn to live with less expletives.
    In my view, it was a no-contest with David losing by miles.


    • 0

      Elmo, I am not here to win friends. Nor have I made any claims to be a writer nor entrant anywhere. All my comments that you, Sengu, and now Varanthan find objectionable were in response to first Donald Gnanakone, and then Sengu himself, using racist slurs on me and praising the ethnic cleansing of the NE Muslims.

      If you find no issue with using racist epithets in a debate and the praising of war crimes, well, I hardly think you should be telling me how to win friends.

      • 0

        Your typifying people as “Booruwas” speaks volumes for the kind of individual you are and the literary currency you deal with, pot-boilers to the GLF notwithstanding.
        Now that you are seeking to leave the slave galley of the Rajapaksas, you should employ a genealogist to investigate whether you are in fact a product of whatever miscegenation brings mules and jennies into this world.

        • 0

          Your comment about my ancestry shows that you are used to gutter speculation and are probably more in need of a genealogist than I am.

          Keep slandering me on this Rajapakse mumbojumbo of yours if you wish. The fact that you can’t quote me ever defending the Rajapakses is proof of the low level liar you are, something that you’ve probably inherited. More work for your genealogist.

          As I have oft told you, there isn’t a single comment on this site from you that addresses any article; every single comment is an attack on an author commentator at a personal level. The sarong lifted school of debate is something you must have learned where you grew up.

  • 0

    unity is not achievable but separation is. it’s as simple as that.[Edited out]

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