17 January, 2025


Rally The People, One Nation, One Call Free Sri Lanka: Independence Day 2023

By Sonali Wijeratne

Sonali Wijeratne

Today we Sri Lankans are a people ransomed by successive national governments to foreign creditors and super powers who hold us Lilliputians in their Gulliver’s palms! Therefore come Independence Day February 4th 2023, we must ask the question, what are Independence Days that countries celebrate? The qualified answer is: they are to commemorate Nationhood free from foreign domination and the beginning of a country’s freedom from foreign powers and achievement of national independence. This in essence is the basis laid down for celebration of Independence Day by all accounts and definitions.

Sri Lanka’s indebtedness and continued process of falling into further debt to pay the immediate debts is now a spiraling sword of Damocles on the unborn heads of generations to come. Even though an expected trench of US$2.9 Bn bailout package from the IMF is supposed to give a short respite, today we live in a nation asphyxiated with foreign creditors awaiting payment with interest that the country is unable to deliver. It is the 17th time since Independence that we go through the rigors of borrowing from the IMF and not instituting policy measures to be sustainable and self-sufficient Nation. However the crunch time now is irreparable, insolvency, finding yet no solution in sight to be free from servicing debt repayments or even finding the means to effect the same.

Decades of beggary, being beholden to foreign powers to the extent of appeasing them politically, economically and culturally are evident in the many ways this island nation has had to concede to India and China on numerous occasions. The bottom line and pressing reality for the Nationhood of Sri Lanka is any key decision on our ports, energy, security, minority interests, even the selection of Free Trade Agreements with partner countries, divestiture of national assets etc all fall prey to the interests of those money lending institutions and nations to whom Sri Lanka is beholden during the 75 years of its so called independence.

Let us take a reality check. We the people of this country are now locked into hitherto unprecedented all time record  of  unsustainable  debt,  bankruptcy, economic contraction, galloping inflation, penury, malnourishment, failing health care, rising mortality rates, school drop outs, erosion of democracy and democratic institutions to name a few. Professionals, technicians, blue collar works, housemaids leave the country in droves for earning in foreign climes. The massive brain drain of expertise and technical capacity moving out of the country remains the highest on record. The Government Budget shows no heed of expenditure curbs. It has no credible implementation mechanism to increase revenue through pragmatic taxation of high income earners. Instead, the middle and poorer professional classes are caught in its tentacles of direct and indirect taxation policies.In essence, the Government of the day has no sustainable way forward to take the Nation out of the dark tunnel of hopelessness to which it has sunk.

Amidst this carnage of nationhood, says the President of Sri Lanka glibly, “we must celebrate the 75th Independence Anniversary, otherwise, the world will say that we are not capable of celebrating even our independence” That is the puerile and even petty justification given by an Executive President for holding the Independence Day Ceremonies with an estimated total cost of Rs.200 Million at a time when it is internationally known that we are a bankrupt debtor nation beholden to the charity of our creditors, private lenders, and bilateral lenders like India, China, Japan and international lending organizations.

However, according to the President what must be advertised to the world at large is that on February 4th 1948, Ceylon was granted independence as the Dominion of Ceylon. The fact such Dominion status within the British Commonwealth was retained for another 24 years until May 22nd 1972 until Ceylon became a Republic of Sri Lanka remains a factual aside to this remembrance of things past. What really is the relevance of old historical tales of the Kandyan Rebellions of 1818, 1848, the Muslim Uprising of 1915, the saga of past heroes culminating in Independence given on a platter to Sri Lanka in 1948 unlike in India where it was the culmination of the struggles of  the Mahathma Gandhi and his followers.

In this context it is an insult to injury for the Government to spend the tax payers money on a mere show of strength and military grandeur by the tripartite forces parading in front of a President who is not elected by the People but instead supported by the now debased PPJ Party of deposed former President Gotabaya and former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa. It is a fact that the combined assault of the major political parties as the UNP headed by Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe of the infamous and defunct Yahapalanaya , now signed up to uphold  the notorious corrupt degenerate PPJ Rajapaksas have over several decades run the country to debt and more un-payable  debt until the nation is today groveling before the big powers with a begging bowl. 

The utter mis-management of the economy since the “glory days” of independence, the successive reliance for short term financial rolling on the International Monetary Fund and other Lending Organizations, Institutions, bilateral partners for funding which have led to a cumulative monetary disaster, the Machiavellian politicization of the social and economic policies, institutions, public service, judiciary, manipulation of minority and racial riots and schisms have combined to sound the death knell of our independence and sovereignty.

The call of the Lion with a brandished sword on Independence Day is therefore a strident one: Let us all as One People rise up for the free, fair and just nationhood of our beloved mother Lanka! Raise the Flag for a clean, anti-corrupt, sound governance and legitimate leadership representing the People! Victory comes not by regurgitating old victories, but in facing the battle of today: To Fight the Good Fight one and all must be the Independence of nationhood that we celebrate and prize beyond all measure.

Latest comments

  • 8

    Sri Lanka suffers from a geopolitical resource curse and as the US wages hybrid economic proxy war on China in the maritime domain Sri Lanka is being crushed. The US-Force backed President Ranil Wickramasinghe was brought in to sell the IMF’s austerity measures to shrink the economy. Meanwhile he prepares to celebrate US dollar-debt trap colonialism and Sri Lanka’s Lost Independence with great pomp and circumstance with his foreign backers (Donald Lu said that the Force backs RW),, in Kandy and Colombo.
    Meanwhile rural farming communities and areas are currently subject to another set of economic shocks and hybrid attacks , on the island’s food security – from bio-war lab-made Fall Army Worms (Sena Catapillar), to Coconut white flies, to cattle dying of lumpy skin disease in the Eastern Province to a strange pest of unknown aeteology eating up the rice paddy fields at this time. Is this biowarfare in the wake of the Covid-19 US-China lab made virus attack — a prelude to a long promised famine in this lush and fertile tropical island that has received voluminous rain fall despite the current global warming narrative? Is Sri Lanka not in the midst of US hybrid economic proxy war on China as America’s Nero Fiddles and Rome burns?!

    • 10

      Dinuk, Nero only fiddled and was not heard by the deaf. Our fiddle is deadly as it covers up all the corrupt robbers being allowed to continue robbing the nation, citizens ending in poverty and the jobless robbers are having foreign dollar accounts stacked away for their generations. Amend constitution to abolish presidency as country cannot afford to add any more dictator presidents robbing central bank. No presidents.

      • 10

        Finally Ranil has come out.

        So, Ranil’s boys are celebrating “Independence” wearing kilts, uh? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktaYWRZtlR0

        Native, what’s wrong with good ol’ Amudes?

        Have we independent-ed our minds?

        75 years …….. and counting. :))

        • 1

          Ranil’s 25-year development plan ……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5dYOPFFYW4

          75 + 25 = 100

        • 4

          nimal fernando

          “75 years …….. and counting”

          Watch how our independence day events started at Maradana last evening:

          Now the state has put out a spin police was sent to sort out a few drunken hooligans. I believe the state. You too should.

          Heads of saffronistas are now worried, if 13A is implemented and police powers are given to the provinces the country’s security would be endangered by separatists. Saffronistas should know Armed forces are there to secure security of the island, under the watchful eye of the Hindians. They provide security to this island, not the Chinese nor the west.

          Saffronistas also complained to Ranil that Buddist Vihares in the North East would come under attack if Armed forces are removed and land powers are given to the provinces. If Saffronistas are worried and if they felt threatened they should bring in a contingent of IPKF Mark II to protect all those recently built Vihares and Sri Lanka’s nonexistent SOVEREIGNTY.

          Am I going to see Elle riding a Harley Davidson Cosmic Starship and you on pillion?

          • 6

            “Now the state has put out a spin police was sent to sort out a few drunken hooligans.”


            Ranil is JR’s nephew, alright! …… The shameless scum of the earth slimy fucker is trying to start Black July all over again ……. He has no intention of ever giving it but …….. that’s why he dragged out 13A at this time. Ranil is willing to pay any price to hang on to power. Slimy cunning devious JR did the same. Like uncle like nephew.

            The shameless gutless bastard will set the whole country on fire and then to himself ……… just to cling on to power.


            Ranil has dragged out and resurrected from the dead the worst elements ……. and given them a new lease of life …….. now, Wimal is in his element: saving “Sinhala-Buddhism!”

            To hell with 13A. I’m for giving Eelam and spinning them off; they’ll pull the whole country out of the mess we are in now. …… I don’t worry about the Tamils getting 13A ……. but I worry about the other Sinhala provinces getting land and police (to a lesser extent) powers. I’m busy …… shall explain later.

      • 2

        btw. the bio-warfare on Lanka’s agriculture and food security is to enable US-EU corporate agribusiness take over of the island’s food production, fisheries and agriculture sectors. The egg shortage story is a massive distraction from this.
        All the marine fisheries resources are being looted by France, the world fish thieves, who have faught fisheries wars with Britain and looted Somali waters forcing Somalian fishermen into piracy.
        France which now wants to train the SL police in Cover up smoke screen ‘investigations” into the killing of Dinesh Shaffter is as deadly as the US in its Imperial ambitions and colonialism and claims massive acres of the Indian Ocean. France and US should be sent back to the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and banned from Fishing in the Indian Ocean as they do not have any borders here, but have huge environmentally polluting military bases all over with the US expanding 4 in the Phillippines now that it has installed puppet Marcos Junior after failing to install puppet Fujimori junior in Peru and destroying democracy there.! US likes to install the children and nephews of Dictators – JRJ’s Ranil, Marcos jr. Fujimori jr. and the list of crimes of the biggest rogue state in the world goes on…

    • 5

      As Victoria Nuland comes and goes full on hybrid economy proxy war and Digital Colonialism is escalating and energy wars are being staged among local institutions – PUCSL, CEB, Petroleum Corporation to further beggar and debt trap
      Recall that RW promised 15 hour powercuts and famine when he gaily proclaimed that Sri Lanka was Bankrupt last year when he became President through a Regime Change Operation with the military on the streets. All these Energy institutions are controlled by external actors using bribery, corruption and Fake Data and narratives. The plan is to to starve the SL economy of energy – oil and electricity– deepen the dollar debt trap as they did last year with the Fuel Blockade during the US Marines Sea Vision operation, for the IMF Firesale of Strategic assets – energy, telecom, transport infrastructure and lands.
      The PUCSL, CEB, Petroleum Corporation Data like the debt DATA and Covid and Climate DATA produced by various USAID funded outfits and think tanks is gamed. There is NO DATA SECURITY and the GoSL Cloud storage is constantly hacked! This is a post-Truth world with gamed data and narratives but the Natives of Paradise lost are oblivious!

      • 6

        Dinuk dear,
        Why don’t you write some sense for a change, instead of simply cutting and pasting your previous rants?

        • 0

          OC, more than comments , I’m puzzled seeing few agreeing with such tangentiality.

          • 0

            By the way where is our Princeton Alumni. It’s kind of cyclical verbal diarrhea with no warning. Do you believe in correlation between Lunar Cycles and state of mind , in certain people ??? As a physician I not believe in such myth , but it’s hard to ignore in years of clinical practice.

            • 3

              I believe D is the Priceton alumnus herself.
              Isn’t there some correlation between Lunar cycles and some human functions such as menstruation? It is thought that this and the predictability of eclipses gave rise to the BS of astrology.

  • 19

    “Machiavellian politicization of the social and economic policies, institutions, public service, judiciary, manipulation of minority and racial riots and schisms”
    Racialism is the single most reason for the country’s state.
    People behind this is lead by the three Mahanayake theros, who are raising the ugly heads again against full implementation of 13th Amendment. Ranil instead of worshipping them should put them behind bars under ICCPR law or under PTA non bailable offences. They are disrespecting Constitution.

    • 18

      Correct Dilshan. One nation indeed and the lion flag fiercely wielding the sword and aggressively looking towards the minorities, stating this is only a Chingkalla nation and beware, forgetting the fact that a large part of it was Thamizh and ruled by Thamizh until the British who joined the then separate Chingkalla and Thamizh parts of the island and created a new colony called Ceylon in 1830, thereby making the Chingkallams who were confined to the southern 7 provinces a majority on the whole island and the Eezham Thamizh who were a 100% majority a minority on the entire island. Then in 1948 gave the hapless Thamizh people on a platter to the Chingkallams with no protection. The rest is history.

      • 18

        She only talks about the Chingkalla Kandyan rebellion and Muslims but nothing about Thamizh or their history and fights against colonialism. When the so-called Chingkalla Kotte kingdom meekly surrendered to the Portuguese without a fight and then helped the Portuguese in their fight against the Thamizh Jaffna kingdom. Other than brief periods of history, it was the Thamizh, Naga Hindu or Buddhist and South Indian Thamizh dynasties who ruled even the Chingkalla and Thamizh parts of the island. Most of these so-called Chingkalla kings were from the South Indian Thamizh dynasties. The Thamizh Naga Hindu and Buddhist kings who ruled the island from ancient times got assimilated as Chingkallams or started to identify themselves as Chingkallams by the 10Th Century. See this address with regard to the racist Sri Lankan state. Good legal points.


        • 18

          The Ellara – Duttu Gemunu was not a tribal war, it was a war fought by Duttu( Duttan in Thamizh means wayward, disobedient or not a good person) Gemunu who was a Naga (Tamil) prince to regain the Anuradhapura throne that belonged to his ancestors on his father’s side.
          Duttu Gemenu’s father was Kakai Vanna Theesan (A pure Thamizh name or title) whose father was Gotabhaya. Gotabhaya is the son of Maha Naga, brother of Thevanai Nambiya Theesan ( or Devanaam Piya Tissa in Pali) The first convert to Buddhism. His father was king Mootha Sivan (BC307 – BC247) who ruled Anuradhapura. Again a pure Thamizh name or title means the great or venerated Lord Siva. Therefore, Kakai Vanna Theesan was the great-grandson of Maga Naga who established the kingdom in Mahagama in Rohana/Ruhuna. Maha Naga’s older brother, Thevanai Nambiya Theesan a contemporary of Emperor Asoka, was the first king of the Tissa dynasty.

          • 17

            It may be of interest and educational value to note that all kings from Mootha Sivan ( 307BC- 247BC) right down to the Christian era, a period of 300 years, were Nagas who were Thamizh. These Naga kings continues to rule from Anuradhapura till they lost their identity and became Chingkallams from around the 10 Century AD. As mentioned above the much adored and admired King Duttu Gemunu was a Naga prince both from his father’s side Kakkai Vann ir Kaavan Theesan and his mother’s side Viharamadevi. During the war between Ellara and Dutugemunu, there were Buddhist Nagas (Thamizh) fighting on the side of Dutugemunu and Hindu Nagas (Thamizh) fighting on the side of Ellara. It was a war between Buddhist and Hindu Thamizh. There was no Chingkalla language or identity at that time. The Thamilz/Nagas who were Buddhists needed a separate identity from the Thamizh/Nagas who were of the Hindu faith. This was achieved by inventing the Chingkalla language and script by the Buddhist monks and the myth of a separate origin from North Indian half-lion prince Vijaya was hatched to explain the Prakritsed word Sinhala from Thamizh Chingkallam. These Mahaynayakes should really learn proper history before promoting racism.


            • 17

              This is like in modern times a new identity origin is now being created for the island’s Muslim Thamizh, for perceived political and economic benefits from the rest of the Thamizh, by claiming a blanket Arab, other western Asian, north Indian and other origins, that only very few families say around 5% partial have and by deliberately discarding their 1000-year-old Thamizh Islamic culture that they brought from their original South Indian homeland a few centuries ago by deliberately Arabizing themselves and following the desert Arab Wahhabi form of Islam, culture and dress modes. Very soon they will discard their Thamizh language and adopt Arabic an alien imported language or Chingkallam, especially down south. We can see this happening now and this is what happened around 1500-2000 years ago to the Naga/Yakka Thamizh Buddhists on the island.

              • 7

                Pandi Kutty, All this Elara Dutu Gemunu and Naga Yakka distinctions need to fade so that like in aragalaya where living in UNITY under corrupt robber leaders chased the failed father of Dutu out of our nation. Wijeweera killer could not succeed as Vasantha Mudalige killer due to a miracle. We dont need to be racists or demand portions of nation to be under blessing of unity and hence another dawn of aragalaya can bring in victory.

                • 14

                  Oh really will it? The Chingkallams, their elite, politicians and the Buddhist clergy, especially the Mahanayakes, are keeping it alive, with their fake sons of the soil twisted concocted history, fake Aryan origin for the Chingkallams and a fake Arab origin for the island’s Muslims to divide rule and create a Chingkalla only nation. What unity there is no unity and your so-called Aragalay was because the Chingkallams who elected racists who promised a good life for them on the back of marginalized Thamizh are starving. Still ask most Chingkallams including Chingkalla Christians like you if your Aragalyal should include just Thamizh rights for all Thamizh, ( Hindu, Christian and Muslim), a federal setup with land and police powers and standardization to reduce Thamizh students entering university should be abolished and the Public service, armed forces and police should have 70% Chingkaalams 20% Thamizh( 20% as they were 20 or more of the population before they were forcibly chased out to the west) and 10% Thamizh Muslim, they will be mum and quite, not even agreeing to the national anthem to be sung in Thamizh an official language in par with Chingkallam. The answer is no.

                  • 13

                    Chingkalla politicians like recent South Indian origin MuthuKarrupan and the prince of darkness are baying for Thamizh blood, The Mahanayakes who at one time demanded only upper caste Kandyan Chingkallams should rule or govern Central province and no low caste should be allowed to be a governor, are now howling screeching and demanding, there should be no just Thamizh rights, devolution and giving stupid lame excuses that military should be kept in the north and east to assist with Chingkalla settlement/land grabbing to build Buddhist Viharas on destroyed ancient Hindu temples. What sort of Buddhism is this? Preaching racism, and casteism and upholding apartheid, like it was in South Africa and now in Israel. They had summoned the President to Kandy to give him a good dressing down and there is a photo of him falling down and worshipping these most un-Buddhist racists, who uphold caste and ethnic discrimination and marginalization. You Chingkallms just want Thamizh to forget all the atrocities and war crimes down to them by the Sri Lankan state and Chingkallams and support you to gain economic prosperity back again and then will start kicking us and marginalising us. What a hypocrite. Have you even once said sorry on behalf of the Chingkallams, for what they did to the Thamizh, like a good Christian? Nah you will never.

                    • 2

                      Don’t forget the part played by the Tamil politicians.
                      Six months after independence, the UNP government brought the Citizenship Bill to parliament. The Tamil Congress could have defeated the Bill but chose not to. The Bill passed because Tamil, Muslim, Burgher and British members voted for it or abstained. It seems that Caste and Class were (and still are) as much a factor in politics as Race and Religion.

                    • 3

                      Response to Svenson,
                      You’re quite right; what the Tamil Congress did was very wrong, and in practical terms it made the crucial difference. Let’s blame G.G. Ponnamablam, (and may be his descendants – since it is a family party) to the maximum extent possible. Being a Sinhalese, I don’t fully understand Tamil politics
                      However, having done all that, must more blame go the UNP government that brought the Citizenship Bill to Parliament, or to the Tamil Congress?
                      You must study this complex subject. I travelled down to be present at this discussion:
                      and I’m still in Maharagama. The book was also discussed in this article:
                      It’s sad that there isn’t a comment by you there. The relationship between the four(?) ethnic groups is extremely complex. However, could you please provide us with either an “Yes” or “No” answer to this question? Would you like to see this problem resolved in some way?
                      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

              • 0

                Can I know the source of the information you mentioned here?

                • 0

                  Dear Janaka_jr,
                  To whom is this request addressed? Judging by the way the indents have got arranged it may be to “Pandi Kutti”. but which comment of his?
                  Please try to minimise ambiguities.
                  Panini Edirisinhe aka “Sinhala_Man”

  • 5

    Not gonna say a word ………. just watch the start of this ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktaYWRZtlR0

    • 10

      Well, nimal fernando,
      I was asked by a friend, who is respected on CT, to read this:
      According to Dayan, we must abandon the NPP because they are “ignorant” – or something like that.
      I will not do so. I still firmly support the NPP. To me, AKD is an outstanding man. Each of us will have to decide for ourselves. You have, without doubt come across the term “gaslighting”. Does it apply to me?
      There’s plenty more on the web. Perhaps I should have started with Wikipedia:
      Can’t be helped. I must depend on my reason. Stubbornly? Pigheadedly? Never mind. I won’t try to explain all this to every person whom I meet. I shall keep asserting support for the NPP, and I will finally vote for them on the 9th of March.
      And if there are no elections conducted on that day? We must make it all the worse for this illegitimate government.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)


      • 7

        SM …….Almost agree with you on AKD
        But knowing the voters can”t we blame somebody else ?
        SLogically we could do business for another 75 years and encourage youth to go abroad ???

      • 4

        Thanks for your link. I had to overread it for my own information. Your friend might have tried to open your eyes but I dont think it was successful.

        Although the acronym SDP (in English) is correct, it is absurdly referred to/quoted as the German acronym SPD. For those of us (srilanken expats) who live in Europe for so long, the main political parties, the SPD and the CDU, have no clear distinction in their economies and foreign affairs, compared to the fact that they act in Sri Lanka. As in South Asian countries, the change of government from Dr. Merkel (CDU) to the current chancellor did not make a big difference.

        The root of the JVP-JJB issue is ignorance that starts from the beginning.

        This may be correct.
        As Karl Marx slammed his palm on the table in response to the communist and tailor Joseph Weitling at a meeting of the First International, “Ignorance has never helped anyone!”.

        The color is not good, what is the DJ’s intention in this regard?

        This man is a total thief, we know how opportunistic he has been in recent years being close to Mahinda Rajapaksa who is the root cause of srilanken issues as of today.

        • 3

          I agree.
          I found reading Dayan Jayatillake not very interesting – what I understood of him. I hope that you have begun to pay more attention to the good things in the NPP.
          I’m not asking that you become an enthusiastic supporter like me. Only, be polite and moderate in your criticisms, and do focus on your job that brings you an income.
          Best wishes,
          Panini Edirisinhe

    • 3

      nimal fernando

      Here is the clear video.
      You should be patriotic and proud about our independence, that was given to us on a platter.

    • 5


      “The Tamil Congress could have defeated the Bill but chose not to.”

      As the entire island was told how generous were the Sinhala/Buddhists to their fellow countrymen. If it was the case the Sinhala/Buddhist racists should not have passed the citizenship Act as it was. Alright since the Sinhala/Buddhist were told to do whatever they wanted because they had liberated the country from 500 years of colonial rule. It is understandable. However after DSS the country has seen numerous Sinhala/Buddhist majoritarian government which of course did nothing to provide basic human rights to the people who toiled and died over 150 years until the Hindians caught your clever dick JR by his b***s and put some sense into his head.

      Don’t ever complain Hindians did that, did this and other as if this island ever enjoyed so called sovereignty. This country can have limited sovereignty only when the rulers, saffronista’s ….. functionaries behaving properly and treat the people well.

      Stop blaming the victims.
      The Dumb asses should have behaved themselves in the first place.

  • 11

    How Mr Nice played his game again first he said he would fully implement 13 A and use his powers.
    Now gone to see Mahanayakas (political experts) they totally rejected it This is how the democrazy works.
    So these govnts should run on their opinions, locate them in the prez palace in Colombo so its easy to meets the foreign missions etc
    Mr Ranil should Make these three as prez or this institute to make political dicissions and govern the way Taliban run Afghanistan .Is this part of the teachings of the Lord.

    • 2

      Ranil replace the “mahanayakas “get it from UNPers if they obstruct you

    • 0

      Sri Lanka is a proclaimed Republic and is no more a Kingdom as in the ancient times, nor a Dominion of the BE!!???
      The governance of the country, implementation of all constitutional provisions are enshrined in the constitution and is the responsibility of the 3 Independent Pillars of Governance of the Republic – Executive, Judiciary and legislature – and not any others as a FIAT issued by the king and his aides in the times of yore and the KING gives assent to such inclinations!!! No MORE!!??? Not by the King or King-makers, but cohesive rational decision working in conjunction!!!???

    • 0

      May I crave the indulgence of the most reverend prelates to ask why were they silent, when Maru Sira aka Sirisena alias ‘Maithriya’ (Pala) “Sorrysena” (MS) declared, on or about 18th October 2018, that then incumbent PM RW as SACKED – which MS had no backing, constitutional provision of the Republic – and SUPPLANTING WITH THEN LEADER OF JT. OPPOSITION HON MAHINDA RAJAPAKSE (MR)!!
      None acted, rectify situation until SC ruled!!!?? Why now???
      They kept silent, without a murmur being uttered as to dastardly act by incumbent HoS and HoG, unconstitutionally!!!?? Was it acted as such, because MS being their “Darling Boy or MS was part of the instigator Team or Master Mind (MM)!??
      Governance is no joke and not for the uninitiated to attempt trials!!!??? We had one such for the decade – Organic Fertiliser and the disastrous outcome of near famine and starvation as a result, which in my opinion, we don’t want to experience anymore and cause to happen in this resplendent isle as in 2021/22!?? PEOPLE HAVE SUFFERED ENOUGH!!??
      Humble request is for religious leaders, focus on Religious Education of masses, and spread teachings of Gautama the Buddha!!? LEAVE ISSUE OF GOVERNANCE, POLITICS TO THE POLITICIANS/GOVERNMENTS!!!???

  • 4

    Wasantha has publicly described the Langkang rapist security system attempts on his life. This was started first on Tamils students, from the 1970s. Later it grew through Muslim youths and now Sinhala Youths too.

    Unless the whole country turns on this Feb 4th against rulers’ extravaganzas, the country will not come out of the curse, even after IMF’s loans. The IMF loan is going to be sucked into Rapist Army projects, because that is the main budget item for 2023. This money is prepaid as per the Evil Emperor. But he is refusing to pay for Election, but drawing schemes to plug it from government servants whom he hates.

  • 4

    The reality however unpalatable it might be to diehard Sinhala Buddhist nationalists, is that Sri Lanka in 2023 would have been far better off if it had not received independence in 1948. ! At the very least well over 100,000 prematurely dead ( both civilians and soldiers) and now smouldering in the grave through ethnic riots and warfare as well as many thousands slaughtered through the breakdown of law and order in society – might all still be living. True during the past 75 years the West has also become increasingly decadent. But looking at the way Sri Lanka has been utterly ruined with all its institutions perishing through corruption, incompetence, politicisation and the complete erosion of standards of excellence, there is no question whatsoever that we would have been far better off – though by no means perfect – if we had continued to be a British colony !

    • 3

      Dear Professor ANI,
      This sentence in your comment is the one that causes problems for us.
      “True during the past 75 years the West has also become increasingly decadent.”
      I have immense respect for your honesty, and for your fearlessly outspoken views on many matters. I was at Peradeniya University, but not for long enough! I don’t think that I’m much younger than you, but you may not know me. If you do, that’ll help us discuss this and many other issues. If you don’t, I’ll explain.
      I have admired your many articles, and I have commented on most of them, after Yahapalanaya allowed us to access CT without difficulty.
      Like you, I too, am a bit of an Anglophile. The problem for both of us is that the sort of English culture that we both value is something rooted in the past, and even at that time was a kind of make-believe. We couldn’t have continued to be a British Colony; in that situation we couldn’t be citizens. Today, the Prime Minister of the UK is of Indian descent, using the most prestigious English Dialect, but a brown Hindu.
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

      • 4

        “Today, the Prime Minister of the UK is of Indian descent, using the most prestigious English Dialect, but a brown Hindu.”

        Yes, his is English Dialect.

        • 1

          Thank you, “leelagemalli“.
          A well-chosen 52 minutes of proceedings in the House of Commons.
          I listened to the first ten minutes only because my data is limited here in Maharagama. I will listen to it all in Bandarawela where the connection is fibre optic.
          Yes, Rishi Sunak’s English is about the easiest to understand. It is Standard English, of course, but even that form has changed gradually over the years, and must be regarded as a dialect.
          The Speaker, Sir Fred Hoyle, is definitely less easy for us to follow, but they are all accepted. For us, in Sri Lanka, it is a little more difficult; and what would happen if Uruwarige Wanniyalaaththo also were to enter Parliament?

          • 3

            There is essentially no difference between the Veddas and the DA Rajapakshe bastard sons. Vadhi agents would be more reliable as there are no thoughts of material fraud in their minds (I mean going after Louis Vuitton products on the cost of innocient people) misleading innocent people.

            They have regionally specific English Dialects in UK. Same is the case in Germany. Southerners speak an entirely different dialect, so that others cannot understand it. I think veddas sinhala is still comprehensible. Native Vedda (our brother) would agree with us.

            • 3

              Dear “leelagemalli”,
              Thank you for your generous email, which I have responded to.
              However, there is something that I don’t understand. You speak of the “bastard sons” of “DA Rajapakshe”. Let’s overlook the spelling of the surname. It is Wijedasa who so spells his name. I’m told that there’s a caste difference. Not important. I don’t even know if he’s now a Minister. What is a “Minister” in Lanka? Dhammika Perera was not elected. Did he stand for election? He was Finance Minister. He’s not anything now, is he? Oh, dear! Wrong. He’s the richest man in Lanka. How did he become that? “Shhhhhh!”
              I thought that the sons of D.A. Rajapaksa were born to “Dandina Samarasinghe Dissanayake” and that the two were married.
              There is much that is good about you, but to be taken seriously, you’ve got to be more concerned about the quality of what you write. I pause, dis-satisfied with the first word that comes to me, search the Thesaurus, etc. Since I respect my readers, I do that. But you? Oh, anything goes!

              • 3

                But that’s your problem, Mr. Iskolemahathaya… let’s not confuse it.
                Excuse my spelling mistakes anyway. The man who destroyed the nation, none other than Mahinda Rajapaksa, has become synonymous with “higher corruption and crime” in this country today.
                1) Email was sent to you but you need to email it separately…why even mention it to CT – CT forum is for article based comments only…don’t you know that already?
                2) About surnames – many today don’t care about caste differences in surnames. At least our generations wouldn’t. Therefore, the spelling of their surnames should not be the focus of our discussions in this valuable forum. Almost anyone with decency would start hating those bastard sons of DAR.
                All that said about the motherfucker’s wealth, why on earth have the relevant authorities been fed clay in recent years?
                I think the backbone of our “legal community” was crooked from day one.

                They only act out their hidden tendencies, although they earned their degrees thanks to free education (or half-paid education), if they paid wholeheartedly BASIL KAPUTA would ever be able to exonerate his investigations against this “Gampaha Idama”. ::

    • 2

      What was the role played by Sinhala Christians until SB chauvinism turned on them?
      Even after, there was one influential Christian who was more SB than real SBs.

    • 4

      Dear Prof. AE,
Everyone seems to be smart. I am not one of those commenters who attack every politician equally. After independence, it was not easy for those countries to raise their heads due to various problems.
Some of them are national specific. Some are regional specific. Although Indians belong to the industrial nation of the world, not the majority of them are blooming. Their poverty level is over 70%. Every traveler going back to Europe after visting India has said, “In India I saw the greatest difference between hell and paradise.”
Myths have ruined the region. South asian ,mentality is unique. That is far from the facts and the truths. The higher influence to srilanka is not overlooked. In 70ties and 80ties our people were not much trickered by sorcery and trickery and astrology, however, as of today, it has affected, like a deadly cancer, more in people s life- curse should go to Rajapakshes an mlechchad media fraudsters. I think our nation is sunk to earth, by the untruths spread by media criminals. People are not knowledgeable enough to separate good from evils. That is typical to srilanken mentality.
If we are wise enough to compare it properly, We have been successful in many things, but we can certainly succeed in much more. Many countries are not blessed with free education and free healthcare.

      • 4

        Even if it works not perfectly, if not for free education, our school literacy rate (93%) would have been simialr to that of Pakistan (45%) and Sudan.
Everyone can post a comment today. Revolunized information technology has provided many opportunities.
However, if we study well, how the problem came up…… We should all be responsible for our part. I have traveled across the world and worked with varied nationalities. I still do it today. However, what I see in our nation is wasting their precious time for no good reason. Cultivable land is plentilty available, but they import fruits and vegetables. They stay criticising others…. is that the case in Malaysia for example ?
. Many of them are champions of pointing fingers at others, but in retrospect, they have not contributed much of their potential. …. isn’t it?
If Malaysia and several other countries colonized by Europeans could achieve their goals, why could not our people do their immediate goal?
Looking back, I think it was the complete ignorance of people from all walks of life in this country. They voted for idiots. Those who kill precious time without making long-term plans for the future. They enjoyed the day and let the ignorant legislators suck their blood. #


      • 3

        leelagemalli, you speak of people’s knowledge to separate good and evil. We need an absolute standard of truth and not just the enlightenment of our soulish minds but absolute truth. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. So bible is the absolute standard. Disobedience to it is evil.

        • 2

          Agree with you, but if most people can’t identify right from wrong, how can we expect them to act on truth and facts? Most of them are governed by astrology and magic (more than anything else).



          In general, our people talk about the deviation of the fingers, if someone points to the moon and asks to look at it: this is not related to education, but an ingrained feeling in them. Be it Sinhala Buddhists, Christians or Hindus, most people behave in the same way. They are controlled by totally invisible forces and they completely ignore the facts.

          Since this is the basic reality, if any authority doesn’t do what is overdue, we can fall deeper with time.

  • 4

    Professor Ekenayeke:
    Unpalatable it will as you rightly say.! Flesh and blood hath not revealed this to you
    neiteher your Peradeniya stint, but that widom by grace reveals this to you.
    I salute you sir for speaking your mind.
    I would only add its not only the Singhala Budhist but every race and religious bigot.
    The English are not getting it right and the Americans are worse and and as the serpant spirit of man is happy to be paid by the medianites who roam in the shadows.
    Meanwhile Jingoists on the enemys payroll live in democracies,decry them and shamelessly become the slaves of the nations they would not send their children to !
    Watch where these hyporcrytes are ensconed—-never utopian Sri lanka, Russia or China ! but….but …….Guess who pays them ??
    They are the new slaves who include politicians,professionals and psedo intellectuals who decry the past colonists only to change masters to be better paid slave.
    What they cause is and exodous at all times.

  • 2

    nimal fernando

    Here is the clear video.
    You should be patriotic and proud about our independence, that was given to us on a platter.

    • 0

      Thanks, Native.

  • 0

    You seem to miss your own point that Sri Lanka has been sought to be controlled by foreign powers for some time.

    “Today we Sri Lankans are a people ransomed by successive national governments to foreign creditors and super powers who hold us Lilliputians in their Gulliver’s palms!”

    “Let us all as One People rise up for the free, fair and just nationhood of our beloved mother Lanka! “

    Really? Sending Yankee home will not be so easy as that.

    How about “Superpowers Go Home?”

    The people of Sri Lanka have been a thankless bunch of complainers for 75 years and never appreciated what we have until we lose it. It’s time to give thanks and appreciate that the Colonial powers have let us live this far.

    Thank You Master Sirs.

  • 2

    Independence? What independence? British barbarians took over our country and when they left, they told us that they gave us “independence”. What nonsense!
    February 4th is not a day to “celebrate”. It should be “Sinhalese Heroes Day” that we respectfully remember all our Sinhalese forefathers who laid down their lives to protect our country.
    British barbarians killed all males, including infants, in Uva Wellassa, the “Grain Basket” of our SinhalaDwipa. I was of the view that “Wellassa” means “hundred thousand paddy fields” until I read a book written by a Britisher who defined the name “Wellassa” as “one million paddy fields”!!! If the British mercenaries killed all males in Wellassa, that means, they have killed more than one million males because unlike today, those days only males engaged in agriculture related hard labour. Do we even remember the Wellassa heroes on February 4th?

    • 2

      Our history was completely distorted by the British and German writers. For example, they made us believe that Kotte was a Kingdom in the 15th Century whereas the Kingdom of Kotte was as old as the Kingdom of Anuradhapura. The first king of Kotte had been King BuvanekaBahu I, who was the son of Prince Asela who reigned as King Deveni Piyatissa (Piyatissa II) in Anuradhapura. Even King Deveni Piyatissa’s name was also distorted by some British writers as King Devanam Piyatissa.
      Before the British, Portuguese and Dutch writers have also distorted our history. For example, the second part of “Rajavaliya” was written by a Catholic priest adding fake stories as history. Same goes with the latter part of Mahavamsa. I am amazed at the “extraordinary interest” shown by the Settler Colonists in our written history!!

      • 0

        Our history was then distorted in 1971 again. Malabari origin Srima Ratwatte Bandaranaike had appointed a Muslim as the Education Minister for a reason. He distorted all school history books and the books of Buddhism. What we use today are those distorted books where children were made to believe that the Sinhalese were descendants of a non-existent India and Buddhism was brought to us from that country by an Arhat who had a Sinhala name. Fortunately, we can challenge all those fake stories as the Mahavamsa and Tipitaka were translated into other languages before they were translated into English or German.
        Another example is the distortion of the clans Yakkha and Asura. The Chinese translation of “Yakkha Prajapati” is read in English as “Asura Prajapati”. It is evident that the British did not want us to know who we are. We, Sinhalese are direct descendants of Buddhist Asuras (ඍෂි, Rishi, Sages). Our ancestors were able to create rain just by talking to the air. I am sure some Sinhalese still have some kind of power that they can make things happen. I hope they will get together at some point and test such abilities.

        • 0

          One important fact is, our Sinhalese ancestors had concealed the history of Buddhas in SinhalaDwipa. Some Britishers somehow found the truth and tried to find Lord Buddha’s birth-village, “Bambaraya”. But, our ancestors misled them. Later, some have written that the Sinhalese talk little and hide a lot. In any case, that is not the place where Lord Buddha was born. All Buddhas are born in one place, attain enlightenment in one place and pass away in one place. We only know the place where all Buddhas attain enlightenment. Other two places are still not found.
          We are the first human inhabitants on earth. We have fought many wars. Millions of our ancestors have laid down their lives to protect our country. Our Buddhist Kings have even changed their religion and embraced foreign religions before attacking invaders. Such was their devotion to Buddhism. Buddhist kings have never ordered to kill anyone. Some Buddhist kings have hired foreign mercenaries to fight against sea pirates. Yet, the history of the Sinhalese is not taught in our schools. Because, Malabari origin former President J.R. Jayewardene has banned teaching history in schools.

          • 0

            The magnitude of the discrimination against Sinhalese in their own country is unbelievable.
            I have a lot more to say about our history. I have some revelations about ancient Russia too.
            Mr. Putin has started teaching Russia’s war history at schools which is an excellent decision as Russian culture is under threat and also their history is distorted by some writers.
            The Western world, the Baltic States, especially Germany has shamefully forgotten that Soviet Russia saved them from Hitler! Millions of Soviet Russian soldiers willingly sacrificed their lives to save the world from Hitler. Today, the same Western and Baltic States are militarizing Ukraine to attack their one time saviour, Russia. I wanted to post some comments (on a different subject) to Rajan Phillipe’s article. Unfortunately, it is now closed for comments. I sometimes write harsh comments, and later feel sad and repent a lot. There is a reason for such comments, but no harm is intended. I have some proof that justified Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. Interestingly, the proof is provided by the US led NATO itself. Russia should focus on Crimea. Not only Russia, even the whole Asia region is safe as long as Crimea is under Russia.

            • 5

              Champa dear,
              “I sometimes write harsh comments, and later feel sad and repent a lot.”
              Never write your comments when the moon is full.

            • 2

              You seem to be high on something, and posting your imaginations

          • 2

            (Part I)
            “Yet, the history of the Sinhalese is not taught in our schools. Because, Malabar origin former President J.R. JAYEWARDENE HAS BANNED TEACHING HISTORY IN SCHOOLS.”
            I am no fanciful follower of or affinity for JRJ and his governance during 1977-89!!!
            However, I must point out and correct the record above that, “teaching of History in Sri Lankan schools was banned (or stopped) during, tenure of Office by Hon Deshamaniya Al-Haj Badi-ud-din Mahmud, in 1971-72, as the education Minister!!?
            It was post April 1971 uprising of the JVP, consequent forcible quelling of the revolt by SL armed forces, unfortunately resulting in mass killing of 25,00+ young Sri Lankans (mostly – 99% – Sinhala youth graduates seeking employment in Ernest, post qualifications) to restore Law and Order by the government of Late Hon Sirimavo Dias Bandaranaike!!??
            The unofficial reason adduced by the influential political grapevine at that time was that Sirimavo didn’t want it portrayed in the History books of SL that she was responsible for killing so many Sinhala Youth, which would be bad for her popularity as a political leader at future elections!!!??

          • 1

            (Part II)
            Alas her dreams of continued power was doused and made extinct due to her bad governance in respect of lack of Foreign exchange reserves and consequently, inadequate essential food (Rice and Staples) and basic necessities – Textiles, wheat flour – causing queues and malnutrition (similar to 2022)!! Hunger and starvation was widely manifested nationally!!!??
            Like doomsday effect in July 1977, deposed by JRJ’s UNP at the elections and deprived of government!!!
            Various factors thereafter made her leadership eclipsed and became PM again in 1995 after CBK’s Presidency!!! By then, as Ranasinghe Preme of Suchcharita fame would recount his own PM under JRJ in 1978 constitution, THE CHIEF POSTMASTER, BETWEEN THE EXHALTED PARLIAMENT (LEGISLATURE) AND THE NAIONALLY ELECTED, FIRSTCITIZEN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF SL!!??
            Meantime sometime during latter part or 1977 or probably early part of 1978, History as a subject was RESTORED TO BE TAUGHT IN SL SCHOOLS, BY NISSANKA PARAKRAMA WIJEYERATNE – MINISTER OF EDUCATION 1977 – 1980, UNDER THE UNP GOVERNMENT OF JRJ!!!???

      • 3

        ” I am amazed at the “extraordinary interest” shown by the Settler Colonists in our written history!!”
        Has not the history of this land been written by settler colonists all along?

        • 0

          No, of course not. Settler colonists didn’t write our history. British writers translated palm leaf books written in high Sinhala with the help of learned Buddhist monks. There wasn’t one complete Mahavamsa. According to Wilhem Geiger, he has received “hundreds” of Mahavamsa books, which means, every Sinhalese Buddhist king or queen has recorded all events occured during his or her reign. Wilhem Geiger compiled all books into one, translated them into German and titled the book as “Mahavamsa”, the Buddhist Chronicle.
          One important factor is, the original Mahavamsa was written in “sloka meter” and not in unknown “Pali”.
          What is “Pali”? There is no such language. It is only a writing system called “Gatha”. The language was Sinhala and the British were fully aware of it.
          The very first “Pela-Gatha” was recited by Lankadhipathi or Lankeshwara Rawana (God Sumana Saman, who is believed to be the next Buddha) when Lord Buddha visited his abode in Lanka-Gira (today’s Siri Paada). He has recited “Gatha” while playing his musical instrument “Veena”. Wilhelm Geiger has clearly omitted this section and many other sections from Mahavamsa. What we see today is, translations of Wilhelm Geiger’s distorted Mahavamsa, not the original one.

        • 3

          “Has not the history of this land been written by settler colonists all along?”
          You seem to have lost traction on the current position of the historical element in SL!!??
          Prince Siddhartha, who became Gautama the Buddha after attaining enlightenment under a BO tree in Gaya, was ACCORDING TO NEW HISTORY, WAS BORN AND ATTAINED ENLIGHTENMENT IN “THAMBAPANI” – PRESUMED A LOCATION IN NORTHERN SL ITSELF – Buddha Gaya has lost its glory and Lustre!?
          The Hindians, collusion with British, presumably, concocted history, to elate, Hindians and rob wealth from our Neighbour to build reserves of London Imperialists!!!

          • 0

            You seem to have provoked a tirade of revisionist history from the lady. Are you wearing a crash helmet?

    • 6

      Pissu Champa would never get it right.
      Can anyobdy please help the woman ?

      Racist parasites like this have destroyed this land time and time again.

      I don’t blame Minotirites, but I hate Sinhala Buddhist racists like our Champa.

      People at large should finally realize that these kind of extremists cut our neck… nobody else… it is wrong to put the blame on colonial masters…. it is also wrong to put the blame on minorities…. OUR wounds are unhealable…. so long the racial blood would flow through our blood vessels… at least today, these sons and daughters of bitchs should grasp it for a better future.
      We should run better “rehabilitation camps” to give better understanding to educated idiots. This woman CHAMPA is a headache for us who respect Sri Lankans equally.
      I have no doubt that this woman is related to Sinhalese extremists like Gevindu Kumaratunga and Madhu Madhava.

      It is my prayer that these racists be driven away by the divine forces soon, for the good of all of us. MAY you be blessed with good thoughts CHAMPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO:::

      • 0

        I am immune to your hatred and venom.

  • 2

    Dear “leelagemalli”,
    Once again you write without any respect for accuracy. Please write less, but write clearly and unambiguously. I refer to your many comments above this. However, not to the contents of the links that you have given.
    Typically you give links to YouTubes without any indication of their contents. Who has time to listen to interminable nonsense? Not even me.
    Spell the names of people the way the owner of the name spells it. If YOU make a mistake acknowledge it.
    If you go on like this, I’ll have to start using your real name; it is to avoid misunderstanding that I make it as clear as possible s to who I am.
    Panini Edirisinhe

    • 0

      Dear Sensitive Readers.

      Jist ignore this Sinhala man’s stupid remarks. Please read below.
      As I have not lived in Sri Lanka for the past 3 decades or so, I did not see Rajapakse and Rajapaksa different from each other. In fact, I have not considered anyone lower and superior in my life, so that is not interested to me either. , however, more we ignore the kind of differences, beleive, it will be much better for the future generations.

      However, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. is a British-American company known for publishing the Encyclopædia Britannica, the world’s oldest continuously published encyclopaedia, as well as extensive digital makes it clear that Rajapaksa is also spelled as ” Rajapakshe”. So I really dont think it is worth hang on these surnames rather than the substance of the comment. Those who know it know very well.

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