17 January, 2025


“Ranil And I Belong To The Same Class” – Sacked Ex-Fake Director J’Pura Hospital 

In a queer move yesterday, the sacked ex-fake director of Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital (SJGH) has boastingly shared some pictures of himself and his wife under allegation for financial fraud of over17 million rupees of public money, having ‘evening tea’ at the Temple Trees with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and his wife Maithree Wickremesinghe. 

Susitha Senaratne, ex-acolyte of Rajitha Senaratne was illegally appointed as Director SJGH in 2015 under the Yahapalana Government. There he engaged in a series of administrative and financial frauds and was consistently protected by Dr Athula Kahandaliyanage who assisted in the perpetuation of this illegal appointment to protect the interest of the minister. 

Three honest specialists at the Board and two SJGH employees, in two separate court cases challenged the illegal appointment and Susitha Senaratne was banned from even sitting at the Board Meetings by an order of the Court of Appeal. 

Massive Frauds By Susitha Senaratne

Whilst the court case was heard the government auditor revealed damning evidence of a financial fraud of Rs. 17,679,747 where Susitha Senaratne has paid that amount via a fraudulent records digitalization project to a company directed by his wife Ancy Senaratne. 

The submission accepted by the FCID has provided documented evidence of the following massive financial frauds committed by Susitha Senaratne:

: Fraudulently paying Rs. 17 679 747 to a company directed by his wife Ancy Senaratne

: Fraud related to the purchase of an incinerator worth Rs 23.5 million

: Fraud related to the purchase of new lifts to the hospital worth Rs 55.0 million 

: Drawing a salary of Rs 350 000 per month from Lanka Hospitals, another government enterprise “while working full time at SJGH”.

Karu Jayasuriya’s Shameless Attempt 

Two days after the Voice Against Corruption reported this fraud to the FCID, Susitha Senaratne was sacked from his fake directorship and was transferred back as Medical Officer at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital. Two days later, Susitha Senaratne walked in to SJGH with goons. The Acting Deputy Director Dr Prabhath Werawatte, conniving with the Administrative Officer SJGH Sarath Robertson, strategically opened the office sealed off for FCID investigations for Susitha Senaratne to occupy by force.

Following his disgraceful sacking, Susitha Senaratne has been running from pillar to post, going so far as to getting the Speaker Karu Jayasuriya to speak to Rajitha Senaratne on his behalf. He has been desperately begging UNP backbenchers to lobby with Rajitha Senaratne to re-instate him as fake director, SJGH. Rajitha Senaratne has resisted, explaining that Susitha Senaratne is under investigation of millions of rupees of fraud by the FCID and asked them to stay away from interference, Colombo Telegraph reliably learns. “Karu Jayasuriya, both as the chairman of the Constitutional Council and the Speaker has violated the ethics and integrity of the Parliament and the Constitutional Council by lobbying for a UNP supporter. How can Karu Jayasuriya sit on either of these office when he is lobbying for a thief based on party politics?” observers pointed out to Colombo Telegraph. 

“Of Their Own Class”

In a queer and desperate move, almost hilarious, Susitha Senaratne, yesterday, boastingly shared pictures of himself and his wife under FCID investigation, posing with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Maithree Wickremesinghe claiming that they “belong to the same class”. According to Senaratne’s Facebook post, the others who belong to the “same class” are Dr Niroshana Premaratne, medical officer NHSL, Shakil S. Karim, Nandika Sembukuttiarachcchi and Dr Vishva Randhara Alles, a well- known lacky of Susitha Senaratne from SJGH.

“Gonawala Sunil Of Doctors”

Commenting on this matter, an employee at SJGH opined, “It is common knowledge that Susitha Senaratne emerged from Anuradhapura and entered Royal College passing his Grade 5 scholarship examination. His mother was a sales woman in a pharmacy located in “Kada Panaha” in Anuradhapura and father a technical officer. At Royal College he sexually harassed his A/L Chemistry teacher brining the teaching to a halt with a threat of strike by the teachers. He was expelled from Royal College as a result. I find it hilarious that Susitha Senaratne thinks he, his wife and crony friends belong to the same class as Ranil Wickremesinghe, the son of Esmond and Nalini Wickremesinghe. How funny it is that a reputed thief thinks he can climb the class ladder with Facebook pictures? I pity him. What is Ranil’s class anyway? Is there any class in a man who poses for photos with fraudsters? Ranil is the person well known for protecting the underworld thug Gonawala Sunil. Susitha Senaratne is the “Gonawala Sunil of doctors”. No wonder he found Ranil to run to”

“Prof Maithree Wickremesinghe, Have You No Shame?”

A unionist at SJGH stated, “Ranil protected the biggest fraudster of his government Ravi Karunanayake and endowed him with a ministerial portfolio. This is the similarity between Ranil and Susitha Senaratne. They are both fond of frauds and fraudsters. Is Ancy Senaratne who is connected to a 17 million rupee fraud in the same class of Maithree Wickremesinghe? Why is Susitha Senaratne going after the PM to get back a small job like Director SJGH? He should be made Secretary to the Ministry of Health where he can steal billions, not millions. Since Ranil is so fond of thieves and thugs, he can arrange this”

Contacted by Colombo Telegraph for comment, a specialist at SJGH simply stated “I have no comments. But I have a question for Prof Maithree Wickremesinghe. “Have you no shame? To stand with a thief and his thieving wife who have stolen millions of taxpayer money? Aren’t you ashamed to smile so sweetly to a camera posing with these rogues?”

Latest comments

  • 13

    Susitha’s family owned a boutique at Anuradhapura Kada 50. It was a sillara kade selling sugar, flower etc. His father was a mudalali. How can Ranil whose grandfather was DR Wijewardane be in the same class?

    • 5

      Why not? Both belong to human class!

  • 3

    Before publishing material, one should learn to verify all the facts stated.

    Dr Senaratne hails from a walauwa family and has an aristocratic background. He is anyway connected to the Wijewardane family.

    Don’t insult or speak ill of the dead without making an effort to know the correct facts.

    • 13

      He is connected to the Wijewardene family through FACEBOOK!
      He is probably related to them cleaning the toilettes and licking the boots of the Wijewardene family!
      ha ha ha
      BTW, who is speaking ill of the dead? You are insulting Esmond and Nalini Wickremesinghe by these lies you write!

      • 4

        Lihini Epa, Please note that Dr Susitha is connected to the Wijewardene family NOT through facebook but by many marriages within the family. His mother’s brother was married to Kumari Seneviratne. Kumari was former president J R Jayawardane’s first cousin. ( Kumari and JR were children of two sisters. They were D R Wijewardane’s sisters). Dr Susitha’s mother’s first cousin Lal Gooneratne was married to Kusuma Wijewardene. Kusuma was Nalini Wijewarnene’s sister. (Ranil’s mother)
        So Kusuma’s children are blood cousins of both Dr Susitha and PM Ranil.
        Do you want to know of any other connections? There are many more.
        Probably your ancestors may have cleaned Dr Susitha’s ancestors toilets. His Grandfather’s and Grandmother’s two walauwas’ are still there. You are welcome to clean those toilets.
        Anyone can become rich by hook or by crook but money cannot buy birth into an aristocratic family.
        Relax now and do your home work. I will not waste my time any more. This will give you a small picture of the family connections.

        • 6

          What rubbish.
          Toilette cleaners have more respect than a humbug who is still occupying the measly director’s quarters in the hospital by fir e.
          why doesn’t this theif and his thieving wife go to one of the vacant walawuwa s and live there!???
          these are bloody beggars still sucking public money looking for free tea at Temple Trees.
          the simple fact is he was not qualified
          he was restrained by the courts
          he is running after politicians to come back fraudulently.
          I hope Ranil sees your stupid comment.
          when Susitha Senaratne came to sjgh he told everyone he was rajitha Senaratne s relative.
          is rajitha also Ranil cousin?
          what BS!

  • 14

    Susitha Senaratne is a pathetic beggar. Even after being sacked he is remaining in the hospital quarters like a beggar.
    Nowhere to go after stealing millions?
    Sorry for thief, his thieving wife and kids.

  • 12

    Why is Colombo Telegraph bothered about this low class rubbish. CT should concentrate on real journalism.
    Everybody knows that this thief is not in the class of Ranil ( regardless of what Ranil’s faults are)
    His wife is an ill- mannered, know it all humbug at the Maradana Central OPD. Rude to the core. Unethical Now we now she is a thief too.
    CT please don’t waste your effort on these rubbish people

  • 9

    Two years ago Susitha Senaratne beat up a an and fractured his face. CT try to investigate how Ancy Senaratne was connected to that assault. How Susitha Senaratne tracked that man who was assaulted.
    How he got away with assault.

    • 1

      Lovers do as lovers do aney. Leave them alone.
      C’mon CT, don’t expose too much.
      Its what’s hidden that is sexy!

  • 6

    Aiyo, CT please relax.
    This is episode number 2 of Temple Tree “Dansal ” after Mahinda Era.
    Any Tom, Dick and Harry is invited. Mainly bootlickers.
    Why are you taking this so seriously? Please stick to your investigative journalism.

  • 3

    As observed by some, CT please don’t waste your time, both President and PM have well passed their use by date. They don’t seem to know whether they are coming or going. We have become the laughing stock as a Nation. The so called people’s representatives are engaged in plunder and pillage and are moving heaven and earth to come back to power at the next elections too and if they do we have only to strike our breasts saying “Mea maxima culpa”. and our beautiful country will be a favourite hunting grounds for some other countries, but with strong determination for justice and truth with impeccable honesty we can rebuild our country and our nation of course not with the present or the past so called peoples representatives. We have to ditch them in toto. There is no other way. Rule of justice must prevail and the concept of one country and one nation must be our Motto. May God bless our nation.

  • 2

    There is no doubt Susitha and Ancy belong to the most hifi class of Lanka. My late aunty Ivon Gulam Hussein comes to mind.

    • 2

      Very Hifi elite from Maharagama. Reminds one of Wijedasa Rajapaksa and Saheli Gamage. Susitha and Ancy are posh people like that!

    • 1

      Ivon Gulamhussein was a very well known prostitute.
      Her husband was the pimp.
      Slept with many politico s to become HIFI

  • 3

    CT beware. You are fighting with dangerous fire. Colombo 7 elite will go to any length to safeguard their bossom friends and fellow party animals. All aie extremely hi fi Colombo 7 (like Katu Jayasuriya crowd)

  • 2

    Susitha Senarathne can’t speak Sinhala so well but English brillantly

  • 7

    Dear Nomads,
    What has the ability to speak English or Sinhalese to do with all this? And where is the evidence of that?
    There actually are some poor villagers who are more fluent in English than in Sinhalese. I’m one! But I know nothing of medicine. This Susitha Senarathne guy obviously knows some medicine since he has got himself an MBBS – as have thousands of others.
    If Ranil Wickremasinghe will not dissociate himself from these people, that is yet another reason why we should not ever again vote for him.

  • 1

    What rubbish.
    Toilette cleaners have more respect than a humbug who is still occupying the measly director’s quarters in the hospital by fir e.
    why doesn’t this theif and his thieving wife go to one of the vacant walawuwa s and live there!???
    these are bloody beggars still sucking public money looking for free tea at Temple Trees.
    the simple fact is he was not qualified
    he was restrained by the courts
    he is running after politicians to come back fraudulently.
    I hope Ranil sees your stupid comment.
    when Susitha Senaratne came to sjgh he told everyone he was rajitha Senaratne s relative.
    is rajitha also Ranil cousin?
    what BS!

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