9 February, 2025


Rathana Acts Following Failed Ultimatum – Begins Protest Fast

Rathana thera began a protest fast in front of the Kandy Dalada Temple a short while ago in retaliation to the President’s failure to meet his demand of ousting Muslim politicos Rishard Bathiudeen, Azath Salley and M L A M Hizbullah from their positions.

Rathana Thero

On May 29th, he promised to announce a ‘grave decision’ by 4 pm yesterday if President Sirisena failed to act on his demand.

Rathana thero who seems to find himself in the middle of controversies quite often, held a presser at his Temple in Colombo on May 28 and issued an ultimatum to Sirisena, demanding that measures be implemented to remove politicos Bathiudeen, Salley and Hizbullah from their positions by May 29th.

“Among these politicos, Salley makes statements in a way that supports extremism and have pushed Muslims to take up arms against other Sri Lankans; Hizbullah has drafted plans and was well into the plan to establish a university that would propagate Islamic extremism,” he told the press explaining reasons behind his demand for their removal.

The deadline issued by Rathana thera expired in the evening of May 29th.

Although he had told Sinhala print outlet Divaina that a ‘grave decision’ will be made if Sirisena fails to act on his demand and that it would be announced at 4 pm yesterday, no signs of any action have been announced as of yet.

Rathana thero also asked all spiritualists to join him in meditation and other spiritual activities when his decision is announced, to help him defeat other forces using the power of nonviolence.

Latest comments

  • 2

    Advantage Rathana, SET POINT. I hear Richard and may be other two governors may resign soon, under the advise of MS and Government. So advantage Rathana. Ball is back in MR court. Lets continue our political ball game (along with French Open)

  • 2

    Rathana you beauty. Looks like he may outdo Wimal . This may be shorter than Wimal,s show. I hear Richard and (may be ) wanted two governors may resign soon, under advise of MS. So MR is now forced to plan, for more surprises, this time in Hambantota.(change in venue)

  • 1

    has he died?grave decision for him only.Thats what he meant when he said grave decision.he is going to the grave.siri also says when they tell him the buck stops at him,where are the bucks,i never get any bucks.All the others are getting bucks,why i’am not getting.Not even dicks joy,unless in phuket.

  • 5

    Police must arrest the Monk on suicide attempt charge and Dalada
    Maligawa must be charged for providing facility for a crime ! Also
    Maligawa must explain whether a monk can set such an example
    and if there’s any provision in Buddhism for suicide attempt by
    way of fasting !

  • 3

    Rathana Thero

    In the early 1960s, a Vietnamese monk dowsed himself in petrol & set him self alight in public as a protest against the govt. hard line on religious practice. A photo of the monk in flames while in meditation pose (apparently he didn’t even cry out while being burnt alive) has made him immortal & his car in which he made his final journey to the town square is now a museum exhibit in Vietnam.

    You too, can become immortal internationally if you did the same thing instead of going through days of hunger in a protest.

    • 5

      Many Tibetan monks did self immolation.
      But the Chinese didn’t budge.

  • 1

    Muslims are being used at the both ends. Muslims are using it because, it is Suadi Arabian money and Islam is like that.
    USA says Stay Non-aligned. but, they also wants military agreements with Sri lanka..

  • 3

    Rathana Thera began a protest fast demanding removal of Muslim politicos Minister Rishard Bathiudeen, Western Province Governor Azath Salley and Eastern Province Governor M L A M Hizbullah from their positions.
    Rishard is no angel but what about the hundreds of Rishard-ilk?
    Rathana Thera says {“Among these politicos, Salley makes statements in a way that supports extremism and have pushed Muslims to take up arms against other Sri Lankans”}
    Possible to substantiate this? Really….really?
    How about comparing the words and deeds of Salley with other Lankan VIPs including radicalised Lankan Muslims? In particular the actions of, ‘pin-up-Boy’, Gnanasara Thero?
    PS: Even-handedness is required.
    Rathana Thero says {“Hizbullah has drafted plans and was well into the plan to establish a university that would propagate Islamic extremism,……”}
    Right under the nose of Lankan Parliament?
    What was, UNP List MP, Rathana Thera doing?
    Why do some MPs whistle stop in Dubai and Qatar?

  • 0

    May it be remembered that it was Rathana Thero who gave leadership to a group, who demanded action to restore water supply from Mavil Aru, blocked by the devilish LTTE, who hoped thereby to deny life-giving water to some 30,000 innocent settlers. The Army had to intervene in removing the blockage and restoring the water supply. The LTTE brashly challenged the Army head on thus triggering the escalation of a conflict, that eventually led to the complete rout of the LTTE. However, I remain convinced that Buddhist monks should avoid engagement in Politics. But what option is there when politicians take to sanctimonious preaching ? Then
    who but the monks could attend to the business of politics? A classic example of “role reversal”.
    All lives are precious, but5 few seem to remember the massive consequences for our nation, intentionally or otherwise, warrant a compassionate hope that Thero should be given the opportunity of a dignified exit from his fast. We owe this to him.

  • 1

    the basted must rot and die

    • 0

      you recommend Olive Oil??

  • 0

    It looks like somebody from western countries bribed him to make him a hero.

  • 1

    What if every dog started fasting unto death demanding removal of ministers they don’t like?
    This idiot should not be allowed to bypass democracy

  • 1

    By protesting, Rathana is betraying the very teachings he says he follows.

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