9 September, 2024


Rattled Ranil Panics After Nugegoda: Summons Media Heads

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

The 100-day programme of the “My-3-pala-naya” had no plans to encounter the Nugegoda rally. Not so soon, at least. They thought they could sail smoothly into the imagined “ideal country” located, of course, only in mythical Maithripala’s Manifesto. But within 40 days the “My-3-planners” were hit by a backlash that no new elected government had ever faced in electoral politics. It is Ranil Wickremesinghe who is feeling the heat of the rising events going against his political ambitions. It is his Prime Ministerial seat that is at stake in the coming general election. Maithripala Sirisena has no such problems because he is ensconced safely in his presidential seat.

It is this turn of events that has made Wickremesinghe nervous. He is showing signs of a panic-stricken, nervous wreck. He is hitting indiscriminately at anything that moves – from the Australian Prime Minister to editor’s who have criticized him. He has now summoned newspaper owners to meet him to keep the media in line with his future. He has even invited anti-Rajapaksa NGOs to this meeting, hoping to get their backing to suppress the press.

It is time that someone started feeding him with valium sandwiches morning, noon and night to calm his nerves. This champion of “free media” – remember how he packed off Paul Harris, the correspondent of Jane’s Weekly and Daily Telegraph for exposing his deal with Prabhakaran? – feels that the only way to control the oppositional forces rising against him is to muzzle the media. To do this he has to cook up a plausible argument. Having promised the electorate that the media will be free he cannot be seen to have gone back on his word to suppress the opposition. He has to provide an excuse. And the excuse is : media is rousing communal feelings!

So has anyone seen the Bodu Bala Sena, or even Champika Ranawaka who raved and ranted against the Muslims and Tamils in his recent tour of Australia just before the presidential election, whipping up communal feelings after January 8 in the south? I was in the Monash University audience listening to Ranawaka predicting the end of the Sinhalese with the Muslims and the Tamils taking over the nation within the next few decades with their powers of prolific procreation, money and scheming politics. Even he is silent as if his mouth is stuffed with pittu now on the communal issue. Only Wickremesinghe has begun to see Sinhala-Buddhist communalists rising in the newspaper columns. Obviously, he hasn’t read TamilNet and Tamils newspapers. He is quitehappy to look the other way about Jaffna jingoism because it does not pose a threat to him. Only the alleged communalism of the Sinhala papers is seen as a threat to communal harmony. Which is Wickremesinghe’s way of saying that raising Sinhala-Buddhist issue is a threat to him.

Apart from this, there are early signs of Wickremesinghe cracking under increasing pressure. As a control-freak, with an obsession to gather all power into his hands, the work load is bound to overwhelm him. There is no one else to blame except himself for painting himself into this tight corner. Suddenly everything has begun to get on top of him and unsettle him.

First, he is the unelected Prime Minister without a majority in the House. His position is hanging in the balance with his major political partners in the SLFP threatening to challenge his authority with a no-confidence motion against one of his most reliable partners, John Amaratunga. He wouldn’t have given Police powers to anyone other than whom he can trust. Remember Amaratunga is the loyal Police Minister who concocted the story of Army trying target Wickremesinghe soon after he signed the deal with Prabhakaran – a ruse to leak the names of the deadly and elite LRRP forces for the LTTE to target them?

Second the work load is throwing him into a dizzy spin, with pressures from various lobbies crowding him and pushing him into corners from which he cannot escape. His political IOUs are also coming home to roost. He is also struggling desperately to catch up with his 100-day time-table which he presented with President Maithripala Sirisena to the business community to impress that the “My-3” team can achieve what they promise. With each failure and falling behind his own time schedule he is beginning to look more like a lame duck than a dynamic reformer.

Third, cracks are developing within his own ranks and his partners and he does not how to prevent these exploding forces from running out of control.

Fourth, in his koka-tath-thai-laya Manifesto he has bitten more than what he can chew. The rosy optimism of delivering promises on time is fading by the day. Ven Sobitha is now batting on the sidelines promoting the idea of postponing the delivery date to two years.

Fifth, he wants to form a national government ONLY with him at the head, without giving too much power to the other parties, even though they are in the majority. His obsession with power together with his paranoia is compelling him to poke his fingers into minute details in the administration which is spinning beyond his control incrementally. It is impossible for him be at the top overseeing the big picture and micro-manage the details at the bottom simultaneously. Nor is he. at 65, that healthy or physically strong to carry that work

Sixth, his gimmickry of presenting a “seeni-bola” budget has come and gone with hardly any impact on the electorate. He has already lost two Ministers – Faizer Mustapaha and Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha (possibly). And counting. There is no new blood to give a shine to his regime. He has fallen back on the tired old fogeys that led to his fall the last time.

Seventh, he lacks the charisma of a leader who can win the confidence of the people or a credible mandate from the electorate. He is in a very vulnerable position of depending on manipulating a few ith-thas (pawns) at the top. He is now screaming his head off saying that he can reduce Mahinda Rajapaksa’s majority. Isn’t this another sign of his being on the verge of a nervous breakdown?

Last but not the least, an election is hanging over his head like a sword of Damocles and he knows that there will be hardly anyone to pick up his severed head.

His anti-Sinhala-Buddhist paranoia too is unsettling him. His first reaction is to summon Sinhala newspaper editors and accuse them of rousing communal feelings. He has blasted them as “suck-killi-yas who cleaned Mahinda Rajapaksa’s toilets”. Not stopping at that he has decided to have a go at the media owners. He aims to tighten his grip on the media from the top and summoned the newspaper owners.

The reality is that the media has been subdued sufficiently and the state media has been cowed down. The media that ttaked him aggressively when he was in the opposition has turned to play his kind of music. The state media, as per usual, has turned 360 degrees to be the Master’s voice. For instance, an NGO apparatchik like Luxman Gunasekera has returned to The Sunday Observer to resume his anti-Sinhala-Buddhist campaigns.

The nervous and paranoid politics of Wickremesinghe is revealed when he first blasted the Sinhala editors and then followed it up with summoning the newspaper owners on far-fetched charges of rousing communal passions without uttering one word about the most damaging racist attack coming from Northern journalists, academics, NGOs and politicos. The most provocative statement to disturb communal harmony was the anti-Sinhala resolution passed by the North Provincial Council resolution on February 10, 2015.

Not since the Vadukoddai Resolution was passed on May 14, 1976 has such a vicious, twisted, racist attack been unleashed by the North on the South. It is to the credit of the Sinhala-Buddhists that they have restrained themselves and not gone on the rampage. When the Tamil leadership passes a resolution projecting the entire Sinhala race as murderers of Tamils and accusing the entire leadership, including Wickremesinghe’s blood relatives, as genocidal barbarians, it was his prime duty, as the Prime Minister, to defend the nation and its great leaders.

Which prime minister in the world would not defend his/her nation against such a sweeping denigration of its image? When, for instance, Prime Minister Dudley Senanayake, in passing made a remark that people in Sri Lanka had not died of starvation like those in India. Indira Gandhi reacted furiously and Dudley, being the gentleman that he is, apologized in parliament explaining that he did not mean to denigrate or insult India.

Imagine, for instance, the reaction of India if any southern provincial council had passed a resolution condemning Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a genocidal murder for what he did in Gujerat? Whether true or not, is making such an accusation in sensitive times conducive for reconciliation or easing the tensions between Indian and Sri Lanka? So is NPC resolution aimed at promoting reconciliation? Or is directed at confronting the Sinhala-Buddhists with the sole aim of destroying communal harmony? Isn’t Wickremesinghe’s silence a deliberate act of giving consent and encouragement to the anti-Sinhala-Buddhists who are vilifying the nation for their political gain?

If the Sinhala-Buddhists were the kind of genocidal killers as stated in C.V. Wigneswaran’s resolution would they have rescued 300,000 Tamils fleeing from the Tamil Pol Pot? Would 23,000 Sinhala soldiers have sacrificed their lives to liberate the Tamil children from the gulags of Tamil Boko Haram? Why has Wickremesinghe been silent on this internationally significant and nationally sensitive issue? And why was he quick to turn his wrath on Sinhala editors and threaten newspaper owners by summoning them? As opposed to this, why is he purring like a pussy cat in the lap of Wigneswaran and the NPC? Is it because he got their votes to get into power? Is Wickremesinghe appointed to play the role of the Prime Minister or Prime Traitor?

Please note that the NPC resolution was sent to the UNHRC, demanding action against Sri Lanka based on the accusations listed in resolution. Any Prime Minister, who has any respect for his people, would react forcefully, being aware of the serious consequences that would flow from such grossly distorted and concocted lies. The silence of a prime minister on a vital issue like this is totally unacceptable by those people yearning for peace and reconciliation.

At a time when Western leaders in liberal democracies are demanding from minorities threatening the values of the majorities total acceptance of the national way of life, language, and laws Wickremesinghe has no right to be silent when “his nation” (I hope he agrees?) is condemned as a genocidal state by another community which has benefited most from sharing the riches, benevolence and welfare programs of the country.

It is inconceivable that Prime Minister Wickremesinghe can remain silent on a critical issue like this. His silence can only mean that his uncles and grand-relatives were all murderous barbarians as stated in the resolution. Besides, Wickremesinghe too was a part of the leadership that is accused of being genocidal murderers. The only missing part in the NPC resolution are the atrocities committed at Batalanda. Could this be the reason why he is silent on the NPC resolution? Is it with this record that Wickremesinghe proposes to contest Mahinda Rajapaksa in the coming election and reduce his vote by five million?

More importantly, will the media owners cave in and go along with Wickremesinghe? They have a duty by the readers and not by Wickremesinghe who does not even have a mandate from the people, or parliament to be the prime minister. To counter Wickremesinghe’s media offensive they can politely hand over a copy of the “My-3”s” Manifesto highlighting the segment on free media. They can even go further and cite the rules of the International Democratic Union of which he is a Vice President.

The most incontrovertible argument against Wickremesinghe’s demand for compliance on the grounds of communal harmony comes from the West which is waging a life-and-death battle to defend free media against Islamic fundamentalists. The right of the media to express freely, even when communal harmony is threatened, is exemplified in the case of Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine which has inflamed passions on both sides. Using the Charlie Hebdo stand to defend media freedom, even above communal harmony, the media owners should unmask Wickremesinghe’s fake hijab of taking cover behind communal harmony. He should not be allowed to import ISIS fanaticism duty free. He cannot promote communal harmony by imposing his dictatorship only on the journalists of the south. He must begin with the NPC politicians first. He must begin first by asking the NPC to apologize to the nation and withdraw its resolution. Communal harmony is a two-way process. It cannot be attained by suppressing the media of the south.

The media owners should not tolerate Wickremesinghe’s high-handed action to read the riot act to them under the pretext of protecting communal harmony. That is a bogus issue, as pointed out earlier. They must attend and listen to him carefully. If Wickremesinghe threatens them they can walk out. For once, they can be guaranteed that the people will be with them.

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Latest comments

  • 21

    Nuge(an)goda is a spit in the ocean, [Edited out]:)

    • 35

      These both – Siamese twins (Dayan Jayathilaka aka Dayan Rajapakshe & Mahindapala of the hell) seem to be on non-stop mode. Not many would get it why these both behave so. These articles are not worth to read either. They enjoy their writing not thinking the impact of the idiotic contents.

      • 6


        Why not talk about the master of ceremonies of the Nugegoda rally of so called half a million(yes… it was what the papal visit could get into the famed Galle Face Green) Panikkiya Wimalasena a.k.a Weerawansa fame?

        His wife have got few passports and some are with Diplomatic type and then few NICs and then few name changes and few DOB changes too.

        Not to mention, one of the passport was used to smuggle her sister to the western world capital of the UK and got few bank loans using different NIC and Passports.

        Please help your brohter in a crisis, Panikkiya who is running around hospitals with fake medical records and all this time with camera crews to make it a International conspiracy started by CIA and MI6 and LTTE diaspora and NGOs.

        • 0

          PANIKKIYA! Panikkiyas came from where? South India? lol

    • 28

      Australian Gov going to have very strict laws on Aus (dual) passport holders who engage in racist or communal disharmony in countries where they were born. In my view, this M-Pala does exactly that. Formal complaint should be made to Aus Gov, and there are enough evidence to kicked out this M-Pala..

    • 8

      H. L. D. Mahindapala -MaRa Shill and Whitewasher,

      RE:Rattled Ranil Panics After Nugegoda: Summons Media Heads

      “Nuge(an)goda is a spit in the ocean,”

      Actually the Estimates are between 12,000 to 15,000 people. Besides, not All of them voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa. A lot of them wanted to see what was happening , and wanted to see Mahinda Rajapaksa after the defeat.

      Wimal Weerawansa had to use Mahinda Rajapaksa in order to market the meeting. Without that deception, even fewer people would have turned up. So, in order to increase the crowds, they used Communalism and BBS and other racist groups to get people. Even then it did not work.

      If Mahinda Showed up, he was rising being hooted. That is what happened to him at the Galle meeting.

      Besides, there was no enthusiasm in the talks and lies of Wimal Buruwnsa.

      He said there were 500,000 people., when it was between 12,000 and 15,000. There was no rpoom for 500,000 people.It is like his Wimal Buruwans Math, 2/2 =0.

      Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s Speech on Wimal Weerawansa


      The problem the Mahinda Rajapaksa Shills ans White-washers have is that their lies and stupidity is being recognized by more and more voters.

  • 14

    I usually don’t agree with this fool but I do have to agree that Ranil has been rattled.

    • 30

      Robert R,

      Not just Ranil, but all right thinking citizens are rattled – as they watch Dayan and MR spearhead another communal divisive initiatve,not unlike that of SWRD, which will certainly set back the county to irrcoverable depth!

      • 11

        I was talking of the fear of Ranil that the power he is enjoying will soon disappear due to his inability to win elections. He thought he could coast to victory but now seems he cannot.

        Has he proved he has the majority in parliament yet?

        • 14

          If he can pass budjet, he has majority :)

          • 5

            Then why the fear about the impeachment motion against John A?

            He has been well and truly rattled, poor s*d

            • 1

              Whatever makes you happy !

              We are jumping with joy for throwing out this corrupt family and their coolies !

              BTW, wait for the peace walk organised by Maithri & Ranil !

        • 11

          Yes, that indeed is my point.

          With an SWRD type sly ploy towards a deceptive block vote, there may be nothing to stop a pseudo-patriotic fervour to which a large southern population, and their parlimentary representatives would succumb.

          So, there is fear – for Ranil and all right thinking citizens who can see through the ploy. Unfortunately, this pseudo-patriotism is an easy route to blind many, if not most, and hence the oft repeated maxim “patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrels”.

          • 4

            You know great men copy aspects it’s real.

            Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country

            Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about- Twain

            Most like and respect LKY even women let ranil `0` contract job.

            Supposing Catherine Lim was writing about me and not the prime minister…She would not dare, right? Because my posture, my response has been such that nobody doubts that if you take me on, I will put on knuckle-dusters and catch you in a cul de sac…Anybody who decides to take me on needs to put on knuckle dusters. If you think you can hurt me more than I can hurt you, try. There is no other way you can govern a Chinese society.
            SM Lee Kuan Yew, The Man and His Ideas, 1997

        • 3

          Rob roy,Comse Kom,

          The idiot pala saw a sign `wet paint` and he lifted his leg and ratted on you.

          He is only just a kattadiya not the real Booo`ta Booo`ts to be rattled.

        • 0

          You should be a wild buffaloe not to have got it. In their aggrement with MY3 – they clearly mentioned, that RW will have to be appointed as PM. So for that people – 6.2millions have voted for MY3. If MY3 does the job, why should RW bother with that ?
          You guys just shout not knowing the facts. So was Meeharaka Rajapakshes and what happened was all ended in wreckage. Anyways, no point of exchanging with dimwits of your kind.

    • 17

      So Rail has been ratted by 2 rotton rambutans for collecting wriggly creatures.!

      Lets tickle the maggots in the middle then you know where the bast*rds head is if in the cap or his smelly bum which is usual because he sits on his small brain braying to a little boy who hooked him so he thought of wanting to ride his shadow-

      That boys shadow is his only friend- motta pala SC durava or dobhi? B.O.salt fish. Phew!!

      That is going to be fun with with the Dal(eat)`IT`
      Buruo/Buruva control freek preek preek preeeeeek
      down under on refugee licence- you know he can lose his passport
      and deported as in england because he is not a native.

      We can attach horns to the rear to any buffalo down under putthe.
      Its our green sheep` NeHa year.

  • 3

    Not since the Vadukoddai Resolution was passed on May 14, 1976 has such a vicious, twisted, racist attack been unleashed by the North on the South

    Mr. HL De-Mendia AKA De islexia. It was 1956 that started the killing by Tamils ” PROVOKING” people of South. It just made a U turn in 1976

  • 4

    At least this dog doesn’t bite the hand that feeds it. We must applaud this very unique trait that is so uncommon among Sri Lankans even if such loyalty is due to a mental aberration. DJ is also one of those very unique loyalists that stands out among the tribe where stabbing in the back are the norm.

    • 8

      Of what value is it, if the object of it is negative or evil(the way I see it of course) ?

    • 6

      BBS Rep,

      I might remind you that after Weliweraya, and itching from the disgraced ousting from the Paris office, Dayan chose to call MR a spineless, impotent figure-head of a President.

      Ii is in retaliation for that, over an AlJazeer global telecast, MR called Dayan a shameless [Edited out] working for an NGO.

      So loyalty perhaps, bur measured and ooprtunistic rather than principled loyaly!

      • 0

        I agree Kumar.

        Many missed the sarcasm in my comment.

        Did you see DJ with his arms raised at the Nugegoda meeting delivering a valedectory to his ‘Maha Hora’, rubbing shoulders with thieves, thugs, fraudsters, and plain fascists. It is a disgrace when a so called educated Sri Lankan has lost his direction in life.

  • 16

    The senile racist in his twilight years is still dreaming of the “royal party” to save his day. You are finished and a wasted racist. The whole world knows that you are an ardent instigator of communal hatred and resultant violence. A depraved b…….. who should be spending time in homes for the aged is still intent in ruining the future of this country by indulging in racist politics – specially to repay his master who treated you with hoppers every morning. By the way those bills are still not settled, if you have any interest in settling it, or for that matter alt least let the future generations of Sri Lanka live in pluralistic society.

    • 1

      RE: Somaratne’s Comment:

      H. L. D. Mahindapala, do you know what your boss, medamulana maRa is doing?

      He is asking Help from the Gods to prevent being thrown in Hell and ‘apaya”.

      You Should do the same.

      Mahinda seeks help from deities again

      Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa who visited Thirupathy Temple in India suddenly before the presidential election and also visited many places of worship in this country to get blessings from Gods but was defeated at the election visited Katharagama Temple and made a vow today (23rd) morning for the first time after he was defeated. He made a vow at 8.12 a.m. tying a silver talisman on a 6 inch tall thrishula say reports.

      Shiranthi Rajapaksa, Namal Rajapaksa and other members of Rajapaksa family together with politicians Shashindra Rajapaksa, Udaya Gammanpila and Gamini Lokuge participated in a religious ceremony at Kirivehera in Katharagama yesterday (22nd).

      It is evident that Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa has got a stimulant from the rally held at Nugegoda to make him prime minister and is engaged in seeking the help of deities for him to come to power again. What is peculiar in the events held at Katharagama was that no Mahinda Rajapaksa associates from Hambantota or Monaragala districts participated.

  • 21

    This old man now very close to death.
    He is dreaming about HELL.

    • 2

      No doubt the Hell would have to take all actions in compliance with the harm made by the bugger. This man in late years being unable to see it right but making every effort to guide others by his kind of idiotic views are beyond all jokes. However, he seesm to be enjyoing while not knowing the depth of the failure being made by him.

  • 6

    “H. L. D. Mahindapala”

    “”It is this turn of events that has made Wickremesinghe nervous. “”

    Chaemelon you never needed parents help to come off your shell and you blend in your environment but never in DNA- `Shit Intubated Buddhist`, Smelly Pincushion!,
    Sinhala Rump Buddhist,

    Just a word of caution before i glance more at your sleeping pill.

    Worlds ¬The Banner¬ (not your bana) as in Fountainhead is very own Sky Rupert of mama Greene & nanny chini kung fu only also got the works. But stooped short because they are European the same way japan got nuked.

    [Edited out]

  • 4

    Dayan J and Mahindapala are big losers. They lost in their effort to prop up the fraudulent dictator. Now they see hope in every little bush. Mahindapala should retire from writing because he is too senile. When he was at Lake House he used to give my nephew and other journalists arrack to get drunk and write for the government. DJ will self-destroy. Not even the Nugegoda boys will trust him. These two journalists are rotten tomotoes

  • 2

    Regarding the Millions of People who attended the Nugegoda Bullshit Rally. I wish to state that Parliament Elections are a different type. These people must have Come from different Electorates to make up the numbers. If its a Presidential Election its a different story. Regards Randy.

  • 4

    Come on – give Ranil a chance, after all he managed the Terrorists very well. Everyone deserves a chance to play with the country. I predict a Ranil Head of State in April 2015. Then he can face the same mud slinging as MR for six years.

    A real Leader, not just a Sunday Leader.

  • 4

    ranil should not be wasting his time with newspaper editors.mahinda also went on that path and fell.Ranil will also fall at the general elections.

    What he should do is work at express speed to show the enormous corruption by the last regime.That will sway the votes towards him and the chandrika faction of SLFP.Mahindapala is absolutely right that maithri is comfortably ensconced but ranil is not.The next PM could be mahinda or chandrika.Nimal siripala is a lame duck and if ranil thinks he will be facing him then he will make the same mistake that mahinda made thinking he will face ranil or karu.Out jumped maithri at the last moment before he could recover.

    The JVP and JHU are getting increasingly frustrated at the snail pace at which corruption allegations are being dealt with.IF this a deliberate ploy by maithri and ranil to keep the MP’s happy so that they can see through their 100 day program which anyway nobody is interested in any way(not the ordinary folks)then it will boomerang on them at the elections.What is the point of successfully completing the 100 day motherfucking program and have mother of all fuckers mahinda as the PM or in parliamnet with a substantial number of MP’s behind him.

    Instead of allowing a mahinda comeback and focusing on this wretched 100 day program,maithri/ranil should focus on the corruption allegations that they lavishly threw at the former regime during the presidential elections and put their money where their mouth is.They should have a special courts to deal solely with this and investigate arrest and jail the buggers who were involved in corruption regardless of who they were and then only have the parliamentary elections.

    That is the only way that ranil or chandrika could become the PM.

  • 4

    MAHINDAPALA. Don’t be in a hurry. As the days dawn all the tricks of the crooks you support will come out. Data on Gota is almost ready. Wait machan!

  • 4

    Pala – Before you get into your so-called “mythical Maithripala manifesto” give us your take on the farcical ‘Mahinda chintanaya’ that has existed for so many years – a tissue of lies from the master liar.

    Why don’t you just make like a shepherd and get the flock out of here? You’re too predictable and boring (I only read the first few lines and have to give up) and a total waste of time.

  • 2

    I read your article very carefully and with so much interest; going by the points as noted therein, it just proves that you, racist Mahindapala is the worst criminal I have ever seen and/or have come across in my life.

    HLDM, have a life, you are not welcome home; you at your age of shovelry, must begin to count your days, start digging a big grave there in OZ for your last resting place.

    RIP my dear pal…

    • 2


      “have a life”

      If you take racism out of these people there is no life left in them. They not only live by racism but they thrive on it.

      Are you telling them to commit suicide?

      Its not nice.

  • 1

    It is not Ranil who has been rattled but the boot lickers of MRsuch as HLD Mahindapala and Dayan. These buggers are afflicted with Ranilphobia

  • 2

    RW knows the culprits in the navy responsible for authorizing and letting the boats go to Australia. He must be admired for taking the Australian prime minister to task for the deceitful deals he struck with a crooked tin pot despot called MR. He also enjoys a near unanimous majority in parliament and proved it by the passage of the mini budget and the recent witness protection bill among others. John Ameratunga is accused of slowing down the investigations into corruption particularly that of Duminda De Silva for personal gain. John was a shady character hobnobbing with the Rajapakshes when they were in power. The prime minister should have no trouble taking him to task if the allegations are genuine. These are bumps in the road not some imminent threat of loosing power. Prime minister Ranil Wickremasinghe must be credited for talking to task the local trouble makers. The meeting in Nugegoda is a non event. It is a loosers summit nothing to see get over it.

  • 2

    You Mota. ..pala do not think Rani We is worried about the Nugegoda meeting. He is intelligent and sincere and knows how to handle the situ. You only have to worry about your leader and their family when sooner or later some of the allegations of corruption would be proved and may have to face trial.

  • 1


    “It is to the credit of the Sinhala-Buddhists that they have restrained themselves and not gone on the rampage”

    Do you mean by this that it is the natural instinct of the Sinhala Buddhists to go on the rampage every time a resolution is passed that they don’t agree with.

    You seem to think the Sinhalese people are barabaric with little self-control!

  • 2

    Oh,….now I feel sorry for Ranil. Poor fellow. He has it all in his head of the New –Lankan-Order and really wants to fulfill his ambitions for Sri Lanka.

    So!, he has to tell the N&E: “Hey you guys, I know I promised you Eelam or something, but I lied a bit……I was doing it to save Sri Lanka from the US getting too angry because SL was going too much with China……but wait, wait will you?…….we are all one race (save for a few Bengali genes). Eelam ideology is too old-fashioned and archaic. Therefore, Eelam ideology can be a museum, and we will let you share your glorious past (and genes) with the rest of Lanka.

    • 2

      “”to fulfill his ambitions for Sri Lanka.”” –

      Climbed Neelsons column to get his cat back.

      & fast forward it to a town free of dogs-
      purple grain rain drops keep falling on the feet,

  • 4

    A few years back Mahindapala made the annual commeroative speech on DA Rajapakse at the BMICH. That time Rajapakse boys were turning this insignificant man into a national hero. The entire government machinery was used to fill the BMICH.

    But that year the speech was a joke because this man called mahindapala delivered his speech in sinhala and it was more broken than an english speech by MR !

    When we saw the name of Mahindapala we thought he would speak in Pali! But my god the fellow cannot say one sentence in Sinhala !Or so he pretnded. Is he the great fighter for the Sinhalese ? Yes we need more people like Mahindapala to be based in the sinhala heartland of australia !

  • 2

    Mahindapala = Dr. DJ minus PhD.


  • 3

    D C L Mahendran Paala.
    Do you think That is An another Asiawe AASCHRAYA FOR Mahendran Percyvel Jarapassa.

    Nuge goda is not Sri Lanka.
    that place is only a Bus halt,

    and All the Kudu dealers, Pickpockets IRcs and looters can be collected for One packet of rice.
    So don’t Jump up and down.

    Remember Sinhala Adage, KUDU Key Withthiya?????.

  • 2

    HLDM writes often and always at length. And so he rambles on in near deranged fashion, like a drunken sailor, lacking direction, moving from one thing to another and saying the most outrageous things.

    Let me take just one part of his commentary. He says, “The right of the media to express freely, EVEN WHEN COMMUNAL HARMONY IS THREATENED is exemplified in the case of Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine which has inflamed passions on both sides. Using the Charlie Hebdo stand to defend media freedom, EVEN ABOVE COMMUNAL HARMONY, the media owners should unmask Wickremesinghe’s fake hijab of taking cover behind communal harmony”. (Emphasis added)

    I ask if any responsible journalist, with the memory of the sufferings and pain SL endured for well nigh 30 years still fresh in his mind, endorse the inflaming of communal tensions all over again? Do we want to go through hell all over again? This fellow is plain irresponsible and a threat to communal harmony in SL.
    HLDM may well consider that the editors of the French (so called satirical) magazine, Charlie Hebdo had a right to inflame Muslim passions with its crude cartoons of the Prophet which were obviously offensive to the Muslims. The magazine has in the past not spared the Christians either in giving gratuitous offence to them in similar fashion. But no sane, civilised, tolerant person will agree with his skewed thinking. Media freedom, like other freedoms, is not absolute.

    The media is part of society and must conduct itself with due regard to the good of society. Like anyone who rouses communal tensions the media should be held to account – rousing communal tensions, created disaffection among communities and engaging in conduct that is likely to lead to a breach of the peace should be dealt with meaningfully and expeditiously.

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    Ranil is digging his own grave!!!! Well done!!!

  • 0

    This is the 1st time the combined opposition had a rally after the
    EP election and people from all walks of life and not only party sympathizers, attended the meeting at Nugogeda to learn what the opposition feels about the change of regime. It is curiosity that brought them to the venue.
    The people attended the rally are not all from Nugegoda and it is
    any body’s guess as from where and how they came to the venue. With the newly found freedom, some mush room media outlets,high lighted the event and reported in their columns that anti Sirisena Sinhala communal
    forces came in large numbers from various places and thronged the meeting and It is PM’s responsibility to curb such instigations,in written form, by the media ,creating communal divide among the people at a time the govt. and people from both sides of the divide are holding hands to create communal harmony to move forward as its a fact, that as long as communalism, thrives, the country cannot move forward. It is a right action the PM is taking to gives the 1st warning
    to those media personnel, not to take advantage of the newly found freedom of the Press and misuse the privileges extended to them by exaggerating the reality and mislead the people. PM should be complimented for such a bold move for nipping in the bud, attempts made to destabilize the govt. in power

  • 5

    it’s time that this stupid government is toppled and chase away sirisena [Edited out] to polonnaruwa…whole country is becoming a paradise for [Edited out]

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    This is what happens when there is a sudden, a so called step change, in freedom in a country. The change is like suddenly releasing a tightly compressed spring. The one who reelases the spring has to take care, or else he could get hurt.

    Under the previous regime, freedom of expression, media freedom etc. were kept severely restricted. So much so that one to speak freely even in one’s home.

    The people who are saying this do not like the new freedom. They want the present govt to react in the same brutal way as MR & Co. did in so many occasions so that they can claim that there is no difference between the two.

    My advice to them is that fairness should not be taken as a weakness.

    • 2

      Was it that difficult to have a rally during MR period? I don’t remember such a situation. The only difficult period I remember was before 2009 where any public rally could be a target for suicide bombing.

      After that I have seen many public rallies by JVP in nugegoda itself with a substantial number of people.

  • 3

    Halt Mandapala, the rattler may bite you ‘somewhere’ that you might not to raise it again.

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    “Rattled Ranil…”? Surely Pala, you should know better than that!

    Or is it that your “journalistic conscience” prevents you from seeing the truth as it is, and instead compels you to convolute it into something else?

    Whatever his faults maybe, one thing must be conceded: nothing could rattle Ranil. And therein lies his strength, at least to the likes of us. ( don’t get me wrong: I don’t know him!).

    Granted, the likes of us who think this way may be a minority, but the majority is not necessarily always right. Besides, the majority will come around to accepting the truth once the truth shows it can continue to remain consistent.

    Oh, lest I forget, Ranil also cannot do some other fabulous things for which MR gets top billing, hands down. Like for instance fondling kids and being sweet to grandmothers at public rallies, and generally speaking, playing to the gallery if not the camera.

    Fully agree in this aspect Ranil is in the novice class, compared with MR, and LONG MAY Ranil REMAIN THAT WAY!!

    (By the way, didn’t read the content of yours above, just thought will respond to the title instead. It is a long time since I stopped reading those writers whose intent is everything but engaging in good journalism).

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    Looks like this guy has been paid to write, isn’t it. Time for all his friends to pay the price for cheating SL and heaping a huge debt on the nation and robbing the the future of SLankans. HLD, can you tell which country borrows sovereign loans at 5-7%? How much of this percentage points has been paid to you to write praises on them. Your uncle MR has a ultra-moden convention hall for 7000. Good Ranil is showing visitors even the bathroom that MaRa has fitted air-cond. Don’t tell me you are a beneficiary of these goodies, your gratitude shows. Building an airport that has been inflated many times more than the actual cost but now even you won’t want to land there in such god forsaken place. You may not even know the difference between birds and planes. Only one airlines graces the white elephant.

    Of course Ranil is worried of the repercussions of the Nugegoda rally. It appears, as a gentlman, Ranil had promised MaRa of a hands-off against MaRa but these idiots who want to drag MaRa into dirt and mud are hellbent on getting MaRa for their present predicament without the endowments. Ranil is feeling helpless in helping MaRa Looks like a secret pact by Wimal (to save his wife), Vasudev, etc to bury MaRa forever. Only god knows what is your role. Hope MaRa will wake up to his senses. He should know better. The bullets may come from where he had least expected. Wish MaRa all the best.

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