19 January, 2025


Ravi K’s Penthouse Bought With ‘Money In A Bag’

B. R. Chinnaiya the Chief Financial Officer of Ravi Karunanayakes connected companies said that an amount of 145 million used to purchase the penthouse had no trace and was unaccounted for.

Making a startling revelation before the bond commission drawing inferences of money laundering, Chinaiya said that he was instructed by Mela and Onella Karunanayake, Directors of Global Transportation and Logistics (pvt) Ltd, which ultimately bought the Penthouse at the Monarch to purchase the penthouse with company funds. The balance he was asked to use the “cash from the chairman’s safe”.The penthouse was bought by the Karunanayakes using the company as a front after Arjun Aloysius paid the rent for 8 months.

Accordingly the Chairman of the company, one Lakshmi Kanthan residing in London, had brought in cash amounting to 70 million and 75 million in February 2016 and 2017 to be “dumped into the safe”.

The witness said that the cash was not accounted for in any of the accounts of the company nor had any paper trail.

The witness said that the Penthouse was bought on the instructions of the wife and daughter of the minister. The company initially which did not possess the full amount of cash had entered in to a loan agreement with Seylan Bank for an amount of 150 million, which was to be paid by renting the Penthouse. However, the plan of “renting out” the penthouse did not materialize.

The loan had thereafter been serviced with the liquid cash in the Chairman’s safe according to the witness, who said that 9 instalments of 11 million each had been paid thus far.

The testimony drew shock and awe among those present including the commissioners who questioned the witness as to why no alarm bells were rung when undocumented cash was brought to him. The witness said he did not ask the chairman, Lakshmi Kanthan as to the origins of the money.

Related posts:

Bond Scam: Arjun Aloysius Paid FM Ravi K’s Penthouse Rent

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  • 2

    Calm down brother. Just keep your safe unlocked and, who knows, Lakshmi may come along with Rs, 145 million in two bags and dump them in your safe, as well.. Fingers crossed….

  • 3

    Can the public be enlightened of the stamp duty paid for this property? I am quite certain this would have been dogged. The property would have been undervalued.

  • 2

    Kabir Hasim, another dubious Cabinet Minister has already started to speak protecting RaviK. Therefore,
    1. The current cabinet of ministers seems to have been already bought by RaviK, Arjun Alosius and the Royal circle. We need a separate Presidential Commission to investigate into alleged ‘side kicks’ offered by Arjun A and RaviK to all ministers including the PM.
    2. Anika Wijesuriya and other Commission witnesses should immediately ask for police protection. I’m sure they will be intimidated by paid anonymous callers in the coming days. If certain Websites have already started the game we know the next step!
    3. President Maithreepala Sirisena should stop his Devadatta style hatred toward the Rajapaksas and get back to real business because of 2 main reasons: First, the Rajapaksas are gone and whenever he opens his big mouth against MR, the Rajapaksas’ vote bank increases by several percentage points; and the second, the ultimate responsibility of all these mega thefts and corruption deals will rest on the President’s shoulders.
    Mr. President! Many people are of the opinion that your lethargy, indifference, and hypocritical suspicious policy of ‘I didn’t know it’ seem to be the main cause of all these problems and ongoing issues.
    4. SLFP MPs and cabinet ministers who are part of this government should resign and request a fresh Parliamentary election immediately. They can show the world ‘SL is a functional democracy and the people will remember them as heroes of democracy!
    5. The entire country should speak in one voice and gather to get rid of RaviK and his circle of rogues. If RaviK doesn’t resign and if the UNP ministers protect him, a fresh parliamentary election will be the only optional solution.
    6. Under a new government Maithreepala Sirisena will still be the president but won’t be able to play the fool and hide Bond Scam rogues behind his national dress. He himself will be compelled to work instead of just talking. If not his days will also be numbered.
    Sri Lankans who live in Sri Lanka should remember: It’s never been too late!

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