19 January, 2025


Raw Pork Was Thrown Into The Mahiyangana Mosque

As crimes continue with impunity, attacks against mosques around the country have become more obscene and portentously fatal. The latest attack occurred in Mahiyangana on 18 July, when a mob of masked individuals attacked the Mahiyangana Masjidul Araba mosque while a group of Muslims prayed in the house of worship.

Events of the attack

The incident took place at 11.30 p.m. as the Muslims of Mahiyangana offered special Ramadan Tharaweeh prayers. The main power source was switched off, disrupting mosque activities as those within the building were plunged into darkness. Furious cries of threats were heard by those within the building, which minutes later were followed by a shower of stones hurled at the mosque.

Mahara mosque - vandalised couple of moths ago | File photo

Many of the windows were broken, but the people within the mosque were able to avoid the stones and remain out of harm’s way.

The onslaught lasted up to 20 minutes before the power was restored and the aggressors made scarce. The police were called in; however the perpetrators are yet to be arrested.

Prior to the full-on attack, the mosque Trustee was assaulted. Chili powder was flung at him and his assailants had threatened him against continuing Friday payers in the mosque, warning that worse was yet to come. Disregarding the threats, the mosque conducted the Friday prayers undeterred. The following day raw pork was thrown into the mosque premises.

Pork is avoided by Muslims as it is considered ‘haram’ or not ‘halal’, which means unlawful to be consumed. The incident hurt the Muslim community in Mahiyangana, but faith in the communal harmony that persisted in the area for 40 years since the mosque was built, was restored when the Provincial Council minister, Anura Vidanagamage had assisted the Muslims in cleaning the mosque and told them to continue conducting their prayers, sources say.

However, a few days later, Minister Vidanagamage had called upon the mosque officials and advised them to close the mosque for their own safety.

N. M. Ameen, President of the Sri Lanka Muslim Council said, “The Council was contacted when the first attack occurred, we then contacted the Defense Secretary and he told them to go ahead and conduct prayers, and that they will be given protection. The mosque received protection but the next attack happened a few days later”.

Bodu Bala Sena denies involvement

Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) monks were said to have visited Mahiyangana and roused the Buddhists people in the area against the Muslims. It is speculated that the attacks are a result of their persuasion. Spokesman of the BBS Dilanthe Withanage informed The Sunday Leader that they visit Mahiyangana from time to time but they have not held a meeting in the town. He added however, that they plan to have their first official meeting next month on August 2.

When asked about the attacks on the Mahiyangana mosque, Withanage denied BBS involvement and added that there is no mosque in the area. “Did you know there was a mosque in Mahiyangana?” he questioned. “How can there be a mosque there? Mahiyangana has been declared a scared Buddhist area, how can Muslims build a mosque there?”

He went on to say that the incident has been fabricated to discredit the BBS, while insisting there was no mosque in the area, and he further questioned the credibility of the media in Sri Lanka that published articles on the incident.

With regard to the accusations levelled at the BBS – that BBS monks had stirred the Buddhists in Mahiyangana to perpetrate the attacks – Withanage stated that the BBS was not involved in the attacks and that they are against communal disharmony, and that the BBS has not harmed the Muslims, a minority Muslim community in Sri Lanka.

However, this is contradictory to what top BBS monks have declared at their meetings. Many have condemned the Muslim community in strong language, riling the masses against the Muslims.

Muslims not provoked

In response to Withanage’s claims, Sri Lanka Muslim Council General Secretary, Hassan Ali, questioned why meat, and for that matter – pork, had been lobbed into a building. He reconfirmed that there is in fact a mosque in Mahiyangana and Muslims in the area have been conducting prayers in the building for the past 40 years; up until last Thursday. The Council believes that the attack was meant to provoke the Muslim community as it was done during the Holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims spend a great deal of time in prayer in mosques.

Leader of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), Minister Rauff Hakeem has written to President Mahinda Rajapaksa following the incident, requesting a special meeting with him to discuss the repeated attacks on mosques and Muslim owned institutions around the island by extremist groups. They are yet to receive a response.

In the meantime, Shafeek Rajabdeen, National Organiser of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, said that the mosque has been and will continue to be closed down as turbulence is expected. “This is the holy month of Ramadan, and the Muslims are hurt by the attacks, but we are advising people to remain calm” he said. He further stated that the law enforcement authorities will have to investigate the attacks and arrest the perpetrators.

However, he added that the SLMC will not tolerate incidents that lead to the closure of mosques. “This has been going on for months now. First the halal label, then the hijab and now mosques being forced to close down. We will not give into the closing of mosques,” he asserted.
Attacks on mosques led by Buddhist monks have occurred in several places across the island; last year a mosque in Dambulla was set ablaze by a mob that was lead by a Buddhist monk, before that a shrine of a Muslim saint was destroyed and the property was burnt.

Recently Muslim owned establishments have been attacked, such as ‘No Limit’—a clothing store, and a butcher’s shop. These incidents have, however, not directly endangered lives. The attack on the Mahiyangana mosque, unlike the previous incidents, may well have caused severe injuries to those who were inside the mosque at the time. Of all the incidents recorded over the years, the Police have not made any arrest to date.

Courtesy The Sunday Leader – By Megara Tegal

Latest comments

  • 1

    This simply Muslim – SELFISHNESS and SELF-CENTEREDNESS.

    Muslim are against Pork or pigs.

    but, they don’t feel bad killing animals respecting buddhism or Killing cattle respecting Hinduism.

    • 1

      Jim Softy, Leela, and Lester, Yesterday i saw in the news that Cows are in the street causing heavy traffic, so better take those cows to Ganasara Gayman;s house and have sex with them. Man, God has created Cows for us to consume a clean meats. You are a Gona to talk of Cattle… what a world.

  • 1

    How Wahabis destroy Islam

    Does Wahhabism respect Islam? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knyPPrj0rAc

    Wahabism is not Islam

    “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oie5u31Qx0g (Wahhabism is not Islam) “

    • 0

      I find the word ” Wahhabism ” appearing all the time in these columns. I know about Islam but not Wahabism. Can a Muslim truly explain what is wahabism, why is it shown as anti Buddhism. What are the exact principles and practices that wahabism says which are anti other religion and anti Muslims in Sri Lanka. This is merely for clarification and not to provoke Muslims or others- thanks

      • 1

        Wahabism means the person whom started this sect that follow the real path of Islam. Some Mulims are being influenced by Hindus,, Budhims and so on such as Rituals and etc. So this is againts Islam. The reason why they dimolished teh Prophet house as people started kissing the Mud of Propht houses.. this will beocme a worship place rather than pray for 1 god. So this is right. Wahbism is right.

      • 1

        The message of Islam in it’s pure essence is yet to catch up. The return to core Islamic values and governance are a matter of time with the collapsing of man-made economic and social systems. The Love of Power and Wealth is the only obstacle to an Islamic way of Life. Muslims are still living in the Makkan era. Sects formed and are divided along the lines of Nationalism and Political ideologies. The ignorant; just blame Wahabi without knowing the Islamic scholar Muhammed Abdul Wahhab’s contribution to Islamic principles. Those who follow the explanations of these Islamic scholar’s are Just Muslims.

        Muhammed Bin Abdul Wahhab was a 18th century Islamic Scholar who made every effort to purify Islam by returning Muslims to the original principles of Islam, as exemplified by the Salaf (Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) First and Second Generation in Arabia) and rejecting what was regarded as corruptions introduced by Bid’ah (Innovation of new practices) and Shirk (Attributing Partners). Although all Muslims pray to one God, Muhammed Bin Abdul Wahhab was keen on emphasising that no intercession with God was possible without God’s permission, which God only grants to whom He wills and only to benefit those whom He wills, certainly not the ones who invoke anything or anyone except Him, as these would never be forgiven.

        Most Islamophobics would read a distorted version of this Scholar and draw their own conclusions.

        And lo! this your religion is one religion and I am your Lord, so keep your duty unto Me. (The Noble Quran 22:52) But they (mankind) have broken their religion among them into sects, each sect rejoicing in its tenets. (The Noble Quran 22:53) So leave them in their error till a time. (The Noble Quran 22:54)

  • 1

    Another disgraceful episode in a sordid series of lawless action. Thirty years ago the GOSL failed in its duty to nip an act of lawlessness in the bud; the result was thirty years of terror with thousands of lives lost. The curse is being activated again; this time a government that defeated terror appears to tacitly condone the havoc that is being unleashed. Will they never learn? Or is simply that they cannot confront the elephant in the room? Hint: It is clad in yellow and holds those in power by the testicles as a reminder of chapter 2 of the constitution of Sri Lanka.

  • 1

    Oh come on.. this is a small thing. dont take things that serious. when muslims around the world burn places belong to other religions, a pig panting on a wall is not a big thing. Let me tel u. Burn the mosque since now it is panted with pig pictures.
    go to hell u stupid idiots.

    • 1

      I hope someone burns your tiny black farmer ar*e you kevum eating peasant piece of cow dung.

    • 0

      Idiot barbarion David

  • 1

    God Bless the citizens of Island of LnkaDweepa and Lord Buddha!
    Who is Criminal? Is it Buddha or Mahinda?
    Now it is the democratic choice in front of the people.

  • 1

    It is not proper to call all these fellows who wear orange (Buddhist) robes as monks. It is better to refer to them as BBS “monks”, monkeys or whatever. It is only those who have really renounced all material attachments and practice the teachings of The Buddha, who deserve to be called as monks. The others need to be referred to as extremists or fanatics.

    • 1

      Dear fellow Srilankan,I’m agree with you my question is why the Majority
      Buddists are keeping silent. not only the People the chief priests of Mallwatu and Asgiriya are too silent did they ever dictanced in publicly from BBS ??????????

  • 1

    This is a fools’ paradise. Roughly 2.5 million sri lankans work in muslim countries. More than 50% of tea goes to muslim countries.
    100% of oil come from muslim countries. Tamils are only 70 million. muslims are 1500 million. If any body starts a war with muslims in sri lanka sri lanka will sink in to indian ocean,

    • 1

      Moahmmed, Beggers cant be choosers, Budhst will be beggers always, already they suffer with Oil problem. Saudi dont want to give to Sri Lanka a drop of Oil. Also sending out most of all Sri lankans. However, These demons will never learn, lets happen and see where they fit to. BBS is waiitng till Muslims react, but already BudhHuthgaya is Bombed, monks slapped, sinhalese beaten in Middle East, i think no Bushist will return home if they touch Muslims….. next will be where?

  • 1

    hey leela (lee potter man) also writes as K A SUmansekera

    where are your comments man? is this the way of life the majority inhabitants love and something which you want to preserve?

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    Jim Softy -Pls get the hell out of this forum ,don’t need Ignorant fools like you ,don’t know what the heck you are talking……..

    My foot buddhist have not killed in the name of religion ,you are nut house on fire …

  • 0

    David you , go and put on a
    men’s G-string & start plucking coconuts , and don’t use hon names like david, use-mamme Modayage saha Mehharaka – suits idiots like you..

  • 1

    @Sammy – na,its called Big-B…….(pls fill in the blanks)

  • 1

    If we go by the Rasika person’s logic, (who recently wrote an article in the CT wondering whether Black july was still black or maybe it is some sort of grey) all this muslim bashing by the very “tolerant” sinhalese people is a sort of futuristic punishment for the trouble muslims will cause in the future a la LTTE.

  • 1

    @ajith -ur a Muslim I guess – please stop dragging The Noble Buddha’s name into this forum , It really pisses me off , esp , when you know nothing about this noble Human, he is a nepali prince and has nothing to do(not all -but some ) with this ex- exiled Bangalas…. who have moved away, far, far away from The Teaching of the enlighten One.

  • 0

    In Sha Allah! Allah’s curse will be there very soon for them.

  • 0

    Bodu Bala Sena denies involvement
    Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) monks were said to have visited Mahiyangana and roused the Buddhists people in the area against the Muslims. It is speculated that the attacks are a result of their persuasion. Spokesman of the BBS Dilanthe Withanage informed The Sunday Leader that they visit Mahiyangana from time to time but they have not held a meeting in the town. He added however, that they plan to have their first official meeting next month on August 2.

    Vedda (people) — Encyclopedia Britannica

    Vedda, also spelled Veddah, people of Sri Lanka who were that island’s aboriginal inhabitants prior to the 6th century bce. They adopted Sinhala and now no longer speak their own language. Ethnically, they are allied to the indigenous jungle peoples of southern India and to early populations in Southeast Asia. They have now been largely absorbed into the modern Sinhalese population; in 1911 they were reported to number about 5,300, by 1964 the government estimated their population at about 800, and by the 1970s they had virtually ceased to exist as a separate community.

    The aboriginal material culture and subsistence patterns of the Vedda were extremely simple. They lived in caves and rock shelters, wore bark-cloth clothing, hunted game with bows and arrows, and gathered wild plants and honey. Their religion was essentially a cult of the dead; ancestral spirits were believed to enter the bodies of shamans, through whom they communicated with their descendants.
    BBS ADMIT That they were systematically not only forced to convert to Theravada Ism ,but also forced to adopt Sinhalism .. and on 02 Aug 2013 – I believe they are going to completely forced the remaining Veddas to convert & adopt the Theravadism & Sinhalism ….

    When asked about the attacks on the Mahiyangana mosque, Withanage denied BBS involvement and added that there is no mosque in the area. “Did you know there was a mosque in Mahiyangana?” he questioned. “How can there be a mosque there? Mahiyangana has been declared a scared Buddhist area, how can Muslims build a mosque there?”

    He went on to say that the incident has been fabricated to discredit the BBS, while insisting there was no mosque in the area, and he further questioned the credibility of the media in Sri Lanka that published articles on the incident.

  • 0

    In the mosque , are they are doing [Edited out]?

  • 0

    Jim softy/Leela/ or Leelage —— rade or whatever you call yourself , do not try to dictate , about Islam Schools of thought to us, we will deal with it, its Muslims are like a world family ,I do not deny we have our differences , we do have heated arguments , we may even fight (of course incited discreetly by evil men & women like you-wonder what your gender is,I take it that you must be a hermaphrodite as you keep changing your Nick from male to female , all the time?

    But no matter what , even considering The ,Christians ,Jews, samaritans,Zoroastrians- why even Hindus , whatever difference we agree God almighty exists and that whatever they attribute-all these faiths agree there is only one God..!!!

    It is a Matter of time when the believers of God will unite on a common platform , yes that day will down soon or later , already there is a powerful Christian evangelist Joel Osteen hits the nail on the head!
    Why Christians should not eat PIG PORK HAM BACON PAPAR
    http://youtu.be/tAbptCIH7S4- they are slowy but steadliy -moving towards a common platform – we know bigots like you will hate to see such men of God bringing peace to the world – but it is the will of God it will happen -there is nothing anyone can do to stop it and finally when God willing the two half brothers desecendents declrae peace you will see blistertering barnacles & thundering typhoons – leela , when you use the leela name , go and stand in a bustand in Maradana elphiston & when you use the name Softy go and stand near the Colombo campus ,, that is what you are fit for..

  • 0

    yes that day will dawn soon or later;;;
    “He is God; there is no god but He,( Quran-(59:22-24)

    Bible (Old Testament)
    “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!
    In Deuteronomy 6:4,
    There is one God; and there is no other but He.” (Mark 12:32)

    Hindu -Scriptures
    Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam.”

    “His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye.”
    [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]4

    1. “Ekam evadvitiyam”
    “He is One only without a second.”
    [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]1

    Brahma Sutra of Hinduism:

    The Brahma Sutra of Hinduism is:

    “Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan”

    “There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit.”
    Zoroastrianism is possibly the oldest religion based on a belief in one God (commonly called monotheism) practiced today.


    Quran Guarantees all those who believe in God and the last day and live a righteous life ,shall be rewarded & no grief will overcome them- It is Bigots Like Leela.aka softy hermaphrodite – sick – who incites hatred among all believers of God..

    “Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians — whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve” (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

    There is a great chance these may be in reverence To Gautama Buddha in the Quran – but am leaving room for doubts as i can not prove it- but could mean so-

    Chapter 95 -al_Quran
    (95:1) By the fig and the olive;

    Bo tree-the fig or mulberry family. It is also known as the Bo-Tree-Ficus religiosa or Sacred Fig (Nepali: पीपल, pīpal) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_religiosa‎

    and What the Traditional Muslims believe about a Server of God almighty mentioned in The Quran as The Green Prophet or Khider,, suits , the Noble Buddha’s description as he , displays Karma some what esp to do with the Orphan’s treasure as he protects it..

    Quran-“Then they found one from among Our servants whom We had granted mercy from Us and whom We had taught knowledge(Enlightenment) from Ourselves” (Surat al-Kahf, 65)


    God Knows best..

    • 0

      Khidr (or The Green One) doesn’t match Lord Buddhas description because Khidr existed before Prophet Moses (see: http://quran.com/18/65-82) and is believed to be still alive.

      124,000 prophets were sent down, according to the Quran, but only some 25 are mentioned by name.

      I personally believe Lord Buddha was a prophet. There are, overwhelmingly, more similarities between the pure Buddhism (as taught in the Tripitaka) and Islam than there are differences.

  • 0

    Quran, 10:47″
    To every people was sent an apostle: when their apostle comes before them, the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged.

  • 0

    Arabic —
    the use of “we” instead of “I” when one thinks one is extremely great

    FIRST PERSON an‰ naxynu SECOND PERSON anta,anti antumaa antum,antunna THIRD PERSON huwa,hiya humaa,humaa hum[u],hunna

    Using Plurals to show respect: Although in expressions like “el-salaamu rhalaikum” where the pronoun used is plural no matter who you are addressing, Arabic tends to not use plurals to show respect. The most commonly known is the use of “we” instead of “I” when one thinks one is extremely great. To show respect to someone you avoid using the personal pronouns, and address the persons presence instead.
    In the Eerdmans Bible Dictionary we read the following explanation of the word “Elohiym”:

    “As a name or designation of the God of Israel, the term is understood as a plural of majesty or an intensive plural, indicating the fullness of the supreme (or only) God … the canonical intent is clearly monotheistic, even where the accompanying verbs or adjectives are grammatically plural (e.g. Gen. 20:13, Exod. 22:9 [Mt 8])”

  • 0

    Is Bigotry a Mental Illness? | Psychiatric Times
    bigots are by people with mental illness

    Is Extreme Racism a Mental Illness?

    It can be a delusional symptom of psychotic disorders!

    Very sick people..


  • 0

    The Entire Muslim world Unite on one Platform (At Last)


    ‘The best resource for those who wish to travel along the straight path in their words and their actions, and in their spiritual and religious life’.

    The Grand Shaykh of the Azhar, Shaykh Mohammed Sayyid Tantawi (may God have mercy on him), 2006.

    The Amman Message started as a detailed statement released the eve of the 27th of Ramadan 1425 AH / 9th November 2004 CE by H.M. King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein in Amman, Jordan. It sought to declare what Islam is and what it is not, and what actions represent it and what actions do not. Its goal was to clarify to the modern world the true nature of Islam and the nature of true Islam.

    In order to give this statement more religious authority, H.M. King Abdullah II then sent the following three questions to 24 of the most senior religious scholars from all around the world representing all the branches and schools of Islam: (1) Who is a Muslim? (2) Is it permissible to declare someone an apostate (takfir)? (3) Who has the right to undertake issuing fatwas (legal rulings)?

    Based on the fatwas provided by these great scholars (who included the Shaykh Al-Azhar; Ayatollah Sistani and Sheikh Qaradawi), in July 2005 CE, H.M. King Abdullah II convened an international Islamic conference of 200 of the world’s leading Islamic scholars ‘Ulama) from 50 countries. In Amman, the scholars unanimously issued a ruling on three fundamental issues (which became known as the ‘Three Points of the Amman Message’):

    They specifically recognized the validity of all 8 Mathhabs (legal schools) of Sunni, Shi’a and Ibadhi Islam; of traditional Islamic Theology (Ash’arism); of Islamic Mysticism (Sufism), and of true Salafi thought, and came to a precise definition of who is a Muslim.
    Based upon this definition they forbade takfir (declarations of apostasy) between Muslims.
    Based upon the Mathahib they set forth the subjective and objective preconditions for the issuing of fatwas, thereby exposing ignorant and illegitimate edicts in the name of Islam.
    These Three Points were then unanimously adopted by the Islamic World’s political and temporal leaderships at the Organization of the Islamic Conference summit at Mecca in December 2005. And over a period of one year from July 2005 to July 2006, the Three Points were also unanimously adopted by six other international Islamic scholarly assemblies, culminating with the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of Jeddah, in July 2006. In total, over 500 leading Muslim scholars worldwide—as can be seen on this website [click here to see the entire list]—unanimously endorsed the Amman Message and its Three Points.

    This amounts to a historical, universal and unanimous religious and political consensus (ijma’) of the Ummah (nation) of Islam in our day, and a consolidation of traditional, orthodox Islam. The significance of this is: (1) that it is the first time in over a thousand years that the Ummah has formally and specifically come to such a pluralistic mutual inter-recognition; and (2) that such a recognition is religiously legally binding on Muslims since the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: My Ummah will not agree upon an error (Ibn Majah, Sunan, Kitab al-Fitan, Hadith no.4085).

    This is good news not only for Muslims, for whom it provides a basis for unity and a solution to infighting, but also for non-Muslims. For the safeguarding of the legal methodologies of Islam (the Mathahib) necessarily means inherently preserving traditional Islam’s internal ‘checks and balances’. It thus assures balanced Islamic solutions for essential issues like human rights; women’s rights; freedom of religion; legitimate jihad; good citizenship of Muslims in non-Muslim countries, and just and democratic government. It also exposes the illegitimate opinions of radical fundamentalists and terrorists from the point of view of true Islam. As George Yeo, the Foreign Minister of Singapore, declared in the 60th Session of the U.N. General Assembly (about the Amman Message): “Without this clarification, the war against terrorism would be much harder to fight.”

    Finally, whilst this by the Grace of God is a historical achievement, it will clearly remain only principial unless it is put into practice everywhere. For this reason, H.M. King Abdullah II is now seeking to implement it, God willing, through various pragmatic measures, including (1) inter-Islamic treaties; (2) national and international legislation using the Three Points of the Amman Message to define Islam and forbid takfir; (3) the use of publishing and the multi-media in all their aspects to spread the Amman Message; (4) instituting the teaching of the Amman Message in school curricula and university courses worldwide; and (5) making it part of the training of mosque Imams and making it included in their sermons.

    God says in the Holy Qur’an says:

    There is no good in much of their secret conferences save (in) whosoever enjoineth charity and fairness and peace-making among the people and whoso doeth that, seeking the good pleasure of God, We shall bestow on him a vast reward. (Al-Nisa, 4:114).

    • 0

      Didn’t realize the Colombo Telegraph had become a forum to cut and paste huge amounts irrelevant religious notes. As a wise person (no doubt a apostle sent by the one god!) once said, religion is like your dick. Everybody has one. But it is impolite to wave it around in front of everybody.

      • 0

        Like flashing your Lingam

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    It comes from the Latin benedictus, meaning “blessed” & we Know you are not a christian- we know good christians will not stoop to your level with such an honorable name,you better take lessons from from one past Politician & he one still in Politics ,one is Banda who was killed by everyone Knows -that is the punishment for playing with God using Christianity to win favours from the British & then converting to Buddhism to fool the people to gain power ,same with That Man Ranil -born Christian- adopted Buddhism , to game Politics power, failed… so do not play with God’s words ,, you will be struck by lightening soon ….

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    March 20, 2013

    VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis urged members of all religions and those belonging to no church on Wednesday to unite to defend justice, peace and the environment and not allow the value of a person to be reduced to “what he produces and what he consumes”.

    Francis, elected a week ago as the first non-European pope in 1,300 years, met leaders of non-Catholic Christian religions such as Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans and Methodists, and others including Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus.


    Excluding Bigots ………………………….

  • 0

    All religions are true when practiced in the heart. Even if the radical Buddhists (a minority, I may add) enforce the closure of mosques, churches, kovils etc and declare every inch of Lanka as sacred land, it shouldn’t matter. It only reflects badly on the so called Buddhists and not on any of the other belief systems. Take heart people, justice will prevail if not now, at some other time. The Buddhists believe in re-birth, can you imagine the plight of all these so called Buddhists, like BBS etc in the next world? Good luck to them!

  • 0

    Here’s the irony

    01. Buddhists practice tolerance and cruelty to animals is one of the main reasons for Buddhists to take cudgels with Muslims.

    02. How do they respond? They kill an animal and throw it into the sanctum of a place of worship

    03. Who is in the fore front of this? Monks who have pledged to follow the Gautama Buddha and abhor violence.

    These hypocrites, calling themselves the guardians of Buddhism are so full of hatred burning within them that they are blind to the very faith that teaches them to be tolerant and abhor violence.

    This is what the Buddha says about hatred “”Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

    Mahatma Gandhi says “I came to the conclusion long ago that all religions were true and that also that all had some error in them, and while I hold by my own religion, I should hold other religions as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we were Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu; but our innermost prayer should be that a Hindu should become a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, and a Christian a better Christian.”

    Like I have said before, you may beat us with your racist point of view, but we are better human beings than you because we are not provoked by low acts such as this. If I were a Sinhala Buddhist, I would put my head down in shame?

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    throwing Pork, Bacon, Pork Sausages has happened in other countries , in more than one country in the developed world.

    Muslims should give up NOT eating Pork as Pork eating was banned by the ISlam in order to stop Trichina – infection into humans.

    “A man accused of throwing bacon and sausages onto a mosque in Cricklewood.

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    Whatz Dee-connection? Are BBS fans hands on Job?

    Ham, bacon thrown outside B.C. mosque – Canada – Canoe.ca
    Oct 3, 2012 – Canada and International News. … A pork attack on a B.C. mosque is being investigated as a hate crime. (Fotolia) …
    Raw Pork Thrown Into The Mahiyangana Mosque | loonwatch.com

    Jul 29, 2013 – As crimes continue with impunity, attacks against mosques around the … The following day raw pork was thrown into the mosque premises.

    Vandals dump bacon at Port Coquitlam mosque and Islamic centre …
    A photograph of the mosque and Islamic centre at the Islamic Society of British … Coquitlam RCMP are investigating after several piles of pork bacon were strewn … I’m no fan of religion but I have generally found Muslim Canadians to be …

    Prejudice, Racist, or Violent Incidents at MOSQUES – The American …
    Jun 6, 2013 – 2012 SUMMARY of attacks on mosques

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    In Malaysia throw porks into mosques happened often but the one who throw pork with plactic bags is muslims.. We dont know why they want to do that but i think i might becouse of try to make muslim hate other races..so sad but true

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