17 January, 2025


Reengineering The Nation

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“….developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy……to get people to love their servitude. This is the, it seems to me, the ultimate in malevolent revolutions”. –Aldous Huxley (The Ultimate Revolution)

During his recent Ugandatour, President Mahinda Rajapaksa was reportedly enchanted by the servile conduct of the Ugandans he came into contact with. According to the political column of last Sunday’s Rivira, the Lankan President asked his Ugandan counterpart, “When we look at them (Ugandans) it is clear that they have a very obedient nature. How did you manage to make them so obedient?” President Musevini’s response was that this servility was a relic of the Colonial ethos, when White Masters kept their Black and Brown Subjects in total subjugation.

In a democracy uncritical obedience is a dangerous vice. Despotic rule cannot survive without uncritical obedience. Colonial rulers treated colonised peoples as political infants incapable of handling independence. Tyrants too regard their subjects as eternal political-minors, incapable of dealing with freedom.

Foremost amongst the freedoms considered dangerous by actual and nascent despots is the right to information, the freedom of the people to know what is happening in their own country. Over the years the Rajapaksas have managed to subdue most of the print media. Currently, websites are their main targets. In this month alone, de facto banns were imposed on several websites including Gossip Lanka and Lanka Eagle.

The Rajapaksa fear of a free and critical media is comprehensible. The Siblings have much to hide.

Take land grabbing. Currently this is a major problem confronting not just by the Tamil people of the North but also by the Sinhala people of the South. Parallel to the stealth campaign of demographic reengineering in the North, the Rajapaksas are conducting an even more secretive operation of class and partisan-political reengineering in the South. Their ultimate aim is to create a new demographic which will render difficult any democratic/electoral resistance to Familial Rule.

In the North, private lands are being expropriated to create new army camps and military cantonments. For instance, according to Parliamentarian MA Sumanthiran, the regime is using the Land Acquisition Act to expropriate 6,400 acres of land to build a military cantonment in Jaffna: “….the notice says that the claimants are not traceable! The owners of these lands live just outside the so called illegal High Security Zone, in camps maintained by the government itself. They have lived there for over 25 years. And although their title to these lands were checked and cleared by a Committee appointed by the Supreme Court in 2006, they were not permitted to go and resettle on the false assertion that de-mining was not complete. That it is false is demonstrated by the sight of soldiers cultivating these lands….. Now suddenly, the government has shown its true face: these lands will be taken and given to others to occupy, who will become voters in the North. Similar notices have been issued in the Kilinochchi Distrct also. In the Eastern Province, instructions have gone out to acquire all the land that the military deems necessary for its purposes”[i].

These cantonments and military bases are being superimposed on a Tamil terrain to break the existing ethnic contiguity of the North, thereby to render devolution impossible and to keep Tamils in a continued state of subjection. Its other – and no less important purpose – is to make it possible for the Rajapaksas to win elections in the North, with a minimum amount of violence and malpractices.

Most Sinhalese are indifferent to the issue of land-grabbing because they see it as a Tamil problem. The Rajapaksas would want this ignorance – and the consequent indifference – to last as long as possible. The plight of Colombo’s poor, who are facing the danger of being evicted from their homes en masse, has received some attention but the plight of the Sinhala peasants of Ampara who have been chased away from their traditional lands is virtually unknown. In 2011, the Lankan Navy grabbed more than 1,200 acres of land close to the tourist hot-spot ofPanama; consequently thousands of Sinhala villagers of Shasthrawela, Ragamwela, Ulpassawela, Horowkanda and Ella lost their homes and their means of livelihood. A similar fate has befallen the fisher-folk of Kalpitiya.

When the state takes over private land for development purposes, it is obligated to provide the owners with either compensation or alternate lands. This is how successive governments in Sri Lanka conducted themselves, by and large. The Rajapaksas have developed a different method; land grabbing is being done, extra-legally, using the military. The issue is thus ‘militarised’ and garbed in the protective-attire of ‘national security’. This way the owners can be threatened at will, the Sinhala-language media silenced and environmental laws and archaeological regulations ignored. For instance, in Ampara, “though sanctions have been imposed by the Forest Department, Archaeological Department, Coast Conservation Department and Central Environmental Authority on carrying out any development work on forestlands, the Sri Lanka Navy claims that such formalities are totally discarded when the Defence Ministry approves their projects. Speaking on the construction work carried out by the Navy in Panamain the Ampara District, Navy Spokesman Commander Kosala Warnakulasuriya said that they have not followed any of these procedures nor would they require permission from the said institutions as the construction is being carried out on Defence Ministry land. ‘This is a Defence Ministry land and there is no necessity to obtain approval from any department to carry out any of our development work,’ claimed Warnakulasuriya[ii].

The Defence Ministry and the military are the law, not just in the Tamil-North, but even in the Sinhala-South. The ultimate purpose of these acts of dispossession is to fill the Rajapaksa coffers, buttress the Rajapaksa dynastic project and render difficult any effective national resistance to Rajapaksa rule.


The Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim victims of land-grabbing have a problem and an opponent in common. Therefore coordinating their various acts of resistance into a single struggle makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, instead of this necessary and possible national campaign – ideally with the participation of the opposition parties – resistance is fragmented along regional/ ethnic/class lines.

The Siblings do not want the Sinhalese to understand that they are not immune to Rajapaksa-injustice. The Siblings do not want the Sinhalese to realise that the military, far from being ‘our boys’, are Rajapaksa tools (just as the Tigers served not the Tamil people but Vellupillai Pirapaharan). The Siblings do not want their Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim victims to find the common ground and mount a coordinated resistance. The Siblings want to atomise Lankans along ethnic, religious and class lines, to prevent a united opposition to familial rule from coming into being. The only Sinhala-Tamil-Muslim unity they want to promote is a unity in apathy and indifference.

The Rajapaksa project aims at the psychological reengineering of the Lankan people. They want an ignorant nation which equates difference with danger. They want a people more concerned about hemlines or eating habits than land-grabbing or child abuse. They want a nation seeped in mutual-suspicion and habituated into obedience.

They want a nation which, unconsciously, cooperates in its own subjugation and undoing.

[i] DBSJeyaraj.com

[ii] The Sunday Leader – 12.5.2013

Latest comments

  • 0

    Re Engineering a Nation.

    1. Nation Based on Sinhala Buddhist Racism and Monk Mahanama Myths.

    Examples: Jatika Hela Urumaya, a part if th Govt. and Sinhala Ravaya, the partners of JHU, and BBS to distort and Re Engineer Buddhism, to suit the needs of Sinhala Racism.

    State media Paparazzi at its Worst with the concurrence of the Buddhist Monk. Is this the Buddhism the Lord Buddha taught?

    1. The Monk was going to commit Suicide.

    2. The correspondent knew it. He took undue advantage of that.

    3. The question what is the link between this correspondent and the state?

    4. We know the State, the Govt, of Sri Lanka lies blatantly.

    There is media department headed by people who lies.

    There is the Ceylon Daily news and others that lie, and they have their own Shill correspondents and writers.

    Then there are many news sites that are controlled or with their shills running them, that will not allow for any critical comments against the sate.

    This is pathetic. This is Mara morals. This is NOT Buddhism.

    Welcome to the Dhamma Island- Dhamma Deepaya.
    The Yakkas, Nagas and Veddahs have better morals, and they did not need the Imported Buddhism.
    Lanka should have remained Hindu like Bali Island, Indonesia, and peaceful, free of Monk Mahanama Myths,

    • 0

      Thisaranee, another superb piece. Please translate and publish in sinhala.

  • 0

    “Colonials treated colonized people as political infants” .says Ms T.

    Sure, the Sinhala Buddhists, the great majority of the inhabitant population were treated even worse, denying them even basic schools.

    The sad part is Ms Ts still not only bend over to the same Colonials but also make a living out of helping the Colonials to carrying out their carry out their agendas against the Sinhala Buddhists.

    • 0

      She is born Sinhala (probably buddhists too). Yet she always uses a phrase from Western books. She does not know about the Eastern philosophy, but she knows the western philosophy. It is the same with political views. She was crying out loud for LTTE and now for Tamils.

      What I know, and I have heard so many times, people without their cultural roots are lost people. It is very clear in the Eastern block former socialist states and also among immigrants in the west.

      • 0

        How can this be correct ?

        “What I know, and I have heard so many times, people without their cultural roots are lost people. It is very clear in the Eastern block former socialist states and also among immigrants in the west”

        You could be right for some former socialist states, but for some it is wrong. There are Georgians, Bulgarians, Rumanians and many others that I have got to know personally have shared me about their roots and the culture as well.

        Besides, if MS Tg according to you a person without cultural roots, why does she need to voice against the despotic rule of MR and the uneducated bunch ?

        I dont think that we have got any better journalists that bring fearless articles regardless of the topics when it goes for the brutal acts of current regime. Ravaya editor attacked CBK accusing her of many issues to his subjective thinking. But today, rulers kill innocent people on broad day light, the very same editor and other potential journalist stay as if they are deaf. They the rulers let multi crime doers scot free – no Viktor iwan would criticise it just because he likes the despotic incumbent…. but FEW great journalists like Ms TG would fearlessly continue her analyses. Masses should respect the grand lady instead of attacking her in this manner.

        • 0


          Can you explain me what this Cultural root thing you you are writing about.

          Was it the High Culture that you are talking that stole the Tsunami money that children sent for Poor people to build their lost homes.

          Was it the culture that over eighty opposition party members crossed over to Govt side after winning vote from another party.

          Was it the culture that reporters, human right activists, journalists disappeared without a trace and some ran away to other countries.

          Was it the culture that make one to build huge unwanted constructions with huge commission changing hands.

          Was it the culture that allow one implant over 600 family members who are absolute under qualified muts to Top Government positions when there are so many honest and qualified Professionals available.

          Could you explain your cultural roots after visiting the following web sites.



          I can write a book about this but first please explain your Cultural Root to me.

      • 0


        “She does not know about the Eastern philosophy,”

        What is this Eastern Philosophy? Could you say some thing on this Eastern thing.

        “What I know, and I have heard so many times, people without their cultural roots are lost people.”

        What is this cultural root?

        Please educate me on these matters so that I might be enlightened in the fullness of time, of course by a Westernised Oriental Gentlemen (WOG).

      • 0

        KAS & JIMSOFTY are not two. Its our same old LEELA in different pseudonym.
        This Leela declares war with anyone who say a word against this regime. He is in the payroll of the regime. So he sits the whole in front of a machine and write against anti regime articles. TG is no exeption, in facr he hates TG. Thats what his current job is. Like BBS his only agenda is to keep this usleless family in power.

      • 0

        JimSoftly – I remember Tisaranee being scathingly critical of the LTTE, so twisting the truth won’t get you very far. And as for your ” people without their cultural roots are lost people”, how come you call yourself ‘JimSoftly’? Is that part of YOUR “Eastern Philosophy”?? Or are you “lost”???

    • 0

      @K.A Sumanasekera

      You are an idiot. You should watch the movie “Idiocracy” which is about people like you.


    • 0

      “Sure, the Sinhala Buddhists, the great majority of the inhabitant population were treated even worse,”

      By their own people. Check your history.

      “Ms Ts still not only bend over to the same Colonials”

      You are very rude to her. Say sorry to the lady. What has happened to your high Sinhala/Buddhist culture?

    • 0

      “Colonials denied the majority Sinhalese Buddhist basic schooling”
      What does this means? Did colonials destroy Sinhalese education system or their schools? What I heard was other way around.
      When colonials were planning to build first SL university in Peradeniya, some influencial Sinhalese objected it, I read that JR was one of the guys who opposed making universities in SL…

    • 0

      Hay Sumane,

      Please read our history to find what type of education or what type of Jobs our ancestors did before Colonists came.

      According to your King You would have been duing what your Great,great Grandfathers were doing, as under the Kings Cast system it is the same job that the King gave to your Grand fathers that you would have been doing.What type of subjects you learnt then under King. Could you show us some.

      I think you may be good at Guarding the King’s Harem and get the “gas bandina rassawa” tying to tree job wearing Amude.

      How good you will look then. Yes now our Maharajano taking our country back to Kings era, with the “Kuppi Lampuwa” Coconut lamp and the Bullock cart while eating “Polkudu” coconut scrape.

      Keep on bashing Colonials while sending our women to Middle East to do slave jobs and getting scr…wed up for your King to import Rolls Royces and Lambos.

    • 0

      K. A. Sumanasekera:
      Is there truly no end to your stupidity? Even though the rationale might be in stooging to the Rajapaksas in anticipation of funding for another “housing scheme.”

  • 0

    Very good article, but will not do much in a land where the people rallying and supporting for a drastic electricity price hike.

  • 0

    The Rajapakses are making a difference in Sri Lanka. New roads, ports, habours, and airports are being built; money is being invested in future sources of energy. Is Tisaranee making a difference? If Tisaranee disappeared from existence today, would anyone care? :) Tisaranee is am internet nobody with a big vocabulary.

    What is happening to the Tamils is unfortunate, but let’s not forget they just lost a 30-year war. One of the consequences of losing a war is a loss of land. Another consequence is foreign occupation – look at Germany after WW2.

    • 0

      your logic is as follows: “my neighbour murdered his brother. this neighbour built a playground for the kids. so he is not a murderer.

      another neighbour went and set fire to another man’s house. so i did the same to another family. if he can do it, how is it wrong if i do it?”


      • 0

        And your logic is that Rajapakse is the only politician in the world responsible for murder, corruption, etc.

        • 0

          Well Well Well, so here we go finally our Leela eccepted who Rajapaksa is.
          Please go ahead reveal about what BBS is. Such as, Who formed this rabiied dog sect? Who are the funders, Who is protecting them? what their goal etc ?
          Why Champika sacked the suicided monk Indararathana a few weeks ago from his virus party? Who was Monk Indhararathana? what his connection with Gota who time and again saved hin after damaging churches and Mosques?

          • 0

            I am not Leela; therefore I cannot answer for Leela. Let me just point that out every politician has his day in the sun. Batalanda Ranil is no exception. And also, what do you think about Guantanamo Bay? Do you think it is a camp for eating cadju and practicing karate?

            • 0

              Ranil’s Batalanda was a fabricated lie to defame. Ranil is a gentleman so doesnt waste time answering those alligations. Had ranil involved in such an act your gon lokka MR would have barbedued him by now.
              Your argument was wonderdul Leela. RW had batalanda consequently Rajapaksas also can have. what a logic. this itself shows the regime’s and its suporters insolvency.
              If US can have a Guentanamo bay why cant Gota have white Vans?

              O.. Come on Leela/Rubert Vanderkoon/Dr. Lapatiya/Ruwan Ferdinandez/Pam/Nanabist/KA Sumana, all of us here know your latest name is American Mama.

        • 0

          and that exactly is the whole point of all this: i dont give a damn whether he is or isnt. All i know is he’s the man leading the only country that is relevant to me: my own- Sri Lanka. What do i care if, say, Silvio Berlusconi is a corrupt leader? In what way does this affect me? As a Sri Lankan, however, it is my duty to point out and call for the eradication of such criminals from our leadership.

          • 0

            it is my duty to point out and call for the eradication of such criminals from our leadership.

            Start with your Islamic leaders.

            • 0

              Where did you get the impression I was Muslim? O.o I dont know how relevant my religious views are to this discussion, but I’m an atheist.

              That said, I’d like to point out that the men in charge of running the country, controlling the Executive (among other things) are not muslims. To fix the problems of a TV one does not summon the assistance of a plumber.

    • 0

      You said it all (for the rest of your tribe of Rajapaksa stooges as well) when you say:
      “What is happening to the Tamils is unfortunate, but let’s not forget they just lost a 30-year war. One of the consequences of losing a war is a loss of land. Another consequence is foreign occupation – look at Germany after WW2.”
      You truly unmentionable people continue to denigrate the Tamils and now don’t even PRETEND to be talking about “Tigers.” Yet another example of the impunity that your masters practice!

  • 0

    Why is it that we see people of principles who have a genuine regard for higher values like truth,justice,social welfare are always confronted with threats,difficulties,and obstructions and defeats while the unprincipled corrupt people flourish and succeed with mass support in the task they undertake.Only in stories do we see stories about the triumph of Truth.
    (With courtesy to Aurobindo)

    • 0

      The WEST also has higher values.

      they value democracy, human rights, press freedom, freedom of expression.

      but, what is the reason behind it ?

      Tisaranee is just promoting those values. The question is for whom ?

      • 0


        “they value democracy, human rights, press freedom, freedom of expression. but, what is the reason behind it ?”

        You tell us the reason as why we should not have them.

        • 0

          they established democracy, press freedom, womens’ rights, human rights….. in Egypt, Libya, Tunesia and now want to do that in Syria.

          See what has happened.

          Once they introduce these things people go out of control, all divided and start fighting each other. then the third party can come and exploit what ever they have.

          that is the objective behind.

          • 0


            “Once they introduce these things people go out of control, all divided and start fighting each other. then the third party can come and exploit what ever they have.”

            Then why the hell do you have Western style democracy and periodical sham elections? Abolish the entire state.

            True to your heart why don’t you take initiative install a Theocracy/Gotacracy/Monarchy/ ………… back to medieval times.

            Tell us what exactly is your model of governance.


            you can’t have the Democracy and destroy it.

          • 0


            I forgot to add something in your comments that I have observed over a period of time.

            I detect LTTE line of argument in your comments that dictatorship is the only best form of governance which keeps the traitors (internal or otherwise) out of the war equation hence 100% security for those involved in the war.

            If allowed democracy would cause confusion and mislead the people. Dictatorial methods keep them focused, and the argument goes on…………

            I suspect you are a secret admirer of VP and LTTE for you seem to follow LTTE’s line of thinking(?).

            Are you or have you been a secret admirer of VP?

  • 0

    Field Marshall Idi Amin Dada of Uganda was known to have a perverse craving for feasting on the internal organs (like hearts) of white colonials captured and killed by his troops.

    That was a rather crude example of a reactionary response to years of subjugation and the climbing to the pinnacle of authoritarian power in a country ruled by fear and subservience…

    • 0

      Reengineering the Nation

      What is this catatonic LP; sounding disjointed, absurd and moronic pseudo-intellectual trying to say? Is he trying to say that the present 7-headed Rawana and his ilk are better than or in some way have more to go to emulate the likes of Idi Amin whilst he is roguishly, tongue-in-cheek enjoying the vicarious pleasures of sharing these mentally bereft crude, ugly and horrifying titbits in an apparent tandem push-pull effort with the Maru-Mara-Rawana’s regime?

      LP has as yet never countered any comment on any of the other reader remarks or comments on his absurdities. Is it because of this site being and uneven and slanted field that favours those who lack or don’t have any proper, integrity ability and/or honesty?

    • 0

      @Lasantha Pethiyagoda

      Admiral General Gota has pet sharks in his home. Would be interesting to know what a psychologist would have to say about this? :D

      • 0

        Presidunce Bean:
        You don’t need a psychologist. Take a look at the skeletons (that are going to be “inquired into” by MARA) in Matale. Would anybody but a criminally insane person do something like that?

  • 0

    If we have one editor like the late Reggie Michael this country would be a better place to live in.Poor Lasantha gave his life for a free media and today is almost forgotten.What a country we live in?

  • 0

    Please any one find Dr Rajasingem Narendiran let me know, strange reasons muppet is hiding. Hope his brain is ticking right way…big bank is on the way hope. He is crying from his sins….any way come out man…we forgive uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    • 0


      Please contact Gota’s White Van fleet,

      • 0

        Is he disappeared after his article against MR military victory parade?

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.We acknowledge criticism of the articles we publish, but will not allow persistent misrepresentation of our journalists/contributors to be published on our website. For the sake of robust debate, we will distinguish between constructive, focused argument and smear tactics.For more detail see our Comment policy

  • 0


    Every week we hear a not-so-new story from you about the oppressive and greedy Family.

    While some readers appreciate your tedious literary style, my continuing query remains:

    What is your advice to the poor oppressed masses of Sri Lanka to escape their tragedy?

    • 0

      MNZ – For starters they could vote the perpetrators of “their tragedy” out of office.

      • 0

        No kiddin’ !!

        And pray, how will you persuade them to do that?

        • 0

          MNZ – You asked for “advice”, not for instructions!!!

    • 0

      “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” (of Tisaranee’s writing) The truth seems to upset people of your stripe. If you need to ask what she recommends you do about the mess that is Sri Lanka today it speaks VERY LOUDLY about those who simply mouth rubbish like you do, in order to provide back-door support to those who are destroying this country.

    • 0

      MNZ, You cannot expect TG to take the initiative.
      She is doing her best as a journalist.
      What more can you ask from brave Tisaranee?
      Its high time that people clean their rusted head.

      • 0

        Peter/Aney Apochchi/Omar

        Tut, tut!

        I am sorry that you guys have got your collective knickers in a twist.

        I do not for a moment condone the thievery, corruption and thuggery of the regime. Nor do I ask TG to stop her habitual weekly vitriol about yet another stale story relating to the Family.

        I concur that she is indeed a brave woman, apparently safely ensconced Down Under, but no matter.

        Some of you evidently enjoy the well-deserved abuse she heaps on the Family every week, which perhaps you look forward to and get your kicks from.

        My humble view, however, is that as a popular commentator (not journalist) she should not only write her piece in a way to attract the attention of the reader (which she does darn well), but should add value to her credibility by suggesting alternatives/solutions/remedies etc.

        Otherwise it would be like playing the same old tune over and over again, which with respect, you guys seems to enjoy.

        • 0

          Shameless, gutless and spunk-less MNZ and his ilk hiding under many a false name/s require tips, advice and instructions from TG and others on how genetically and mematically damaged theocratic-kleptocrats, criminals and psychopaths may continue to dupe and plunder the country, its people, lands and resources for their familial fetish and MNZ like-minded people with ongoing mematic-viral diseases continue to reinfect, patch-up and carry on for their ilk to continue to derive greater vicarious pleasure/s from the loss of dignity, honour, pains and sufferings from the rest of the misguided and brain software damaged robotic people whist hand-in-hand nature continues takes its toll apparently trying derive some semblance of balance.

          • 0

            m.c. spencer

            Your garbled and convoluted invectives appear to indicate that you are either under the influence of a banned substance, or absolutely deranged.

            Any comment would be an utter waste on the likes of you.

            • 0

              Do the initials MNZ stand for Mohda Nikang Zombie? And are you trying to find comfort and solace in your ongoing stupendous stupidities with similarly deranged people like you hiding behind false names whilst pissing and pooing all over this website?

  • 0

    MNZ – Tut, tut, indeed!

    As for me, I merely complied with your request for “advice”. You then asked for a solution, and I responded accordingly. What makes you think I’ve got my “knickers in a twist”?

    And whilst you admit that you “..do not for a moment condone the thievery, corruption and thuggery of the regime…” (not to mention the nepotism, impunity, etc, etc.,) and also “..do not ask TG to stop her habitual weekly vitriol about yet another stale story relating to the Family..”, you seem to harbor some antipathy towards Tisaranee’s contributions. This is apparent from your rather snide innuendos (I don’t find her stories “stale”).

    Your “humble view” that Tisaranee “..should add value to her credibility by suggesting alternatives/solutions/remedies etc.” is not very practical, given the current situation in the country (are you “ensconced” here or abroad?), for as you may know, the majority of the population have no access to views such as those in CT and are fed daily doses of what the state media churns out. As a result providing alternatives/solutions, etc., would be of little use in view of the minuscule proportion that would have access to them.

    How about you? Do you have any solutions, etc., to offer as alternatives to what you describe as “..the thievery, corruption and thuggery of the regime”?

    Untwist your knickers before you respond, ok?

    • 0


      I won’t respond to the irrelevant aspects of your comments, but will go straight to your core remonstration, vis-à-vis what are my own thoughts.

      Yes, there are several proposals and ideas which I have suggested to combat this regime in my various comments in CT from time to time, which you have very probably missed.

      Here are some:

      1. The opposition forces should close ranks under a credible and honest leader. Although I agree it’s easier said than done, my recommendation at this time is someone of the calibre of Venerable Sobitha.

      2. Initiate sustained grass-roots programmes by this combined opposition at village level (the power-base of the Family) to expose with credible proof the villainy, thuggery, corruption and theft of state resources by the regime.

      3. Compile dossiers (with relevant evidence/proof) against each of the criminal elements of the regime, which should be used to prosecute them when the opportunity comes one day. The services of investigative, legal and finance professionals could be enlisted for this purpose.

      4. Conduct regular street demonstrations to create awareness among the masses, and enhance the opposition base to create and maintain pressure on the regime.

      5. Use overseas forums to expose the iniquities of the regime with a view to creating awareness and concern about the despotic and tyrannical nature of the rulers in order to create international pressure. The Tigers seem to be doing this pretty well, though with a narrow and revengeful agenda

      6. As a final resort, if international sanctions are imposed on our country (eg. repatriating all the ME workers who remit USD 6 Billion per annum) SL will be on its knees in a flash and bring down the regime. The reason being that Sri Lanka does not have alternate natural resources such as Iraq (oil) or Zimbabwe (gold, diamonds, uranium) to save it from collapse.

      Please also refer to my last contribution on TG’s commentary entitled “Behold The Future” of 9 May 2013 in which I have stated some of the above .

      So Peter, there you have it!

      By the way I am well ensconced in this paradise isle, and no, I don’t wear knickers!!!!

  • 0

    MNZ – Thanks for your response. Excellent suggestions indeed, although implementing most of them under the present circumstances (read ‘impotent opposition in disarray) and the fact that ‘street demos’ are quickly broken up by the powers that be, would be well nigh impossible. ‘Sanctions’ would be beyond the control of us local folk and ‘overseas forums’ would also need to be organized by expat Sri Lankans abroad. So what is left for us ‘locals’ to do?

    I also agree with your first point and seem to recall some effort made recently in that direction, although I haven’t seen anything more about it. And the ‘grass-roots’ suggestion is imperative to disseminate the important facts about what the regime is about, but with this so-called opposition, what chance is there of it being implemented?

    I certainly will check on your last contribution on TG’s commentary entitled “Behold The Future” of 9 May 2013 – thanks for the link.

    In the end it seems we have reasonably common pov’s, although I do find Tisaranee’s contributions to be of value and also admire her (as you put it) “tedious literary style”.

    PS: I don’t wear knickers either!!


  • 0


    Thanks for your sentiments. I enjoyed the thrust and parry of the robust debate very much, more so because I knew all along we were both singing from the same hymn sheet!

    The “impotent opposition” have to develop real cojones, and MR the “master of divide and rule” has for the moment emasculated most of these pansies.

    If my suggestions are taken in broad perspective, and thereafter micro-managed both by a professional “combined opposition” together with genuine street activists, we can surely make a difference.

    No doubt there will be “collateral damage”, but there is always a price to pay for ones freedom which will prevail at the end. History has proven that time and again.

    Honestly I love TG’s pieces and admire her literary flair (in debate we are allowed poetic licence to say otherwise!)but I still believe she should take that extra step to make proactive suggestions. That’s my view, and beg to differ from that of yours and a few other fans of TG. Anyway, more strength to her journalistic elbow!

    Lets not worry anymore about delicate lingerie, but continue to express our views fearlessly, at least in the CT forum for a start.

    Cheers to you too, my friend!!

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    MNZ and Peter – Nice work, and a good example of how civilized exchange of what may have started off as different views turned out to be views that have a whole lot in common. More constructive comments are what is needed in this forum, as opposed to the too often seen verbal abuse and personal attacks.

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      AP, MNZ & JJ

      Is this latest type of mutual psychotherapy for the apparently mentally handicapped- schizophrenics under various names, false names, initials and guises?!

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