By Siri Gamage –
Kumar David’s recent article (Colombo Telegraph, 01.01.2017) reflecting on events in 2016 points to some of the global challenges facing us in 2017 and the need for the left to unite if we are to avoid returning to the ghosts of the past. This is a message – though not unfamiliar in the annals of Sri Lanka’s political history – which we need to take seriously in 2017. Constitutional discussions and any moves made by the government to devolve further powers to the provinces (justifying the claims of nationalist political forces) have the potential to derail the whole process and even the very existence of the SLFP-UNP national government unless handled very carefully. The lack of a vibrant popular discourse and a popularly understood vision and justification about the need for constitutional reform can haunt those leading the process if it hits a snag without being able to muster the necessary votes in the nation’s parliament.
Given the manner that the joint opposition has evolved to be a significant political force within and outside the parliament, reducing public confidence in the government due to factors including the manner it has handled corruption cases, big government and expensive lifestyles of the ruling class in a context of severe foreign debt, cost of living pressures, planned alienation of large tracts of land to a Chinese company in Hambantota – it is highly likely that there can be defections from the governing coalition to the joint opposition in 2017. This may happen before, during, or after the local government elections. Nonetheless, it will take another year or so for such defections to make a real impact on the ability for Sirisena- Wickremesinghe government to govern effectively. It is also possible for defections to occur the other way at a smaller scale. i.e. from joint opposition to the government. What is important to notice is that the joint opposition is building its political platform yet again as the protectors of the nation, its territorial boundaries, Buddhism, and Sinhala people’s rights. This is a platform that resonates with rural masses and middle to lower class urban Sinhalese in the South Western belt, Central and North-Central provinces, Sabaragamuwa etc. Irrespective of corruption charges against his family, as they have not been proven via a credible legal process thus far, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa is actively rebuilding his profile and popular persona travelling around the country and abroad. His constituency in the Sinhalese heartland is likely to accept symbolism couched in nationalist language plus raw emotions and pardon him for any past mistakes when the time comes.
In the meantime, ruling politicians from both major parties seem to have settled into their ministerial and other roles comfortably oblivious to this evolving trend in the mistaken belief that the public at large is still with them, and they can hold legitimate power until the next elections. Until then their main focus seems to be to govern the country’s affairs with the help of local and foreign technocrats and local bureaucrats. This is visible largely in the economic arena. Yet no leader in the present government seems to be able to generate a national following in the majority Sinhala constituency or the minority Tamil- Muslim constituencies either in terms of a single issue of national significance or a set of such issues. They seem to govern almost by default. If they wanted to organise a national discourse that has resonance among Sinhala Buddhists and others, they would have used the language, critique, issues, and constructive suggestions, espoused by the late Maduluwawe Sobhita Thera. But those associated with the organisation Rev. Sobhita led are leveling charges against the government for abandoning the principles that he espoused.
How do we understand this conundrum? How do we understand the need for the left and/or progressives to unite? Whatever the claims and justifications pronounced by the nation’s leaders, the current alliance between the SLFP and the UNP is to be understood as ‘a marriage of convenience’ of the bourgeoisie elements of the ruling class. Beyond that there is no overarching vision, discourse, language, symbols, or images that can bind those with loyalty to the present government or even unify them. Some from the educated literati seem to understand the importance of maintaining loyalty to the present government due to the manner it came to power two years ago and by comparison to the threats people faced in their civic life at the time including in human rights arena. But they seem to be a minority. A government formed by a bourgeoisie consensus engineered by Chandrika-Sirisena-Wickremesinghe troika and joined by other petty bourgeoisie elements from the capital city and provinces in search of power, wealth, and prestige yet devoid of a powerful and easily understood discourse and vision for the future of the country with a potential to generate a mass following is thus destined to unscramble by its own actions or inactions giving the political and moral advantage to the joint opposition in coming years. When it happens, it will be too late to address the consequences or indeed the causes of such an event.
The main political, economic, and social forces behind the government that I describe as bourgeoisie (capitalist) can be understood by the terminology of a ruling class. Political leaders are joined by mega capitalists or mega deal karayo to achieve economic returns from their activities that require government sanctioning. In the absence of a yahapalanaya, curtailment of privileges afforded to the ruling class, prosecution and punishment to those who embezzled public money in the previous government, what the average Joe sees is only the replacement of one set of politicians in place of another. In the eyes of the average citizen, the government and the ruling class seem to have lost their legitimacy already – though they may enjoy formal power for another few years. It is no surprise that the bourgeoisie come together to achieve economic benefits under any government. What is surprising is the inability of the left or progressives to come together for a common cause, vision, and a political platform as Kumar David has alluded to.
Common Platform for the left and progressives
What should be the defining features of their political platform? Around which issues should they come together? Here I identify several of these issues that can form the basis for a common political platform.
1.Yahapalanaya (Good governance), depoliticisation of institutions, small government and anti corruption
2. Privatisation and/or alienation of land and other resources to foreigners/foreign companies on long-term basis
3. Environmental degradation due to growth-oriented mega developments
4. Impacts of the above on local culture, lifestyle, values
5. Access to and quality in education, support for indigenous knowledge construction and dissemination (not nativism)
6. Poor and expensive health services
7. Anti globalisation, anti neoliberal economic policies
8. Better, affordable utilities, energy from alternative sources
9. Social and economic justice to the disadvantaged, vulnerable sections
10. Ethnic reconciliation and harmony
11. Empowerment of youths and grass roots democracy
12. A new social contract between the people and rulers to suit modern era by taking into account the need for Sri Lanka to move forward among nations rather than backward
13. International relations based on national sovereignty, self-determination, mutual respect and benefit, and territorial integrity
14. Enhanced production and manufacturing based on cooperative principles, public- private partnership, and export
15. Sustainable development, community development, enhancement of Local Government and people participation
16. Reduction of the gap between rich and the poor. Safeguarding land and other resources that provide sustenance to the poor
17. Need for more public parks, footpaths, proper garbage disposal, reduced noise pollution
18. Legal reforms to make the legal processes user friendly and avoid lengthy delays in court procedures
This list is not exhaustive. More items can be added based on gender and racial equality, citizenship rights etc.
It is inevitable that some players and sections of the left and progressives from the middle and working classes will join the bourgeoisie political parties in forming alliances for governance in the coming years, especially before the Presidential and Parliamentary elections. However, there has to be a core group of left and progressive parties, groups, intellectuals, writers, professionals, religious and social figures, and civil society leaders who are concerned about the current predicament of the economy and society as well as the inaction on the part of the government on core issues coming together and forming an alliance to contest the next elections, while setting aside minor differences in ideologies, personalities, agendas, and attitudes for the sake of greater benefit to the masses. Failing to do so can only embolden a segment of the bourgeoisie appearing in the name of national security, territorial integrity, anti terrorism, and using anti Western rhetoric to persuade the masses to be able to form a future government to usher in an era of hegemony, control of public life, serious human rights violations and further manifestations of corruption for personal gain. After going through decades of political and social upheaval, Sri Lanka deserves a better political platform plus an alternative, progressive discourse and associated vision emanating from the interests of the masses in 2017 and beyond.
Dr Laksiri Fernando / January 1, 2017
I hardly can disagree with the analysis of Siri Gamage or Kumar David of the conundrums or challenges that we are facing. However, “if we are to avoid returning to the ghosts of the past,” the way forward cannot be just confined to uniting the Left in the country. Moreover, the Left is divided between the government and the opposition, broadly speaking. It is also quite miniscule, so much so, some of our friends are on the UNP ticket in Parliament! Gamage of course has added progressives into the formulation. But what has happened to the ‘role of the civil society’ that he correctly talked about in his last article?
If we consider that January 2015 change (not revolution!) was important, or it has brought some tangible political change, then one must work through those forces until the potentials are exhausted. Of course, if one didn’t have such a conviction, then it is logical to consider a third alternative from the scratch. However, it may appear largely up in the air.
Mallaiyuran / January 2, 2017
Looks like a convention of rats to bell the cat is going on.
But the if cat rise up shakes its mane, that is the end of the convention. Then all rats are left.
If those lefts are at water buffaloe level, do you know what can they do? Those who watch nature programs do. If the they see an enemy lurking around, the uneducated, wild, dimwit,water buffaloes form a circle leaving the weak and young in the middle and ward off the enemy. Water buffalos can do it, sadly the left PhDs can not do it. You know why? Because water buffaloes don’t know to smell the bone, but the enemy. But the lefts can not do that, because they are professionally and politically trained to catch the smell of bones. If Old King, Chandrika or Sirimavo pull a bone out of their pocket, that is it; then all our lefts are left.
These 18 points list to capture the power looks like the woman who has finished the dowry bargain and engagement for her male child while she is still pregnant.
I tell a Sahadevan style advice to lefts. You can believe this Sahadevan because is always true and honest. Very first thing, all lefts have to cut off their noses, because that curse always pick up the smell of the SLFP’s bones even out of their pockets. Droff your 18 points opportunities to capture the power, that is the GPS guide you to SLFP bones. Start to educate the mass. You guys need another 25 years a casual walker on start to turn and look at you. Stop negotiating the dowry even before the child is born. After all, you have no idea how the delivery going to end up. Start to aline with uneducated mass, not with the Royals like Sirimavo, Chandrika, Old King, New King….. Start back again at 1930s, the estate labour, the garment factory women, the women toiled and got tortured at Middle East, the cesspool cleaners of the municipality… Forget about the Shanmuganathan’s example.. marching to Maviddapuram only if Sirimavo pay for him. Remember the last few years lessons of SLFP for you….. SLFP is there only to cut the lefts into pieces and freeze them in the fridge for ever. That is the SLFP socialism. The cat which got burned doesn’t go back to sleep on the stove’s ash. Stay out of SLFP. As last, drop off the Arabic words “Bourgeoisie, Bolshevik…”. Those are good only in rats’ conventions to show off how many of you hold PhD how many of it. The Sinhala-Tamil idiots don’t not know Arabic or Quranic philosophies. Don’t open your umbrella to Moscow’s rain. So speak to them in Sinhala or Tamil of their local problems. Talk to them sincerely. Sincerity is only one voice. It is not a thieves’ club unity. Sincerity is the natural unity. If you do so, within 20 years you will be political force in Lankawe.
Best luck.
Subhashini Hurulle / January 2, 2017
Siri Gamage is one of the top most economists that the country has ever produced. May the good Lord protect and keep him
Ranjith Gunawaradana / January 5, 2017
The politics of corrupted democracy had been an introduce by UNP-JRJ leadership in 1977 of second Republic.
JRJ of UNP has been out-right sold out and surrender nation sovereignty to Indian Republic by after sing Indo-Sri Lankan accord 1987 or JRJ-Rajiva Gandi agreement.
The party of UNP having no shame of that surrendered rights of People’s sovereignty to Indian by occupy IPKF in Indian National Army in North-east part of Island since 1987 to 1990.
The UNP is Political class of comprador bourgeoisies that foreign power collaboration with USA and Indian Capital to Rule and exploited ours national wealth. That UNP policies are continuation by Ranil.W..of UNP by the current leadership from 2015 January 9th.
Needless to say USA and Indian govt. s are now advocating by occupy country central administration in January 9th 2015 so-called “Rainbow revolution” in Sri lanka by foreign Puppet of MS, CBK and UNP-Ranil W…’s their governances.
The country lost its sovereignty in Economically and politically and working towards on partition by Racial basis of Federalism of devolution of power to established Tamil Eealm regime in North and Eastern province of Sri Lanka.
In between that Muslim demand Islam region in Eastern province for New Islam Fundamentalist administrator in Eastern part of Island.
No doubt that whole land of Island by divided on the Racial and Religion demarcation by proposed ‘New Constitution’ are looking for the partition an Island for New war between Tamil and Muslins against majority Sinhalese Race.
The UNP want to be laid foundation for New war situation in country wide an open new political conflicted will help to remain in power for several decade after 2020. This is same road map drafted by US and UK joint hand with Tamil diasporas in western countries.
That new strategy of current UNP- Old-leadership of Ranil W…of Christen Democrats of agenda that supported by decaling power of USA and EU cetin countries and UK and want regain and replace war politics in Island wide. The MS of New UNP leadership and CBK of Neo-con Federalist want co-habitation of power sharing with TNA and JVP in national chamber by remain in political power by hook or crook.
They (UNP TNA and JVP)will discarded norms and values of democracies by Sri lanak since 1948.
The current politics of UNP that past and present shows, it was political party is born out of incorrigible of corruptions that every sphere of life by an inherited from misruled policies of JRJ- UNP’s since 1977!
UNP was political class and Party rule and ruin our national wealth by selling key wealth of country’s proprieties to foreign power as well.
Indeed changing policies of UNP is impossible at any cost. Only political power remained in UNP’s leadership in their hand is quite impossible to development of sustsnibility of national Economy.
Unholy alliance of MS, CBK and Ranil.W.. will never bring prosperity to people of country this coming century.
Only all damagers done to country by UNP’s leadership of alliance governances that has pay cost by majority of citizens of
Sri lanka.
Native Vedda / January 5, 2017
Ranjith Gunawaradana
What is sovereignty, where did you get it from or can you buy it from any local shop?
Is it something similar to virginity?
By the way, what is democracy and what are its values?
Please bear with me.
Ranjith Gunawaradana / January 5, 2017
The political world knows meaning of sovereignty, that is base of wide range interest of people, nation and country.
There is NO democracy without sovereignty rights of masses of people. Hence UNP denied rights of sovereignty.
The UNP believed US and Indian power domination by politics of gun rule power of hegemonies. UNP just want mandate to gain power in Govt.
They do not care sovereignty at all.
In politics of UNP having no words of sovereignty .