18 February, 2025


“Rev Ulapane Sumangala Thero Only Monk In President’s Delegation To Japan” – Austin Fernando

Secretary to the President Austin Fernando quashed rumors regarding President Maithripala Sirisena having taken Galagoda Atte Gnanasara, General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) with him to Japan, insisting that the only Buddhist monk in the delegation was Ulapane Sumangala.

Fernando, responding to a question from Colombo Telegraph, stated that he cannot remember the names of the entire delegation but assured that there was only a single monk accompanying the President.

“I know that Rev Sumangala is in the delegation because I furnished the letter required for the Thero to obtain leave from his duties as the principal of a school,’ Fernando said.

Buddhist Monk Ulapane Sumangala, however, is a close associate of BBS’ Gnanasara, having helped him obtain bail and addressing the media immediately afterwards.

The alleged presence of Gnanasara in the President’s delegation gave credence to the speculation that sections of the Government were involved in the anti-Muslim violence in Theldeniya, Digana and elsewhere in the Kandy District.

Gnanasara attended the funeral of the Sinhala man who succumbed to injuries sustained when he was attacked by a group of Muslim men two weeks ago.

Gnanasara told the media that he was due to visit Singapore but had postponed the trip because he wanted to help bring things back to normal.

Although the government moved to block social media platforms on the grounds that there were racist elements spreading misinformation and inciting violence, there is suspicion that sections of the Government aided and abetted those who were plotting violence.

For example, Colombo Telegraph possess video evidence of government security personnel standing by and being amused when a perpetrator of violence was being verbally abusive to one of the victims.

The Government, moreover, was slow in responding to the tense situation in the said areas and orchestrated a virtual blackout of news related to the violence.

Latest comments

  • 2

    Secretary to the President Austin Fernando quashed rumors ~ “I know that Rev Sumangala is in the delegation because I furnished the letter required for the Thero to obtain leave from his duties as the principal of a school”.
    Secretary to President ordering leave to a public servant? We are getting used to and accepting this!
    CT ~ “Buddhist Monk Ulapane Sumangala, however, is a close associate of BBS’ Gnanasara……….”.
    True? As good as original! Gnanasara’s orders? Ominous

  • 5

    Austin did a bad job.
    He did not want to tell the truth. He did not want to tell a lie. So the result is double talk.

    We know Muslims and Sinhalese met him separately. Why these meeting did not take place in Lanakwe, but happened in Japan?

    Is that a kind of another facebook ban by dodging the Lankawe reporters by avoiding those meeting in Lanakwe?

    • 3


      RE: “Rev Ulapane Sumangala Thero Only Monk In President’s Delegation To Japan” – Austin Fernando

      “Secretary to the President Austin Fernando quashed rumors regarding President Maithripala Sirisena having taken Galagoda Atte Gnanasara, General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) with him to Japan, insisting that the only Buddhist monk in the delegation was Ulapane Sumangala.”

      “He did not want to tell the truth. He did not want to tell a lie. So the result is double talk.”

      We have a President who is a Traitor, Patholaya, Sevelaya, Liar, and Perethaya.

      [Edited out]

      The above evidence supports that both the President and Austin are Liars, Patholayas and Sevelayas.

      • 3


        The evidence supports that both the President and Austin are Liars, Patholayas and Sevelayas.

        Who should believe the liars at BBS, the President and his spokesmen?

        Gnanasara Thera’s Japan visit not pre-planned: BBS


        While rejecting claims made by several officials, Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dilanthe Withanage said Venerable Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera’s recent visit to Japan was not pre-planned or not aimed at the official visit of President Maithripala Sirisena.

        Speaking to the Daily Mirror he said Ven. Gnanasara Thera planned to visit for Japan for the renewal of his Resident Visa offered by the Japanese Government, before the expiry of the due date.

        However, his scheduled visit was got late following several isolated incidents occurred in Kandy.

        “Ven. Gnanasara Thera had to visit Japan for his Japanese Resident Visa renewal and in-view of the scheduled 60, 000 Cheevara Pooja (offering of robes) at the Ruwan Veli Maha Chetiya in Anuradhapura on May 19. There was no connection of the President’s visit to Japan,” Mr Withanage said.

        “Even Ven. Gnanasara Thera’s visit to the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo on Tuesday has happened following the request by the chief incumbent of a Japanese Temple that the Thera used to visit.

        “Before he left for Japan he got permission from several courts where cases are pending to be herd and somehow the Thera had forgotten to get permission for a case that was to be held on Thursday (15),” he said.

        Several photographs are circulating on some websites and several social media showing the Venerable Gnanasara Thera at events where President Sirisena spoke.

        “However, Ven. Gnanasara Thera was not scheduled to attend the events but so happened to be in Japan at the same time and was at the events,” Mr Withanage said. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama)

        .What did Buddha say about Lying?

        • 2


          “What did Buddha say about Lying?”


          Always tell the truth, even when you’re not.

          he Buddha took a hard line on truth.

          “One who feels no shame at telling a deliberate lie,” the Buddha told a monk after dramatically pouring out the contents of a dish, “has as much of a contemplative in them as this empty bowl” (MN 61, The Instructions to Rahula at Mango Stone). (The monk he was lecturing, by the way, was said to be his son, Rahula.)

          “In the same way, Rahula,” the Buddha continued, “when anyone feels no shame in telling a deliberate lie, there is no evil, I tell you, they will not do. Thus, Rahula, you should train yourself, ‘I will not tell a deliberate lie, even in jest.’”

          The early Buddhists thought that truth was so important, so powerful, that they sometimes invoked the truth like magic. They would practice something called an “act of truth,” a type of protective blessing that involved chanting something incontrovertibly true, and then saying, “by the power of this truth, may there be such-and-such.”

          Not so for the Para-Sinhala Para-Buddhists in the Land of Natiove Veddah Aethho.

  • 7

    Now it is confirmed that Gnanasara was at 2 meetings that Sirisena attended. He was not in the official delegation. But he went to Japan on the same flight.

  • 4

    None of these unexpected things would have happened if Yahapalus stuck to and did what they promised people and what they were elected for. Once got into power they did nothing of that sort. First RW goes to Temple Trees eats aappa with MR at the dawn of MR’s defeat; they do a deal to protect MR and all his extended family and all other corrupt vultures that were their retinue. From that day RW has been protecting them. Then they killed off Ven Sobhitha somehow or other, and thereby getting rid of the referree. Then they played a game of FCID, misleading the whole country and giving them false hopes, and when the nooses were getting tight round the culprits necks they simply hanged the FCID itself and its woman Exec from the noose first and cut it with an axe so that FCID fell on the ground to smithereens. All this was being done to cheat and mislead the public and to give them something to talk about, while the PM, Finance Minister, 2-other leading UNP top level MP fellas were conspiring with the Chief of the CB and his businessman son in law on how best to rob the banks and all assets of poor pensioners, which they quietly did and pretend innocence and later plead ignorance. Have you ever heard of a PM in any country in the world, going to an investiagtion and say I did not know what was going on, I just believed Bank Chiefs and his FM’s words. What bull shit, such a person would not even pass the first interview if he applied for a real job, yet this nincompoupe is our PM even today. Cont…

  • 3

    continuing….And now when the people rejected all of them at the LG election they have done all their filthy tricks to hang on to power, changed pillows only to wash themselves white and write themselves in the hansard that they have done nothing wrong. What a load of wasteful people that we have sent to the parliament and no wonder people do not know what to do. Even I myself that supported this miserable lot, now feel that I want someone like Gota back so that he would teach these vultures a good lesson. In Sri Lanka we will never find honest and decisive politicians like Lee Kwan Yu, or De gaulle, or Churchill. Our DNA is corrupt from day one and we cannot change it. Either give this country back to UK or if not to China or even North Korea so that they will discipline this country get rid of the current corrupt governance system and make this one of their colonies. See what China has done to Tibet in such a short time, and we need such a miracle to be done in Sri Lanka by some foreign country but not by the americans.

    • 1

      I doubt UK could help us to put the country right because they are messing up their country with BRXIT and absurd attacks on Russia.
      Perhaps China could do us fine with the help of people in the Judiciary and police of UK as they are far above any other country.

  • 4

    Austin Fernando? Reputation? What reputation? Wake up from your ganja induced stupor

  • 8

    This is well planned plot by Mara to win the 2020 election , Gamarala is controlled by Mara like a puppet. Big brother planned the kandy attack ordering the back boneless to be quiet while Ranil has no authority. , he tried to make some moves to bring Sarath Fonseka to take over law and order which was denied by My3.
    Now the damage is done and now they are using Gandasara to provoke the Buddhists and mud slinging against Ranil.
    They want to make a Talebanish Srilanka , hope the innocent citizens won’t fall for this trap.

    • 5

      So once again, riots came and went, some got killed, some got injured, some lost property, long speeches were given, committees were appointed and of course action “promised.“

      Bottom line: The problem is swept under the carpet until the next time.

      Haven’t we seen time and time again, how the political leaders of ALL PARTIES use Buddhism, Buddhist temples, powerful clergy, and innocent Buddhists to their advantage? Win elections? Bring down governments? Not a day passes without some big politico attending an ‘important’ Buddhist or other religious function. Why do they do this ritual?

      There is ample evidence that for the last 70 years, teaming up with the clergy has been very profitable for many who govern us. I wouldn’t have complained, if this liaison worked for the betterment of the citizens… but it has not. No plans were made and implemented to unite us. Violence was always an option. How come, if the partnership is beneficial? There is enough evidence to the contrary… that both partners are making profits and gains through that partnership. The recent riots amply displayed to the whole world… not the compassion, tolerance, love and respect for others the great religion teaches… but sheer tribal, barbaric attitude towards solutions and others. The so called honourable preachers, thinkers, academics must be sitting on their heads not to see our burning issues… or are they pretending not to see?

      I can write volumes on this issue, but I am particularly disturbed when I see armed policemen are reduced to a bunch of helpless sissies, by individuals wearing yellow robes and spitting out filth… inside their own police stations! Why on earth they have a different law to the man in the street? There is a disconnection somewhere, and we must dare address that. Who has given those powers? Which responsible minister has spoken a word against those? Is a muddled message going to the public?

    • 4

      I fully endorse your forthright comments. Deal is the name of the game.

  • 5

    Nice try Mr.Austin Fernando…never expected this story from you !

    Sri Lanka is burning here and our President is in Japan with mostly undesirable monks having ‘world harmony’ meeting ?
    …and that with Atte Gnanasara and Ulapane Thero ? unbelievable …

    The culprit Gnanasara who organized the Kandy area riots, burning and destructing properties is in Japan for a world Harmony thing with MS, the unfit Presidente…hmmm..What a humbug excuse !

  • 5

    Arrest warrant issued on Gnanasara Thera
    2018-03-15 18:13:30

  • 4


    Bitter truth is CBK, Ranil and My3 behind the Darga Town episode with Bodu Bala

    Zaheer pseudo Muslim
    Bitter truth is unfortunately you are suffering from hallucination

    • 8

      The real truth is Big brother Mara scare crow My3 and of course the demon Gnana. They planned the riots. Ranil has no authority in the coalition stage, drama continues…

  • 5

    Ranil is having a good laugh looking at the delegation to Japan. Holy cow. Gandasara and Sumangala and other racists. MS running out of choices. Impeach Impeach

  • 1

    I feel that Most of the commentators are trying their best to put some colour on MY3 ‘s and RW’s leadership. keep trying friends, let ‘s see whether all of you are able to pull these two out of their slumber progress pattern. Good luck!!!!!

  • 1

    “Buddhist Monk Ulapane Sumangala, however, is a close associate of BBS’ Gnanasara, having helped him obtain bail and addressing the media immediately afterwards”.
    Gnanasara and Sumangala dangerous combination. So separate them! Brilliant Austin!
    “The alleged presence of Gnanasara in the President’s delegation gave credence to the speculation that sections of the Government were involved in the anti-Muslim violence in Theldeniya, Digana and elsewhere in the Kandy District…………”.
    But where the hell is he?.

  • 1

    Why A bhikku can not meet or talk to the Country’s president in his own country ?. IF that is the case, what is the use of that prewsident. Why tha bhikku has to go JApan. Who are against this. IS it the Sri lankan christian Council ? Some say this is Ranil’s stupid plan to hide other things.

  • 3

    Gnanasara the robed thug travelled on the same flight with the President ! How come there’s an arrest warrant issued by the LOW N ORDER OF SL.??
    Will some one explain this??
    How comfortable our President was travelling with a wanted criminal in SL??
    Spineless, Gutless, Shameless Politicians of SL.
    In a through democratic country this would not have happened.
    Mockery of SRilankan Low n Order.

    • 2

      Correction above read as : In a true democratic country..

      By the way how can we expect anything good from the corrupt Judiciary?? When the Lawyers are LOWYERS Equals Zero convictions.
      The President travels with a wanted Criminal??
      There is a long list of wanted Srilankan Crims are on the run. Udayanga, Ex US Ambassodor, Arjuna Mahendran, Gnanasara Yellow robe, and many many more. Shame on Srilanka. The President and the PM are the cause for the failures. Protecting All the Criminals.
      Nice one sirs.
      Paving way for a Black hole . Even a country in Africa Ex President Zuma ,going to be prosecuted for Plundering state wealth. In Srilanka criminals are free to dictate.

  • 2

    When the country had just erupted in Muslims being targeted by Sinhala Buddhists, what was the need for H.E to carry a Buddhist priest friend of criminal in a government delegation to nation as though a ‘charm’ was needed for maintenance. Wisdom is needed in govt. activities in the public eye even more than in private living, knowing well that hot larva in volcano spews it out without much warning.

  • 0

    GIC the new future power of Freedom to all Muslims

    The bulk of the Muslims have in Principal agreed to handover their entire vote base to JVP,
    In a private meeting held in Toronto Canada by the The GIC aka global Islamic Citizens ,(current membership 200 million,ultimately every Muslim are suppose to become a GIC ,but conditions apply ,Arabic &English language and education or a career of skills must be proven ,with it they would be allowed to freely move to any of the 57 Muslim countries and look for jobs ,but Will need a work permit after three months,until then they can do temp jobs for three months ,this decision is suggested due to persecution of Muslims &attacks on their economy ) they have advised certain members of Sri Lanka’s GIC ,to request all.muslims to vote in JVP. ..They are also currently talking with Tamil representatives to join in .as a lot of evidence has been revealed that the present leader has come to terms with The previous leader to continue his programs, The previous leader has been paid heavily by China to help build apartments to move their manageable population to Sri Lanka ,which was the reason why Not UNP ,but the leader himself suggested Ranil to remove all restrictions on foreigner on properties .

  • 0

    By 2035 ,we ate suppose to have 3:million Chinese non skilled workers with their families on permenant Residence and skilled ,professionals
    and business man 1.5 million ,we are talking about approximately 9 to 10 million Chinese to he later natraluized as citizens

    After the 2920 , it has been agreed between SLFP and SLPP and NLf that they will. Offer their fullest support to the President to run for his 2nd term .
    And SLPP is cobfdent with The support of Thondaman they can form the government , until such time aggression and fear is to be used towards muslin to flush them out of the country withou physcal attacks or arson ,so as to make room as much as possible for the new Chinese migration .
    Ultimately one day the Sinhalese will hecone the minority ,China will take over and honestly Sri lanka has little choice ,they can never get out of the debts

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