Canada’s Special Envoy to the Commonwealth Senator Hugh Segal slammed a decision to bury legal opinions on the Sri Lankan impeachment by Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma and said any Secretary General who denies member states critical information on vital issues is not only “unduly but disrespectful of the need for full transparency in Commonwealth deliberations.”
Responding to our expose of the first of two legal opinions on the impeachment of Shirani Bandarayake, Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice by former South African Chief Justice P.N. Langa, Segal charged that Commonwealth Foreign Ministers had been denied this vital knowledge when they met in April.
“The scandal here is that when Commonwealth Ministers met in the spring to consider Sri Lanka,they were denied access to this and other legal opinions,” Segal told the Colombo Telegraph.
Segal said that the distinguished former CJ of South Africa as one of his very last acts before his passing,rendered a vital opinion on the impeachment of Sri Lanka’s chief justice.
“Any definition of “good offices” confidentiality by the Commonwealth secretariat or any Secretary General that denies member states critical information on vital issues is not only unduly self reverential,but disrespectful of the need for full transparency in Commonwealth deliberations,” Segal told Colombo Telegraph.
Related story;
Exclusive: Secretary General Hides Two Key Legal Findings On CJ Impeachment From CMAG
Release The Buried Reports, Be Transparent – Bar Association SL Tells Commonwealth Sharma
Canada Slams Commonwealth SG Sharma Over Burying Legal Reports On Sri Lanka
Leon / September 10, 2013
This matter should be taken up at the next Commonwealth Conference in Colombo Sri Lanka in November 2012.
The question that needs to be answered is why did the Secretary General
Mr Sharma withhold the information when the Minister’s meeting took place? Is their a sinister motive? Isn’t he making a mockery of this
Sumudu / September 10, 2013
Kamalesh Sharma buried an Black African Jurist’s report – racism is alive and well in the Commonwealth of Clowns!
Namal Perera / September 10, 2013
In the corrupt lawless Banana Republic every thing has a price. Money is provided in any currency in any part of the World by the Drug Dealers working for the corrupt family of Dictators. It may be interesting to find out why and how this vital information was hidden.
Patriot / September 10, 2013
Read what’s going on in India. It’ gang rape or religious killing or fights to demand a new state or something or the other to kill each other. But we the majority citizens of Sri Lanka enjoy the continual peace and tranquility since the defeat of the terrorist LTTE. And the International Gang that could neither defeat the terrorists nor bring peace after their so-called Arab Springs do not like our hard won peace. So they got their lackeys and puppets and stooges to accuse Rajapakes for some crime or the other. And now anarchists and separatists here call Sri Lanka a banana republic.
If banana republic is where peace and tranquility prevail, then I love a banana republic.
gamini / September 10, 2013
Kamalesh Sharma’s resignation should be sought immediately by the Member States of the Common Wealth and Canada should give leadership. Then when the CHOGM is held in November this year, Priority number one on the Agenda should be to reinstate CJ DE Jure.
Thiru / September 10, 2013
It’s interesting to find as to who is behind Kamalesh Sharma’s hiding of vital documents from the members of the Commonwealth.
I’m sure he is not acting alone in this matter, and in his current actions.
iwon / September 10, 2013
any man who has been purchased lock,stock and barrel behaves like a k.sharma and so has sharma.
he’ll retire soon with stolen money nest egg,maybe asking for more eggs due pressure.
Silva / September 10, 2013
“.. It may be interesting to find out why and how this vital information was hidden..”
The biggest drug haul in South Asian history was made in Sri Lanka a few days ago. Guess what Rajapakshas will be doing with the black money generated through these sorts of rackets. Though infinitesimal in size, Sri Lanka is doing all the gigantic but corrupt and criminal things in Rajapaksha Sri Lanka. A virus though microscopic in size has no remedy and can debilitate a whole community. Likewise Rajapakshas are a virus and are spreading their corruptible germs across the law and order barrier facilitated and perpetrated by germ carriers like Sharma and Uku. Rajapaksha’s Mattala airport, Hambanthota harbor, mararized customs, the undermined and compromised judicial and law enforcement authority, equally fated branches of civil and governmental administration will all make sure that under the influence of Rajapaksha impunity this germ of corruption and criminality will pervade all over the vulnerable areas, peoples, officials and states of the world. This situation will ultimately breed more Syrias, Egypts, Zimbabwes, Polpots…
Nanthini Seharaseyon / September 10, 2013
Thank you very very much, Canada! And thank you very much to Canadian Tamil Congress and other Canadian Tamil groups.
I am one of the top Eelam lobbyist, in the Washington DC and east coast of USA. To my knowledge, GTF, TGTE and USTPAC have not recently been as sucessful as this project by CTC.
I will provide more details in my future posts in Colombo Telegraph.
Nanthini Seharaseyon. USA.
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / September 10, 2013
It is very glad to know that you are One of the top Eelam lobbyist in the Diaspora.
I hope, you will be asking Kalenjar Karunaanidhi or Jeyalalitha to help you all to establish holy EElam in South india,
probably in Tamizhar Naadu Annexing Kerala breaking away from union of Indian states.
We are happy to help you all,
Further more,
You All can Ask and get advises from Secretary of Defence ministry of Wonder of ASIA.
[ Nothing will come free, they, the F King Family have decided, every thing for a price].
Vaarthacal for your EEEELAM.
Kautilya / September 10, 2013
Secretary General Sharma should resign from his post immediately.
Patrick / September 10, 2013
I totally agree one hundred per cent that Sharma has brought upon disgrace to the CHOGM and should have the basic decency to RESIGN immediately otherwise he should be kicked out. Is LTTE gold being used
to buy people lock stock and barrel !!!!!!! Shame not the word.
Lankan / September 11, 2013
Hugh should move a no confidence motion against the Secretary General at the Colombo conference.
george jilmart / September 13, 2013
I wonder how much was paid to Sharma by our ruling family in appreciation of his cooperation. The commonwealth is a joke and a waste of taxpayer funds- run by a bunch of buffoons