At the mere thought of the UNP being the overall winners the kallathoni war criminal of a much-wanted president has fallen ill by fainting, low blood pressure etc.
May he rest in peace on a full-time basis.?
Mallaiyuran/July 17, 2020
Ranil has been placed on the care of ME Green Cross by Hakeem and his 22 acolytes. But the Royal in the care of Chinese Red Cross is expected to continue do well.
In Jaffna, yesterday Rapist Police has announced no woman in Jaffna Peninsula can wear gold jewelry in want to protect them from para-rapist army thieves. Apparently the Green Cross needed in Jaffna too to keep women forcefully at hom,e even to protect them from Rapist Army.
Dr Kuruparan, UOJ Law Chair resigned yesterday because of a new law worse than standardization. UGC is an independent body. But Kuruparan was only one selected from Colombo as the only Lankan Government employee to be prevented from practicing his licensed profession while teaching. I think his resignation may good for Tamils as he his services outside is needed many time more than anything he can contribute at UOJ, which is made as a comedy club, instead a higher education center. If Sir Pon Ramanathan is alive today, he might have gone to Britain again to repossess his building from the Alibaba group camping there with the support of Aanduwa.
paragon/July 18, 2020
if mahinda or my3 see this chopper flaying the will see it as butterfly flaying.
Rajash/July 21, 2020
flying straight in to a collision with Lotus Tower
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rj1952 / July 17, 2020
At the mere thought of the UNP being the overall winners the kallathoni war criminal of a much-wanted president has fallen ill by fainting, low blood pressure etc.
May he rest in peace on a full-time basis.?
Mallaiyuran / July 17, 2020
Ranil has been placed on the care of ME Green Cross by Hakeem and his 22 acolytes. But the Royal in the care of Chinese Red Cross is expected to continue do well.
In Jaffna, yesterday Rapist Police has announced no woman in Jaffna Peninsula can wear gold jewelry in want to protect them from para-rapist army thieves. Apparently the Green Cross needed in Jaffna too to keep women forcefully at hom,e even to protect them from Rapist Army.
Dr Kuruparan, UOJ Law Chair resigned yesterday because of a new law worse than standardization. UGC is an independent body. But Kuruparan was only one selected from Colombo as the only Lankan Government employee to be prevented from practicing his licensed profession while teaching. I think his resignation may good for Tamils as he his services outside is needed many time more than anything he can contribute at UOJ, which is made as a comedy club, instead a higher education center. If Sir Pon Ramanathan is alive today, he might have gone to Britain again to repossess his building from the Alibaba group camping there with the support of Aanduwa.
paragon / July 18, 2020
if mahinda or my3 see this chopper flaying the will see it as butterfly flaying.
Rajash / July 21, 2020
flying straight in to a collision with Lotus Tower