17 January, 2025


Sirisena Dances To Faizer’s Tune: Halts Mirissa Illegal Structure Demolition

President Maithripala Sirisena has ordered the suspension of the removal of illegal dwellings on the Mirissa beach, despite court orders being granted for the removal.

Sources said that three ministers led by Faizer Mustapha had called on the President to halt the removals, after the Coast Conservation Department (CCD) said they were to go ahead despite Mustapha’s attempts to influence.

Earlier in the month a group of Dutch tourists were sexually harassed and assaulted thereafter by waiters of an illegal restaurant in the area.

Following the reports many tourists and locals continued to detail incidents of harassment, sexual abuse and physical assault in Mirissa, on Social media.

The BBC SInhala in an investigative story on Mirissa dated 28th April 2018 detailed an experience of a British woman who was attempted to be raped after the Beach boys had drugged her boyfriend in 2018.

Many others said that the sexual and physical assaults were a common occurrence in the area.

However, following the revelations Mustapha had throughout objected to any moves to regulate Mirissa.

The CCD had identified 17 illegal structures operating in the area and had obtained court orders for demolition. However, Musthapaha issuing a press statement objected to it.

The tourism ministry does not fall under the purview of Mustapha nor is he a member representing the area.

Questions have been raised by many regarding Mustapha’s involvement. Police sources told the Colombo Telegraph that Mustapha is a frequent visitor of the area and that he was present on the night the most recent sexual and physical assault incidents had occured. CCTV footage viewed by Colombo Telegraph shows the minister and members of his entourage present at the party on April 8, 2018.

Sources from the CCD said that Mustapha had exerted enormous pressure on them to halt the removals. “He kept calling the Director and we said there is no provision to stop it”.

As soon as his influence was not yielding results he had reportedly sought the intervention of President Sirisena.

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  • 1

    Oops, forgot to mention we have a leader of the Party, the PM who is not wanted by his own team to be the leader and still holds on to the position, we have Ministers who stated that they cannot be in the cabinet with a good feeling now takes oath as a Minister, we have politicians with a one foot on one group/party and another on another group/party… etc etc it goes on…..

  • 4

    The pictures shows, who is dictating and who is dancing.

  • 3

    A Court Order and still they play politics. Minister Faizer Mustapha is a Lawyer as well as a Law maker, if people like this behave in such a despicable way, wonder what we could expect from people like Wimal Weerawansa and others.
    It is disheartening to see Mustapha the son of an “illustrious father” behaving in this way. The President should keep his hands away and let the law take its course.
    Why he is taking this line is also shameful, the best is for the Coast Conservation Department to tell Sirisena to go to Hell and execute the Court Order. Surely Sirisena s not going to interdict the Director for disobeying his illegal order.
    The Director CCD, has the Court Order with him, and if Sirisena interferes the President could be in “Contempt of Court”. That would be an interesting thing to see.
    BUT does the Director CCD have a backbone to go ahead and would the Police have the backbone to back him up.
    After all the Director CCD, is only doing his job. AND in this case neither the President nor Minister Mustapha are doing their’s.
    We need a MAN with a strong BACKBONE to bring this country around and for sure we don’t see that in Ranil, if he decides to contest in 2020, the UNP is a gonner.
    Who in this country has a backbone, we may have to do a CT Scan. Is it GOTA, he may have it but some of his earlier escapades have been suspicious.
    One would be his idea of putting up a monument for his parents with OUR MONEY when history tells that the Rajapakse family had to sell FIVE coconut trees to give their father D.A. Rajapakse’s Three Month almsgiving.
    What a turn around for this family and all at the expense of the poor masses of this country.

  • 1

    A lawless country run by cow boys no matter which political party comes into power- sadly people have no choice to vote- same crooks, thugs and professional thieves and liars- Laws are only on paper- a sad democracy where any capable leader ends up getting murdered. Sadly a country with such massive potential where all Sri Lankan’s could live wealthy, prosperous and happy lives- but the country will remain in riddled in debt, owned by and controlled by foreign countries and a corrupt few! A country with rich history, nature and resources- what a waste!

  • 0

    When will be rid of this kakistocracy full of Mustoppas

  • 0

    Now Faizer Mustapha must eat humble pie.

    The President certainly has wrong advisors. His chief of staff was caught red handed accepting Rs 20 million as bribe. This news has gone viral! This is all not good for the President as many think his chief of Staff and other Timber cooperation chairman are both his long arms acting for him!

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