15 February, 2025


Sirisena’s Son-In-Law Deletes ‘Sex And Love’ Concert Photo

With growing public anger on social media President Maithripala Sirisena’s son-in-law Wewelpanawa Gamage Thilina Suranjith has un-tagged a photo on his Facebook page, which showed him reveling at the recently concluded ‘Sex and Love’ world tour concert of the Spanish music super star Enrique held in Colombo.

President Sirisena went on a rampage accusing the organizers Live Events Pvt Ltd for bringing disrepute to a culturally sensitive Buddhist country when he addressed a gathering in Amapara yesterday.

Iraj Weeraratne the former ‘Tharunayata Hetak’ lackey of Namal Rajapaksa, posted a picture he had taken with the President’s son-in-law soon after the event.

However Thilina Suranjith the Ministry of Defence’s Public Relations Officer’s Facebook page also carried the same photo on the 21st December 2015.

This was found in sandwiched in between the 14th December 2015 where he has shared a post belonging to Gota Ranasinghe and the 23rd December 2015, where Thilina Suranjith has posted a picture about a singing Christmas tree.

Strangely the said photograph is now disappeared.

However Colombo Telegraph managed to save a screen shot of the picture which appears below.

We do not know the reason why these picture were deleted. Was it to stop the angered comments flowing in on social media or was it to hide the fact that the President’s family members ever attended the concert, are reasons which remain debatable.Thilina Suranjith FB1

Thilina Suranjith FB




Latest comments

  • 31


    Did you expect anything else? The guy got caught with his pants down. At the pinnacle of moral hypocrisy. He was duty bound to delete it.

    It was an excellent exposure of the double life these political brats lead in SL. Parents touring the nation pretending to be traditional, pious Sri Lankans. While their families practice none of that in their private lives.

    It is a time tested method. It always works here in Sri Lanka.


    • 19

      Dear President Maithripala Sirisena’s son-in-law Wewelpanawa Gamage Thilina Suranjith,

      Can we have the picture of the bra at least? What is the cup size?[Edited out]

      • 18

        NO politician is EVER…EVER well-meaning.
        The high priced ticket holders are connected to Bodhi Sira ..they have put him in a big soup…” He said the organisers should be “whipped with toxic stingray tails”- a brutal medieval punishment.”- confirming him as a warlord.
        His comments have drawn wide international attention and on music Billboards website

        Some of Bodhi Siras connections is hell bound on taking over this business for sure.

      • 1

        Et tu Amarasiri?

        You usually display sound discernment. “Wewelpanawa Gamage Thilina Suranjith,” merely posted a photograph of himself at the concert. there was no bra in the picture, was there?

        • 1


          “merely posted a photograph of himself at the concert. there was no bra in the picture, was there?”

          I posted the link to the bra jpg, found in Facebook, which Colombo Telegraph edited out, based on their, comment policy. I think the bra was pink, like a melon.

          At least, “Wewelpanawa Gamage Thilina Suranjith”, can tell us what the cup size is. I didn’t pay Rs.50,000 and wasn’t there.

          Just plain curiosity!

        • 3

          y tú también. (and you too)

          World music Billboard:Enrique Iglesias video shows it all clearly but not the kiss.
          Sri Lankan President Calls For Whipping After Bra Throwing at Enrique Iglesias Show
          “I don’t advocate that these uncivilized women who removed their brassieres should be beaten with poisonous stingray tails, but those who organized such an event should be.”

        • 1


          “there was no bra in the picture, was there?”

          ‘Bras Came From West: It’s Correct To Throw Them At Westerners’ [Edited out]

      • 4

        President Maithripala Sirisena’s son-in-law Wewelpanawa Gamage Thilina Suranjith ,

        Man, you are in big trouble.

        Sri Lanka President says Enrique Iglesias concert organisers ‘should be whipped”.

        How about Stoning!. Saudi Arabia Specializes in that field.[Edited out]

      • 3

        Dear President Maithripala Sirisena’s son-in-law Wewelpanawa Gamage Thilina Suranjith,

        Can we have at least a bra Kavi or a song if you can’t show the bra?

        Thana Pata Galawa
        Visi Keruwa
        Enrico, Mage Enrico
        Thana Danga Lanawa.

        Removing the bra
        Throwing the bra
        Enrico, my Enrico
        Breasts are vibrating

      • 0

        Dear President Maithripala Sirisena’s son-in-law Wewelpanawa Gamage Thilina Suranjith,

        Holier Now? President Maitripala, a lot of Sri Lankan Women went bare breasted. That was the Sinhala Buddhist tradition.

        Given below is the Bali Tradition one -year before the Japanese invaded Bali. Not every women had a “Thana Patiya”, bra.

        What does it say about 21st century culture and sophistication that we compare people to monkeys and can’t get past our breast obsession as if we are 13 year old boys?

        Bali before the Japanese occupation – History of Indonesia.


        Published on Oct 25, 2015

        A year before the Japanese invasion the island looked peaceful and unspoiled by tourism. Women went still around bare-breasted.

        Bali Indonesia Kuta Beach and Tanah Lot before 1935


    • 2

      “Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.”

      Daham Sirisena had a similar adventure at Pasikudah about three years ago.
      Maithri did some covering up, but compare with the price paid by Thajudeen for talking about the birthmark of the grand-daughter of the Actor-turned-Speaker.

      As for me, I’m much more concerned about getting all the details of this:

      “SLT wraps up huge deal with Hutchinson

      A deal between the Sri Lanka Telecom and the Hong Kong-based telephone giant Hutchinson has been wrapped up but the amount seems a closely guarded secret.”

      I read that here:


      How much does one have to pay for companies that are losing money?

      “In 1978, Chrysler Europe was sold for a nominal US$1 to PSA Peugeot Citroën, who took on the liability for the division’s huge debts as well as its factories and product line, with the former Chrysler models in Britain and Simca models in France both using the revived Talbot marque from August 1979.[7]”


      I believe there were seven factories involved, most of them having originally belonged to the Rootes Group who manufactured the Hillman Minx car that I still own! That’s how I learnt about that bit of history. There were tens of thousands of workers who couldn’t be laid off.

      So, One U.S. Dollar for Hutch as well?

      • 1

        you should always check gazette- its the most upto date on news nothing to beat them they are wired.
        4th dec.Aegis wins two-year call centre contract from Hutch
        Aegis, the business process management (BPM) arm of the diversified Essar Group, has won a contract from Hutch Sri Lanka to provide call centre services to the telecom major across the island nation. However, the financial terms of the two-year contract were not disclosed…..

        try a comment if you understand.

        • 0


  • 15

    Is this the guy who is the PRO of the Defense Ministry?

    If so, he should have used his (apparent, though no one knows if he has any) skills to turn this disaster around into a PR success for his father-in-law, instead of being in denial and deleting his FB post and pic.

    Looks like the Sirisena clan is trying to compete with the Rajapakses, although they have miles to go to even get close!

  • 12

    I am flabbergasted .

    Batalanada’s mate Mahendran’s Son in Law made a fortune in the first half of Yahpalanaya first year to the tune of LKR 22 Million going into family coffers every month for the next 30 years.

    In contrast our Bodhi Sira’s Son in Law fqs up all the good work Chathu has been doing for the whole year as shramadana . ( Voluntary work).

    I picked Chathu over Hirunickers as the next leader to give our inhabitants Yahapalanaya.

    Did I make the wrong call?.

    Who bought this SIL’s ticket?.

    According to the father in law , the tickets where these VVIPs sat were LKR 50,ooo for a bum.

    I mean PRO job in the Defence Ministry is probably only Level 1 in the PS..

    That wouldn’t give him that sort of dosh to pay so much to listen to Englesi Ass when he can’t even understand the lyrics.

    He would have been sitting right next to where that Colombo chick was smooching Englesi Ass on stage.

    Wonder whether any of those Designer Brass and G Strins of our Colombo babes drop on his groin ?..

    • 1

      AHH…. I see my man Aathal Sumaney is blossoming as a humorist and I am now entranced by his wit. Way, way better turn of phrase than when he was nibbling at King Kong’s codpiece for the odd crab louse or two, I have to admit!

      Never thought I’d see the day.

      Will next up be pseudo-intellect Dayan J?!

      • 1

        Mr Big Gun,

        I like Halibut fillets pan fried with Herb Butter and and a Chilli sauce dip.

        And a Salsa with lots Cilantro as a side dish.

        Unlike your Colombo Elite mates, I don’t have to suck up to Politikkas , whether they come in blue , green or red.

        My meals are all paid with divvies…

  • 7

    Poor Mathree, I think he don’t know girls can remove the bra under t shirt without becoming nude. He should watch Youtube to see how it is done.

    • 1

      He needs quite a bit of hands on training in that area, unlike his predecessor who went on all four legs !

  • 8

    When Mahinda was president he has to deal with women with siucide vest throwing themselves on to the stage .
    My3 has more sexier task of how to handle women throwing bras on to the stage

  • 4

    There !
    You see ?
    No member of the Sirisena family was at this anti-cultural, anti-Sri Lankan event

  • 3

    CT thanks for letting us know. But one question for clarity please: does CT illegally break into other peoples FB pages that may be their personal information unless they have made them pages public for everyone’s consumption?

    • 5


      It is public domain. How do you “break into” a webpage that is public ?

      Besides, dont we all have Right To Information now ?

    • 0

      “But one question for clarity please: “
      “CT illegally break into other peoples FB pages”

      Even your illiterate neighbours the Nepali’s can see

      that its a screen print- perhaps from offline page cache.

      now keep trumpeting we are the most literate on the planet.- shameless thrishu and the frogs.

  • 4

    In the fifties, Donovan Andree introduced this ‘type’ of ‘shows’ in Colombo where there was also a bit of gambling in a “casino”.
    There were free drinks at midnight, and the final ‘show’ was a woman dancing totally nude – only men were permitted to see.
    ‘Harlem Blackbirds’ from USA and similar groups performed.
    There were ‘anything allowed’ boxing/wrestling ‘shows’ too.
    No one thought much about them.

    Now, this type of shows are staged in developed countries during holidays, and young people ‘let their hair down’ & sober up in the morning to rejoin the ‘rat race’ to achieve and survive.

    This may now become a part of our ‘culture’.

    The President’s men enjoying when the President frowns on this type of shows is ironical.
    The President should move with the times.
    They need not feel guilty about it.
    Their duties need not interfere with private enjoyment – they are not preaching religion & morals – are they?

    • 1

      Excuse me Justice, like the Prez said this is a Sinhala Buddhist country and he is a Sinhala Buddhist ( as if he was voted only on Sinhala Buddhist votes). He is racist according to his deeds and statements and no better than the past leadership (well he was one of them).

      As the Sinhala Buddhist country this nation must follow the customs and tradition of our culture which is depicted in cave paintings and the famous Sigiriya frescoes as well as in Hindu temples edifice or facade. This is our heritage. I do not know of undies of that time but certainly there is no bra but bare vibrant breasts.
      Now, who introduced the “BRA” and messed up our culture, our heritage….

  • 4

    Politicians should clean their own cupboards first before reprimanding others and having a”Holier than Thou” attitude. Possibly the President was unaware of the Son-in-Law’s activities. Poor man.

  • 1

    I feel sorry for Thilina Suranjith. He does not have the guts to stand up to his violent father in law.

    I hate to think what kind of brutality My3 must be unleashing on his family, in the privacy of his home.

    A president wanting to use violence publicly against his own people, no matter what the perceived error of cultural judgment is and even more disconcerting, using the ‘madu walige’, the feared tool of the thug underclass is disconcerting if not vile.

    I really do not know when the politicians in Sri Lanka will grow up and mature to become real statesmen.

  • 0

    What if the tycoon Kerry Packer was allowed to step onto our relatively virgin soil and to vandalize it with much more of such decadent stuff. One might wonder if there would be an exodus of the members clergy that would make the gods come out on the streets in protest.

  • 0

    Gamaya comes to town. Gamaya loves to seek fame and equal status to new rich corrupt kids from International schools. Gamaya loves fame. Fame is short lived.

  • 0

    [Edited out] Please avoid typing all capitalized comments – CT

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