18 February, 2025


SLFP CC Decides To Punish Sirisena-Critics

In the backdrop of several Sri Lanka Freedom Party parliamentarians openly calling for the removal of President Maithripala Sirisena as the party chairman, the SLFP Central Committee has decided to take tough disciplinary action against those members who criticize party leadership and the SLFP.

Maithripala 14 July Pic sent by Prez MdiaThe SLFP Central Committee which met yesterday has decided to put forth a proposal in this regard to the party executive committee for approval shortly.

According to a SLFP minister new rules will be brought to punish those who criticize the party hierarchy, SLFP policies and the party constitution.

Recently, parliamentarians Lohan Ratwatte and Vidura Wickremanayake in two public forums had said that Sirisena should step down, as he will not be able to lead SLFP to victory at future polls.
Wickremanayake speaking at a public event in Horana had said that if Sirisena had led the party at last general elections instead of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the party would not have got even 35 parliamentary seats.

Meanwhile Lohan Ratwatte had told a public event in Kandy that SLFP grassroots level members oppose the chairmanship of Sirisena as they believe that it was he who had ensured defeat of the SLFP by contesting against Rajapaksa at the last Presidential polls.

Ratwatte warned that around 50 SLFP parliamentarians who are displeased with the current path pursued by the party hierarchy were preparing to take a firm stand.

Meanwhile senior SLFP member and minister Nimal Siripala De Silva too had said that the Yahapalana government was in tatters and people should rethink of their decision to vote for Sirisena at the January 08 polls.

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  • 9

    This particular Widura Wickramanayake is a curse to entire party. I had the chance to watch Satana sirasa program lately. There, the man could not bring good arguments as to why the SLFP disgrees with the on going good goverance principles. This man is fit for theoretically world.
    Katin bathala koala sitawanana wage, speak loud with his kind of principles. What had the man been doing during the previous regime nothing actually ? These boo men would only stand on the way if the current outfit would go forward with their noble moves.
    So long these reptiles are there – it will not be easy SRILANKA to raise their head. Indepnendent of what is being discussed, they would just go against not being able to see that the good is being accepted by the people.

    • 5

      You are right those who talk big should bring their records what they have done to the nation during the last term of MR reign. They should bring also explanation why they had been silent during that regime. This should be discussed first before going to add any other thoughts.

      Either these candidates are just mouth pieces, possesing no talents. Or they are just idiots … do nothing but live on peoples funds.

    • 7

      President Maithripala Sirisena

      RE: SLFP CC Decides To Punish Sirisena-Critics

      Sir, Shoot first before they shoot you. Have Guts.

      “According to a SLFP minister new rules will be brought to punish those who criticize the party hierarchy, SLFP policies and the party constitution”

      Sack them and ask them to form their own party.

      All you need is to have only a few heads to roll.

    • 7

      Also Nimal Siripala should resign from his post if the Yahapalanaya is not fit enough for him. He should do it or should sack him immediately. In any case, he is not fit enough to be the Minister of Transport as he has already make it a mess.

      • 1

        Sarath, basically Nimal Siripala is not FIT. He should get himself a pair of running shorts from the Pettah and cut down his ridiculous size.

        How these buggers survive without terminal heart collapse I just don’t know!!!

        Disgusting sight!

  • 19

    The best thing that President Sirisena can do for the betterment of the country is to leave the SLFP again and join the UNP as he did in November last year. Dissolve the national government and form a UNP government with a maximum of 30 cabinet ministers and 30 deputies and no state ministers. This will solve all country’s problems.

  • 5

    The best thing that President Sirisena can do for the betterment of the country is to leave the SLFP again and join the UNP as he did in November last year. Dissolve the national government and form a UNP government with a maximum of 30 cabinet ministers and 30 deputies and no state ministers. This will solve all his and country’s problems.

  • 6

    “Recently, parliamentarians Lohan Ratwatte and Vidura Wickremanayake in two public forums had said that Sirisena should step down, as he will not be able to lead SLFP to victory at future polls.”

    When will they learn? Isn’t this what MR thought when My3 threw his hat into the ring?

  • 6

    Sirisena is a Stalin in the making. the best of the drama will come just before dawn, as they say.

    Look at what he is doing:

    1- Real democracy for his family to act freely. No questions asked and none answered.

    2- Dictatorship for the party.

    3- Fake democracy for the country.

    What fools we have been to trust this guy!

    If you think Moustache was worse, you had better think again. Moustache was an idiot and brought his own downfall. This man is very smart and will also bring a doenfall – the downfall of the country.

  • 8

    In the backdrop of several Sri Lanka Freedom Party parliamentarians openly calling for the removal of President Maithripala Sirisena as the party chairman, the SLFP Central Committee has decided to take tough disciplinary action against those members who criticize party leadership and the SLFP……
    Its going to be another “puswedilla”

    Time for Sira to gracefully leave the party post. he should have done it on the 18.11.2015 and invited MR to takeover.

    it would have been alls well… ends well.

  • 0

    better leave party as well as politics for the betterment of the country

  • 0

    These three people Lohan Ratwatte, Vidura Wickremanayake and Nimal Siripala de Silva though of the lowest common denominator as politicians go, do have a right to criticize My3 or for that matter anyone else within the party. But when the criticism is made in public when party issues should be dealt with within the party mechanism must tell about the agenda of these louts.

    But My3 as it has turned out to be is no angel and his Yahapalanaya is in a shamble. His promise to abolish EP is his new diversionary tactic. My3 must go as he promised to do at the end of the 100 day program. For that matter the inept and wheeler dealing Ranil must also go.

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