A huge social media outcry is demanding the immediate resignation of the Inspector General Police Pujith Jayasundara after he himself publicly made a mockery of the Yahapalanaya government’s formulated independent Police Commission that has been created to stop acts as displayed by him.
Violating the rules and regulations of the very purpose of the creation of the independent Police Commission, the Inspector General of Police was caught red handed on television speaking on his mobile phone and addressing a phone caller by the name of ‘Sir’, confirming that he had instructed the Financial Crimes Investigations Chief to not arrest a particular “Nilame”.
However Anura Kumara Dissanayake bringing this issue up in parliament said that the Basnayake Nilame refered to was none other than the current Devundara Vishnu Dewale incumbent Dishan Wikramaratne Gunasekara who is presently being investigated by the Financial Crime Division for fraud and the caller being none other than the Minister of Minister of Law & Order, Sagala Ratnayake.
Incidentally the Devundara Vishnu Dewale is situated in Sagala Ratnayake’s electorate.
“What is the power that the IGP is wielding? That is a matter and a decision for judiciary. Who is this sir he was addressing? As a parliament we need to know. It is extremely clear how these ‘Sirs’ will do what it takes to protect fraudsters. I believe this so called ‘Sir’ the IGP was referring to is Sagala Ratnayake. If it is not him then the IGP should inform this parliament who it was” Anura Kumara Dissanayake said.
President Maithripala Sirisena when questioned in parliament said “I too watched the video footage and vehemently condemn the actions of the IGP and I have asked him for an explanation regarding the incident”.
Under the Maithripala Sirisena led Yahapalanaya government three independent commissions were formed on the 14th of October 2015 under the 19th amendment to the constitution which was National Police Commission, Public Service Commission and the Election Commission.
A prominent lawyer speaking to Colombo Telegraph when contacted said “Where is the natural justice when the IGP himself violates the independent Police Commission rules and regulations so open and blatantly? Politicians are merely causing unjust interference. This is a third world political set up”.
The independent Police Commission proudly proclaims in its vision statement to be a “A safe, secure and peaceful society through a credible, independent and professional Police service” whilst it mission statement reads “ To transform Sri Lanka Police into an efficient, transparent and responsive service that, respects and protects Human Rights, ensures Public Accountability and upholds the Rule of Law”.
President Maithripala Sirisena now finds himself in a tango as it is only he who has the power to replace the Inspector General of Police. The National Police Commission is an independent body established under the 19th amendment to the constitution vested with powers of appointments transfers and promotions, control of discipline and dismissal of all ranks of police officers except the IGP. (By Janaka Ranaweera)
Cynthia / December 2, 2016
Upul you are correct.
” He should resign if he has any dignity. If not, should remove him from this post, as he is not suitable to be the IGP at all”
MR. PRESIDENT its now upto you to do the correct thing regarding the IGP
and the ” SIR ” who is undermining yahapalanaya and the FCID. The
people who voted for you expect you to do your duty.
roger / December 5, 2016
This is not the issue about the IGP, the body language of the IGP is very obvious, he wanted to show the pressure exerted by the politicos. Who ever the minister who called should be kicked out if this govt. has anything to do with yahapalanaya. Mr President its time for you to show that you have some respect and regards for the people who voted you in.
Pandaranayagam / December 3, 2016
What salivating pygmies we now have heading the Police force. The man is trying to impress with his broken-English. To start with, I know of even DIG’s of the years gone by who will not be interrupted by even their own Minister in the middle of a meeting such as this. This is what happens
when plum posts goes to mediocrites hanging around Buddhist temples for their career advancement. Their only qualification is they are Sinhala Buddhists. Many of those holding high positions today are not familiar with the delicate different between the Executive and the Judiciary.
I am reminded of an incident when then CJ Hon’ble HNG Fernando received a call from PM Mrs.B’s office asking him to come to Temple Trees to discuss a matter – concerning some foreign Govt. assistance to uplift the Supreme Court complex. That great legal personality had asked to be excused giving his aides the impression the PM – a political figure and the holder of the office of CJ should not be seen together in the type of meeting suggested. How times have changed!!! We had the recent indignity of seeing a CJ being present to see the off-spring of a political VVIP “passing” out as a “lawyer”!!!
Ado / December 3, 2016
What has sinhala buddhist got to do here you racist! You must be a tamil catholic terrorist also known as tigers in the past.
Pandaranayagam / December 4, 2016
Ado Yako
Don’t you know the division of the country began with the accent on Sinhala Buddhism in the 1950s with the crafty Banda cottoning on to the Buddhist priests – merely to come to power. So the racism label you try to foist on to me is verily yours – imbecile. Your variety is now boiling in your own oil. It is only the beginning. I am only sorry for the multiple thousands of good, decent, liberal Buddhists – some very dear friends of ours – who now suffer because of your religio-politics. Are you happy with your new leader – Gsndassara?
Armata / December 5, 2016
Mind your language you Grass Eater. There are no Tamil Catholic Terrorists in the past, present or future. The man is expressing his point to the fullest whether you like it or not. If you cannot stomach the response then keep your Grass Eating, unbrushed, cesspit of a mouth shut.
Grass Eaters like you are your country’s future and its a shame, a disgusting shame that fossils like you exist.
Buddhism is a blessed philosophy, but Govt servants like your damn IGP have no other qualifications to be given that post other than to misuse his religion for his own ends.
He should be kicked out and made to fend for himself in the middle of the Sahara dessert.
kumaran / December 13, 2016
Mr. “ado”, your name suits you.
CT, you really should exercise more discernment.
Tani / December 4, 2016
Stick to the point, without talking about his ‘broken english’, the conversation was all clearly understood by folks here, that’s why we all talk here on this forum too, so that’s about it and also please stop calling names, our forces did a great job to get the country free from terrorists and we, Sri Lankans are ever grateful to them for that. If you have some concern for Sri lanka, talk something relevant on this social forum, please.
Pandaranayagam / December 4, 2016
Tani’s umbrage is typical – not tenable. If you are happy with the quality of English being merely that is “understood by folks here” I am not going to argue with you. Even some of our waiters and even butlers spoke this variety of English> I believe those involved are capable of much more. I prefer the one which even the English-educated Sinhalese here spoke/wrote here splendidly in the pre-1956 period when Sinhala was hurriedly foisted down the throats of all unwilling communities – including a part of the Sinhala community only for political gain. The failure of that policy was seen when even leaders who started the misadventure furtively sent their well-groomed children to the UK and elsewhere – merely to acquire better standards of English. This is being done even now – even by those Sinhala political leaders identified with the kudu trade – a thriving industry now high up in the political agenda of some, including very high political VVIPs.
You advise me to stick to the point but what is the relevance of “our forces” and “terrorists” in response to my comment. Now that you mention it, do you have the courage to admit Tamil youth pushed into rebellion, whom you call terrorists (about 15,000 in number, per Govt figures) – carried on the battle for nearly 30 years against a combined Sinhala tri-forces of over 350,000 armed to the teeth with ultra-modern weaponry. It is widely admitted that is one of the reasons why the country now is virtually in the verge of bankruptcy despite many efforts at economic solution by several political administrations of different ideological persuasions in the past many decades.
Thank you.
Noorsaaly / December 8, 2016
Thanks to the CT for openness. This is the only paper that is not prejudiced. SL Daily Mirror and Daily news do not publish any comments detrimental to Sri Lankan buddhists. The comments made by many from different ethnicity are very true and relevant. very useful as they come from various educated background who are sincere We have seen in the earlier times, the Sinhala educated elites were a class of their own, in that they were true to themselves very sincere to the ethics and honorable people. There used bo government servants many of them were tamils, who were highly proficient in English, highly professional in their work and left an unblemished legacy. Now we see corruption committed with impunity, be it the law, order, judiciary, civil administration in the hand of unqualified people so the output is always end in ruin. So I hope these hard to gulp comments will help crucial changes in the mind of every true patriotic Sri Lankans. Also very crucial matter is the interfering of the clergy in the affairs of the country. Sadly these temples are the big violators as they have introduced strange ideologies which were totallynever taught or professed by gautam buddha, such as using louds speakers with high volume for hours causing disturbances to many. Midnight perehera with small children participating in fireworks and dangerous safety violations, parading young girls with revealing costumes to the public perverts and sex predators, erecting statues on every nooks and corners, many near drains and filthy unhygienic places, illuminating with various lights wastage of electricity and causing public nuisance. These are all totally wrong innovations that gautama buddha never told nor practiced himself so why are these violations not stopped and banned. Many monks are habitual drunkards and beef eaters. So no wonder this system of buddism does not go well even with the ordinary sinhalease young generation. Prominent monks are displaying rudeness with vulgar racial slurs very nauseating and sad experiences. Streamlining all affairs of Sri Lanka is the need of the hour. Let us be all united in voicing true concern for a better tomorrow In Sha Allah.
justice / December 3, 2016
All IGPs in the past and have exercised this undeclared power of not arresting miscreants who are minions of governments in power.
This is not well known and hence goes unreported by the media.
Unfortunately this IGP was caught on video.
Why did this IGP not order the arrest of the monk who threatened a Grama Sevaka in filth in the presence of police officers – well publicised in the media even on video – and, the arrest of the Police Officer in Charge and the policemen who assaulted a barber who delayed to go to a police station to attend on the Officer in Charge ?
Why no “social media outcry” to protest a commission to investigate the shooting deaths of two Jaffna University students, instead of normal process in courts?
Are these so-called “social media” too, biased in favour of the police?
Kali Amman / December 3, 2016
Present IGP is not an independent officer.In 2002 when UNP was ruling a prominent UNP minister who is also holding a senior cabinet position in the present government pointing to Pujitha J who was a DIG at that time introduced him as the future IG. We have known and seeing former IGs. Some of them had weaknesses but this is the first time an IG is behaving like a showman and bringing the dignity of the position to a shameful level.He is a sucker of politicians. Unfortunately, this gentleman is from the school that I too attended for some time and we expected to hold his head high but his behaviour is a shame.This is the way UNP is upholding Yahapalanaya. They are behind the scene protecting the crooks of Rajapakse regime and their own crooks like international robber baron Arjuna Mahe3ndran.
Mr. Presidentt, before it is too late open your eyes. You are only talking not acting. What happened to the report of your own SLFP Committee on the Central Bank scam? What action you propose to take? Are you expecting RW to do juice? He has already taken action to kill it. We the citizens are fuming with anger. You are blaming others saying they are after capturing power but not doing the correct thing. Arn’t you doing the same? For fear of loosing power you are not taking action that RW may not like. Do the correct thing and show the country that you are above board. As it is no difference among/between the President, PM, many other ministers and the officials like the present IG.
Henry Fernando / December 3, 2016
Interference from the Minister of Law and Order is a very serious
violation. With this kind of conduct from a Minister what good governance can we expect from the Govt. We have another MP,who is the Minister of Justice, he is a law unto himself. How on earth can you allow such a man to continue as a Govt.Minister and with his dubious past he is still the Minister of Justice. Something is radically wrong somewhere.
wimal / December 3, 2016
whats the big deal? this is the standard way departmental heads deal with difficult political bosses. you show initial agreement to get rid of the nuisance in your ear but later try to do the right thing. bradman paski or wijedasa were no different.
give the man a break – his troops are daily battling the fruits of our free education system on the streets ; then he is attacked in parliament by the nurturers of those same fruits and non-stop pilloried by our sanctimonious press on slipups. its enough to drive anyone insane.
gamini / December 3, 2016
Yes the whole world heard the IGP agreeing not to arrest a wrong doer assuring Nilame will not be arrested. The issue is, to whom the IGP gave the assurance is not clear. As for the Nilame, it has to be one of MR’s sycophants like so many who have robbed and stand exposed today. Therefore was the assurance by the IGP to MR or to a Yahapalana stalwart who has allowed so many crooks of MR to go Scot free. IGP’s phone should be checked with the date and time to see who the recipient is.
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / December 3, 2016
I cant understand this at all.
Even lately, they got passed bills about Right for Information in this parliament right ?
Now to wait hours to get with him the immatured IGP spoke on that phone call should not be a big thing right ?
As a citizen of this country, have I right to know with whom the IGP exchanged the words that way ? Besides, this IGP should have LOWER IQ to betray entire system this way right ?
Not even a school going boy would reveal the things that he should not put to everyone s ears right ?
I think we ARE all betrayed by THIS NEWLY ELECTED MEN.
Still though no regrets seeing that Rajapakshes are not in power.
Paul / December 3, 2016
The only worse thing to the present Government is a Rajapakse government. I hope they don’t return in 2020 despite all of Sirisena’s attempts to save them.
Thanga / December 3, 2016
It is revolting that the IGP of a country gives an assurance that Nilama want be arrested. The caller is none other than the Minister for Law and Order. Obviously the Minister does not know the meaning of what is law and order. The IGP should have switched off his mobile phone when attending a public function in which the President was present. It was very stupid of him to talk on the phone on a subject concerning the arrest of a suspect/accused. Rightly speaking he should have lost his job then and there. But then this is Sri Lanka where the President blasts officials of the FCID for arresting army intelligence personnel for wrong doing.
Spring Koha / December 4, 2016
Hey Pujith, never mind the hoo=ha,
Never mind setting new standards of professionalism for your defunct force.GIVE US SONG.
Doi Doi Doi, Doi a baba…….
Native Vedda / December 4, 2016
Spring Koha
“Doi Doi Doi, Doi a baba…….”
My next door neighbour’s Aya used to sing this rhyme.
I wasn’t sure whether she put the baby to sleep or entertained the master of the house.
Then I was not aware of Paraphilic infantilism, men’s fetish.
s.c.perera / December 4, 2016
If you consider the whole dialog you might feel that nothing to worry about this incident.
1. IGP says that he has instructed to OFFICIALS NOT ARREST “nilame” without a valid reason. So what is wrong with this? Do you expect every one who appear before FCID to be arrested?
2. Also he says that definitely ” SIR” will be informed if they arrest “nilame”. I think this is also OK.
IGP never implies that “nilame” will not be arrested what so ever.
This is some kind of exaggeration of media.
Dcn / December 4, 2016
Why only blame the IGP. That someone who called him whom the IGP addressed as “sir” should be a politico. It is better for thesis politico to address the parliament and admit his wrong action and quit his job which will make him more honourable.
Nihal De R. / December 4, 2016
there is no social media outcry but legitimate people. this is the most honest IGP we have seen in decades. He pointed out something which cannot be interpreted the way we want.
Half the people who are making a fuss are affected by the actions been taken by the police to stop corruption,crime, so what best way to grab hold of something and twist it in our favour???
Good Sense / December 4, 2016
What are we talking about? Independent Commissions and therefore there should be no political interference? Are we keeping our feet on the ground?
It is well known that when senior officers of the state when they go on private leave abroad the practice before the Yahapalana Governance was that not only the Secretary of the Ministry must agree but even the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration must agree. But under Yahapalanaya, the minister of the officer also must agree. Isn’t that blunt political interference crated after Yahapalanaya? There are so many areas in which a Minister can decide the future of a public officer despite the 19th Amendment.
One of the plums of public service is an official trip abroad. There in any case the Minister must agree. So where is freedom from political intereference?
Had the IGP instead of answering the call in that fashion told the caller that he is in the midst of a TV program and that he would return the call, nothing would have come out of it. On the contrary it reflects that fact that the caller expects prompt positivie answers. NO DAMNED EXCUSES. Now action may be taken against the IGP for not being discrete.
Under these cirumstance, if the IGP were to say to the Minister even Sire instead of Sir can be fully worth.
Adrian / December 4, 2016
This is why Ministers should not be allowed to be ‘Managers’. They should be left to make policies only.
BBS Rep / December 5, 2016
One more nail in the coffin of Yahapalanaya.
What a disgrace. What does the IGP portfolio entail? Just another ‘yes’ man. Why can’t the minister wait until Pujith’s press conference was over. Are these Ministers powers beyond everything that they demand instant kowtowing even by the topmost police officer of the nation. Or is it the nature of our ‘wakutuweyang’ culture that even the IGP has to bend over forwards and backwards to an unqualified rogue holding a plum cabinet post.
This Sinhala Buddhist nation is a disgrace.
A.D.J. Perera / December 5, 2016
Editor/Colombo Telegraph
It is reported the current IGP was seen singing in a recent function.
Please get the tape and kindly reproduce in this page.
Thank you.
A.D.J. Perera
LANKAN IDIOT / December 7, 2016
He is a SHOWMAN. Well we get what we deserve.
The Chief Kossa should be swept out with the Kossa !!!
Dayawathie / December 21, 2016
Hey guys, you completely side tracked and started writing about Sinhala Buddhist and Tamil issues. Well, that is a very important and broad subject that should be discussed separately. The issue here is the IGP and his master Sir. I totally agree with the writers that he should resign or impeached. But what about the Master Sir ?. I reckon we should ask the resignation of Master Sir first. He is the number one culprit who gave the instructions to IGP not to arrest some one. No prizes for guessing what would have happened to the IGP if he didn’t obey the instructions of the Master Sir. Therefore, the President. if he got a backbone. should ask the resignation of the Minister who gave that call.