11 February, 2025


Speaker Holds Crucial Talks With Sirisena: President Under Increasing Pressure To Appoint UNP PM

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya held a discussion with President Maithripala Sirisena at the Presidential Secretariat on the possibility of forming a new government after the purported government, led by Mahinda Rajapaksa, suffered its fifth consecutive defeat in Parliament.


During the vote on the motion to curtail budgetary allocations to the Prime Minister’s Office today, 123 MPs voted in favour of the motion, again demonstrating that the former President did not have a simple majority in Parliament. The Speaker met President Sirisena this afternoon to officially inform the latter about the outcome of the vote in Parliament.

Addressing a meeting with Foreign Correspondents Association in Sri Lanka recently, President Sirisena said he would take necessary measures to form a new government if the opposition “properly show” its majority. As 123 lawmakers voted against former President Rajapaksa via electronic vote in Parliament this morning, Speaker Jayasuriya met President Sirisena to inform him about the outcome of the vote and discuss further action.

Sirisena, now under pressure to deliver on his assurance, told the Speaker Jayasuriya this evening that he would meet Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan and leaders of the UNF tomorrow to discuss the matter. He also commended the Speaker’s efforts to uphold democracy in Sri Lanka. What Sirisena did not say, however, is that the democracy in Sri Lanka has been jeopardized by his own actions.

The UNP, at a parliamentary group meeting last night, unanimously decided to support the re-appointment of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe as the Prime Minister. This decision prevents Sirisena from pursuing the option of appointing a UNP Parliament other than Wickremesinghe as the Prime Minister.

Latest comments

  • 28

    Interesting.. now is the time for our President to prove his mettle. Of course if he sticks to the constitution he simply has to …

    What is the wording again? “The President shall appoint as Prime Minister the Member of Parliament, who, in the President’s opinion, is most likely to command the confidence of Parliament.”

    So at the time he appointed someone whom he thought would command the confidence of the majority of parliament. Apparently he still thinks that. What to do now, he can’t just remove the Prime Minister. It’s against the constitution.

    President Sirisena, have you stopped beating the constitution?

    • 15

      Dear Hon. Speaker Karu Jayasuriya,

      RE: Speaker Holds Crucial Talks With Sirisena: President Under Increasing Pressure To Appoint UNP PM

      “Speaker Karu Jayasuriya held a discussion with President Maithripala Sirisena at the Presidential Secretariat on the possibility of forming a new government after the purported government, led by Mahinda Rajapaksa, suffered its fifth consecutive defeat in Parliament.”

      Please inform President Sirisena that every time the parliament meets, new no confidence motions will be presented and passed, 6th, 7th etc. until a Prime minister and Government who command the support of the majority of parliament is elected
      Furthermore , inform his that, the Parliament was selected by 100% of the people, whereas the president is elected by a majority, not 100% of the people

      Furthermore, the President comes under the Parliament, and that Sri Lanka is the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, and not a Kingdom, where the King is Supreme In addition, the Parliament with 2/3 majority can remove, impeach and punish any President who acts contrary to the Constitution.

      • 1

        The solution to this is simple: Sira should impeach Bondscam Ranil for looting the Central Bank with his buddy crook Mahendran and Penthouse Ravi K. and then ask UNP to find another, less corrupt leader.

    • 14

      Speaker Karu Jayasuriya,

      RE: Speaker Holds Crucial Talks With Sirisena: President Under Increasing Pressure To Appoint UNP PM

      Tell President Sirisena, the Traitor, Quisling, Sevalaya (Sleaze) , Mala-Perethaya, (living odd the dead) Patholaya ( backbone less, unprincipled person) and Pachaya (Liar) that Ranil Wickramasinghe commands the faith of the Majority of the Parliament, and make Sirisena eat crow, and expose the liar.

      Yes, expose, expose and expose the liar.

      Please do not give a way out for Traitor- Quisling Sriisena, who went against the constitution, and appointed a fake PM< and Cabinet, in a constitutional coup.

      • 3

        Dear Hon. Speaker Karu Jayasuriya,

        The issue is NOT about Ranil or Sirisena or about their differences. It is about the constitution, both Ranil Wickramasinge and Maitripala Sirisena are replaceable, following the constitutional process. This constitutional process is NOT negotiable to the like or dislike of the President, unless the constitution is changed with 2/3 majority, like 19A or the JVP proposed 20A.

  • 22

    It is sincerely hoped that saner counsel will prevail and prevent the country being plunged into turmoil and bloodshed. The entire country is waiting with fingers crossed . LAST chance for MS to prove his worth. The country will prosper only if you succeed in distancing your self from the MR gang.

    • 25

      “LAST chance for MS to prove his worth.”
      He has already proved that he is not worth for a cent. He has gone very far from the people who gave him this executive seat. Mahind a lost kingdom because of his greediness. There is no more chance for Sirisena even to become a Grama sevaka. The country will prosper only when the people stop going behind those misuse power, those who go behind Buddhist Findamentalism.

  • 5

    President had attempted many times to appoint another UNP MP as the PM but for unknown reasons nobody is ready to accept it.

    Why can’t TNA demand PM ship @ this crucial hr.?

    • 14

      TNA asking for premier Post would only go to help the racist SLPP. TNA will support the less evil.

      • 1


        Irony, that the TNA & a lot of people like you are unable to identify the true evil.

    • 1

      No UNP member can survive without Ranil W. He who was willingly taught by the Americans how to overthrow governments ( he stated this publicly) undoubtedly has the backing of the US.

      Why can’t MR take lessons on how to overthrow governments from the US ? They are unlikely to help him, and they do love their slaves.

    • 5

      Real Revolutionist,

      The. FAke PM was appointed by the Traitor President in the middle of the night, when almost everybody else, duly elected by the people were sleeping. This was a constitutional coup, and should be punished accordingly.

      • 0


        Sorry, I disagree

        Constitution hasn’t given working hours for the president so how can it be wrong or a coup when it’s done midnight?

        • 0

          Is this your idea of a joke?

  • 16

    Thank you CT. You are indeed spot-on ~ “………What Sirisena did not say, however, is that the democracy in Sri Lanka has been jeopardized by his own actions……….”.
    The Speaker must insist on the pre-sack status quo.
    Agreeing to UNP selection will be a bit of a comedown.
    Agreeing to MS earlier insistence “Not RW”, if renewed, will be a complete letdown.

    • 9

      It’s not like bargaining at the fish market, ” Hey vendor I don’t want the Kurulla fish I want the Balaya”
      This is our Parliament of 70 years of democracy and Parliament constitution to be followed.
      This President demands for a different man as PM because he can’t work with him! Look at him! Nor stand next to him ! Of Ranil whom he rejects .
      It’s not a fish market here for fish trading in the Parliament.
      The Minority Fake Government in the Parliament should be replaced with the Majority Government , Annul the Fake Cabinet which entered through the back door, full stop.
      Rw is not the favoured one to be kept forever as PM, but he should be replaced Within hours or days and decide on an alternative leader. That’s up to the ruling cabinet.
      MS cannot dictate for his choice of P M.
      He’s being Childish or Silly as always.
      He’s losing all his faculties .,! He deserves a kick in the back side for not being truthful to his country or to his people .

      Certainly a wicked man trying to protect criminals and thieves.
      He’s a Hora needed to be punished by law of the country and of course by the all mighty God.
      God is great that’s all I can say.
      By saying this powerful word ” God is Great” for which I believe in God, some comments were made of me in the past that I may be a Muslim even.
      It’s irrelevant of course.
      There’s a God in every religion a symbol or a kind of worshipping .
      No point in indulging in Crimes and runs with sack full of Loot to treat the Priest or the temple in the name of OFFERINGS.
      Can you trust those and pray for your sins.??
      Hundred dollar question. Who is cheating who??
      The Politicians , the Lawmakers, and Professionals who continues with evil acts , the country becomes a ” Paraya State”. That’s the situation we’re in.
      Our country has been Disgraced by these people mentioned above whom we trusted .
      We the people had been let down by these powerful people.
      Shame on them.

  • 17

    Without any compromise this President who made a MOCKERY of the Constitution of the country must be taught a good lesson and show him that he is a not a “GODLY HE” who can DICTATE terms to country and its People at his own free will. He MUST be made to bow down to the Parliamentary Democracy and RE-INSTATE the Parliament that was there prior October 26th. All his “JUNTA” companions must GO. The only advice that the Speaker can and must give to this President is: “Mr. President tell all your “JUNTA” members to attend the Parliament sessions and if they choose to establish their “Majority” in Parliament, let them take appropriate steps as per the Standing Orders and continue working from Parliament and NOT from “HIDING DENS” . If they DO NOT want to take that step, the President must accept the “TWO RESOLUTIONS” already passed in Parliament and take action to establish a Government. Nothing LEES”. That is what YOU Mr. Speaker has to be now. Stand FIRM and the People will compliment you.

  • 18

    After the legal government is reinstated the legal government should prosecute the president and all the others who joined the president to violate the constitution. President is not capable of being the leader of Sri Lanka anymore. His behavior is detrimental to the country. Presidents erratic and amoral behavior cannot be tolerated and the legal government should work diligently to eradicate him and his illegal followers. If not we the voters will get rid of the legal government too.

  • 17

    Hora Sira has no option but to restore the status quo before October 26, and let history record his contribution in proving the supremacy of the constitution and parliament. Posterity will remember him as the stupidly vicious President who tried to screw democracy but ended up screwing his own chances for a second term, and his partner in crime Mahinda’s chances for a return to power.

  • 22

    The speaker must be recommended for a universal award for playing his just role.

  • 1

    There is something new developing in the Angoda Hospital aka Welikada. Maithripala sirisena has accepted that Ranil has the majority, so he will be appointed again as the PM. On the other has Requested MS that he be appointed for a short time until re he ressings befor ethe election. Ranil also has the second thought that he Impeaches Maithripala sirisena once he is reinstated as the PM. Mahinda Rajapakse thinks, after thant they may be able to set up the govt again Mahinda with Ranil. Wait for more (GOD Vishnu).

  • 0

    People in Jaffna are laughing at us. We must show them that Sinhalese are unified, by appointing a monk as a PM

    • 8

      Jim soft in the Head
      The entire world is laughing at us, regardless of the people in the north. We know your family has lot of connections with monks, however, the place for a monk is in the temple. Sinhalese are unified ? Did you watch the battle of the thugs in Parliament ? Disgrace to the entire Sinhalese race.

  • 0

    Ranil Wick was involved biggest fraud in Central Bank Bonds that 2015 February and August billons of rupees joint hand looted by CB governor Arjuna Mahderan. The looter of Arjune Mhahamdera still is in FREE in Singapore. No body can reached to A..M….
    The Speaker of UNP do not want taken any action against UNP ex-Primer Ranil Wicks.
    Some UNP leaders of including that Speaker of house want RW back to Primer! This is nonsense of politics democracy.
    How is that can such man of RW became clean man politics. No way him back to Premiership in Island country.
    What a shame of our nation leader is most corrupted and culprit in overall politics in our soil that RW of UNP, what ever the party he belongs, what ever the Tamil TNA alliance RW has reached with ,but RW case is different in political meaning of UNP having no chance to back to helm of State..RW is a man wanted for large scale Far due fraud by people of Island.

    We want to address corruption, that those ruin of economy and other large scale scams by UNP-RW involved committed crimes address & charge by judiciary that need to be decided by court of law.
    Until that his clreance come into being that services are no need, we are looking for New Leadership by our People of Sri Lankan.

  • 1

    did he not say that if ranil is again the PM he will resign.So now he has two options 1.Resign.2.resign after appointing ranil as the PM. Can someone tell me if he resigns what happens then?

    • 1

      shankar ,

      Sirisena truly made himself AYYO Sirisena ! He did it to himself . Now
      it has no reverse. How much good he does now won’t count because
      these goods are now forced out of him ! Talks are now to save face . He
      won’t go when Ranil comes in because Ranil is already in and his P M
      is not in the parliament . What’s going on in my view is , some sort of
      buying time so that all have their faces fully shaved !

    • 0


      Are you thinking of what happened to Mussolini of Italy, Ceaucescu of Romania and Gaddaffi of Libya. 99% of the people of this country, across party lines, are with you.

      Chris P. Bacon

  • 1

    <>? The way mental cases respond to pressure is not the way you & I would do.

  • 2

    Mr. Speaker how can you convince a mentally retarded President. He has ruined the economy of the country

  • 0

    both parties need a face saving solution-a win win situation. only at very higher level of understanding of conflict resolution people can arrive at a decision of this nature. i think my3 has TO DO SOME DAMAGE CONTROL. it is up to the leaders to undertake this initiative for the sake of the country.

  • 3

    The UNF, TNA and the JVP totalling 122odd MPP JUST NEED THE SUPPORT of another 28MPP to IMPEACH The President. A golden opportunity for MaRa to pay back for the Hoppers and the DEAD-ROPE he was given on the Premier stakes!

    • 1


      Do you think any self respecting Sinhala/Buddhist politician will go against the Mahinda the Dutta Gamani III who won the Demelas single handedly?

  • 1

    People must start to feel that another man in the name of the president is
    going to need a home, staffing and security contingent when he goes home
    making it three former presidents on their shoulders ! World NO 1 retirement
    destination ! ! !

  • 0

    It is very clear that the President is a fickle minded person. Until he signs and appoints a UNF member as PM, there is no assurance that he will follow through what he promises groups of people.

    • 3

      Methinks the problem is so far Ranil has handled Sirisena with kid gloves. This is one of those occasions where fire should be met with fire. But Ranil, unfortunately, is a wimp. CBK knew that and moved against him in 2004. Ranil meekly folded up then. Mahinda R is in a different and higher league when it comes to a street fight.

      For over a month Ranil has virtually
      helplessly conducted himself in a manner where the whole country thinks he is weak – in more ways than one. Even Sharmini S thinks so. Ranil has enough ammunition to hit Sirisena hard – but pussilaminous he is, the half-man is afraid to move. Karu is made of sterner stuff.

      If Sirisena is threatened with the ramifications of The Hague, travel bans and exposure of all his ill-gotten wealth, he will retire.


  • 2

    Those who know will confirm my3 is viscious to his wife and children. One day when a Minister he left the whole house in the dark after switching off lights. Jayanthi had to spend the night under a tree in the garden. My3 tried the same game with Ranil and team and went clean bowled.

  • 2

    Looks like Colombo Royal has won over Polonnaruwa Royal.

  • 0

    1977 general election wiped out key political figures like N M Perera , Felix
    Dias , Peter Keunamen , Kolvin R De Silva , Prince Gunasekara and many
    others .including S A Wickramasinha and Eliyan Nanayakkara , All fake
    Srilankan style LABEL socialists . Today we have few leftovers like Dinesh
    and Vasu misleading the masses and propping up the Rajapakshas without
    an iota of shame . They must be chased away for their role in this ongoing
    sort of anarchy .

  • 3

    Dear whywhy,
    According to you were none of those people honest? Some were too obsessed with Marxism, may be, and may have been active at the wrong time. It is true that Dinesh Gunawardena has been more racist than Marxist, and the Vasudeva Nanayakkara that we now have commands no respect.
    But please, don’t insult the not now known Aelian Nanayakkara, and the rightly revered N.M. Perera, Colvin R. de Silva, and S A Wickramasinha. They were truly sincere people. Tragic it is for Vasu that he “did not his quietus make with a bare bodkin” twenty years ago; I just don’t know enough about people like Prince Gunasekara to defend him. And I’m sure that Pieter Keuneman was also worthwhile in many respects.
    Strange that you include Felix Dias B. in your list. No socialist, and arrogant, but very clever. None of these took to politics to make money. When you go on like this, you demoralise all, and make them cynics. Let us not pretend to know more than a little. Hunting for a bit of information I found that one can access about forty pages (in two sequences) of this book that taught me a lot of facts, when I read it in Peradeniya in 1983:
    It may be that I won’t be allowed access a second time to this remarkable book by Janice Jiggins; I shall save it. The two factors dealt with here may not explain everything, but they do teach a good deal.
    Tried; not possible for me to save. Fair enough; copyright has to be respected even if the book is not now available.

    • 0

      Sinhala_Man ,
      According to Encyclopedia Britannica , the” Sinhala Maha Sabha founded
      by S W R D was communally oriented to promote the interests of the
      Sinhala sector of the population and Buddhism.” After 81 years , today My3
      and Mahinda , grew up in that camp with a different name board , madly
      running after the same motto . Do you want to change the thinking of the
      British about the objectives of this Sinhala Maha Sabha that turns S L F P
      later on which is joined by other leftist forces and going on to date ? This is
      where I put Felix Dias as a fake socialist along with others although I knew
      he was an SLFPer . I have my view and it is not being borrowed from books .
      I read books to learn historical facts sometimes to form and to strengthen
      my conclusions about politics , culture , civilization , religion and fashion
      in particular . I have reasons to call them fake and remember my words are
      carefully chosen but I’m not a superman like Sinhala_Man ! In this digital
      age you can find information at the tip of your fingers but you must have
      what it takes to put it together ! In this forum , about the prevailing situation
      in the country , I did the prediction that ” if it is not going to end before
      Friday or Monday , it is not going to end ! ” Now more than a month gone !
      Friday or Monday meant first after 26th. Talking facts is insult ? No
      disrespect to Colvin if I say he was elected in 1970 only for five years and he
      did the constitution to borrow another two years ! Of course majority of
      parliament members those days didn’t come to make money , and also there
      were no projects of this scale that involved huge money ! They were not
      seeking investments instead they were chasing away investors ! But
      business monopoly was created in imports while imports were restricted .

      • 0

        PART ONE

        Dear whywhy,

        I’m no superman; we’ll get nowhere talking like that. But I respect what you’ve said, and the trouble taken.
        You’re right about the Sinhala Maha Sabha being nationalistic. I don’t want to start delving into when Banda converted to Buddhism, whether it was opportunistic etc. I wonder if it was clear in his own mind. It may have been a reaction against his horrible father, who was a Christian.
        Religion is a personal business, and I don’t like the labels we often put on. However, the way things work out a social dimension does creep in. My own background is Christian; I have a feeling that yours is Islamic. I like it that you don’t get at all parochial. These are off the cuff comments; I feel comfortable with you! I wish that were so with all those whom we meet.

        • 1

          Sinhala_Man ,

          I appreciate your coming back . In this or any other forum I hadn’t
          made anything personal known about me in order to make a point .
          But I remember on one occasion you said something about your
          personal experience or knowledge of S A Wickramasinha if my
          memory is right . It is rare I take too much of space here for my comments.
          Because , this forum is for comments . For your information , I’m
          someone who can honestly be proud of refusing to accept positions
          offered by some reputed politicians including a seat to contest for
          parliament . Nothing else to disclose and let’s come to the point now .
          I don’t care people’s religious background in their politics as long as their
          politics doesn’t clash with any religion and so is the case with S W R D .
          I have good and bad mixed experiences with all communities and that has
          taught me it is just human nature , so no hard offence but then there are
          some characteristics specific to certain cultures that has remained long
          unchanged . Please see me continue on your part two . .

      • 0

        PART TWO
        We can’t get everything out of the Britannica, although that’s a good starting point. I find that the link that I gave you will yield those 40 pages every time. I seriously suggest that you read them.

        Subjects of this sort are notoriously tricky. Few have the courage to be honest about them. I’m saying these things because others are unlikely to come back here! If some serious-minded person does see, it wouldn’t matter overmuch.
        The 1978 Constitution was not the sole-effort of Colvin. I met him in late 1983. He was very old then, going round the country meeting party cells, urging them to counter communalism. I was invited since my commitment on that score was known.
        By then I had read Jiggins. She had pointed out that even the LSSP had appointed N.M. Pereira leader because he was Goigama; the more charismatic Colvin was Salagama aka “Hali”. For his son-in-law, Sarath Muttetuwegama, this brought advantages. He got the elite class votes owing to his own Walawwa background, and all the others because he broke through the caste barriers.
        It possibly worked like that for Chandrika (CBK) as well. I think that you’ll agree that this sort of thing you’ll never be able to get only from Encyclopedias.

        • 1

          Sinhala_Man ,

          Majority of modern day politicians are selfish and narrow minded in our
          country and if the country is in the hands of such people , is it any harder
          to guess the future ? One reason I didn’t want to become a public figure
          was my inability to tell lies , support lies and go begging for votes with
          lies upon lies followed by deception ! Now , look at the man on the top of
          each and everyone’s head , Sirisena , what’s he doing ? Is he not making
          his living deceiving and lying to the people ? Dear Sinhala_Man , I’m not
          a constant information hunter on Encyclopedia Britannica . I have about
          four hundred books of various academic subjects to refer to when in
          doubt or need more knowledge to support my views . Abul Huda’s Arab
          roots of gemology is supposedly the first book on gemstones . I have it .
          Ayaan hirsi Ali’s Why Islam needs reform , a little book from authors you
          may not have heard of . I read Kamalini Peiris , Lorna Devaraja and M K D
          Silva our local historians . Modern Atheism by James Buchanan . Why I’m
          not a Christian by Bertrand Russel . Books of Ibn Khaldoun , the founder of
          social science and the list is many from different backgrounds and
          different subjects from world over . I am sure you never heard of Al Huda
          and Ibn Khaldoun ! It is because Srilankan majority population is mainly
          dependent on Western , Indian and a bit of Russian works for their
          knowledge input . But Srilankan Muslims have more access ! In the
          meantime , your 1978 needs to be corrected , must be a mistake . Thanks
          for the understanding and your recommendations .

          • 0

            Yes, thanks..
            I’ve not referred it, but Colvin’s Constitution must have been 1972, after the first JVP insurrection of 1971.
            JR won his landslide in 1977. His wasn’t a really new constitution; just some amendments. 1978, and then his disgraceful Referendum to keep his huge first past the post parliamentary majority obtained in 1977.
            Yes, you were right.

  • 1

    Dear whywhy,

    I suggest that those who know how to purchase such a downloadable book do so.

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    Caste and Family Politics Sinhalese 1947-1976
    By Janice Jiggins

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    Ah, but it says:“No eBook available”.
    Read what is displayed. Blissful ignorance is in no way admirable.

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