12 February, 2025


Sri Lanka Announced Plans To Draw Up New Guidelines For Donating Food To The Monks

Sri Lanka has announced plans to draw up new guidelines for donating food to the country’s Buddhist monks amid concerns about their weight and health.

The ministry said the faithful, who offer alms as a religious tradition, tended to give food that was too high in fat and sugar and monks were developing preventable health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

The ministry said the faithful, who offer alms as a religious tradition, tended to give food that was too high in fat and sugar and monks were developing preventable health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

“The Medical Research Institute has been asked to prepare menus that could be used for alms givings,” the ministry said in a statement, adding that the new guidelines would be issued next month.

“The food that is offered is tasty and very rich and it causes immense health problems for monks,” it said.

There are over 40,000 monks in Sri Lanka, where Buddhism is the religion of the majority of the nation’s 20 million people. Offering food to monks is believed to bring good luck in this life as well as in the next.

Buddhists who believe in reincarnation also offer food to monks in a bid to transfer good karma or fortune to departed loved ones.

The offering of breakfast or lunch requires much preparation and temples are usually overbooked. Devotees must sometimes wait for a year to get a slot in the alms calendar of a temple.

While monks in urban areas have no shortage of alms, several temples in remote areas have closed down due to a lack of support from impoverished villagers.

The health ministry said it was also setting aside separate wards in every state hospital to treat Buddhist monks as well as other clergy.

Courtesy www.news.com.au

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Latest comments

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    Wimal Weerawansa launched a campaign against “wheat terrorism” (piti thrastawadaya) by asking the public not to use wheat flour. So, let the monks follow his sterling example and only eat kurrakkan.

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      That’s coming next, now that the judiciary is being neutered. These annoying mahanayakes who are constantly issuing statements against the impeachment have to be dealt with.

      We need a Kurrakan eating Sangha, lead by Kurrakan Satakaya wearing president whose father was key player in getting a subsidy for Kurakkan farmers.

      This is going to be a full Kurakkan scene!

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    I’m sure this is another cover up to hide something of much bigger scale…!

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    Why should clergy enjoy special privilages including reserved seats in buses and hospital beds etc. ? In keeping with the high tenets of true religion those who have a religious calling should serve rather than be served, give rather than receive, suffer themselves so that others are comforted, take the last place instead of the first, and deny themselves so that the needs of others are met. That is the standard.Amidst all the sanctimonious humbug of false religion have we forgotton the meaning of true religion ?.

    • 0

      yes, you got it quite right. but wrong as well. In sri lanka, only monks got this reserved seats. neither Hindu nor christian get a one. they travel with ordinary people. no special attentions but driver or conductor. even by public. that is why we are talking about reconciliation. LOL

    • 0

      Couldn’t have said better than that. Monks or any other clergy is a ordinary human being. Whether someone worships another human being or not is not a matter for the rest of the community. I have never seen a monk refusing to accept a seat in the bus. I have seen sometimes even pregnant mother sacrifices a seat for a monk, the monk without refusing accepts the seat.

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    In deep Buddhism the present myth that Prince Gautama first sought Truth through self satisfaction (Kamasukallikanu Yogaya) failing went on to self torture (Aththakilamathanu Yogaya) and settled for the Middle Path (Madyama Prathipadava) are interpretations of his followers. I believe Prince Siddhartha realised to develop the mind one has to rid excess energy in one’s system. It is for that reason he knowingly Meditated reducing the excess energy in his system. This enabled him to achieve in the seventh week, the status of ‘nevasangna nasangna gnanaya’ The seventh sense, (Enlightenment). This is nothing unusual as we see in society today there are some who are born with the sixth sense while the norm is one to have only the five senses. The ones with the sixth sense are generally born in to very poor families, devoid of nourishment, who have the ability to forecast events. They are known as ‘Sarsthara Karayas’, Fortune tellers. Unable to comprehend their ability, they start to practise as fortune tellers. The catalyist is their faith whatever Religion, to focus the mind. With the new source of income not only the life styles change, but their eating habits too. As a result their ability wanes after three to four years, but the practice they try to carry further till it dies off where people stop coming in the end.

    If there is excess energy in ones body, due to nourishment, it is natural that person will not be in a position to meditate and develop his mind as he will not be able to controll his carnal desire. What is needed for development of mind is the least amount of food to keep the body and mind together only. So is it any wonder that todays Priests being overfed by the Laity are committing nefarious activities? If there is any truth that we traverse in this journey of ‘Samsara’ to reach ‘Nirvana’, certainly the Priests of today would never reach Nirvana, but some of the disciplined Laity might.

    • 0

      Lovely to read yours this time :) I did not know that anyone else could explain it better.

      Exactly Gamini, if they are real monks practising buddhism- they should not even concentrate on the ingredients of the meal that they get offered from the adherents. Today, temples are filled with so called buddhist monks that would even order their adherents about their choices for the meals – without any shame. In earlier days, it was like whaterver was offered to them were accepted. Buddhism is a kind of philosophy -specially monks should be like their adherents.

      Is there a survey already carried out on the body sizes of the monks in SL ? or how can they come to say- that the average monks are becoming fat ? MY PICTURES GOT SO SEE FROM THE TEMPLES (RURAL AND URBAN) GAVE ME A DIFFERENT PICTURE. So depending on the genetics of some individuals they become fat or get caught to some deseases like diabetes, but this they should make through a proper analysis (survey).

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      Gamini, you sounds quite logical and sane!

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    let them work for their food. Sinhalease are lazy lot, thease monks worse than them.

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    Who say monks cannot play football or badmington or just do jogging….Is it prohibited in the Buddhist religion…. In olden days in china and tibet it was monks who mastered kung-fu and martial arts. They still do someting cimilar there. I am sure the monks will like it and could burn extra calories and stay fit.

  • 0

    The important thing is that 100% of them belch and fart.

    Quest for CUM,

    Oiiinnnnkkkkk!!!Oiiinnnnkkkkk!!!Oiiinnnnkkkkk!!!Oiiinnnnkkkkk!!! LOL!!

  • 0

    This is no good. Next they will say people can’t donate luxury cars to the Mahanayakes and Anunayakes because it negates the cardio-vascular benefits of walking. I say, let them use what people donate! After all they are the conscience and standard bearers of the Sinhala Bhuddist nation.

    The sight of a rather portly looking Bhikkhu, does not gel with the hermit concept. That’s ok though. Fat priest are found in every religion. Besides they need all the nourishment they can get so they can protect SL form all the evil minorities and proselytization.

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    With metta, perhaps our esteemed monks, if possible, should take up the time honoured practice of pindapatha at least 3-4 days a week.

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    I have never seen fat or over weight Buddhist priests in Thailand, Tibet or Myanmar. I have heard that Tibetan monks only eat two frugal meals a day, so as not to fall asleep while they meditate. In SL, I once saw a rather ample looking monk standing with his paatharay in Borella, in front of the Don & Sons pastry shop. One of the workers handed him a bag of pastries. Maybe that monk needed a change of diet from the usual boreing string hoppers, bread, Kiribati ect? Go figure. :-)

  • 0

    This monk in the photograph is a disgrace to Buddhism. He desecrates the religion and smears a bad impression on Buddhism. He was seen doing politics a few days back by marching to an UNP office and staged a shameless farcical comedy of errors in front of Sirasa media whore! Because of this type of monks I have given up Buddhism and would never give alms to these loiterers but would rather give something to someone in need! Buddhism now has to be cleaned up by chasing away these corrupt monks.

    • 0

      Janaka, I stopped offering Dhana to monks long time ago. Instead I feed the stray dogs on the roads regularly where I live. It gives me great satisfaction how these animals reciprocate greeting whenever they see you. Their gratitude is genuine, which the Human Species are bereft.

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        I belong to a buddhist family coming from down south of the country. It has been our family tradition to give alms to them monthly during my childhood days. But later this has changed just because of the manner that particular hamuduruwos behave in general. For the past two decades I feel that our buddhist monks have lost the respect within the nation. We have been giving alms to them routinely at that time. Now when we discuss, we d better give well organized rice packets to a home for aged /children together with some gift to each monk/child. Radio senders bring news about some monks that have openly been carrying out love affairs with girls of their choice, some doing business or jobs of all kind of gurukam and manthras instead of doing what is being expected from them. This could be the reason that present day youth of the country to loose the respect towards their family ones – even towards own mother.

        Below is a link how some monks get on with police or authorities.


      • 0

        Good idea. I think it is so good to be continuing. I think when your a family member pass away, the dogs will provide pansakoola.


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    It is said, just 40k of buddhist monks are in the ocuntry. This means just 1 in 500 of the country is a monk. So, why should we need of making plan for their food – why cant we continnue to the manner that had been earlier. There were days, almost every villagers were ready to bring some food as their heeldana or dawaldana (breakfast or lunch)to the monks in the closest temple. Peoples attitudes have got changed during the last 2 decades – and these monks have to do more towards spreading their darmaya ina good way to win the hearts of the buddhists. Or it should work programs via the ministry of buddhism/religion to rebuild a better buddhistic nation. If they could achieve that, that can then help youth that are becoming crminals today to turn to the better side of the life. Religious leaders of all levels should work together to save the youth from all kind of evils heard in the society today. Each time when visting lanka I have seen, the difference between our youth and the youth in Europe. Once upon a time, our youth were polite – caring and lovely ones, today for some reason, they just hang on with hand phones and not even listening to their mums. I have no doubt regardless of the locations ( urban or village level) qualities of your youth are becoming worst. This has already become to the metastasis states.

    • 0

      It’s the paradox of our times get used to it babe. Even the Chinese of today (30 years after WTO entry) say the meat does not taste good and it was better during Mao’s time while during that time a family of 8 were rationed 2 eggs a week.
      Why are disgust and morality always equated with fear? What YOU should be “afraid” of is the following: a fecal smear and its bacteria count.

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    “..Sri Lanka has announced plans to draw up new guidelines for donating food to the country’s Buddhist monks amid concerns about their weight and health…”

    Ha..ha..haaa! What rotten bullshit is this? This is yet another “laptop dansala” type carrot dangling to bait stupid Buddhists and Buddhist monks! MARA’s regime knows a wave of opposition and defiance to this despotism comes from Buddhist monks sooner or later and he is testing ways and means to keep the stupid monks happy by “cost free” ostrich-ass and donkey type maneuvers whereby MARA hopes the cost of the ulterior project would be borne by the people and the merit and credit would go to him!

    We all witnessed how corrupt, desecrated, degraded and blasphemy Buddhism has plunged to when the shameless sinner monk in the photograph committed a political laundry work for UNP conspirators and Sirasa media prostitute when the brat marched towards a UNP office along with a bunch of “yellow robed” robbers! They do not know even the meaning why they have been ordained nor what their duty is! Sir John Kothalawala was right when he said “these monks must be applied with tar on their stupid bald heads!”

    Can anyone imagine Buddhist monks contracting food related diseases when Buddha advocated middle path, moderation, renunciation of dinner and all other related temperate measures!? No way! Then why are they sick, over-weight, diabetic etc.? The reason is these free of charge and at will gormandizing brainless monks are devouring all the highly nutritious and delicious foods like “Sawudamjema” did! No wonder they are now sick and doing everything else done by laymen and not doing anything related to what Buddha prescribed! Sinhalese are an utterly stupid nation to maintain such useless, irresponsible and burdensome ortain!

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    Nutritios food and drink will increase their carnel desires, instead of attaining Nirvana they dance in nirvanam after consuming liquor and wine

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      This is only for adults Ayesha!C’m on go inside quick quick.

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    are these bikkus from africa. very very black.

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      Who Is Singalese? I dont believe one bit they are the tribes of Ceylon.

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    In the old days,monks were supposed to eat only once a day – at noon.
    This changed over time as villagers offered food in excess of the rquirements of all monks and samaneras in the village sanghavasas.
    Now most of them are overweight as can be seen by anyone – and they are prone to diseases of overnutrition – diabetes,cardivascular ailments,musculoskeletal problems etc.
    They need to discipline themselves.
    The Buddha laid down that monks carry out Pindapatha daily and consume what was offered by laity,once a day.This was happening earlier in the provincial towns.This made them healthy.
    They were respected by the laity.I have seen villagers fall down and worship monks on the wayside,in the fifties and sixties.No longer does this happen.
    In burma and thailand,Pindapatha was in vouge, monks could be seen with the Begging Bowls on highways.I think it happens even now.
    Now,some have adopted the ‘worldly life’.Worse is the plight of young novices ten years and over,’donated’ to the sangha by pious villagers -they too are compelled to renounce the ‘worldly life’, and accept poverty and celibacy in addition.

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      I bet they “rim” all of the boys

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    Today there are labeled Buddhists in this country, who are driven by the so called Buddhist Priests to collect merit in order to reach Nirvana. Thus the Buddhist Laity believes the act of offering Dhana to the Priests, is highly meritorious. The Priests in return after a hearty meal blesses all those who offered the dhana and all the dearly beloved who are dead and gone a lot of merit.( Anusansika Pin). The Laity believes that, richer the meal, better the merit. In addition most Buddhists believe offering flowers and alms to statues of Buddha and Bo Trees, also enables one to collect merit. In furtherance of this, there are different Gathas that are recited when the offerngs are made. Now, did Lord Buddha authored these Gathas? No, he never did, or said to perform such acts, nor he said anywhere, that from the merit one collects from such acts will help one to reach Nirvana. According to Lord Buddha’s Philosophy one could reach Nirvana by developping one’s Intuitive Mind through Meditation. That is how Lord Buddha reached enlightenment and adviced others to do so. Lord Buddha did not attain enlightenment by reading books and passing examinations. If tomorrow I decide to become a Priest I do not need anyone’s Upasampadawas to enter any order. All the Orders and Sects are created by Buddhist Priests who believe they are the sole custodians. It is not. Buddhism does not belong to anyone in particular, as it belongs to all. If I live a life of a priest, I renounce all worldly desires. Even this body does not belong to me hereafter. I have no further need or desire to eat anything special, no place of interest to travel, no interest to handle money or own anything. I need only a little food to keep my body and soul together, just to enable me to meditate, to develop my intuitive mind, the only way to reach Nirvana. That is all. The present practices of performing Religious rites by Priests for the dead and various other social commitments are creations of Priests for the survival of Sangha.

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      To tell you the truth – I as a born buddhist, respect buddhist rituals to some extent, but the sounds of Pansakula – above all the typical berahanda and nala sabdaya drives me mad. There I very much like and agree with the Christs and their manner of offering the last respects to the deceased – within a family gathering. Just to make a big issue keeping it for several days is a not fine as I feel. But there are ones also within a family would want to respect the conventional manner of the buddhists. My father once asked us to offer his deadbody to the medical faculty – hearing what the ragging medical students were doing with the dead bodies at Cmbo Med faculty, I thought I would ask anyone to offer their lovelyones dead bodies to those faculties. I basically did not like this even if the medical students respected the dead.

      • 0

        man, it’s not about ragging or anything like that. in fact sinhala guys have sex with corpses. remember the turd lankan army soldiers were having sex with dead tamil women fighters. remember they were seen ogling at the private parts of dead tamil girls.
        what a load of primitive savages they are.

    • 0

      It is just that many of the monks today belong to Pinguthtaranikaya than to any other scared nikayas.. Most of Sanga are not seen as I was used to see in them in my younger days (3 decades ago).

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