15 February, 2025


Sri Lanka Can’t Deny: Colombo Telegraph Revelation Turns Sri Lanka’s War Crime In To A New Chapter

By Colombo Telegraph –

The Colombo Telegraph revelation of Isapriya’s “tied and untied hands” visuals  contradicts Sri Lankan government’s claim that the broadcast Channel 4 video is fake and turns the request for “Sri Lanka’s war crime investigation” in to a new chapter.  Sri Lanka Can’t Deny ThisDisturbing Video Proves Sri Lanka Army Committed War Crimes”, Tim King wrote to  Salem-News.com. 

Below we produce Tim Kings report based on Colombo Telegraph revelation. 

I’ve written about Issapria before… she was a young reporter from Sri Lanka whose life and dignity were stripped away by government forces as they carried out a series of war crimes on the minority Tamil population.

The acts manifested particularly savagely in the Vanni during the bloody month of May 2009.

The Tamil minority of Sri Lanka waged a decades-long war for independence. This unfortunate young woman was born into her existence, she didn’t choose it. Her whole life was in front of her, when she was viciously sexually attacked and murdered. This is the only woman I ever came to know after she was already dead.

To this day, in spite of mounting evidence, the government of Sri Lanka denies that it conducted illegal war crimes against both resistance fighters and civilians in the north during the conclusion of the three-decade long civil war.

The administration of President Majinda Rajapakse refuses to acknowledge that its goal was to humiliate and eradicate these Hindu and Christian victims.

But Issapria, even in her death, is here to tell us a story that allows everyone to conclusively agree that allegations of sex abuse, murder and mass deception are part of this war and thus, a direct attribute of the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) and the Rajapakse government. Allowing Sri Lanka’s crimes against its own citizens to remain unpunished, is like issuing a license for mass murder.

It rubs salt in the wounds of all war crime victim families, and makes international law, frankly, into little more than a joke. Sri Lanka’s excuse for ethnic cleansing is that the fought terrorists, but it employed terrorism a thousand times more potent.

There are too many excuses. These are what this government offers when it is not directly accusing its critics of being blatant liars with personal agendas.

Excuses, reasons, explanations…

Also known as ‘Shoba’, Issapria was many things. She was a mother, a dancer, an actor and journalist with TamilNet, a media group we often carry. Issapria was a member of the armed resistance group LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) but she had health issues and she didn’t carry a rifle, she carried a microphone.

But even if she had been a full bore LTTE fighter, there are international laws that protect combatants after they are prisoners of war.

Sri Lanka did not follow these rules of war.

In the first photos of Issapria, she is dead, her clothes are stripped away from her body, her hands are tied behind her back and her pants are pulled down, her legs are spread. But in similar photos of her in this same place, she is alternately positioned.

Either way, dead women with their legs open and their clothing stripped away, who are bound, are generally rape victims.

She is photographed and videotaped initially it appears, where the murder likely occurred. These are the images that show her with her hands bound behind her back. They are backed up with video that Channel 4 used in ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ and it shows, very very clearly, that the girls who are recently killed, are actually covered up to some degree when the video begins, and then the clothes come off again to reveal their damaged, nude, dead bodies.

The defensive posturing of Sri Lankan nationalists is endless, as are the endless denials by a network of Sinhalese Buddhist supporters who refuse to accept evidence or even acknowledge the extremely obvious. Some, like Romesh Senewirante, claim to know all about the war, yet he was in Australia when it happened. Commenting on the new information and video, Sinewirante wrote:

Why are these videos in black and white – for dramatic effect?

A comment from another (there are many) person using the name Dissanayake in my last article about these images, suggests that these blatant photographs represent legal war conduct.

“It is an exaggeration to say that these video clips show any war crimes”, fails to hit its mark.”

In disagreement with my assessment, Dissanayake added:

It is very understandable to remove cloths of female fighters because they may be from suicide formations. It is dangerous to take all the dead bodies without through search. I can remember the cloths of the male LTTE fighter who was the pilot of the last suicide air attack near the Katunayake airport were removed for searching of similar items. It was done in front of the magistrate.

These are hard images to look at, but they tell more of a story now, than they did at first. A London attorney named Vasuki Muruhathas, who represents an unnamed Tamil war crime victim, recently acquired and released 32 new video clips of captured and dead LTTE fighters.

It is clip #28, at 2:56, that heavily indicts Sri Lanka in the death of Issapria.
This video shows her body in a row of dead fighters, presumably photographed for identification by the Sri Lankan Army.

Smoking Gun

Even in this video the photographer pauses and comments on her naked body. But the thing that sets it apart, is that the young woman is not bound in these shots. Her hands have been untied to make her appear as one more dead resistance fighter, but we know that shortly before this, she was laying in a pool of blood with her hands tied.

This is where the deception of Sri Lanka’s government clearly enters the picture. They really must have assumed their critics are dumb.

Several things become clear:

Issapria was captured alive or surrendered, or else she would not have been restrained. Nobody ties the hands of a dead person, so she was alive at first.

The positioning of her body; the nudity and seemingly depraved references to her naked form recorded on video, indicate a state of sexual interest and assault.

The fact that her hands are untied and that she is laid in a row of corpses, proves that the SLA tried to cause the viewer and consequently the world public, to believe that her death was a legal act of war when it could not possibly have been.

We have the proof and there is no need to ask about whether war crimes took place, indeed the only question left is ‘how many?’ This revelation brings hard reality to Sri Lanka.

Donald Gnanakone has been working with Vasuki Muruhathas to distribute this material into the public channels and it is working. His contributions to the Colombo Telegraph are both informative and revealing:

A new video shows the LTTE media TV announcer Issapriya’s naked body lies with the hundreds of dead bodies, but this time her hands are untied. The security forces officer speaking in Sinhala language to a female says, “here, here, Voice of Tiger announcer.” (Watch at 2.56mins in the below video) When her dead body was photographed the first time , her hands were tied behind her back and allegedly raped.  – www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/warning-disturbing-images-issapriyas-naked-body-with-tied-and-untied-hands/”> Exclusive – Warning Disturbing Images: Issapriya’s Naked Body With Tied And Untied Hands – Colombo Telegraph The video clearly demonstrates a pattern of woeful consistency of the Sri Lankan forces.  Most of the female armed and unarmed combatants, and civilians are always stripped naked  or their underwear and down to their knees and the bras are either missing or near their neck, exposing the breast of teenage girls or young women. Only a few men are stripped naked.

I did not know before, that Issapria would speak to us from the grave and point us to irrefutable evidence, good enough to prove this point in any court. The real tragedy is that her case is only one, and we are putting this together largely because she is highly identifiable. I look at the other new video clips, and compare them to the photos of slaughtered Tamil Tigers we are all supposed to believe were “killed during combat operations” with the SLA. At this point only Issapria is showing us proof positive evidence, but I suspect there is a great deal more and it too will show itself to us eventually. At one point the world will no longer be able to ignore this painful series of international crimes and the reign of Majinda will come to a crashing close.

It absolutely can not be avoided.

Note from Colombo Telegraph: Our story “Exclusive – Warning Disturbing Images: Issapriya’s Naked Body With Tied And Untied Hands” has nothing to do with our contributor Donald Gnanakone as the writer says. We have only linked Donal’s Colombo Telegraph article  “Sri Lanka’s War Crimes: US Should Not Dance Around UN And UNHRC” to our revelation text.

At 4:34 in this clip, we see the body of Issapria with her hands  bound behind her back.

Issapria’s body is shown at 2:56 with her hands untied. Earlier images show her likely where she was killed, with her hands tied behind her back.


Latest comments

  • 2

    Over to you Mr.David BlockHead. Let’s see you try to white wash the army now… :)

    • 0

      no, now it’s mark Webber !

    • 0

      You mean Mark Webber?

      • 0

        yes , you are right my friend , if you go through other blogs (GV , Trans current etc ( no more Tc )) you can find , this dubious/despicable character posing different names on different times (TT …)

        • 0

          As usual, Srilal, you have nothing to say on the article, but plenty to say about me. Why don’t you get a life? I don’t need to hide my identity like you. I only post under my own name.

          Anyone posting anything by Tim King really needs to question what they consider journalism. Have a look at the man’s blog. He has pictures of Indian soldiers with dead Kashmiri civilians, claiming it to be in SL. You guys are only harming your cause with such laughable reports. King’s never even been to SL.

          Nothing in this so called evidence is new. We’ve already seen these or similar pics of Issapriya and other dead Tigers. Nothing here shows any evidence of rape, just as with the earlier pics. Men and women are all naked. King just gives it new commentary. You can post a hundred stories about what was done to the Tigers and nothing will change. In the end they were Tigers and they were killed. No one cares.

          The blockheads are the people like the Dunce who think beating a dead horse will somehow bring it to life.

        • 0

          To this hoax of a character David Blacker, who claims to have morals enjoying the carnage of young unarmed Tamils being butchered by the Forces, stating that every one who had anything to do with the LTTE must die, asks me why I do not post my real name and photograph. Why, so that your ilk can silence another. Otherwise for what else?

          When I call him a LANSIA, he accuse me of racial epithet and my immoral character. What do you call a Burgher in Sinhalese, Is it not Lansi? Had I called you a karapoththa, then you have every reason to call me immoral, not otherwise David. But I have not called you that. I know you must be fuming with your killer instinct of having killed so many to your credit. You can deny the whole world but not your own conscience. Therefore let you perish with such thoughts.

        • 0

          Where have I said that every Tiger must die? Please don’t lie to cover up your immorality and lack of intelligence. The term for a Burgher in Sinhalese is Burgher. “Lansi” is a derogatory term, and you know that quite well. If you’re ignorant of this, why don’t you look at an official document and see what it is. Should Tamils be referred to as “Dhemalayas”, or Muslims as “Hambayas” in your prejudiced view? Justifying racism is the lowest of tactics, but quite unsurprising from an anonymous coward such as yourself :D

        • 0

          This post of David Blacker, is picked up from the thread under Issapriyas killing, ‘Every Tiger that was part of the command structure, the propaganda effort, the terror operations, and conscription deserved to die. They got what they deserved. For every bomb in a bus in the south, for every suicide bomber, for every lie told, for every child armed and sent to its death, they deserved to die.

          David Blacker – June 27, 2012
          4:01 am

          Ficticious David Blacker, here is your message that you posted under Issapriya’s brutal murder by the Forces, when I said she was not a combatant. Here in this thread you deny, that you never said that every Tiger must die.To quote you verbetim, ‘Where have I said that every Tiger must die? Please don’t lie to cover up your immorality and lack of intelligence.’ There you are, what a despicable liar and a hoax as well you are. Who is immoral and who is unintelligent??? I will leave it for the readers.

        • 0

          Ficticious David Blacker, just to educate you the word ‘Lansi’ came from the word ‘Landesi’. How it is derogatory to you, I do not know. Readers, here is a man offended for being called Lansi but praising the Forces when the Tamils are killed for them being offended is not a concern for this character. Did I hear someone say a ‘hypocrite’?

        • 0

          And the word “nigger” comes from the word “Negro”. But since you believe bigotry should be the norm, we can conduct our debate in that way. So from now on, I shall refer to you as Ponna Gamini. OK? Good.

          Now, let’s continue: “here is a man offended for being called Lansi but praising the Forces when the Tamils are killed”

          As I asked you before, where have i ever praised the killing of Tamils? I myself am half Tamil.

          “Here in this thread you deny, that you never said that every Tiger must die”

          That’s right, and this is the comment of mine that you quote: “Every Tiger that was part of the command structure, the propaganda effort, the terror operations, and conscription deserved to die. They got what they deserved. For every bomb in a bus in the south, for every suicide bomber, for every lie told, for every child armed and sent to its death, they deserved to die.”

          :D So where in that do I say that EVERY Tiger must die? I quite clearly specify which Tigers I believe deserved to die. So it is you that is the despicable liar, Ponna Gamini. Or are you simply illiterate?

        • 0

          Ficticious David Blacker, when you state, Every Tiger that was part of the command structure, the propaganda effort, the terror operations, and conscription deserved to die’, please can you specify who the Tigers who are left out. Unless the Tigers in the wild. In other words, Donald J Gnanakone and many others in this forum if killed you have no qualms? Whom are you trying to bluff, when you deny having said that all Tigers should die?

          David your comparison, to call a Negro a Nigger is wrong as that is slang. Negro is a Negroid, like Landesi is Lansi. Truely your level of intellect does not surprise me. If you want to call me Ponnaya go ahead by all means, as I am not dismayed nor hurt, because I know whether I am or not. If you want proof tell your wife to stand up and if it is to my liking she will confirm. On the contrary I have not categorised you in to which Lansi group you belong to. There is the karapothu kind, Sapaththu(Shoe) kind, Kalu kind and the pure Dutch Lansi kind. Since you mention that you are half Tamil, you will not fall in to the last category, the pure Dutch kind and for sure you are from the East falling in to the third category.

          David you are amazing that although you claim you are half Tamil, to betray your own kind being oppressed by the Portuguese Sinhalese. Possibly your Dutch connection to the Sinhalese with Portuguese names would have driven you away from the Tamils. Now I understand!

        • 0

          [Edited out] Gamini: “when you state, Every Tiger that was part of the command structure, the propaganda effort, the terror operations, and conscription deserved to die’, please can you specify who the Tigers who are left out.”

          I am not here to educate you on the history of the Tigers and what their activities were. It is up to you to educate yourself before entering a discussion. The bulk of the Tigers were not in the leadership, involved in terror operation, recruitment, or propaganda. It is unsurprising that you are ignorant of this too, given your ignorance of practically everything else you comment on.

          “David your comparison, to call a Negro a Nigger is wrong as that is slang. Negro is a Negroid, like Landesi is Lansi.”

          No it is not. Racist epithets do not cease to be racist simply because you can find a linguistic origin to the word. “Thambiya” is a racist term for a Muslim in SL, but it is derived from the Tamil word for younger brother. Does that make it less racist? If “nigger” is slang, how is “lansi” not slang? Yes, it is wrong to call a Negro a nigger, not because it is slang, but because it has racist overtones. “Nigger” is a bastardization of the word Negro, just as “lansi” is a bastardization of the word Landesi. Landesi means Dutch, not Burgher, and not all Burghers are Dutch. But I’m not surprised you opt for bastardized words. Must be a part of your heritage ;)

          “If you want to call me Ponnaya go ahead by all means, as I am not dismayed nor hurt,”

          Why would you be hurt or dismayed by the truth? :D

          “If you want proof tell your wife to stand up and if it is to my liking she will confirm.”

          I am not married, but I am sure you are used to your own wife standing up for all sorts of things, given your inabilities :D

          “On the contrary I have not categorised you in to which Lansi group you belong to. There is the karapothu kind, Sapaththu(Shoe) kind, Kalu kind and the pure Dutch Lansi kind. Since you mention that you are half Tamil, you will not fall in to the last category, the pure Dutch kind and for sure you are from the East falling in to the third category.”

          Firstly, there is no such thing as “pure Dutch”, because if that were the case, such would be classed as European, and not Burgher. As for your continued racial epithets against, Burghers, thank you. You have revealed your character perfectly well :D

          “David you are amazing that although you claim you are half Tamil, to betray your own kind being oppressed by the Portuguese Sinhalese. Possibly your Dutch connection to the Sinhalese with Portuguese names would have driven you away from the Tamils. Now I understand!”

          Unlike you, [Edited out] Gamini, I do not believe that right is connected to ethnicity, or that loyalty to one’s community must override loyalty to morality. Your racist comments only underline you as a communalist who cannot see beyond the colour of the penis being pushed into your mouth.

        • 0

          Here is a man calling himself David Blacker who was writing reams of paper as an Intellectual about awards made to some forces personnel,unable to extricate himself after categorically stating that every Tiger deserves to die, when questioned, denies that he never said so. When he is asked to name the Tigers under his reference as to the Tigers left out, whom he did not wish death, he says that he is not there to educate on the Tigers and what their activities were. What kind of dumb answer is that? David you can go on calling me names, the fact remains that you are exposed to the readership of your so called intelligence.

          You state, ‘Your racist comments only underline you as a communalist who cannot see beyond the colour of the penis being pushed into your mouth’. Bravo! Bravo! David for displaying your true self of your vulgarity. You say you are unmarried, no wonder you speak of your habits thinking others too indulge in your past times. As for me how can anyone accuse me of, as a Communalist, when I am a full blooded Sinhalese, but have compassion to all living beings whom I consider as equal. Hence I defend any being persecuted. What I believe is that I will never be subservient to another. Similarly I can not expect another to be subservient to me. Then how do I qualify as a Communalist? David try to grow up, son you have a long way to go.

        • 0

          “Here is a man calling himself David Blacker who was writing reams of paper as an Intellectual about awards made to some forces personnel,unable to extricate himself after categorically stating that every Tiger deserves to die, when questioned, denies that he never said so.”

          Here is a man called [Edited out]Gamini drawing attention to the fact that he cannot understand simple English :D

          “When he is asked to name the Tigers under his reference as to the Tigers left out, whom he did not wish death, he says that he is not there to educate on the Tigers and what their activities were. What kind of dumb answer is that?”

          It is dumb if you’re dumb and unable to comprehend the answer. Why reread my comment more slowly. ;)

          “David you can go on calling me names, the fact remains that you are exposed to the readership of your so called intelligence.”

          It is you that took the road of name-calling and racism, and I’m sure the readership can make up their own minds without your help.

          “Bravo! Bravo! David for displaying your true self of your vulgarity. You say you are unmarried, no wonder you speak of your habits thinking others too indulge in your past times.”

          Oh dear, can’t take what you try to dish out? Or is it that the truth has struck a nerve? :D

          “As for me how can anyone accuse me of, as a Communalist, when I am a full blooded Sinhalese, but have compassion to all living beings whom I consider as equal.”

          So your contention is that Sinhalese are not communalist? Do you consider “Dhemalayas”, “Thambiyas”, and “Lansiyas” your equal? I think you’ve already answered that question when you referred to shoe Burghers and karapoththas. And do tell us what a “full-blooded” Sinhalese is :D

          “Hence I defend any being persecuted.”

          Do you not believe racism and racist epithets to be a part of persecution?

          “Then how do I qualify as a Communalist?”

          Your racism qualifies you as a communalist. Perhaps you do not understand the meaning of the word :D

          “David try to grow up, son you have a long way to go.”

          Growing up is pointless if you grow up ignorant and stupid as you have.

        • 0

          David, when I clearly said that I am not communalist minded and I am a full blooded Sinhalese, I never spoke on behalf of the other Sinhalese for you to question me, ‘So your contention is that Sinhalese are not communalist? Either you do not understand simple English or you think you are smart. For your information some Sinhalese are Communalist the type you support and the present problem is due to that reason alone. No matter how slow you read, there is only one meaning that you convey in your comments, which you try to distort later by denying.

          Further you question whether I consider “Dhemalayas”, “Thambiyas”, and “Lansiyas” my equal? For your information whether one is a Sinhalaya, Dhemalaya, Thambiya or Lansia are all human beings and I consider all of them my equal. I have very clearly stated so in my last post and your inability to understand English is not my fault. Here is what I stated before, saying that I consider all as equal. ‘As for me how can anyone accuse me of, as a Communalist, when I am a full blooded Sinhalese, but have compassion to all living beings whom I consider as equal.’ Do you understand at least now? By the way, why have you refrained from quoting the filth you posted in your last post? Feeling shy now, is it? The filth that you used cannot be compared to the suggestion I made for confirmation, when you called me a ‘Ponnaya’. I have not used any filthy derogatory words on you, although you chose to do so displaying your upbrining and character. Anyway at least learn to post comments without being ‘Edited Out’. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

        • 0

          “David, when I clearly said that I am not communalist minded and I am a full blooded Sinhalese, I never spoke on behalf of the other Sinhalese for you to question me, ‘So your contention is that Sinhalese are not communalist?”

          Well, when you claim being a full-blooded Sinhalese as a reason for not being a communalist, you are saying that Sinhalese are not communalist. How else can it be a justification? :D I didn’t ask you to speak on behalf of other Sinhalese; I asked you to speak for yourself on whether you consider Sinhalese not to be communalist.

          “Either you do not understand simple English or you think you are smart.”

          I think it is clear from the above that you are neither smart nor cognizant of English, so shouldn’t you first remove the speck from your own eye?

          “For your information some Sinhalese are Communalist”

          So how then can your claim of being a “full-blooded” Sinhalese prevent you being communalist?

          “the type you support and the present problem is due to that reason alone.”

          Can you quote me ever having supported communalism or even the Sinhalese per se?

          “No matter how slow you read, there is only one meaning that you convey in your comments, which you try to distort later by denying.”

          It is indeed true that some people cannot comprehend something no matter how many times they read it. Therefore let me break it down into the little pieces that even your intellect can digest: Do you believe that every Tiger (or even the majority) were responsible for acts of terrorism, recruitment, propaganda, and/or were members of the command structure?

          “Further you question whether I consider “Dhemalayas”, “Thambiyas”, and “Lansiyas” my equal? For your information whether one is a Sinhalaya, Dhemalaya, Thambiya or Lansia are all human beings and I consider all of them my equal.”

          If that is so, why do you find it necessary to use these derogatory terms on them (terms you claim are not derogatory) instead of their actual designations?

          “I have very clearly stated so in my last post and your inability to understand English is not my fault.”

          As have I. Yet you question my statement, but cannot accept my questioning of yours.

          “Here is what I stated before, saying that I consider all as equal. ‘As for me how can anyone accuse me of, as a Communalist, when I am a full blooded Sinhalese, but have compassion to all living beings whom I consider as equal.’ Do you understand at least now?”

          Understand that your claim to not being a communalist is that you’re a “full-blooded” Sinhalese? Yes, I understood that, and that is what I am questioning you on.

          “By the way, why have you refrained from quoting the filth you posted in your last post? Feeling shy now, is it? The filth that you used cannot be compared to the suggestion I made for confirmation, when you called me a ‘Ponnaya’. I have not used any filthy derogatory words on you, although you chose to do so displaying your upbrining and character.”

          Why do you consider being a “ponnaya” filth, when you are happy to use derogatory terms such as “lansiya”? If you feel racism and communalism is acceptable, why do you feel homophobia to be unacceptable?

          “Anyway at least learn to post comments without being ‘Edited Out’. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!”

          When you learn to post without being racist and communalist (something that Colombo Telegraph seems to feel is OK :D ), I will reciprocate.

        • 0

          Also, I note you avoid explaining what a “full-blooded” Sinhalese is ;)

        • 0

          Ficticious David Blacker, the crux of the matter is that you very clearly have said that all LTTE should die including non combatants, although you have denied later. The above posts are evidence for any to read and judge. Besides you using filth is also there for the readers to see what type of character you are where again you are trying desperately to hide it. See you hoax.

        • 0

          “the crux of the matter is that you very clearly have said that all LTTE should die including non combatants, although you have denied later.

          But when I asked you to quote me saying so, you could not :D

          “The above posts are evidence for any to read and judge.”

          Any may certainly judge that the above posts contain no evidence of what you accuse me of.

          “Besides you using filth is also there for the readers to see what type of character you are where again you are trying desperately to hide it. See you hoax.”

          Racist filth like you deserve to be spoken to in the filth that you are used to. I have never denied it.

    • 0

      And the tourists will be flooding to Lanka after seeing these charming pictures of murder on the beach! There will be NO TOURISM BOOM until the Rajapakses are booted out!

      • 0

        Tourists don’t give a damn. As long as it’s safe, they will come. During the last winter season, you couldn’t get a hotel room anywhere down south without booking months in advance.

        • 0

          David you claim that you served in the Sri Lankan Forces? Which Regiment? Which year did you join and which year did you leave? You are not a Sinhalese or a Tamil. As a Burgher, judging from your name for you to white wash Army atrocities looks too good to be true.

        • 0

          And who are you that I must give out my personal details to?

        • 1

          YA, British and Russian tourist was gang raped and murdered.
          Whom are you kidding David?
          Check on the Hotel Occupancy rates published by the Hotel industry?
          Despite about 200,000 more tourist, the occupancy rates are stagnant.
          That is because there are more than 2 million Sri Lankans in the diaspora and their off springs of 1-3 generations visit SL, and all do not stay in the Hotels….
          There will be more from the diaspora visiting if they are not harassed,intimidated, threatened, white vanned, and even murdered as the case in Killinochchi and Trinco.
          Grease Devil phenomena is over now, after the army got caught. lol.
          How is the best stock market in the world doing these days, with the 25% devaluation of the rupee making it a 50% loss in dollar terms in the last 12 months. Rupee is 134 now! Wow.
          Call that the Asia’s miracle in the reverse!

        • 1

          @David -Read this what the Hilton Hotel is doing!!!
          In fairness to the Rajapakses, this is not only them creating the problem. It started with the UNP and continued with successive governments. It is a government owned Hotel with negative assets and 7 Billion rupee loss.

        • 0

          Lol, crime is committed everywhere. But SL is largely one of the safest places for tourists. An isolated incident or two won’t keep away the tourists. My point was that the tourists don’t care what happened during the war. As long as there’s no danger they will come.

          And not everyone stays at the Hilton. Numbers could be better, but given the numbers of rooms we have available outside Colombo, we’re at capacity during the season.

        • 0

          David you are a hoax including the photograph on display. I have very good connections to the Forces and I have made inquiry and none seem to know a David Blackler a lansia in the Forces. Why are you frightened to reveal your service record, had you served in the Forces? You are definitely a boot lickeer of Gota, hence your ire at those who reveal the truth, hiding undercover being a coward as usal. Good Bye!

        • 0

          I am not in the habit of answering personal questions put to me by anonymous idiots on the internet. First, why are you frightened to post your name and picture yourself? If you had indeed any good contacts in the Armed Forces, you wouldn’t be posting the ignorant nonsense that you have. As for your racist epithet, it only reveals the immoral nature of your character, which is unsurprising given the rubbish you post here.

        • 1


          Mate – Do not throw pearls at swines.

          You know what – I just gave up commenting on CT. There is no use of dealing with stupid Die-Ass-Poo-ra Peelamists who support blood sucking LTTE terrorists. For them, there is one and only way. That is their own way.

          Let us see how far these racists could go including Uncle Donald G. For his age, he should to collect some good merits as time is running out for him.

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    • 1

      In answer to your questions, yes, I certainly think so.
      The writer has captured it all in this sentence ‘Sri Lanka’s excuse for ethnic cleansing is that the fought terrorists, but it employed terrorism a thousand times more potent.’
      The difference (as obvious as it is) Wimal, is that one expects a certain moral code from armed forces representing a nation. With terrorists, one does not… they are rebels and terror is their speciality. Sadly, a terror much less forgivable was doled out without differentiation on all & sundry (in the north of course) by the forces.

      • 0

        No, you don’t get a free pass to commit atrocities just because you’re a terrorist :D Everyone is held to the same standard. Terrorists aren’t mentally retarded children who must be somehow given a handicap on human rights. There is no evidence of ethnic cleansing by the Armed Forces. King, as usual, is talking nonsense. The driving out of the Jaffna Muslims by the Tigers and the occupation of their property by the Tamils, plus the massacre of Muslims in the East, however, IS ethnic cleansing.

        • 1


          How are you?

          I missed your sledgehammer verbose.

          Please do visit us in these forums once in a while as we need to recharge our batteries.

          Thanks for revisiting us.

        • 1

          David, you said, ‘No, you don’t get a free pass to commit atrocities just because you’re a terrorist – Everyone is held to the same standard’ – you must be joking about your understanding of a ‘terrorist outfit’s’ sense of accountability!!! You simply cannot identify someone as a terrorist and expect them to be have any discipline but you certainly expect that of a national warrior.
          Refuting to see the scale of the obvious is a serious deficiency of thinking & vision. Being blinded is one thing. Choosing not to see is yet another.

        • 0

          Everyone is accountable if they are adults. The Tigers claimed (and their supporters still claim) that they are not terrorists, that it is an unfair label, and that they are the legit reps of the Tamil people. As such they are accountable. And the Tamil people who support them morally and monetarily must demand that accountability, as must the SL people of the GoSL.

          Regardless of what they are called, all fighters are accountable under the law. It is amusing to see supporters and apologists of the Tigers criticize the terrorist label when it suits them on one hand, and hide behind it when it suits them on the other hand. It is because we are neither blind nor blinkered that we recognize this ploy and dismiss it for what it is.

        • 2

          @David. State Terrorist do not have the right to torture, rape and kill. Many of those POW’s who were in the bus alive are missing for 3 years. There is corroborating evidence.
          The rump of State terrorist can keep defending the State Terrorist with lies and propaganda stuff and awarding medals to the cowards and murderers.
          But the real war criminals cannot be hiding for ever. The noose is tightening. Attacking the messenger does not help the case of the war criminals. The message is very clear, just because the State T have destroyed the evidence of the bones and the flesh.
          This evidence was unexpected and channel 4 videos are vindicated.
          The war criminals case is not argued in websites and blogs.
          It is already in the hands of the right authorities in the US.

          That is all I can say. You all belonging to the rump of the war criminals can keep denying killings of 40 or 100,000 civilians and POW’s, and white flag surrendees. The day of reckoning is not far away. Unfortunately, the country is and will have to pay in the future as well.

        • 0

          No one has the right to murder or torture, Donald. But the Tigers wrote the book on terror in many ways, and now the world doesn’t care that they got a bit of their own medicine. In the end, the US and most of the world doesn’t care that some POWs were executed. They believe they deserved it.

          And no one’s attacking the messenger here — it’s you that has been rude, obnoxious and insulting to everyone who’s questioned you, and made personal attacks on various individuals. But we are questioning your so-called evidence. No one denies that POWs were probably killed. It’s just that no one cares.

        • 1

          I do sincerely sympathize with your narrow mindedness David. Grouping everyone who does not share your opinion as ‘Tiger supporters’, is seriously lame. I am now convinced that your vision is severely impaired as no vein in me ever supported or supports or will support terrorism!

        • 0

          Good points, David, succinctly put. If I may expand on them a bit: The LTTE rump has been falsely arguing that the Government soldiers are legally held to higher standards than LTTE soldiers. It is patently obvious, from the video evidence available, that they did adhere to higher standards. MUCH higher standards. And much higher than the American military, with which Tim King was embedded (in Iraq and Afghanistan). Donald Gnanakone’s videos and photos do not provide the irrefutable evidence of war crimes, necrophilia and sexual perversion that he foolishly imagines is the case.

          The overseas wing and the propaganda wing of the LTTE/TGTE have gone into overdrive in their efforts to damage the reputation of Sri Lanka. Claiming bogus “human rights abuses” and “persecution” is used to argue for “asylum” claims of smuggled Tamil-speaking people (including, of course, LTTE sympathisers). They don’t tell these people that their fate at the hands of the Australian authorities is likely to be far worse than if they stayed in Sri Lanka. Here in Australia the government has a track record of locking up asylum seekers in detention camps for months or even years. People smuggling is a cruel business, especially if the destination is Australia.

          You are also right to point out that the LTTE engaged in “ethnic cleansing”, which is a euphemism for genocide. The LTTE has long been accusing the Sri Lankan government of genocide to disguise the fact that the organization was attempting a pre-meditated, calculated genocide of all non-Tamils in the parts of Sri Lanka that were claiming as “Tamil Eelam”.

        • 0

          Davina, I have never said that those who disagree with me are terrorists :D Nor have I suggested you are a terrorist supporter. But if you believe the cap fits, do try it on. I specifically said that Tiger supporters and apologists are citing a particular line of thought. This thought (well articulated by Romesh in the comment above) has a certain “truthiness” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truthiness) to it, and is therefore easily picked up and passed around.

      • 0

        Also one must underdstand that you cant fight terrorists and terrorism with the human rights convention in one hand.

      • 0

        How can you expect high moral standred from SL Army, It is a well known fact that Army recruited solders without any screening . In the same context LTTE Forcibly recruited child solders as well. So when they are fighting , It is a war of Animals. Not humans .

        To be fair by the Goverment i dont think Mahinda Rajapaksa odered to rape those women ???? Reality is that things are not perfectly in control of Mahinda Rajapakse.
        in the same context i dont think Prabakaran was in full control of the situation as well , some of the crimes by LTTE perhaps may not be exactly what he ordered.

        Normally in this sort of situation , one who is more ruthless wins the war. This time it was SL army but for the last 30 years it was LTTE.who won the game

        SO Who do you think should be punished ?

        • 2

          So who do I think should be punished you ask…
          For me, in my understanding of terminology, it is a given that the LTTE were terrorists and as terrorists they committed various atrocities including forced child recruitment. Surely, if Prabaharan was allowed to live, would he not have been made accountable by both the International and Sri Lankan ? In our hilarious democracy he may have been given a ministerial post so that question is questionable.
          On the other hand, for whatever reason – screened or not, the army soldier, naval officer or airforce lieutenant wore a uniform representing the island of Sri Lanka. None of them were children. They were ‘supposed’ to be defending the Sri Lankan people (ALL Sri Lankan civilians irrelevant of caste & race) from terror.
          If I was a civilian escaping the atrocities and violence, seeing a soldier would have automatically registered a feeling of safety in my mind.
          The fact that this position of respect was misused and disregarded is what was wrong.
          Training would have been given with regards to operating arms. Was training not given as to how civilians should be treated? If that was not given then, those up the ladder should be accountable for each and every incident that caused the current inquiries and questions that are being raised as real and tangible evidence continually emerges.
          If it was your son or daughter who was raped, dismembered or murdered, would you not want justice for them Wimal? It is bad enough that the GOSL numbers of dead and missing are outrageously low. Does that mean that the other thousands (who have been purposely disregarded and unaccounted for) whose blood avails in the grains of sand, ‘never existed’? Would you as a brother or sister be happy to accept that and move on? I doubt that Wimal.
          Its not about who you or I think should be blamed but who is actually to blame.

        • 0

          The screening process for recruitment of soldiers and officers to the Sri Lankan Military is a long process – and its not that easy to get picked to any of its Military Forces – i.e Army, Navy or Air Force. This is unlike in India where the pin hand written or cheaply printed posters on walls or trees in villages inducing the poor people with a “job” rather than a commitment to protect their nation. The Sri Lankan Military’s training is also extremely tedious and hard – but very effective. The calibre of soldiers is extremely high physically and mentally – so is their morale and enthusiasm. That’s the reason why the Sri Lankan military was able to defeat the world’s most ruthless and barbaric terrorist outfit – the Tamil Tigers – which was considered to be “invincible”! This was very obvious when the whole world witnessed how those terrorists were running for their lives and holding innocent innocent civilians as human shields and sending child soldiers to the forefront to face the military onslaught wile their senior cadres and the leadership were planning on escaping. All these rubbish stories about the Military are being hatched up as a part of the terrorists’ plot to spread false and malicious information to the rest of the gullible world through those infamous and nefarious crooked Western media which thrives on inciting and prolonging conflicts in the third world!

        • 1

          Appuhamy, for you information there were walk-in interviews for all Forces and all riff raff joined. This was due to the height of unemplotment prevalent in the country. The Forces were devoid of the cream, for many years and you can see the quality from the higher ups holding office today.

  • 0

    I wish to read only the comments of “Pudding basin” Prof.MP hon.Rajiva.
    He will definitely have an interesting connotation, now that he is to
    be taken off the National List in the next changes soon.

    • 0

      Why, what about the bootlicker in Paris who is summoned to Colombo from time to time and reprimanded. What is he going to say?

      • 0

        Lol. Pudding face, boot lickers, Sinhala racist-chauvinist-extremist editors have Katte pittu now, and Mollai (Brains) Boomi Thel. (Kerosene oil) as the Baila song goes.
        Here is what “Pudding Face” said to Al Jazeera in his bogus boru accent, being a Kallu Suddha, and in a crude, rude and arrogant way, reflecting the way he was brought up, or hallucinating that he is in a “Lionel Wendt” play.
        All can see the real face of “Pudding face” and decide whether it is “pretty” or Ugly. Of course people like Mangala like it. lol.


        Now Channel 4 videos are vindicated, and MOD with their $2.2 Billion dollar budget can get another propaganda video produced by announcer (Miss Ratnayake who also has a bogus accent), to counter these 32 videos we have, and the 24 photographs. There are more….and trust me it is more revealing than MOV0028, of the Youtube released in the USA by Salem News- Tim King, who Dr. Seniviratne has attacked. Folks, please be kind (or try),to be kind to the Seniviratnes, as they have a medical issue aka 134.

        I do not wish to discuss in public, but I have seen them do it in blogs.

        The MOV0028 has 28,000 viewers in just 3 days of it’s release in the USA.

        Here is “Pudding Face” for you and enjoy, until he speaks up again as he is busy eating his own words. He has his “Mouth full” and let him enjoy, whatever that is in his mouth. Pittu, Pudding or any thing else like Popsicle.


        • 0

          What a strange thing to write, Donald. Professor Rajiva Wijesinha has a pudding bowl haircut but you have no hair at all! Professor Wijesinha’s face looks nothing like a pudding (and I have seen some faces that do). Also, don’t you think that’s rather rude and arrogant, given your own performance on Al Jazeera and the boorish, racist commentary you have provided us with on Colombo Telegraph? Professor Wijesinha’s Oxford accent comes from his years living in Britain. It doesn’t sound, to me, like a “put on” accent at all. He is most certainly not a “Kalu Suddha” (Black Whitey). You are showing your deep racism, towards, it seems, all manner of people.

          As for your insistence that you speak “For Tamils” and your apparent belief that “what Tamils want” is what YOU want, this is rather suggestive of grandiosity and a rather inflated ego, don’t you think? I know, for a fact, that you do not speak for rational Tamils and never have. Remember, Donald, you can only speak for yourself. And so far, what you’ve said has not reflected well on you. At least Pillaiyan, Karuna and KP have, however late, publicly renounced using terrorism to achieve their goals. It would be nice to hear you do the same.

          And if you are that interested in my family tree, just do a genebase search on Romesh Senewiratne. You can find the information you are seeking about my grandfathers there. You’ll have to make a special effort and spell my name correctly.

    • 0

      I thought the Pudding basin ended up his pudding at Nanthikadal.

      • 0

        Rubert what happened to your Banderkoon name? A man who can not write his own name properly.

  • 0

    Chris Silva, husband of the owner of, Studio Times in Colombo has more photographs of these war crimes. He was on an special assignment from Gota the Goon with Shavindra Silva to document the great victory of the Sinhalas over the Damilas. He said that those dead naked women were filthy and smelt unlike our nice Sinhala women and he could not imagine our nice Sinhala soldiers wanting to touch them! Chris Silva is indeed a charming guy!

  • 0

    The Sri Lankan armed forces are not saints. We have heard of shameful behavior in Haiti, we know that some deserters roam our country raping and killing civilians, so why are we denying that some of these scum bags have resorted to terrible, unspeakable, acts towards civilians and perhaps some members of the LTTE?
    The Rajapaksa’s have painted themselves into a corner by denying the obvious. Video tapes and pictures can easily be disproved or proved. They claim to be the victors who won this war against the LTTE, therefore they have to own the disgusting behavior of the soldiers they sent to the North. The Rajapaksa’s, appear to the rest of the world, to be liars. This woman, who did not use a weapon, should have been given some dignity, and not treated like this. These horrible acts truly reflects badly on our government.

  • 0

    Some important information about Tim King who wrote this article about the videos and photos that have been publicly released by Donald Gnanakone follows. It was copied from the Salem-News website. Tim King is the boss of Salem-News, and has a background as a military “reporter” embedded with the U.S military in Afghanistan and Iraq. My question posted on his “SalemReporter” You Tube site (that has posted Donald Gnanakone’s videos of rows of corpses) asking why the videos are in low resolution and black and white (to ascertain if the images had been doctored) is included in the article above, along with defamatory allegations by King that I claim to know “all about the war in Sri Lanka” (though living in Australia) and am a member of a “network” of Sinhalese Buddhist “deniers” of what he and Donald Gnanakone are claiming is conclusive video and photographic evidence of rape, necrophilia, war crimes, and crimes against humanity by the Sri Lankan armed forces.

    I do not claim to know all about anything, least of all a war in a distant land. I do, though, know a considerable amount about the LTTE, due to my family background. I last visited Sri Lanka in 1981, though I lived in Kandy from 1968 to 1975, attending Trinity College and have travelled around the island with my parents and grandfather, Winslow Alagaratnam. I have deep love for Sri Lanka, and with mixed Singhalese and Tamil ancestry, have tried to understand the roots of the conflict by looking critically at my own extended family, Tamil and Singhalese.

    The background Tim King brings to the discussion is rather different:

    “Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as Salem-News.com’s Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines.
    Tim holds numerous awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), first place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Serving the community in very real terms, Salem-News.com is the nation’s only truly independent high traffic news Website. You can send Tim an email at this address: newsroom@salem-news.com

    I think I have good reason to wonder if this is an organised disinformation campaign, given the credentials of the writer and the source of these photos and videos. We have good reason to regard Tim King’s version of events with caution, if not cynicism.

    I have suggested that Donald Gnanakone share all his evidence of war crimes, and any other crimes he knows of, with the police in the USA, and cooperate fully with the Sri Lankan, Australian, Indian, Singaporean, Malaysian, British, Canadian, German, Norwegian, French, Swiss and New Zealand government investigations, such as they are. My own area of expertise is medicine, and I am interested to find out about more about the medical system in the LTTE-occupied areas. I think this knowledge will help avoid such catastrophes in the future. Does anyone know where the LTTE got their cyanide?

    • 0

      People like you think if you are a medical your opinion will be the filet of a beef, just to express in your australian way

      You are one of the corrupted commentators fighting against people who published these docs

      None of you fight for human rights, whether this violations caused by GoSL or LTTE

      This shows your quality as a medical doctor. Doesn´t matter what is written by this Mahawamsa believers.

      What do you do if a wounded LTTE cadre search for your help? Identify your ethical and moral corruption as a medical. We vare happy to have you on war front

      Is Donald your issue? Remove your white overall and wear a SL soldier uniform to do descration of corpses.

      You, enjoy all the facilities in west and support all kind of human right violations

      • 0

        I think the point we can take from this war is that very few truly care about human rights. From the GoSL to the LTTE to the various other governments from across the world who claim to care, to NGOs. All have a vested interest in war, as such they stand to lose more from peace and unity in Sri Lanka, than gain. The only people who have nothing to gain from the division and war in Sri Lanka are the innocent but blissfully ignorant masses actually living in the country. But they of course make little noise against all the corruption, after all, they are blissfully ignorant.

        The two words war and crime mean the same. War is a crime. To train people to kill, and to then ask of them to do that according to certain ‘rules’, while simultaneously carrying the risk of being killed, unless you kill first, is ridiculous. ‘War crimes’ is a cliche developed by warmongers to make wars seem civilised. Examples such as Abu Ghraib show that no matter how much resources you have at your disposal, you can’t train a human being to carry out inhumane acts humanely. You just can’t train a person to act like a devil, and be a saint.

        Wars create murderers. When one side wins, we put our trained murderers on a pedestal and call them heroes. Little do we take note of the potential metal and emotional turmoil they have been through, and the possible vulnerable or dangerous state of minds they may be in.

        Just imagine, as a youth, being thrown in the middle of a war, given a gun, and told to kill for your people, and to go on to spend weeks if not months and years on the battlefield never knowing when your last breath would be, killing for the sake of survival. What would you expect your state of mind to be after that?

        Lets cut the tosh about war crimes, and concentrate on the real crime, the war! Lets start with the various Sinhala Governments, move on to the various Tamil Communities, including the diaspora, then consider the various international governments that supported either, or both sides, and then look at the various NGOs that made little or no noise for 30 years, only ‘condemning’ the odd atrocity while claiming to be ‘neutral’ and providing ‘humanitarian assistance’ to all in need.

        Is it cynical of me to state that none of these people would have a job if the war wasn’t on?

        Investigating ‘war crimes’ is just another ploy of warmongers. It will at best put a temporary plaster over a massive gaping wound, or more likely, add more fuel to the existing fire!

        Instead, why don’t we try and put an end to the fire once and for all? Lets destroy the business that is war. Lets identify the true culprits and proprietors of this war, point the finger directly at them, and tell them we are no longer buying into their act….

        Of course in a society full of blissfully ignorant people, doing so will only lead to white vans suddenly showing up in your neighborhood and taking you away…

      • 0

        Vasu, despite living in Australia for 35 years I have never heard anyone call someone ‘a filet of a beef’ (or a fillet of beef). You have been misinformed about Australia and our society here.

        Vasu, I am not a “corrupted commentator fighting against people who published these docs.” I am concerned about publishing any graphic and gruesome photographs and videos of dead people on the Internet, especially when children and sensitive adults could be deeply upset and traumatised by them. This is my concern as a doctor and as a human being. If the people who are sharing these images with us think that they are “pornographic” or constitute war (or any other) crimes (as Donald Gnanakone has stated) it is a matter for the police and the courts. It should not lead to a trial by media of the Sri Lankan government and “MOD” as Donald Gnanakone calls the Ministry of Defence. Gnanakone’s Justice for Tamils organization is obsessed by bringing vexatious litigation against Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa because he holds, or held, US citizenship. I only came to know of Donald and Charles Gnanakone this year, when I have had the time and inclination to look at the LTTE overseas operations more closely. I find his comments in this forum to suggest he is rather racist; his turn of phrase I find to be thuggish.

        As for me being a “Mahawamsa Believer”, you are, again, wrong. I was brought up identifying myself as “belonging” to the “Church of Ceylon”, allied with the Anglican Church. I was confirmed as a member of the Church of Ceylon in 1974 in St Paul’s Cathedral, Kandy. I won the Christianity prize every year that I attended Trinity College. I have never read the Mahawamsa, my Singhalese isn’t good enough, and I don’t think the book is likely to translate accurately into English. I do, however, have considerable respect for Buddhism – more so than I do for Christianity these days. Needless to say, I am not a “Bible Believer” either. I most certainly do not believe LTTE disinformation, and the version of Sri Lankan “history” being spread by the LTTE rump and its supporters. This view of history paints the “Tamils” as being subjected to “genocide” by a Sinhala-Buddhist “majoritarian” genocide. This claim is false.

        Having lived in Australia, for many years, I have come to know (mainly because I spent a lot of time and effort researching the subject) quite a bit about genocide – the genocide of our indigenous people, and genocide in Africa, South America and South East Asia. I have been researching, in particular, the use of medical knowledge to kill people, which is one reason I no longer work as a “clinician” in the medical establishment of Australia. In brief, all it takes to kill a person on purpose is to deliberately give them bad medical advice. Very few doctors do this, for obvious reasons. I have grounds to believe, though, that certain “doctors” associated with terrorist organizations, including the LTTE, have learned how to kill and maim people in this way. My findings on how medical and biological knowledge are being used to kill people maim them and make them ill can be found on my You Tube and Scribd sites.

        If you want to read more about my research into medical killing and genocide, please visit my Scribd and You Tube sites, Vasu. You will find that, contrary to your peculiar prejudices, I do not wear a white coat, nor do I deny my medical knowledge to anyone, especially if they are LTTE cadres. The LTTE cadres were also victims – they were the “cannon-fodder” and slaves of the Cult of Prabhakaran and of the LTTE’s overseas backers. Wake up, Vasu.

        • 0

          Oh so you are a Christian, Lanka is a Sinhala-Biddhist state, no other religion or language have a place, Sinhala-Muslims thought the other way and they paid the price, it will only be matter of days before sinhala-christians realise it.

    • 0

      Romesh -You should have been part of the Silva Commission. If you read the Silva commission you might have found the answer to your question of the supplies of Cyanide. But you should not go anywhere near “such poisons like cyandide”

      I also know the answer. The guy who supplied it, is feeding the Sharks in Gota’s Shark Tanks. That is his new job description. Well, he want’s to make sure that he is not fed to the sharks himself, and MOD would announce that he has been whitevanned, or tried to escape and the security had to use deadly force. They gave him his last rights as per Hindu Custom, and cremated him at midnight in Kanatte.

      The same treatment given to one guy called Rohana Wijeweera.

      But KP is much smarter and makes sure that he is alive and well in the Rajagedera, while the former army commander languished in the Hira Gedera for 27 months. KP is still living in luxury, and no fear of his security.. Responses to your childish comments when time permits.

      Focus on the message and not the messenger. And stop barking or pissing on the wrong tree, and picking hairs. When you become an independent international investigator, and in the right forum all evidence, including witnesses would be shared.

      Channel 4 had their own business to take care, and had difficulties with the witnesses and hard evidence. We have no such difficulties. GOSL has been shot with their own shit, literally. The people who took the video footage are real “heroes”. We all can decide whether they are real war heroes, murderers, rapist, or peace heroes. Some were not rapist because they were female soldiers. lol.

      Tamils only want the Truth, accountability and Justice.
      The War criminals need not even have to go to jail like Fonseka did. But they cannot be permitted to continue state terrorism, and now the victims are Muslims and Sinhalese too,,.

      Vasu is correct. Read his response.

      • 0

        Donald, I would have been proud to have been a member of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) if this is what you are demeaningly calling the “Silva Commission”. I have read the LLRC report carefully over three days and was surprised by its rigour, honesty, impartiality and visionary suggestions about reconciliation between Singhalese and Tamil speaking people. I was especially delighted by the focus on promoting multilingualism as a long-term healing strategy for a nation united by people who are proud to be Sri Lankan.

        I was surprised by how good the LLRC report was because of what I had been told about the Government of Sri Lanka by my parents. Though I don’t believe everything my parents say (by any means) my view of the Sri Lankan government had been, I’m afraid to say, prejudiced by indoctrination, since I was a child, into a “Tamil Diaspora” view of Sri Lanka and its political and military leadership. I was more heavily subjected to this brainwashing because my father, Brian Senewiratne, had been loudly campaigning for “Tamil Eelam” since the 1983 riots (which occurred after we migrated to Australia). My father’s copious writings have consistently attacked the government and military of Sri Lanka, in line with the most radical of the LTTE propaganda. Though I have consciously dismissed many of the more obviously false allegations as biased, “some of the mud stuck” as the saying goes. So reading the LLRC report surprised me and delighted me.

        I noted within the LLRC report concern that its recommendations will not be followed through for lack of political will to do so. I share this concern, but I am encouraged by the work of Professor Rajiva Wijesighe and others who are currently publishing, nationally and internationally, recommendations for human rights improvements. Donald, Professor Wijesighe does have what used to be called a “pudding bowl haircut” or possibly a toupe. That is his choice. Calling him “puddingface” and posting links to an Al Jazeera clip of the genteel and erudite professor being subjected to rude, aggressive questioning by a young Al Jazeera reporter is, I may use your term, childish. Your own performance on Al Jazeera was not as intelligent or articulate as Professor Wijesinha’s, under considerably less hostile questioning.

        Your answer about the source of the cyanide used by the LTTE is not clear. I have no idea what you been by “Gotas Shark Tanks”. Are you saying that it was Selvarasa “Kumaran” Pathmanathan (KP)? KP and who else? Was it imported or locally made? If imported, what country was it imported from? What companies were involved? Where were the test tubes into which the cyanide powder was put obtained, and who shipped them to the Vanni? Was your brother Charles involved? Also, Donald, can you make some inquiries into whether the Australian-based explosives and cyanide manufacturers ORICA and their parent company ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) were involved in selling explosives, detonators and/or cyanide to the LTTE?

        Your answer, that you know where the cyanide came from, raises so many more questions!

        • 0

          Sorry, I miss-spelt Professor Wijesinha’s name. Twice.

        • 0

          Ah! You got the message about the Silva report. Good.
          You damn remained silent when Sinhala racist-chauvinist-extremist derogatorily, if I may use your own words, labeled the UN expert report Darusman Report. When those idiots stop referring to the UN report as Darusman report and the so called professor of English at Sabragamuwa University Rajiva W, as well, then the report can be LLRC report.
          But this is another joke and a stupid one to call it LLRC to cover the period of 10 years, or something like that.

          Further more there cannot be any reconciliation without accountability, Truth and Justice, and much more. Yes Jews reconciled with the Nazi Germany…. But there was Justice for the Jews and they had a country. Tamils are still getting State Terrorism, and the US, UN and the IC are moving very slowly, with some toothless and watered down UNHRC resolution to implement the silly Silva aka LLRC report, which is unsatisfactory to the Tamils, without accountability and much more.

          Your question about cyanide the shark feeder KP has been debriefed. So the Rajapakses have the answers. No, my brother was not involved in the shipment, but may be your father, or your aunt Sunethra’s Tamil boyfriend. Silva report should have covered that or Pudding Basin might enlighten us better, as he too met the shark feeder, as well the other so called Professor from Singapore, the expert on State and other terrorism/consultant to the MOD, Rohan Gunaratne.

          The countries which supplied by small ship loads, was the same countries which supplied the MOD with millions of illegal land mines, (LTTE made most of their own, and there is a report with “Geneva Call, Katherine Kramer and UNDP on land mines). These countries also supplied cluster bombs, Phosphorous bombs and chemical weapons which was used, and there is photographic evidence of the victims. About, 300 of them in one day. The US embassy and the state dept. has the evidence, from March 2009, and so does the office in Holland.

          Yes, the countries I know of, Australia is not one of them. So do not go on a wild goose chase. MOD knows the answers, as I said before, and HC Thisara Samarasinghe as head of the Navy would know.

          Even Minister and UK felon Karuna, Chief Minister Pillaiyan should know. Fellow Australian Adele Balasingam might know. I am not giving the moronic answer like the former AG, Mohan Peries, recently in courts. “Only God would know”.
          So if you are still talking to your father, or have ever spoken to your aunties Sunethera or Chandrika, they should have known. After all one of them was President for 11 long and miserable years.

          Since you have asked me so many questions, I have one for you. How was your father Phillip Senewiratne first, second or third cousin to S W R D? His father was Sir Solomon Dias B, and I forget his wife’s name. (I am not that old to remember anything). Were they two brother’s/sister’s children etc.

        • 0

          Donald, you state ‘Tamils only want the Truth, accountability and Justice’. What a heart warming statement…

          That said, can you please clarify as to who you refer to as Tamils? Because I get the feeling that you are generalising for your convenience. ‘Tamils’ represent a large range of people, and I know many Tamils who already know the truth (afterall, it isn’t rocket science!). They also know that accountability and justice is unlikely to ever really happen, because those accountable are to this day still in power, and continuing to claim to be the voice that represents them (Tamils), while using the word ‘Tamil’ as a tool for personal gain.

          May I ask where you were when the LTTE were abducting innocent Tamil children? Where were ‘your’ Tamils when the LTTE was silencing ‘moderate’ Tamil voices? Where were you and your demands for truth, accountability and justice when the LTTE was still functioning? Where were the international mass protests against the LTTE when they were abducting and killing so many innocent Tamils?

          The truth is, people like you, and ‘your Tamils’ are just as accountable for the dire state not only many Tamils, but also many Sinhala, Muslim, and Christian people find themselves in Sri Lanka today. So please have some respect for the intellect of some of the people who write here, when you try to pretend to be God’s gift to humanity. Your bias, and hidden agenda, are more than clear to see for those who read with a clear and unbiased mind.

          That said, Dr. Romesh, you come across as a very genuine person, so I make this statement not in any offensive or patronising way (so apologies if I come across that way). But the sad truth is, the Sinhala side is just as much at fault for the current state of affairs in our country as the LTTE. There is so much ignorance among our people, carefully nurtured by our opportunistic religious and political leaderships. The LLRC was okay, but it wasn’t anything special. It was compiled by personal acquaintances of the Royal Family, and while there are some brave statements in it (notable by the fact the Government is reluctant to implement it fully), it too had ‘biases’ as obvious as that we can see in Donald’s writing.

          Opposing the LTTE, or the shameless behavior of the Tamil diaspora, doesn’t mean we have to defend the GoSL. Doing so only risks making ourselves just as weak as Donald. Our concern and compassion should be for the innocent people in Sri Lanka, who have for a long time now been used as insignificant pawns, in a dirty game between powerful elites. Much like opposing Bin Laden does not require siding with George Bush, opposing the LTTE doesn’t mean we have to side with the corruption that the numerous Sri Lankan governments have represented since independence in 1948.

          True reconciliation in Sri Lanka will only be possible if all Sri Lankans open up to their own faults, and take time to see their own little role in what has caused the division we see in our country. A wise man once said ‘take the plank out of your own eye before you take the sawdust out of your brothers eye’. What we need is for all in Sri Lanka to do that. If we all take time to correct our own mistakes, then peace and reconciliation will come naturally, without requirements for pretentious international investigations and commissions.

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        Your comment ‘Tamils only want the Truth, accountability and Justice’ says it all Donald. With respect, please note that we must try and stay within the parameters of this statement as responding to uncomplimentary and misguided views ONLY fuels misunderstanding against the Tamil cause which itself is purposely misinterpreted, and the ‘Sri Lankan’ Tamils who until equality is achieved (if that is ever possible) will risk facing prejudice because of it. You know as well as I do that there is no need for more blood to be spilt in vain.

        • 0

          Davina, what is equality? Are you claiming that ‘Sri Lankan’ Tamils have lesser rights in the country than all others? There are many Sinhala, Muslim and Christian citizens in the country who are also treated ‘unequally’. What Sri Lanka needs is equality, and equality makes no sense unless you apply it to all. When you claim ‘Sri lankan’ Tamils, you are not only dividing Sri Lankans, but also Tamils, as we have Hill Country and Indian Tamils in Sri Lanka. What about ‘equality’ for them? Equality needs to apply to all. So to achieve equality we need unity. What you are encouraging is division in the name of equality. That is just another political cliche used to keep a few in power while the masses remain ignorant and vulnerable.

        • 0

          I was certainly not claiming that ‘Sri Lankan’ Tamils have lesser rights than ‘all’ the others. By highlighting ‘Sri Lankan’, I simply meant (to Donald) that those Tamils (Indian, Timbuktoonian, everyone) residing in Sri Lanka are generally left to face the music as its easy to make statements (that are outside of the parameters of his statement ‘Tamils only want the Truth, accountability and Justice’, which can be uncomplimentary and misconstrued etc.). Simply food for thought as many get quite personal and carried away with their opinions and comments. But in response to you Navin, I completely agree that equality should be for ALL, that is what democracy is about. However, having lived through various incidents including 1983, when I was a child hiding with my grand parents in their home as goons broke in with every intention of killing us, I do know that the Tamils have been exposed to a longer and harder extent of harassment. Yes, Unity can help to achieve many things but it needs to be planted, watered and encouraged to grow. No ruling party has cared to consider this and its fairly obvious that long term healing is not on the agenda. So where do we start?

        • 0

          Sorry Navin, just read another article referring to a statement made to the media by Power and Energy minister Champika Ranawaka, who had threatened (in reference to Sambanthan’s recent speech), ‘One Mullivaikkal is enough. Don’t try to get 100 more’, and ‘if Sambanthan is calling us to a fight, our nation will proudly accept the challenge’. Apart from the fact that it was completely unnecessary and our parliament is a den of thugs and idiots (spare a handful), please tell me if it does not seem obvious that there is a personal vendetta at high levels (and I mean politics) against the Tamil populace that is far more poisonous than one against any other minority?

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      Romesh you are treding areas where Angels fear. As I told you before elsewhere, you are the last person to express an opinion, as you are least qualified, merely because you come from a mixed marriage, you have no clue as to the history of the event. You seem to have prejudices regards your father and you are using this forum to get at him subverting history of which you have no reasonable knowledge at all. You are entited to be ignorant on the matter but why display it to the whole world.

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        Gamini, your statement ‘you come from a mixed marriage, you have no clue as to the history of the event’ – I can’t see how those two comments go together, or how they are relevant. It sounds a lot like the propaganda used by the GoSL to write off those who oppose them. Romesh seems to have managed to breakaway from strong family influences. That is a great achievement on its own, as it is extremely difficult to challenge the beliefs and opinions of your family, in particular your parents. Romesh does show signs of going from one extreme to another, but we should commend Romesh for looking at the ‘other side’ of the argument. Instead of vilifying him, we should embrace his attitude, but also help him try and reach the middle ground, which most people here show little interest in. It is either one side of the extreme, or the other with us all isn’t it? Extremes will never bring peace. We all need to come to the middle, and Romesh seems to be the only one at least showing movement here. The rest of us are stuck on our chosen sides… So why don’t we all just stop defending our sides of the arguments given to us by our families, backgrounds, politicians etc, and start to look at the other side, like Romesh has done?

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          Navin the issue here is not about a middle path like in Buddhism, created not by Lord Buddha but by his folowers. I believe the sensible are willing to accomodate without hate, little mattering whether one is Tamil or Sinhalese. My issue with Romesh is that he is trying to justify Rajapaksas misdeeds where all see the reality is otherwise. Romesh seems to have some complex disorders where he rants about his relationships and trying to curry favour with a group cheering him.

        • 0

          Navin to quote you, ‘I can’t see how those two comments go together, or how they are relevant. It sounds a lot like the propaganda used by the GoSL to write off those who oppose them. Romesh seems to have managed to breakaway from strong family influences’.

          What I tried to explain was that just because Romesh’s father is Sinhalese and mother Tamil and your claim that he has freed from strong family influences has no bearing to understand the conflict. The history of the conflict is very clear for those who are sensible and it is an ‘issue’ only for those who are muddled in their thinking. The actions reported, speak louder than the words.

          Further you explain Romesh’s position very clearly, when you state,Romesh does show signs of going from one extreme to another’, Navin, do I have to say anything more? Chapter closed!

      • 0

        “Gamini” as you choose to call yourself, for whatever reason, I have just read your excuses for not revealing to us your real name, who you are, where you get your information from, and who pays your wages. David Blacker is not afraid to say, extremely clearly, who he is, and what he thinks. You, on the the other hand, appear to be a coward who spreads gossip and slander, makes crude racist statements (without even realising they are crude, racist statements) and has a habit of (or is paid to) write what are broken English insults to people who are far more intelligent, sensible, rational, clear-minded and courageous than yourself. I’m talking here about David Blacker, who strikes me as the most clear-minded commentator or contributor in the Colombo Telegraph. No wonder he is not afraid to show what he looks like, and say, clearly and succinctly, what he thinks. If he is an example of what the Sri Lankan armed forces produces, the people and government of Sri Lanka should be proud.

        Neither does Donald Gnanakone hide his identity, and we have all heard him slandering and demonising anyone who tells the awful truth about what the Tamil Tigers did to the people of Sri Lanka.

        I’m sick of hearing about the “oppression” of “Ceylon Tamils” who couldn’t cope with the newly independent government of Ceylon to want everyone to learn Singhalese, and didn’t care too much whether people learned Tamil. That’s not “cultural genocide”. What the Australian Aboriginal people and the Wanniyala-Aeto people (Veddas) were subjected to WAS cultural genocide…real genocide. The intent of the Tamil Tigers to create a separate state for ONLY Tamil-speakers by driving out Singhalese and Muslims WAS genocide.

        As for whatever event you think I have no clue about the history of, feel free to elaborate and demonstrate to the world your own formidable grasp of history.

        Regarding the “prejudices” you think I hold against my father…when you tell us who on earth you are, we might be prepared to converse with you on an equal level in this forum. Right now, you are just behaving like a racist LTTE thug. You aren’t one, by any chance are you?

        As for “subverting history”, as far as I’m concerned, history cannot be subverted, only established views about history can be subverted. Your view of history, in other words. The truth hurts, does it? Or does it just make you angry? Or are you afraid that your past, your history, is catching up with you? Anonymity is sought the most jealously by people who are hiding the truth, not those who are proudly proclaiming it.

        Listen to David Blacker, Gamini. You might learn something.

        • 0

          Romesh, I can not reveal my self for the obvious reason of your Political idols in power who will not hesitate to silence dissent as done to Lasantha Wickrematunge and a few thousands of others. You say I am a coward and questions as to who pays my wages. Mate, I am not in employment nor do I depend on anyone’s payment for my sustenance, unlike you.To quote you, you say, ‘David Blacker is not afraid to say, extremely clearly, who he is, and what he thinks’. For your information David Blacker is a ficticious character and the substance he writes and later denies is all too clear. So if you want, I too can post a photo of someone, even a dead person and a name, so you would be happy? Romesh why don’t you grow up? What matters is the substance expressed and not the messenger. You are only making a joke of yourself here in this forum, cheered by the MR sychophants, that is all.

        • 0

          Lol, [Edited out] Gamini, the GoSL doesn’t have time to waste on gasbags like you. And you really compare yourself to Lasantha? He didn’t hide behind fake names and write nonsense. The only reason morons like you hide their identity is because your friends, relatives, and colleagues would treat you like the scum you are if they knew what you were saying.

          It matters little to me whether you believe I’m real or not. All my writing is in the public domain, under my real name. If you think I’m fictitious, Ponna Gamini, you’re a bigger idiot and ignoramus than your writing proves you to be. Ha ha ha.

        • 0

          Ficticious Blacker, where have I compared myself to Lasantha Wickrematunge? Unless his ghost is haunting you. Lasantha was too generous and innocent. That day when two of the motor cyclists stopped in front of his vehicle after trailing him from morning, he should have pressed his accelerator to the board to run over both of them. Had he done that Lasantha would have been killed anyway but at least some of the assasins too would have been taken by him and the identities would have got revealed. It was very unfortunate he did not do that. You say,’Lasantha did not hide behind fake names and did not write nonsense. Yes true he paid with his life for writing sense which was unpalatable to your masters.

          You believe I do not reveal my identity because my friends and relatives will treat me as scum, if I did. Not a bad try to get me to post under my real name. When you said Ha! Ha! Ha! in the end, from which end did you do that? Because the whole place is stinking.

        • 0

          [Edited out]Gamini: “where have I compared myself to Lasantha Wickrematunge?”

          This is what you said, [Edited out] Gamini: “I can not reveal my self for the obvious reason of your Political idols in power who will not hesitate to silence dissent as done to Lasantha Wickrematunge and a few thousands of others.”

          So why should they silence dissent as done to Lasantha if that dissent is not similar to Lasantha’s? So, [Edited out] Gamini, don’t tarnish the name of the dead by attempting to hide your scum-like self behind it. Stand up for yourself, if you’re a man, and not a [Edited out].

          “Unless his ghost is haunting you. Lasantha was too generous and innocent. That day when two of the motor cyclists stopped in front of his vehicle after trailing him from morning, he should have pressed his accelerator to the board to run over both of them. Had he done that Lasantha would have been killed anyway but at least some of the assasins too would have been taken by him and the identities would have got revealed. It was very unfortunate he did not do that.”

          You seem very free with advice when it is too late. I wonder what you would have done in his place. given the foolishness you’ve displayed here, I doubt it would have been anything sensible :D

          “You say,’Lasantha did not hide behind fake names and did not write nonsense. Yes true he paid with his life for writing sense which was unpalatable to your masters.”

          Unlike the idiocy you write. I agree.

          “You believe I do not reveal my identity because my friends and relatives will treat me as scum, if I did. Not a bad try to get me to post under my real name.”

          Where have I shown the slightest interest in your real name? Unlike you, [Edited out] Gamini, I am only interested in the message, not the messenger.

          “When you said Ha! Ha! Ha! in the end, from which end did you do that? Because the whole place is stinking.”

          Oh, I’m sure you’re quite familiar with that end, eh, [Edited out] Gamini? ;)

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    Great photos to deter all the terrorists in the world. Remember you may fight USA, British , Australian Armies or army of a small country like Srilanka or India. Ultimately terrorism cannot win. The death if this vile killer Isipriya proves the point. She should rot in hell like all other killers who assassinated out Tamil leaders . War crime or not we dont give a toss if an Army or civilians take law in to their hands to avenge the death opf their love ones at the hand of Prabakaran. This was not a deliberate act by Government by an act by a few rogue soldiers . Same thing happened again and again in Afghanistan and Iraq. Thats the war

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
      In short:
      • If you act with maturity and consideration for other users, you should have no problems.
      • Don’t be unpleasant. Demonstrate and share the intelligence, wisdom and humour we know you possess.
      • Take some responsibility for the quality of the conversations in which you’re participating. Help make this an intelligent place for discussion and it will be.

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        Also [Edited out]Gamini,
        Don’t U Know How to Spell Such a Simple Word Like “Fictitious” in English ???

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      Oh “sivanasan” or sivanesan??HAHAHA…Anyways if Isipriya who did not combat Army had to rot in hell for LTTE killing Tamil Leaders, what about KP,Pilliyan,Karuna,Daya Master, etc who planned and executed it??oh your double standards,double standards…sigh..

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    Yum yum, the same old punnakku is recycled once again, but this time with the added salt lick of a “smoking gun”: someone untied the corpse of a terrorist prior to disposal, clearly a devilish act by the genocidal SLA to hide the fact that they’ve been naughty from “the viewer and the world public”. Enough to convince a Sinhala modaya, surely!

    A we Thamizh on the other hand, blessed as we Tamizh are with godlike IQ, might question who this “audience” is. The SLA didn’t make and release any of this to try and convince any audience of anything; as far as they were concerned the only audience privy to this would have been..themselves. Maybe they were trying to fool themselves. You can’t put anything past these Sinhala modayas.

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      Ponniah Mahalingam

      Silly old boy whom are you trying to impress with your unfunny lines and teenage boorish behaviour, your girl friend, wife, partner, mistress, gay/lesbian lover, or your own ego?

      Why do Tamils and Sinhalese always sit on their brain just like you? Anatomically your brain should be sitting in your skull.

      The perpetrators are as much of victims of the war as the actual victims. A serious issue requires serious discussion.

      The armed forces may be saints, but the 40 years of evidence suggest otherwise. These alleged perpetrators are the sons, fathers, brothers, husbands, uncles of Southern people, they do come back home. Do you want the sadists to share home and life with their women folks. When they come they are going to hound you. They need support and care not your ridiculous comments. The ruling clan can ignore this at the country’s peril. Recent media reports indicate a pattern of behaviour among the soldiers.

      I suspect you too suffer from POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD) from constantly looking at the those photos of victims.

      • 0

        Oh look it’s ‘Native Vedda’, babbling like a senile old drunkard on pension day, and as usual contributing nothing beyond trite personal attacks. Yawn, what a bore.

        • 0

          Ponniah Mahalingam

          Thank you very much for your review of my comments and valuable contribution towards growth of ignorance and stupidity.

          Intellectual growth should have started at birth. Arrested development prevents you from looking beyond your nose.

          Sorry silly old boy I regret to tell you I am not in a position to help you where your parents and teachers have already failed. You need bit of wisdom to know that you are afflicted with arrested development a common mental condition among the Tamils and Sinhalese.

          Nature or nurture in your case both have condemned you to rot in intellectual vacuum which should not prevent you from contributing to the growth of stupidity.

        • 0

          Snore. Wake me up when you’re through with the banalities.

  • 0

    To all Mahawamsa readers!

    There are conventions which differs from your inbreeding philosophy

    Take some time to read this to understand the UN, War Crimes and Humanity


    We need IC independant from Patali etc., and Wimal WWamsa and all these hyanas

  • 0

    Very sad .If this is not war crimes please can someone tell me the definition of war crimes????????.

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    Hey Donald J Gnanakone all those dead people deserve that type of death when they were alive they killed thousands of inocent people, now you are asking about amnesty for those terorists, hey you are trying to prove isipriyas are legs are open thefore SL army raped her, is there are anyone can prove all the rape victims are died with open legs, if not sure Gnanakone ask [Edited out]

    Part of this comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
    In short:
    • If you act with maturity and consideration for other users, you should have no problems.
    • Don’t be unpleasant. Demonstrate and share the intelligence, wisdom and humour we know you possess.
    • Take some responsibility for the quality of the conversations in which you’re participating. Help make this an intelligent place for discussion and it will be.

  • 0

    Vasuki Muruhathas, the British lawyer, who, according to Tim King, is working with Donald Gnanakone to “distribute” the photos and videos she has “acquired” (from an unnamed source) to the “public” is also the British Secretary to the “Ministry of Internal Affairs” of the “Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam” (TGTE) headed by the American Tamil lawyer Rudrakumaran. Rudrakumaran was a legal adviser to the LTTE when Anton Balasingham was political head and strategist of the organization. As we all know, Anton Balasingham’s wife Adele Balasingham’s has been filmed handing out cyanide vials to young Tamil women and girls, and is an Australian born and trained nurse, now living in Britain. The plot thickens…

    I note, also, that Vasuki Muruhathas has written, in her role as a senior member of the TGTE, a glowing letter of thanks to Channel 4 for their “unbiased”, “transparent” reporting on Sri Lanka. This is published on the Internet on a Tamil Eelam website. Looks as if the LTTE rump have launched a new disinformation campaign and smear campaign against the Government of Sri Lanka, Singhalese, Buddhism and anyone who questions their latest offerings to “the public”.

    • 0

      “Disinformation”??Had GOSL proved these photos or videos were fake and debunked the UN’s version of war or had it allowed Amnesty or other NGO or UN to talk and gather information on war from the people of N/E and if their version of war does not match these photos or if they claim SL Forces to be their saviors “from the clutches of terrorist”, then it would make sense, however non of the above have happened, hence it is guilty until proven innocent case..

  • 0

    I suggest Tim,Vasuki,Donald and others interested get to gether and organise an International Film(video)festival with these videos,CH4 could also be included,cos they not good for anything else!!They do not prove anything!

    • 0

      You are damn right. There will be an international independent investigations on the war criminals where the published and many more unpublished ones with crucial and importance evidence, will be all viewed.

      Those are already in the hands of the experts and important officials who have jurisdiction over the 4 US citizens. So don’t worry, there will be a festival of films about the war criminals. There was one premier of a 60 minute film in NY today and tomorrow as well about the State Terrorist and murder of journalist. Some Sinhala websites have been given the film link.

      Some websites are good plagiarist and they might even claim this documentary as theirs. But 60 minutes might be difficult, unlike 3.57..

      [Edited out]

      • 0

        Donald, thanks for a reasonably serious reply to my serious questions about the cyanide supplies to the LTTE. You obviously know a lot more about it than I do. You say my father may be involved in cyanide shipments. As you may know I have suspected this may be the case, but do you have evidence of this?

        As I said before, Donald, I do not know Sunethra Bandaranaike or Chandrika Kumaratunga personally. I certainly do not regard them as my aunts. I have never met, spoken to or corresponded with either of them, ever. Since you are keen to know, my father’s father, Philip Senewiratne was a first cousin of S.W.R.D Bandaranaike.

        Navin, thanks for the comment and advice. I agree fully with what you say, and appreciate the clarity, candour and directness with which you write (and presumably think). I do not know much about Sri Lankan government corruption, having left the country in 1976, but if Australia is anything to go by, power tends to corrupt and politicians have a tendency to line their own pockets. I also agree that the LLRC report had limitations, but it was much, much better than I had been led to expect. It is an excellent starting point for peace-building and reconciliation, but leaves several questions about the LTTE unresolved (including such questions as I have been asking Donald Gnanakone and have published in other fora).

        My particular concern, in this forum, is to engage with the Sri Lankan expatriate community (seeing as Colombo Telegraph is an expatriate newspaper) to discuss my investigations into the LTTE and their overseas propaganda machine. I do not, in any way, believe that Sri Lankan politics and politicians should not be criticised. I have also long been opposed to any form of military training, since such training creates, in my opinion, violent men and women. An orchestrated smear campaign against the Government of Sri Lanka by Donald Gnanakone and the TGTE/LTTE rump, though, such as we are seeing evidence of, is a different matter. I think it should be exposed as such.

        • 0

          If the Tamils are LTTE rump the supporters and apologist of the State Terrorist are the rump of the War Criminals..
          That suits all or mostly all the Sinhalese supporters.

          You have not answered the question of your grand father being the first cousin of SWRD. How? Please re read. Thank You.

          Since you asked about my brother I suggested that it could be your father. I live in America and not Brisbane. You can look for any evidence.
          Moral of the story is do not make wild allegations with out any evidence. Go ask Silva to find out from KP, Karuna and Pillaiyan. The same thing for the child soldiers. These people have no idea of the Geneva convention and protocol #77 on child soldiers. Google it and read about it. I do not respond to every Tom, Dick, Harry and Percy…

          Let the dogs bark, and caravan rolls on.
          Yes, my agenda is definitely to bring the war criminals and murderers, to Justice. US has only jurisdiction over US citizens, folks… So Banda’s and Somapala’s who committed rape and torture are safe, except from Mr. Karma.
          Karma is a bitch. I repeat.

          In conclusion, I won’t be participating in this blog too often. I am sure the rump of the war criminals have got the message loud and clear, except the deaf ones and thick skin types.

        • 0


          Last week Tamil prisoner had died, other in coma and the rest seriously injured, if death in inevitable once SL Army arrests you, then taking your life by means of cyanide does not make a difference, except one is a murder other is a suicide.

        • 0

          Jegan, when prisoners revolt and take hostages what should be done? Should they be given a nice massage? Only one Tiger was killed, and they should consider themselves lucky.

  • 0

    The soldiers who killed walk these streets and can never be the same again,those who ordered it?

    To deny this did not happen is foolish as it is eating into Lanka’s name.
    Those who deny this has not affected/affecting Lanka are on a high.Power and proximity to power can make one high.

  • 0

    Navin Wijeratne, well said. It is refreshing to read an open statement such as yours. Too often people’s opinions are clouded by their own impartial thinking and the idea of being on some sort of glory stage.

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    Ponniah Mahalingam

    “Snore. Wake me up when you’re through with the banalities”

    Well done.

    Please don’t over do it for your family might kick you out of the house (if you have one) for noise and thought pollution.

  • 0

    @Gamini. You are right about Romesh. But all be nice to him since he has some medical issues for more than a decade.
    His problem with his father is very well known to a few of us, so he attacks his father’s position but does not challenge the first cousin story of former President Chandrika, than a distant fourth cousin whom they have never or hardly met, or tolerated in the Walawuwe in Horagolla.

    He desperately tries to show that he is rational but where has he been all these years knowing his father’s position on the Tamil-Sinhala issue for years?

    In Hospital? or In and out of it.

    Never mine, his father’s position that Tamil people need a separate state when he was 13-14, driving with uncle Banda to Jaffna is another story. That makes it 1945 or 1946. He claims to be the first Eelamist, before even father of the Tamil Nation, S J V Chelva. This is not only in writing but on DVD as well.

    Prabhakaran himself, through his rep Balasingam gave up the Eelam demand in September 2002 to an Indian reporter’s question after peace negotiation. Nobody talks about it, but a few Tamils virtually …….. questioned Prabhakaran about it. Soon after Balasingam supposed to have fallen ill and went to London, quietly in April 2003.

    This is now becoming a loony circle, and time to end the madness of these discussion on focus on what needs to be done. Cannot be a NAWO like the Seniwiratnes. No action write only… or NATO..Class over…Good day.

    End of the day, proof of the pudding is in the eating. Now here, I am not talking of this professor of English where there a few students doing English as higher studies in the Sabragamuwa University. And his hair cut or style. After all, all the boys in Lionel Wendt Theatre likes that hair style and face, and whom am I to question that. Of all people Romesh S is upset about it. Continue your mission on Cyanide suppliers, although those who carried it are dead over 3 years, and you Romesh, say you always you suspected your father? Good luck in your mission but do not accuse other people’s family, which is libelous. I presume in your condition you can say anything as you can substantiate your “plea” which would have unequivocal merit!

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      Donald, you are so tedious with your innuendos, misrepresentations and veiled threats. Your peculiar slang and line of thinking is hard to follow at times, but I will try and answer the most glaring of your false allegations, and correct some of your mistaken and confused thinking.

      You say my problems with my father are very well known to you, but I have never met you or discussed my father with you. Neither have I discussed with you my opposition to his view that the “Tamil people” need a separate state called “Tamil Eelam”, nor his violent reaction to this opposition (which began in the 1980s). I am not going to discuss it now, either.

      You keep asking about how my father and I are related to the Bandaranaike family. Finally you have made it clear why – you seem to doubt that my father’s father was a first cousin of S.W.R.D Bandaranaike. I do not place a great deal of importance on such matters, especially since I have never met anyone in the Bandaranaike family, but since you doubt the genetics involved, my grandfather Philip Senewiratne’s mother, Charlotte Dias Bandaranaike (who married my great-grandfather Solomon Senewiratne) was a younger sister of Solomon Dias Bandaranaike (the father of S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike). That makes my grandfather Philip Senewiratne a first cousin of SWRD and that makes my father a second cousin of Sunethra and Chandrika, who you keep referring to as my “aunts” for reasons best known to yourself.

      I am aware that my father rarely misses an opportunity to mention that he is “related” to the Bandaranaikes. This “family connection” and the fact that they could promote him as a “Sinhala doctor” campaigning for the “oppressed Tamil people” made my father popular, for a time, as a speaker at various fundraising events organised by what you, too, call the “Tamil diaspora”. I am also aware that he boasts that he saw the “need” for a separate state when he was in his teens. No, I don’t believe it either.

      You asked me, accusingly, where i have been all these years knowing my father’s “position” on what you call “the Tamil-Sinhala issue”. Then you drop what perhaps what you think is a bombshell: that I have been in and out of mental hospitals.

      You are right, Donald. I have been locked up for criticising my father and the Australian medical system numerous times (most recently for two months last year). He started trying to silence me and discredit me by claiming that I suffer from a “serious psychotic illness” in 1995, when I was 34, living in Melbourne, and working as a family doctor with a young family. With his position in the public hospital system he was able to use the public hospital psychiatric system in Melbourne and Brisbane to prevent any embarrassment to himself from what I was writing and saying.

      Since then I have been abducted from my home over 50 times by police who were “just following orders to return me to hospital”, handcuffed and punched, had my limbs twisted into stress positions, rendered unconscious by intravenous and intramuscular injections, and suffered broken bones at the hands of Australian police and so called “mental health workers”. My experiences, Donald, have taught me a lot about bullies and both the importance and consequences to standing up to bullies. It has also taught me that oppression is systematic and widespread when people are stigmatised with labels like “schizophrenia”, “bipolar”, “psychosis”, “mental illness” and “delusional”.

      I have made no secret of the fact that I have been in and out of mental hospitals, Donald. You can read, if you haven’t already, my ebook “In and Out of the Loony Bin” which is published on Scribd. You can also read my critiques of the psychiatric system in “The Pseudoscience of Schizophrenia” and my research into the use of HIV/AIDS in genocide of African people and the people of New Guinea and the Pacific Islands in “Eugenics and Genocide in the Modern World”.

      Oppression does not justify violence, Donald. Martin Luther King was wise when he exhorted that we must rise over violence and oppression without ourselves resorting to violence and oppression. This belief has guided my response to my father’s insistence that “armed struggle” by “the Tamil militants” was justified, necessary and destined for success (which he defined as the “creation of a separate state, Eelam).

      Oppression comes in many forms, Donald. Poverty and dispossession is a profound form of oppression. As Navin reminds is, many people in Sri Lanka are suffering from this form of oppression, especially the Hill Country Tamils of Indian descent working on the tea estates (this was certainly the case when I was living in Kandy from 1968 to 1975). You, Donald, appear never to have been the victim of oppression or of poverty.

      Declaring people to be mad because they disagree with you is another form of oppression and bullying, Donald, and insinuating that they are mad without providing evidence is slanderous. At the same time, madness is ubiquitous and we live in a world where the madness that is militarisation has dominated international relations, despite the noble declarations of the United Nations after the Second World War. So the fact that you think I am mad is of no concern to me. That you have the temerity to accuse me of libel because I asked about you and your brother’s possible role in financing and masterminding the LTTE from the safety of the USA, Australia and Singapore is not something that surprises me. I can’t imagine it’s something you want people talking, writing and speculating about.

      You have misrepresented me (again) when you write that I have “always” suspected that my father was involved in supplying cyanide to the LTTE. This is not the case. I only started wondering about medical supplies and training, and chemical supplies to what my father has called the “de-facto State of Tamil Eelam” over the past couple of years. When I looked at my father’s blog (which has articles dating back to 2001), watched the DVDs he has been circulating and watched his speeches to LTTE-supporters I became increasingly aware of his relationship with the LTTE and the medical wing of the LTTE. I have no hard evidence that my father was directly involved in supplying cyanide or anything else to the LTTE, though in one of his speeches in Australia he declares (through a megaphone) that he was involved in “setting up one of the finest hospitals” he had seen in the Vanni, by transporting everything, “beds and the lot”, to Kilinocchi. I have also found, from my mother, that my father knows your brother Charles and thinks highly of him.

      By the way, I am not particularly interested in the LTTE’s use of cyanide (though it is a serious enough crime against humanity). I am trying to understand details of the creation of what might be described as a “Cult of Prabhakaran” to achieve the LTTE’s objectives. This cult is important to understand fully, to ensure that such distorted thinking does not again rear its ugly head.

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        Mea Culpa, Romesh.
        Now that we are discussing great grand fathers, great grand mothers, and fourth cousin of your father, aunty Chandrika and Sunethra, let me tell you what one of my grand father’s friends used to say. (I do not want to drag that family’s madness as well, because they are very well to do family in Colombo 7 aka Kurunduwatte-aka Cinnamon Gardens). lol

        Since we are discussing serious subject of “madness” and LTTE, (Which in fairness to your father Brian Senewiratne had no damn connection despite all the insinuation and other claims he tries to make similar to his connection to PM Bandaranayake who was assassinated by the Buddhist monk nearly 2 years before you were born in England or Scotland).
        One of my grand father’s friend frequently said – There is no greatness without a little madness”.
        However, if there is a lot of madness, may be there is more greatness.
        Furthermore, as an intelligent and clever medical doctor you are aware that “incest and unethical intermarriages” increase the chances of of the so called mad gene coming down to different generations. During the olden days of Walawuwes, there was a lot of improper intermarriages to protect the wealth of those families, intermarrying. Like two sisters children or two brothers children or nephews and nieces etc.(And I won’t discuss how those thousands of acres were inherited by the Bandaranayakes or Ratwattes for whatever services they rendered, or the notorious Kandyan hospitality). It definitely was not hard labor to receive the crown land which the British never owned in the first place.

        Among the civilized and sane society, those type of marriages are not permitted or recommended, but it cannot be legally prevented if the families or adults agree.

        I have known about your medical condition for years, and you are right, that I have never met you, seen you, or have your phone # or your email address. I gave you an option to discuss these issues via email on a personal basis, but in your arrogance or madness you chose and wanted to discuss it in the public forum. So I said to myself – so be it, help me god.

        It is also correct that I did not even know your first name, until a few years ago. I must admit that you write intelligently from your hospital room lap top, or home and you have so many “ghosts’ and fears due to reasons best known to you.

        I had publicly mention that your mother is a great lady, for many reasons as you know your mother better than anyone else, and requested you to convey my best wishes to you. I am also aware that my brother Charles talks to your father regularly and your mother, much more than I talk to him. I am in touch with my brother via email on a daily basis.

        It is so surprising that your father has my brother in high regard, but never has protested nor written a word of protest when he as a fellow Australian was arrested by his so called first cousin and incarcerated and tortured for 55 days, in 2005 under false pretenses/excuse just before the Presidential elections and two months after the assassination of Lakshman Kadirgamar the foreign minister. He was arrested on 10th October 2005 and Mahinda Rajapakse was the Prime Minister and Presidential candidate, busy making secret deals with Emil Kanthan via US citizens at the same time.

        The Police, CID, TID, Army (who arrested him and not Police) and investigated fully found all allegations were false, and he had absolutely no connections whatsoever with the LTTE/Vanni. So President Rajapakse and his security chiefs had no alternative to agree to release him as ordered by the higher courts on the 5th of December 2005, 21 days after he became President. So it is absolute rubbish for you and other rump of the war criminals, Sinhala racist-chauvinist to insinuate or accuse my brother of any LTTE connections.

        This is what I wrote yesterday about you to all who read this blog, and not only those few who write” Quote”
        @Gamini. You are right about Romesh. But all be nice to him since he has some medical issues for more than a decade.
        His problem with his father is very well known to a few of us, so he attacks his father’s position but does not challenge the first cousin story of former President Chandrika, than a distant fourth cousin whom they have never or hardly met, or tolerated in the Walawuwe in Horagolla.”

        This is even after you have made nasty and unwarranted comments on my interviews Al Jazeera last year, which someone informed me a few days ago. Further more your attacks on American Journalist Tim King, and London attorney is unwarranted.

        About your well recorded “mental illness” I only said to a FEW of Us. And some of that came out of your own father’s mouth, as you have explained, and there is much more, which I would not write here which has been told in confidence. I never discussed anything with him for years and especially after he sabotaged the Tamils For Justice project against the US citizens.

        Romesh, Thank You, for enlightening us all of your side of the story of your medical problems, and I sympathize with you, but you have shocked everyone, and they have become speechless. That is not surprising. But more surprising is now your father’s supporters and for God Sake all Tamils are not LTTE supporters either, and all those who hate him among the Sinhalese community, can read what you have said, and I have been careful not to say it. This should open SOME of them but not the diehard as he fed into their need and also wrote and spoke profusely. He is a dramatic speaker/lecturer with all the anecdotes like his drive to Jaffna in the front seat as a teenager, or his election speech in Sinhala on a platform.

        The interesting part it, Aunty Chandrika and Sunethra are fourth cousins he has never even spoke to (even as a teenager or your years at Trinity college between 1968 and 1975, when you all had to suddenly and hurriedly leave Sri Lanka- That is another story for another day) after you were born in England and Bandaranayake was murdered in 1959, 53 years ago. Chandrika was only 14 at that time.

        Thanks for your confirmation of the claims of your father as a teenager (13-14 years) pre independence is bogus, and you have heard it at home or in writings or DVD. Many Tamils might be upset about it, because I myself had heard him proudly state it in speeches, where the Tamils of all ages are open mouthed and cheering wildly without calculating quickly it was 1945 or 1946.
        As you know not a single article is written or speech is made without every body being made to know that he is the first cousin of President Bandaranayake. Lest you forget.

        Your attacks on me is so unwarranted, and stating this is “Donald’s videos’. WT …
        These videos are from Sinhala soldiers, and a female one too. Their photos are with us. It was obtained via their phones and there are eyewitnesses. I do not need your opinion or other Sinhalese opinion of what they think of it, or whether they like it or not. That is up to the US authorities and may be the UN authorities mainly to vindicate the Channel 4 videos. This is not for anyone’s entertainment, and all those Sinhala racist, the Tamil civilians or LTTE fighter’s did not go to war/fight, or step out of the home, stuffing suicidal bombs near and around their genitals, breast or ass h…..s.

        Justifying strip search of females, and taking trophy photos for distribution among their families and friends only demonstrates the sick mind of the Sinhala soldiers. Imagine, the amount of official photographs/videos Fonseka and Gota’s army must be having over years of the war? I have photographs similar in nature from the Mavil Aru war, which has yet to be published. As I said before the “Buggers at MOD” yes the buggers, cannot deny it. Nor the GOSL.

        You gentleman don’t even try it or question it.

        Because it came from the MOD -Ministry of Defense itself, and I have a written apology from the official saying it was accidentally sent to me. What were they thinking in 2006?

        Romesh, I wish you the best with your battles with the Australian medical system, and others who have wronged you. I have no intention of discussing other Tamil-Sinhala issues with you because of your medical condition. But please desist from unwarranted attacks on me on this forum or on you tube comments.

        I will discuss the genealogy part on a different day, because of all the claims made, which really has no issue with the Tamil issue or how the Tamils were oppressed, suppressed, repressed and discriminated unfairly. LTTE violence was a result of that and they did not initiate it for decades and years.

        Those who scream about the LTTE, the numbers speaks for itself from 1958. 1,000 Sinhalese civilians killed, compared to 200,000 killed, tortured, raped and many more injured/jailed, unjustly.
        LTTE was founded in 1976 and ended in 2009, and only training and funding they received from overseas was from India, and Tamil Nadu governments. Of course many in the diaspora supported the LTTE and other charities like TRO for decades but only after the 1983 race riots/pogrom. Minister Karuna, Devananda, KP, and Chief Minister Pillaiyan among them.

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          Donald, it is not worth engaging this Romesh Seneviratne and David Blacker as there had been no one as that serving in the Sri Lankan Forces.

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    Oh !! these Norwegians though they funded them but have failed to clothe them.

    Gnanakone…… get that venom out of your chest or else the remaining good tamils too will perish the likes of Sugi heart broken by your senselesness..

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      @Dagobert. I have no idea who you are, but you are a dam coward. You have no idea what you are talking about. The likes of Sugi, reap what they sow. They were very lucky thanks to me. Mind your own damn business you coward.

      You do not worry about the Tamils, and my family and I have done enough and more for the Tamils which was very well appreciated in places that matters. Even the Sinhalese leaders are and were aware for 40 odd years.

      @Gamini. I agree with you about Ramesh. But home truths have to be said and see my last comment not yet moderated. I did not want to discuss all this in public, and he went ballistic on my family and me in other fora, and youtube etc. regarding my Al Jazeera interviews.

      Kutta Kutta Kutturavannum Madayan, Kuttu Vangiravannum Madayan,

      One who gets the Tokka is also a fool, and the one who is giving the tokka is also a fool.

      Nobody knew of Romesh’s problems. And if I kept quiet, they all would think that I am wrong and I have something to hide, and more.

      As for David Blacker or whatever his name is, you are right. No one has heard of him in the Army. He should say when he joined, which regiment, and when he left. What was his rank. We can double check his history, geography, and DNA within 24 hours, including the MOD and 5 star General Fonseka. We have and had friends and relations in the army and elsewhere for 40 years b4 Gota and Sarath joined the army and after they left the army or some ran away from it. lol…

      David has a good command of the language and a good writer. But the contents are rather dubious, including his claim on the Southern Hotels and Guest Houses being full. How many 4 and 5 star hotels in the South?

      Have you noticed all the Rump of the War Criminals have Katte Pittu now. Totally gone silent and are still shocked with the new revelations and confessions. They have become speechless. It is the snakes who have venom, and we know the snakes and cowards under false names including bogus/fraudulent claims.

      Some of us have the courage of our conviction to speak up and stand up for what is right, immaterial of what the material cost there is that is lost or sacrificed. I have no time, pity or sympathy for that Rump of war criminals. We Tamils lost 100,000 Tamil civilians in the most brutal, cruel and inhuman way and 300,000 in concentration camps. Some liberation, My foot.

      Those who have been to Vanni during the CFA 2002-2005 know how prosperous it was and developing without even CEB electricity, CTB buses, Telephones, Roads, schools, hospitals etc. Japanese gave aid to the Killinochchi hospital and built a brand new one. One of the best. Now it is an army hospital. I can go on and on.

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    This is what Romesh Twitted a few hours ago! That is also available on Face book. Good publicity for CT and Tim King of Salem News/Salemreporter original Youtube video which has 35,000 views in 5 days on the MOV0028 video. Wow.

    But why attack the Gnanakone Family Romesh?
    This is not a smear campaign of the GOSL, but a exposure of the truth of the war criminals which includes Fonseka as well. The last time I checked Fonseka was in jail, and now is a part of the opposition.
    Some war criminals are US citizens.

    A new smear campaign against the Government of Sri Lanka by the Gnanakone family with the expert help of Tim King: http://t.co/a54KtRW6



    Romesh, my family and I can handle it, but why drag it with Sinhala lies? 4 members of My Family has served time/torture in Sinhala jail. Our family has faced Sinhala terrorism since 1958, burning our business and homes, take over container freight station, land and buildings, 25 trucks, multiple times and yet no compensation or insurance paid.

    The Bandaranayake/Seniwiratne families (not you) only benefited from the generocity of the British and GOSL. Even if some land was handed over, they would have been most likely over compensated. Remember the “Bindumathi” speech in 1977 by finance minister Ronnie De Mel. Or the GA White speech by Premadasa, attacking the morals of the Bandaranayake’s.

    There is plenty of stories about your aunty Sunethra, Chandrika and uncle Anura. This is not the time and place.

    By doing this kind of dirty attack, on my family which is not only malicious slander but libelous and unwarranted. It reflects sadly on your upbringing, which I thought was quite good with grand parents like Winslow Alagaratnam a well respected Irrigation engineer under PM D S Senanayake, Dudley S, Sir John, and Grand Uncle Banda….

    You are right about oppression and poverty, except in 1958.

    We always have the fighting spirit, and persevere to succeed from poverty. It is also God’s blessings and like you we are Anglicans and Methodist and in America a Baptist the same church for 30 years, in Manhattan Beach.

    But never oppressed because we fought back, or built a good team to fight back. Unafraid, unbowed, and will aggressively defend ourselves from anyone. I am never known as a bully, but will attack back any one who slanders my family or me, maliciously, unwarranted, and dishonestly. Or sabotages my project like what your father did for the Tamils For Justice Projects. There were many Tamils too who did worse.

    I have no issue, if other Sinhalese sabotaged that project, Tamils For Justice or this renewed War Crimes project which Tamils For Justice and I are involved now. Ten thousand more Tamils will join in in spirit, flesh and otherwise when all plan of action are disclosed.

    In this case I am angry, but will give you a little rope, and room, considering your experiences in life. But you remain exposed and I am not sure whether you are sensitive enough or it matters to you.

    The attacks by the Sinhala racist -chauvinist on the evidence is not surprising and is expected. It does not matter, because the caravan rolls on. Let the stray, pariah, rabid dogs bark.

    Also do not forget that your mother tongue is Tamil, you were born to a Tamil Mother, two of your grand parents are Tamil, and all those 100,000 Tamil civilians who were tortured, raped, jailed, beaten and killed were all born to Tamil mothers like you. Whether you like it or not, your father also cares very deeply for the Tamils, and everybody has some weakness, and makes some blunders. Issaipriya, was a Tamil too, and she was the daughter of a Tamil Mother and Father. So are you a father, and her paternal grand mother and great grand mother are Tamils too and as you know they both have done so much for her. The Bandaranayakes and Senewiratnes were MIA.

    It is human to err and divine to forgive.

    You take care and please do not resort to this type of attacks on my family. I started reading on the “In and out of the Loony Bin”, and you are indeed a Van Goeh in writing. That is over hundred pages so time is a little limited, and I will finish reading and will help you to get proper advise. You need a good attorney and you are a doctor and am sure would have been a good one.

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    So you know a bit of Latin too, do you Donald? Though I studied Latin at Trinity for a few years, I had to check what, exactly, “mea culpa” means, though I have heard it said a few times. The phrase translates, apparently, as “my mistake” or “my responsibility” (and is presumably where the word “culpable” originates).

    What mistake are you acknowledging, Donald?

    And for what reason do you insist that I have a “medical condition”, which in your viciously insidious code-language means “he is mad”. You admit that my father “confided” this to you some time ago, and you continue to gossip and make insinuations about it. I have no need to prove my sanity to you, Donald (and I suspect you are not a good judge of sanity) but I assure you that I am presently free to write on my desktop computer in my home office. I used to use a laptop computer for recording music, but it was taken from me and sabotaged (including wiping the Hard Disk Drive) when I was locked up at the Princess Alexandra Hospital for two months last year.

    If you look at my You Tube site, Donald (and I have subscribed to your son Mike Gnanakone’s site “TamilLatest” despite its content) you can see a recording I made of myself reading my 2002 Peace Plan for Sri Lanka. A week after I uploaded the videos I was abducted from my home by three police officers who came to the house armed with guns, capsicum sprays and Taser guns. They grabbed my by force after one of them extended his hand to me as if to shake it (when I answered the door). They took me in a police car to the Princess Alexandra Hospital where a white South-African male nurse and a dark-skinned Tamil-speaking man organized for me to be held down by security guards and rendered unconscious with an injection of an unknown drug into my leg. I was then held prisoner in the hospital for two months, to prevent me from continuing my work. By strange coincidence I was put under the “care” of an Indian Tamil man who was trained in Chennai and went by the name of “Dr Subu”. His full name is Subramanian Purushothaman and he “diagnosed” my allegation that my father was a propagandist for the LTTE as evidence of the “paranoid delusions” of “schizophrenia” that “necessitated” fortnightly injections with depot antipsychotic drugs INDEFINITELY. (I have recently won a hearing that has enabled me to refuse further chemical assault by the hospital). You may know that my father was a senior physician at the Princess Alexandra Hospital from the time we arrived in Australia in 1976 till he was, I believe, asked to leave by the hospital (though he has been maintaining he resigned) in 2001 or 2002. You can ask him about this yourself, if you want.

    The fact that I have been locked up and tortured numerous times in the hospital my father worked at and in other hospitals infiltrated by the LTTE in Melbourne (I’ll provide details later) is not good cause to believe that I have a mental illness, Donald. Quite the opposite, since my father routinely disparages the sanity of his opponents (and so do you). Neither is the fact that my father told you I have a “mental illness/medical condition”, however long ago (as I said he has been maintaining this since 1995 when I first had the courage to challenge his ethics and morality in both medicine and politics). Judge me by what I say and write (and sing) myself rather than by repeating vicious gossip you have heard or read.

    Donald, there is no “mad gene”, nor a “gene” for “schizophrenia”, “bipolar disorder”, “attention deficit disorder” or “alcoholism”. The promotion of these “mental illnesses” (concepts of madness) using “psychiatric genetics theories” is a multi-billion dollar industry, in which people like my father are only small players. The bigwigs of the medical academic system in Australia, the USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Scandinavia and elsewhere in the “developed” (or First) world are the architects of “genetic theories” of madness subscribed to people such as yourself. They are also profiteering through the drugs that are used to “treat” these “madnesses”, along with various drug companies. I have published details of my research in this area on Scribd:


    I do think that madness can be inherited, Donald, but I don’t think it is due to “inbreeding” that you think was a problem in affluent Singhalese-speaking families (such as what you imagine is my own). I spoke to my mother about it and she told me that “Not just Singhalese, Tamils did it too. Marriage between two brothers or two sisters children was disapproved of, but marriage between the children of a brother and sister was often arranged”. Donald, this is a shared Tamil Hindu and Singhalese Buddhist cultural practice from pre-colonial times that persisted into more modern times, but is rare now. Suggesting or insinuating that all the members of the Bandaranaike, Ratwatte and Senewiratne families are mad because of “inbreeding” based on your theories about a “mad gene” sounds a lot like the discredited “eugenics” ideas that were taken up by the German Nazis from British and American theories and social programs in the 1930s. It’s a Nazi concept, Donald, and I do not subscribe to Nazi ideas about the inheritance of madness in families in their “blood” (as as you believe, in their “genes”).

    The inheritance of madness is, in my view, due to children believing false things that are told to them, especially by their parents and siblings. This, I think, is a more satisfying explanation for why people in the same family share modes of thinking and behaviour, both sane and insane. These include, in my opinion, both political and religious views. These also include beliefs about history. Children naturally believe what their parents tell them about history…unfortunately, people’s views of history are often clouded by politics, religion and prejudices (not to mention ignorance). And by propagandists such as Tim King, who is helping you defame the good reputation of Sri Lanka, by giving a twisted account of what has happened in the past and promoting some carefully selected, digitally manipulated images and sounds in the public domain.

    It is mischievous, Donald, to allege that I “attacked” Tim King and Vasuki Muruhathas, who you refer to as your “London attorney”. I have merely shared Tim King’s own description of himself on the Salem-News website the fact that Vasuki Muruhathas has written an obsequious letter of thanks to Channel 4 in her role as the British Secretary for the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) which I have read referred to as the “LTTE rump”. This term obviously annoys you a lot, Donald. Why would this be, if you and your brother Charles have, as you claim, “nothing to do with the LTTE”?

    Donald, you seem confused about the important difference between attacking and defending. Maybe you are one of those who justifies violence by thinking that “offense is the best form of defense”. I have defended myself against attacks on my credibility and reputation by Tim King and yourself. I have also defended the Government of Sri Lanka from false allegations and a deliberate, calculated effort to frame members of the Government and Armed Forces with “war crimes”, “genocide”, “crimes against humanity” and persecution of “Tamils, Hindus, Moslems and “non-Buddhists” because I have studied the extensive material that is available on the Internet and made up my own mind about the conflicting claims of the LTTE propaganda machine and Government figures such as President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Professor Rajiva Wijesinha.

    The fact is, I have been opposed to nepotism for as long as I have known the meaning of the word, and was concerned that Mahinda Rajapaksa was engaging in nepotism when he appointed his younger brother as “Secretary of Defence” and the fact that so many other members of the Rajapaksa family are in positions of power in Sri Lanka. I had similar concerns about the Bandaranaike family and the Nehru-Gandhi family in India. This is, though, a matter for the people of Sri Lanka and India, and I can assure you that there is plenty of nepotism in politics in Australia, the UK and USA. The “election” of George Bush junior as President with the support of George Bush senior is a classic example. The Millibands in the UK are another example. Yes, the Rajapaksa family is a dynasty in the making. I am not a fan of dynasties, but this family will be remembered for a long time and admired for ridding Sri Lanka of the scourge of the LTTE – regardless of how much money you pour into your various disinformation campaigns.

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      Romesh, for your own good please take your medicine in time as you are having an identity crisis.

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    Mea Culpa, Romesh. I meant that you confessed to the world, taking responsibilities, for your past mental problems, 50 Hospitalizations etc.

    That is between your father’s accusation and the Australian mental illness dept since you were 34, nearly 20 years ago. I had no role in any of those actions, and I never wrote that your father confided in me. Go read what I wrote without trying to twist and insinuate like a patient in a psychiatric ward with the doctor and the nurse.

    Obviously, all those who wrote and attacked the Tamils and the LTTE, rump etc are still shocked at your honest confession. Even I am confused with that whether to believe that was due to the perceived insanity or sanity. I cannot and should not diagnose your mental condition, like your father calling others “Lunatics” when people do not agree with his far fetched theories, exaggerated claims etc. At least you do not do that, other than you are hallucinating that now you have to take the role of the GOSL and attack Tim King, London Attorney and me. All these years you were silent from 1994.

    At least you have a sane explanation for that.

    But your father knows you better, and I do not know you at all. I cannot figure why he has done all what he has done to you for so long, and also giving various other stories to different people. I cannot figure it out, and I will refrain from commenting on it any further.

    I feel sorry for you and both your parents and grand parents to witness what has been going in the family and your childhood friends.

    My recommendation is to you, leave the arguments and debates to the GOSL and their “Golayas” who gets so much of benefits from them. You should focus on your health, and doing whatever is necessary with the Australian Health Authorities, and those who have hurt you. I will be happy to support you and that.

    You really have no bone in this dog fight. You are damn lucky that there is no LTTE for the last 3 years, and there is no such thing as a LTTE rump, but Tamils who are outraged by the war crimes and crimes against humanity with genocidal intensity. Your opinion really does not matter, but you do have the right to write and piss off any body you chose to.

    Good Luck and Good Bye, and wish you well and a speedy recovery.

    But do not resort to attacking my family or me in a malicious and slanderous manner. At least now every body knows your problems due to your Mea Culpa (Not mine), and would take it with a pinch or a pound of salt. You should not be attacking the Tamils just because you want to take a different position than your father. Leave us alone, for god’s sake. “Balla Happai Api Guttikai”. This is not about name and fame and crying out for attention. For the Tamils it is about Blood, Sweat, and Tears, and as I said before Tamils wants and looking for Accountability, Truth and Justice. It is not only me, many Tamil and Sinhala NGO’s in Colombo (Multi Millionaire guys) have said it too.

    Tamils For Justice was founded in 2007, much before all these war crimes even occurred in 2009, including the murder of my friend Lasantha W. And it was a US affair to target the 4 US citizens, and not the Somapala’s, Banda’s or even the Bandaranayake’s. Even if we fail, it won’t be due to lack of trying, but Karma will get all the War Criminals and their rump.

    Romesh, you have enough problems on your own and you don’t have to attach your self on the caravan of the rumps of war criminals. Just get off the foot board of the 134 route caravan. If you have never been in a bus in Colombo, you will never know where that will take you, but some of the racist Yakkos will know and they will get the message. You take care of yourself in Australia. You have a lot of life to live….

    You can respond to this if you want, but I am certainly signing off. End of conversation and correspondence.

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    She was a freaking terrorist idiot…….She was only carrying a microphone…..What freaking nonsense…Do you morons think that Sri Lankans are idiots? You war mongers in the West invented all kind of rules when it was convenient for you guys to wage war all over the world and you now come preaching about the virtues of combat……F off…There is no smoking gun. Dream on….

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    Dear David Blacker,

    After Seeing those Wonderful Family Pictures of Urs I Honestly Felt Sad for People Who Accuse U Here as a Non-Existing Character !!!

    No Wonder How These Idiots So Often Manage to Get Their Nickers in a Twist !!!

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      Thanks, Kapila. The world is full of idiots who prefer fantasy to the truth.

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    Colombo Tele…. please do not let these morons i mean all those TOMS, DICKS AND HARRYIES not to publicise their family histories. For god’s sake this web site is a forum to have some intellectual arguments, not about mothers fathers and grand fathers and which gutter they came from. Please we do not want to know where these creatures are from.

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    While it seems catchy to vilify the LTTE to cover up the sins of the SL armed forces, it must be noted that the SL armed forces or more appropriately the SL government’s policies have had a devastating impact on population numbers, especially of minorities since independence.

    So while talking about the Muslims being evicted from the North by the LTTE as genocide it would be prudent to realize that extermination was not the intent, which is needed for a charge of genocide. The LTTE evicted the Muslims because they were being used by the SLA as spies/double agents and the LTTE was suspicious of them. From a military strategy standpoint their tactic is understandable. The intent was not to exterminate.

    On the other hand the killing of Thamil people by the SLA would constitute genocide since extermination was the intent. We have seen this as part of the sinhala psyche from 1956 -58 to 1983 to 2006 and 2009.

    Knowing the history of the SLA it is not difficult to deduce what has happened to those people in those photos. Here are some excerpts from uthr.org which has some relevance:-

    comments from sinhala people from weli oya, padaviya, etc

    “An activist in a leftwing political group said that he with others from the group had gone to Kent & Dollar farms just after the November `84 massacre. The survivors had told them that the settlement of prisoners was being used to further harass Tamils into leaving the area. They were told that young Tamil women were abducted, brought there and gang-raped, first by the forces, next by prison guards and finally by prisoners.”

    “There are many deeper complaints. The army positions are among the civilians.”

    “Several of the men said, ” We do not know if the army is protecting us or we are protecting the army”.”

    “In the nights, they said, men among the civilians are sent into bunkers with shotguns, while in their homes the women are abused by soldiers.”

    “We also reliably learnt that the women are sometimes forced to pose for pornographic pictures which are marketed within the army by enterprising soldiers.”

    “Under such a regime discipline plummets and the army itself tends to disintegrate. Civilians are forced to involve themselves in theft among soldiers. If a solder on patrol fails to return, another soldier may steal his money and belongings and deposit them with civilians until he could take them away.”

    “An ironical remark is not infrequently heard: “For what these fellows do to us,only the Tigers could teach them a lesson”.”

    Sadly it was not only LTTE taking human shields the SLA was doing it themselves from the above comments of the sinhalese in padaviya, weli oya, etc. And worse the SLA sent civilian men to man positions while they abused their wives, daughters,etc.

    The photos are definitely telling the long history of harassment, abuse,rape, terrorism by the SLA of not only Thamil people but Sinhalese as well. No excuses needed!

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      “it must be noted that the SL armed forces or more appropriately the SL government’s policies have had a devastating impact on population numbers, especially of minorities since independence.”

      Myil, could you substantiate this claim with some figures and stats?

      “So while talking about the Muslims being evicted from the North by the LTTE as genocide it would be prudent to realize that extermination was not the intent, which is needed for a charge of genocide.”

      The eviction alone may not be termed genocide, but it constitutes ethnic cleansing, which is considered a crime against humanity. Taken in conjunction with the Tamil massacres of Muslim communities in the East, purely on the basis of ethnicity, it can be argued that the intent was to remove the Muslim population by whatever means from the NE. Sounds like genocide to me.

      “The LTTE evicted the Muslims because they were being used by the SLA as spies/double agents and the LTTE was suspicious of them. From a military strategy standpoint their tactic is understandable. The intent was not to exterminate.”

      Charges of genocide and ethnic cleansing cannot be justified by trotting out what sounds like a good motive. Hitler claimed that the Jews were parasites and agents of Communism, as justification for the Holocaust. You seem to think in a similar fashion.

      “On the other hand the killing of Thamil people by the SLA would constitute genocide since extermination was the intent.”

      Which instances of Tamils being killed by the SL Army are you referring to?

      “We have seen this as part of the sinhala psyche from 1956 -58 to 1983 to 2006 and 2009.”

      Can you point to any deliberate killing of Tamils because they were Tamils in the periods you cite?

      “An activist in a leftwing political group said that he with others from the group had gone to Kent & Dollar farms just after the November `84”

      So you are comparing two incidents, twenty years apart as evidence, based on the uncorroborated testimony of an anonymous witness? Sounds a bit weak, doesn’t it?

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    I was Wondering How CT’s Editing Policy Goes !!!

    If Gamini Can Call “PONNAIA” as “PONNAYA” Why Others Can Not Call “GAMINI” as “PONNA GAMINI” ???

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      Kapila Kahapola, A ‘proper noun’ can be spelt in a fashion suitable as there are no laid down norms. In the above reference in place of the letter I the letter Y has been used. CT has certainly not favoured any as David Blacker uses the term on me openly and I have no qualms and I can answer him cynically.

      Readers please see the second video displayed above, one can easily spot the very likely character VELUPILLAI PRABAHKARAN among the dead lined up. These are the surrenderees obviously, that included the real VP.

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        So we can call you Ganinny then.

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          Lol, Ganinny, if that is VP, then the shopkeeper at the top of my lane is also VP. The OIC of the police station round the corner, and every other fat guy with a moustache is VP :D you still haven’t explained your “logic” of why the SL Army should shoot the real VP, display his body among other dead, and pretend a fake VP (also dead) is the real VP. We await your brilliance on this matter.

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      Kapila Kahapola, so there you are. Your comment of Ponna Gamini has not been deleted by CT? although you have doubts about CT’s editing policy.

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    It is VP who helped MR win the Presidential Election in 2005 and this is an established fact. Thereafter the LTTE boycot the Peace Talks, then close the Mawilaru Anicut and draw the forces to a War. Thereafter the LTTE burys all the sophisticated weaponry and concedes territory leaving behind a skeletal force for the Govt. Forces to over run them with ease and capture the entire North and East under thirty months, inspite of the entire NorthEast being laidened with land mines which are yet to be cleared. Then this supposed VP’s body is discovered and the War comes to a conclusion with the final act of the Drama remaining, i.e. the surrender, where MR paid money to the LTTE at the begining for the understanding reached. Once VP’s death is announced the heat is off VP by then as he is presumed dead and the drama comes to an end in the manner how KP and Karuna Amman are accomodated by MR. But at the last minute the entire LTTE surrenderees are massacred and this is the lot of bodies that are displayed. Although the higherups in the Arny were aware of the plan brokered by the Americans and the Indians, the soldiers down the line have been unaware and have filmed not knowing that VP’s body is there as well. Obviously none at the top had made much of a scene as they had to get rid of the bodies of the massacred out of the way as soon as possible. This is the only plausible explanation when one look at the sequence of events, from the time the LTTE was paid by MR and VP helping MR to become the President with the understanding that MR would grant Devolution after consolidating his position as President winning the War. It is for the involvement of the Americans and the Indians helping MR and the plan hatched, that today although there are glaring evidence of War Crimes, Gota being an American Citizen has not been even questioned even once. Further Gota’s arrogance and the impunity displayed further stregthens the theory that Gota has the backing of the Americans hence the indifference to critisism of the world body. I do not blame the average minds not understanding this, but I can not excuse those who try to cover up.

    So David Blacker the Ghost writer, your shopkeeper at the top of your lane, the OIC of the Police Station round the corner could have esily passed off as that man killed as VP.

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    As far I can see the videos show deserves that the Sinhalese army bastards should be apprehended and charged in a court. Thereafter, they should be shot like what they have done. In fact, Rajapakse family should be included for open public execution for what they have done. They have shown they are inhuman and sadistic to enjoy watching women’s nude body being shot.

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    LTTE is brutal terrorist organization.LTTE Dogs Killed thousands of Sinhala Tamil and Muslim civilians with in past 30 years. So we don’t let any LTTE supporters or any foreign INGO NGOs who cry for LTTE bastard to settle in our motherland again.No one (including any Terrorist Loving western countries whose interest is to destroy peaceful countries) can make our sri lanka anther Egypt or siriya.
    Fu*king Praba went to hell!!!Our war heroes(Sri Lankan army)are great!!
    WE ARE LIONS!!! We dont afraid any anyone!!! News articles like above cant make any influence on us !!!!
    Keep above facts thoroughly in your heads!!!

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    What ever you may say about Rajiva Wijesinghe, his English language pronunciation is very good as is Dr. Chris Noonis’s Nice to hear people talking an English that is understandable istead of the gibberish English variety otherwise common in Sri Lanka. And they should not be called having a bogus boru accent, or being Kallu Suddhas. That’s just typical Sri Lankan jealousy! By the way what degrading name do you have for those Lankans learning the Chinese, Korean or Japanese languages? Kallu Pítas? What the matter with many Lankans? Why are they so against education?

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