Conservative party has included accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity issues related to Sri Lank in its election Manifesto.
On pages 76-77 of the Conservative Party’s election manifesto it states:
“We will …. promote reconciliation and human rights in Sri Lanka, including through supporting the UN investigation into war crimes, which the Prime Minister was instrumental in securing following his historic visit to Jaffna.”
Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said “”For the first time ever, outside Tamil Nadu, a political party, importantly in the West has included accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity issues related to Sri Lank in its election Manifesto.” But Sri Lanka was mentioned in 2010 Labour Party Manifesto too.
burt / April 30, 2015
Hard work of the Tamil Diaspora is paying off. Its nice to see when a country recognizes the contribution of an immigrant community and shows that their concern matter.
Ben Hurling / April 30, 2015
Yes. Die-ass-pora hard work has paid off indeed. Handsomely.
It also reflects the utter lethargy & incompetence of Sri Lanka’s Ministry of External Affairs over decades. In particular by Rajapassa cronies. Which amounts to an unforgivable crime against Sri Lanka. On the international stage.
Die-ass-pora clearly walks the path taken before them very successfully by Zionists. By enlisting Britain on their side. Rest is history.
May God Bless Sri Lanka.
PS: Promotion of war crimes accountability against Israel is somehow missing on both Cameron’s & Miliband’s silly manifestos. In fact, Cameron’s policy is active obstruction of any such attempt. Ha..ha!
shan / April 30, 2015
MR PM First Investigate the Crimes commited from your own nation. Its called the Iraq war by Mr Blair and a host of Other members in parliment who voted for it. Still sitting next to you. And Look at Iraq Today. And Mr Blair the socalled Mid East PEACE ENVOY. you could not make it up even if u tried
sach / April 30, 2015
“””””””It also reflects the utter lethargy & incompetence of Sri Lanka’s Ministry of External Affairs over decades. In particular by Rajapassa cronies. Which amounts to an unforgivable crime against Sri Lanka. On the international stage..,,””
Still the lethargic and incompetent MR’s external ministry was far far better than Mangala S’s ministry…Mangala is the american ambassodor in SL
Ram / May 1, 2015
Yes, full of praise for the diaspora.
Joseph De Vazz-Mahanuwara / April 30, 2015
shan / April 30, 2015
@Joseph De Vazz-Mahanuwara .. First Show me A LTTE Tamil who was not Armed with weapons in Civilian clothes AMONg Civilians. Then show me a INNOCENT TAMIL. Thanks To Lankan Army which Ended the OTHER Exective dictator Power in the NORTH who held TO Power for 30 years by the GUN.. Innocent Tamil My A*********
Native Vedda / May 1, 2015
“First Show me A LTTE Tamil who was not Armed with weapons in Civilian clothes AMONg Civilians. Then show me a INNOCENT TAMIL.”
This is a brilliant comment.
Sri Lanka reported that they liberated 300,000 or so Tamils from LTTE. Going by your comment, the army should have captured 300,000 weapons.
Gota didn’t display all of them. What did he do with the rest? Did he sell the rest to Russian terrorists or Somali pirates?
Would you now demand explanation from Gota and recover the profits?
AKP / April 30, 2015
A sure indication that the West will ensure Sri Lanka does not drift into the Chinese orbit and a recognition of Jaffna as a political power centre.The latter can prove helpful in containing Colombo.
justice / April 30, 2015
Sri Lanka has become ‘famous’ – some would say ‘notorious’, for human rights violations against tens of thousands of Sinhalese and Tamil citizens.
The new regime can remedy this by commencing with dismantling the militarised ‘government’ in the northeast, and allow complete ‘rule of law’ rather than ‘rule by the military’.
Off The Wall / April 30, 2015
The hypocrite Cameron and other such unprincipled British politicians will stoop to any level and will leave no ass unturned in their pursuit of the ethnic vote. These political scumbags should first get their own government face an international war crimes tribunal for the genocide they committed in Iraq.
Candidly / April 30, 2015
Put your own house in order first, UK Conservative Party, and demand a UN investigation into war crimes allegedly committed by Messrs Bush, Blair and others in Iraq. This is known as “leading by example” and is necessary because the accused have succeeded in getting Britain’s own internal investigation (the so-called Chilcot Report) indefinately postponed.
Native Vedda / May 1, 2015
“Put your own house in order first,”
Put your own house in order so that neighbours and strangers would not dare to grope your daughters, wife, mother, sisters, mother in law, nieces, aunts, grandmas, great grandmas, mistress, …. and your maid.
When will we see the three commission reports on the brutal killing of innocent youth between 1987 and 1991?
R. Varathan / April 30, 2015
The National Question has been sidelined and ignored so far due to the
obstinacy of the Sinhala extremists within and outside the main Sinhala political parties. This, in a main, includes the Sinhala Buddhist organised priesthood that has since 1956 enjoyed undue political influence. It is now time they realise the voice of the international community cannot be ignored. So far the issue remained in the sphere of language and rights for the Tamil people. In recent times, interested parties and the interim political evolution since then has brought in the Muslim factor also to the fore – which complicates matters further.
It needs no emphasis to suggest the National Question should be addressed and settled to the satisfaction of both sides without further delay. It is encouraging the quartet of Sirisena, Ranil W,
Mangala S and CBK fully appreciate and are alive to this compelling reality. The inputs of the JVP, Ven. Maduluwave Sobitha Thero and some influential sections of the JHU are also helpful here. Sri Lanka must not fail to seize this rare opportunity of reaching peace and reconciliation after six decades of self-destructive and unnecessary conflict.
This step of the British Conservative Party is likely to be repeated by others in the UK and elsewhere placing Sri Lanka in the docks in the eyes of the international community.
R. Varathan
Mallaiyuran / April 30, 2015
It was time in the history of Tamils.
Just a few years earlier,right after the war, Ambassador Robert Blake went to Kilinochchi and said, the “the war that can not be win is won”
But during the CHOGM, first time the label that the “Tamils are Terrorist” was challenged and a new opinion that” Tamils are a race troubling to live in that land from the time British troop left” was created. I still can not forget the image that PM Cameroon was coming peeping out of a refuge camp and the kids were looking at him with astonishment and wondering “is this man can bend through this hut?” He is the one reintroduced to Lanka the story of magnanimity from Winston Churchill.
Taraki / April 30, 2015
‘He is the one reintroduced to Lanka the story of magnanimity from Winston Churchill’
Idiot, this is the same Churchill who could not see anything wrong in using chemical weapons.
Mallaiyuran / April 30, 2015
inhala intellectuals cannot be magnanimous. So they will try to put forward an argument foolishly that they would follow Churchill and use Chemical Bombs to do genocide, but when magnanimity comes, they will turn around and say he is one told us to use Chemical Bombs, so we would not be magnanimous because he is the one say to be like that too.
You foolish Sinhala Intellectual, can you explain, if Churchill had told to use Chemical bomb how that will prevent being magnanimous?
You are trying to show that you are a human being different from the Sinhala Intellectuals, by blaming Churchill that he took the side for the Chemical bomb uses. We know who you are. You are just another Sinhala Intellectual. Did you all voted for 18A and now changed and voted for 19A too. Aren’t you all real selfish clowns and do and say anything for penny or nickel? It is really disgrace for you to talk about Churchill Chemical bomb stand. Do you know who are you to talk about it?
First they came for Indian Coolies,I did not speak out,
Because I am not a coolie.
Then they came for North-east Kallaththonies, I did not speak out,
Because I am not a Kallaththony.
Then they came for the Kaaththankudy Kalu thambiya,I did not speak out,
Because I am not a Kalu Thambiya.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
– This is a song by a Barbaric Sinhala Buddhist, who believed and followed the Sinhala Intellectuals’s guidance and eventually was double crossed by Sinhala intellectuals.
bo / April 30, 2015
How about including all the British war crimes by its politicians like Blair, and its military forces throughout the world in the 18th and 19th and 20th centuries, and more recently in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Aden etc. Talk talk with shit in your bottom man, first clean yourself.
cholan / April 30, 2015
Let us clean our own yard first then talk about others ….
An elected government MUST respect international law during conflict and so called wars….
Next stop for Murderpakse & Co ., is ICC at The Hague
If they don’t want to go there let them drink poison …or hang themselves
K.A Sumanasekera / April 30, 2015
Poor Milliband must be feeling gutted, after the hard yards the brother put in even sweating in Medumulana with Kuchner to Airlift the Diaspora Idol Prabakaran to Oslo.
Perhaps Eddie should bat for the Sinhalese Diaspora in London who are not members of the UNP branch.
I mean even n 10 or 15 votes can swing the seats nowadays where contests are so tight in the West.
Hard Core Tigers of course wouldn’t forget Milliband.
Cameron’s best hope are the Elite , sorry Vellalas in London.
cholan / April 30, 2015
At the peak of Tamil massacre PM David Milliband…and French Foreign Minister Bernard KOUSNER even among their tight schedule came to Colombo and met DOGGABAYA and warned him if this is not stopped ..he has to be at the International Criminal Court ….but this G.C.E qualified so called Defense Secretary(???) ignored this warning
Today Canadian Ministry of Finance started a Tamil web site …..
British political parties talk about SL Tamil problem…..
What a change…
The best thing to avoid ICC and prison is to commit suicide other way …
Taraki / April 30, 2015
Q: Why didn’t Cameron and Miliband mention the tens of thousands of Sinhalese murdered by the UNP & SLFP governments?
A: Simple answer, Tamil votes.
Native Vedda / May 1, 2015
“Simple answer, Tamil votes.”
So Tamil votes count in Europe but not in this island according “Smart Ass Patriot”.
” Why didn’t Cameron and Miliband mention the tens of thousands of Sinhalese murdered by the UNP & SLFP governments? mention the tens of thousands of Sinhalese murdered by the UNP & SLFP governments?”
Because stupid Sinhala/Buddhists elected their own MPs, formed their own exclusive governments, elected their own Sinhala/Buddhist president, manned all Sinhala/Buddhist bureaucracy and armed forces, …. and now you want Cameron and Miliband to mention the gory days of Sinhala/Buddhist rule.
You should ask UNP, SLFP & JVP for answers.
Tilak deSilva / May 3, 2015
Native vedda
With respect I am not sure where you get your facts, any country that has the majority in government appoints the executive, Sri Lanka still has a Sinhala majority and Buddhism is the official religion, respecting other religions. Armed forces is majority Sinhalese with a small minority of other races, that is how it should be, given what country endured for 30 years, terrorised by Parabahkaran (I purposely will always misspell this man’s name as like many others my hatred will not cease), given the mistrust and South Indian animosity Sri Lanka should always have Sinhalese as heads of Police and armed forces, we should gradually aborb Tamils into the armed forces, that should not happen for a very very long time.
Native Vedda / May 4, 2015
Tilak deSilva
You should read your own typing.
Take your own time think about what you have typed above and type your second draft.
I have plenty of time in this world and can wait until you get it right.
I will give you a clue, there is something called “Tyranny of the Majority”.
Dev / April 30, 2015
Where is Dayan J’s article on this one? I am waiting …..
Plato. / April 30, 2015
Dayan is pissed off after reading this.
CountryFirst / May 2, 2015
AND….Why is Sri Lanka on both Labour and Tory manifestos in UK?
SIMPLE, My dear Watson….it is the en-bloc votes of the LTTE Diaspora communities in UK where the rump LTTE still holds immigrant Tamils captive. The grim reality of Democracy gone haywire in en-bloc parochial voting, and money being a deciding factor for campaign financing in a world where democracy is held hostage vis-a-vis party politics and TV advertising.
Tilak de Silva / May 5, 2015
Native vedda
It’s a pity you talk of ‘Tyarany of majority’ but you fail to mention the tyrany of a despotic, murderous, heinous Tamil leader called velupiss pariyabakharan, that endured the whole nation for his murderous behaviour, which yo all gloated and hailed his as your saviour, the armed forces of SL had to save the tamils from this idiots tyrany. Of course that’s is forgotten due to the begging bowl of UK and Canadian politicians, who are at the mercy of ‘die ass pora’.
Native Vedda / May 6, 2015
Tilak de Silva
“It’s a pity you talk of ‘Tyarany of majority’ but you fail to mention the tyrany of a despotic, murderous, heinous Tamil leader called velupiss pariyabakharan,”
You must be new to this forum. Please go back in time and refer my previous comments, hopefully you will learn a thing or two. Do you expect me to write about VP in every comment that I write in this forum?
“which yo all gloated and hailed his as your saviour,”
Stupid man show me one comment in which I gloated or hailed the psychopath?
“the armed forces of SL had to save the tamils from this idiots tyrany.”
It was Hindia which created VP and LTTE for geopolitical reason and it was Hindia which destroyed LTTE to save this island. Hindia cleverly manipulated historical resentment among Tamils which could have been avoided had the Sinhala/Buddhists used their brain. Please revisit your past where you will see how majoritanism, Mahawamsa mindset, the idea of Aryan master race, ………. led to the destruction of this island since its independence.
However VP and Rohana were the historical products of this island. The poor farmers had to sacrifice their precious kith and kin for the follies of your master race so that you can gloat and hail them as heroes for committing war crimes and crime against humanity since 5th April 1971.
“Of course that’s is forgotten due to the begging bowl of UK and Canadian politicians, who are at the mercy of ‘die ass pora’.”
So you too believe the Diaspora is wealthy, powerful and the politicians are at their mercy. If you believe this you will believe anything. Diaspora has a non-existent expensive car to sell. Would you like to buy it from them?
Stupid man had the Diaspora been so powerful they could have easily stopped the war, reversed it and declared a Thamil Eelam and saved many lives from the brutal armed forces.
If you have spare time please contribute something useful to yourself, your family, your friends and fellow countrymen.
Tilak de Silva / May 6, 2015
Native vedda
I agree with some of your points but you nor any Tamil that placed high praise VP, should think hard where the p eelam movement took Tamils and the historical back stabbing Tamil politicians, are yet to prove their worth in public matters pertaining to Tamils as much as the Sinhala political elite current and old.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2015
Tilak de Silva
“but you nor any Tamil that placed high praise VP,”
Don’t put your word into my mouth. Could you cite any of my comments that placed high praise VP.
Make sure you don’t twist and turn my comments to suit your perception.
“should think hard where the p eelam movement took Tamils and the historical back stabbing Tamil politicians,”
Where did the p eelam movement take the Tamils? After observing the politics of this island for the past few months you should now know back stabbing is not a unique cultural attribute of Tamils alone.
It is the responsibility of majoritarians to prove they are worthy of trust, magnanimity, a sense of justice, believe in human rights, a corruption free democratic state, unity in diversity, ….
A sample of your own typing proves beyond any doubt you are another Sinhala/Buddhist racist who is bent on establishing a Sinhala/Buddhists ghetto where people from minorities are permanently kept down forever. Pretending otherwise is futile.
Tilak de Silva / May 7, 2015
Native vedda
Whether you or die ass pora or any Tamil deludes tgemselves in thinking that Sinahla nation is for taking by a minority p— eelam, think again. Sri Lanka will always remian controlled by majority Buddhist Sinhala, get used to it, call me racist or whatever term you like , that is a fact. Yes we need to accommodate other minorities Moslems, Chinese, Burgher along with Tamils, that should and will happen eventually, should not be due to bellicose noise by a few individuals.
Native Vedda / May 8, 2015
Tilak de Silva
“Whether you or die ass pora”
Diaspora is your brethren and not mine. Check your DNA.
“Tamil deludes tgemselves in thinking that Sinahla nation is for taking by a minority p— eelam, think again.”
Delusion is the synonym for Sinhala/Buddhists. Hopefully your Tamil brethren have come back to reality. It is matter of time you realised it.
“Sri Lanka will always remian controlled by majority Buddhist Sinhala, get used to it, call me racist or whatever term you like”
I suggest you get use to the idea of being controlled by Hindians.
“call me racist or whatever term you like , that is a fact.”
I hate to agree, you are a racist and it is a fact.
“Yes we need to accommodate other minorities Moslems, Chinese, Burgher along with Tamils, that should and will happen eventually, should not be due to bellicose noise by a few individuals.”
I beg to differ, you don’t have to accommodate the minorities out of goodness of your heart. They demand what is rightfully theirs.
natha / May 8, 2015
Looks like what MR clan has been said is correct.