17 September, 2024


Sri Lanka: Police Torture Documentary

By Asian Human Rights Commission

Right to Life in collaboration with the Asian Human Rights Commission has created a video discussion between a Sri Lankan police officer and Mr. Basil Fernando of the AHRC relating to the elimination of torture in Sri Lanka. The video was produced by Sirimao Wijesinghe.

The police officer, whose identity has been concealed, makes very frank statements about the belief that without torture criminal investigations cannot be conducted. This is a commonly held view. There is quite a good discussion on this issue in this video.

The police officer also explains other widely held view on torture as it is being practiced uniformly all over the world and that there is a link between power and the use of torture. On these views a human rights perspective is also quite well discussed in this documentary.

The documentary gives a good insight into the debate relating to torture and its elimination in Sri Lanka.


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    What this policeman do not understand is that these civil organisation interfere because they are paid in $$$$. For a better life & for fist full of $$$ these civil organisation officials must interfere to make a life.
    Let them bark and the police move on to do how best they know.

    Scientefic investigation – where does it happen ?
    Hong Police are the biggest Morons.
    There was a SL woman who was murdered by cutting her neck about 10 years ago. The case still unsolved.
    HK Police itself recently raided the ICAC for corruption. Basil F’do is ignorant.

    HK Police constable shot dead a person at point blank rage with his service revolver a Nepalese Man who allegedly attempted to attach the policeman with a leg of a broken chair.
    HK police departmental orders were never carried out and no action taken against the policeman. This incident happened close to AHRC office but they they never assisted the family of the dead Nepaleese
    man to take action against the HK Police for using excessive force.

    HK police is expected to readout rights of a suspect prior to recording statement. BUT it is only read after completion of recording of the statement. No senior officer checks.

    Basil F’do coughing for [Edited out]
    This video & actors, are wasted Danish Kroners.

    If a case is unsolved it is police inaction. When a case is solved its police torture.
    When JVP levelled eath threats on F’do what category did that fall? attempted Torture ?? Mahajana Mathaya or Science could not save F’do from the JVP.

    Does AHRC intervene when detainees are locked up by HK police for over 48 years and sometimes for a lack of interpreter availability.
    Neither HK Police nor Courts are bothered to find out this basic thing.
    AHRC was just barking up a gum tree.

    09 Organisations has acted as traitors.
    S/Africa police shoot dead striking miners on 16/8 2012….. Complain to the AHRC.

    Police torture is part of every governing regime throughout the world.
    Police torture is necessary BUT it is the manner how it should be done.

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