18 February, 2025


Sri Lanka: Slaughter In The No Fire Zone

By Callum Macrae –

The Sri Lankan government still denies responsibility for the killing of up to 70,000 Tamil civilians at the end of the civil war in 2009. So why has it been chosen to host a Commonwealth summit asks Callum Macrae, director of a harrowing film about the massacre

Callum Macrae

I have spent the best part of the last three years looking at some of the most terrible images I could have imagined. I’ve covered wars and seen some awful things, but few that could prepare me for the hours of video and mobile footage that emerged from the last 138 days of Sri Lanka’s bloody civil war between the government and the Tamil Tiger secessionists; a war that ended four years ago – and whose bloody denouement is the subject of my film No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka.

The film records what happened when the government of Sri Lanka told some 400,000 civilians to gather in what they described as “no fire zones” – and then subjected them to merciless, sustained shelling. We humans are good at reducing terrible massacres to statistics. We instinctively distance ourselves from the lost humanity represented by heaps of corpses or rows of dead bodies. But it is more difficult to avoid the anguish of those who survive.

For example, the two young girls, crying hysterically in a fragile bunker of sandbags in the immediate aftermath of a shelling. They want to rush from their shelter to help the injured, but a woman is holding them back – because one shell is almost inevitably followed by another. The girls are weeping as they look at the carnage in front of them. And then, in a chilling moment, one of them recognises someone, and her hysterical cries turn to anguished screams: “Mama!”

Read the full article in the Guardian

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    Macrae has already been criticised,insulted & vilified countless times by those opposed to his exposure of the ugly inhuman features of the war concluded in 2009.
    I doubt that he will be permitted to enter sri lanka,even to cover the CHOGM.

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      Dear Callum Macrae –

      “The Sri Lankan government still denies responsibility for the killing of up to 70,000 Tamil civilians at the end of the civil war in 2009. So why has it been chosen to host a Commonwealth summit asks Callum Macrae, director of a harrowing film about the massacre”

      Some questions for you.

      1. How many were killed by the USA and UK in Iraq based on the lies of WMD?

      2. How May are you trying to kill in Syria based on planted Chemical weapons Charges?

      3. How many were killed by LTTE during all those years? How many expelled? How many robbed?

      You need to do a balance sheet of
      Killed by LTTE, By the SL State and by USA/UK During the same period

      Then we can compare and punish.

      Until then, it is Double Standards by you and the UK.

      To begin with it was the British, yes British, who gave independence early to Ceylon without the proper check and balances, courtesy LORD Soul-bury commission.

      DeJa Vu…

      • 1

        “1. How many were killed by the USA and UK in Iraq based on the lies of WMD?”

        In your sick mind does this justify killing innocent women and children. That too after asking the civilians to move into a “NO Fire Zone”

        “2. How May are you trying to kill in Syria based on planted Chemical weapons Charges?”

        Please at least have a general idea what the congress is putting forward for approval before mouthing off like an idiot.

        “3. How many were killed by LTTE during all those years? How many expelled? How many robbed?”
        This is why LTTE was considered a terrorist organization around the world and SL govt is a state actor that had a duty to protect irrespective of race or political belief and not only it failed but it is the main party to the crime.

        F your balance sheet you moron, Sinhalese around the world get a bad name because of idiots like you.

        • 0


          “F your balance sheet you moron, Sinhalese around the world get a bad name because of idiots like you.”

          Sinhalese around the world have got a bad name around the world since 1958, especially Sinhalese Theravada Buddhists, just like the Germans did because of Nazis, because they did not do a proper balance sheet, because they wanted to hide just like the Nazis, 1958, 1971, 1981, 1987-1989, 2009 and so on.

          If the Sinhalese are compared to Nazis, and the facts support that, so be it, but should be balanced and given a chance to defend.

          Facts are hard to swallow, whether it was on Iraq, Sri Lanka or else where whether state actor like SL State or non-state LTTE. LTTE was a pseudo state actor, who had the support of many nations, but the fact remains the powerful gets away with it like in Iraq and Syria and Palestine. So it is double standards, the same double standards practiced by the SL State for the non-Buddhist citizens, that needs to be taken to task.

          “This is why LTTE was considered a terrorist organization around the world and SL govt is a state actor that had a duty to protect irrespective of race or political belief and not only it failed but it is the main party to the crime.”

          However, still both parties are subject to responsibility to protect. There is no question the SL Sate is hiding and may in the SL Sate and the Armed forces are responsible, and need to be taken to task like the Nuremberg Trials.

          Was there a Nuremberg Trial for the Iraq lies and WMD? SL killing fields?

          True, SL state is responsible, but so is LTTE and should be held accountable. SL State has managed to evade responsibility since 1958, due to Sinhala Theravada Buddhist Racism, that has nothing to do with Buddhism, and I have seen the atrocities by Buddhist Monks as a child in 1958.

        • 0


          “2. How May are you trying to kill in Syria based on planted Chemical weapons Charges?”

          “Please at least have a general idea what the congress is putting forward for approval before mouthing off like an idiot.”

          Burt, You are an Idiot, if you cannot comprehend facts and the context.

          The Congress is politicians. They approved Iraq WMD lies. They have their own agenda.


          Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration’s proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

          See what a US Senator is saying.


          I supported the decision to go to war with Afghanistan after our nation was attacked on 9/11. Colin Powell wrote in his autobiography: “War should be the politics of last resort. And when we go to war, we should have a purpose that our people understand and support.” I believe that he had it right. America should only go to war to win.

          War should occur only when America is attacked, when it is threatened or when American interests are attacked or threatened. I don’t think the situation in Syria passes that test. Even the State Department argues that “there’s no military solution here that’s good for the Syrian people, and that the best path forward is a political solution.”

          The U.S. should not fight a war to save face. I will not vote to send young men and women to sacrifice life and limb for stalemate. I will not vote to send our nation’s best and brightest to fight for anything less than victory. If American interests are at stake, then our goal should not be stalemate

          Read more: http://ideas.time.com/2013/09/04/sen-rand-paul-why-im-voting-no-on-syria/#ixzz2dz7iYzKw

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        Typical Sri Lankan grammer. “If somebody can kill some people some where sometime ago why cant Sri Lankans kill. – Mahinda Chindanaya”.
        Every criminal who is charged for murder can say this to the judge in the court. Excellent argument – but Sri Lankan. Keep it up. Mother Lanka would be very proud of you

    • 0

      Mcrae is a [Edited out] and a tragedy fiction writer. He is politically motivated and is paid [Edited out]. Ther rest just follow from there.

    • 0

      The Real Status,

      Al Alternate opinion, and is closer to the truth.,, if it could be extracted.

      [Edited out]

      @Amarasiri, Please write instead of posting long articles – CT

    • 0

      Macrae has already criticised countless times against those who involved the genocide for their the ugly inhuman features of the war concluded in 2009. Para Sinhalese who are claiming as alleged true followers Dhammapada are now lamenting for their exposures. LORD BUDDHA is there and looking at you, Para Sin-Hala(l) people.

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    He can always try to sneak in like his television crew did in 2009!! Risk of being found out though and be unceremoniously deported. Or he can report using his imagination which seems to be very fertile.

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    All those without a conscience I am sure will bad mouth Mcrae and call him an LTTE stooge etc…but just ask your selves…in the 1970 and late 80s JVP insurrections thousands of civilians were killed by the armed forces and very few of you would deny that fact even without any video or photographic evidence. Recently a mass grave with 150 plus skeletons was accidently unearthed in Matale. But regarding the thousands of Tamil civilians killed in the last days of the war, nobody wants to acknowledge that fact even with plenty of video footage and photographic evidence…some of it recorded by the armed forces themselves as trophy videos.
    Why these double standards? I can understand uneducated villagers with no access to the internet believing the zero casualties story…but what amazes me is how educated people continue to be in denail. Sad to see how props have lost their humanity.

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      Very correct and well said.In 58 as a child I saw a man being burnt alive in my neighbours house.In 88 as an adult I saw bodies burning on tyres by the roadside.How much more do we want? Should someone not be held responsible?

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        Tasil . when you saw the burning bodies what did you do ? did you wait all this time to come out with this ? Did you approach the UNHCR in 88 to highlight this . This comment does not mean a thing if there was no action taken by you . THe JVP killings went unnoticed due to people not taking the appropriate action . One of them has to be you .

        • 0

          If you try to do something at that time you know what your brothers would have done to him. Don’t be stupid. Rather than getting excuses for your crimes get civilized and spread decency and culture among your people for one moment. See what you are doing to the Muslims now.

  • 1

    Callum Macrae has done a great service to humanity by exposing the war crimes and genocide in the No Fire Zone documentary.

    It exposes the complicity of the Sri Lankan state and several other states in this planned massacre of civilians at the latter stages of the war. Several states are still trying to cover up the atrocities.

    These states and the UN stand naked in aiding and abetting genocide of Tamils by these exposures.

    The evidence gathered in the documentary plus a vast pool of evidence from survivors can bring the hierarchy of the Sri Lankan state and the military to justice in the event of an Independent international investigation.

    Navi Pillay has already indicated that this investigation should include events during the last 30 years.

    Callum Macrae deserves a Nobel peace prize for his relentless effort to bring the truth to the world.

  • 0

    Callum Mcrae’s country became rich over their colonial subjects resources, blood and sweat and there were always some coolies knelt in front of them.

    Now, Callum Mcrae is also is living in that way.


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      Jim Softly, Now what the fuck you care of Muslims countries? dont pull with Mac as he got nothing to do, he is trying to show what your Army [Edited out] did and they gonna do to your people soon as they are in Business and whom ever oppose will be white vanned, and then Ganasara Gaymens will come on behalf of people then they will start shooting at them, then Sinhala kill sinhala. Jim u [Edited out] go to jungle and stay under the tree and [Edited out] like your Lord buddah did.

      • 0

        Mr. ROD ATKINS.

        Why did the Creator or the ALMIGHTY create SATAN aka DEvil ? Was Creator out of mind at that moment ?

        Don’t you think who ever Created the Creator aka ALMIGHTY was Stupid in creating the Creator and the SATAN at the same time.

  • 0

    I think somebody has to inform Callum Macrae that we are going stop cattle slaughter in the near future. One saffron robed monk gave his life to stop cattle slaughter.

    Human slaughter in the no fire zone is not a big deal as they all were terrorist’s as claimed by our Saddrmadveepa Chakrawarthi. don’t forget that we defeated world no. 1 terrorists with “0” civilian casualty.

    For Callum Macrae Humans are more valuable than the animals, but for us we destroy everything to protect “Harak”

    Second part of Humanitarian Operation has already started in south by our Saddrmadvvepa Chakrawarthi.

  • 0

    Army still raping and still Army is being killed individually by each one man terrorits and this news not coming to Colombo or oversaes as everyday 1 solder should be dead and this is boys target and if this is counted at already reached 1500 already for 4 years. Army denying of killing of solders everyday, so in contraray they kill innocent boys hanging around in the night time in Jaffana town and they put in the Chemical barrel to get the body is dissolved in it. What a crime. They killed more than 70000/- its true.

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    dont bother coming to sri lanka you dipshit . just stay where you are and produce more fiction . The Diaspora will keep paying

    • 0

      If you are supposed to be a buddhist byy your username, try to be NOT an another Leela or Jimsofty.

      Actions of you guys, paints very different about the country. We the peace loving lankens have no choice than taking the side of this journalist and anyone who would do whatever they can to get rid of Rajapaskshes.

      • 0

        why dont you vote them out[Edited out]? instead of [Edited out] like you know what

  • 0

    Thanks Callum.

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    It seems the same old punnakku gets stirred and reserved every few months by the likes of Callum and Frances. Not surprisingly we find the usual suspects gathering around to feast on it :-)

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    Macrae has done a great service to humanity without taking stock of those killed since the Nobel prize winner for human rights took office.

    Nobel prize award for human rights itself was it a bribe to get on with the hidden agenda of slaughter……

    Wonder whether Macrae would visit us in Thondamanaru to take an actual count to put his record straight.
    We are able to straightend his crooked brain

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    Videos depict the real, bloodletting or carnage. They do not create. Statistics do not bleed it is said. If they do, play the numbers game and reduce 70,000 to a tenth ie 7,000. If there be a credibility gap, bridge it with satellite imagery. Bypass the 300,000 witnesses as deaf, dumb and blind by elite NGO definition. Amidst all this, issue a call for reconciliation. When the affected spurn it, flaunt the attractions of integration. The final cut is to call them obdurate when the seminarist gets peeved.

    • 0

      Anything is possible with modern Technology . Doctoring , altering images , video’s is no great feat in the 21 st century. I have seen a video where Prabakaharan is watching himself been killed . Do you think this really happened ??? Can Macare call this an authentic video as well

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        Even the British Government seems to be having reservations about the authenticity of Callum’s films. It’s good material for separatist supporters to consume.

      • 0


        This killing is real. Listen to the Sinhala conversations.

        So, are the killings by the LTTE.

        However, Sri Lanka State is bound by the Geneva Convention, and by International Law, and got the support of the International community to defeat LTTE terrorist organization, and in turn became a terrorist organization, a terrorist State.

        That is the issue here. Then they have to answer. They are hiding. That is where the problem lies.

        Why? Because they are guilty, and they the SL State knows that.

        • 0

          What has speaking in Sinhala to do with this . How many Tamils speak Sinhala and vice versa. Is it that difficult for a tamil to learn sinhala and threaten people ?

          • 0

            It is possible, but it was Sinhala with a Sinhala accent, and not Sinhala with a Tamil accent.

            • 0

              Many Tamils speak Sinhala without any accent.

          • 0

            Sinhala is the language of murder terror and rape

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          USA simply ignored this videos as fake.

          Can you give a name of a victim in the videos? Not only Macrae, many LTTE supporters cannot provide a name of a single victim because the victims were the prisoners arrested by LTTE and jailed in their notorious Thunukkai torture camp!

  • 0

    After Pillay^s visit, it is becoming clear to almost everyone, that war crimes should be investigated not by lanken bodies, but by an internationally appointed committee. No doubt, that Rajapakshes should be convicted accordingly. THen only peace loving us srilankens (regardless of our race and religion) can feel that justice is done.

    • 0

      very true

  • 0

    Macre is maintained by [Edited out]…Easy way of living luxury…[Edited out]…dont come to Sri Lanka….[Edited out] of Tamils…[Edited out]..

    • 0

      sooriya is maintained by [Edited out]…Easy way of lowlife living …[Edited out]…dont live in the earth….[Edited out] off Sinhala…[Edited out]..

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    This guy is film maker , so we don’t have to worry about what he is saying

    Do anyone believe BAT MAN, SPIDER MAN, SUPERMAN, all these films looks real but everyone knows they far beyond the truth these films made for the entertainment

    Callum Mcrae is doing the same thing , he is making these films to satisfy LTTE terrorist tamil diaspora, as long as LTTE terrorist tamil diaspora spend their money Callum will make another 100 films

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      If you repeat this a few times you can live deluded into thinking that everyone is like you! Callum Mcrae is an investigative film maker; he exposed many contentious matters including Iraq abuse of civilians and prisoners by the Allied Forces. Do you know what, in time, you will need multiples of Mcreas to get rid of the Rajapaksas!

      • 0

        Bullshit investigative film maker , he is another film maker based on the LTTE propaganda materials anyone can make those sort of films

        for the money you guys paid to him you may feel him like investigative film maker , people who knows the truth knows Callum is garbage and baseless film maker

        Thanks to Rajapakse now callum macre find the good living job (from [Edited out])

        Rajapakse got rid of the tamil terrorist therefore we don’t need to get rid of the Rajapakse from SL we need him to run our country

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    We although are adults still play a childrens game of blaming each other “If he could do it I too can do the same thing”Atrocious things are happening all over the world killing mostly unarmed women and children.We are shooting the messenger.Why can’t we show the world that this an island different to other countries in the world by following in the footsteps of great religious leaders.

  • 0

    For the number of Tamil civilians killed

    Macrae should refer to the archives of the Tamilnet website. Tamilnet was obviously pro LTTE and included all deaths inclusive of those of LTTE cadres as civilian deaths. The numbers reported by Tamilnet which also claimed that their correspondents were present in the battlefront and was accepted and quoted by the international media as a highly credible source are as fellows.
    In the year1989.
    April=1172 ,
    Total = 7399;
    At the end of the war the legal adviser BOYLE to the LTTE also claimed a figure of 10,000. Ref Tamilnet report below.
    [TamilNet, Wednesday, 20 May 2009, 04:20 GMT]
    Noting that the slow genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka accelerated to more than 10,000 killed in the last few months, far exceeding the horrors of Srebrenica, Professor Boyle in conversation with Los Angeles KPFK radio host, Michael Slate, Tuesday,

    Macrae should give his source for this fictitious figure.

    • 0

      Macre will quote his findings “from reliable sources” only . He will not give anymore information as he cannot name these non existant reliable witnesses. So far for transparency Macre style. He is not welcome in SL and I hope he knows that.

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    Callum Mcrea is living on [Edited out]

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    We salute you Callum Macrae, 70000 slaughtered? No… No… Its Mooooooooooooooreee….!

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    The Paranoia of those who are unable to disprove Callum Macrae’s hard evidence is simply amazing. They are like Ostriches trying to hide their heads thinking everything will pass with time. Unfortunately for them the evidence is too damning and there is no way out whatsoever for them. What a set of JOKERS?

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    Macrae is a documentary film maker. Of course he has his angle that he chooses to take, and a story he wishes to tell. Judging by some of the comments above, not many would wish to hear his story, and would deny that anything ever took place. The hysterical responses from those who deny that holocaust, would have us beleive that not a life was lost and that every picture we saw of dead or wounded civilians were fabrications and forgeries, cooked up of course by evil foreign agencies in the pay of the Diaspora. Snapshots of the war that have entered the mainstream such as the White Flag case, and the complicated circumstances surrounding the death of Prabhakaran, create on the other hand, a sense of unease that perhaps all was not sweetness and light.

    Come on people, grow up and get real. Perhaps you think that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth, and you can even begin to beleive it. One problem for the holocaust deniers is that apart from government sources (who are after all noted for their accuracy and impartiality), there are few other sources of information on the governments side of the war. Rajapakse himself acknowleged that the government having defeated the Tigers in battle, lost the propaganda war – a war that was guaranteed to fail as soon as the government decided to keep the media out of it. The media promptly decided that the government had something to hide, went looking for it, and generally found it too.

    The fact is that four years after the end of the war, not a single credible and independent version has emerged of the “other” side of the war. It is high time there was one to counterbalance the accounts of Gordon Weiss, Frances Harrison, Callum Macrae et al. Until then, these are what the world will read, see, and believe. The Daily Noise, local media of its ilk who have been threatened or bought, government ministers, and some of the more idiotic commentators such as evidenced in this thread are pretty much the only alternatives to what the world believes. Sadly, they are neither credible nor believable, and the “truth” – whatever it may be, will remain as disputed as ever.

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      This is not about angle this is about truth. And truth hurts. But you should be used to this by now. You have done it many many times.

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    Callum Macrae’s chanel 4 boss got married a tamil terrorist woman , so obviously CM has to work according to his boss tunes , that is why always he see only one side of the story

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      Marry is not a crime but murdering is

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    Callum Macrae/ chanel 4 bosses please produce some impartial film based on this story.Your film is not credible because this based on final part of brutal LTTE leaders Act.But whole ting we suffered last 30 years from this animals.They had introduce to shallow cyanide pills to their young soldiers but when leaders wanted to surrender they are not carried out this practice.What a great leader.They wants to surrender after 30 years act like kings of the Northern and Eastern parts finally they like to save their lives and awaiting for their funding partners of the world.
    Look,Macreae, you think Sri Lankan government had no rights to kill this beast according to their law of that country. Of course they have right to protect their country innocent people from world deadliest terrorist group.Go their and see now how happy these people living in Northern ,Eastern part and rest of the country today.USA, UK,France and other leading countries cant intervene and kill any bloody terrorist in the world.But other countries cannot used that right.we know that your funding organization and Chanel 4 directors should satisfy in this business..But remember who ever given best film title to you with regard to this bloody lying episode.Your credibility is 0% now.Produce a film worthwhile not to satisfied bloody Elam diaspora organization.LTTE is still banned from most of the leading countries in the world.therefore produce credible film unlike shit story like this this propaganda for their Elam.That a dream of bloody asylum seekers. living and liking in boots of western leaders, press,and so called Human rights organization.(NGO’S)around the world.


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