8 October, 2024


Sri Lankan Muslim Clerics Say Women Are Not Equal To Men, Defend Marriage Before Puberty

In an alarming submission made to several parliamentarians and other conservative groups with regard to proposed amendments to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA), the All Ceylon Jamiyathul Ulama (ACJU) has said that they agree with the Hadith “No people will ever prosper who appoint a woman in charge of their affairs” and therefore a woman isn’t worthy of being appointed a Qazi (judge).

Rizvi Mufthi

The ACJU is the main body of theologians of Muslims in Sri Lanka.

In a brief document dated March 2017 of which the Colombo Telegraph possesses a copy, the clerics have said that therefore they oppose the appointing of female judges (Qazis).

The Hadiths, which was compiled at least 230 years after the death of the Prophet quotes Muhammad the Prophet of Islam as making the statement, the veracity of which has been questioned throughout the Islamic intellectual tradition.

The submission also includes the fact of the marriage of the Prophet to Aisha, of which the contract of marriage was said to have taken place when she was 6 years of age.

It uses the story as a justification for the marriage of girls who have not attained puberty.

Again quoting a Hadith the document says “A father giving in marriage his daughter before attaining puberty is possible and this is the evidence that Abu Bakr (RA) gave Aisha (RA) on marriage to the Prophet (PBUH) when she was 6”.

However, the narration is also a construct of later day scholars although documented in Bukhari, one of the most voluminous of the compilers and considered to be a Sahih (truthful) Hadith.

There has been no other evidence to the effect that Aisha was in fact 6 and that the marriage was consummated when she was 9 except for Hadith, which according to academics was compilation though hearsay. Muhammad is said to have been 53 years at the time.

The ACJU accordingly has made a sweeping conclusion saying they are against any female judge sitting in as a Qazi and that her edicts will be not binding as per the Sharia and will therefore be null and void. Instead the ACJU has sought to confine the female in a consultative capacity.

Adding insult to injury, the ACJU has justified its view using the same justification of Saudi Arabia- saying “It is to protect the rights, honour and modesty of women”.

The head cleric of the ACJU Mufthi Rizwe was yesterday on record saying that the MMDA is “perfect in the present state”.

Several organizations including Muslim led civil society groups and the media have highlighted and documented many issues of rural Muslim women suffering as a result of the MMDA, including many instances of child marriage.

Click here to read the full submission

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  • 0

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  • 16

    any marry was carry out 53 years old man to 09th years old child was inhuman and act of well below the animal. as we people had seen many occasion old animal well acts to protect small baby animal that means that animal acting better than so call religion leaders. we people have seen all nature of violence against civilized world like what happen in UK crime against innocent people. so if this nation allow to keep going such thinks we are nothing less than middle east nations.

  • 16

    Pedophile sicks , should be eradicate from Sri Lanka

  • 6

    As usual this forum is inundated with various DIY Islamist and Islamophobist. Mufti is entitled to his views on the subject without being slaughtered by all these pseudo good doers and womens rights activists.

  • 11

    Allah is such a bad god it seems.

    • 3

      If Mohamed Prophet can marry a 8 year old child why others cannot marry a girl before puberty. Sharia Laws allows this Marriage of under age girls.

    • 5

      mentally sick people

  • 13

    Sri Lankan citizenship of following Muslim’s needs to be revoked based on the law of Sri Lanka.
    1) Any person marrying under age girl.
    2) Any person who is a polygamist (having multiple wives)
    3) Any person who is divorcing his wife without a courts order
    Laws of Sri Lanka are for all citizens. Regardless of their religious faith. If Muslim’s cannot obey the same laws that Sinhalese, Tamils and Burgers obey they should leave the country or needs to be deported to Pakistan. Government has to deport all Muslim’s to Pakistan. They came from Pakistan.

  • 5

    Sri Lankan citizenship of following Muslim’s needs to be revoked based on the law of Sri Lanka.
    1) Any person marrying under age girl. 2) Any person who is a polygamist (having multiple wives)
    3) Any person who is divorcing his wife without a courts order. Laws of Sri Lanka are for all citizens. Regardless of their religious faith. If Muslim’s cannot obey the same laws that Sinhalese, Tamils and Burgers obey they should leave the country or needs to be deported to Pakistan. Government has to deport all Muslim’s to Pakistan.

  • 4

    Sri Lankan citizenship of following Muslim’s needs to be revoked based on the law of Sri Lanka.
    1) Any person marrying under age girl. 2) Any person who is a polygamist (having multiple wives)
    3) Any person who is divorcing his wife without a courts order. Laws of Sri Lanka are for all citizens. If Muslim’s cannot obey the same laws that Sinhalese, Tamils and Burgers obey they should leave the country or needs to be deported to Pakistan. Government has to deport all Muslim’s to Pakistan.

    • 1

      Who the F..k are you to revoke my citizenship? I have not taken a citizenship but is a born Sri Lankan. If you accept that Adam was the first human, then Adam was a Muslim and he landed in Sri Lanka. So, he was the first Sri Lankan. All you idiots are offspring of a mermaid with half fish ancestors. No wonder you have fish oil in your head

      • 7

        Something really wrong with you dude…why do you want to eat the fruit RAW?

        You need see reality… Think for yourself..

        If the Prophet jumped of a cliff would you? hmmm then again thinking maybe you actually world.

        • 2

          The Muslims have already peeled the fruit. So, its tastes better. Check it with your women folk. They will tell you the difference

          • 3

            Muslims try it on goats before slaughtering them at haj. weirdos

        • 4

          there is something very bizarre about Islam. maybe it has to do with the illiteracy of its founder

      • 2

        You only have half; so stop talking..

  • 6

    My question is how can the marshmallow of a 70 year old go into that tiny opening of the narrow 9 year old bottle?

    • 2

      P U Kaymile .My question is how can the marshmallow of a 70 year old go into that tiny opening of the narrow 9 year old bottle?

      Perhaps they shout “insha’Allah ” before the act and perhaps it works.!

    • 1

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 2

      Mohammed did not have children through Ayisha.
      Even Gandhi could not do anything with girls like his grand daughters.

      No wonder why Ayisha went missing twice in a long trip.

    • 4

      good point. It does not help if a religion is founded by a depraved and deranged person.

    • 4

      Mohamed was a clear pervert. He had something for women…he totally lost his holiness when he married 11 women…read the hadeeses a about how mohamed to safiya for himself…disgusting…how can a holy messenger do stuff like this?

  • 8

    This business of marriage is nothing spiritual, it has no significance in Islam to attain eternal life.
    there fore the Muslim clergy of the country require to take note of this and come to the realisation that a woman is treated as a human as much as the man. Societies of non Muslim countries considers all aspects of opportunity to man and woman equally… therefore Muslims living in a non Muslim country have no right over the social values of that non Muslim country but instead adhere to the common law prevalent in the country demanding something different is a non starter. so keep the LAW simple apply to all communities living in the country. the total population requires to come under the common law to maintain harmonious co existence. The necessary adjustments are required to be made by the relevant religious institutions. The government requires to stand firm on this issue.

  • 14

    The head cleric of the All Ceylon Jamiyathul Ulama (ACJU), Rizwi Mufti was yesterday on record saying that the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) is “perfect in the present state”.
    Nothing is perfect Rizwi. The flat earth theory is wrong. The earth is not the centre of the universe.

    Founders of all religions are social reformers but in due course mercenaries exploited the followers by misinterpreting the teachings. Rizwi Mufti is a classic example. He repeats canards till donkeys accept these as truths

    Rizwi is preaching that all women are inferior to men. He promotes pedophilia. These are blasphemous – not only in the religious sense. There is a case to book him for this.

    The Lankan Muslim MPs are thunderously silent. To Rizwi this is perfect.

  • 7

    we are living in the 20th century…..
    need changes…..ladies writs and wishes need to be proctedtd…
    education has been given….and has given ladies a more insight of life
    women have a right to live the way they want decently.. not harresed and intimitated…..
    life has to be respected….and given status as child looks “Paradise lies at the feet of thy mother”
    Pls….consider…..the plight of ladies…

  • 8

    I know a very courageous Mexican lady since my days abroad.

    She insists that “God is a woman and anything to the contrary is blasphemy”.

    I think that the women of the world should unite under that slogan.

    • 3


      So the truth should be that the GOD IS BISEXUAL.

      • 3

        I think the “God is Great” where god is transgender..

      • 2

        bisexual means a person has sex with both male and female. The term you are looking for is unisexual. Jim is learning something everyday.

    • 4

      So who screwed your god for you to be born?

      • 1

        suresh Ratnayake

        “So who screwed your god for you to be born?”

        Definitely it was neither lion nor camel.

    • 0

      This Risvi [Edited out]

  • 10

    A quotation from Hakeem Olajuwon (US Basket Ball Star)

    “The difference must be distinguished between worship and respect. Islam orders you to obey and respect, as long as you are not worshiping anything other than God… Islam is a religion of peace. You don’t attack. You explain.” – (Hakeem Olajuwon)

    Some of my fellow commentators are trying to be heroes who rescue 10 year old Muslim girls from villains like Rizvi Mufthi. They are oblivious to the real danger posed by the kind of thinking that Rizvi Mufthi indulges in.

    Look at the part in italics. According to it, what we believe in is their business. You can be killed by a jihadist just for worshipping a Buddha statue (an idol) inside your living room. That is the problem with Islam. That makes this type of religion very dangerous and a threat to others.

    How serious they are about this can be gauged from the fact that they believe that it is a sure way of going to heaven where 72 virgins + rivers of wine await them.

    • 6

      Edwin Rodrigo:

      What some of the muslims say is correct. Muslims when it was allowed had been a peaceful religion. some muslims even believe in past lives. they get such experiences. there are muslims who meditate.

      this group of muslims practice Wahabism which is wrongly interpreted Quran. What they practice is not quran instead, Arabic culture which is hostile to girl child because as they were in war constantly, they wanted boy childeren and not girl children which burried alive.

      So, as per Arabic culture, marrying an infant – girl is still respectable to these barbarians.

      Only question is how they interpret the so-called word of the almighty, the they want and make mess in the human society.

      • 4

        A Peaceful and Forgiving Religion

        Jim, when I speak with the non radical Muslims who are my good friends and colleagues, there are 2 questions they answer reluctantly in the affirmative.

        Q1: If I become a Muslim, and I leave t because I am not satisfied with it, can I be killed by you guys?

        A1: Yes, most certainly. It is not a question of whether we can, but obligatory on us to kill you as that is the prescribed punishment in the Holy Quran?.

        Q2: If I do not want to become a Muslim at all, what will be the result?

        A2: If you no nothing about Islam, then you cannot be punished. But if you know about it, you can be killed because you are an infidel. Knowing the truth and not following it is definitely punishable by death.

        Q3: So, the best thing is to pretend you have no interest and not to discuss religion with you?

        A4: Exactly. But don’t tell anyone else that we told you so.

        That in a nut shell is what Olajuwon means by ‘peaceful’ . It is like a loaded gun. As long as you do not pull the trigger it is just a harmless stick.

      • 3

        The Walking Bombs

        Jim, don’t believe any of them. Some may look kind, nice and reasonable. But they are all bombs ready to explode. They can be triggered any time to do just that. Looks and Talks are deceptive.

        I have two Muslim friends though who openly declare that they are not Muslims and ever ready to fearlessly criticize Islam. They would have been dead if they were in Saudi. But here that does not happen. Thankfully!

        There are No Good Muslims or Bad Muslims – Only Muslims.

        • 3

          we should not invite Muslims to our homes, not employ them and not buy anything from them unless they change their attitudes towards us and adopt values which are more in line with ours. They are degenerates.

      • 4

        Jim Softly and other Islam haters, dear all, We Muslims are very fortunate to live according to our Divine Scripture The Holy Quraan. This scripture is very much sought after in the entire universe. Halal Lawful – Haram IUnlawful is ONLY to be found in this Holy scripture. We Muslim therefore, will not kill the baby girls as practiced by the Hindus in Indiia, (Our Holy Prophet forbade and stopped burying baby girls alive as practice by the Pagans of Saudi Arabia) Islam purified the Holy land of Paganism. we Muslim do not demand dowry from the bride, we Muslim do not eat ill gotten wealth, We Muslim do not burn the bride alive when husband die, we Muslim do not defecate in the open. We eat only pure and wholesome,where as the Non -Muslims devour everything. Derivatives from pig,dogs, babies,which are used in chocolates, jellies, and many confectioneries are not eaten by Muslims as Muslims have a quality check certificate, Halal certifications, So Muslims are proud of our heritage. So do not be jealous of Muslims. By the way why the world is accepting Islam? even Amitab Bhachan is now reading Quraan, so many prominent personalities who are using the Quraan, so you too read without prejudice and may be your will also guided to the right path.

        • 4

          i have read the Koran. I have never read a bigger load of crap. its is garbage and needs to be rewritten. it was never the word of god but the uttering of an illiterate on Hashish.

        • 0

          You are superior to us in every respect.Then why shouldn’t you rule over us?

  • 5

    yesterday on the 22nd of March , a Muslim terrorist named by British Police as Khalid Masood drove his car through the pedestrians going about their business, on the Westminster Bridge, killing 3 civilians and injuring many. He then crashed his car against the railings of the Westminster Palace and stabbed an unarmed policeman to death.

    Now what is the difference between Khalid Masood and Rizvi Mufthi/ Muhammed Fazl who wants to legalise sex with under aged Mulim girls?

    Khalid Masood was radicalised by Islamic terrorist organisation ISIS to carry out this terror attack.

    Rizvi Mufthi & Muhammed Fazl are claiming to promote normal Islamic law and practice radicalised by wrong interpretation of Islam

    if Khalid Masood was captured alive he would have been sentenced to prison until death.

    why spare Rizvi Mufthi & Muhammed Fazl?


    • 3

      <The Central Bank Bomb & The London Massacre

      Rajash, At leastKhalid Masood did it for an All Powerful, All Knowing, All Merciful Allah. But the LTTE did it for a well seen, well rounded, chikkken curry eating God called Prabha. The Central bank bomb killed many hundreds of innocent people. Perhaps 6 times as many dead and injured 1000’s. Why, Rajash, Why were they made targets?

      They were also going about their business just like the Londoners. So why do you moan the death of those people in London only? It was the Tamils who were given support and asylum by UK. They are the people – sorry animals – who developed these mass terror tactics against civilians. Their master tactician, Balasingham, was given a passport and the status of an hnored guest and directed these dastardly attacks against innocent civilians from London. I wonder whether he too was a chikkken curry enthusiast.

      Now the Londoners find that the Chickens have come home to roost .

      So, Rajash, go and eat some chikkken curry and forget about London.

      • 2

        hello ‘thambi’, you should remember that you only have half; the other half is with allaa..

      • 1

        You can’t talk about terrorist attacks orchestrated by radical Islamic terrorists because you only have half; the other half is with allaa..

      • 0

        Edwin Rodrigo “At least Khalid Masood did it for an All Powerful, All Knowing, All Merciful Allah”
        wrong he did it in the name of Allah.

        “But the LTTE did it for a well seen, well rounded, chikkken curry eating God called Prabha”
        wrong LTTE did it as a retaliation for the innocent Tamils killed by Sinhala Thugs over many years.

        Edwin Rodrigo – why why were innocent Tamils , children, infants, pregnant mothers were massacred by the Sinhala Thugs in the name of the Sri Lankan Government of the day ?

        were you busy eating kavun when the Tamils were slaughtered systematically since 1957 by Sinhala Thugs?

    • 1

      Postscript: When I was reading my own comment above, I was fascinated by the idea that there may be some connection between the Chicken Curry that Prabha loved to eat and the many chickens that are coimng home to roost in various cities of Europe, Brussels, Paris, London, Berlin etc. Perhaps these are the relatives of the chicken that Prabha ate at his so called ‘last dinners’. Or perhaps they are the reincarnations of the original vitims.

      I cannot help but feel a certain pleasure in these incidents despite the civilian lives lost, for whom I feel deeply sorry. It is always the innocent civilians that take the brunt of these attacks. I am sure that the chicken in Vanni who escaped the Round Gods teeth must be also having some satisfaction although that has to be without any reservations. After all, a civilian is just another predator for a chicken. Chicken are genuinely democratic and do not discriminate on color, creed, race, caste or religion. They hate us. Period.

      That is why they are celebrating every one of these horrendous so called ‘terrorist acts’ by their excited clucks and clicks in the Vanni. The important thing here is that, if my theory is correct, considering the number of chicken that passed through Prabha’s throat, then more chicken can be expected to visit Europe this year. This is only the beginning with no end in sight. Just the tip of the Iceberg. Obviously No banning of laptops, tablets etc. can stop that migration because they just fly in like sef powered drones. Together with the unstoppable arrival of refugees from Africa and other places that the Europeans have been mercilessly exploiting for the last few centuries, it is building up to a big crisis.

      May Allah the All Merciful have mercy on these people – and also the chicken of course.

      • 0

        Edwin Rodrigo –

        After all, a civilian is just another predator for a chicken. Chicken are genuinely democratic and do not discriminate on color, creed, race, caste or religion. They hate us. Period.

        Yes they hate the Tamils in the name of Buddha .Period!

        Hope the melun you had for dinner was good

        • 1

          RPG </b?

          Ennappa Ra Jazz, is that the best response you could think of? Pathetic! It looks more like an application for refugee status that you guys submit to those rich western countries.

          1) Innocent Tamils killed by Sinhala Thugs over many years.

          2) why why were innocent Tamils , children, infants, pregnant mothers were massacred by the Sinhala Thugs in the name of the Sri Lankan Government of the day ? You forgot to mention ‘pregnant mothers killed, their bellies split open and the fetus being pulled out.

          3) Were you busy eating kavun when the Tamils were slaughtered systematically since 1957 by Sinhala Thugs? No I was busy splitting them in to two, Nandi Mitra style. Put one foot on the right leg, firmly hold the left leg and pull in a clean sweeping motion. The final result is two nice and similar halves. The maneuver is quite easy once you practice on 2 or 3 cases.

          When SL Army Pvt Nimal wanted to give your RPG (Round Prabha God) the NMT (Nandi Mitra Treatment), he could not find RPG’s legs. All he found was a perfectly smooth sphere with no surface features such as even a pimple. So he shot RPG. I don’t understand why he wasted a bullet. If I were Pvt Nimal I would have simply kicked him in to a nearby chicken cage where the chicken would have taken good care of him.

          • 1

            Hey Rajash, sorry I forgot to ask you what Melun is. Do you mean Melon, Mellun (like gotukola mellun mellun)?

            • 0

              I do mean Mellun (like gotukola mellun mellun)? …one of my favourites

              • 0

                That delicious Karan Koku Maluwa again

                Raa Jazz, You should try Karan Koku Maluwa. It would be a treat to your taste buds. But you cannot do that while you are in your refuge (UK) as a refugee. So you will have to weigh your options.

                1) Are you going to continue as a refugee and live on your dole (le a beggar) even having Eastern Europeans as your servants


                2) Are you coming down to SL and visit my temple for a village for typical rural lunch, with KKM at the top of the menu.

                Personally, I prefer that you take option(2) giving me a chance to BO another Tamil. Have not done that since 2004 and would make my day.

      • 0

        So Edwin, you are back and in top form! Your posts are a delight to read.

        • 0

          Praise is Highly Appreciated

          Thank you Atticus for that praise. I hope others would flow the great example set by Atticus. Unless a commentator, has the courage to give you unqualified praise, I ignore the bastard. But when intellectuals come out with sincere praise like you have done, I do not take it lightly. I go to town with my replies and like William Shakespeare, I praise any man who will praise me. Please do not misunderstand the part ‘any man’. I am prepared to praise any woman too, if she praises me. The problem is that evolution has not prouced such a creature – yet.

          So there things stand, with the best ‘praise’ that I have ever had from a woman being ‘what a jerk’ before she walked away huffing and puffing! Naturally, I cannot repeat the other less kindly praises here because CT moderators are very free with their scissors, always ready to cut, snip, prune and butcher our comments, with that often repeated remark “This comment was removed by a moderator…..” and then mystify you with “For more detail see our (non existent) Comment policy.”

    • 1

      Rajash there will be in the world good and evil people in every religion, do not forget, that the world had history of terrorism committed by various religion background. Therefore harking to blame the Muslims for every evil deeds by conveniently forgetting the atrocities committed against the humanity by different religious ethnic groups/ For example, The Hindus killed many innocent Muslims in India, as recently as of 1945 upto 2016 more than 7000 act of violence were perpetrated against the Muslims in India,In Sri Lanka, LTTE who are Tamils, not Muslims killed randomly by detonating bombs killing innocent people who have done nothing wrong, then the Pol Pot in killed millions in Vietnam. American killed millions of Indians, Japanese, Vietnamese, Arabs etc. So you are identified as a Muslim hate monger. So you are a kettle calling pot black. Put your own house in order before bashing the Muslims.

  • 5

    As a Muslim I am ashamed of this type of people speaking for Muslims. Some courages man should get hold of Rizwi Mufti and a few of his زميل — الخطاة and carry out a simple surgery to change Rizwi and others into women. Then, as he says. every thing would be perfect.

    • 4


      Some courages man should get hold of Rizwi Mufti and a few of his زميل — الخطاة and carry out a simple surgery to change Rizwi and others into women. Then, as he says. every thing would be perfect.

      This is the best treatment to make Mohamd fAZL and this claric to understand who really their mothers, are, daughters are, grand mothers are, and sisters are because wife is no good and she is inferior.

      give them a sex change operation, make them women and to get married to another two muslims just like them.

  • 4

    ACJU dose not represent all the Muslims in Sri Lanka , definitely not me why people jump up and down about his comments, same time I can see lots of none Muslims worry about the well being of our women thank you but no thank you
    Show me how many under age marriage happened in mother Lanka,? None

  • 9

    Islam is a Satanic cult and its prophet’s conduct as stated in the Hadiths will prove this. Watch Youtube and you will see enough of these. At age 15 he married a widow of 45 years and later he had as much as six wives at a time. When he married his favourite Ayesha she was just 6 though the marriage consumated at 9. Islam promotes polygamy and child marriages are common in Islamic countries. Such polygamous marriages are because of lust and not of love. Lust comes from Satan and not from a Holy God. Because of lust the so called prophet even got his adopted son to divorce his wife and he married her. He even allowed his followers to rape the wives of his captives whose husbands were mercilessly killed. He has even allowed prostitution by way of temporary marriages. All of these are Satanic acts. If a married man of 54 years can have an erection before a girl of 6 or 9 it is lust and cannot be condoned. All educated Muslim men and women ought to examine the lifestyle of the prophet and decided for themselves and not let the stupid and uneducated Muslim clerics to decide the future of their daughters. Women must have their right place in society and the choice to select the man with whom to live in dignity and not as a slave.

    • 2

      Youtube watcher

      You are only a watcher. You don’t know what is really inside Islam.

      • 0

        You Only have seen the good side of Islam…every religion has a good and bad side

    • 2

      A truly horrible religion and culture: that is Islam summed up in one sentence.

  • 3

    Record number of bad comments but iSLAM is still the fastest growing religion in the world according to independent statistics. Least number of violence against woman in Muslim countries. Least number of AID cases in Muslim countries. In non Muslim countries many under aged children are abused and even killed. Among Muslims in Sri Lanka or in other Muslim countries child marriage is NOT widely prevalent. Any body can independently verify for themselves the above statistics. Why is this shouting from roof tops? You can check if you have a Muslim friend what was the age of your wife when married. A GEM MAY BE MUDDY. BUT GEM IS A GEM.

    • 8

      Largely growing as they breed like rats and want to take over. Also forcibly converting non Muslim minorities in Muslim majority countries to Islam. Pakistan and Bangla Desh are good examples millions of Hindus were forced to convert to Islam or be killed or raped. It is also common in the Middle East especially in ISIS controlled areas. We all know what happened to the non Muslim Kurdish Yazidi and other Christian minorities.
      In Sri Lanka from around an insignificant 5% the population has doubled in a short period

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

      • 2

        Pandi kutti

        “In Sri Lanka from around an insignificant 5% the population has doubled in a short period”. Is this by force?
        IS is an enemy of Islam. US Turkey and Saudi will do the final rites of IS very soon.

        What about Islam spreading fastest in Europe and US? You have no logic. Only jealousy.

        • 3

          Very few white Europeans or other non Muslim immigrant population , other than a few marginal mentally unstable loony cased with a grudge against society , who are easy prey to Islamic extremists have converted to Islam in the West.
          95% of the population in the West white or non Muslim White regard Islam and Muslims with suspicion and really do not want them there any more.
          Muslim population in the west has increased largely due to Muslim immigrants largely on the dole breeding like rats and also largely due to millions of Muslim immigrants fleeing from their Islamic paradises in Syria Iraq Iran, Pakistan Afghanistan and Africa and seeking refuge in Kaffir Christian West instead of running to any other Islamic paradise nation say Saudi Arabia Qatar Turkey Malaysia etc. Germany alone took more than a million last year and they showed their gratitude by sexually assaulting young German females during New Year’s even last year.
          You people do not want to live in your Islamic paradises and flee to other non Muslim lands and then within a few generation want to make these lands look like the same Islamic hell holes, that your ancestors originally fled from. Eastern Sri Lanka is a good example. Came there as refugees and asylum seekers a few centuries ago and were given refuge as fellow Tamils. Now deliberately breeding there like rats to out number the Tamils and have joined hands with the ruling Sinhalese racists and armed forces to kill murder and ethnically cleanse thousands of Tamil civilians, whose ancestors took pity on your ancestors and gave them refuge. So that you can take over their land. Always have this intention of taking over another persons land, once you reach a certain percentage.,

          • 1

            Pandi Kutti

            Please read the following

            Tony Blair’s sister-in-law has converted to Islam
            Broadcaster and journalist Lauren Booth, 43 – Cherie Blair’s half-sister – said she now wears a hijab head covering whenever she leaves her home, prays five times a day and visits her local mosque ‘when I can’.

            George Bush Daughter Laura Bush Converts To Islam.

            George Bernard Shaw
            George Bernard Shaw is winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925.
            (From Encyclopedia Britannica online)

            “I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving the problems in a way that would bring the much needed peace and happiness. Europe is beginning to be enamored of the creed of Muhammad. In the next century it may go further in recognizing the utility of that creed in solving its problems.”
            (A Collection of writing of some of the eminent scholars, 1935).

            “If a man like Muhammed were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness.”
            “I have studied him – the wonderful man – and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of humanity. “
            George Bernard Shaw in “The Genuine Islam”

            “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him – the wonderful man and in my opinion for from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity.”

            “I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.”
            George Bernard Shaw, “The Genuine Islam”, Vol. 1, No. 81936.

            • 2

              Pathetic Tony Blair’s sister in law and George Bush’s daughter converting to Islam does not make thousands of westerners converting to Islam. George Bernard Shaw personal opinions about Islam are his and has nothing to do with the rest of the west.
              Islam will never be acceptable to the west , they were chased out of the Iberian peninsular and southern Italy hundreds of years ago. and now only remains in parts of eastern Europe Albania Kosovo and Bosnia due to forced conversion during the Ottaman rule in these areas.
              The only way they can become a majority is huge population change like what is now happening in eastern Sri Lanka. Where Dravidian Tamil speaking South Indian Muslim immigrant refugees in the name of their religion and under the pathetic delusion that they are some sort of Arabs , and are with Sinhalese help,are trying to Arabise take over and steal the land of the indigenous eastern Hindu Tamils, who took pity on them as fellow Tamils and gave them refuge. Sinhalese hatred for the Tamils is now blinding them to huge blunder they are now committing, that will come to bite them very soon. Muslims are cunningly using this hatred for their advantage.
              Looks like you are one of these deluded Dravidian Tamil speaking South Indian Muslim who has been brainwashed to the think that you are an Arab. You are no loyal citizen. Your loyalty is to your Arab masters and their barbaric Wahhabi/Salafist Islam

              • 0

                Pandi Kutti

                You are not a noble laureate like George Bernard Shaw or Albert Einstein.
                Your name itself shows who you are. You are only a Pundi Kutty.
                Please better shut up and wait without making pundi noices

            • 0

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  • 2

    Wow!! Where are the patriotic heroes and defenders of motherland?? Please open your mouth and speak..

  • 0

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  • 1

    CT has been giving more prominence to this unelected body and the repeated criticism of this ACJU bunch would make them as Champion on Islamic affairs. They had been waiting to rescue their pride after the HALAL fiasco. It is true they cherry pick verses in Holy Quran and Hadeeth to justify their theses. This is called COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. But, I can’t understand WHY it is only Islam under has been under constant criticisms as nobody asks for a female buddhist to assume the NAYAKA Hamaduru role, Temple Pusari or Church Father.

    • 4

      Why no female Chief Monk of Malwatte Asgiriya?

      “as nobody asks for a female buddhist to assume the NAYAKA Hamaduru role, Temple Pusari or Church Father.”

      Good point by Razick. In fact, at the beginning, Buddha allowed only males as monks. He refused monkhood to women until his (Siddhartha’s) foster mother Maha Pajapati Gotami and his wife put immense pressure on him to start the Meheni Sasana (the order of women monks).

      It is also clearly stated that only a male can become a Buddha.

      Let us face it. All religions have skeletons in their cupboards in this respect. All religions consider women inferior to men. Even Buddha descriminated against women.

  • 2

    Just imagine Islam in the hands of a sane , good custodian… no violence and hatred against non believers… no negative stuff like marrying girls before their puberty… and fully satisfied with four wives… last one allowed to be a rotating one. I see good traits in all religions, particularly in Islam those powerful prayers that discipline people.

    Many people actually would embrace Islam.

    However, what’s actually happening just proved it’s a pipedream.

  • 3

    Mohamed was an illiterate Arab. the irony is that even educated Muslims follow the directives of this illiterate pedophile. Muslims in Sri Lanka want to have the option of being pedophiles.

  • 3

    castration of mullah is the solution

  • 2

    To the idiots who discuss halves, you should ask your sisters how they feel about the other half.

    ACJU is another political boondoggle being milked by a family and Muslims not being political, don’t really care who is minding the bank!

    Ask Rauff Hakeem who has been spending SLMC assets like his father left them to him.

    On the issue of marriage..let’s not be donkeys and discuss Mohammed , Jesus and Moses, because none of us come even close to stand in their shadows. I do not mention the Buddha because none of you fools follow him.

    This is about protecting the legal options of Muslim women without allowing the Qazi courts to trump national laws.
    What is the big deal? Pass the damn law, and that’s that! Instead of doing that, Tricky Dickey’s Nephew Ranil is playing politics and making this a prolonged negotiation between the various racketeers from the Muslims. This will not pass until an outside source like the EU insists on it.

  • 5

    Aisha was in fact 6 and Muhammad is said to have been 53 years at the time.

    What a pervert!

    • 2


      “Aisha was in fact 6 and Muhammad is said to have been 53 years at the time.
      What a pervert!”

      You got a point there, however, child marriage was prevalent among the South Asian society until recently.

      Please read:

      Marriage, Education, and Employment
      among Tamil Brahman Women in
      South India, 1891–2010∗

      A hundred years ago, pre-puberty marriage for girls was the norm among South
      Indian Tamil Brahmans, and Brahman girls received little or no education. By
      the 1940s, child marriage had largely ended and girls’ education was improving
      gradually. Today, girls’ educational standards more or less match that of boys’, and many Brahman women are also employed outside the home. In relation to marriage and education in particular, the position of women has greatly improved, which is regarded by Tamil Brahmans themselves as a sign of their modern,educated, professional, middle-class status, whereas extreme gender inequality formerly indicated their traditional, high-caste status. This paper examines how female marriage, education, and employment are interrelated and how they have changed among Tamil Brahmans, particularly in the Eighteen-Village Vattima subcaste, which continued child marriage until the 1970s. Among Tamil Brahmans, as both women and men recognize, a real reduction in gender inequality has occurred. Moreover, Brahman men have more readily ceded status to Brahman women than Brahmans together have to non-Brahmans, so that
      there is a striking contrast today between persisting ideas of caste superiority and diminishing gender inequality.

      Can be accessed from http://eprints.lse.ac.uk

    • 2

      Richard respect please without proper knowledge you shouldn’t utter like an idiot, Hope you are old enough to give a blow job….

      • 1

        Soothla, are you offering?

  • 2


    Honor Killings, Female Genital Mutilation and Stoning (Women only) to Death for Adultery appear to have so far not entered the Muslim Society in Sri Lanka though prevalent in Muslim societies world wide.

    Marriage before puberty amounts to sadism.

  • 4

    Tamils and Women’s Rights

    As some commentators have observed here, there is an overwhelming number of comments with anti-Muslim sentiments expressed against Rizvi Mufthi in this column. Almost all of these can be adduced to Tamil commentators. Everyone knows that, whatever other flaws Tamils may have, they are the leading trend setters in women’s rights in the world. Here are some of their achievements:

    1) Tamil women fighters of the LTTE have the honour of being the most brutal terrorists in the world until the sad demise of RPG (Round Prabha God), their divine leader.

    2) They were the first in the world to form a Women’s Suicide squad.

    3) A Tamil woman suicide bomber has the honour of taking the life of a leader (Rajiv Gandhi) of a leading country (India), a record that stands unbroken up to now and likely to remain unbroken forever.

    4) Tamil women fighters hold the world record for killing the largest number of civilians.

    5) Tamil women fighters developed novel and economic methods for killing infants. Dash them against a sturdy object like a tree or a rock. Obviously they had an unfair advantage over Tamil men there. Being women they knew more about infants than men.

    With all these achievements already under the suicide belts of their women, no wonder Tamils are vehemently against Rizvi Mufthi who is against even a simple idea such as Women judges. The Tamils cannot understand why. Tamils not only support appointment of Women judges but also All Women Juries and Women Executioners too.

    Tamils love Chicks just the way Prabha loves Chickkkken Curry.Having gobbled up too much Chick curry, Tamils cannot digest Rizvi’s Islamic ideas about women. Naturally.

    • 1

      Edwin Rodrigo

      the Zoophilia (disambiguation)

      its you again?

  • 2

    Look…religion is for politics, the survival of the society and its highest echelon. So does science, technology and everything else. They are formed, reformed, written, re-written, edited and distributed to suit the socioeconomic-political environment at a given point of time in history. Acceptance or denial of such doctrine at a different point of time in history under totally different socioeconomic-political environment is not very smart. Must not be done!
    I know for a fact that not all Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are the same. Religions come in flavours like ice-cream. The one you like is one you prefer to believe. Modern society allows for that as long as it does not impinge on other persons freedom to do the same.

    My religion is not yours and yours is not mine. It’s a fact. I’m not going to impose mine on yours nor should yours on me. Where there are incompatibilities, we seek refuge in law of the land.

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