14 October, 2024


Sri Lankan Muslim Clerics Say Women Are Not Equal To Men, Defend Marriage Before Puberty

In an alarming submission made to several parliamentarians and other conservative groups with regard to proposed amendments to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA), the All Ceylon Jamiyathul Ulama (ACJU) has said that they agree with the Hadith “No people will ever prosper who appoint a woman in charge of their affairs” and therefore a woman isn’t worthy of being appointed a Qazi (judge).

Rizvi Mufthi

The ACJU is the main body of theologians of Muslims in Sri Lanka.

In a brief document dated March 2017 of which the Colombo Telegraph possesses a copy, the clerics have said that therefore they oppose the appointing of female judges (Qazis).

The Hadiths, which was compiled at least 230 years after the death of the Prophet quotes Muhammad the Prophet of Islam as making the statement, the veracity of which has been questioned throughout the Islamic intellectual tradition.

The submission also includes the fact of the marriage of the Prophet to Aisha, of which the contract of marriage was said to have taken place when she was 6 years of age.

It uses the story as a justification for the marriage of girls who have not attained puberty.

Again quoting a Hadith the document says “A father giving in marriage his daughter before attaining puberty is possible and this is the evidence that Abu Bakr (RA) gave Aisha (RA) on marriage to the Prophet (PBUH) when she was 6”.

However, the narration is also a construct of later day scholars although documented in Bukhari, one of the most voluminous of the compilers and considered to be a Sahih (truthful) Hadith.

There has been no other evidence to the effect that Aisha was in fact 6 and that the marriage was consummated when she was 9 except for Hadith, which according to academics was compilation though hearsay. Muhammad is said to have been 53 years at the time.

The ACJU accordingly has made a sweeping conclusion saying they are against any female judge sitting in as a Qazi and that her edicts will be not binding as per the Sharia and will therefore be null and void. Instead the ACJU has sought to confine the female in a consultative capacity.

Adding insult to injury, the ACJU has justified its view using the same justification of Saudi Arabia- saying “It is to protect the rights, honour and modesty of women”.

The head cleric of the ACJU Mufthi Rizwe was yesterday on record saying that the MMDA is “perfect in the present state”.

Several organizations including Muslim led civil society groups and the media have highlighted and documented many issues of rural Muslim women suffering as a result of the MMDA, including many instances of child marriage.

Click here to read the full submission

Latest comments

  • 3

    Regarding the accusation that the Prophet married a minor:
    There is much information on the internet about this. However there are 2 very prominent versions of the traditions and laws, from Sunni and Shia sources. I do not wish to open the Pandora’s box between these 2 warring groups, but I found it noteworthy that the Shia versions are far more respectful towards Mohamed and his family.
    Furthermore Shia don’t state stuff which enable the Islam-haters to attack Mohamed, notably the age of his wife at marriage.
    Although the Sunnis stick dogmatically to the version his wife was a minor at marriage, the Shia have quoted many Sunni historians to prove the opposite, e.g.
    Muslim authors who calculate Aisha’s age based on the more detailed information available about her sister Asma, estimate that she was between seventeen and nineteen at the time of her marriage.
    Muhammad Niknam Arabshahi, an Iranian Islamic scholar and historian, has considered six different approaches to determining Aisha’a age and concluded that she was engaged in her late teens.
    Another example:
    Barlas, Asma (2012). “Believing Women” in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur’an. University of Texas Press. p. 126. On the other hand, however, Muslims who calculate ‘Ayesha’s age based on details of her sister Asma’s age, about whom more is known, as well as on details of the Hijra (the Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Madina), maintain that she was over thirteen and perhaps between seventeen and nineteen when she got married. Such views cohere with those Ahadith that claim that at her marriage Ayesha had “good knowledge of Ancient Arabic poetry and genealogy” and “pronounced the fundamental rules of Arabic Islamic ethics”.

  • 7

    It seems to me that Muslim men are charging in blindly to defend a practice which they attribute to their Prophet, thus leaving them (and their Prophet) vulnerable to attack from all sides, especially the haters of Islam and Muslims.
    Perhaps Muslims should start thinking more logically and rationally, and examine the sources of their information. The Muslims believe that the Koran is the Word of God to the letter. The interpretation of this Word is supposed to be in the Six Authentic Books of Narrations.
    However they say there are very weak narrations and very strong narrations, some even opposing the Koran. If that is the case, I fail to understand how these Books are called Authentic. And of course there are the Shia narrations that totally contradict the Sunni versions.
    In fact on further analysis, one finds that theologians in the recent past have discarded one of these authentic books and replaced it with another. The reason behind this, according to the Shias, is that the original one was more in line with the Shia narrations, hence not suitable for the Wahabis.
    When I inquired from my well educated Sunni friends as to why they do not compare their narrations with the Shia narrations, the answer was that they fear their faith being corrupted.
    Of course to be fair this is to be seen in other faiths too.
    Why don’t these Muslims read up on both versions and use their logic and reasoning to verify if what they are following is correct. After all one of these traditions says: “Go seek knowledge, even unto China”. China was a non-Muslim country even then.

    • 2

      Religions are based on “belief” and logic or
      rationale only have a thin chance . Islam has
      successfully locked out its ardent believers
      by first and foremost swear-in that they
      believe in Allah and his messenger Muhammadh.
      After this the works of logic and rationale
      take the back seat . Your China example can
      easily be managed by saying “you can learn
      from China without breaking the rules of
      your religion” like China’s relations with
      USA or India . What I believe is ,Muslims have
      all avenues open like other religions ,to lead
      a quite normal social life which is called
      “moderate.” Prophet Muhammadh (SAL) himself
      said “the best of generations are , my
      generation , the next and the next.” You have a
      lesson here if you want to put your logic and
      rationale to work. And Allah clearly says that
      in the life hereafter , sending to paradise is
      in his discretion and not your deeds alone .
      So , there are clear signs for Muslims to
      logically and rationally think and act in Islam
      but unfortunately blind belief is at centre
      stage which in my opinion is , encouraged both
      by Muslim and non-Muslim modern world political
      and economic behaviours .

      • 1

        whywhy says:
        “Prophet Muhammadh (SAL) himself said “the best of generations are , my generation , the next and the next.”
        Here we go again with the Salafi, Wahabi mantra.

        Basically, is it possible to conceive that Caliph Ali and his companions, as well as his opponents among the Muslims were all on the side of truth, in the Battle of the Camel, where thousands of Muslims lost their lives?

        Does any logic and intellect accept this manifest contrast? How can God, who says: “Surely the most honourable of you with Allah is the one who is the most righteous amongst you”, ever approve of such irrational discrimination?

        So why should logic take a back seat. Even if one accepts that the belief in God and his Prophet has to be sworn without using logic and reasoning, (similar to what is accepted in most religions), the interpretation and practices that follow should surely be rational and logical. But since the Wahabi Salafi mantra put this in the “back seat”, this is a clear sign that this mantra was a concocted one.

        And do we not see history repeating itself in the middle east now?
        This is from the internet:
        “It is a Book We have sent down to you, full of blessing, so let people of intelligence ponder (liyaddabbaru) its Signs and take heed.” [Saad, 38:29]
        Here the word, liyaddabbaru is used – which means have to have ‘taddabur’ (deep contemplation)

        “Will they not then ponder the Qur’an or are there locks upon their hearts?”
        [ Muhammed 47:24]

        To me this clearly negates dogmatic belief.

      • 1

        As for your comment on the China example, you have missed the point. I was merely advising that even if the Shia are considered non-muslims, there is no harm in learning from them. Perchance they have the solution to your problems, like for instance your Prophet being slandered by the Islam haters due to the false narrations you have been indoctrinated with.

        In my humble opinion, muslims should shake off the shackles of indoctrination through these dubious narrations and read all the versions of history and traditions before deciding on the path to take.

        I would also recommend a book by Anita Rai titled “Muhammed, Uncovering the true story” for an unbiased look at the life of Muhammed.

        • 1

          I am afraid you missed my point in China example .
          What I did was simply agreeing with you while
          exposing the apologists . That is what I meant
          by “can easily be managed by.” But over all I did
          agree with your approach in a different way but
          in line with how I look at the issue with my
          knowledge and experience . I hope you take the
          whole stuff in its context .

          • 1

            My apologies for the misunderstanding. Best wishes

            • 1

              No problem and Best wishes to you too .

  • 3

    Regarding marriageable age starting at the onset of puberty:
    One wonders if the myriad stories of the Prophets child bride were fabricated to give Aisha a very prominent place in the society as the favourite wife, so as to back up the caliphate of her father Abu Bakr, which was being challenged by Ali.
    Around the time these religions were revealed, the volume of knowledge an average man or woman had to study was small. Hence the woman for instance could have finished her studies at the onset of puberty.
    Nowadays since the volume of knowledge is so much more, it is necessary for a man or woman to study at least until 18 to achieve this status, when they can decide for themselves whether to pursue studies further, or marry and have children.
    Of course there are minimal exceptions to all man made rules, but if the state makes a rule that the minimum age for marriage should be 18 so as to avoid any abuse, is it not incumbent on the citizens to accept this and abide by it?

  • 13

    Looks like these sicko sub-educated “imams” sanction child rape. WOW. And also why are Lankan Tamil speaking S.Indian Muslims aping backward Oil Rich Saudi Arabs? When the hell did it say become like Saudi Arabia? This is why ISIS exists. They love to rape girls and kill them. Hadiths my foot. These are sick creations of primitive Tribals and have no place in a secular modern predominantly Buddhist and Hindu society. Go live in Saudi Arabia.

  • 11

    Why do you think Israel has so many Scientists, Brilliant doctors, military men and Arabs have none in the modern world?

    • 2

      There were brilliant people in Iraq and Libya but all were destroyed by western countries together with Israel.

    • 5

      Thassim, clever and wonderful people emerge not through religions but despite it. Bright astronomers were once put to death for proclaiming that the earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around as believed by the then Christians. Muslims too had their clever clogs but they too were put to death. Except for the Sikhs all other religions are medieval and belong to a different age and behaviour. The people today must strive to reform their religions and stop taking the Bible, Qur’an literally.

      • 1

        Sylvia Haik, I very much appreciate your open-minded & understanding, & patiently persuasive comment, towards angry outbursts by various ” Good Spiritual ” Brothers and Sisters around us.

        ……How Many Times Must A Man… Read Spiritual Books…
        Before He Can Say He Is A Hu – MAN…??

        ……The Answer My Friends…..
        Is Blowing In The Years ……………
        ……The Answer My Friends…..
        Is Blowing In The Wind……………..!!

  • 3

    2) It seems to me that Muslim men are charging in blindly to defend a practice which they attribute to their Prophet, thus leaving them (and their Prophet) vulnerable to attack from all sides, especially the haters of Islam and Muslims.
    Perhaps Muslims should start thinking more logically and rationally, and examine the sources of their information. The Muslims believe that the Koran is the Word of God to the letter. The interpretation of this Word is supposed to be in the Six Authentic Books of Narrations.
    However they say there are very weak narrations and very strong narrations, some even opposing the Koran. If that is the case, I fail to understand how these Books are called Authentic. And of course there are the Shia narrations that totally contradict the Sunni versions.
    In fact on further analysis, one finds that theologians in the recent past have discarded one of these authentic books and replaced it with another. The reason behind this, according to the Shias, is that the original one was more in line with the Shia narrations, hence not suitable for the Wahabis.
    When I inquired from my well educated Sunni friends as to why they do not compare their narrations with the Shia narrations, the answer is that they fear their faith being corrupted.
    Of course to be fair this is to be seen in other faiths too.
    Why don’t these Muslims read up on both versions and use their logic and reasoning to verify if what they are following is correct. After all one of these traditions says: “Go seek knowledge, even unto China”. China was a non-Muslim country even then.

    • 5

      Sentinel, the scholars of Islam have done their work and the Hadeeths have been duly categorized as Saheeh, Daeef, etc. We do not need Shia scholars as they are not Muslims in the first instances. So Shias, Qadiani, Soofees and other deviant sects are not recognized in islam. That is why these deviants are calling names such as Wahhabi/ Salafi etc. Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab (May Allaah be Merciful to his soul) is a rightly guided scholar who protected the true monotheistic creed of Sunnah. So the Shias are calling him wahhabi as derogatory. We do not need the deviant Shia culture of abuses on the Companions, Hate mongering, self inflicting blood rituals, Mutah (prostitution) as practiced by the Shias temporary marriage, where the women is misused and her honor and dignity shattered. We have the pure holy scriptures which shall be kept in its pristine purity till the last hour and our noble scholars will be sufficient as Islam is complete. We do not need logic to understand the Quraan as everything is clear as a day light.

      • 4

        Nasri, thank you for your very illuminating reply. Happy to find someone professing to the faith of Mohamed ibn Abdul Wahab, and still willing to discuss matters without promptly declaring Jihad.
        However grateful if you can clarify the following:
        1) If the Shias are not Muslims, why do the followers of Wahab in Saudi permit them to perform the pilgrimage?
        2) Who declared the Hadeeths as Saheeh, (i.e. the narrations as authentic) and during which caliphate?
        3) Since one of these narrations says: “Go seek knowledge, even unto China”. China was a non-Muslim country even then. So why not follow this in the case of the Shias and the other groups you mention as non-muslims?
        4) Do these deviant groups you mention refuse to state “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet”?
        5) What is the difference between Mutah and Nikah Misyar? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikah_Misyar
        6) Don’t the Muftis like Rizwi use logic in their reasonings?
        7) Didn’t Wahab use logic at all when he wrote his books?

  • 2

    3) Regarding marriageable age starting at the onset of puberty:
    One wonders if the myriad stories of the Prophets child bride were fabricated to give Aisha a very prominent place in the society as the favourite wife, so as to back up the caliphate of her father Abu Bakr, which was being challenged by Ali.
    Around the time these religions were revealed, the volume of knowledge an average man or woman had to study was small. Hence the woman for instance could have finished her studies at the onset of puberty.
    Nowadays since the volume of knowledge is so much more, it is necessary for a man or woman to study at least until 18 to achieve this status, when they can decide for themselves whether to pursue studies further, or marry and have children.
    Of course there are minimal exceptions to all such man made rules, but if the state makes a rule that the minimum age for marriage should be 18 so as to avoid any abuse, is it not incumbent on the citizens to accept this and abide by it?

  • 8

    When you look at the hadeeses and lifestyle of Prophet mohamed, yes Women are not equal to men.. The Holy part was missing from the prophet! Marrying 11 wives including a 9 year old, wars, killings and war booty.. He is suppose to set an example to the whole of mankind..can you this war Lord as an example?

    • 6

      He sure did set an example.

      Watch some world news man.

  • 6

    Right of Tamils to Speak on the Rights of Women

    Hear o Ye Tamils, you have suddenly become strong supporters of Women’s rights with every Lingam, Pillai and Pandi becoming champions human rights and especially the rights of females. Let me tell you, you Tamils do not have any right to speak about these topics.

    What did you or your ancestors do when the Tigers gave Muslims just one day to get out of the Jaffna peninsula or get killed. There were women and children among them, even unmarried girls who had attained puberty, about whom you guys are shedding crocodile tears in CT. Did you at least ensure that those girls had enough sanitary pads to get through their next menstrual period? Answer: {I don’t think so!}

    Was it ethnic cleansing? Answer: {Of course it was!}

    Now take your own women you send them in to battle and death calling them Birds of Freedom or some such stupid thing. The Muslims have never used women as combatants even during their brutal wars which rage even now. As per the Holy Quran they protect the women and children of even their adversaries. Do you see the contrast? Answer: {I hope so.}

    What did you guys do? You used young women not only as combatants but as suicide cadres. Why? because Prabha was a coward and feared death like – mmm ..well..death. All Tamils are worked up about his 8 year old being killed. Has any one lamented the loss of all these women? Answer: {May be a few. But I did not notice a big crowd.}

    Sanitary Towels

    All of you Tamils, just like your RPG (Round Prabha God) are cowards. The Muslims may be barbaric and all that. But they are courageous and brave. They do not hide behind the skirts of women like RPG did. Is it no so. Answer: {It is so. Skirts women and 6 year old girls – not to forget those who were hiding behind used sanitary towels.}

    I wanted to wind up my comment there, but the word ‘skirt’ makes me go on. Why did your Tiger cadres hide behind the skirts of non combatant women and shoot at your own people fleeing your crumbling empire? Answer: {Because RPG told us}

    Finally, do you have any rights to even whisper about women, puberty or even used sanitary pads? OK I give you a chance to Answer that Answer: {Of course we have. It was all RPG’s fault. Not ours. He screwed us all.

    My comment: It was not RPG who screwed you guys. It was the Chicken Curry. Avoid it.

  • 5

    Edwin, you rascal, you distort history. They were given one week – not one day. The people beleived that Muslims were becoming informants of the Sinhala Army. They were asked to leave for their own safety.

  • 3

    I say to this cleric to grow up to the real world and don’t quote the Koran just like the bible written long after the prophet has left this world. All the extremist dogma appearing in the texts are leading to Wahhabism is a distortion of his true teachings, distorted by persons who were trying to bring back the old prejudices that the good prophets tried to preach against. There are verses in the Quran that preaches against Christians and Jews that was not the message of the great prophet. Just like the bible the Quran was written years after his death.
    Authorities must come down hard on people who manipulate religions to bring discord and mischief among peaceful communities. We must take a lesson from what is happening in the middle east
    This goes for politicians and extremist monks of the Buddhist faith who are manipulating that faith to deceive and exploit the people and the country. Latter don’t represent Buddhism but an insult to that noble faith.We all know who murdered SWRD.

  • 8

    This guy is an uncivilized idiot. Its time the Muslim Youth come out and protest against such idiots. Why don’t the Muslim Youth come out in protest, this is their lives?

  • 6

    After the introducing Islam women’s status in society sharply deteriorated. The best way to understand this is to life of Kadijah. According to the Wikipedia “Khadija became a very successful merchant. It is said that when the Quraysh’s trade caravans gathered to embark upon their summer journey to Syria or winter journey to Yemen, Khadija’s caravan equalled the caravans of all other traders of the Quraysh put together….. In 595 Khadija needed an agent for a transaction in Syria. Abu Talib ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib recommended her distant cousin Muhammad ibn Abdullah……… Khadija hired Muhammad, who was then 25 years old, sending word through her kinsman Khazimah ibn Hakim that she would pay double her usual commission.”
    This clearly indicates that there were business women in Arabia before Islam. These women hired men as their workers. No need of consent of a male guardian for Kadijah to marry Muhammad. But what happened after introducing Islam?

    In his Book “Counsel for Kings,” (Islamic scholar) Ghazali sums up all that a woman has to endure because of Eve’s misbehavior in the Garden of Eden: “When Eve ate fruit which He had forbidden to her from the tree in Paradise, the Lord, cursed women with eighteen (?? or seventeen) punishments:
    (1) Menstruation (2) childbirth (3) separation from mother and father and marriage to a stranger (4) pregnancy (5) not having control over her own person (6) a lesser share in inheritance; (one half of the male as per the Quran) (7) her liability to be divorced and inability to divorce (8) its being lawful for men to have four wives, but for a woman to have only one husband (9) the fact that she must stay secluded in the house (10) the fact that she must keep her head covered inside the house (11) the fact that two women’s testimony has to be set against the testimony of one man (12) the fact that she must not go out of the house unless accompanied by a near relative (13) the fact that men take part in Friday and feast day prayers and funerals while women do not (14) disqualification for leadership and judgeship (15) the fact that merit has one thousand components, only one of which is attributable to women, while 999 are attributable to men (16) the fact that if women are profligate they will be given twice as much torment as the rest of the community at the Resurrection Day (17) the fact that if their husbands die they must observe a waiting period of four months and ten days before remarrying

    The idea that a woman’s sole purpose and “duty is to stay at home to satisfy the sexual appetite of her husband” is again summed up in Ghazali’s Book “Proof Of Islam.” Ghazali is still so highly revered amongst the majority of Muslim clerics that that he is called “Proof of Islam”. The most influential thinker of Islam, Ghazali, molded the minds of billions of Muslims with his opinions on women’s character : (https://janettedillerstone.wordpress.com/2010/08/18/the-islamic-womans-role-defined-by-al-ghazali/)
    Present day women in Saudi Arabia cannot go out of home, cannot open a bank account without consent of a male guardian. What a progress?

    • 2


      When Eve ate fruit which He had forbidden to her from the tree in Paradise, the Lord, cursed women with eighteen (?? or seventeen) punishments:

      Is there a way, Lord can be sued for discrminated eithe rVatican courts or may be
      USA (because they have the juris diction to prosecute any one in this world.

      So, Eveolutionary thoery is false ?

    • 1

      Reply to Ileperuma:
      Just checked the link you have provided. What you quote is on that webpage but the author gives no references like chapter and page in Ghazzali’s book.

      However on googling the author of these comments Janette Dillerstone, I came across some amazing stories about her on Reuters titled “Sweethearts in Crime”.

      This article also gives a brief profile of her. I wonder if you are the type of person who has the moral fibre to retract your comments above after reading the Reuters article. Best Wishes

      • 1

        Reply to Sentinel

        Dear SWentinel, You have not answered to my main point that “After the introducing Islam women’s status in society sharply deteriorated. The best way to understand this is to life of Kadijah”. You say nothing about it. But I accept your point that author I quoted gives no references like chapter and page in Ghazzali’s book. Bu there are other sources. Please read paragraph 14 of the book written by Ibn Warraq (Why I am not a Muslim)- http://www.conflicts.rem33.com/images/books/Ibn%20Warraq%20-%20Why%20I%20Am%20Not%20a%20Muslim.pdf

        • 0

          Dear Ileperuma
          Respect! You accepted my point about lack of references. However even IbnWarraq doesn’t give any references.
          As for your main point “After the introducing Islam women’s status in society sharply deteriorated. The best way to understand this is to life of Kadijah”. – you have me at a disadvantage here. My only sources of information about Kadeeja are those accepted by all Muslims regardless of different sects.
          i.e. Kadeeja is considered to be one of the 4 ladies guaranteed paradise, the others being Fatima her daughter, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Asiyeh the wife of Pharoah who adopted Moses.
          The following is also from Wikipedia, which you could have missed:
          Khadija was supportive of Muhammad’s prophetic mission, always helping in his work, proclaiming his message and belittling any opposition to his prophecies.[28] It was her encouragement that helped Muhammad believe in his mission and spread Islam.[30] Khadija also invested her wealth in the mission. When the polytheists and aristocrats of the Quraysh harassed the Muslims, she used her money to ransom Muslim slaves and feed the Muslim community.[31][32]
          In 616 the Quraysh declared a trade boycott against the Hashim clan. They attacked, imprisoned and beat the Muslims, who sometimes went for days without food or drink.[33] Some died and others became ill.[citation needed] Khadija continued to maintain the community until the boycott was lifted in late 619 or early 620.[15]

          Nowhere is it said that Mohamed forced her to stop her business activities. In fact from the above it seems that the non-muslim enemies hindered the businesses.
          May I suggest reading “Muhammed, uncovering the true story” by Anita Rai for an unbiased version of the life of Mohamed.
          I do appreciate your quoting descriptions of various hues in search of the truth.

      • 0

        Character of Janette Dillerstone is not relevent to our debate. What I say is after introducing Islam status of women in society detoriated. Please compare Kadijah with status of modern day women in Saudi Arabia who has no right to vote, cannot, marry, go out of home, open a bank account without a permission of male guardian.

    • 0

      I copied here a mind opening comment on the web page for which you given a link.
      He writes, “Having studied under traditional Islamic scholars, I confidently say that what is written here does not reflect Islamic teachings at all.

      First of all, Imam Ghazzali is *not* the most respected scholar after the Prophet Muhammad. There are many respected scholars, and Imam Ghazzali is noted for his contributions to philosophy/mysticism, not marital etiquette.

      Additionally, there are numerous versus of the Qur’an and prophetic narrations in contradiction with the above statements. It is well known that the Prophet’s wife Ayesha was very well-educated and one of the greatest scholars of Islam. The Prophet instructed the companions to seek knowledge from her, and she taught the Companions and the next generation of Muslims for many years until passing away. Muslim scholars have a long and celebrated history of female scholarship, including Fatima al-Zahra, who founded the world’s first university”.

      This explain enough.

      • 2

        Then why women in Saudi Arabia: the country with strictly implements sharia law cannot go out of their homes without a male guardian? Saudi women cannot open a bank account, cannot possess a property, cannot marry without consent of their male guardians. They can’t drive vehicles. This is very pathetic when comparing with Kadijah’s situation in pre islamic Arabia.

        • 1

          Yes this practice is not what prophet Mohamad had in mind. It is obvious a man and a woman is not the same but they must have the same rights and the same freedoms. Insecured men have manipulated their religion to their whims and fancies. Law of the land in SL must not give into this stupidity and stop people going to gulf states.

      • 1

        Imam Ghazzali, the Sufi and he authored IHYA Ulumuddin, which is quoted by THABLEEGHIS and Sufis.
        They should know that he recanted before he died.

        “Al Ghazzaali just managed to escape. When he indulged in Divinity and scholastic discussion, he landed into chaos. Then, quickly realising the error, he abandoned the old path, renewed his faith in the traditions of the Prophet, and died with Saheeh Bukhaari on his breast. “
        I hope this is clear.

        Just one request to the non Muslims commenting on Islam please do not talk about what you do not know.
        We have our beliefs and rituals. That is ours and we do not force it on anyone.
        In the same way leave us to practice our religion.
        We do not comment on bull, and statue worship and some disgusting rituals and practices.
        “Say you, O infidels!
        I worship not that you worship.
        And nor you worship what I worship.
        And I shall not worship what you worshiped.
        And nor you shall worships what I worship.
        For you, your religion. and for me my religion.”
        So shall we wind up this endless debate, since we are not getting anywhere.

  • 2

    Reply to Nasri:

    Nasri, thank you for your very illuminating reply. Happy to find someone professing to the faith of Mohamed ibn Abdul Wahab, and still willing to discuss matters without promptly declaring Jihad.
    However grateful if you can clarify the following:
    1) If the Shias are not Muslims, why do the followers of Wahab in Saudi permit them to perform the pilgrimage?
    2) Who declared the Hadeeths as Saheeh, (i.e. the narrations as authentic) and during which caliphate?
    3) Since one of these narrations says: “Go seek knowledge, even unto China”. China was a non-Muslim country even then. So why not follow this in the case of the Shias and the other groups you mention as non-muslims?
    4) Do these deviant groups you mention refuse to state “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet”?
    5) What is the difference between Mutah and Nikah Misyar? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikah_Misyar
    6) Don’t the Muftis like Rizwi use logic in their reasonings?
    7) Didn’t Wahab use logic at all when he wrote his books?

  • 5

    Nasri & Sentinel, As I see it, you are both Muslims but belong to 2 different sects. Please do not wash your dirty linen in public. If you have any scores to settle, then settle them in private, not in this public forum. You become laughing stock by doing that.

    I am telling you this because I live and work in an Islamic country and I respect Islam. By fighting, you make your enemies of Islam very happy.

    Look at the Sinhalese and Tamils. The two factions fought a brutal war for 30 years and finally one faction lost. Our enmity is understandable. We are different in almost every way. Our religions, languages, holy books, looks are all different.

    can you say the same thing about you guys? No. You have the same language, believe in the same God – Allah, Consider exactly the same book, Quran, as your holy book. even your looks are the same.

    I cannot understand why you fight. I ask the same question here and the differences they point out seem to be trivial, political and over something that happened 1000 s of years ago.

    Most importantly, the Western powers are exploiting your enmity to subjugate all of you. Please do something about it.

    • 2

      I do not know how you came to the conclusion that I was a Muslim.
      However, it bothered me to see an honourable man being slandered and referred to as a paedophile in a public forum, simply due to blind faith in false narrations and historical fiction.
      Likewise I would also be bothered if the Lords Buddha, Jesus Christ, Moses, or Krishna are slandered in this fashion.
      The following link is from a speech given by a Saudi Scholar and Intellectual Hassan al Maliki (Sunni cleric arrested by the Saudis for his support for proximity among Islamic sects) about false narrations, on a Talk Show in one of the Arab countries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC4TuYrSNJs
      This world would be at peace if everyone learnt all the versions of all religions and selected one that that would serve the unitary purpose of the Creator of Humanity. We couldn’t have been created different simply so that we would kill each other.
      I do not wish to open the Pandora’s box between these 2 warring groups, but I found it noteworthy that the Shia versions are far more respectful towards Mohamed and his family.

  • 5

    Sri Lankan Muslim women need to come out of their cages, or without them realizing, the community is going backward year after year – Why? Women’s participation in their own families is almost zero.

    Do they interfere in their kid’s education? No, because they themselves are limited in education that once the child reaches to higher standards, they are lost. Some of them are trained to be lazy enough that they think their responsibility is over as they deliver babies for their hubbies, and anything more is completely at the sole discretion of them or bonus. While some are busy taking care of infants that they can’t concentrate on other kids, and this sort of concentration needs being exposed to challenges in the life and little better education. And these women are not.

    So who looks after their kids? Definitely not hubbies as they are too busy buying at 10 and selling at 2000. Most of these kids grow without direct interference of parents often on their activities or never been supervised, watched closely or even advised or the right things. So I would say the worst among the women in SL are Muslims.

    Look at the young Muslim men and boys in the nights at the Galle Face greens, their tuk..tuk..gangs, loud lousy Tamil songs at the car park that is facing the main road, the way they dressed, their noise, the filthy language they were using among friend etc..etc. .. We among family (we too are Muslims) agreed that animals were better.

    Bit far away from these boys we could see another set of boys who were facing the sea and they too were enjoying the night among themselves, but well disciplined and wasn’t a trouble for others – Obviously these boys were Sinhalese

    Obviously, it was the difference of parents, especially mothers, and not the innocent boys’. I think it is time that changes have to start, or Muslims as a community will have to face even tougher challenges than BBS

  • 3

    Islam is an invention of Kadeejah. She sent Mohamed on her business trip during which a Christian priest said Mohamed is sleeping under a tree where Prophets rest. Hearing this, Kadeejah thought Mohamed will be a prophet one day. Mohamed used to worship idols in the Kaba and meditate in caves until Kadeejah arranged a black man to act as Gabriel and introduce Islam, a copy of Judaism to him. Mohamed controlled his sexual feelings until death of Kadeejah, but he burst into marriages after her death and wanted to sleep with every women he sees. That is why Muslims had to hide their ladies with abayas. Whatever Ayesa’s age was at the time her marriage, Abu bakr agreed to this marriage only to stop killing of his people. They were so much mismatching that they couldn’t make any children.

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      [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.

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      What you,have written is absolute bullshit.

      What famous non-Muslims said about Islam and Prophet Muhammad PBUH

      Sir George Bernard Shaw
      I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him – the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity.
      I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.

      Mahatma Gandhi
      I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind… I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of the Prophet’s biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of that great life.

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    “Sri Lankan Muslim Clerics Say Women Are Not Equal To Men,”

    i spoke to the chief imam of colombo and he said that women are always shorter than men.

    when translating koran from arabic to english these misunderstandings will happen.

    “Defend Marriage Before Puberty”

    what he told me was you can tickle the girl all over as much as you like and make her laugh,but no sex.

  • 0

    Who are Superior? Men or Women

    To Whom it May Concern and even to those to Whom it May Not Concern, stop this nonsense and leave that nice Mullah alone. He is telling the Truth, the Absolute Truth and Nothing But the Truth. Women Are Inferior to Men. So let it be written and so let it be done. And now you all go to bed and sleep over it. By tomorrow morning, God willing (Al Hamdullah!), you will know that men are meant to be above women.

    If you still ask how and why, because I say so. You want proof? Well, tell me one thing that women can do that men cannot do.

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      Women are not equal to men is an universal fact from time immemorial. If you go to stone age period it was the men in the cave who protected the women,
      brought food for them and attended to all the social needs of women and loved them Their duties were to protect and look after the babies. Even to this day it is more or less same all over the world except for some additions like liberalism in western countries and their followers. They did that to make women their sex tools. Is there any prohibitions for their women in these countries

      I also urge this mullah to stop talking like an idiot. They say Quran is for all periods but I don’t think it is a sin if we took some decision to adapt to the surrounding if it is boisterous for you.

    • 0


      1.would you have said the same if you were born as a woman?

      2.Is your view an excuse to not give equal rights to women?

      3.in the same vein do you also think that tamils and muslims are not equal to the sinhalese as citizens of srilanka.

      4.is that why you tried to make the tamils and now recently the muslims too second class citizens and created an insurrection in the north and east.

      4. are yu able to see the the similarities in the two situations and before discrimination starts how we have to first do the inequality crap to justify it.

      5.everyone is equal in the eyes of god,but not in the eyes of man.that is my motto.the emperor and the begger end up in the same place.dust to dust,ashes to ashes.

  • 1

    Evolve people. Religion is a tool of the past to dictate to us serfs the will of the elites. A little honest reflection and any sane human being will acknowledge that no one has the right to negativly effect another human being. A women has the same rights as any man. The right to choose. And any human not yet mature enough to decided their own fate should be protected.

  • 1

    This is the Book(Holy Quran) in which there is no doubt, a guide for the righteous.(Holy Quran 2:3)O people! Fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul, and created from it its mate, and propagated from them many men and women. And revere God whom you ask about, and the parents. Surely, God is Watchful over you.(Holy Quran 4:1)O you who believe! It is not permitted for you to inherit women against their will.(Holy Quran 4:19)Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, as God has given some of them an advantage over others.(Holy Quran 4:34)

  • 0

    All you idiots can say what you want, and Islam keeps growing and there are more western women coming into Islam, perhaps because women are covered and oppressed.
    This forum is good for those who have nothing else to do and for Islam bashing.
    EVerytime someone says something negative about Islam there are others who go to the source and find out the truth
    and become Muslim.
    This is exactly what happenned after 9/11
    Islam is growing so fast that by 2050, many countries in Europe will have Muslim majority.
    Other than Islam and the Arabic language, all the religions and ltheir language iare not found in the country of its birth.
    Villageman’s comment about Islam is absolutely stupid. I am surprised that there are people who read this poppycock.

  • 0

    Dear Edwin
    I do not know how you came to the conclusion that I was a Muslim. However, it bothered me to see an honourable man being slandered and referred to as a paedophile in a public forum, simply due to blind faith in false narrations and historical fiction. Likewise I would also be bothered if the Lords Buddha, Jesus Christ, Moses, or Krishna are slandered in this fashion.

    The following link is from a speech given by a Saudi Scholar and Intellectual Hassan al Maliki (Sunni cleric arrested by the Saudis for his support for proximity among Islamic sects) about false narrations, on a Talk Show in one of the Arab countries.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC4TuYrSNJs

    This world would be at peace if everyone learnt all the versions of all religions and selected one that that would serve the unitary purpose of the Creator of Humanity.

    We couldn’t have been created different simply so that we would kill each other. I do not wish to open the Pandora’s box between these 2 warring groups, but I found it noteworthy that the Shia versions are far more respectful towards Mohamed and his family.

  • 0

    Reply to whywhy
    “Prophet Muhammadh (SAL) himself said “the best of generations are , my generation , the next and the next.”

    Here we go again with the Salafi, Wahabi mantra.
    Basically, is it possible to conceive that Caliph Ali and his companions, as well as his opponents among the Muslims were all on the side of truth, in the Battle of the Camel, where thousands of Muslims lost their lives?

    Does any logic and intellect accept this manifest contrast? How can God, who says: “Surely the most honourable of you with Allah is the one who is the most righteous amongst you”, ever approve of such irrational discrimination? So why should logic take a back seat.

    Even if one accepts that the belief in God and his Prophet has to be sworn without using logic and reasoning, (similar to what is accepted in most religions), the interpretation and practices that follow should surely be rational and logical.
    But since the Wahabi Salafi mantra put this in the “back seat”, this is a clear sign that this mantra was a concocted one. And do we not see history repeating itself in the middle east now?

    This is from the internet: “It is a Book We have sent down to you, full of blessing, so let people of intelligence ponder (liyaddabbaru) its Signs and take heed.” [Saad, 38:29] Here the word, liyaddabbaru is used – which means have to have ‘taddabur’ (deep contemplation) “Will they not then ponder the Qur’an or are there locks upon their hearts?” [ Muhammed 47:24]

    To me this clearly negates dogmatic belief.

  • 0

    Whywhy: As for your comment on the China example, you have missed the point.

    I was merely advising that even if the Shia are considered non-muslims, there is no harm in learning from them.

    Perchance they have the solution to your problems, like for instance your Prophet being slandered by the Islam haters due to the false narrations you have been indoctrinated with.

    In my humble opinion, muslims should shake off the shackles of indoctrination through these dubious narrations and read all the versions of history and traditions before deciding on the path to take.

    I would also recommend a book by Anita Rai titled “Muhammed, Uncovering the true story” for an unbiased look at the life of Muhammed.

    • 0

      You are free to learn from Shia and go along to their final abode

      • 0

        Dear Ayman,

        “You are free to learn from Shia and go along to their final abode”

        Frankly it does not matter to me to which of YOUR “final abodes” I go to.

        Your statement shows the extent of your indoctrination, and the fear psychosis that has been introduced to the majority of Muslims. Similar to Karl Marx’s “Opium”.

        But I am happy about the first part of your statement viz., “you are free to learn from Shia”.
        According to Islam and all world religions, so are you.

        However since you have mentioned this, I researched it and found the following on


        In another verse, the Quran talks about the Shia of Moses
        “And he (Moses) went into the city at a time when people (of the city) were not watching, so he found therein two men fighting, one being of his shia and the other being his enemy, and the one who was of his shia cried out to him for help against the one who was of his enemy” (Quran 28:15)

        Thus shia is an official word used by Allah in His Quran for His high ranking prophets as well as their followers.

        The Messenger of Allah said to Ali: “Glad tidings O Ali! Verily you, your companions and your Shia (followers) will be in Paradise.”

        Sunni references:
         Fadha’il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655
         Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu’aym, v4, p329
         Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289
         al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani
         Majma’ al-Zawa’id, by al-Haytami, v10, pp 21-22

        Therefore we see the Messenger of Allah (sawa) used the phrase “Shia of Ali.”
        End of Quote.

        Dear Ayman,
        Consider this: if your Prophet has already mentioned the Shia of Ali favourably, then who are the deviants? 296 words

  • 2

    “ACJU is the main body of theologians of Muslims in Sri Lanka”
    The head cleric of the ACJU Mufthi Rizwe .”

    Muslims have no clerics and head cleric !!! ( No clerks and Chief Clerks ). NO PRIESTS AND POPE !!!
    Rizwie is a graduate of a Pakistani University in Deoband.when they graduate they are titled “Mufti”
    There are many such Muftis in Sri Lanka. They are only recognized by members of a deviant group
    called JAMATHE THABLEEGH. These are the ones who go about roaming from to town and village to village.
    This was founded by a DEOBANDI Moulana Ilyas, who is to sit meditating among graves and claimed he got
    inspiration in a dream and began his THABLEEGHI movement, comprising Sufis andbQubburees (grave worshippers)
    They claim they are following Sunnah but they directly contradict the Quran which says: ” Hold fast to the Rope of Allah
    ( Quran and Sunnah)’and do not break into groups ” the Prophey (PBOH) Saud the Jews broke into 71 sects, Christians
    into 72 and that His Ummah (Muslims) will split into,73 , all in the Fire except one, when asked who he said that the
    Saved are those who followed the path of him and his Companions,.So it is clear. There is consensus amongst our
    Scholars that THABLEEGHIS are also heading towards the fire.
    ThevACJU has no status and there is no one bound to follow their edicts.

    • 0

      Dear Bro Ayman, May Allah have mercy on you for all your valid inputs.

      There is consensus amongst our
      Scholars that THABLEEGHIS are also heading towards the fire.- a very true statement.

  • 0

    Everyone including ignorant Muslims, keep on talking about child marriage in Islam and giving the marriage of Aishah
    to the Prophet Muhammad ( PBOH) as an example. :
    The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not marry Sayyidah Aisha out of his physical desires. One need to note that for first 54 years of his life he had only one wife. His only wife till 50th year of his life was Sayyida Khadija. He spent his entire youth with her and she was a two time widowed woman, 15 years elder to him. For next four years his only wife was Sayyidah Sa’uda.

    One must first understand that 1400 years ago was very different than now, times have changed and so have humans. 1400 years ago it was something very common to marry young girls, in fact they were not considered young girls, and rather they were considered young women back then. It is a historic fact that girls from the ages of 9 to 14 were being married in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in fact even in the United States girls at the age of 10 were also being married just more than a century ago.
    Yet with these facts no historian claims that all these people were sick perverts, historians would call anyone who made such a claim to be arrogant and very stupid who has no grasp or understanding of history..
    How about Mahatma Ghandhi ?
    Kasturbai was just 13 years old when she married with the Mohandas Gandhi on 1882. Kasturba Gandhi was absolute illiterate . Here no one talks about it. He is also titled MAHATMA. !!! He certainly was and I am one who learnt a lot
    From his book:!” My experiments with truth”

    So please lay off . You have tried to denigrate the Prophet Muhammad, in the process you have only destroyed yourselves, not the Man Muhammad or the Great religion of Islam which has 1.6 billion followers .

  • 1

    God and Religion

    Here is a quotation from Rodrigo Dutarte (President of Philippines) on the above subject:

    For the record, I believe in God, but I do not believe in religion, period.

    I agree with him. No one here seems to be fighting over God. They are fighting over the Prophets, Books, rituals and the supposed rules. God is not the problem. The supporting starts are the problem.

    • 2

      Who cares about Rodrigi Dutartes, view or rather opinion on God and Religion. He is just another politician always
      wanting to get attention. You, Edwin Rodrigo as a distant relative may be interested. Both you, Rodrigos keep your
      opinion to,yourselves.
      There is a microscopic minority that does not accept God and religion

  • 0

    Religion is not necessary for man to exist but man is necessary for religion to exist. Without man religion will die a natural death and the world will be better.

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    AL QURAN –
    “”Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).”3 ::35

    “And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect”. 30 :21

    Nowhere in the Quran is injustice.
    One of the most misunderstood areas in Islam is that of the position of women in the religion. The general perception in the West is that Muslim women are subjugated and almost seen as property. While not all Muslims deal with women as inferior, this is unfortunately true in some segments of the Muslim world and this treatment is supposedly justified by the religion. However, when we look at the basis of the religion, the Quran, we see a very different picture. In the Quran God makes it very clear that men and women are equal.

    Due to restrictions on comments I cannot give more references.

    • 1

      Dear Ayman
      Can you explain why Saudi Arabia: a country that implements strict islamic sharia law, does not allow women to vote, drive a vehicle, prohibit go out of home without a male guardian, cannot hold a property and marry without consent of a male guardian etc.

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