17 September, 2024


Sumanthiran On ‘Gota’s War’ And ‘Independent International Investigation’

TNA MP Sumanthiran’s speech in Parliament on 11 May 2012 – Part 1 and Part 2






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    Excellent Speech! Gota has it seems stopped his white vanning activities after the Kumar and Dimuthu episode exposed his charming activities to the Govt of Australia and the international community. The guy is a violence addict and torturer who wraps himself in the Buddhist flag bringing infamy to the religion!

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    How did it become Gota’s war? It was Sarath Fonseka’s war, but they have locked him up in order to make it Gota’s war and take the credit for defeating the blood thirsty LTTE.
    The 2 presidential syblings, Basil and Gota would be unemployed if they were not Mahinda Rajapakse’s brothers! They do not have any educational qualifications to hold the current posts, and Gota like his brother Basil who does not have a basic degree and but calls himself the minister of economic development! These two Rajapakse syblings have come to Lanka (gota has an IT certificate form somewhere) and are living it up because their brother has won elections, otherwise they would not have jobs in the US given the economic recession there! These two need to be found alternative employment and gotten rid of, or sent to get a proper education if Lanka is to be saved!

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    Who´s war it was?

    To give the coordinates of ” No Fire Zones” to ICRC and to fire these hospitals after 15 minutes

    Yor are the war heros? Whether SF of Gota or MR, all these people are more than corrupt

    Whether Gota or SF, it is perverse to discuss who is more corrupt

    As a HR defender go for HR and not for comparison

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    Shame on you !!

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    The uneducated uncultured rascals just do not realise how stupid this cringe worthy book makes them look in the eyes of the world.
    Can you imagine the leaders of Singapore plastering pictures of themselves all over their country or driving around in motorcades.
    Why was this book not called Sarath’s war or Shavendra’s war?
    Gota has never held the rank of general or fought on the front line.

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    The book’s should be renamed as “Got+a war: horror of Gota in genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka”

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