9 September, 2024


Support The Willingness For Course Correction 

By Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

“There is a conversation between Lord Buddha and his disciple Ananda in which Ananda declares, ‘This is half of the holy life, lord: admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie.’ The Buddha replies: Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life. When a monk has admirable people as friends, companions, & comrades, he can be expected to develop & pursue the Noble Eightfold Path.” Upaddha Sutta (SN 45.2)

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has reassured the people that he has no intention diverting from the democratic path and has no intention of resorting to the military to govern the country. Although he was brought to power by an alliance of political parties led by the SLPP, the president has not sought membership in any of those parties. He can be considered to be the first non-party president of Sri Lanka and, therefore, free from the obligations that bind a member of a political party to be subjected to the interests of the party. On the other hand, the lack of a party base can make the president less effective as he has no party to carry out his vision and plans and bring them to fruition on the ground.

The speculation about the nexus between the president and the military, and the increasing role of the military in governance, arises from the fact that the president has no alternative power base to fall back upon. The president spent most of his working life as a member of the military. He experienced two major periods of violence during his time in the military, during the JVP insurrection of 1987-89 and the LTTE war that preceded and followed the end of it. The bonds of trust and friendship forged in the course of events where one’s very life is at risk are among the most permanent in human relations. This has led the president to entrust major responsibilities to his former mates in the military.

Following his victory at the presidential election of 2019, the president has appointed a large number of military personnel, both retired and serving, to key positions in the state machinery. His period of governance is seeing a substantial increase in the military budget which continues to exceed those of education and health combined. This heavy investment in the military is not a new development but is part of a trend that has seen gradual increase. Today, salaries allocated to the military are about one half that of the total allocated to the public service. With conditions of peace having been restored for more than a decade there needs to be a reconsideration of these continuing investments.

Democratic Commitment

The president has reaffirmed that the polity he presides over is a democracy. He has recommitted himself not to resort to military rule. This is being put into practice. There was concern in the country about two months ago when the country was put under a State of Emergency to deal with the shortage of food and fertilizer that had suddenly come into prominence. The declaration of emergency was supplemented by the immediate appointment of a Commissioner General for essential services who, as it turned out to be, was a retired military officer. Soon the general population had the satisfaction of witnessing raids on hoarders in which the raiding parties were accompanied by members of the security forces.

It needs to be noted that the state of emergency has been permitted to lapse. There was no request to parliament to extend it. With the lapsing of the emergency, the post of Commissioner General of Essential Services has also been terminated. The lapsing of the emergency without renewal may be due to the observation that the high profile raids that were carried out failed to bring down the price of the hoarded commodities. The crisis has worsened in the meantime and the price of rice is at an all time high. This would be a salutary lesson that economic problems cannot be resolved by the military or the use of force. These are problems that require the attention of experts in the field who make plans on a scientific and rational basis.

In his speech, the president said he had taken up office to make a positive difference, even a revolutionary one, and this was something he would continue to strive for. The president’s decision to ban the import of chemical fertilisers overnight has been controversial. The president stated that his concern was for the health of the people who needed to eat poison-free food, and for farmers to be free from the kidney disease blamed on overuse of chemical fertilizer. These are commendable aspirations that are accepted by the majority of the population. On the other hand, yields of food crops have dropped due to the absence of fertilisers and the hurried attempt to import organic fertilizer has generated further problems.

Core Vision

Another matter that the president brought up in his speech was his appointment of a presidential task force to recommend ways and means to become one country with one law. The slogan One country, One law was a winning formula in November 2019, just six months after the Easter bombing. There was a sense among the ethnic and religious majority community at that time that the ethnic and religious minorities had too much space to hide and engage in anti-national actions, and for which the government received the overwhelming mandate of the ethnic and religious majority community. The president explained his choice of the Ven Galagoda Atte Gnanasara as chairman of the presidential task force on the grounds that he had been campaigning for one country, one law for the past five years.

At a recent meeting of the Collective for Ethnic and Religious Harmony these matters were discussed by the highest level of Buddhist and other clergy. They agreed that the priority should be to ensure the equality of all citizens and to build amity between the ethnic and religious communities. They found the appointment of the Ven Gnanasara to have been extremely controversial. Even strong supporters of the president and of the concept of one country, one law have been put off by the appointment of the chairman. The one country, one law concept implies that the law should be equal to all. The second is that it can impact upon the personal laws of the ethnic and religious communities. Those who are tasked with leading a process of reform should have credentials that match their mandates or else the whole exercise can be discredited.

The core of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s vision of revolutionary change ought to be to bridge the gap between the ethnic and religious communities that has led to years of strife from the time of Independence down to the present day. The religious clergy present and the civil society leaders invited by former speaker Karu Jayasuriya, the convenor of the Collective for Ethnic and Religious Harmony, were non-partisan and non-political. The former speaker who has eschewed party politics spoke of a change of direction which the religious and civil society leaders present were in accord with. With their learning, experience and all-encompassing vision, the membership of this group can be President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s kalyana mithuro in his quest for revolutionary change.

“No one can possess the whole truth or satisfy his or her every desire, since that pretension would lead to nullifying others by denying their rights.” — Pope Francis in his Encyclical – Fratelli Tutti (fraternity and social friendship)

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  • 4

    Dr. JP have you heard of the term LAWFARE as in War Fare? There is a book on Lula and Brazil and how the CIA weaponized the legal system for regime change in that country. Sri Lanka today is being turned into a US colony with the US citizens Goat and Basil Rajapakse and the LA Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhist Diaspora have been weaponized against the interests of the people of the county and to create a Buddhist-Muslim ‘Clash Of Civilizations” to Divide, Distract and enable US military bases.
    Law and legal processes including Constitution making is increasingly weaponized and used against the interests of justice, truth and the multicultural people and to DIVIDE, DISTRACT, COLONIZE and LOOT to further the ends of the US Deepstate that today is going for “Full Spectrum Dominance” (FSP) in this strategic island nation of the Indian Ocean where the Americans are desperate to get a military base to monitor China and the Indian Ocean Submarine Undersea Data Cables”
    Full Spectrum Dominace with a Covid-19 mask includes, digitalization, vaccine mandates, surveillance, control of populations with lockdowns and Covid fear psychosis bio-terrorism, hybrid maritime trade and disasters war fare, asset stripping like Kerawelapitya sold to US New Fortress power plant, land and ocean grabbing etc to ensure that Sri Lanka becomes a US colony while China is isolated and abused with the propaganda war..

    • 1

      Current govt have become jokers even before SCHOOL going children as of today.
      Just imagine, Austrliaan authorities would not allow even cooked foods being carried by arriving passengers. So are the europeans. However, our total ignorants in leadership dont care at all about the real danger before the nation and country s vegetation, in the import of ORGANICALLY PODUCED MANURE today. This is not a simple issues to the eyes of agro experts. The chinese force today govt to kneel down before them.
      Sensitive citizens, over to you, please stand against the current silly actions of the studiest govt.
      All these men should be draged to GALLE face green and hang them by their balls in order to comfort the agonies of the silent masses.

    • 0

      These days, some request NANDASENA to step down and give it to POLBURUWA of the nation aka Mahinda Rajapakshe. But going by the current constitution, it is impossible

      May be POLBURUWA would dream of getting the chance, because he is the most power intoxicated dog in srilanken politics, but the chances for Basil the 10% and any one of the criminal bunch would have to take over.

    • 0

      BTW: Dr. JP:
      The Doctrine of Full Spectrum Dominance (FSD) , is all about CYBER WAR – capture of the National data systems, information systems, Institutions including NGOs and knowledge systems and gaming the narrative by the DeepState.
      The entire Health System of Sri Lanka has been captured by external actors including and fronting the WHO and Big Pharma, with the Covid-19 Surveillance Hospital in Iranawilla project – a gift to the Sri Lankan military from USAID to, trace, test and track to promote Covid-19 virus narraative fear, civil society LOCKDOWNS to stymie protests, and mass militarized vaccination
      Cyberwar also partakes of propaganda with a Covid-19 mask of course!

    • 0

      Not forgetting 17 (?) Presidential Task Forces, chaired by Military personnel, are now
      amply provided for in the Budget to guide N a n d a s e n a. One in Yellow frock where
      he has Membership and does not need mainstream Party Membership

  • 6

    Very simplistic mode for running the country.

    • 6

      “Soon the general population had the satisfaction of witnessing raids on hoarders in which the raiding parties were accompanied by members of the security forces.”
      I would have thought that Dr. JP wouldn’t be so dumb as to think those “raids” were for real. Well, if so, where are the vast “hidden” stocks of everything from milk powder to rice that were “seized”? If military officers who don’t know the difference between Anchor and bulk milk powder can stabilise prices, they wouldn’t be in the military in the first place.
      The situation today speaks for itself. No sugar, gas, flour, milk, etc. Our idiot of a President uses the pandemic as an excuse, but do other countries even in South Asia have queues for essentials?

      • 1


        “The situation today speaks for itself. No sugar, gas, flour, milk, etc. Our idiot of a President uses the pandemic as an excuse, but do other countries even in South Asia have queues for essentials?”

        Unfortunately, the media behaves total ignorant… indifferent…. in the same time, …. BP Mahinda Rajapakshe and his condom supporters are equally silent.

      • 1

        old codger

        “The situation today speaks for itself. No sugar, gas, flour, milk, etc. Our idiot of a President uses the pandemic as an excuse, but do other countries even in South Asia have queues for essentials?”

        Here is some home truth about America.

        Life Is Worth Losing – Dumb Americans – George Carlin:

  • 7

    “Although he was brought to power by an alliance of political parties led by the SLPP, the president has not sought membership in any of those parties.”
    It is a surprise? No political party member? Was he nominated the alliance or SLPP or Independent? If the alliance breaks up into SLPP and others where is he? Does he have to get new mandate to be a president?

    “President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has reassured the people that he has no intention diverting from the democratic path and has no intention of resorting to the military to govern the country.”
    All dictators say this lie. His understanding of Democracy is different to all others. Already military is governing the country under military law.

    “president explained his choice of the Ven Galagoda Atte Gnanasara as chairman of the presidential task force on the grounds that he had been campaigning for one country, one law for the past five years.”

    He tells different explanations to different people. One of his boy (minister) said that by appointing Gnanasara as a Chairman he has purified Ganasara now and gave another explanation to Al Sabri that it is just to get some personal advice. He also thinks al. Sinhalaya are “modaya” and he still thinks he is an American!

    • 2

      Ajith, Whether dictatorial or democratic and whether sinhalaya are modaya, this american still has not understood that kalu skin cannot be made white however hard he tries over the next 3 generations even. Kalu skin is kingdom here but 2nd class elsewhere specially in the yellow skin area, which the kalus have not understood. So better bring Pandora panama here from legitimate offshore and be generous to kalus and earn merit rather than money.

      • 1

        this american still has not understood that kalu skin cannot be made white
        Not just that American, but the Sinhalese on the whole.
        Where else in the world do you see a dark race of people calling themselves ‘aryans’ ?

    • 1

      President made a blunder by not appointing few Dalit Tamils and Muslim women to the Task Force. Listening to their views is extremely important.

      • 3

        “President made a blunder”

        Just one? …….. if the president’s brain was dynamite it wont blow his ears off ……

        The dunce has finally realized …….. that running a country is a little more complex than putting a hit-squad together to take out a unarmed journalist travelling without any protection.

        Whatever happens now ……… he is finished ……… nothing can salvage him now ……… the economy will make sure of that …..

        Couldn’t have happened to nicer guy!

        BTW ……. are you going to write the companion edition to Gota’s War ……. Gota’s Presidency? :))

  • 13

    The writer says that the current president of Sri Lanka has no party membership and is therefore impartial or presumed to be so. I hope the man doesn’t think he is living on another planet. Does the fact that he is not a member of the lotus bud party stop him from getting all his brothers, nephews and nieces high positions in government? Is that the impartiality the writer speaks of?

  • 6

    Pretty entertaining stuff.
    Can one think of a better candidate for advising on course correction than JP?

    • 2

      Or playing it safe?

      • 2

        The two overlap very much.

    • 6

      Course correction – how?
      …”has no intention of resorting to the military to govern the country”…….
      You are just displaying your affinity to the Rajapakse Doctrine by accepting that statement at face value when his Golaya Kamal says otherwise:………….
      “This was spelled out by Sri Lanka’s new defence secretary, retired Major General Kamal Gunaratne, at recent meeting of the so-called Social Media Professional Forum”.The main challenges facing the new government, Gunaratne declared, were “radicalisation, the re-emergence of terrorism, separatism, religious extremism, organised crime, drug-trafficking, and internal disturbances, such as strikes.” The government, he continued, had merged “military and civil capabilities through ‘Integrated Contingency Planning’ to enable the military to work alongside civilian first-responders in order to mitigate the impact of disaster situations, workers’ strikes and civil unrest, and TAKE THE LEAD IF NECESSARY.” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/03/13/milt-m13.html
      That is the thin edge of the wedge. Shows his intentions blatantly.

  • 5

    “Zahran’s wife had confessed that her husband had met the intelligence officers several times prior to Easter Sunday attacks, SJB MP Harin Fernando told Parliament today.”

    Is this a shocking news in the daily mirror today?

  • 5

    This writer is making a claim: ” I also helped you to become the President. Why not consider me too in par with Galabodaaththe Ganasara, Muruththetuwe Ananda, and Pro. Kelaniya Chief Priest even brought a “Nagaya” and “Buddha Relics” from the Kelani River. Mr. JP – Please be patient and you too will be “Rewarded” in “Correcting the Course”

  • 2

    “The core of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s vision of revolutionary change ought to be to bridge the gap between the ethnic and religious communities that has led to years of strife from the time of Independence down to the present day.”
    Please tell those who are responsible for creating ethnic and religious strife even before Sinhalayo gained independence to take measures to bridge the gap. With politicians who say ‘We have not given up our objective (Eelam?)’, ‘Sinhalayo are not welcome in the North’, ‘Cannot build temples and Buddha statues in the North’ and taking legal action to stop renovation of temples in the North, talking about reconciliation and bridging the gap is a waste of time.

    • 2

      “Cannot build temples and Buddha statues in the North’ “
      Are you a Buddhist? How come you don’t know that the Buddha himself prohibited setting up images of himself?

  • 3

    Jehan Perera, you are the guys (NGO’s) who fan disharmony and spread mistrust of any good done by concerned politicians for a price of nearly Rs. 600 million every year from the political vultures in the so-called democratic world who are hell-bent to destroy small emerging countries like Sri Lanka mour “Maathruboomiya” try and stand on it’s own feet with Peace, Harmony and Dignity of all communities. It is time-up to confront elements like you now. You broke away from NGO King Ariyaratne (Sarvodaya) and created your own NGO to rake in all the money you have been amazing throughout these years at the cost of poor Sri Lanka, always making deceptive statements nad lectures to please your foreign masters. Please kindly stop this nonsense please for the good of our “maathruboomiya”. Noor Nizam – Peace and Political Activist, Political Communication Researcher, SLFP/SLPP Stalwart, Convener “The Muslim Voice”, Member “Viyathmaga”.

  • 4

    ”Support The Willingness For Course Correction”

    Pardon my understanding of the English language but I fail to understand the point Jehan Perea is making. Is he critical or sympathetic to GR’s stupidity & incompetence? Are we to excuse the regime for making the blunders & forgive them for their apparent ‘willingness’ to correct their mistakes? As for GR’s vision for the country, he is certainly not a visionary but a bull in a china shop destroying everything in his path.

    ”The core of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s vision of revolutionary change ought to be to bridge the gap between the ethnic and religious communities …” Seriously, can we see that happening?

  • 4

    Jehan Perera still making excuses for Gota? If you don’t understand why we don’t agree, try to counter our observations here and now; if not, you have to be either idiot or villain. You have not, here, touched on the subject that he ought never to have been allowed to contest the Presidential Election because he was an American citizen at the time, so let that go unanswered by you.
    Gota’s de-facto party is the SLPP. Try saying what you have said to any guy in the street, and see the reaction. Whether supporter or critic they know that there’s a family party and a family government. Many would have forgotten that money had been deposited for elder brother, Chamal, to contest, why? In case somebody queried Gota’s citizenship. They didn’t follow up with a nomination, why? Whose fault? That of the 34 others who thought they could beat Gota.
    The votes Gota received were genuine, but now a majority of the fickle people have turned against him. That’s my view, a bit difficult to give a QED proof of it. I don’t consider it democracy in any meaningful sense to now allow Gota to do things like signing LNG deals without calling for tenders or appointing a thug like Gnanasara to……. well, you fill the blank.
    Gota ought to be in America, Gnanasara in jail.
    Panini Edirisinhe

  • 6

    Jehan Perera says “The president has reaffirmed that the polity he presides over is a democracy. He has recommitted himself not to resort to military rule”. I think this is the lamest part of the President’s speech. Or, is it a warning to the public that he could resort to military rule if he so desires?
    The appointments of military officers to civilian administrative positions may have been done with a view to instill fear in the public which didn’t work out the way the President envisaged. For sure, he expected the Rajapaksa terror era between 2010 – 2015 to continue. I don’t think he expected severe resistance, criticism and even open hostility from the Sinhalese. The rage and defiance expressed by even the remotest villagers against deforestation, destruction to irrigation tanks and abrupt change of cultivation practices is something new.
    Gotabhaya has paved the way for a new era of anger and defiance in Sri Lanka.

    • 4

      The Rajapaksas create crises everywhere to distract people.
      At a glance, union demands are reasonable, but do they have to bring large crowds to streets to protest? Those demands can easily be achieved at the table. But, the Rajapaksas deliberately delay any settlement, paving the way for unions to bring their demands to the street.
      Unlike random protests by remote villagers, unions are funded by the SLPP. They think SLPP-funded protests on the street against their own government portray how democratic the government is.
      In addition to that, the Rajapaksas create alarm and anxiety amongst the Sinhalese by razing down trees, building roads and jogging paths destroying biodiversity, building instantaneous irrigation tanks in forest reserves & tank sanctuaries, importing contaminated carbonic fertilizer, etc., compelling even the most remote villagers to protest against them. When they achieved their target, they abandoned those projects. Eg: The sole purpose of reckless digging of new irrigation tanks, dredging existing tanks and bulldozing hills is to get soil. If you look at the Chinese Port City, you will see the final destination of tank soil, gravelly soil and hill soil. The Chinese Port City in Colombo is built by destroying biodiversity ecosystems elsewhere in Sri Lanka.

      • 2

        In my third para, I used the word ‘carbonic’ instead of ‘organic (fertilizer)’ for obvious reasons.

  • 4

    “The Buddha replies: Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life.”

    I’ve roamed the streets of Colombo carrying a lantern in the midday sun ……. looking for a honest man.

    Native Vedda has run for cover ……… Old Codger don’t wanna know …….. he’s busy Casanova-ing ……. he shows up wherever Therese is ……..

    I haven’t a single friend in the world ………. I’m the happiest man alive!

    Guess, Buddha got this one wrong ………..

    Anyway nice to see you visiting from Mars Mr Jehan Perera …….. things here on earth, in Lanka, are a little different since your last visit …….. people here roll on the floor laughing at the mere mention of “Course Correction.”

    • 2

      nimal fernando

      “Native Vedda has run for cover ……… Old Codger don’t wanna know …….. he’s busy Casanova-ing ……. he shows up wherever Therese is ……..”

      Please forget Native Vedda for a second.

      Please note the following people:
      Canadian Minister of National Defence, Anita Anand
      Hindian Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman
      Hindian Minister of External Affairs, S. Jaishankar
      Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris
      Google Chief Sundar Pitchai
      All these men and women are somehow connected by their ancestry, which is Tamil.
      Do you see the problem?
      Please note through their common distant ancestry Tamils are benefiting from placing their descendants at key influential positions.

      Perhaps they are building their homeland outside Sri Lanka like the Jews, some say it is virtual Eelam.

      I am worried aren’t you?

      By the way could you advise Gota to first stop talking, saying his stupid comments and empty promises, as people are really p****d off. In the mean time Bandula Gunawardane believes people can live on Rs 2,500.00 per month. Gota should have resigned for employing him as his Minister of Trade.

      Does Gota think like his minister people are also too stupid?

      • 2

        “Old Codger don’t wanna know …….. he’s busy Casanova-ing ……. he shows up wherever Therese is”
        Can I help it when she makes such idiotically cute comments?😆😆

      • 1

        Many comments made by RTF are idiotic, but she does say some useful things occasionally.
        So, oc, you do find them cute, do you?
        Another positive with her is that she is not serving the interests of any other persons, she is sincere, has a sense of humour, and doesn’t easily take offence. So she is cute!
        However, having granted all that, this could turn out dangerous. You’ve not told us clearly about the attitudes of Mrs co. I hope that you will clarify that, and we have to note that RTF hasn’t told us much about her personal circumstances.

  • 3

    Dear Jehan , while appreciating your middle of the road approach, what is fundamentally missing from the government is the equity for all citizenry. “One country one law” slogan is a mirage as I envisage. Perhaps I may be wrong in that assumption.
    We need visionaries to see the whole picture
    Ctarity to all and malice to none has to be mantra for the pluralistic
    Nation such as ours
    The military wage bill must be the highest percaptita on the planet
    Ratnam Nadarajah

    • 1

      Thanks for the course correction, Nada.
      It’s after a long time that we are hearing from you, and you’ve reminded us of the elephant in the room: “the military wage bill”.
      We have no foreign enemy. Whom are the Rajapaksas fighting?

  • 2

    It should read:
    Charity to all and malice towards none

  • 0

    Hitler King has asked people why they brought his team back to government while they failed to fulfill the promises and they were beaten out by people in 2015. We are with Hitler King in asking that question from Sinhala Buddhist Mahajan though nevertheless it was the Royals and Yahapalanaya’s terrorism trick of bombing Tourist Hotels & Tamil Churches pushed them to this corner. Yes, the Democracy, Philosophical religion Buddhism & Competition oriented Market economy are not suitable for Sinhala Buddhist Modayas. As Hitler King pointed out Mahajan systematically failed to take appropriate decisions on those. While Chinese airplanes are circling Taiwan, their Hunu Ship is circling Ceylon, for an opportunity to unload it in the Chinese harbor, Hangbangtota. Lankawe has surrendered to China worse than G.G. Ponnambalam and C. Suntharalingam surrendered to Appe Aanduwa in 1948. That is the reason Hitler King is in power now.
    The main problem here is while the head is holding on still, the Tail, the communists are dancing. NCM on Ranil was brought by Joint Comedians, though there was no provision to that kind NCM on PM. Ranil agreed to leave the PM position if he was defeated on the NCM, though he drafted the 19A which said, PM cannot be dismissed even by Buddha.

  • 0

    That time, there were calls from both, ruling parties (SLFP +UNP) & and from the Joint Comedy club that Ranil to resign. The Old King took a phone call in the midnight to Ranil and consulted him to hold on to the PM position. That faith was because two years ago, Old King left one shoe in TTH and ran with one shoe in the early morning, 4: AM. Seeing that pity, that time Opposition Leader Ranil got him a helicopter on the PM’s account for him to “Fly Back Home”.
    Situation during NCM was neither Ranil nor the Old King had the guts to take forward the government. Chandra, who put together the Yahapalanaya patch, refused to stage a rebellion and oust the New King from SLFP. It was not no men with testosterone in Lankawe, not even somebody with Estrogen to take over the government and fix the problems.
    The Communist tails kept wagging the dog-the SLFP; split it into two: 1. Slap Party and 2. SLFP. Old Beauty Queen kept threatening Old King that if she were arrested on getting a jeep from I©RCs and use to Tajuddin murder, then she would commit suicide. (It seems after murdering Tajuddin, it seems she started to feel that Tajuddin might be traveling on his path alone, so she wanted to give him a company.)

  • 0

    Communists forced the Old King to stage a coup, partnering with dump SBD & New King. Ranil, who was still looking for buggers off the TTH, understood the situation, told Rowdy King to stay in power, but just to prove the majority to make the UNP rebels could go cool. Sumanthiran who was dying hard for a paperboy minister, took Mano’s help and appeared for the UNP as an un-appointed Lawyer.
    Seeing the situation was tightening, Old Rowdy ran from PM seat & captured the opposition party leader seat. Ranil confirmed the change and cancelled Paper Boy Minister’s Court of Appeal case. When his chair was stolen, Sampanthan Aiyya said “Emmathamum Sammathame” (Anything does for me. His case cannot be fixed even if you convert the New Fortress Energy company ship from LNG to Testosterone. He, as an opposition leader, voted for all Yahapalanaya’ Army budgets. What else could he do if Ranil cancels the coup case?)
    Then to officially proclaim the Hitler King’s elect-ability, Yahapalanaya and Slap Party, bombed Tamil churches using Sharia Jihadi activists. Then the EP election propagandas were started.

  • 0

    Ranil tried to block Valaiththodam Jr. from standing for EP election. But he could not get the message across. If luck had struck him, it was Valaiththodam Jr who was supposed to read out the speech the Hitler King made. He was unlucky. Ranil could not save him, but the Sinhala Buddhist saved him. Like Ranil, Old King also tried to stop his brother from standing for EP. His luck, he refused to listen to the Old King. Old said that some Colombo business crocodiles were spoiling his brother and refused to give ticket in GLP’s party. Now he is sole Proprietor in his games.
    By 2012, Old King understood that standing out of China’s umbrella would aid to those hunting for him. So, he did not care about economy, but decided to surrender to China. He did know standing naked without power too can hurt. So, he set up 18A. He quit 2 years early because problems have ballooned beyond his control. He thought still he is smart so in his early election, he would be the winner. But he lost any let many to be marooned in the water. Hitler King and Brother ran to America, which was the one mainly engineered the regime change. So, Hitler King and Brother Prince lost their faith in Old King. They became reliant to Lokku Aiyya.

  • 0

    But once again the angels sent Ranil, the impunity King to TTH, and they all were saved without any condition. They forgot within Two weeks why did they ran out of TTH in 2015. So, they regrouped with New King and restarted all their dirty deeds. After failing in his repeated attempts to trust the Yahapalanaya government into Old King’s hand, Ranil too had his opportunity to get Old King on his Amude. This time Old Rowdy could not dodge. Ranil resigned one year early.
    Well now, here we are. As Sinhala Buddhist wishes, “Mathaya could be Harima tough, but the job of cleaning the 75 years Augean Stable is tougher than him.” Time for Modayas to a question from all Bald Heads that if their “Tough Mathyas” are not able to do 75 years, how did the Tamils kept the country No. 1 Asia with the help of English people. Then they should leave Tamils to go alone. That will make them that don’t need the government to save their sovereignty. Then they can rename them as Atho Sinhala Buddhists and should return to La La Jungle, hoping a lot of beautiful Princesses would pass by in the jungle.

  • 1

    NGR told us in UN speech that he will talk to Tamil Diaspora. I hope he can deal with the Tamils who are sensible and reasonable. Most of them aren’t belonging to LTTE but who wants the Tamils to live in a country that treats it’s citizens as equal and that no one (even the Rulers) above the Law.
    Judges/Magistrates should be unbiased and SHOULD not be fearful of the rulers. The former Supreme Court Judge Sarath Silva made a WRONG judgement nearly 16 years ago about the Tsunami Fundings that has caused our country to become very Poor and be dependent on China 🇨🇳.
    We need real action from the President to put our country forward. It can not happen with the Buddhist monks or Military or the corrupt MPs and individuals. No need for Sycophants

    • 5

      Dear Naman.
      It is only weak leaders who shift blame on their subordinates.
      …”the Buddhist monks or Military or the corrupt MPs and individuals”….
      are not to blame if the President appoints inept advisors and does not have the capacity to shift the grain from the chaff and take what is good and leave the rest alone.That is “REAL action from ANY President”.

  • 1

    Willingness to work together is not a one way street, it’s a two way street. Mr. President prove that you are prepared for two-way street action. Fire Gnanasara from the Task Force, appoint a Task Force to advise you, comprising of representatives based on the same percentage of the ethnic mix in the country. You have the power to choose, don’t be a thug, be a true honest President who is supposed to be a total vegetarian and a devout Buddhist. Unfortunately in your action, we do not see that.

    Think of your new Grand Daughter, what is she going to read about her Grand Father written in the history books by various SL authors…… a Thug or an Honest Person who turned the country around?

  • 2

    Jehan Perera
    He experienced two major periods of violence during his time in the military
    You make it sound like he was a poor victim in all this.

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