15 September, 2024


Suspected War Criminal Gives Numbers To UN On Northern Army Sexual Assaults

The suspected war criminal, Sri Lanka’s Deputy Permanant Representative to the UN, Major General Shavendra Silva replied to allegations raised against the Army over sexual assaults in the North through UN Reports.

We publish below the statement in full;



Statement by Ambassador Major General Shavendra Silva, Deputy Permanent Representative and Charge d’Affaires UN Security Council Open Debate “Women and peace and security” 25th April 2014, New York.

Mr. President,

Let me join the previous speakers in thanking the delegation of Nigeria for convening this open debate under its Presidency. I would also like to thank the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict for her statement.

Mr. President,

In times of conflict and post-conflict situations, attention should be paid to all forms of violence against civilians, especially sexual violence. Historically, sexual violence has been associated with the absence of peace and security. Conflict often creates family dislocations, shattered livelihoods and also sole breadwinners, with the resulting negative consequences. Single mothers are often the result of conflict, and in some cases, this increases vulnerability to sexual harassment, exploitation and violence.

The Government of Sri Lanka has implemented a firm policy on sexual violence and has taken farm action against reported cases of violence against women and girls during the conflict and the post-conflict period. Sri Lanka has deplored all violence against women and has a well- established policy against gender based violence and all forms of sexual abuse. During the conflict period (January 2007 – May 2009), 7 Security Forces personnel were reported as having been involved in 5 incidents of sexual violence in the Northern Province. This is out of a total of 125 persons accused in 119 incidents for the entirety of the Northern Province. In the post conflict period (from May 2009 – May 2012) 10 Security Forces personnel were reported as having been involved in 6 incidents of sexual violence in the Northern Province. This is out of a total of 307 persons accused in 256 incidents for the entire Northern Province. The involvement of Security Forces personnel as a percentage of the total accused stands at 5.6% in the conflict period and 3.3% in the post- conflict period. Any allegations supported by credible evidence will be dealt with firmly by the authorities.

It is interesting to note that the involvement of Security Forces personnel as a percentage of the total incidents of sexual violence is quite low both in the conflict and post- conflict periods. In a majority of the above cases, the perpetrators have been close relatives or neighbours of the victim. Therefore, against this background the Sri Lankan authorities reject the inferences made by certain organisations and reports that the presence of military contributes to the insecurity of women and girls in the former conflict affected areas,

Legal action has been taken by the Government in all of the above mentioned cases in which the Sri Lankan Security Forces personnel have been involved. The military has taken stringent action, including discharging offenders or imposing other punishments in accordance with the military and penal codes. Furthermore, charges have also been filed in normal criminal courts. Along with the application of the law to personne! in breach of the law, the Sri Lankan military continues to provide large scale human rights training with the assistance of the ICRC.

Certain organisations are involved in propagating false reports of sexual violence against the Sri Lankan military. A recent report was authored by Ms. Yasmin Sooka. Accusations, often with disturbing details, have been made in this report without providing sufficient details such as a time and place and the identification of victims, to enable investigations and prosecutions. These accusations are then repeated in other publications of different organizations, thereby contributing to forming an opinion which is propagated without evidence. None of these allegations have been substantiated by verifiable data in any of these documents. Significantly, no credible evidence has been directly brought to the attention of Government authorities by any of these parties. The Government has not been provided the evidence which is claimed to be in the possession of the authors of these reports in order to investigate and respond.

Mr. President,

I would like to also point out the other extensive measures the Government has taken to cater to women and girls and ensure that their wellbeing and security is protected. The Government has established Women and Children’s Police Desks staffed with female police officers in police stations in the Northern and the Eastern Provinces. Specially trained police officers function at such desks which provide an enabling and protective environment for children, women and girls and their parents to report incidents of abuse and exploitation. This network is also linked to the National Child Protection Authority. Sexual and gender-based violence help desks are located in hospitals in the Districts affected by the conflict.

The Government has given special consideration to uplifting the social and economic status of war widows. Already bilateral assistance has been obtained to initiate a self-employment programme for war widows in Batticaloa in collaboration with the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) based in India. A local NGO called the Parents of Servicemen Missing in Action and Association of War Affected Women educates soldiers, youth, and community leaders about international standards relating to war and promotes the economic and social development of women across conflict lines.

We observe that this year’s Report of the UNSG on conflict related sexual violence contains references to the HRC resolution on Sri Lanka (HRC/25/L.1/Rev.1), accountability, and a comprehensive truth and reconciliation commission. We are disappointed that such issues which has no relevance to this issue, have been dragged into this report. The contents of the HRC resolution has been rejected and disputed by the Government. We would like to respectfully point out that the Government established an internal mechanism for dealing with causes for the conflict and to make recommendations. The report of this body (the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission), offers detailed observations and recommendations based on international humanitarian law principles. The National Action Plan developed on the basis of LLRC recommendations is now being implemented. Sri Lanka will continue to take all necessary measures to heal the wounds of conflict on its own, as the internationalization of the reconciliation process, would only result in stymying the progress, particularly since it is a domestically developed process.

Mr. President,

My delegation hopes that international discussion of issues of this nature will facilitate a wider appreciation of the inherent challenges and practical outcomes based on ground realities. States should be consulted on all aspects of international actions to combat sexual violence in conflict, including the provision of assistance. In this process, respect must be maintained for the fundamental principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States.

In conclusion, let me reiterate that Sri Lanka will proactively continue with its efforts to enhance and develop protection mechanisms with regard to the protection of women and children.

Thank you, Mr. President

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Latest comments

  • 27

    A load of Bullshit through cows back

    • 8

      100 million question for you guys CT readers and any right thinking ones on this world.

      I raise this several dozens of time, how Shravendra Silva became “Sri Lanka’s Deputy Permanant Representative to the UN”? while the US and UK are suggesting that all alleged war crimes to have purposefully made by SRILANKEN MR regime must be investigated by an independent manner. Some on the rival sections, even accuse MR and all front runners of the war field – including Shravendra Silva as ALLEGEG WAR CRIMINALS ?

      Why sofar nothing like – direct interviews with none of the mentioned men not forgetting general Sarath fonseka were subjected to any kind of questioning by UNITED NATIONS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (world´s police), UNITED KINDGDOM as strong participant of security council ?

      All these block me most of the time when reading about Shravendra Silva or any of the like minded personalities – though without the basic qualifications were appointed by President of srilanka as the country´s representatives for the world.

      Latter is a dubious for me, but many seem to stay fully ignorant to this.
      Please Srilal, Sirimal, Gamini, Native Vedda, I kindly expect you to discuss this issue on this forum. This is becoming unanswered question to me.

      • 7

        A Govt can appoint any oneas their representative to various UN Comittees. An objection to the appointment is only possibe if majority of the member countries oppose, by voting.The UN just dont bother.

        In my opinion having people like Shvendra in the UN constantly expose Sri Lanka

        • 5

          “In my opinion having people like Shvendra in the UN constantly expose Sri Lanka”

          please make it clear what do you mean by that ?

          • 5

            When you finish your schooling get in touch with I will explain

            • 1

              What special qualifications do the candidates like SS own to hold such positions ? Why not senior professionals were not appointed to the position, why SS ? You just add Baila as not many would get it.

              • 5

                wake up Sama..this is Sri Lanka

                • 2

                  No, this is all because of MR. He does not have a vision to be the leader of the nation. But he has brainwashed the poor people across the country. These people would do betray their folks, nation just for a toffee offered to them. It is high time to replace the Lion of the national flag with a “DONKEY”.

                  • 0

                    Labawahie, you are vociferouly candid in your argument. Let’s place a fat sheep as a hint of sarcasm in place of the leftist lion.

            • 2

              Rajneesh, I can smell whats up with your mackerel.

          • 3


            Silva was sent to the UN for the simple purpose of giving him political immunity.

            • 3

              Very right.

              Not only him, many others as former admirals but having not the least credentials that a personnel should bring to work for an Embassay; have you guys listened to the speeches of Shravendra Silva ? Even a CTB busdriver would hold a better speech. So, now are you guys clear why UNHRC failed to win even Latin american states in the last UNHRC voting ?

              Ballige Putha (Bitch´s son in power) used every low level tactics for his political survival. That is it.

              Among the locals – over 70% of villagers – through loud rhetorics

              Out of the country – by sending former army/navy/airforce men as diplomats devastating diplomatic relationship,

              Diplomatic Impunity – will not last longer, truth will surface soon

            • 0

              The 1 dollar question is, how he got accepted and become a sadu within this world nefarious organization. Nativo …. pass you resbonze bleaze.

      • 6


        “I raise this several dozens of time, how Shravendra Silva became “Sri Lanka’s Deputy Permanant Representative to the UN”? while the US and UK are suggesting that all alleged war crimes to have purposefully made by SRILANKEN MR regime must be investigated by an independent manner.”

        In order to initiate war crime investigation, the west which has the wherewithal to carry out one, needs evidence, hence Shavendra Silva is a good source of information.

        Whether there is a need for International Community to seriously investigate war crimes in this island is another matter. The need will only arise if expected investigation is in their interest.

        India has already informed the world that any investigation into war crimes committed in this island is an intrusion into Sri Lankan sovereignty. India (South Block Chanakyans)also worry the investigation could cover atrocities committed by IPKF and extend to Kashmir too. An aspiring world power could not and would not allow other countries to interfere in its Sinhala state of India.

        The west also see the need to maintain stability in this island for purposes not defined yet or not known. The only stabilising force that is available and willing to use any means necessary is the clan. Don’t forget 1987-1990 Gota was part of the 6 man military junta which ran the brutal campaign against JVP, yet he was granted US citizenship enjoys all protection under US laws. The west is the best example of “having the cake and eat it”.

        If the powers want to determine the cause of future Sri Lanka they need to maintain close relationship with all obnoxious creatures.

        • 1

          Thanks NatV@,
          I appreciate your views in this regard.

    • 4

      You think is is a great act of bravery to hide behind a pseudonym and insult one of the greatest war heroes of the country?

      [Edited out]

      • 5

        Greatest war hero ?

        So so ?

        • 2

          yes he is the one who poked a broom stick up your sun gods nether reigeons .



          • 0

            … and you got Ouched in ecstacy.

            • 1


              “… and you got Ouched in ecstacy”

              He must have climaxed

      • 6

        Holy crap… War hero of killing his own country men… How many armed and unarmed men/women this hero has murdered?

    • 2

      What a load of old horse shit! Old officers never die, they just go on to wank their way through society. I have memories of those cold Diyatalawa nights when officers and their men would dutifully tuck in at lights out and most would then take their ‘solitary pleasures’ before passing out to get a good nights sleep. But warring is such a high testosterone affair that soldiers looked at every avenue available for a bit of relief; consequently, leaving aside women, even livestock and domestic pets are not safe, with our soldiers. Officer Silva knows the real score but he also knows full well the opprobrium he would face in the mess if he told the truth. An officer….well, maybe, but never a gentleman.

      • 1

        Sprung Koka

        It appears that you had real experience of having “self and mutual and inter-animal pleasures” in cold climates. Wow!!!!!!!! I never knew you were from military backgrounds.

    • 1

      I listened to this man´s talks several times, and felt OMG, what has happened to lanken external affairs.

      Not worth use to become as street sweepers have now been appointed as country representatives.

      I wonder how the self proclaimed idiot of the nation-Dayan Jayathilak would explain the tragody in diplomatic arenas.

      Glp HAS been reduced to the level of Mervin
      DJ has been fallen to the level of male pros. do every thing to be one of the their good books.


      • 1

        Thungachchi Soma


        This is all because of you Die-Ass-Poo-ra’s. You idiots funded a futile war at the beginning. Now you barevthe pain.

  • 14

    He talks about protection of women and children, while there are prima facie evidence that alteast few women a day basis, even today, rapes have become in nothern, former war caught areas. This I happened to watch on a videon made by a journalists interviewing those vicitmized womens, I really dont know why International communities stay mum in this regard. As born buddhist but hating forever the way the govt goes on with all folks across the country today, I dare to share this here, that more of IC pressure should be exercised on this administration in order to force them how to treat own people. Be them tamils, sinhalese, muslims and other minorities all of them are srilankens abve all shold be made clear to the man – who is only being on rhetoric mode, further manipulating the vulnerable uneducated masses of across the country.

    • 1

      No doubt, Hambantota mayor BECAME popular for playing with toy pistols lately (blatant lie) can be the successor of SS ? These bitches sons would never have been taken a place in the society, if a real good natured, cultured, leader would have govered the nation. Gone are the days, as I still remember, we had all pride to listen to the great speeches of educated kind of politicians.

      Berlin´s Burgermeister-Mayor is popular for his gentleman way of behaviour.
      Nyork´s former mayor was also identeified with his nobal qualitiese.
      But mayor in the district of president – is not even qualified to make a reliable statement. He said, there was no pistol there, then again, the pistol was their but it was a toy. ….. all Rajapakshe kind of 2 cent worth statments.

      So long pvt companies are hired to write their speeches in English, as it is the case for ” Tea taster, busnessman but the current ambassador to washington- Jaliya wickramasooriya” – even coconut tree climbing guys can easily be appointed for the foreign service.
      No matter the world would see it wrong, Rajapakshes should survive politically.

      Latter is the so called strategy of Mahinda Rajapakshe.

      • 1

        I guess to avoid investigations, President will post him as “toilet cleaner of the foreign offices ” one of the following destinations:

        c)New york

        This time position changes are connected with ZERO ACADEMIC qualifications – Admirals, Shravendra Silva and the few could communicate in ENglish at least to some extent made MR easier them to be posted to those fields – giving them a diplomatic impunity keeping them away from reach of any kind of crime investigations alleged to have made during the war end.

        Hullugalle (commited to suicide multiple times within short period of times – as reported in media) is now posted to a deputy position using MR funds (MR funds are the abusive funds from the tax payers money)- here nothing is considered but the bugger, rascal minded Mahinda Rajapakshe only concerned about keeping them away from the nation, to protect them from being touched by UN or US.

        • 0


          Toilet cleaning for MR????? huh?? Oho no!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Is it one of the high paid jobs you Die-Ass-Poo-ras? We do not want you to loose your hard-earned jobs to MR. You guys are masters in the profession.

  • 15

    Wasn’t this guy accused of trying to bang Rambukwella’s daughter?

    • 12

      When young Rambukwela does not have a problem with that and continue to work ‘under’ him, and when old Rambukwela is happy with the arrangement, who are we to question the ways and means of Shavendra with the girl?

      • 8

        well now he can offer to marry her

      • 5

        Rohan, even old (Keheliya) Rambukwella does test runs on prospective teledrama actresses before granting approval. He holds the trump card!

      • 2


    • 0


      [Edited out]

      • 3

        An yes / no answer to my question would have been sufficient and you would not have been “edited out” either. LOL

      • 4

        JimNutty, did you Burp? Wonder why you were edited out?

  • 9

    He forgot To add

    The Sri Lankan president have come with an innovative idea that the female rape victims should have the right to marry the rapist. If we apply that , the sexual violence in Sri Lanka is zero zilch and with a stroke of a pen our president has put a stop to all future sexual violence.

    Like we defeated terrorism we have now defeated sexual violence thanks to our president

    • 5

      If They can get approve the New Rapist Chinthanaya bill in the Diyawannaoya Piggery,
      [the rapists should have the right to marry the female rape victims].

      Then, One politician may Have hundred chances to marry female rape victims. { Presidents Included].

      What will happened to a Male rape wictims and Baby or Child rape victims??????????.
      Budu saranai!!!!!!! or Haroooo Hara!!!!!!!

      • 3

        “The rapists should have the right to marry the female rape victims” but what happens after the victim is MURDERED?? Does this ring a bell Mr. President? Please put on your thinking cap!

        • 3

          “Please put on your thinking cap”?
          You are asking for the impossible

        • 1

          “but what happens after the victim is MURDERED??”

          he has to marry the corpse.

          In africa if you are caught screwing the goat,you have to marry it,so whats the big deal with a skeleton.

  • 5

    Shamindra Silva is a sociopath that hardly interacted with the cadets he trained in the army. This is a guy that rode his trail bike through the military academy and just punished students.. he never really educated a cadet. This is a sick man.. far too dangerous to represent Sri Lanka in such important forums.

  • 2

    Is this Tamilnet or Colombopage? As much as I agree Maj Gen Silva is a godawful diplomat, accusations of war crimes were leveled against him only by people with a lot more blood on their hands. People can accuse anybody of anything, does that mean we always refer to all of them as “xx accused”. If so I doubt there is a single person you can mention without this qualification. Every single person writing on Colombopage, every single person mentioned on Colombopage probably where accused by somebody of something.

    • 1

      Definitely not Daily News the Lake house mouth piece

    • 0

      Veshapriya, yours is a dimwit’s view of an accusation, please post your complaints in Colombo Page, not in Colombo Sheet.

  • 2

    sama ,

    “I raise this several dozens of time, how Shravendra Silva became “Sri Lanka’s Deputy Permanant Representative to the UN”?”

    Sama , this is a matter between the member country and the UN , in other words SL and Mr Ban ! neither MR(president) nor Mr Ban found any thing wrong or unethical of being appointed Maj. Gen SS as the deputy Ambassador to the UN , under those circumstances there is very little others can do about it !

    as far as the alleged war crimes concern , US has the sole authority and power to conduct & investigate about their own citizens (PR & green card holders)conduct and it has been a hot topic among the interested parties for a long period of time , only US authorities can answer these questions Sama.

    • 2

      While imposing UN resolutions, in the same time not raising questions from war front men like SF, Shravendra Silva and thelike ? Even not CONSIDERIING that Gotabaya, Basila have been US citizens ?

      US citizens are entitled to respond the questions that were discussed in the UNHRC sessions last March ? But none of the mentioned were being focused by the US or UK – I dont think anyone would get this clearly. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ßßß

      • 2

        Sama ,

        Do you think Tamil Diaspora would let go, if they can trap alleged war criminals ? let me remind you this , in US alone there were many attempts to trap the accused ones , all the attempts have been futile so far , if my memory serves right , the last case was thrown out by the presiding Judge citing there was no ground to proceed the case (Trinco 5 ).

        As to shavendra’s case , he enjoys the diplomatic immunity and no one can touch him.

        • 1

          Agree with you every words.
          This is the reason why MR- the most unpredictable man of the nation has appointed SS to that position. Now I got it. Thanks thanks.
          This man did not same with other admirals too by appointing to them though unfitting by all means to diplomatic frams, nevertheless to go for it – shold have been connected with full cover up.

          Now I have no doubt, the man should by every means be brought before Hague court.
          I believe right thinking would agree with that- every criminal should get due punishment.

          • 1

            Good luck dreaming about the Hauge , instead why dont you take a tour of the redlight district of Amsterdam . Much more likely for genocite tamils .



            • 2

              As Gamini made is very clear,yesterday. yo should definitely be a product of Redlight area. NOthing else, would explain your nature. You guys would never change your mind even if your family ones are brutally raped by Rajapakshes.

              Man, wake up, the bugger has looted the nation.. even been looting further. Why to go on licking his ass again and again, rather than paving any good right thinking democratic leader to lead us the nation whose literacy rates are over 92% to this day.

      • 3

        Be real. How many times do I have to remind you that the US is giving only a lip service for the money the Tamil diaspora is spending on their politician’s election process? Do you really think the US has a bleeding heart for human rights violations of a bunch of Tamils who lives in a third world country?

        • 1

          so what are real roles of MR, GR, BR in terms of bringing permanent peace to the Island ?

          Why dont anybody raise the question why srilanken americans are not being questioned regarding lanken issue ? (Srilanken americans refered here are GR and BR).

          Why dont the poteintial adversaries of US and Uk stay silent in this regard ?

  • 0

    The caption of this presentation by CT says:

    “Suspected War Criminal Gives Numbers To UN On Northern Sexual Assault”.

    The person as appearing in the picture and the statement is that of Maj.Gen SS.

    Is he a suspect and has any investigation instituted to look into the subject matter named him to be of any involvement?

    In my opinion, this type of Head Lines do not speak good of web columns like CT.

    • 0

      I fully agree with Douglas, I am not a fan of Mej Gen Silva but I certainly think CT needs to be professional and avoid sensationalism

      • 0

        “In truth, journalism is processed” is what it otherwise says. Dosapriya, does your florasence brain need a ballast?

  • 3

    I want to see the number of rapes people here are talking about. Until we know these numbers and names of victims nothing is going to happen to anyone. If these army men are to be punished with the help of the outside world the victims have to come forward. If not it will be only accusations by the diaspora, that will go no where!

    • 4

      You are probably full ignorant person

      You should better listen to your family, neigbours and everyone close to you. Then you can easily assess it by yourself. But trying to become healthy before going to do so, because you are a sick person as I felt everytime after reading your say.

      • 2

        What garbage are you talking about? Show me where I am wrong if you can!

        • 0

          From 2009 onwards, you may have uncountable numbers of the victims in that area alone. In an authoritarian rule almost nt a single case would end up with a fair verdict, you ask us to provide you with the numbers.
          These numbers will be ignored as the numbers went missing inthe tail end of the war. This is serious issue, not a joke, Eusense, you would only raise a voice against, when they come and rape you and your lovely ones in coming days.

    • 5


      “I want to see the number of rapes people here are talking about.”

      If the figures disappoint you would you like army fellows to increase it to the level which would be acceptable to you?

      “If these army men are to be punished with the help of the outside world the victims have to come forward.”

      If the rape victims are to come forward they have to be assured of their safety, hence a victim protection scheme should be in place.

      If you don’t understand the concerns and priorities of the victims least you could do is stop insulting them.

      I hope you don’t have to suffer the same pain that the rape victims have already gone through and will continue to until their last day on this earth.

      You must be a born bully and a sadist.

      • 2

        If you are serious about punishing the perpetrators the victims have to come forward. Until then its a myth. How can a court of law find someone guilty without a victim? I can accuse you as a rapist and say you have raped many women. I keep repeating this and my followers identify you as a alleged rapists. What are you going to do about this if I am not producing a single victim?

        If there are real victims they can come forward through various mechanisms. Once their identities are revealed they will be watched like a hawk by the foreign entities and the gov. would not dare to interfere. This is the very reason why the US and the west is skeptical about these alleged genocide/rape/human rights violations etc.

        • 1

          You should be the fool – born fool.

          you ask “How can a court of law find someone guilty without a victim?”

          If the rulers are capable of sending a CJ home, even without no clear evidence to impeach her, if the very same idiots for their sake can bring all unethical amendments to cosolidate their political powers in the country, what injustice cant they make to the very same nation ?

          Why I am telling you are a born fool, your two cnts worth sound as if you were born yestreday.
          This ballah in power the way he handles things, have been becoming critical to almost everyone but not to the bunch you and Abhaya represent.

          I listened to Satana program yestreday, there none of the ruling party men brought any kind of good argument as to why the Parker´s hotel complex need to have passed in the lanken parliament irrespective the facts that no any crown hotels of Parker is reported to make their income without casino. This Dr. HARSHA de Silva had given in figures to the parliment lately. So knowing all these – to betray the nation being caught by canio business, leader of the nation in this country has done all the worst thing.
          No matter, poor rural women, as it is the case for Thailand would have been forced to sell themsevles, once prostutution is in place of the parker´s hotels, not the least attention is given as the leader of the nation, why Mahanayakes vehimently rejected the dvelopment project. Nothing like any kind of ones who raises the voice against were respected. But telling lies again and again, to get passed with with less than 2/3 mandate of the parliament, is against all lawful and democration nature before the all stricken society to this day.

          • 1

            Yes, me too, watched that.
            That Mithrapala looked as if he is only talented to defend whatever the illegal business the govt would introduce.
            The very same Mithrapala was the guy who gave the impunity to that ” Athakota” whose mediation was proved to have taken the lives of innocient villagers in that area.
            What happened to that case actually ?

            Why nobody is interested in final resilts of any crime investigaations of the current govt.

            What is going on with HEAVY load of heroin deal related investigations ?

        • 2


          “If there are real victims they can come forward through various mechanisms.”

          Please name one.

          Alternatively what Mahinda could do is as the just king Elara did, hang a bell above his bed and tie a long rope and leave it outside his residence.

          The injured party could ring the bell as and when they need to make a complaints against perpetrators.

          King Mahinda Raja could dispose justice to the victims.

          Don’t you think its a good idea?

    • 4


      “In my opinion, this type of Head Lines do not speak good of web columns like CT.”

      There is a caveat in title, “suspected”.

      Do you need evidence to suspect anyone?

      You need evidence to convict the suspect.

      • 2

        Native Vedda from Tamil Nadu:

        Does anything has to happen in order Tamils to accuse Sinhalese ?

        • 3


          You should be charged for committing mental cruelty to many in this forum.

    • 1

      switch tables for a minute.. Imagine u were a tamil and ur mother, sister, daughter, aunt, or cousin were victims of rape, what would your position be? wait until proven guilty or take law onto ur hands and kill the persons involved?

      • 1

        What are you getting at?
        First, I need to show the world what has happened. Therefore, publicize the situation as much as I can. Then, with all the evidence I will look for justice through a court of law.

    • 1

      Knowing the track-record of MoD/TID/IGP etc and INQUERIES in SL, it will
      be foolish to make any complaint as not only the victim but the whole
      Family and relatives will be subjected to most imaginative accusations.

      Therefore no local complaints can be made is what UN authorities will
      support, specially with the Judiciary also tainted. To start with
      should not the Military quote the Inquiries so far conducted with the
      results of each case and the ones where the accused was acquitted?.

      • 1

        You need to give as much publicity to what has happened. As you say it should be reported to the UN and any other groups that work for women’s rights. If unbiased these groups can be of help. I believe that these victims would be helped by any one irrespective of their race or gender. Documentation is paramount in getting justice for victims. Even reporting to a medical practitioner and documenting can be of great help.
        The bottom line is there is no justice without a victim.

    • 5

      Eusense, you have always been a nuisance. In Sri Lanka you expect the victims to come forward, tell the truth and live to see the next day? It was like asking the Tamils to come forward in the north when the LTTE was active, point fingers at the LTTE and live to see the next day. Really, then why don’t you attempt once, say something against GOSL and see whether you wake up the next day? Just try it?

      • 2

        The sad truth is no victim means no crime.

        • 1

          @Eusense who happens to be a real Nuisance, do us all a favor. Blast Rajapakse one day from Lanka. Then the next day onwards I will not see this Nuisance on CT. :)

    • 0

      Nonsensical eusense, nobody will be willingly reenacting for you to satiate your sagacious fetid mind to count on the rapes you intend to witness.

      • 0

        So, you want guilty and punishment without a victim or crime??

  • 2

    This Gentleman’s war crime is getting rid of the world’s most ruthless terrorists.

    • 2

      Jimpo, your Gentleman’s war crime was getting them to bury their heavy artillery, abandon their stronghold Kilinochchi and assemble them on a Beach front to surrender and then massacre the lot when they are empty handed? What a Hero and a Gentleman? Bloody Son of a Bitch?

    • 0

      “Gentleman”? LOL
      Have you got any daughters you want this Gentleman to baptize?


  • 2

    “The Government has not been provided the evidence which is claimed to be in the possession of the authors of these reports in order to investigate and respond”.
    You moron you want to know who the people are, where and when they happened so that you can send your white van and make them disappear?.A load of bullshit no one takes such idiotic staements seriously.
    You people have lost all credibility in the eyes of the International community except of course Swaziland and Belaurus and China.

  • 2

    Thank you Gen SS . You are a hero in my book no matter what the sakkili on CT say .

    • 4

      And the thugs and goons attacked UNP MPs lately, are they also your heros I guess. You and the ilk are definitely a pain to this nation.

    • 4


      “Thank you Gen SS . You are a hero in my book no matter what the sakkili on CT say”.

      Show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy.

      F. Scott Fitzgerald
      American author of novels and short stories

    • 4

      Pabhaya, you are the biggest SAKKILIYA on this web. Possibly you do not know who your father is, as your mother used to frequent Maradana Station then, where many a dog used to give a leg up. Bloody Sod.

      • 6


        you are spot on. This SAKKILIYA is said to be a company director on a rural part of the states. Are the armies that low grade to appoint him as a company director ?

      • 0

        Sorry Gamini [Edited out]

      • 0

        Sorry Wikramasingho No able your language .



        • 2

          but your blood related from Hambantota used even better langauge at the time decent UNP MPs were brutally attacked by those thugs lately.

    • 2

      I guess the word Sakkili would be an honor to this Abhaya..

  • 0

    Mr.Silva could not hide his record with influential Sinhalese women.


    Latter King forced him to please excuse. Further he shut rambukwella’s by reminding him his record.

    Now they are hiding their records with poor Tamil widows and young girls.

    They say “the thief ate the hen now has joined with owner to search for it”

    This cheating is good enough to get the votes from Mahavamsa Modayas. But, UN has declared that Sri Lanka is on the few countries uses sextual vilence as Arms and Tools againgt the opponents. Thanks for you speech Shavendra. You will get a better one as a reward for your UN office. Don’t get tangled with the women King accused as trapping others. Be smart on selecting them for fun.

  • 1

    Statement by Ambassador Major General Shavendra Silva states “During the conflict period (January 2007 – May 2009), 7 Security Forces personnel were reported as having been involved in 5 incidents of sexual violence in the Northern Province.” He has not stated how many of those 7 soldiers involved in 5 incidents were punished and the punishment meted out to them. The last sentence of the paragraph says ” Any allegations supported by credible evidence will be dealt with firmly by the authorities.” Does this mean that none of the allegations were supported by credible evidence to be dealt with?. In Srilanka only the traitors are dealt with firmly but the patriots are not.

  • 1

    Where did Shavendra Silva get his statistics during the conflict times? With the dictatorship by M.R brothers any statistics can be produced any where in the country.Remember they forced the Tamil doctors to lie about the casualties during after the conflict.They have “rehabilitated” Tigers now being used as agents of the military government. Ex-Tigers are now “ministers” of the Central government.
    These idiotic leaders and their herd,the Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinists think they can fool the world by distorting the truth to the UN.

  • 0

    LTTE sympathies write on CT manipulated stories while knowing true facts ,it it obvious that full-scale sexual violence carried out by Tamils in North & east.

    Conclusion, false war crime allegations shall not trail in this century , that is bitter truth .. if USA or UK need to support Tamil they would have done already but dragging year bu year.. now almost 5 years gone who cares ????

    Remember , Bush administration took only 2 years to declare war against Iraq in 2003,if they really need goverment chnage in SL they would done it already

    dont waste time any more tamils

  • 0

    Going by what Army does in south after the war, Weliveriya etc, I have no doubt they do dozen times more crimes in North against Tamils

  • 0

    DIGs can rape. Rape victims, WPCs, will be interdicted. So why SS cannot be appointed to UN mission?

  • 0

    “I raise this several dozens of time, how Shravendra Silva became “Sri Lanka’s Deputy Permanant Representative to the UN”? while the US and UK are suggesting that all alleged war crimes to have purposefully made by SRILANKEN MR regime must be investigated by an independent manner.” – Sama……….

    But the Trillion $$$ question is who is the independent body going to investigate the war crimes and atrocities & thefts committed by the US, UK and their allied troops in various theaters of the world???

    Post war rapes could be trributed to diaspora elements, who lure young Tamil girls of marriage come to SL abuse them and leave them on the lurch.
    Then you get the Northerners, with diaspora cash in hand who abuse their own kind and the Yasim Sookas are willing to point finger at the forces…
    Latest, one time S.J.Emmanuels seminarians now begun exploring and Savundranayakam & Rayappu are silent.

    do not point the finger at the services who liberated the Northerners and Church of atrocities.
    They are able to open their mouths to speak now & agitate in front of the Bishops house and church wants MR police to cover incidents.

  • 0

    There have so far never been reports of service personnel being court martialled or indicted in normal courts for sex violations.
    If punishment has been imposed,as Shavendra Silva says,why are names of perpetraters being kept a secret?
    On the other hand,the recently concluded report on deaths of 26 prisoners at Welikada peison,says – as reported – that the prisoners shot each other dead.

  • 1

    Even what he has said is true, he has forgotten to add the para-military groups supported by the Govt of Sri Lanka and their rape of innocent civilians in this count. On the other hand may be the rape cases he mentioned must be the rape cases we have been hearing that took place at the Sri Lankan Permanent Representative Office at the UN, for which some of the officers were moved out of the country!

  • 1

    Strange this bugger is not suffering from PSTD, where one Dr. Kulatunge was stressing on this column, after killing unarmed Tamil civilians, men women and children by the thousand. Possibly the Americans have treated the bugger for carrying their brief.

    • 0

      Shavendra is the best qualified person to work in the UN as he knows all the truth about the war in SL, then he can counter attack on all the allegations from other stupid cows work in UN

  • 0

    The man in the picture is one of the clever and brave man in the world

    • 1

      is that not political strategy to avoid him being brought before the courts ? WHAT THEY CALL DIPLOMATIC IMPUNITY::: ? Similar positions are spread by MR regime immeidately after war is over… why ? Give us details man.. just adding your 2 cnts worth without being precise make it confusing.

      But Mahinda buruwa´s political strategy betrayed the nations as over 70% of UNHRC voting against the current administration, bringing us an another UN resolution. So ? What you say an another dimwit of their kind ?

    • 2


      “The man in the picture is one of the clever and brave man in the world”

      Don’t be silly.

  • 0

    This address by this imbecile should be viewed in the light of the following:
    • He is a war criminal enjoying immunity under the protection of the ruling war criminals for he has to be kept silent lest he lets out the war crimes of his bosses and their instructions to commit them.
    • Rape and other similar crimes are acts of war to instil terror into innocent victims
    • Victims of sexual violence are generally silent about their assaults on them for social and cultural reasons
    • Sexual violence should be seen in the context of the numerous Sri Lankan soldiers involved in the rape of innocent Haitian women while being in Haiti on the peacekeeping mission. So much for the most disciplined army in the world.

  • 0

    He looks a bit like Dharmendra in shikar. Not as handsome as Dharmendra because of that bit of pervy look but he is trying hard. Vijaya’s womaniser pervert looks have been passed down to many males in srilanka,not their fault,its all in the genes.

    Will be a massive hit if he dances and sings with Anarkali.


    Anyway just like in shikar he killed the tiger with brilliant strategy and got pooneryn.From their on it was downhill for tigers in killinochi from three pronged attack and muhamalai also had to be evacuated dunkirk style because of possible attack from pooneryn.

    He advertised this fact on his website that he was Dharmendra who shot the tiger with his brilliant strategy and mahinda must have thought better get this fellow out of the country just as he did to fonseka by kicking him upstairs without any powers,when he opened his big mouth claiming credit for the war victory.Can’t allow all these buggers to be claiming credit when the only credit should go to the king no?Otherwise these buggers will get ideas of becoming the king one day.

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