11 September, 2024


SWRD, JRJ & Wijeweera: Three Leaders Who Fundamentally Changed Sri Lanka!

By Vishwamithra

“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.”  ~Albert Schweitzer


The influence of Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Bandaranaike (SWRD), Junius Richard Jayewardene (JR) and Rohana Wijeweera (Wijeweera) on the local political theatre is unmatchable. The great puppeteers of local political minds, they excelled in their chosen field and when they entered the arena, the aura that emanated from their physical statures, albeit SWRD and Wijeweera being slight and unimpressive while JR was all persona and impeccable stature, the collective impression on the psyche of Sri Lanka’s politics and the altered course it instilled in the course of the country’s history is undeniable.

In their presence, other political personalities withered; whether the effect is one of positive results or negative consequence of a policy gone bad, the lasting quality of their policies, the assuredness of their unmitigated commitment to the cause they chose to serve made them stand apart from the rest amongst whom were some other brilliant personalities who strove so hard yet did not achieve the lasting and enduring results of political giants. SWRD, JR and Wijeweera stood apart like three Generals who had relegated the commanding presence of the likes of N M Perera, Colvin R de Silva, Peter Kuenaman, Dudley Senanayake, R Premadasa, Lalith Athulathmudali, Gamini Dissanayake, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, S J V Chelvanayakam and Velupullai Prabhakaran to a not-so-great category. Visionaries of a unique genre, the three giants stamped their impression for posterity not only for its own sake, but for the country to follow and not so at the same time.

At this juncture of this column, let the reader be warned, especially in the context of Sri Lanka’s post-Independence politics, how dare would Prabhakaran and Chelvanayakam enter the same arena which had been sanctified by the Sinhalese Buddhist ‘good guys’?. One may or may not agree with the policies, tactics and strategies of Chelvanayakam and Prabhakaran. But the influence they exercised over their own people was beyond dispute. A thirty-year war could not have been sustained had they been less influential and less consequential. But however much these second category of politicians gained a foothold on the Sri Lanka’s path to modernization and economic salvation, none could do so with such lasting measure as it was demonstrated by SWRD, JR and Wijeweera, individually as well as collectively.

SWRD at the time he realized that there was no path for him within the ranks of the United National Party and its leader D S Senanayake, he made one of the most fundamentally sound decisions to leave it and go on his own. Not only did he opt to break with the UNP and its heavy baggage of colonial subservience, he cleared a very savvy way for a novel brand of ‘identity politics’ of the time. Political tribalism was in fact introduced by SWRD in 1956. His Swabhasha slogan, given leadership to by the Maha Sanga of the likes of Mapitigama Buddharakkhitha, Chief of the Kelaniya Vihara and eventual conspirator of his assassination, set apart the Sinhalese Buddhists from the rest of the country. This was a fundamentally significant landmark in the country’s course of socio-political life. Setting the common man apart from the rest, setting him as a victim of years-long suppression and negligence, rendering him a distinct personality and identifying him in terms of socio-economic values and then unleashing his thereto suppressed desires, class-enmities and parochial beliefs, if not checked at necessary intervals and junctions, could be devastating and destructive.


SWRD was a man who was assassinated by the very forces he willingly released. In mere three years, the heroic entry of the common man’s era became somewhat an unwelcome torrential rain of misplaced and misjudged values and measures. Political power assuming all-powerful dimensions and becoming a dangerous tool in the hands of an uneducated and checkered individuals had had consequential effects and cascading of these tendencies down generations have today produced a totally corrupt culture. In the context of a nation’s march to progress and growth, provision of a ‘place in the sun’ for the common man is a highly creditworthy ideal and those who pursue such an ideal should be encouraged. Yet when such a pursuit is glaring at the defilement of values and measures that set Sri Lankan culture as one rich and wealthy in religious and ethnic harmony, the story becomes completely disfigured and warped. The common man has become his own enemy. The lofty ideals he had set for himself have been subordinated to avarice and pursuit of mundane pleasures.

While the common man’s social standing has risen way above his expectations, the Swabhasha policies of the government of SWRD set the country’s most precious assets, youth, two or three generations behind his contemporaries in the Asian region. The 1956 revolution became a transformation of a nation from bad to worse instead of good to better.

JR, on the other hand, had a very difficult hand to deal with. On merit alone, J R should have become the country’s leader after the demise of D S Senanayake. Yet he had to wait another twenty five years to ascend to the throne. From 1952 to 1977, the road that led JR to the pinnacle of power was visited with more cacti than roses. Yet when he arrived there, in Benjamin Disraeli’s immortal words: “after having climbed to the top of the greasy pole”, JR, in the words of his own biographer, K M de Silva, was an old man in a hurry. Disenfranchisement of Sirimavo Bandaranaike, though at the time of its execution looked draconian and self-serving, was the logical outcome of a legitimate findings of a Special Presidential Commission established for the purpose of finding the truths about gross abuse of political powers so exercised by the two Bandaranaikes, Sirimavo and Felix Dias. Yet JR’s greatest contribution to the country’s progress was the opening of the economy which was manacled by the shortsighted socialist policies of the Sirimavo Bandaranaike-led left-of-center government of ’70 – ’77.

As much as SWRD’s Swabhasha policies turned the national consciousness of Sri Lanka, JR’s economic policies fundamentally changed its economic character. It’s never to return to the outdated left-wing socialism that was the fashion of the third-world countries of the fifties and sixties. The socio-political currents unleashed by SWRD and JR respectively had plusses as well as minuses. It’s too early to judge their ultimate effect on the history of the country at large. As leaders of a developing nation, both SWRD and JR made a conscious effort to serve the country they called their motherland and there is no evidence whatsoever of malicious intent on their part. Their commitment to the cause they chose to serve was total; their efforts untiring and while SWRD was lackadaisical in his execution, JR exhibited ruthless efficiency. When JR got down to work, one could not have found a more disciplined leader.


Now we come to the third leader who contributed to a fundamental change in Sri Lanka’s political psyche- Rohana Wijeweera.  Born on Bastille Day, July 14, 1943, Rohana Wijeweera hailed from a coastal fishing village situated in southern Sri Lanka and belonged to the Karava caste hierarchy.  By way of five oversimplified classes, Wijeweera transformed the minds of the rural youth into angry young men and women bent on revolutionizing the county’s political path for good. Violent overthrow of a democratically elected government did not occupy the mind of the average youth in Sri Lanka. Wijeweera simply managed to alter that dynamic and his pioneering efforts in the formative years of his creation, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) are legendary. Long before Prabhakaran initiated his own Tamil militancy in the North, Wijeweera showed in no scarce terms that the mind of youth is very much prone to the vagaries of violent and exhibitionistic propensities. Within a matter of twenty three years, from 1966 to 1989, Wijeweera launched two violent uprisings, killing hundreds of political opponents and instilling dread and fear into the minds of a docile community whose most violent reaction to government suppression up to that time was a failed Hartal and countless general strikes at work places. An archetypical speaker in the vernacular, Wijeweera had no match in mob oratory; the flow of the language mesmerized thousands of activists and they literally sacrificed their lives for this man whose untiring dedication to the cause of the suppressed masses was never a subject of debate.

Wijeweera stirred the conscience of Sri Lanka’s youth. A sense of romanticism entered the realm of the nation’s politics and that romanticism captured not only the youth, it left an indelible legacy among the middle-aged, lower middle-class men and women. His oratorical skills were equaled by none. He pioneered a movement that led the country’s youth in a violent revolutionary fervor. His contribution to modern Sri Lanka’s history is undoubtedly unique and fundamental. Of the three leaders we discussed here, two, SWRD and Wijeweera, were educated abroad; SWRD at Oxford and Wijeweera at the Patrice Lumumba University, Soviet Union. JR was a total local product, Royal College, University of Ceylon and Law College. The two who were educated abroad advocated left-wing political theories while the local-educated JR promulgated capitalism. SWRD and Wijeweera were assassinated, one by a Buddhist monk and the other by the security forces of the country. JR died in bed, at the ripe-old age of 90.

The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com     

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  • 2

    Its not correct to put JR the colossus in the same basket with SWRD and Wijeweera.While JR’s far reaching vision changed the country’s future irreversibly on the right path at the right time before most of the Asian countries even before India and China there were no damaging consequences like the seeds of the ethnic problem sown by SWRD and bloodshed by Wijeweera. How JR handled India during food drop crisis and speeches made in San Francisco and when he met President Regan at the White House are lasting monuments to JR’s greatness.

    • 2

      JRJ had EVERY opportunity to reverse the process of ethnic hatred. All he needed to have done was to remove the dreaded “Sinhala Only” act and if the (then) small bunch of hooligans led by Praba continued to be violent, he just allowed it. Praba was taken into custody once and on the insistence of the then leader of the opposition and TULF, JRJ ordered his release, much to the disgust of the police and judiciary. Praba went on to rob small banks, attack smaller police stations, etc but JRJ sat and stared expressionlessly at anyone who brought the least advise to him. JRJ loved to stir the pot and watch it boil. Everyone advised him to strengthen security, put additional guards at police stations and banks but he insisted that “we must show normalcy”. When the “Yarl Devi” was blasted, and the CGR and Cabinet wanted to stop the train service to Jaffna till things normalised, he still insisted on sending another ttrain and that was immediately blasted and the rusted relics removed only after the war ended!! He dumped the infamous 1978 constitution on us, from which no one shows any serious intent to change!! He allowed ad-lib imports, causing the cultivators from Jaffna and the small industrialists who produced items like water pumps to end their operations. I recall rotting onions in Colombo, imported from India and cultivators from Jaffna making heart-felt appeals to the State, to no avail. JRJ !! He also let loose Wijeyweera to cause Mrs. B to say, “The dogs I leashed, you set free”!! JRJ!!!

      Anyway, they are all dead and gone. We had a chance to say that M.R was the “man of the hour”, then we had a chance to say “My3” was the man of the hour!! I guess we just have to watch and pray.

    • 2


      Go with the Data. If JR was that Great, why did he not solve the ethnic problem, and was the catalyst for the separatist war?

      It was JR shortsighted actions that got the Indians involved.He had the opportunity to fix the problem, and he messed up. Mahinda Rajapaksa too messed up and lost the opportunity after 2009.

      So, JR was not great. The people and the country are still, suffering..

      They were not great statesmen. They were all strategic bunglers.

      Can we conclude that this has somethig to do with the low average IQ of 79 of the Paras, in the land of Native Veddah Aethhho?

    • 4

      JRJ basically was a cunning, power hungry bully and an opportunist; akin to a dictator.

      • 1

        sarrij; You are wrong.: akin to a dictator” He was a dictator.Though majority of the people who write about JR does not want to say so, HE RUINED THIS COUNTRY. Before him helping relatives, friends was there, JR made it an art and state policy.Though politicians did benefit from state assets was known he made it a fine art, and attempted to glorify it re The deal involving the Coconut property.Though uttering falsehoods was there among the politicians, he made an art of it – transfering Manel Watte to temples in public while retraining the ownership.

        Every thing that this man did is now being changed but I am sorry that the SLFP is blocking sending the Constitution to where it should be – the toilet pit.

  • 3

    SWRD – How ironic that the scion of a family whose fortunes were founded on being subservient to the colonial master, studies at the alter of the last colonial master, renounces his Anglicanism, embraces Buddhism, and becomes the saviour of his language and new found religion. No wonder the enigma ended with a flurry of bullets delivered by a man in a saffron robe (- a fore runner of Gnanasara?)

    • 1

      SWRD !!. He is the man who introduced the word “Nationalization”. He started by nationalizing the insurance industry, then the ports of Colombo, Galle and Trinco, then the bus companies, till he was stopped by an assassin His dear lady went on with the same policy and, did the oil companies and finally, nailed the coffin tight by acquiring the plantations. All these were so that the “doogie duppath mahajanathawa” (the poor people of the nation) get a better deal. One of them also nationalized the education system and all private schools. Their daughter and others do some ill-advised “privatization” and now, my dear sir tell me. Are we better off when compared to what we were prior to 1956 or, if you are not familiar with those “good old days”, with other nations like Singapore, India etc?!!? Just think carefully. We Lankans are clever at hiding our heads in the sand and running with the herd. Where would we be, if SWRD, Mrs. B., JRJ etc followed normal policies based on international laws?

    • 2

      Spot on, on SWRD.
      Basically an unprincipled opportunist.

    • 0

      Spring Koha,

      Neither the Almighty God nor the Enlightened Buddha liked, the likes of SWRD, Opportunist Sevalaya (Sleeze), and Somarama did the honors, following Mara,.

      Many followed him, and Maa MaRa ChaTu MaRa is one of them.

  • 2

    JRJ – Yes he never studied overseas but let us not forget that he was brought up by an English governess (Miss Munro) who brought up the children up as would upper-class English children in England at that time. Not going overseas to study shielded JRJ from exposure to racism; but he got plenty of chances to practice that at home.

  • 0

    Rohana Wijeweera: – how sad that his undoubted oratorical skills were wasted on a poorly thought plan, doomed to disaster. At best, I would say that his leadership was suspect and barely thought out. And he simply hadn’t the confidence even to put his ideas to the vote. He simply did not speak for any discernible majority.

    Both Wijeweera and Prabhakaran are opposite sides of the same coin of a dubious currency.

    Anti-hero’s at best they led ventures doomed to fail.

    Both misjudged the mood of the largest trained armed force in the land and the ultimate will and ability of the government to use it. It was only a matter of time.

    Each should write out 100 lines ‘ Must try something different next time’.

  • 4

    How can there be any greatness in the fox JRJ. He was one man who thought he will never die. We are still paying for the sins committed -his BAHUBOOTHA Constitution imposed on this nation of ours. He thought he will never die. He created through the Constitution a monster in Premadasa, a great robber in Mahinda Rajapaksa. Even the UNP and its current leader who voted for it are now against it. The country voted since 1994 to get rid of it. Still we have failed. How can the man who masterminded it be a great man. As a nation we have wasted a colossal amount of money, time energy and man-hours trying to find a way to get rid of it. If that kind of effort and time was put to good use we would have hit the moon.If JRJ did not antagonize Mrs. Indira Ghandi there would not be a parippu drop and also the LTTE. It is well known that Mrs. Ghandi harboured the Tamil militants to hit JRJ . Yes he was such FOOL.

  • 0

    Lots of similarities both JR and SWRD belong to families of recent Indian Tamil ancestry but for reasons known to them were anti Tamils who created all this chaos. They were also opportunistic they were born as Anglicans and converted to Buddhism for power and politics. With the third person they all created chaos and mayhem and made the country a basket case

  • 2

    JRJ wanted to join the SLFP when he had the leadership squabble. He used a sibling of Mrs. Bandaranaike and her son to get this across. Some other family members opposed. If her joined, he would have usurped her. Reality is you never talk about the thuggery, rigged referendums, false accusations and above all the massive ethnic cleansing of innocent Tamils in 1983 Black July when you talk about JRJ. We know why; you were a propaganda bile duct of the UNP and benefited greatly from that period. Now you pretend to talk as if you are neutral. We know better. Please do not just try to whitewash the most evil man; yes he liberalized the economy but he did it without any regulations. It wiped out nascent industry and caused prices for Jaffna farmer’s chilly and onion harvests. He was the main reason the LTTE existed for so long. Do you want us to remind me of the incident in Nuwara Eliya?

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  • 2

    Remind us again WHO marched against SWRD’s proposals? Why are you so blindly loyal? Is it because you benefited so much? JRJ blocked the agreement. SWRD Was weak. JRJ raised the ugly spectre of RACISM in Ceylon. That is a fact. Dharmishta my arse.

  • 2

    SWRD has certain vision but it confined to politics of power of rule. He mobilized national forces has been suppressed by three Colonial master, who occupy land and plundered wealth of our Nation and People over 425 years colonial rule since 1505.
    The last Colonial Rules who occupy our land has extended an introduce the Governance of represtaitaive democracy, Rule of legal system and New Agricultural Economy by cash crop planation…. export to World Market by products of British Imperlaism.
    The largest British Empire has progress of Colonial -Rule to an order democracy has been not that fully taped by post -Independent two major political leaders of Sri lanka..(UNP and SLFP)

    SWRD’s -SLFP in 1956 mandate and political reforms has not carry forward by SLFP during his three year period.(1956 to 1959) He discarded key issues to be address in 1956 mandate and by dodging political reforms in slow motion of Democracy.

    The motivation of the writer, which is limited scope to of their personal character, of SWRD, JRJ and Wijiweera . He has not taken whole period of task of capitalist Path and model of development of these three leaders kept behind and no taken into account the time of governances.(UNP and SLFP)

    That is not that task and political ,economic and social changes are expected by the majority people from them. The political power and task of reforms or revolutions of people and leaders carry forward of not that interest Political parties,(UNP-SLFP -JVP) it was against will of people, that has by build the vast gap between Parties and Majority People since 1956 to up to now ?

    What I have say that writer is only which expressed simply confined to analysis personal character of three leaders and avoided that deliberately of mission of nation requirement by people’s aspiration that kept on that silent..

  • 2

    JRJ wanted Mrs. B’s civic rights removed so he will not have a competitor. Do not talk as if the PSC headed by 1962 Coup linked Bunty De Soyza who had hatred towards Mrs B was fair. Despite bringing in so many accusations, she was only found “guilty” for extending the Emergency. NSC voted every month to extend the emergency. Yes that was wrong; but the key piece of evidence was provided by an unscrupulous manipulating Army Commander who put fears of Catholic action into Mrs B’s head to deprive the honorable Dennis Perera from becoming the rightful commander at the right time. Instead by these machinations of that Army Commander, he got an extension as commander, unprecedented in SL military history. He got around key persons like Anuruddha Ratwatte to do this. He carried the PM’s sons bags when Anura returned from foreign trips. A top honorable public official stooped to such low levels to get what he wanted. He then lied under oath. He too agreed to the extension of the emergency and gave wrong advise to her. Of course CBK turned tables on this man who by then was Chairman of Air Lanka, by getting him to give evidence against the weapons transfer to LTTE under Premedasa and on the Batalanda commission. He thought he will get another plum position. Also note, the Naxalite lies and undemocratic incarceration of Vijaya K; he wanted Mrs. B to beg him to release him. She did not budge. [Edited out] Black July was his creation; not Sirimavo’s not Premedasa’s not SWRD’s.

  • 4

    “Decisive” JRJ did nothing for 4 days and 4 nights of gory mayhem where even Royalists, Thomians and other English Speaking Tamil people’s houses were attacked, burnt and ransacked even in Colombo 7. Your hero and your god is the reason we had Black July.[Edited out]

    • 2

      Yes, YakkalaSimon is of course quite right.

      JRJ did harbour a streak of racism. At the outbreak of violence in 1983, he atrophied, none of his orders were obeyed for about 2 days, and he looked like a ghost when the execrable Cyril Mathew taunted and challenged his authority. At that moment he missed the opportunity to change the course of our history. It is a mystery how JR clung to power in those anarchical times, but he survived when those closest rallied to his side, and he lived to see out his days. At least he had the decency to go gracefully in the end.

  • 0

    Mahathma Gandhi was an Indian leader. Of course he had opponents who were averse to some of his basic stands but his supporters came from all walks of life – caste, religion, race, language no bar.
    Were SWRD B, JR J, and Rohana Wijeweera ‘leaders’ of Lankans (Ceylonese)? Vishwamitra has fallen into the black hole created by SWRD B i.e. SL belongs to Sinhalese – SWRD through “Sinhala Only”, JR J the infamous “If I were to starve the Tamils, Sinhalese will be happy”. Rohana was clearly anti-workers-of-Indian-origin.
    SWRD established that the power was in the hands of one privileged class and the only way to share was to create another block. The two blocks have jostled ever since and the minorities have gotten to be the victims of the aggression that gets let off periodically. The Lankan politics is a home vs home game. Rohana tried to create new home vs home teams.
    No Sir we will never have a Leader of the type envisaged by Albert Schweitzer.

  • 1

    JRJ is to blame for the right royal mess that this country is in at the moment. He is the person who while representing Kelaniya in the State Council brought in the proposal to make Sinhala the official language of Ceylon within a reasonable number of years and which was seconded by H W Amarasuriya. This was on the 24th of May 1944. SWRD was forced by those who brought him into power to start implementing what was being dragged along without implementation for over ten years.
    During the ’77 election campaign there was no promise in the manifesto to bring in a new constitution. JRJ’s first state visit after being elected PM in the ’77 government was to the States and within an year he brought in this Bahubootha constitution at the behest of Uncle Sam. He was a power crazy politician to the extent that he did not know that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, so blinded was he with power. He was the person who initially was responsible for the erosion of the credibility of the judicial system of this country.
    The vision that SWRD had for this country was never and will never be highlighted by the media mafia of the vested interests. Wijeweera was driven by the vision of getting equal rights for the oppressed castes and exploited class of people in this country.

  • 0

    All three leaders destroyed the stable social structure of SL ultimately producing a country whose society is corrupt from top to bottom. As JRJ said let the robber barons come . What he did was make barons of robbers. He does not deserve the praises that has been showered on him

    • 1


      I am being reminded it was VP the psychopath who destroyed this island over 30 year period. Now you are telling us different story. Are you a secret admirer of VP?

    • 0

      Vas, you are the only man whose comments are right. Truly, ALL three wrecked, ruined and screwed the country and we are now left with this lot.

  • 0

    All so called leaders have erred. That’s why we are in this perilous situation. Banda made Sinhala the National Language. Not withstanding that he and his wife discarded English. Our children suffered and grand children are suffering. If English was not discarded there was a language to communicate with the Tamil speaking people and people of all hues would have lived happily. The saffron robed monks are the main cause for that.

    JRJ was the worst culprit. A slimy fellow with vengeance written all over him. He should never have deprived the civic rights of Mrs B and there was no cause for it except the dirty mind.

    It is disgusting for Wisvamithra to have brought the name of Wijeweera to this discussion. He is one man who brought misery to my country for no valid reason. JVP should not commemorate him and as long as they they do that they have no chance of getting elected to Parliament even 10 of them. His name should be wiped out from the history books.

  • 1

    For an excellent Writer and splendid Political Analyst of your calibre, to leave VP/LTTE out of your list of those infamous who secured their place in history, albeit for the wrong reasons, in a queer way, smacks of communalism. After all, “the other” in the political calculations of the trio you have chosen – are Tamils directly.
    To keep VP out of this supposedly serious analysis and narrative in this now growing phenomena that the entire island belongs to the Sinhalese – is an aberration. VP fought to establish the fact Tamils are as part of this country as any other. The country and the world knows VP/LTTE shook the foundations of this country and its politics for nearly 30 years – a numerically far greater and vastly better armed tri-forces attacking him and his men from land, sea and air with the most modern weapons notwithstanding. Thanks to this war thousands of officials in the tri-forces and the political system amassed illegitimate fortunes – while a sizeable number of rural Sinhala youth died as cannon fodder. An otherwise insignificant Buddhist Sinhala Undertaker in Borella overnight became a multi-millionaire thanks to this war being prolonged. He was just one of many spread throughout the land. Keeping VP out of your analysis, therefore, is akin to Hamlet sans the Prince of Denmark.

    (to be continued)


  • 1


    VP’s politics or faulty strategy did, in no way, add validity to the cause of the aggrieved Tamil Nation – battling majoritarian Sinhala prejudice in various spheres from the mid-1950s. The imposition of Standardisation in University Entrance – by the politically ambitious Minister Badiudin Mahmud was, arguably, the last straw. However, this is not to take away from him the gallant stand he and his
    “boys” took from the inception to secure their rights. These youth have been forced to a point of no return seeing decades of failed persuasion through the Parliamentary path. The accommodation and political understanding Mrs.B’s
    government conferred on the Sinhala JVP – for the same sin of waging war against the State – did-oriented them further. They were hounded out, incarcerated and in many instances tortured and killed while the Sinhala JVPers were encouraged to enter the portals of government office.

    To make a long thing short, any narration of history of the period should be objective – not selective. VP/LTTE, in spite of all their short-comings to their own Tamils, should have found a place in your list of the ill-famed.


  • 2

    Of the three JR. was the most deserving to have his life terminated before natural causes came into play.Unfortunately for the country he remained unscathed and left as his successor another tyrant Premadasa who thoroughly deserved his destruction.Wijeweera too was roasted alive and deserved his untimely death for the killings and sufferings he unleashed in order to gain power. The most unfortunate of all was SWRD who was atrue democrat. If not for Banda, who introduced Sinhala an official language, Sirisena would most likely be working as a domestic servant in a Colombo home.Banda also struck a deal with Chelvanayagam to create Regional a Councils and that was scuttled by JR who led a March from Colombo to Kandy but was blocked at Imbulgoda. It was most unfortunate that a Buddhist priest who later converted to Catholicism assassinated Banda.

    • 2

      How true Percy, how true. Remember JRJ also thought he could join ASEAN and curry favour with USA. See what happened then. He allowed UNP thugs to murder innocent Tamils. He rigged referendums. He unleashed thugs on Supreme Court Judges houses. He arrested people on false accusations. This man tries to make JRJ some sort of a Vestal Virgin of high virtue. My foot.

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