Robert Mugabe resigned as Zimbabwe’s President after 37 years of autocratic rule on Tuesday, Speaker of parliament announces news during hearing to impeach 93-year-old leader, a week after military takeover.
A letter submitted to parliament by Mugabe said his decision to resign was voluntary.
Amarasiri / November 22, 2017
RE: Mugabe Resigns,
They will not go, unless they are forced. That is why term-limits are needed.
They will die of old age or will have to be pushed out.
Mahinda Rajapaksa, MaRa, tried to change the term-limit, with the 18th Amendment, and fortunately, he lost to the Common Sense Coalition.
Power corrupts, and now the Crook Mahinda Mugabe Rajapaksa wants to come back, and his shills and cronies are very active.
Shivantha Sugathadasa / November 22, 2017
What a scary prediction; but, quite plausible. Well done Shankar, my good boy
Sellam / November 22, 2017
Mugabe was a hero once in the eyes of the Zimbabweans but now he is a villain. Power and greed corrupted him and forsaken the people who loved him. Conditions have to be laid down in the constitution for men or woman to contest, to remain for a limited period of time in parliament and they have to qualify to contest. Honesty doesn’t pay in politics.
Simon De Silva / November 23, 2017
Mugabe resigns, but Rajapakshe (Lanken Mugabe) makes every efforts to come back.
No matter people have once defeated the bugger. But power intoxicated Musalaya plays tricks to ruin the nation again.
burampisincho / November 24, 2017
Amarasiri Mahaththayo… our people have no knowledge about world leaders. Had they been aware of Zimbabwe or other brutal states being ruined by the like leaders, they would not go further after Rajapakshes.
Even today, there are masses in the mad island – are after lanken Mugabe.
I started loving Cows, since they are intelligent than lanken average.
Jim softy / November 22, 2017
LTTE was a great disaster to Sri lanka. The day LTTE was defearted Sri lankans danced on the sreeets. Sri lanka is facing a similar crisis situation. My question is whether there is similar jubilation for Sri lankans. I do not know how it comes.
Rajash / November 22, 2017
when whites were defeated by Mugabe and Nkomo Zimbabwe people also danced on the streets. Now they are dancing again after 37 years in jubilation of the down fall of the man responsible for the down fall of the white rulers.
Sri Lankans have performed one dance ……now they are dancing perpetually to the tune of the yellow robes…..when will their last dance be?
Uthungan / November 23, 2017
On the contrary I think it was those who created the conditions in 1956,1958, 1970,1977,1983 and 2004 /2005 for the LTTE to sprout who are responsible.
Similar jubilation in SL would happen when those conditions cease to exist. There was only triumphalism in 2009. No jubilation.
I do not know if that would ever happen in this country.
Analyst / November 22, 2017
Bread Basket of Africa the ” Zimbabwe ” became the Bread and honey Basket for Despot Mugabe /Wife/ Siblings and the family.
The Gold Mines were syphoned off by the Oppenheims of USA , All the Aid Money was Syphoned off by the Mugabe Clan.
The rest of the Africaans suffer in Poverty.
The Mantra followed by the clan goes as this” the wealthy cannot afford the Fools”
Oh!! What kind of world do we live in ??
Do we have CONSCIENCE??
Our Own Despot family from Modamullana Syphoned off most of the Aid money along with the Politicians of the past regime and present!!
In the past were unable to express the frustration , if you did , you were WHITE VANNED.
shankar / November 22, 2017
maithri resigns
Srilanka president known popularly as maithri has resigned today.Army commander has stated that this is not a coup and former president’s brother Gotabhaya Rajapakshe will be the interim president until fresh elections are held within the next 6 months.there is calm in the streets with most people going about their business normally.In some rural areas of hambantota,matara and galle in the southern province people are rejoicing.The army has put into jail many ministers and former ministers involved in the bond scam such as ravi karunanayake. Prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is under house arrest.The spokesman for the government of india says that india is watching the situation closely,but will not interfere in the internal affairs of srilanka.
Rajash / November 22, 2017
Shankar – further update from Reuters
The two leading Buddhist Sangha of Sri Lanka has given their blessing to the army. coup that did not take place. They have called upon the people to show restrained and warned that the Sangha will boost the manpower of the army with their own army of thugs in saffron robes. The Sangha has warned the Muslims in particular that the saffron army is on standby.
shankar / November 23, 2017
small correction and addition
saffron army is on standby with T56 hidden in their robes.
The RSS in india is in turmoil and have presented themselves to modi stating that they too want holy hindu vertis instead of shorts so that they too can hide weapons too like the sangha in srilanka.
Uthungan / November 23, 2017
Yellow robes are more conducive for hiding Somarama Thero.
Vertical are unsuitable for that purpose.
Uthungan / November 24, 2017
Rajash / November 22, 2017
The People of Zimbabwe, black and white, young and old have defied fear of the army and the police and taken to the street to force the liberator of the black people the ruler of the country for lat 37 years to quit. Mugabe’s down fall is his greed even at the age of 93. He turned the black people against the white farmers and thought that will win him over.People of Zimbabwe are more astute and intellectual, fought the white rule.
Now compare that with Sri Lanka. will the people of Sri Lanka , Sinhalease, Tamils, Muslims, ever take to the streets in unity to put an end to the menace of the yellow robe and corruption?
D .Nimal / November 22, 2017
Robert Mugabe has played that vital and decisive role of fought an Independent for Zimbabwe , which was that British colonial rule occupy land of African .His Name remain in the history many years to come in African Nation of as a leader, who fought an Independent and Liberation of that Nation and their people ruthless occupy Zimbabwe by White rule-British-empire in several decades.
The waves of African national liberation struggle has goes back to 1956, that early years of decolonization of Black nations under many European Empires of White Races several decades.
Many of leaders had been killed or Jail many number of years by White Colonial – Rules of at that time. The same faith that blotch of British Colonialism suppressed Mugabe has spent 10 years in British colonial Jail.
For example a Patrice Lumba was of First Primer Of Democratic Republic of Congo was killed by brutally and ruthless by Belgium in 1956 of colonial master of DRC. At that time Nelson Mandela South Africa 26 years in Jail , Kurma of Ghana, Jomo Keyta of Kenya , Julissia Niyaryree of Tangika , Mohamed Seiki Toura of Serrio Lyon, Kenneth Kunda of Zambia of few leaders has been Jail several years.
Leaders of many African nations under suppressed those who fought for the liberation of their homeland and their People’s Independent and Sovereignty several years by European Empires-countries that including British House of Windsor by that dictated terms of “Westminster Democracy” .
In fact Robert Mugabe has come leader of that ERA of Liberation fighter as similar of contemporary an epoch as other Liberation fighters of against colonialism grate nations Africa.
Mugabe has undertaken massive task under White Rule keeping his life at risky by Ian Smith neo-liberal- Colonialism back by British white Imperialism..
History has to give due respect of his role played by an Independent, Sovereignty and Democratic Republic for Zimbabwean . Is duty and responsibility Zimbabwean’s People to give due respect to Robert Mugabe as real leader of that future of their country .
SJ / November 23, 2017
You are dead right.
Elections in Zimbabwe were always fair. In fact, Mugabe suffered a setback in the election before last and returned with a stronger majority afterwards.
Like in the case of Venezuela the Western media cry foul when they cannot have their way. But international observers in both cases have declared the elections fair.
Our take over of plantations was not as effective as that in Zimbabwe.
Mugabe’s removal was a coup, like the one in Honduras. Many are not honest enough to admit it.
The reason for the coup (not the first attempt) and the sustained attempts to choke the country’s economy was purely because Mugabe dared to stand up to imperialism and do what was right by the poor of Zimbabwe.
Gamini / November 22, 2017
I guess there must be (a majority of) jubilant citizens in Zimbabwe while there are others (minority) who must be dejected by this news. RM was considered a ‘freedom fighter’ and thus was revered by many Zimbaweans. But what happened to him over the last 37 years? It is clear he became a Dictator (and amassed wealth illegally/unlawfully?) after tasting the power of the position he held. There are many such Dictators in the African continent. Why?
His (he is 93 years old!) most recent dictatorial action was to sack his Deputy and installing his much younger wife as the heir apparent. I guess this action propelled the Military to intervene?
One cannot help but question if this saga in Zimbabwe has a parallel in our own Sri Lanka and there are lessons to be learnt? Some say MR defeated the LTTE militarily (but yet he jailed the so called best ‘General in Asia’ who led the war and necessarily needs to be credited with the war effort!) but what happened to him within a short period (of 6 years) thereafter? Any parallels? In my opinion, it is a disgrace to the position he held as the elected President of a country (albeit fraudulently, after bribing to disenfranchise a section of the voters in the North) to contest and come back to Parliament as an ordinary MP./Backbencher What motivations should there be to do that?
Sri Lankans should act to preserve the freedoms they won for themselves through the ballot on 8 Jan, 2015. There is no question or doubt, there was a ‘Dictator’ in the making in Sri Lanka as well, who even engineered a Constitutional amendment)18th amendment) to ensure he can stay in power as long as he wished and install his kith and kin as heirs to his ‘throne’. Thankfully the voters showed him the door before his dream could be realised!
Mallaiyuran / November 22, 2017
” but what happened to him within a short period (of 6 years) UNP’s master Chef baking Is that because they lack shame in process of promoting the Batalanda Terror?
They say “Muyal Pidikka Naayai Moonchayilai Theriyum” ( the dog which can catch the ribit is identified from its nose.
When Nelson Mandela came out of prison, he came to know that his wife was involved in some violent terrors. He sought another one. We started our politics not simply killing our girl friend. But had the killer killed; a master plan for that day’s Lankawe. So we learned when white van drives out on the road, the white van operators horoscope very unsteady. Same with Lord ( of War crime?) of Asia the Ponny. He sent out van to Lasantha too. Chandrika was a person did her best effort to keep that Hero out from SLFP candidacy.
(but yet he jailed the so called best ‘General in Asia’ who led the war and necessarily needs to be credited with the war effort!) Yes Laksiri Fernando gang labelled them all as “Dr.s in mass murders. Now the Ulysses S. Grant of Lankawe regretting he is not able to go to America.
Justice & Fairplay / November 22, 2017
The end of the road of a third rate tyrant.
All tyrants face the same fate; be they from North Korea, the USA, Russia or Sri Lanka. The ghosts of their sinful actions follow them until they are finally consumed. All living tyrants and ones to follow, had better take note.
History does not lie. What Mugabe did to gain the Zimbabwean independence is commendable but is completely overshadowed by what he did thereafter.
Two wrongs simply, do not make a right.
Lapatiya / November 22, 2017
This is the problem with Countries like Zimbabwe. At least now he should read the “mama thmai Pora” book written by Madamulana Percy Mahendra Rajapaksha. Can’t Mugabe find some people like Udaya Gammanpila, Wimal Weerawansa, Bandula Gunawardana, Wasi Deva Nanayakkara, Dinesh Gunawardana to urge you to come back to politics to save the Country from the enemy. I just cannot understand why he failed to start TV Stations like “Ada da Rena” “Hiru” and “Sirasa” during your 37 years in power? Even now you are not late. You still have your support base and I am sure you have lot of money that you earned for 37 years. It should be 4 times more than our former Despot earned during 9 years. So, you have people, you have money and what else you need to come back to Politics. You check how many religious places in the country and start to visit at least from tomorrow on daily basis. Don’t forget give some slogans such as “Mugappachchi samaga Nagitimu”, “Rata Anathure” “Mugappachchi Ralla” to your supporters. If you need more help please contact Udaya Gammanpila, International brain. Also don’t forget to pay and keep some super class 2.50 voice cut journalists to hang around you all the day. Didn’t any star class Actress ask you “Sir Marala hari Gannane thibunane” before resign? Mugappachchita Jayawewa.
chiv / November 22, 2017
To D.Nimal, Sir your point is well taken but the fact the suffering of the common man is much much more in the hands of tyrants who may well would have started with good intentions in serving their nation, it dose not excuse them from all the sins including looting, murdering, raping, taking away the simple rights of a human being and pretty much taking the country for a random, also the question raises whether their intentions were truly genuine to start with or a master plan for dictatorship.There are people of neo nazism who still believe in Hitler
Spring Koha / November 22, 2017
Mugabe has gone. Rejoice! raise the roof.
But let us look at own patch. Not dissimilar to Zimbabwe. Ageing politicians willing to make rubbishy promises to a gullible electorate and resort to coercion in order to get power and then fill their boots and those who support their devious ways. Our convoluted politics is not about principle but getting onside with whoever gets power. That is our curse.
When will we have the wherewithal to clear the stables of this perpetual pestilence of arrogant, incompetent, thick-skinned politicians who have no shame and do not have the decency to go gracefully without being pushed, shamed, or assassinated.
Govigama Goviya / November 22, 2017
One must not forget the good things Mugabe has done, the most important, in my opinion, being the seizure of white owned farms in Rhodesia and handing them over to the rightful owners – the blacks. These white colonialists never forget and they have great patience. But one thing you must expect is for them to get revenge one fine day. Unfortunately, leaders like Mugabe play right in to the hands of the white colonialists by becoming excessively corrupt and greedy – which happens because of the absence of effective check and balances in the system. In the end those who suffer are the ordinary folk of the country.
Native Vedda / November 23, 2017
Govigama Govia
Weeping widow and her merry men too tried land reform only SJ believes it was a fantastic idea and have had great impact on the really landless peasants. The peasants who received free lands have been depended on the state hand outs ever since they were relocated to these areas.
D .Nimal / November 22, 2017
Reply to Comment to Mr Chiv…….
The situation of Zimbabwe under the white rule of British Empire has been suppressed and oppressed millions of black people they treat as Slaves many decides.; by White rule of the World class of British “democracy” has No equal rights for Black, which that privileges enjoy by White citizens.
British were the foreign rule has plundered wealth of Zimbabweans. All human right confine to White citizens. Blacks were slaves of their own country under colonial rule of several decades.All their fertile land were plundered by Colonial masters.
Needless to say Black African were in primitive stage of civilization at that time, when Mugabe taken path of fight for National Liberation struggle which very few of them having understanding of that value Freedom of Independent?
At that time there were not a millions of masses in street at Harare or any other nook and corner of Zimbabwe for the cause of struggle for National Liberation ?
That was an era the Struggle for Nation Independent for People of Zimbabwe was contributed by few of them at that time?
The wave of liberation movement has taken into street and jungle of masses of people by
leaders like Mugabe was one of them.
Yes, struggle of Democracy of nation and its economic Independent mission is long and complex one.
Economic prosperity that cannot overcome by couples of years or decades many country!
Look at Republic of Indian of 1300 million population of Indian People out of half of population that 600 millions are still suffering below the poverty level; even after 70 years of passed of an Independence of India still dream daily life majority Indians ?
I agreed an unfinished task of political, economic and social revolution yet to completed by more than 3/4 of the countries that out of 194 members of United Nations Organization .
JohnSiva / November 23, 2017
Zimbabwe actually had ancient civilisations. The name ‘Zimbabwe’ came from an ancient city whos ruins stand as testament to the achievements of its people. Zimbabwe also had strong trade links with Asia in ancient times so Indians and Chinese regularly arrived there to trade in things like gold. Many people have this false conception of African history that it had no civilisation prior to the white man. This is totally false and this disinformation was given out by europeans on purpose.
Amarasiri / November 23, 2017
Yes, the white man, the Para-white man, gave the wrong information, used Christianity to say that the Black man had no Soul, and can be enslaved, like animals.
Similarly, the Para- Sinhaa also took the Land of Native Veddah Aethho illegally, and restricted them to pockets, and claimed that they had this great Para-civilization and the great Para-Religion, Buddhism, and bastardized the pristine Buddhism, to Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / November 23, 2017
The name Zimbabwe is derived form the word “Zimba” meaning lion in Swahili. African civilisation is only minimal compared to South/Central American or in all parts of Asia. I worked in Zambia and have visited Zimbabwe, but there is no tourist attraction regarding ancient sites of civilisation. Zimbabwe is known for its capital Harare, Bulawayo National park and Victoria falls where tourists throng. The false conception that you are mentioning about African history by disinformation by white people on purpose, is similar to that in Srilanka where Mahavamsa is giving false information about Srilanka history that there was no civilisation prior to the advent of Sinhalese, which is now completely disproved scientifically.
Govigama Goviya / November 23, 2017
From your name it looks like that you are a Hindu. Is the existence of Brahman, Shiva, Hanuman or Rama a proven scientific fact? No. But still you worship the ‘monkeys riding donkeys’ as some commentator used to say in CT used to say. Your statement about Mahavamsa seems to stem from acute jealousy for the oldest book that tells about the Sinhala nation. No other nation has such a long recorded history.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / November 23, 2017
The so called oldest book has a lot of lies and misinformation and the so called Sinhalese language and people only really came into existence from around 7TH century AD . Even your name Govigama or Goviya that you think is Sinhalese is derived from Tamil /Dravidian. From the ancient Tamil word Koyiuthal or Koikka meaning to pluck or reap. Typically what a farmer does.
Govigama Goviya / November 23, 2017
A language cannot become great in isolation. The more it interacts with other languages and cultures the richer it will become. An example of this is English, which has got a lot of nourishment from Latin and other languages.
I agree that Tamil is a great language and it has given a lot of nourishment to Sinhalese. Being the numerically bigger race Tamil would may be expected to have a big influence on Sinhala. Also the invasions and the swimmers were mainly in one direction because Lanka happened to be the and still is the Pearl of the Indian ocean. Although I am a simple Goviya and would like to improve my living standards, I will never think of swimming across to TN. That would be like falling from a cool frying pan in to the fire. Or from heaven on earth to Hell on Earth. Leave alone a long swim, I would not try it even in Sri Lankan Business Class.
No wonder you guys are jealous. If I were in your situation I would be too. So, you think that Sinhala originated in the 7th Century AD? Perhaps it was Raksha or Naga before that. Sri Lanka is a green country except for the Northern Province which seems to be worse than the Sahara. You came here swimming seeking the green. And see where you are stuck. No wonder you are GREEN through and through. GREEN (Now called the Neela Haritha) is the only colour you will ever see through the colored glasses you wear.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / November 24, 2017
Nonsense there are all very fundamental words in language or basic words , like mother father sister brother in Sinhalese most of these fundamental words are derived from Tamil . These words basically are not influenced by migrations or invasions , other words denoting the same meaning may come from these migrations , a new religion or invasions. Eg in English Father and then due to the Norman French influence Pappa , Chicken and poultry. Sinhalese Amma, the original word for mother and still commonly used and through Buddhism/Pali .Sanskrit the word Mava an imported word. The Govi is a very basic fundamental word in the Sinhalese language and not an import. This ancient Tamil/Dravidian word to reap and pluck to describe farming is found in all Dravidian languages including Maldivian. This proves that the original Sinhalese are descended from a Tamil or Semi Tamil speaking people. Elu speakers
Govigama Goviya / November 24, 2017
Nonesense? Really? That is rich coming from someone who worships monkeys riding donkeys, Gods with elephant heads, Gods with more limbs than hair on their heads etc. Now I know the Real Reason why Buddha came down thousands of miles to Lanka to find a safe haven for his Dhamma, by passing the immense Dravidian territory. He was bypassing those without an iota of common sense.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2017
Govigama Goviya
Are you being serious?
Assuming Buddha visited this island, he must have regretted coming to this island as Mahawamsa describes. .
Govigama Goviya / November 25, 2017
Veddah, yes of course I am serious. You say that Buddha must have regretted coming to this island as Mahavamsa describes. It reveals how ignorant you are about Buddha. Buddha is not someone like a Veddah going on a hunt and then finding that the animals he is after have moved to a far away part of the jungle. He knew exactly what to expect in all his actions.
Buddha had the power to know the future and that is why Lanka was chosen as the Dhamma Dvipa. He knew without doubt that the Sinhalas were smart enough to understand the deep concepts in the Dhamma unlike the Veddahs who like animals could only think where his next ahara pojja is going to come from. He also knew that the Sinhalese were also equal to the protection of Dhamma.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / November 25, 2017
I see still using your Tamil derived caste name to post anti Tamil garbage. Not going to waste anymore time with you
Govigama Goviya / November 25, 2017
RSSS, There is no language in the world which is pristine and pure. There is no argument that Tamil is one of the greatest languages in the world, along with Greek, Chinese, Arabic and Hebrew. But it is not patented for use by only Tamils and that it cannot be used for purposes that Tamils perceive as unsupportive of their narrow nonsensical thinking..
The perception that Tamil is unique is true. But that is true of all languages. You can say the same thing with Sinhala, Bengali, Kashmiri and so on. But that does not mean that Tamil had a closed, pure past. It has been always a part of the multilingual set up. and will always be so.
The story of origin that Tamil tells is not a historical story. It is an ahistorical story. The 3 Sangams and Agastya are not hard historical facts. But Mahavamsa is different. It is not just a story. It is history – fully recorded history. It is as hard as one can reasonably expect a 2600 year old history to be. That is the difference between Sinhalese and Tamils. The Tamils consider monkeys riding donkeys as divine fact while the Sinhalese do not. What more evidence do you need to know about the common sense of Tamils?
Mallaiyuran / November 22, 2017
What a bad day for Thero de Sila, One after another… The greatest King Castro went away. The magnificent Lankawe Royal family lost. Now Mugabe? Only Kim Jong un left for Thero to worship? Too little from this world for that great Human, the Thero de Silva.
What is this man sad series? “Padda Kaalilila Paddum” ? (Stones on the paths always hit on the same finger). He would still seek a condolence by writing eulogy for Mugabe and send it to soon so he could grant another PhD for Thero.
K.Pillai / November 22, 2017
Has Mugabe resigned? Was the letter of resignation signed by Mugabe? Watch this space.
The founder of ZANU was Joshua Nkomo. Credit for the founding of Zimbabwe is attributed to Mugabe but this is not quite correct. But soon after independence Mugabe the ‘guerilla in immaculate suit’ edged Nkomo out based on tribal divide. He has shown this tendency ever since.
His ouster former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa has a very very very chequered past. He engineered the coup only after it became apparent that Mugabe’s successor is to be someone else.
Unwittingly he has let out the ‘people-power’ genie. Has the problem for Zimbabwe has just started? We earnestly hope not.
Govigama Goviya / November 22, 2017
Rajash, you are now UK citizen or a refugee or whatever. UK is the main country who raped Rhodesia and then grabbed all that the blacks owned. Whatever you say or do, Rajash, you are now a colonialist . Are you happy about that?
Rajash / November 23, 2017
Goviya – not just Rhodesia…the British destroyed all their colonial countries. Sri Lanka is a classic example. They merged two countries in to one country Ceylon for administrative convinience and they left without solving the Tamil Sinhala issue. …see what that plunged the Ceylon in to?
I am not a colonialist …..did not colonise any country
Govigama Goviya / November 23, 2017
Rajash, You are partially right. The British did a lot of harm in Sri Lanka by their divide and rule policy. Part of their strategy was to give the minority Tamils an unfair share of opportunities. Secondly they brought in the Indian Tamils. You are saying that they left without solving the Tamil/Sinhala issue. They did that purposely.
But no colonial power could completely subjugate the country using force. Finally realizing this, the British resorted to subterfuge.
Now it is our turn to take revenge. Persuade all the riff raff to seek refugee status in UK, France, Germany etc. The Africans and Muslims are our comrades in this. Drown them with young frustrated militants. Kill them from within.
SJ / November 23, 2017
What is wrong with the people-power genie?
Justice is the child of rebellion.
Good Sense / November 23, 2017
Departure of Robert Gabriel Mugabe is now history. There was the good, the bad and the ugly in the system he perpetuated. He may be considered as the Father of Zimbabwe. But it was ultimately a Get Out! What must be understood especially by the present rulers of Sri Lanka is that corruption is a motivating factor for a regime change, whether by the bullet or the ballot. What is now in the public domain in Sri Lanka about governance is good enough for an unexpected change. The existence of an honest and upright politician is unheard of. So, if a chap takes over chances are that he/she would be making hay while the Sun shines. Corruption of an armed dictator can be terrible and scams like the bond scam would be in the shade. So there is a heavy responsibility of the present rulers to put things right.